Kids' Time

Parting The Red Sea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Hannah Fitzgerald, Joshua Lance, Jeff Williamson


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000166

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls today I would like to show
00:27 a picture of my grandson Michael.
00:29 He is almost four-years-old
00:31 and this is him up on my kitchen counter
00:33 helping me make bread and I let him get
00:35 his hands in there and gets flour all over
00:37 the place and we have such a good time.
00:39 We have lots of fun doing, lots of things
00:41 together. One thing he loves though is
00:44 when I tell him stories and I love
00:46 telling him stories. I get all animated
00:48 and if there is a dog or cat in the story,
00:50 I make the animal noises for him
00:52 and he just giggles and you know what
00:54 when I finish. You know what he usually
00:55 always says to me grandma tell that
00:58 one more time. Well you know I'm sure
01:03 this probably been favorite story
01:05 you like to hear over and over again too.
01:06 Isn't there? Well another family I know
01:09 loves it when their grandpa tells them
01:11 about the day, his mother asked him
01:13 to open a jar of rotten strawberries.
01:15 Now he was just a little boy
01:17 and his mother had asked him to open
01:18 the jar for her. She didn't know
01:20 the strawberries had gone bad though
01:22 and he tried and he tried, but he could not
01:25 get that lid to turn. So finally, she grew
01:28 impatient and she reached out
01:30 to help him. Well just at that moment
01:33 the jar of rotten strawberries exploded,
01:36 I mean rotten strawberries went
01:39 everywhere, oh stinking; it was awful
01:42 all over the walls, all over the ceiling,
01:45 all over the table and all over his mother.
01:48 You know there was a perfect outline of her
01:51 head on the wall from the rotten
01:52 strawberry juice. He laughed
01:55 and laughed to see the expression on her face.
01:57 And you know her eyes got wide
01:59 and she gasp and you know her mouth
02:02 formed into a tiny surprised, oh.
02:07 He still laughs a lot every time
02:09 we'll tell that story, even though
02:11 it happened almost 70 years ago.
02:13 Well today we hear the story that
02:16 I'm sure the young Israelite boys and girls
02:18 love to hear their parents tell over
02:20 and over again. I can just hear them
02:22 saying please mommy, please daddy,
02:25 please tell that just one more time.
02:27 And I'm sure their moms and dads
02:29 were glad to tell it. You will hear the story
02:32 from someone who was there,
02:33 but first we will see what
02:35 Ranger Jim has in store for us.
02:43 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
02:45 welcome to Nature Time. We are glad
02:47 you can join us today. We are at Gatlinburg,
02:48 Tennessee at a place called Ripley's Aquarium
02:51 of the Smokies and what a fun place to be.
02:54 We have had a lot of fun today
02:55 and we have the senior biologist Frank
02:58 with us. And Frank we are looking a tank
03:00 while ago of some fish about this long
03:02 and they are called Barracuda.
03:04 I have heard that Barracuda eats
03:05 everything that come in contact, is this true?
03:07 Well that is fairly true Barracuda is a top line
03:11 predator in the ocean and they are
03:13 efficient predators. So they do feed on
03:17 another fish then. Yeah they are highly adapted.
03:20 Their teeth are razor sharp.
03:22 Their tails are designed for quick burst of speed
03:25 and they are very efficient at catching
03:28 and eating other fish. Well are they danger
03:31 to human beings? If you when out in
03:33 swimming in the ocean would an attack
03:36 occur or? Attacks do occur, but they are rare
03:40 and they usually occur under certain
03:43 conditions, if the water is murky
03:45 and someone is wearing shiny jewelry
03:47 that may look like the bait fish,
03:49 there is a possibility that Barracuda
03:52 could mistake that and bite the person
03:55 or the other thing when people hook on
03:58 and hook line. As a sports fish,
04:00 they like to catch them. Yeah they jump
04:03 and go crazy and occasionally when an
04:07 animal is jumping, if it jumps into the boat,
04:09 with those razor sharp teeth,
04:11 those teeth are razor sharp. Then you would
04:14 have problem with them like that okay. Yes.
04:16 Now tell me are they a value to us as food fish
04:20 would be a think of that. Barracuda
04:23 can be a good eating fish, but only as a
04:25 young fish, a high level predator
04:29 and a coral reef environment
04:30 that's feeding another fishes that had been
04:32 feeding algae in the coral reef environment
04:35 can accumulate toxins in its tissue.
04:38 There are toxins in the algae.
04:40 They call it bioaccumulation.
04:42 The toxins originate in algae.
04:45 Other fish eat algae and they get,
04:47 they build a little bit up, but the Barracuda
04:50 is eating all those other fish that
04:52 had been concentrating that so the toxin level
04:55 goes up as that go up as they go up
04:57 for a change. So the lesson would be to
04:59 boys and girls and to adult older
05:01 boys and girls, if you live in an area
05:03 where there is Barracuda be
05:04 very careful if you would eat them okay.
05:06 You be very careful by that. Yeah.
05:08 What about reproduction? Do they
05:09 lay eggs on the ground, or in the ocean
05:11 or how is the reproduction?
05:13 The Barracudas what they, you call them
05:15 broadcast spawner. Broadcast!
05:18 They just broadcast their eggs in the water
05:21 and then fertilize by the males in the water
05:23 and they drift off and they don't adhere
05:28 their eggs to a substrate or on the
05:30 bottom. They just, they flow with the currents
05:33 and they go through lot of the germinals
05:35 get carried into the Estuaries
05:37 and that's why Estuaries are so important
05:40 for so many animals as a brute ground for
05:45 young fishes. Okay tell us now boys and girls
05:48 this Estuary you are talking about Frank
05:50 tell us what an Estuary is?
05:51 An Estuary is an area where a river meets
05:54 the sea. It's where the fresh water
05:56 and salt water mix and you often have
05:58 salt marshes or mangrove swamps.
06:01 These wet land areas are extremely important
06:06 to the environment because so many species
06:09 of fish use it as a nursery area
06:12 and they are extremely even Coral reef fish
06:15 use the Estuaries as a nursery area.
06:18 That's great, didn't that wonderful
06:20 boys and girls so we can learn that alright.
06:21 Now these are adults that we're seeing.
06:23 These are about as big as Barracuda get.
06:25 These are about the adult fish.
06:26 They are adult size, and they get
06:28 little bit bigger. I think maximum size is
06:30 about 6 feet. Oh 6 feet Barracuda!
06:34 And he would have teeth like that
06:36 would he? Yeah. So he could be a very very
06:38 efficient predator. Oh, yeah.
06:40 Well once again Frank thank you for coming
06:43 and telling the boys about Barracudas.
06:45 Boys and girls it's a thrill for me
06:47 to learn too, because you may think
06:48 Ranger Jim knows all about these things,
06:50 but I don't. But the one thing that I do know
06:53 is whom made them, our Heavenly Father
06:55 made them and what a wonderful creator
06:57 God he is. So don't forget to tell the Jesus
07:00 that you love him, because
07:01 he really does love you.
07:11 Hey kids do you like to sing in
07:13 hymns in churches, I do, but there is a time
07:15 during the 17th and 18th centuries
07:17 and people didn't allowed to sing Hymns
07:18 in churches. They only wanted to sing songs
07:20 from the Bible. Others say it was okay
07:22 to compose Hymns for church. Some churches
07:26 dissolved the problem by singing the summit
07:27 and hymn at the end. That way the people
07:30 who didn't want to sing hymn could leave
07:32 or sit quietly. This factor served Hymn
07:35 writer Isaac Watts greatly which is shown
07:37 in one of the verses in Marching to Zion.
07:39 It says that those refuse to sing
07:41 who never knew their God. Mr. Watts
07:44 so chuckled during this verse, because he knew
07:46 we were all children of the heavenly king.
07:48 Boys and girls we will never refuse to sing.
07:51 Let's sing We're Marching to Zion.
07:58 Come, we that love the Lord,
08:01 And let our joys be known,
08:04 Join in a song with sweet accord,
08:06 Join in a song with sweet accord,
08:09 And thus surround the throne,
08:12 And thus surround the throne.
08:15 Let those refuse to sing Who never new our God;
08:20 But children of the heavenly King,
08:23 But children of the heavenly King,
08:25 May speak their joy abroad,
08:28 May speak their joy abroad.
08:30 We're marching to Zion, Beautiful,
08:34 beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion
08:38 The beautiful city of God.
08:44 Then let our songs abound,
08:47 And every tear be dry; We're marching through
08:51 Immanuel's ground, We're marching through
08:53 Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high,
08:57 To fairer worlds on high.
08:59 We're marching to Zion, Beautiful,
09:03 beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion
09:07 The beautiful city of God.
09:22 I love ginger bread and today I have
09:25 an easy simple recipe for you,
09:28 that's not only delicious but
09:30 healthy too. And it comes with these cans
09:33 and I bet you are wondering
09:34 what these are for. Well I'm gonna
09:36 let you know. But first let me read
09:38 the recipe for you. 1 cup of
09:41 all purpose flour, 1 tsp. of baking soda,
09:45 ½ tsp. of ground ginger, ½ tsp. of
09:50 ground cinnamon, ½ tsp. of nutmeg,
09:53 1/4 cup of pure Florida crystals,
09:58 1/4 cup of molasses, 1/4 cup of water
10:03 and 2 tbsp. of lemon juice.
10:06 Now we gonna start with our dry ingredients
10:09 and put our flour, all purpose flour in
10:13 and our sugar crystals. Now you can just use
10:18 dry ingredients first, but the dry ingredients
10:19 it doesn't matter what order you put them in,
10:21 just make sure that you don't put the molasses
10:23 in, and your lemon juice and water
10:25 that's gonna be at the end.
10:26 Now it's the cinnamon, this is the ginger
10:30 and the nutmeg all the spices that,
10:34 and the baking soda. Just kind of stir
10:40 those up, just a little, just to get
10:41 the seasonings all throughout the flour.
10:45 Okay. And now we're gonna add our molasses
10:49 and water and lemon juice. Water,
10:52 lemon juice and the molasses okay.
11:02 And we gonna stir that all up.
11:04 Now you know a lot of times you might think of
11:06 ginger bread at around Christmas time
11:08 and that kind of thing, but Christmas time
11:10 or not, ginger bread is delicious all throughout
11:13 the year. Anytime you wanna make it up.
11:18 Now, you get it all stirred up.
11:23 I have two cans here. Then what you need is
11:26 you gonna take your a non-stick cooking spray
11:30 and spraying through out the can.
11:35 We get that all sprayed in there
11:36 and what this actually cans are, they are just
11:40 two and half diameter soup cans
11:42 and you can just get them from your
11:45 favorite soup and after you finish the soup
11:47 just clean out the can and you can use it
11:49 for the ginger bread. Now you can take
11:51 this ginger bread that you have made,
11:52 and split it up the mixture about
11:56 half and half so that you can put it between
11:58 the two cans you have and just take
12:01 the ginger bread put in the soup can,
12:04 half of it, put in there and then put the rest
12:15 of it in another can. Now if you gonna
12:18 touch it like I just did make sure that
12:20 you wash your friends and have clean hands
12:22 like I have. Now you gonna bake these at
12:28 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes
12:31 but then they should be, they should be done.
12:34 Now I have the finished product already
12:36 baked for you and this is what it's gonna
12:39 look like. Just like that. It's beautiful.
12:45 And you know its there is other ways
12:47 you can, you can don't have to bake it
12:49 in a can like that, but I think it's really
12:51 fun to have in a circle like that,
12:54 because it's little different than
12:55 you would normally have a bread.
12:57 Well it's just like that perfect for our
13:00 healthy snack to eat and until next time
13:03 remember to keep cooking and eat healthy.
13:13 Gresham tell us about the story about
13:15 your father Moses crossing the Red Sea
13:17 please one more time. Again! One more time
13:20 please. Oh, Alright I have already told you
13:22 the story 50 times, I guess one more time
13:24 won't hurt. Well many many years ago.
13:27 Let me tell you about what happened,
13:28 first of all 400 years, for 400 years
13:33 the Egyptians ruled over us with
13:35 an iron hand, they ripped us, they beat us,
13:38 they us build large statues
13:41 and monuments to Pharaoh. They made us
13:43 deal with bricks; oh it was the terrible,
13:45 terrible time. Well God sent my father Moses
13:49 to Egypt and told Pharaoh the king
13:51 of the Egyptians, let my people go.
13:55 Pharaoh said no and it wasn't until God
13:59 sent plagues. He sent flies and he sent frogs
14:04 and it wasn't until he had every single
14:07 first born of the Egyptians to die that
14:12 Pharaoh finally told Moses that he would let
14:15 his people go, our people,
14:18 our family the Israelites.
14:20 Well that was a wonderful day to be
14:22 leaving Egypt. We were so excited.
14:25 You should have seen this. There were oxen,
14:27 there were cattle, there were sheep
14:29 and the people oh thousands
14:32 and thousands of us finally getting
14:36 a freedom from the iron hand of Pharaoh
14:39 and the Egyptians. Oh, it was a happy day.
14:41 You should have seen this, crossing
14:43 and leaving Egypt and going on to the place
14:47 that God said we would inherit called
14:49 the Promised Land. We were leaving
14:53 and we left Egypt and we were headed out
14:55 and we came through the wilderness
14:57 and God was so wonderful to us
14:59 and God set a ball of fire by night
15:01 and a cloud by day that guide us,
15:03 his children, the Israelites out
15:06 of the Egypt. Oh you should have seen it,
15:08 it was wonderful, all of us finally,
15:11 gaining our freedom and independence.
15:13 Well after a while Pharaoh mean,
15:17 old, nasty, grumbling Pharaoh finally
15:21 figured out who was gonna make our bricks.
15:23 Who is gonna make our straw and his wife
15:27 teased him and told him now you are in lot
15:30 of trouble because you don't have
15:31 the Israelites to label in the hot sun to make
15:34 all of your bricks and your monuments,
15:36 so Pharaoh got mad and he stretched
15:38 and put on his own armor and he had the
15:40 entire army of the Egyptians to come out
15:43 to try and catch us as we were leaving.
15:47 So the army of the Egyptians were
15:51 on their way to get us and take us back
15:54 into that horrible place to do those
15:56 horrible tasks for that horrible man
15:58 named Pharaoh. There we were on our way
16:02 to the Promised Land, we were so happy,
16:04 we were singing and we were rejoicing
16:06 until we heard something in the
16:07 background. We didn't know what
16:10 it was at first until we finally could hear it
16:12 and see it. It was Pharaoh's entire army
16:16 coming after us to take us back in the slavery.
16:19 Well we were so nervous and said to Moses,
16:23 my father many of them and many of us were
16:25 so ungrateful. We said you brought us out here
16:27 in the wilderness to die. Now we are going
16:31 to die at the hand of the Egyptians here.
16:34 We were at the border of the Red Sea,
16:36 there we were. The sea was in front of us,
16:40 mountains on either side, and Pharaoh's army
16:43 in the back. We were in lots and lots of
16:46 trouble. Moses had led us. We didn't know
16:50 what to do. Moses walked up to the Red Sea
16:53 and he took his rod like this one
16:55 and he stretched it out over the Red Sea
16:59 and would you believe that the water's parted
17:04 directly down the middle. I mean the water
17:07 has went this way, and they went that way
17:09 and they went up and they went up
17:10 and they went back and the sea parted.
17:13 The big old great big Red Sea parted.
17:18 And it was like dry ground, like this ground
17:21 right here we are sitting on. Dry ground,
17:24 God had opened the Red Sea for us to walk
17:26 through and all of the, all of God's people,
17:29 all of us Israelites led by my father Moses.
17:32 We all walked through the Red Sea.
17:35 Could you put your hand through the water?
17:36 You can put your hand through the water.
17:38 You could touch a fish, you can do lots of
17:40 things, we can see some of the big whales
17:42 and everything in the water what
17:44 either side of us. God was given us a path
17:46 all the way through, and we walked through
17:49 the Red Sea. What a great day it was
17:53 and we finally got all the way through
17:55 the Red Sea, Pharaoh's army they were nervous
17:57 at first, but when they saw what's going
17:58 through they came through too,
18:00 but the water started to come back a little
18:02 and got a little bit muddy and when the
18:04 entire army, Pharaoh's army got in the
18:07 Red Sea the water collapsed on them
18:09 and every single one of Pharaoh's army
18:12 were drowned in the Red Sea.
18:15 God once again took care of us.
18:18 He promised he would. He promised that
18:21 he take care of us and he took care of us
18:23 on that great day when God parted the Red Sea.
18:27 And he will take care of us, I know
18:30 he will always. Can you tell us
18:32 another story or tell it again please, please.
18:36 No, no, no I'm sorry, I didn't want,
18:37 not today I'm so tired. Oh come
18:40 to me here little one oh.
19:03 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
19:07 forever I will sing, I will sing.
19:12 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
19:15 forever, I will sing of the mercies
19:18 of the Lord. And With my mouth will I make known
19:23 His faithfulness, His faithfulness.
19:28 And With my mouth will I make known
19:31 His faithfulness to all generations.
19:36 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
19:39 forever I will sing, I will sing.
19:44 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
19:48 forever, I will sing of the
19:50 mercies of the Lord.
20:02 Hi boys and girls I'm here with my friend
20:04 Hannah and she is gonna help me introduce
20:05 the Book of the Day. And it is quite
20:10 the book too. It is "Detective Zack
20:12 Mystery on the Midway" by Jerry D. Thomas
20:15 It says when Zack first gets to the county fair
20:18 his biggest problem is keeping Grandma's
20:20 prize-winning chickens behind the bars.
20:22 But a lost hamster and a stolen camera
20:25 leave Zack, Kayla and Dusty with no answers
20:29 and until the mysterious Madame LaTonn
20:31 ask Angels to help them. Suddenly Zack
20:35 has two mysteries to solve and is their new
20:40 friend Donavan, really the thief and can
20:43 Madame LaTonn really talked with angels
20:46 and are angels waiting to do whatever people
20:49 ask between riding the fears will talking
20:52 with the suspicious security guard
20:54 and visiting the gambols with his new county
20:57 friend Zack searches for clues.
20:59 Adding the chicken with the bad attitude
21:02 alarm on the loose and strange messages
21:05 from Madame LaTonn's Blue Angle
21:08 and once again Zack is up to his hat in a
21:11 mystery that leads to a discovery of truth,
21:14 this time the truth about angels.
21:17 Oh that sounds good. Doesn't it sound
21:18 good Hannah? Yeah. Oh that sound like book
21:21 you wanna read. Yeah definitely. Me too.
21:24 Well before I read the letters to you
21:25 and talk with Hannah we have someone
21:28 on the phone right now. I would like
21:29 you to talk to and this is Josie.
21:32 Hi Josie. Hi Miss. Brenda. Hi I'm so glad
21:35 to talk with you. You know boys and girls
21:36 and every one have seen you on kid's time
21:38 before haven't they? Yes. And where they
21:40 have seen you? What you have been doing?
21:42 Well I play the harp, the piano, the flute,
21:46 the banjo and we sung up that before.
21:48 That's right, many times and I really appreciate
21:51 you and how you share Jesus on Kids Time,
21:53 but I know that Jesus is in your heart
21:55 and you share him everyday, so do you
21:57 have any new experiences you can tell us.
21:59 Yes, a few weeks ago we did VBS
22:03 and help the few kids come closer to Jesus
22:06 by being a crew leader and also we did music
22:09 for church and I find the one way to really
22:12 shine is to smile a lot and when people ask me
22:16 why you smile so much I tell them about Jesus
22:19 and they really believe that I'm really
22:22 close to him. And how much do you love Jesus.
22:26 Oh very much. I know you do.
22:28 Well thank you so much for sharing
22:30 and you know what I know that you have a
22:31 sister Jilli. Is she there right now,
22:34 we can talk to her for a couple of minutes.
22:35 Yeah sure! Okay. Hi Jilli, hi Miss. Brenda.
22:42 Oh hi honey how are doing. I'm doing fine,
22:45 how are you. I'm doing good,
22:46 I wanna thank you for all your hard work
22:49 taking programs on Kids Time.
22:50 You are welcome. And can you tell me
22:53 is there anything new you have been doing
22:55 to share Jesus? Yeah I share Jesus
22:57 through my music. We went out to 3ABN
23:01 four times this year. Oh yes you do,
23:05 you are sharing through your music
23:06 and you, tell what kind of instruments
23:07 do you play. I play the piano, harp, dulcimer,
23:11 and we started taking Organ
23:14 and gets all I can. Wow isn't that something
23:17 and what's your favorite instrument?
23:18 Well I like them all. You like them all.
23:22 That's a good answer. Well I want to thank
23:25 you so much for all that you do for Jesus
23:27 and I want to encourage you both to keep
23:28 sharing Jesus won't you? Yes.
23:30 Alright thanks for talking to us.
23:32 Yeah. Bye, bye for now. Thank you so much
23:35 that was good to talk to them aren't they,
23:36 and they do a lot of, they really hard work
23:39 and it takes lots of hours of practice
23:41 and boys and girls if you would like to be on
23:43 Kids Time, all you have do is send me a video
23:46 of your playing your musical instrument
23:48 or singing whatever it is that you play
23:49 and send it to me at 3ABN and I'll look
23:52 at all the tapes and then I will contact you
23:54 and we will get you booked for the program
23:55 okay. Well before I start reading my letters
23:58 I have Hannah here with me and Hannah
24:00 it's so good to have you on the program.
24:02 First of all how old are you and where are you
24:04 from. I'm 10-years-old and I'm from Green Bay,
24:06 Wisconsin. Oh you know Miss. Brenda use to live
24:09 in Wisconsin in fact. I graduated from
24:11 Wisconsin Academy did you know that?
24:13 No I didn't. Have you ever been to
24:15 Wisconsin Academy? Yes I have.
24:17 You have, so that's a pretty nice school
24:18 there isn't it? Yeah. And that is so;
24:20 let me ask you have you had a chance to share
24:22 Jesus recently? Yes just recently
24:24 I was at a summer camp and there was a girl
24:27 my in tent and she doesn't have very many
24:30 friends and she didn't know Jesus very well.
24:32 So I tried to witness to her as much as I
24:35 could and I just hang out with her
24:37 and just be her friend. Oh that was,
24:41 that was really a good thing to do.
24:43 You know its really sad sometimes
24:45 when someone usually sometimes
24:47 if they are shy, they can come across
24:49 as maybe snooty or whatever
24:52 and really they just shy and they are not,
24:54 you know bad person at all,
24:56 they just you know don't know how to interact
24:58 with others. So it's really good
24:59 when you take that step because
25:00 that's a Christian thing they do isn't it
25:02 and be friends, be friends with the
25:03 unfriendly and it's easy to be friends
25:05 with somebody you know that you like
25:07 and that's bubbly and laughing
25:08 all the time right. But Jesus wants us to be
25:11 friends with everyone doesn't he.
25:12 And you know it will be nice if you keep praying
25:15 for that friend. Yeah I will.
25:16 Alright that's good. Well would like to hear
25:18 some of our letters. Sure! We have
25:20 lots of letters on Kids Time.
25:21 Let's see this one is from Jessica
25:23 and she is from East Flat Rock,
25:25 North Carolina. Let's see what she has
25:27 to say. Oh can you hold up that picture for me?
25:29 And let's see here what it says I think
25:33 get it open, it says dear Miss. Brenda
25:35 I'm 12-years-old and I talk to you
25:37 on the phone the other day.
25:38 I have not seen the lot of your shows.
25:40 Me and my grandma, we watch your shows
25:42 together. I really like them a lot when
25:44 I can see them and I love God very much.
25:46 He has helped me through a lot
25:47 in the past. We don't get to go to church
25:50 much, so thanks for talking to me
25:51 on the phone. I'm in sixth grade
25:53 and here is the picture of me
25:55 and please pray for me and sometimes
25:57 you know I have to go to my dad,
25:58 so the Lord helps me a lot for my dad,
26:01 please pray the Lord help my dad to stop
26:03 drinking alcohol. Well it says I have to go
26:06 now talk to you later, Love Jessica.
26:08 Well thank you and lets all pray
26:10 for Jessica's dad, won't you?
26:11 Well that's all the time we have today
26:13 boys and girls. I wanna thank you Hannah
26:14 for joining us today. Boys and girls
26:16 I wanna encourage you to reach out be friend
26:19 to someone where you and let them know
26:20 that Jesus loves them because
26:22 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17