Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000168
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time, kids time. 00:25 Hi, boys and girls. You know, I have friend whose mother 00:27 became crippled by arthritis when my friend was just 00:29 a tiny baby and she has pictures of her mother 00:32 before the illness hit. Her mother was the most 00:35 beautiful women and she loved to run with her children 00:38 and play with them. Do you know she could 00:39 even play the piano just beautifully? In fact, 00:42 do you know she was so active she worked very hard 00:45 with her husband overseas as a missionary nurse? 00:48 Now no one knows exactly why she suddenly got very ill. 00:51 But in just a few short months all of her joints 00:54 swelled and became bent and disfigured and narrow, 00:57 all they were so painful. Do you know the sad thing 01:01 is my friend never knew her mother as the young 01:03 active women that she once was? 01:07 You know I am sure you can figure out what are all the 01:09 reasons my friend and her mother really look forward 01:12 to having someday. That's right. 01:13 They really want to see Jesus but they also 01:16 can't wait for the day when all diseases are healed 01:19 and people who have been crippled all their lives, 01:21 while they will be able to run and jump and play 01:23 again. They will finally be able to climb mountains 01:26 and run races and ride horses. You know without any pain 01:29 or trouble at all and you know what they won't need 01:32 wheelchairs or canes like this one anymore. 01:36 Well, I am so glad. I can't even wait for that day. 01:40 Well, you know when Jesus was on this earth 01:42 he healed many people who have crippled to give us 01:44 a taste of what life in heaven with him would be like 01:46 and I am sure you have all known someone who has 01:49 with disease or even died. Wouldn't it be wonderful 01:53 to see them healed in heaven someday? 01:54 You know our Bible story is about healing 01:57 and next time you see someone was hurting 02:00 or suffering from a disease remind them 02:02 that Jesus is their healer and comforter 02:04 and he is coming back soon to heal them 02:07 and to take them to heaven. And there will be no more 02:10 sorrow; there will be no more sickness, 02:12 and no more death. Oh, doesn't that make 02:15 you just love Jesus boys and girls. 02:17 Well, before you hear our Bible story today, 02:20 let's join Ranger Jim. He is standing by to give us 02:23 some interesting information about one 02:24 of God's fascinating creatures. 02:34 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome 02:36 to Nature Time. We are glad you can join us today. 02:38 We are in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 02:39 a place called Ripley's Aquarium 02:42 of the Smokies and what a wonderful place to visit. 02:44 We are having so much fun, going back 02:46 and forth and seeing all the fish and all of the animals 02:49 that we have with us and Frank is Senior Biologist here 02:52 and Frank we were visiting a big tank a moment ago 02:55 and we had some piranhas in there. 02:56 I have always heard that they are viscous creature 02:59 they eat everything come near them. 03:00 That's right. We were looking at some Red Bellied Piranha. 03:04 Piranhas have their reputation and it's really kind 03:06 of undeserved They are carnivore. 03:10 They feed another fishes and they have extremely 03:12 sharp teeth but they are really not aggressive 03:15 man eaters only in certain situations. 03:18 Sort of like the shark, that we see a movie made 03:21 about the shark and the great White Shark, 03:23 and everyone afraid to go into water 03:24 with the same shark dead long. 03:25 Right, the piranha found like I said in the Amazon river 03:29 area and area has a wet season and the dry season 03:33 and during the wet season the river rises and floods 03:36 into the forest and the fish move out of the forest 03:39 in those areas and when the river reseeds sometimes 03:42 they are trapped and pulls and taken back 03:44 to the main river where the food sources 03:46 and you will have a school of fish that are isolated 03:49 from their food and get very hungry and that's 03:51 when they get the reputation to be vicious 03:54 because of an animal would wait into that pool 03:57 at that time. They could be attacked. 03:59 Or some creatures swimming across, 04:00 if they are hungry then don't have the regular 04:03 source of food. That's, that's a rare situation, 04:06 normally the Piranha is more of a timid fish and eats 04:09 on smaller fishes. Now the piranha 04:12 is that we saw on the tank are these adults 04:13 that would be the adults. Those are full sized adult 04:17 red bellied piranhas. Alright, now tell me about 04:19 their reproductive system, the egg layers like most 04:23 of fish would be... They are egg layers. 04:25 They all go from a shallow depression and gravel 04:28 bottom area and lay their eggs in the gravel. 04:31 And then protect them like many other fish 04:34 would do like that. Yes. So, you said they are native 04:37 to the Amazon and they are salt water fish 04:39 or they are fresh water fish? They are fresh water fish. 04:41 These are fresh water fish while you see 04:43 I want to assure about that, now give me an opportunity 04:45 to learn also about them Do they have any economic 04:48 value anything like that to native people? 04:50 There they are a highly value as a food fish 04:54 by the native South American Indians. 04:56 So, they would use them for a food source 05:00 and something like that. That's right. 05:01 And what about you, I have read some articles 05:04 on this about you having piranhas in this country, 05:07 are there any hoops you have to jump through 05:09 to have them here? Absolutely if you want to 05:12 keep piranha in your home aquarium 05:14 you need to check out the local Laws many of the states 05:18 in the United States prohibit keeping piranha, 05:25 especially in Southern part of the United States, 05:29 most states it's illegal. And so because if that 05:32 would happen to extinct boys and girls and get out 05:35 and get in to our streams being a non-native species 05:38 it would replace others and interrupt 05:40 that in the echo system and even be aggressive 05:43 towards some other fish. We have situations 05:45 like that have been reall a disaster in the Great Lake. 05:48 We had a lot of things like that, 05:50 which came into the St. Lawrence Seaway and, 05:52 right, caused great disruption in the great lakes 05:54 and we also have now something in the Mississippi river 05:57 called The Silver Carp, that's there now and so up 06:00 around Chicago, their building lots in trying to keep them 06:03 from getting into the lakes. That's right. 06:05 And so we have to be very, very careful 06:07 when we start introducing foreign species 06:10 in to this country that we can have 06:12 great deal of difficulty. That's another good reason, 06:14 never to take your aquarium fish and let them 06:17 go in a local rivers stream. That's right, 06:20 you can remember that boys and girls what Frank 06:22 has told us, if you have a fish in your aquarium 06:25 and you no longer want it by no stretch of the imagination 06:29 should you take that fish and release it in to stream 06:31 it can cause great damage. So, I want to thank Frank 06:34 today to tell us about that he straight me out some what, 06:37 I have always heard that there were vicious fishes 06:39 and they attack everything around them and in fact 06:41 there are docile fish and only under the circumstances 06:44 when their regular food sources are taken away, 06:46 they may become very aggressive as what any 06:49 other animal would be hungry and they 06:51 would want something to eat. 06:52 So, boys and girls once again it's fun to see 06:54 and learn all of these things and I want to Frank 06:57 for coming and telling us about it 06:58 and this is Ranger Jim telling you once again 07:01 boys and girls don't forget to tell Jesus 07:03 that you love him because he really does love you. 07:15 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, 07:18 all ye that hope in the Lord. Not by might nor by power 07:22 but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts. 07:24 Psalms 31:24 and Zechariah 4:6. 07:31 Only a boy named David Only a little sling 07:35 Only a boy named David But he could pray and sing 07:40 Only a boy named David Only a rippling brook 07:45 Only a boy named David But five little stones he took. 07:50 And one little stone went in the sling 07:53 And the sling went round and round 07:55 And one little stone went in the sling 07:58 And the sling went round and round 08:00 And round and round And round and round 08:03 And round and round and round 08:05 And one little stone went up in the air 08:08 And the giant came tumbling down. 08:24 Hi, folks. I just want to invite you all come 08:26 and chip with me to Texas. Well, I am just joking 08:29 but we are going to recipe, Text max recipe today 08:32 called Southwester Enchiladas. 08:35 And we go and read the ingredients for you. 08:36 1 15 oz. can black beans 08:40 1 15oz. can dark red kidney beans 08:44 1 cup canned tomato sauce 2 cups frozen corn 08:51 12 corn tortillas 1 small onion chopped 08:57 1 red pepper chopped 1 clove garlic chopped 09:04 1 Tablespoon chili powder 1 teaspoon cumin 09:08 Now to save some time I have already taken 09:12 my onion and pepper that's what you going to say 09:14 that your onion pepper and your garlic 09:16 and you are going to put in to your sauce pan 09:20 and you can put little bit of oil in it and you want 09:22 to cook it until the onions are clear. 09:24 Make sure onions are clear, that's how you know 09:26 that the onions are done. Then I took that 09:28 and I mixed it with my kind of black beans 09:31 and you normally see me cook a normally drain 09:34 and rinse my beans but this time you don't want 09:37 to drain them. You pour them in and then also your corn. 09:40 Now I have made up this mixture ready and what I do is 09:44 I use a strainer. I want to show you 09:46 how kind of do this, you know I put the mix 09:50 into the strainer and this is what you come up with 09:53 and that will be the sauc for your Enchiladas. 09:57 Now I already have some hot corn tortillas is here, 10:00 I put them in the oven just to get them warmed up 10:03 little bit and you are going to take your pan 10:06 and make sure to spray it with some non stick 10:10 cookie spray. That where your tortillas won't stick. 10:16 You can take one of your corn tortillas 10:22 and you are going to put just a little bit of big spoon 10:25 for this mixture, get a little bit more, 10:31 you take it and carefully roll it up. 10:39 you can take it and put it in your pan so like this 10:42 with the seam side down, that way the mixture 10:44 or the tortillas doesn't open up. 10:46 I will show you one more, some more in the end, 10:53 if you get too much your tortilla won't roll, 10:54 so you want to make sure that you don't put too much 10:56 and just enough so when you eat them 10:58 you get a full by the mixture. 11:01 Roll it up little carefully and again remember 11:05 to put the seam side down. 11:08 Now with the sauce you are just going to pour 11:10 a little bit down centre I will just show you 11:12 that I have done it a whole plate. 11:14 But you can just pour a little bit on the centre 11:15 and then you even also pour down the salts done here. 11:21 There you are going to bake this at 450 degrees 11:23 for about 30, 30 minutes or about 20 minutes 11:28 and then you are going to take it out and you want 11:31 to remember to put some foil on it before that 11:33 doesn't burn and you are going to bake 11:35 it for the 20 minutes. Then when you bring it out 11:36 and take the foil off and bake it for another 11:39 five minutes in the oven. Now I have a Pan Enchiladas 11:45 that I have already baked for you to see. 11:50 And that's they look like when they are done 11:52 and I have some parsley here, you can use a little bit 11:55 of fresh if you have it or some dry and my mom always 11:58 thought me that it's important to garnish your food. 12:00 So, I am just going to sprinkle a little bit 12:02 on here just enough to make it look pretty. 12:07 Now all you need to do is add some may be some 12:09 refried beans and some Spanish rice 12:13 and you got a whole Spanish Mexican meal, 12:16 taste next meal for you to eat. 12:18 Now remember until next time 12:20 to keep cooking and eat healthy. 12:29 Hello, mother. Oh, hello Mark. 12:31 Looks like you have a lot of children here today. Yes. 12:35 Uncle Mark, tell us a story please. 12:39 Tell you a story, let's see I remember 12:45 when I was a young boy I used to watch 12:48 how people walked. Have ever done that? Yeah. 12:53 Oh, it's fun. Some people walk, 12:55 they're kind of wide along like this as they go 12:58 other people walk real straight and stiff 13:02 and some people walk like they are leaning forward 13:05 like they are going to fall over and their feet 13:07 going to propel them along. Well, I remember one day 13:11 I was sitting outside our house and I saw a man 13:16 walk by like he own the world. That boy, I had never seen 13:21 anyone walk like that before and so I tagged 13:24 the long and followed after him, 13:26 there were some other man that were following him too 13:30 and I heard one of them calling him Jesus. 13:35 So, I knew exactly what his name was 13:36 and we went walking down the road into Jerusalem 13:40 and as we came over the hill there and started walking 13:44 down the steps, there was a man coming up 13:47 the hill that had the funniest walk I have ever seen, 13:51 why? He was dragging his foot like this 13:54 and every time he took a step, 13:58 he just look like he was about to fall over 14:01 and you know Jesus stopped and he bent down 14:05 and he put his hand on that man's leg 14:11 and you know what happened, the leg that was all bent 14:14 and stick and clear off the side just went, whooo, 14:18 and straightened right out. 14:22 My jaw just drop right open and the man's jaw drop 14:29 right open too and he went and took his foot 14:32 and he stuck it out like that as if he never stepped 14:36 on it before and he took another step 14:38 and then he started walking and jumping 14:41 and threw his arMs. in the air and he started 14:43 praising God and saying thank you lord 14:46 I am heeled, oh, I am so excited 14:48 and he came running back to thank Jesus 14:51 and together we all went into the temple. 14:55 You know for the next two and half years, 14:59 I watched and walked with Jesus as much as I could. 15:02 I would go out and follow him and listen to the stories 15:05 he told and he healed a leopard. 15:09 There was one crazy boy who was possessed by demons, 15:12 who kept on throwing him in the fire and Jesus healed him. 15:16 He threw the demons out. Amen. 15:19 You know one day, after I have been walking 15:22 with Jesus and following him, I remembered hearing 15:26 two of the Pharisees walking by my house 15:29 and they always walk so funny 15:31 with their noses in their air and looking down 15:34 at everyone else and I heard them say, 15:36 we've got to stop that man Jesus. He is doing, 15:40 and they went around the corner of the potter shop, 15:44 and so I didn't hear what the rest of the sentence was. 15:49 Well, that night I went to bed and for some reason 15:53 I couldn't go to sleep and as I was laying there 15:57 in my bed I noticed some light reflecting off the wall. 16:02 It was coming through my window 16:04 and so I jumped up and I looked out 16:06 the window to see what was going on. 16:08 And I saw some temple guards and those guards 16:12 were with some other man, they had torches 16:15 and they were walking down the road. 16:17 And boy, I didn't want to miss the action 16:18 and so I grabbed my linen bedding 16:22 that was there and I wrapped it all around me 16:24 and I went out of the door and chase down 16:27 the road after them. Well, I saw that they were 16:30 turning into the olive press just down the road 16:32 and I so climbed over farmer Zebedee's 16:37 fence there and went down through his orchard. 16:40 And I could see that they had found four men down 16:44 there. And so I snuck up and I look behind the tree 16:48 and there was a man with one of the torches 16:52 and he was walking up to the man in the middle 16:54 standing there and he said master, 16:58 master and he went up and kissed the man. 17:01 And I recognized who it was. It was Judas, 17:04 one of Jesus disciples. And I heard one 17:09 of the temple guard say, grab him. 17:10 And all, boy, the temple guards tried to grab 17:14 him and I saw a flicker of light and the next thing 17:18 I knew the sword came slicing down through the air 17:20 and cut off the ear of one of the men holding 17:23 a torch and then everything broke loose. 17:26 Oh, my, guards tried to grab me 17:29 and they grabbed my coat and I left that 17:34 so quick and I ran through the orchard 17:36 and I was all the way back to the fence before 17:39 I realized before I realized I didn't have anything on. 17:43 Boy, you know that night, I was afraid 17:47 in my room and the next day 17:49 I found out Jesus had been crucified by them. 17:53 They killed him and that was the worst Sabbath 17:56 I had ever had, but early the next morning 18:00 we had knock on our door telling us that 18:02 Jesus was alive and he wanted us to see him. 18:06 I was so excited and that I what 18:09 I wanted to tell you today. Jesus is alive 18:14 Don't you like that story? 18:17 Yeah, thank you uncle Mark. 18:20 You are welcome. 19:44 Hi, boys and girls. It's time for Ms. Brenda's 19:46 book of the day. And my choice for you today 19:50 is Morning Glory by Katy Pistole, 19:52 and it has at the sunrise farm series of book 19:56 book four and let me just share a little bit with you. 19:58 Something strange happened at the equine hospital. 20:01 Someone tampered with the video camera and 20:04 an emergency buzzer so when Jenny Thomas 20:06 tried to get help for her pregnant 20:07 Palomino Mare. Sunny, no one came. 20:11 Sunny nearly died giving birth to Morning Glory, 20:14 her beautiful Palomino foal. 20:15 Jenny suspects that her old enemy 20:18 Vanessa DuBois is to blind and decided 20:20 to take her horse home to Sonrise Farm 20:23 early before something awful happens. 20:25 After they narrowly escaped a head on collision with 20:28 the familiar Blue Mercedes a freak tornado 20:31 uproots a tree right in front of them 20:33 and causes a terrible crash. 20:35 The driver of the Mercedes is badly hurt 20:38 in the same collision and might die. 20:40 Jenny can help but what was she do 20:42 when she discovers that the driver is none 20:44 other than Mrs. DuBios, and the most 20:48 surprising Sonrise Farm adventure yet, 20:51 Jenny Thomas, Sunny, Mrs. DuBios, Colton the 20:53 horse trainer and an old Sorrel mare named Honey, 20:57 come together in the heaven born circumstances 21:00 that hurtle them beyond forgiveness to restoration. 21:03 Doesn't that sound like a good book boys and girls; 21:05 you want to read Morning Glory by Katy Pistole. 21:09 Well, right now before I read all the letters 21:12 to you boys and girls I have someone very special 21:14 on the phone and actually it's the grandson 21:17 of a very special friend of mine 21:19 Kay Rizzo and his name is Jarod. 21:22 Hi, Jarod. Hi, Ms. Brenda. 21:24 Hi, it's so good to talk to Jarod, where do you live? 21:27 I live in Visalia. Where is that out, which state? 21:31 In California? Umm. In California, 21:35 and how old are you Jarod? Six and half. 21:37 You are six and half years old and can you tell me 21:41 what do you to share Jesus? 21:44 Um? What do you to share Jesus? 21:49 One time I was in the store and I was in SaveMart store, 21:54 and I was watching everybody praying to Jesus 21:56 and everybody said yes. 21:58 They did, did you have a chance to tell them 22:00 that Jesus loves them? 22:02 Yes. You did and what did they said to you? 22:04 They said, yes. Oh, that's good. 22:10 well, how much do you love Jesus? 22:12 I love him, well probably I love him, 22:16 I love him more than anything actually. 22:20 Oh, that's so precious. So, Jarod I want to thank you 22:23 for talking with me today and I want to encourage you 22:25 to keep sharing Jesus, will you? 22:27 Umm. Alright, thank you Jarod, bye, bye now. 22:31 Bye. And tell your grandma hi from me will you? 22:33 Umm. Okay, bye, bye.Bye. 22:36 Okay, wasn't that nice to talk to Jarod? 22:38 And let's see that I have a letter here now 22:41 from Baldonnel, British Columbia in Canada 22:44 and it's from Robert. Let's see what he has to say. 22:47 And oh, I have got a nice picture, 22:49 let's see oh, how cute. We have a little girl 22:52 and looks like her two brothers. It said. 22:54 Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Robert 22:56 and I am eight years old. It says 22:58 I like to sing to old people and folk song 23:02 with my sister Cynthia who is six years old right now. 23:05 She is sick today though, we like to watch Kids Time 23:09 in Canada. Please send us two of your nature time 23:12 activity books. Thank you very much Robert and Cynthia. 23:14 Well, thank you so much for that letter. 23:16 Well, I can send you as an activity book 23:18 and if you want the nature activity book 23:20 can you just sing up for Kids Club and we will start sending 23:23 the Bible study lesions and when you finish all 23:25 of the Kids Club lessons then I send you a 23:27 nature time activity book and you want that. 23:30 Alright, let's see I have another letter 23:33 it's from Max, Berrien Springs, Michigan. 23:36 And let's see what we have here from Max. 23:38 Oh, look at this, it showing a picture, 23:40 isn't that a cure little boy. And it looks like 23:43 he has probably a baseball Jersey 23:45 on it or something, but thank you for that letter. 23:47 Let's see what next has to say, okay. 23:48 It says dear Ms. Brenda, it said Michael 23:54 cannot walk or talk but he watches your program, 23:57 faithfully. He is 17 years old now but this picture 24:00 is one of him when he was just three years old. 24:03 He witnesses for Christ when I bring visitors to 24:06 see him and he loves Jesus. 24:08 We are hoping to baptize his grandparents soon 24:11 and they love Jesus. So you can see Ms. Brenda 24:14 that even handicapped children can witness for Jesus 24:17 and here are some stickers for the boy and girl 24:21 who helped you. You are doing a wonderful 24:23 work Brenda. God Bless Max. 24:25 Well, thank you so much Max for the letter and send 24:28 in me the Michael's picture and you tell Michel 24:31 that Ms. Brenda loves him, will you do that? 24:34 And tell him that Jesus loves him even more. 24:37 Well, let's see I have a letter here now 24:39 from Jamaica. Let's see what this there is 24:41 another picture all I love your pictures boys and girls. 24:44 And this is a beautiful little girl sitting on the couch. 24:47 Let's see what her letter is and I can show you a picture. 24:50 Here's her letter. It says dear Ms. Brenda. 24:53 I am from Kingston Jamaica, in the West Indies 24:56 It says my name is Anne, Aniya 25:00 and I will be seven years old in October and 25:02 I live in Jamaica. I love Kids Time 25:05 because you love children and Kids Time 25:09 you have lots of him. I watch it very often, 25:12 I love to pray. I pray for my parents, my relatives, 25:16 my neighbors, my friends and even bad people. 25:18 Please send a send a kid's time activity book to me. 25:21 Your friend Aniya. 25:22 Aniya thank you so much for your letter 25:24 and you know what it's wonderful to pray. 25:27 We want to just remember to pray not only 25:29 for ourselves, lot of times we will pray, 25:31 we will say oh, Jesus can I have this, can I have that. 25:34 But it is important that we pray and we pray 25:36 for other people isn't it? 25:37 So, this letter is from Nevus and it's from, 25:41 let's see who it's from. It says dear Ms. Brenda 25:45 it says how are you and your lovely kids on 3ABN? 25:48 And I hope they are doing fine. 25:50 My name is Amarsha, and I have a brother name Kevin. 25:54 I am 10 years old and my brother is nine years old 25:58 and we help Jesus by helping our mom and dad 26:01 in the house and we are writing this letter to ask 26:04 you for Kids Club. We want to learn more about Jesus. 26:06 Please sing us up, from your lovely sister 26:10 and brother and Christ, Amarsha and Kevin. 26:12 And thank you so much for that letter. 26:15 Well you know boys and girls, that's all the time 26:18 we had today. I want to thank you for sharing 26:20 this time with us. And I want encourage you 26:22 to go out and witness to someone, won't you? 26:24 And do why that's right 26:26 because it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17