Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Melissa Guthrie, Hayley Mundall, Danny Shelton, Grant Graves
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000165
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so, 00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi boys and girls, now I've just sitting here 00:27 figuring out how much money I need to put 00:29 in my tithe envelope. Let see I have 00:32 20, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, I have a hundred dollar 00:38 and you know what the Bible tells me that 00:40 one-tenth belongs to God, that means I need 00:43 to put $10 in my tithe envelope let me 00:46 get $10 here and you know this is a 00:48 tithe envelope, some churches provide them 00:51 for you and it just says Tithe & Offerings 00:53 on here and you, it provides the little place 00:56 where you can just open it up and I put 00:58 that $10 right inside right there. 01:01 And when I go to church Sabbath I will just drop 01:04 that in the offering plate, but you know what? 01:07 I also wanna give an offering to Jesus, 01:10 because that's my way of saying thank you 01:13 to Jesus for all He has done for me. 01:15 And I think you know what? I think I'm gonna 01:17 give $20 to help finish the new 3ABN 01:20 children's studio. And so that there gone be 01:23 a lot more children's program and I will just 01:26 put that right there in $20. You know what? 01:29 That still leaves me with $70 and 01:34 that's a lot isn't it? You know, 01:35 I know God really blesses when I give 01:39 my Tithe & Offerings but especially, 01:41 when I give them with a cheerful heart. 01:44 You know when I was a little girl, 01:45 my mom and dad would, my dad would bring home 01:48 his pay check and him and my mom would 01:50 sit down and before they paid any bills 01:52 or anything else they paid their tithe. 01:55 Even if we were really short on money 01:58 and we needed food or groceries, 01:59 they paid their tithe first. They wanted to 02:02 obey God in all things. Now sometimes 02:05 they didn't have enough money to feed their 02:06 five children when they paid their tithe. 02:09 But do you know what? God always provided, 02:11 they knew that God always keeps his promise 02:14 to bless those who pay their tithe beyond 02:16 what they can even imagine. 02:18 Our Bible story today is about a King who 02:21 encourage the people to put God first by paying 02:24 their tithes and offerings and 02:25 what a wise king he was. Well, we're gonna hear 02:29 all about him in just a little while 02:30 but first we're gonna hear from Ranger Jim. 02:40 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying 02:42 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad you can 02:44 join us today, I'm with my friend Sharalin 02:46 and she has her private collection of animals. 02:48 Sharalin, what is this beautiful creature? 02:49 This is a Fennec Fox. She's actually 02:53 full grown. In fact, she's a grandma about 02:56 3 or 4 times over. These animals actually 02:59 live in Africa and Egypt, and Kuwait. 03:03 They're little desert fox and they're actually one 03:06 of the smaller foxes that God created. 03:08 I like Fennec Fox because they don't smell 03:11 like a lot of foxes do and this little fox's 03:16 name is Snickers. I called her Snicker Doodles. 03:18 Snicker! She loves life. Now little snicker 03:22 is here. She's got as you notice some 03:26 really large ears, right. And that's something 03:29 that's very characteristic for Fennec Fox. 03:32 Those ears are for several purposes. 03:34 They live where it's really hot and dry 03:38 and they get real hot in the day time. 03:40 So, those ears actually radiate off the 03:43 extra heat. Wow, wonderful! 03:45 And another thing that they help the fox 03:49 out with, they have extremely good hearing. 03:53 In fact they can be up on ground, above 03:56 ground and they can hear a little rodent 03:59 or something down underground in its nest 04:02 and they are extremely good and fast diggers. 04:06 They can dig down to that little rodent 04:08 in its nest and grab that thing before the animal 04:12 even knows that they, amazing, they been had. 04:15 She hears it underground in its nest, 04:17 right; right. And these little guys actually make 04:21 very good pets. You can housebreak them 04:25 and so they're one of the few animals here 04:27 that I raise and sell the babies. If you like dogs 04:31 and you like exotic animals, this is an 04:34 animal that I enjoy selling to people. 04:37 They are very loving as you can see I got 04:40 Snickers when she was about 4 months old 04:43 and when they're born they're about 04:46 2 or 3 inches long. They're real tinny. 04:49 They look like little mice. That's probably why 04:53 they enjoy mice in the wild, probably, 04:55 probably. Another thing about them, they climb 04:58 if you have them in an outdoor cage you've to 05:00 totally enclose their cage because they climb 05:03 just like cats. Alright and they have claws, 05:06 and that's true also here in North America 05:07 of the grey fox, right, right. Grey fox 05:09 can climb, the Red Fox don't but the Grey 05:11 Fox does, right. Another thing about them 05:13 they have little tufts of fur in between their 05:18 toenails and what that does that helps them 05:20 to cover across the sand in a real fast pace. 05:26 They can raise and they don't sink down into 05:28 the sand as easily that way. And the sand 05:30 would be hot where they live and they believe, 05:32 exactly and it helps protecting from 05:34 the heat, from the sand too. And so how long 05:36 would a fox like this live normally? 05:38 They live about 10 years in captivity. 05:41 So if you sell one, they make a nice pet 05:44 you can expect it to live 8 or 10 years 05:46 she would have a nice one. Correct, correct. 05:48 Now, if a boy and girl wants to get one of 05:50 these they should become a little bit 05:51 knowledgeable about, they shouldn't they before 05:53 they would do that. Anytime anybody buys an 05:55 animal especially, if you're buying something 05:57 that we could classifies an exotic animal you 06:00 need to study up on it first, don't buy it just 06:03 because they look cute. You need study up 06:06 and make sure that you have a facility 06:08 that you can house them safely. 06:09 And we have that here in this country around 06:12 Easter Time people go out and buy Easter bunny 06:14 for their children they don't have a cage; 06:15 they don't have anything that's a tragedy, 06:17 that is. And a lot of people end up letting 06:20 the animal go or the animal is not really 06:23 loved anymore. And so this thrives as 06:26 I could see, this one thrives on love just like 06:28 a cat in your lap isn't she? Yes, she enjoys 06:31 life a lot, now I have a male fox he's very 06:34 serious he just puts up with whatever I give out. 06:38 Now, Snickers you can to have she enjoys the 06:40 time being with me. Her hairs are plucked up 06:42 here and she's happy to be with us today. 06:46 She likes being on TV. 06:47 well good that's wonderful. Boys and girls, 06:50 another one of God's wonderful creatures 06:51 we can learn about so, Ranger Jim is always 06:54 saying don't forget to tell a Jesus that you 06:56 love him, because he really does love you. 07:07 Hi, I like to tell you a song called 07:10 "Hold the Fort". Hold The Fort is written by a 07:13 guy named Philip Bliss. Philip Bliss used it 07:15 in the youth conference in 1870. 07:17 When an officer from the army speaks out 07:19 in Revelations 2:25: "Only hold on to what you 07:23 have until I come." Then the officer used example 07:29 from his work experience about soldiers carrying 07:32 supply when the enemy attack tomb. 07:35 They are about to give in when they saw 07:37 their General waving and saying Hold the Fort. 07:40 That gave such courage that they beat the 07:43 area back, and that night Philip was so sleepless 07:49 he was inspired what the officer said 07:52 and he got up and wrote the words 07:55 let me seek "To Hold the Fort." 07:59 Boys and girls with Jesus help 08:02 we can Hold the Fort until He comes. 08:13 Ho, my comrades, see the signal, waving in the sky! 08:21 Reinforcements now appearing, victory is nigh. 08:28 "Hold the fort, for I am coming," 08:31 Jesus signals still; 08:34 Wave the answer back to Heaven, 08:38 "By Thy grace we will." 08:44 See the glorious banner waving! 08:47 Hear the trumpet blow! 08:50 In our Leader's Name we triumph over every foe. 08:57 "Hold the fort, for I am coming," 09:01 Jesus signals still; 09:04 Wave the answer back to Heaven, 09:07 "By Thy grace we will." 09:13 Fierce and long the battle rages, 09:16 but our help is near; 09:19 Onward comes our great Commander, 09:23 cheer, my comrades, cheer! 09:26 "Hold the fort, for I am coming, 09:30 " Jesus signals still; 09:33 Wave the answer back to Heaven, 09:36 "By Thy grace we will." 09:49 Welcome to Learning Time, 09:50 thanks for joining us today, I've got Rachel 09:54 to help me and now Rachel I'm interested 09:57 in knowing some things about the solar systems. 10:00 Rachel's been studying that at school. Have 10:02 you been studying about the solar system? 10:04 It's a pre-unique system and we are part of it. 10:07 Now, Rachel what is the name of our star, 10:09 the closest star to our planet earth? 10:11 It's the sun. It's the sun. I've got a model 10:13 of the sun right here. I've got unfold that 10:16 I love these things that go out like this 10:18 we're gonna have Rachel hold that just like 10:20 that and this represents our sun. 10:23 Let's hold it up, just like that now 10:25 if that's our sun, is that huge? Yeah, 10:28 oh it's a pretty big ball but our sun just kind 10:30 of medium star. Now, how big do you think 10:34 planet earth is? Is that this big compared 10:36 to the sun? Or is it this big? 10:38 No, show me, show me how big do you think it is? 10:41 That big, oh! We've got all kinds look at 10:44 Rachel is holding her hand like this is just 10:46 real small. I tell you what I've got. 10:47 I have a little rod right here and this rod 10:51 has a little green bead on it can you see the 10:53 green bead? Yeah, well that's the size of planet 10:56 earth in comparison with the sun. 10:59 We're pretty small aren't we? Oh! Yeah, 11:02 are we real close to the sun, are we far away? 11:05 Far, well Rachel what's the closest 11:08 planet to the sun? Mercury. It's Mercury, 11:11 if we were living on Mercury, could we live? 11:14 No, no, why not? Because it's too hot there, 11:18 it's too hot there, it's too close to the sun. 11:20 If we were the second planet could we live? 11:22 No, what's the second planet? Venus, 11:24 it's Venus but we're not that close to the sun, 11:27 you know that God put us in a very special place 11:29 the third planet from the sun; it doesn't get 11:32 too hot, it doesn't get too cold 11:34 and it's just right. Well, you know what would 11:37 happen if we were like as far away as Pluto, 11:41 what would happen? We would freeze to death, 11:43 we would freeze to death. I will tell you 11:45 what I'm gonna do. Let me go ahead 11:46 and take the star from you must be, 11:48 you must be tired having to carry that sun around. 11:51 Well, I've got something right here, 11:53 we're gonna put our safety glasses on, 11:55 because you know what I have? I have the, 11:58 the second coldest thing on planet earth. 12:00 We're gonna do an experiment with it. 12:02 You know if we were on Pluto we would be cold, 12:06 everything would be so cold. 12:07 And we just might not be able to survive 12:10 I'm gonna put my gloves on, because I'm gonna 12:13 take something that you and I are familiar with. 12:16 What kind of a flower is this? Carnation, 12:20 it's a carnation flower now if we were on planet 12:22 Pluto everything would be so cold, 12:25 it would freeze we couldn't grow any food, 12:28 plants wouldn't grow. Would not be a good place 12:31 to live would it? No, hey let's get this is cold 12:35 as Pluto. I'm gonna put in my liquid nitrogen 12:38 right here, and it's just boiling and bubbling 12:41 away this is a -321½ degrees I'm gonna take 12:46 it out and let's take a look at it. 12:48 Now, does that look cold? Yeah, oh! Yeah, 12:51 that looks really cold, now I have another 12:54 Carnation right here, but you know 12:55 I can examine it and I can look at it, 12:58 I can go like this, I can look at all the parts 13:00 of that flower, that's really pretty isn't it. 13:02 But you know what? This planet is so cold, 13:06 if we were on Pluto our plants wouldn't be able 13:09 to grow, we wouldn't be able to survive 13:12 let's check this one out right here, 13:13 oh boy look at that it so cold the plant just 13:18 shatter and break. Man I'm glad that God 13:22 didn't put us on Pluto but you know 13:24 what he plans a very special place for us 13:28 to be and that is the third planet 13:30 from the sun. And it's just right for you and I. 13:34 That's really special isn't it? When we learn 13:37 about science, we learn more about our creator God. 13:49 Well, thank you so much for coming and seeing me 13:52 today daughters. It has been a highlight 13:54 of my week, being a King and I'm sure being 13:57 a Princess is very, very busy. 13:59 But it's important that we find time to be 14:02 together, you see today I have something 14:05 very important I wanna talk to you about. 14:08 Do you remember a couple of months ago, 14:11 when we first went to the temple? 14:14 Do you remember what it looked like? 14:16 It was awful. The temple had holes in the walls 14:20 and there were cracks in the ceiling 14:23 and it just looked run down. It kind of made me 14:28 embarrass, because our house is beautiful. 14:31 We don't have holes in our walls or cracks 14:34 in our ceilings. It made me wonder why have 14:37 we forgot to take care of the house of God? 14:40 This isn't the God just our country, 14:42 this is the God of the Universe, 14:43 he created everything. And he blessed us 14:46 with all these wonderful things we have, 14:50 so I talked to my advisors about it 14:52 and I said we've got to do something about this. 14:55 It's not right that I live in luxury 14:57 and the God of the universe has to live in a 15:00 house with holes in it. So, we decided that 15:04 we would put up a huge trunk right in front of 15:07 the front door and whenever worshipers 15:10 would go in and out they would be able to give 15:13 an offering to God, so they could help repair 15:16 the temple. Well, this was a couple of months 15:19 ago and by now the trunk is almost full. 15:22 In fact, we brought it in here. You see as the 15:25 people go in, they saw what I saw the holes 15:29 and the cracks and I think they were embarrassed 15:32 too. And so the people said we don't want God 15:35 to live in a house like this, so they 15:38 started giving, isn't that awesome that our 15:41 God gives us the opportunity to help 15:44 him out. You know how powerful Jehovah is. 15:48 He doesn't need us to give him our jewels 15:51 or our coins. But it's an opportunity that 15:54 we have to share with him. Now, what I want 15:57 to do is, I want to give you guys an opportunity 16:01 to serve too. You see just because, 16:04 I'm King and grown up it doesn't mean 16:07 that you can't help too. See God wants to live 16:11 in little girls hearts, just as much as big 16:14 King's and he wants to give you an opportunity 16:18 to help out and make his house a pretty place. 16:22 Jewel, what I'm going to do is I'm going to give 16:26 you each a very, very precious jewel. 16:30 And I'm gonna let you do whatever you want 16:32 with that jewel, you can keep it or you can give 16:36 it to God. I hope you make the right choice. 16:41 Abigail, Sarah, Hannah, Ruth. 17:06 It does my heart good to see my daughters 17:08 giving back to God, and I'm sure that Jehovah up 17:12 in Heaven is even more happy to see his daughters 17:15 being so generous. You see we can never be 17:18 too old or too young to out give the Lord. 17:41 Come and go with me to my Father's House, 17:47 To my Father's house To my Father's house 17:52 Come and go with me to my Fathers House 17:57 Where there's joy, joy, joy. 18:03 Jesus is the way to my father's house 18:08 To my Father's house To my Father's house 18:13 Jesus is the way to my father's house 18:18 Where there's joy, joy, joy. 18:23 Hey, let's do it again, let's do the first 18:25 verse again, let's do the whole song again 18:28 and we will have the kids at home sing with us 18:30 and sing so loud that if you're mom and daddy 18:33 is in another room they will come 18:34 and say what's all of this music going on. 18:37 Alright come and go with me to my father's house, 18:40 ready let's sing it together. 18:42 Come and go with me to my Father's House, 18:47 so I can hear you at home. 18:48 To my Father's house, that's better 18:51 To my Father's house 18:53 Come and go with me to my Fathers House 18:58 Where there's joy, joy, joy. 19:02 Jesus is the way to my father's house 19:05 Jesus is the way to my father's house 19:10 To my Father's house, that's in Heaven 19:13 To my Father's house 19:15 Jesus is the way to my father's house 19:20 Where there's joy, joy, joy. 19:26 Praise the Lord. 19:35 Hi, boys and girls I'm here with my friend 19:37 Melissa and she's gonna help me introduce 19:39 the Book of the Day and my choice for you 19:43 today is " The Secret of the Hidden Room", 19:45 it's by the Shoebox Kids Book 09 from 19:47 Jerry D. Thomas. When the softball flew through 19:50 Mr. Chambers' open kitchen window, 19:52 the Shoebox Kids were afraid they were in for 19:54 big trouble. Oh! No, everyone knew that 19:58 Mr. Chambers was a mean old man. 20:00 But what should they do? You know, 20:03 even as they planned to get back their ball, 20:05 a mystery was brewing. Sammy discovered 20:08 the first clues when he peered to 20:10 Mr. Chambers' kitchen during the rescue mission. 20:12 Something just wasn't right. 20:14 First, there was the mismatched wallpaper 20:16 and an oddly placed hutch along the back wall. 20:20 Then he remembered a small, round window that 20:22 he could see from outside the house but 20:25 he couldn't see it from the inside. 20:27 This adventure finds the Shoebox Kids solving 20:30 a mystery that's over one hundred years old. 20:32 During their search for clues, they discover 20:35 friendship in unexpected places, they learned 20:37 to accept people's differences, 20:39 and they reminded about the amazing power 20:42 of prayer. Doesn't that sound like a good book, 20:45 you're gonna wanna read 20:46 "The Secret of the Hidden Room". 20:49 Well, I want to read some letters with you 20:52 boys and girls before we have a chance to talk 20:54 with Melissa here. But I have a letter in my hand 20:58 and I recognize two little girls here, 21:00 sweet girls that I would like you to meet, 21:02 I actually was very good friend with their 21:05 grandparents Mr. and Misses Paul and Jennifer 21:09 but I have them on the phone right now so 21:11 we're gonna talk to them. Hi Breanna, 21:13 hi Miss Brenda, hi I'm so excited to talk to you, 21:16 you're gonna have to tell your grandma 21:18 and grandpa that Miss Brenda loves them 21:19 very much will you? Yes, I will. 21:22 Well tell me Breanna, how old are you 21:24 and where are you from? I'm 10-years-old. 21:26 What? You're 10 years old. And where are you 21:29 from Breanna? I'm from Texas. 21:32 You're from Texas. Now, tell me what do you do 21:35 to share Jesus? Well, if somebody is trying 21:37 to say bad words, I try to tell them that 21:40 Jesus wouldn't like that and then they say 21:42 but they wouldn't have thought of it that 21:44 way so they wouldn't do anymore. 21:46 And every once a month I go down to the nursing 21:49 home and I sing songs about Jesus and go 21:52 around and I shake their hands and I help my mom 21:57 around the house a lot. 21:58 Oh! That's a wonderful thing to do I'm really 22:01 proud of your Breanna. Well I wanna encourage 22:03 you to keep sharing Jesus why won't you? 22:06 And thank you for your letter, it's your sister 22:08 there is a picture of your sister with you 22:09 is she there? Ashley? Yes she's right here. 22:11 Okay. Hi Ashley! Hi Miss Brenda! 22:18 Oh! I'm so excited to talk to you, 22:20 what do you do to share Jesus Ashley? 22:25 Can you tell me what you do to share Jesus? 22:28 Yes and what I do as I help my mom on Fridays 22:34 sometimes and sometimes 22:35 at my grandma's I help cleaning on Friday 22:38 and for others and neighbor and he didn't 22:43 know about Jesus. So, I help to knowing 22:45 about Jesus. Oh! That's wonderful, well I'm so 22:49 glad to hear that and you know when you clean 22:52 on Friday that helps us get ready for 22:53 Sabbath doesn't it? Well, I'm so proud of you, 22:57 well thank you for talking me today 22:58 and I wanna encourage you and your sister 23:01 to keep sharing Jesus won't you? 23:03 Alright, bye, bye now, bye, bye all that was 23:08 so nice to talk to them I really enjoy those phone 23:12 calls boys and girls if you would like me to give 23:14 you a call sometime on Kids Time be sure 23:16 and send me your phone number okay 23:17 when you right me the letter and a picture 23:19 okay. Melissa I'm so happy to have you on the 23:22 program today and I know you love Jesus 23:24 very much what is that you've done recently 23:27 to share Jesus? Well, we recently just got back 23:32 from a trip to Africa. You went with your family. 23:36 Yes and your dad is a doctor right? 23:38 So he, he worked in hospital and help do 23:41 operations over there and we got to go visit 23:43 the children in a hospital and one of the children 23:46 we met was, with this little boy here yes, 23:50 this little boy Cassim and he's in a wheelchair, 23:53 yes he was run over by a car, oh, 23:57 that's because the children there 24:00 they don't, they don't have, they don't have 24:05 a lot of things we have over here do they? 24:07 Yeah, yes so they have to go out and try 24:11 and get money by selling things out in the street. 24:16 So that's how so many children get run over 24:19 by cars. Was this little boy able to get 24:22 help there, you said he had to have his leg 24:24 taken off? Yeah he had to have one of his 24:26 legs taken off, and so that's why he, 24:30 he is on a wheelchair. Oh, and while we were there 24:34 we got to see his new his, when he got 24:41 his new leg? Yes, oh look at that, and we got, 24:44 and we got to see him. He had the artificial 24:48 leg there. Yeah, take, try and take his first, 24:52 first steps since he got and ran over by the car. 24:55 How did he do? He did really well. 24:58 Okay, was he excited? Yes, he was. Oh, let see, 25:03 well do you have another picture there. 25:04 Yes. What's that picture? It's I sitting on 25:08 the top of the one of the cars there. 25:10 And who is, I see you and I recognize your 25:12 brother William. Yes, William and Janelle 25:16 and Cassim, they are sitting on a top 25:20 of the car. And we got to share Jesus love with 25:24 him and he was really happy even though 25:29 he couldn't walk. Oh, now what is this I have 25:32 next to my, couple of giraffes, 25:33 so that be scared. No. What do I say 25:38 nearby me? We got, we got those when 25:43 we were in Africa. And there were, 25:48 they were carve them and they put them 25:51 and then they, and then they stain, 25:56 and then they stain, and paint them, 25:57 and sell them. Yeah. So, you get that was 25:59 probably a lot of these over there in Africa, 26:01 aren't there? Well, that's good. 26:02 Well, I am so, I am gonna thank you for coming 26:04 today and sharing that was, wasn't that 26:06 interesting boys and girls. Not always get to 26:08 go Africa everyday to witness for Jesus, 26:11 do we? Well that was really special and you know 26:14 when I, I thank you for coming and sharing 26:16 that with us. Well, that's all the time 26:17 we have today boys and girls. 26:19 I wanna thank you for joining us 26:20 and if you something special you have done to 26:22 share Jesus write and tell me, won't you. 26:24 Remember boys and girl, wherever you are, 26:26 whatever you do, it's kid's time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17