Kids' Time

For His Name's Sake

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000171

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to
00:11 share there's a world out there; let's tell
00:14 them that He loves us so. Let's tell them
00:17 that He loves us so. Kids time, kids time,
00:23 kids time, kids time.
00:26 Hi, boys and girls, have you ever experienced
00:27 an earthquake or a flood or a tornado.
00:29 I have. Once when I lived in California,
00:32 I was awakened in the middle of the night
00:34 because my whole bed was shaking.
00:36 We were in the middle of an earthquake.
00:38 You know, bad weather can be scary
00:39 sometimes and there was another time
00:41 when we were taping music for Kids
00:43 Time. The sky turned green, the rain was
00:45 just coming down and torn, and the lightening
00:48 and thunder started crashing so loud and so
00:50 that do you know what we had to stop taping.
00:53 And then we were told that we all to go to the
00:55 center of the building to stay safe. I am sure
00:59 you can guess what we did while we were
01:00 waiting for the storm to pass that's right we
01:04 prayed and pretty soon the storm did pass and
01:06 the tornado went right on by. You know,
01:09 there have been other times when
01:10 thunderstorms are so loud that they kept us
01:12 from taping too. One time, we were on such a
01:15 tight deadline that I prayed the Lord to just
01:17 calm the storm we're tapping and you know
01:19 what every time the tapes started rolling the
01:23 thunder would stop. God is in control of all
01:26 things even the weather and once when Jesus
01:28 was traveling on a ship with his disciples,
01:30 a terrible storm came up and all it took was
01:33 one word from Jesus to stop the bad storm.
01:37 The men who were with him were so amazed
01:39 and they asked, hey, what manner of man is
01:42 this that even though winds and the sea obey
01:45 him. God can stop bad storms, but did you
01:48 know he can start them too. God can even sent
01:51 earthquakes when they serve his purposes.
01:53 In fact, one time God send an earthquake to
01:56 save the lives of two of his followers; Paul and
01:59 Silas. They have been beaten and put in prison
02:02 in the ancient city of Philippine. You know,
02:04 what they did while they were in prison.
02:06 They are saying, you have to wait to hear the
02:09 whole story from Paul himself. But first let's
02:11 visit with Ranger Jim. I think he has
02:13 a surprise to share with you today.
02:22 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:23 welcome to "Nature Time." We are glad you
02:25 can be with us today. We have our friend
02:27 Rosalie Peters from Knoxville, Tennessee
02:29 with us. Rosalie what do you have for us?
02:31 Well, this is a phalaenopsis
02:33 phalaenopsis plant, which has, should have
02:36 blooms on it like this. That as you can tell it
02:38 does. One time, I guess it did have a bloom
02:42 here and probably there is beautiful bloom and
02:44 I'm guessing it when they first purchased it.
02:47 This is Miss Brenda's plant and she does a lot
02:50 of taping away from home a lot and I thank
02:52 her husband, who wanted to take extra care of
02:54 it. So it would bloom for her and probably
02:57 over watered it. What we are going to do is,
02:59 look at this plant and see if we can help it.
03:01 I don't know if it's beyond help or not.
03:04 We're going to take it out of the pot.
03:06 It looks pretty sick, doesn't it?
03:07 Yes, it does. I'm gonna dump it out of the pot.
03:13 Okay, we don't need the pot anymore I guess.
03:15 Okay. Now, one thing I want to say before I get
03:17 any further is that this was a metal pot and
03:22 there is no drainage in it. That's about the
03:24 worse thing you can put an orchid in because
03:26 it has to have free drain and the metal is
03:29 probably not good for it. This is what you can
03:32 tell looks like underneath a little plant.
03:35 All of they should be healthy looking roots
03:37 like this one. As you can tell they are very
03:40 lame and like over watered that causes the
03:44 problem. Now when you repot an orchid you
03:47 have sterile scissors to cut off all these roots
03:51 that are dead. Everything that was under the
03:55 roots, under the plant is dead as you can tell.
03:59 This, I just broke it off on purpose and will cut
04:04 off all the rest of these dead roots. In fact, you
04:07 can tell that this root you see how withered it
04:09 is and it's on the end of the dead root. Right.
04:13 So, it needs to come off too because there is
04:15 no chance. Just threwing all that off,
04:17 yes take all of that off, that's it, no value.
04:18 No. Now there is one good thing gone for this
04:23 plant. It's trying to survive by one little tiny
04:26 root right here and the leaves you see how
04:30 withered they are. You can tell when you see a
04:33 plant like this that there is no roots under the
04:36 ground that can be absorbing water because
04:39 this really looks like a withered plant, so when
04:41 you see a plant like this is withered you have a
04:45 tendency to over water because you think it's
04:48 withered. Right.
04:49 And that's not the problem.
04:50 So worst thing it to do? And this is another
04:53 interesting thing that has happened to this
04:55 plant. It starting to die from the main new leaf
05:01 and when it gets like this it's really, really in
05:03 bad shape. Okay, then you gonna put it
05:05 in another pot, right. Yes, could I hold this
05:08 and you can get the pot. Okay, now this is going
05:10 to be, we gonna see what size pot it looks
05:12 it should going there are several different sizes
05:14 here. Let's see. There are lot of things,
05:19 there are lot's of work to this isn't it, you have
05:21 to know what size pot and all these other kind
05:23 of things. It's easy to mount over pot an
05:26 orchid and put it into big of a pot. Thanking
05:28 you, you are doing a better job in helping it,
05:32 but this one probably this is too big for what
05:35 few roots it has, but I didn't bring small ones I
05:38 thought it would be a large one. Now I use the
05:42 plant my orchids all in Cypress-mulch or in
05:46 coconut husk. But I've come up with
05:49 something that's different that has
05:52 just been around about 10 years that I think is
05:55 much better. This material.
05:58 Yes. What it is, it's clay and I don't know have
06:02 they processed it, but they fire it and it
06:05 makes, they make it in different shapes.
06:08 Almost like a ceramic, isn't it?
06:09 Yes. Now there is some add on the market that
06:12 are like they are all round look like marbles
06:14 and is made out of clay. But it doesn't wick
06:17 the water up as well. What you need to have is
06:20 water in the bottom you see, where the holes
06:23 are down here about an inch from the top,
06:26 the bottom and that will, the water will stand
06:31 from here down, but when this little tiny root
06:34 if this plant survives gets down there.
06:38 Then it will make a decision of how much
06:40 moisture to take up until then we need this
06:44 rock to be able to wick the moisture up.
06:47 Now one thing we didn't do so we will
06:51 probably not be able to get this end there.
06:54 But I should have done and completely forgot
06:56 to is this needs to be soaked in water so that
06:59 the roots are limber. And then we could put it
07:03 in the container, but the way it is now we were
07:06 not going to able to get them in there unless
07:07 we break them because they are not worn.
07:10 Okay. But what you do is you just set it down
07:12 in there, had the top about, where it was
07:16 growing and then add the rock in and then
07:18 water it. And you can water it everyday,
07:22 right, there is no way to over water.
07:24 You left the orchid to make a decision of how
07:25 much water it want to take in like, you keep
07:27 the water level up to here. Okay, boys and
07:30 and girls, now you have learned something
07:32 new today about how to repot an orchid.
07:37 Learn something new about what Jesus made
07:40 for us if we follow what these plants need they
07:43 will flourish. So as always Ranger Jim saying,
07:46 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him
07:48 because he really does love you.
08:00 We will be caught up to meet the Lord in the
08:02 air. First Thessalonians 4:17.
08:11 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,
08:15 Sing His mercy and His grace.
08:18 In the mansions bright and blessed
08:22 He'll prepare for us a place.
08:25 When we all get to Heaven,
08:29 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
08:32 When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout
08:36 the victory! Let us then be true and faithful,
08:42 Trusting, serving every day;
08:46 Just one glimpse of Him in glory
08:49 Will the toils of life repay.
08:52 Onward to the prize before us!
08:55 Soon His beauty we'll behold;
08:58 Soon the pearly gates will open;
09:02 We shall tread the streets of gold.
09:05 When we all get to Heaven,
09:08 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
09:11 When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and
09:15 shout the victory! When we all see Jesus,
09:21 We'll sing, we'll shout, we'll sing,
09:23 we'll shout, Shout the victory!
09:40 Welcome to "Learning Time" I am glad
09:42 you've joined us today. I've got two helpers.
09:45 I have Clovey, thanks for helping me and
09:47 Rant. We are gonna do an experiment with air.
09:51 Now we've talked about air a little bit already,
09:54 but you know, air is really important without
09:56 air we can't breath and air is something that
10:00 we can't see right. Yes.
10:03 No, we can't see air at all because it's
10:05 transparent, but sometime we can see
10:07 pollution in the air. Have you ever seen smoke
10:09 or dust in the air? Yes.
10:12 Oh! Yeah. That's not a good thing that we
10:14 want in the air at all. Now I want you to put
10:16 your hands up because we are gonna see if we
10:18 can feel how heavy that air is? Is the air heavy?
10:22 No. Doesn't feel heavy at all, but you know
10:24 what we're gonna find out that the air is
10:28 pretty heavy and it presses on us. Not only
10:30 does it press down on us. It presses us from
10:33 the side and all around our body, where it is
10:36 pressing all of the time. I have some air cups.
10:40 Sometimes people call these suction cups,
10:42 but they are really air cups and I'm gonna give
10:44 one to Clovey. She is gonna put that on her
10:46 two fingers and one to Rant, and put that on
10:49 your hand. Now they are gonna take and they
10:51 are gonna make those two cups come together.
10:53 We are gonna try to take all of the air out
10:55 in between those air cups. So let's try that.
10:58 Here we go. Put them right together.
11:00 We are gonna match them out just like this.
11:02 We are gonna squeeze the air out if we
11:04 remove all of the air that means the air
11:07 pressure is gonna be pushing on this side and
11:10 that side and up and down and all over.
11:13 There you are gonna see if they can pull those
11:14 two air cups apart. You think they can?
11:17 Yes. Well, go ahead and just try to pull those
11:19 apart. Would you? Oh! Was that hard?
11:23 No. No, yes, well, you had a jerk and pull.
11:26 Well, that's okay because you know we just
11:28 had about 2 and 1/2 inches of surface area
11:31 right here. But what would happen if we had
11:34 bigger air cups well, that would mean that we
11:37 would have more air pressure pushing them
11:39 together. I happened to have two larger ones.
11:43 Are you ready to try that? Yes.
11:45 Well, no problem, and they are just setting
11:47 right here. Look how much bigger they are.
11:50 So, I wanna hand that to you. You can grab
11:52 this one right here. We are gonna put those
11:54 together and there, I'm gonna try to help you
11:57 force that air right out. So, we are gonna squish
12:00 this together. Try to get rid of that here.
12:03 Now, they are gonna pull and tug this as hard
12:04 as they can. Go ahead and let's see if we can
12:07 get those apart and they are pulling.
12:09 Oh! That's interesting. Well, you know,
12:12 maybe we didn't have them together tight
12:15 enough. We are gonna make sure we get all of
12:17 the air out this time. So, I'm gonna squish
12:19 those down. Just like that. Let's try it one more
12:22 time. Here we go. Let's see if we can do a
12:24 better job this time. Go ahead. Pull and tug,
12:28 and pull and tug. Looks like they are having a
12:31 tug of war, isn't it? Well, that air pressure is
12:34 holding those together. Now, hold, hold it,
12:35 hold it, hold it, hold it just like that.
12:37 Now, I'm gonna let some air in, in between
12:39 those two cups. So that we don't have the air
12:42 pressure holding them together. Now tug a
12:44 little bit, tug a little bit, tug a little bit and we
12:47 go, woh! Just letting little air in there, it just
12:49 reduces the air pressure, isn't that interesting?
12:53 Oh! I think it's really interesting, but you and
12:56 I need air pressure. We are around air pressure
12:59 all day long, but we don't feel it. You know,
13:01 why we don't feel the air pressure around us.
13:04 Well, I know, why? It's because God created
13:06 the human being. He created us so that we
13:09 could take all that pressure and we just
13:12 don't notice it all day long. Remember,
13:15 when we learn about science we learn
13:17 more about our creator God.
13:43 Oh! Oh! I hear you were in prison again.
13:46 Why were you in there for this time.
13:48 Oh! I can't believe it. These people they
13:51 overreacts so terribly. Silas, Silas was with
13:56 me. This was in Philippine, you know,
13:58 yeah, we were walking through the streets
14:01 trying to reach people with the good news
14:04 about Jesus. Yeah.
14:06 There was a young girl, demon possessed by
14:09 frankly, who followed us for days, shouted at
14:13 the top of our lungs. These are servants of the
14:16 most high God. These are servants of the most
14:18 high God. Well. That was a man,
14:21 wasn't it? I like the fact that she acknowledged me,
14:23 we were servants of God, but the girl was
14:25 demon possess. She was able to tell fortunes.
14:28 She had a couple of men, who were her
14:29 owners. I got fed up. Finally, I turned and
14:35 said to her; in the name of the son of God
14:40 come out her And what happened?
14:44 The girl fell over. Her owners got the
14:49 authority. They grab Silas and I, took us to
14:53 the magistrates, threw us down and then
14:57 started all kinds of false accusation
14:59 But why would they do that?
15:01 Hey, she was their source of income.
15:04 She was doing very well in her fortune telling.
15:06 Oh! And they were upset.
15:09 Well, sure, they lost their income, you mean.
15:13 The men accused us of turning the city up side
15:16 down with our new believes. Ah! Ah!
15:19 All we would tell them was, Jesus Christ can
15:22 free you. Jesus Christ can embrace you.
15:25 Jesus Christ can lead you. Well, upset these
15:28 people. They beat us, striped us, drag us down
15:35 to the, you know, the worst prison in
15:37 Philippine. Yeah.
15:39 Looked at the jailer and said, you keep these
15:42 men if for any reason they escape you will pay
15:46 for with your life. So what happened?
15:51 They took us into the most inner cell,
15:54 chained our hands, chained our legs,
15:59 and you know, Silas, you know, what he
16:00 started to do. Singing amateur.
16:03 And you've already heard the rest of the story.
16:05 When Silas sings Yeah, that's right.
16:07 God cannot keep still, some people call it an
16:11 earthquake. I call it a God quake and now we
16:16 are free again. Praise the Lord.
16:19 What a story. He comes down
16:21 with the best ways to show his love for us,
16:25 doesn't he? Gerick, since I've
16:27 given my heart to Christ everyday is an
16:30 adventure, isn't it? Amen.
16:32 Good to see you once again.
16:34 Good to see you Paul,
16:35 I'm glad to hear that story. Thanks.
17:59 Hi, boys and girls, I'm here with my friend
18:01 Jordan and he is gonna help me introduce
18:03 The Book of the Day." That's right.
18:07 And my choice for you today is
18:09 "Miss Button and the School Board"
18:12 It's an Adventist School story book to by
18:14 Jean Boonstra. It says, Sarah and her best
18:17 friend Pam love school except for those
18:20 annoying boys and that mean girl,
18:21 Nickie Cooper. Their beloved teacher,
18:24 Miss Button, is the best teacher in the
18:26 whole world. Even so it's getting harder to
18:28 be a millerite and the teasing does get
18:31 worse. In February of 1843, a great comet
18:36 is seen in the sky over New Hampshire
18:38 and Sarah's family and many others
18:40 believe it is a sign of the coming of the
18:41 Lord. Then one morning Miss. Button
18:44 announced that she would be leaving the
18:45 school. The school board doesn't think she
18:48 is fit to be a teacher because they accuse
18:50 her father being made insane by Millerism.
18:53 Sarah and Pam cook up a plan to save
18:56 Miss Button's job. They have to sneak into
18:58 the steam factory to do it and convince
19:00 Mr. Lawson to argue their teacher's case.
19:03 Well, their plan worked. You gonna have
19:06 to read the book and see what you think
19:08 Jordan. I think I will.
19:09 You do. Well, I have to wait and see, Are we?
19:12 Well, I am happy that you are here,
19:13 Jordan, and you know what I get lots of
19:15 cards and letters and emails and you know
19:18 what else? Phone.
19:19 Phone calls. And right now, we have
19:21 someone on the phone, we have Heidi.
19:22 Hi, Heidi Hi, Miss Brenda.
19:24 Well, Heidi, I am so glad that you joined
19:26 us on Kids Time today. Can you tell me
19:30 what do you do to share Jesus?
19:33 Me, my mom, and my grandma host a five day
19:35 Bible club. A Bible club and what do
19:38 you doing in the Bible club?
19:40 Pray for missionaries and pray for like for
19:48 the missionaries to be a good witness.
19:56 To be a good witness. That's good and do
19:58 you read the Bible there too. Yes.
20:00 Oh! That's good. Did you do anything else
20:02 to share Jesus? I read Bible for my
20:05 brother. Oh! That's good.
20:07 Where you from Heidi? Niles, Michigan.
20:10 Niles, Michigan. Well, you keep sharing
20:12 Jesus in Niles, Michigan, Won't you?
20:14 Umm! Thank you, bye, bye now.
20:16 Bye, Miss Brenda. Bye honey.
20:18 Well, that was nice to hear from Heidi,
20:19 wasn't it. Well, Jordan can you tell me
20:22 what is it, let's first of all let's find out
20:24 where you are from and how old you are?
20:26 I'm from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and I'm
20:28 15 years old. You're 15 and tell me
20:30 Jordan what do you do to share Jesus.
20:32 Well, I'm I try and I remind my parents
20:35 and my family on to have a family
20:38 devotions and. Sometimes they really
20:40 forget. Yeah, they do. And do you think
20:42 the family devotions are important.
20:44 Umm! And I also try to remind them to go
20:48 see my grandpa. Go visit him because my
20:51 grandma died few years back and now he
20:54 is by himself and he doesn't have anybody
20:56 to talk to or anything. Umm! Umm!
20:58 So we try to see him as much as we can.
21:00 And that's a good witness to him, isn't it?
21:02 Because it's hard when you've lost your
21:03 companion that you have had for a
21:05 longtime and then you are all alone, so you
21:08 know that's wonderful to be kind to your
21:10 grandpa like that. I'm glad you do that.
21:14 Well, would you like to hear some of our letters. Sure.
21:15 Okay, let's read this letter from Canada.
21:18 Let's see what it has to say, she put lots of
21:19 stickers all over and it says,
21:22 Dear Miss Brenda, how I share Jesus is
21:24 I give people Bible verses and I color
21:26 pretty pictures to share with my friends
21:28 when they are sick. It says, I just recently
21:30 singed up for the Baptism class and I want
21:33 to be Baptized. Oh! I'm so glad, could you
21:35 please send me a Kids Time activity book.
21:37 One day, when I was at a friend's house
21:39 there was big circle drive and my baby
21:41 brother was playing there. I saw a car
21:44 coming and ran out to save my brother,
21:46 but I tripped and fell, so I held up both of
21:48 my hands and the car went around us.
21:50 I'm so glad I was able to save my baby
21:52 brother. Sincerely yours, Hannah. I am 5
21:56 years old and I really like Kids Time.
21:58 Wasn't that something Jordan? I tell you
22:00 thank you so much for that letter from
22:02 Hannah in Canada. And you got the cars
22:06 attention, so they wouldn't run over your
22:07 baby brother. You know, Jesus,
22:09 used you in a special way, didn't he?
22:11 Well, before we go to another letter I
22:14 would like to take you
22:15 all the way to Nigeria.
22:16 Hello, Viewers, my name is Benjamin Zamani.
22:20 a people of Seventh-day Adventist,
22:22 Nigeria. I am from Maria School, Calabar,
22:25 Nigeria. My message for you from Jesus
22:28 today is that Jesus say, Jesus say
22:32 we should not hate for he die say he is in the
22:36 light and hates his brother, is in the
22:39 darkness even until now, first John 2 verse 9.
22:46 Oh! Thank you so much for that message.
22:49 Well, I have a letter here all the way from
22:51 England and two the most adorable little
22:54 girls can you see those girls we gonna find
22:56 out in a minute, who they are, it's says,
22:58 they are Eden and Sireen. Look at that,
23:01 all are they cute. Well, it says, Dear Miss
23:03 Brenda. My name is Eden and I'm 5 years
23:05 old, my sister's name is Sireen and she is 3
23:08 years old. Says we love to watch Kids
23:10 Time and Tiny Tots for Jesus, especially
23:12 the music and the singing. I am learning to
23:14 play the violin and Sireen is learning the
23:16 piano, so that one day we can pray songs
23:19 together for Jesus like they do on Kids
23:21 Time. We would like to join Kids Club if
23:23 it would be possible to send us each an
23:25 activity book two please. Thank you lots
23:27 of love, Eden and Sireen. Well, I would
23:30 definitely send you out Bible study lessons
23:32 on Kids club and an activity book.
23:35 And you know what I've a special friend,
23:37 Marchii Holden, who makes wonderful
23:39 bookmarks and you know she makes so
23:41 many bookmarks for everyone of you
23:43 because she really loves the children and I
23:45 sent a bookmark with everyone of your
23:47 activity books. So you are gonna enjoy
23:49 that bookmark. You can put in your Bible
23:50 and every time you see that bookmark you
23:53 can think of Kids Time and say a prayer
23:55 for all the children that watch Kids Time.
23:58 Let's see this is a letter from let's see
24:02 I can't read the writing on this, but I think
24:04 it's somewhere in Missouri. Let's see here.
24:07 It says, Dear Miss Brenda, I know how to
24:12 write letters and I'm out of school right
24:15 now, but I love Jesus and he says, and I
24:18 have I'm Jesus child. Love Hayden and
24:23 that's from Hayden, and he is from
24:27 Missouri, oh! Springfield, Missouri. So thank you Hayden.
24:28 You know, right now, we have another
24:29 video, that I want you to see from a little
24:31 girl in Nigeria. Hello, My name is
24:36 Juliana Ariz, a people of Seventh-day
24:39 Adventist Nursery School. My message is
24:45 for, my message for today is that,
24:54 Oh! Thank you. Well, I have a letter here
24:57 from St. Lucia and can you hold up the
24:59 picture of two really pretty girls.
25:01 They have some bright yellow shirts on
25:03 and blue skirts says, Dear Miss Brenda,
25:05 my name is Kristen and I'm 9 years old
25:10 and my sister's name is Tamara and she is
25:12 7 years old, so they are sisters there.
25:15 It says, we love watching your program on
25:17 the television. The part I love most is the
25:19 letter reading and story time. This is a
25:22 photo of my sister and I, and it said,
25:24 my Tamara is short and I'm the taller one.
25:27 We are the cub's scouts and this is the
25:29 what we wear and it shows that we love
25:32 God and we do love God. Love Kristen
25:35 and Tamara. Well, thank you for that
25:37 letter. I appreciate that. And let see if we
25:39 have time for one more quick letter.
25:41 And this one is from Lebanon, Oklahoma.
25:44 Dear Miss Brenda, I am Nicholas.
25:46 I am 6 years old and I am in the second
25:48 grade at the Lebanon School. I try to
25:50 witness to my dad. I have a little sister,
25:52 who is five-months-old and I love her very
25:54 much. My great grandma is writing this
25:56 for me. I would like to get your activity
25:58 book and also join your Kids Club.
26:00 Thank you Nicholas. Could I have a bookmark too?
26:03 Yes, you can, Nicholas. You've heard
26:04 Miss Brenda talking about bookmarks
26:06 before, haven't you? And I will just tell
26:08 Ms. Marchii to keep on making them, okay.
26:10 Well, that's about all the time we have
26:12 today boys and girls. I really wanna thank
26:14 you, Jordan. Thanks for holding that
26:15 picture up and I wanna thank you for
26:16 coming all the way from Green Bay,
26:18 Wisconsin to witness for us.
26:20 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you to
26:22 witness to everyone you come in contact
26:24 with. Let them know that Jesus is in your
26:26 heart, where that smile on your face and
26:28 remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17