Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Mark Feldbush, David Morrison, Corey Cotterell, The Nedleys
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000164
00:03 Its time to share there's a world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus 00:10 Its time to share there's a world out there 00:13 let's tell them that he loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that he loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time. Kids Time. Kids Time. 00:25 Como estas, Como estas, no, what is that? 00:30 Como estas, Como estas. 00:31 Oh, hi boys and girls I am having the hardest time today. 00:35 I brought a Spanish book with me 00:37 and I am hoping to learn a few phrases 00:38 to use when I travel. But it's difficult 00:41 for me to learn all this. I wish I had taken 00:45 a foreign language when I was younger. 00:46 But I didn't. A good friend of mine 00:48 though she told me that it's really hard 00:50 to learn a new language. 00:51 She said took two years of French 00:53 when she was in college and she was so 00:55 excited in the beginning. She figured 00:57 hey you know in a couple of years 00:58 I'll speak French really really well. 01:00 But was she ever in for a surprise. 01:03 She practiced and she practiced 01:05 and she studied hard and you know 01:07 what she even got A's on her French test. 01:08 But at the end of the first year she really 01:11 couldn't speak French very well at all. 01:13 And was she ever disappointed. 01:15 You know there is an amazing story in the Bible. 01:18 It's about a day long ago when people 01:20 suddenly started speaking new languages. 01:22 You know they started speaking 01:24 them instantaneously. Now, they didn't have 01:27 to go to language school and spend lots 01:28 of money on expensive text books. 01:30 One minute they spoke one language 01:32 and the next minute they spoke a different one. 01:35 Can you imagine that? Well, God did something 01:39 really wonderful because God created language 01:43 in the very beginning. And if he created 01:45 language then he controls language as well right. 01:48 So, I know he'll give me the ability to learn 01:51 Spanish if he really wants me to. 01:53 And also I have to do my part and really study 01:56 and learn. Like everything is in God's good timing. 02:00 Speaking of timing its time to see 02:02 what Ranger Jim is up to. 02:03 I am sure glad he speak a language I can understand. 02:13 Hi boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying welcome to 02:15 Nature Time. We're in Knoxville, 02:17 Tennessee at Ijams Nature Center. 02:18 There are many beautiful flowers and trees 02:21 and shrubs of all kind. Beautiful birds 02:23 singing in the background. My friend Ed is a specialist 02:26 in this and he is going to tell us about a very 02:28 special tree today. Ed what is this 02:30 we're talking about. Okay this is black gum, 02:32 it's known scientifically as Nyssa sylvatica. 02:36 It's been a very important tree 02:39 to many of the settlers here. 02:40 This tree produces flowers on it 02:44 and it's very attractive to insects 02:46 and it's also used for beehives. 02:49 They will take a section of the black gum 02:52 we call it bee gum. A bee gum that's where 02:54 the name came from. A bee gum, 02:56 now I never knew that. A bee gum. 02:58 Okay I've got you. Yeah, if they found the beehive 03:01 in this they could cut a section out 03:03 and they would start hives around their home site. 03:06 So they would find the section of the tree 03:08 where the bees were going in a hole, 03:09 cut off a pear and cut it down here 03:12 then they have a beehive. 03:14 Right. Alright. Put a little roof on it. 03:15 I have to use pine boards and hammers 03:17 and nails and stuff. And they just 03:19 use the bee gum. Does it have a flower? 03:23 It has white flowers it's not blooming 03:27 at this time. It has the shinny leaf. 03:32 Glossy almost. Glossy. Uh-huh. 03:34 On the bark it's very rough. Yes, rough bark there. 03:40 Lot of them, they could use it for toothbrush, 03:44 they would chew on the end of it. 03:46 Oh I see. Until it got all mashed up. 03:50 It cleans out doesn't it. You can brush your teeth with it. 03:52 Oh the first dental aah. Right. The first dentist. 03:54 We don't think about these things 03:56 but they had to use what they had available. 03:57 Alright now this is a relatively small tree here, 04:00 is this a large tree, does it grow to a large. 04:02 Yeah these trees will get about 20-25 inches 04:06 in around. Oh man, that would be a big tree. 04:09 Wouldn't it? Often maybe 50-60 feet tall. 04:12 Yes. Okay. Very good now these are native you say here 04:15 to east Tennessee there. Yes. Alright, 04:17 now I have heard people talk about sweet gum 04:22 honey, is this a sweet gum tree. 04:25 It's a close relative to the sweet gum 04:27 we have a sweet gum right over there 04:29 it has more of a five leaves on it. 04:33 I see. So it's a gum but it's not the same. 04:36 It has beautiful folded joint and I appreciation that, 04:38 so that's very interesting to learn about that. 04:40 I am gonna remember that, boys and girls 04:42 you remember when mother and daddy tells you to 04:44 wash and brush your teeth and take care 04:46 of them good you remember that early settlers 04:48 took this and it does, doesn't it, 04:51 if I use it like that, it makes a nice tooth brush 04:54 and you can brush your teeth with it and go 04:56 very good like that. 04:57 So many many trees here in this center, 05:00 we have enjoyed learning some more about them. 05:02 We want to remind you again. Ranger Jim saying don't forget 05:06 to tell Jesus that you love him because he 05:09 really does love you. 05:18 God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, 05:22 but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17. 05:36 For God so loved the world 05:41 that He gave His only begotten Son, 05:45 that whomsoever believe in Him 05:52 should not perish, they shall have everlasting life. 06:00 God sent not his son into the world 06:14 to condemn the world, but that the world 06:21 that the world, through him might be saved 06:27 [John 3:16], [John 17]. Hallelujah. 06:43 Hi, today I wanted to share with you a recipe 06:45 that my family loves and has been making 06:48 for many years. My great grandma Mitchell 06:51 used to make it for us. And you know the Mitchell 06:54 family loves all kinds of recipes anything 06:57 with cabbage basically. Cabbage rolls and 06:59 Today we're making one called cabbage 07:02 and noodles. Let me read the recipe for you. 07:05 1 large head of cabbage- shredded 07:08 1 lb. of fettuccine noodles, broken into thirds 07:12 salt to taste and margarine to taste. 07:15 Now I just want to start with the cabbage. 07:18 I already, I cut the cabbage head in half. 07:21 And I just want to show you kind of 07:23 how you cut a cabbage. 07:24 you're not comfortable using a knife 07:26 get an adult to help you. 07:29 You just kind of cut down the cabbage cut them off 07:33 in little shreds and you just keep moving around 07:35 the cabbage until you get through 07:39 with the whole head of cabbage. 07:41 Now I already have some shredded for, 07:44 for you just to save a little time 07:46 and we have our cabbage and you also have your water 07:49 and you just get a little, I have a medium skillet 07:52 over here already heating and we're just gonna put 07:54 your water and your already shredded head 07:57 of cabbage into here. 08:03 Now, the cabbage is going to, 08:05 we're gonna let it cook and it's going to take 08:08 a little while but you want to make sure 08:12 that you keep water in there 08:13 and if starts to get dry, your cabbage will burn. 08:16 So you wanna make sure that you keep enough water 08:18 in that, but still not too much water or the cabbage 08:20 will get soggy. Now while that's cooking; 08:23 well, I have some already cooked for you 08:26 just to save a little time 'cause the cabbage 08:27 is gonna take a little while and I also have 08:30 some already boiled noodles. 08:32 That are fettuccine noodles and I wanted 08:33 them to stay hot that's why there is foil over them. 08:36 Now the cabbage, if you have a big enough pan 08:42 you're going to go ahead and put 08:43 your noodles into your pan. Because my pan is not 08:45 big enough I'm just going to go ahead and dump 08:47 or put the cabbage into the bowl 08:49 with the noodles, just mix it up. 08:55 Now this recipe you know you might think of 08:57 cabbage and think, you know you might not like 09:01 cabbage but you might just to want to try it 09:03 just to see what do you think. And put a little bit of 09:06 margarine, you don't need all the margarine 09:07 that's in here but just a little bit, just to taste. 09:09 'Cause it tastes good to mix it a little bit, 09:11 it gives it a good flavor and you just put a little bit 09:14 of salt, just a pinch of the salt 09:16 just enough to make it have a little bit of flavor. 09:23 Stir that. Cabbage, cabbage noodles is easy to make 09:30 and tastes good too. 09:36 Well, it's about mixed. You know I love recipes 09:41 this is one of those recipes, only two 09:43 ingredients to put in here and that's all. 09:45 It's that easy. Well, just remember 09:48 until next time to keep cooking and eat healthy. 10:09 You know I really think you need to get going. 10:10 Yeah know how that is, the worst job 10:11 that is the longer it seems to take and everything is just, 10:14 it doesn't fall in the place the way you wish it would. 10:16 Hey welcome to Caleb Perry, I'm Caleb. 10:19 Hi Caleb. Ehud, how are you? I haven't seen you 10:23 forever man. Good to see you. Good to see you too. 10:26 So what's being going on? Oh not much, 10:28 what's being going on with you? 10:29 Well I have been here in the market for the last year. 10:32 Yeah what are you selling? Well I've got falafels, 10:36 got fruit, got hummus, Baba Ganoush, you hungry, 10:39 I can whip you something upto eat. 10:40 What would you like? Well, let me think about 10:42 that for a second. Why don't you tell me 10:44 where you've been? Man, you know I have been like 10:47 I said I have been working here in the market 10:48 for the last year I can't imagine 10:50 been inside in all day long. I love being out here 10:52 where the action is. You know you could 10:54 see the carpenter working, watch the business folks 10:56 carrying back and forth. Let me tell me you 10:58 good food business our moms and kids 11:00 have been at market all day along. 11:01 They're not going to get home in time for lunch 11:03 I got good food ready to go quick. 11:04 Construction workers are another boom 11:07 to my business. Really. 11:08 Absolutely, they can get down here, 11:10 grab a bite, good nourishing food, 11:12 keep them strong and hearty and 11:13 they're back on the job in no time. 11:15 In fact since I last saw you we've been doing 11:18 a bang of business with construction workers. 11:20 Really. Really? Where? You know, while I was back in the 11:23 plains of Shinar and you know back, 11:26 that was back before the language got all confused, 11:28 we were doing this big job the people 11:31 there decided that they were gonna build this 11:33 huge tower because they were afraid 11:36 that if it started raining again and 11:37 God sent another flood everybody was going to get 11:39 drowned down so they decided that if they built 11:41 this tower then with the tip top went up above the clouds 11:44 they'd be fine, everybody had see them 11:46 and it look like good folk. 11:47 Of course some of us try to say hey wait, 11:49 wait, wait a minute. Remember God put that rainbow 11:51 up in the sky. We don't have to worry about another 11:54 flood but I wouldn't have anything to do with it. 11:56 So it was decided that they go ahead 11:59 and build this tower. And down by the 12:01 tower they put these kilns, so they could bake 12:04 the bricks right on the spot, 12:05 wouldn't have to import anything. 12:07 Had mud that they made the bricks 12:08 with and then the slimy tar that they used 12:10 for mortar. The scaffolding was set up next 12:13 to the tower and course by course 12:15 you can watch the brick going up. 12:17 They were guys that were hauling the brick 12:18 from the kilns to the tower, 12:20 guys holding the brick up to the scaffolding. 12:23 Absolutely, of course I knew a good opportunity 12:26 when I saw one. So I loaded up my 12:28 little wagon, pitched my donkey to it, 12:30 put my little clay oven on the back 12:32 of the wagon and went on down. 12:34 There was some food. Got there fed my donkey 12:36 some oats, got my hummus, Baba Ganoush, 12:38 the falafels, some fruit out. 12:40 Pretty soon the lunch whistle blows, 12:42 I am doing a bang up business. 12:44 Wow! Just like that. It was great 12:46 day in and day out we kept the guys 12:48 fed and then one day everything came to 12:51 a complete halt. What happened? 12:53 Nobody could understand a word that the other fellow 12:56 was saying anymore. Here is what happened 12:58 the guys down at the kiln were making some more brick 13:01 one day and they needed mud to pour into the forms 13:03 and so the guys calls for more mud 13:06 but his assistant doesn't hear mud, 13:07 he hears sticks so he brings more sticks for the fire. 13:10 And can't get the more bricks made that way, 13:13 we bring more fire instead of more mud. 13:14 I wouldn't think. Well, the guys up 13:15 on the scaffolding are asking for 13:17 some extra trowels 'cause they dropped theirs 13:19 down below, they can't get the mortar in 13:21 between the brick right. And instead of bringing up 13:24 more trowels the guys are bringing up more block. 13:26 Nobody could understand a word that was being said. 13:29 So when you can't understand the orders 13:30 being given you can't get any work done. 13:33 Everybody started going back home, 13:35 we were trying to talk to complete strangers see 13:37 if he could understand anything that's 13:38 being said right. And as soon as you found 13:40 somebody that understood what was being said 13:42 well I was jumping and down we found long lost friends. 13:45 Well, people got together in groups, 13:48 so they could understand each other. 13:49 They packed up all of their belongings 13:51 and scattered to the four winds. 13:53 Work men of course took their tools 13:55 with them right but they left the kilns 13:57 and the scaffolding there centered around this tower 14:00 that goes up to nowhere. So what did you 14:03 call the tower? Well, with all of this 14:06 nonsense being spoken, it sounded like nonsense anyway, 14:09 it sound like complete confusion. 14:10 We call the place Babel. Huh! Good name for it huh. 14:13 Yeah, that's a great name. Absolutely. So, anyway 14:16 we headed on over this way we came over 14:19 and we've been enjoying life here ever since. 14:22 Well, sounds like you had quite the time. 14:26 Yeah, in fact you know as I thought about that story 14:29 it reminded me that when we try to depend 14:32 on our own strength. Yeah. And depend on ourselves, 14:35 it leads to complete and utter confusion. 14:37 That's absolutely right. If we trust on God 14:39 everything goes smooth. Trust God, 14:43 life is good. Man, you're looking like your hungry 14:47 what can I get you. Well, I'll tell you 14:49 what I have some falafels and some Baba Ganoush. 14:52 All right, let me get that for you, we have it ready 14:54 for you, two shakes. All right. Thanks Perry. 17:42 Hi boys and girls, its time for the book 17:45 of the day. I'm so excited to bring you 17:48 this book today. It is called fire on the mountain 17:51 and it's by Norma R. Youngberg. 17:54 It will take you all the way to Borneo. 17:57 In the wild green hills in a village 18:00 called Singing Water, a boy named Saksee 18:03 loved to swim in the sparkling jungle pools 18:08 but now he must quickly return to the village 18:11 of broken light and quickly the God teacher 18:14 Rajin has come and his poison teaching 18:17 will just spread and all will be spoiled 18:21 for Kooning the wicked witch doctor. 18:23 Oh Saksee climbed to the old ways of his tribe, 18:26 drums, drinking and dancing all these things 18:29 pleased him. He tried to push out 18:32 his mind all thoughts of Rajin's God 18:34 but Saksee could not quite the voice 18:37 speaking to his heart. Many of the people even his own 18:41 family were turning to this God 18:43 who brings love, happiness and healing. 18:45 Afraid and in pain Saksee calls out to the one 18:49 his heart longs to know. His tiny mustard 18:52 seed of faith begins to grow. When the sly, cunning 18:55 evil witch doctor Kooning plots to destroy 18:58 the Chief's son with double magic, only Saksee 19:02 knows the terrifying secret. Can the God of heaven 19:05 protect them with his power and will the angels 19:09 promise for a little deaf girl actually come to pass. 19:14 I am not gonna tell you anymore boys and girls. 19:15 You're gonna have to purchase this book 19:17 and read this story, you're gonna love it. 19:20 Well, you know what else I am excited about today, 19:23 I am excited to have David with me today 19:25 and David thank you for being here on Kid's Time. 19:28 You're welcome. I am so glad you can come now, 19:30 you came all the way from where? 19:31 Vermont. And how far drive was that? 19:34 I think it was 20 hours. 20 Hours. That's a long time 19:38 to be in the car. Isn't it? Yes. 19:40 Did you have a fun time though. 19:41 Yes. Alright tell me now you love Jesus 19:44 very much you been sharing with me. 19:46 Let me ask you what do you do to share Jesus with others. 19:49 Well I help other people. And now how do you do that. 19:55 By helping them, their needs whatever they need. 19:58 They ever need. Now have you had any 20:01 experiences that you would like to share with 20:03 the boys and girls was there anything 20:04 special that's happened. 20:05 Yes, there is this one man in Washington DC 20:08 who was at this bus stop that we stopped at 20:11 and he was homeless and he looked pretty dirty 20:14 and so I asked my dad if we can give him money 20:17 and dad said sure and so I went over and 20:20 I gave him some money and he was very thankful 20:22 and I said Jesus loves you and he said thank you. 20:24 Oh! That was good. Now you also tell me something 20:27 about you went hiking. You had a really wonderful 20:29 experience hiking one day, what happened there? 20:31 Well, after church we had gone on a hike 20:33 so that we could do something that day 20:34 and there was a big rain storm coming. 20:36 And we had been chased up by the rains, 20:38 so we had to run really fast down the mountain 20:40 and on our way home we saw these big big branches 20:44 on the road and on this older couples yard 20:48 and on their fence and on the drive way. 20:49 Now what do you mean what was on their fence 20:52 in drive way. Big branches Big branches, 20:55 because the storm had thrown it all there. 20:56 Like how big were those branches. 20:58 About that big. About that big. They were pretty big 21:01 branches I don't think I could move a branch 21:02 like that. Were these really strong people 21:05 and did they look like when you saw them 21:06 in the yard. No. They looked like their back 21:11 was going to break if they tried moving it. 21:13 Oh no. So what happened? And so. 21:16 Probably a lot of people stopped 21:17 to help them though right. No, everybody 21:19 just drove looked at them and just drove by. 21:21 Oh no, so what happened? So I asked them 21:25 if we could help them and they said sure. 21:27 They had big trees about that big 21:29 that were 120 years old and so the branches 21:33 came off very easily and we asked we could help them 21:35 we could help them move it to a different place 21:37 and they said sure and we helped to move it over 21:40 to the side of the road and they were very thankful. 21:42 They were I bet they were, were they surprised 21:43 that you would stop and help when nobody else did. 21:45 Yes there were. Now do you think 21:47 that they saw Jesus in your heart. 21:48 Yes. And what did they say to you. 21:51 They called us angels and they said that they were thankful. 21:54 They were thankful. Well, you know what 21:56 that does show Jesus in your heart 21:58 when you stop. You should think that all 21:59 of those are the people went by 22:00 but one family stopped and why do you think 22:03 they stopped. Because they had Jesus in their heart. 22:06 Well, I have some exciting letters 22:09 to share with you today from boys and girls 22:11 that have Jesus in their heart and I would like to read 22:13 one to you. This one is from Randy in Yucaipa, 22:16 California and lets see what Randy has to say. 22:21 This says dear Miss Brenda, my name is Randy 22:24 and I am seven years old and I love Jesus, 22:27 I have a sister Jessica, 11 and she is studying 22:30 with Pastor Elijah to be baptized 22:32 with our mother Donna. I saw your Kid's Time 22:35 at our friend's house and I liked it a lot, 22:37 I would like to join Kids Club 22:39 and take the Bible study, so I can be baptized. 22:41 Oh! I am so glad Randy. It says we share Jesus 22:45 with our grandma who is really sick 22:46 with broken back and cannot walk. 22:48 So our mom helps her eat and take care of herself 22:51 and she needs to stop smoking. Yes she does. 22:54 Says to get well. Please pray for my grandma 22:56 and our mother and daddy to have more work. 22:59 I hope you will send me the Bible lessons. 23:02 And I want to tell you thank you for your happy programs 23:05 about Jesus and all the animals, 23:07 your friend forever, Randy. 23:08 Wasn't that a great letter. It sure was and I want to 23:12 be baptized someday as well. You do. 23:14 Oh! I am so glad, that makes Jesus so happy doesn't it. 23:17 Well, lets see I have another letter here 23:21 oh and this one has a picture in it. 23:22 Can you hold this up for me, David? 23:24 And this was coming from St Lucia. 23:27 And let's see what it says is from. 23:30 It says dear Miss Brenda, I am 14 years old, 23:33 my name is Anna Ridges and I live in St. Lucia, 23:36 it's a beautiful country. I sure wish you 23:38 would come and visit us here. 23:40 Said it helps me to, I love Kid's Time 23:43 because it helps me to learn more about God. 23:45 And I love also learn how to love one another 23:48 and to show the love and respect, 23:50 my favorite part is the singing time 23:52 and cooking in the kitchen with Katie, 23:54 and also that helps me very much. 23:56 I would like to be on Kids Time someday, 23:59 it would be my joy to meet you. 24:01 I love you and all the 3ABN people 24:03 and my favorite Kids Time show. 24:05 I would like you to stick this picture of me 24:08 somewhere special and I would like 24:10 you to send me an activity book. 24:12 God bless you. Love, your truly, Anna Ridges. 24:14 Well thank you so much for that letter 24:16 and you know what, I will put that picture somewhere 24:18 special because boys and girls when you send 24:20 a picture to me I have a special wall 24:25 that I am planning in our new children's studio 24:28 for Kids Time and all it will say we share Jesus 24:31 and then all the pictures that you send me 24:33 I am gonna put up there. 24:34 So everybody can see that you love Jesus 24:37 isn't that a good idea. So send me lots of pictures okay. 24:40 Let's see I have another one here 24:42 and this one oh, I've got another picture. 24:44 I love these pictures you need to hold that again 24:47 for me David. Let's see this one is from, 24:50 looks like Jamaica and it said dear Miss Brenda 24:54 I am 6 years old and I have two brothers 24:56 and two sisters and I love them. 24:58 I love Kid's Time and I share Jesus with my friends, 25:01 I tell them that Jesus love them and he 25:04 is coming back to take us to heaven 25:05 and to live with him. So we must be good now. 25:09 Please send me an activity book 25:10 I love Kid's Time. I'm sending a picture 25:12 just for you. Love, Ruth Anne. 25:15 Ruth Anne, thank you. That's a beautiful picture too, 25:17 I love the picture it's so pretty and you know what 25:21 you are right keep telling your friends 25:22 because Jesus is coming back 25:24 soon and lets read an email. This one is from the Natalia. 25:28 It says dear Miss Brenda, I am the Natalia 25:30 9 years old and I live in East Hartford, Connecticut. 25:33 I share Jesus by helping to do meals on wheels 25:36 with my church and sometimes we deliver 25:38 the meals but mostly I work in the kitchen. 25:40 I usually put the labels on the bags. 25:43 I have a dog, his name is Buddy and I like 25:45 the animals that Ranger Jim tells us about, 25:48 but mostly I love the singing, it was nice seeing 25:50 you and your grandson at the Southern New England 25:53 Camp meeting. I would like to join Kids Club 25:55 and get an activity book your friend Natalia. 25:58 Well I am glad I got a chance to visit with you 26:00 at camp meeting and you saw my grandson Michael. 26:03 And you know what I want you to keep working 26:06 too because it doesn't matter even though you didn't 26:08 get to visit the people when you're working on meals 26:10 on wheels, you were still working just as hard for Jesus 26:14 behind the scenes putting those labels on those bags. 26:16 Well, that's all the time we have today boys and girls 26:19 but until next time I want you to remember 26:21 its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17