Kids' Time

King Nebuchadnezzar Goes Mad!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Halima Martin, Jeff Williamson, Salcedo Family


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000163

00:01 It's time to share there's a world out there looking
00:07 for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share there's a
00:12 world out there, let's tell them that he loves us so,
00:16 let's tell them that he loves us so. Kids time,
00:21 kids time, kids time. Hi! Boys and Girls. I
00:25 have a delicious healthy treat with me today, do
00:28 you know what it is, well take a look, see if you
00:30 can figure this out and it's kind of dried out, see
00:34 this alright. It makes a little crunchy noise and
00:37 this, even this the leaves are all dried up on it. Do
00:40 you know what that this, well a lot of people eat
00:43 it, see it is grass wait, wait a minute you say
00:47 you don't eat grass? You know what I don't
00:50 usually eat grass either. At least not out of my
00:52 front yard. This grass is wheat grass and it's tasty
00:57 and it is good for you. Can you believe that?
00:59 But our Bible story today is about a man
01:02 who ate grass from a field for seven years and
01:06 it probably wasn't wheat grass either, that's pretty
01:08 strange isn't it? Why did he end up eating grass?
01:13 Well, you know what, it is a really good story and
01:16 can't wait for to hear it, but first let me just give
01:20 you a little hint. Isaiah 14 tells a story of a
01:23 beautiful angel in heaven who was admired by all
01:27 the other angels, he loved all the attention
01:30 and he became convinced he was
01:32 greater than God himself. Do you know
01:34 he began to spread lies about God and he
01:36 wanted the other angels to worship him instead
01:38 of worshiping God? Can you guess what his
01:41 problem was? I think it might have been pride
01:44 don't you? Sadly, one third of all the angels in
01:48 heaven did follow that proud angel and he
01:51 refused to admit that he was wrong. So do you
01:54 know he and all the angels that followed him
01:57 were cast out of heaven forever? Well, that's my
02:01 hint on why the man in our story ended up
02:03 eating grass. So you'll listen and see if you can
02:06 figure out the connection, okay. But
02:08 first it's time to see what Ranger Jim is up to
02:11 today. Hi! Boys and girls,
02:19 Ranger Jim saying welcome to Nature
02:21 Time. We are glad you can join us today. We
02:23 are in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, at a place
02:24 called Ripley's Aquarium of the
02:26 Smokies and what a fun place to be. We are just
02:28 having a ball here today, we have lots of noise in
02:31 the background; boys and girls are running and
02:33 playing and having a grand time. My friend
02:35 Devin is with us and we have a beautiful creature
02:37 here Devin, what do we call this?
02:39 Is this an iguana? It's a green iguana, green
02:40 iguana. Well, tell us, tell the
02:43 boys and girls something about the green iguana.
02:44 Well, as with all of our Amazon animals it
02:48 comes from South America and the green
02:50 iguana actually ranges all the way to Mexico
02:52 through central America and its an arboreal
02:57 animal and that's an important word when
02:58 you're talking about jungle reptiles because
03:01 that means that it likes to get up in the trees where
03:03 there is less predators and also where there is
03:06 more direct sunlight because it uses some of
03:08 the beneficial rays of the Sun. Okay, now what's
03:10 that word again? Arboreal. Arboreal, boys
03:13 and girls you remember that okay. That means
03:15 this creature lives in mostly in the tree, in the
03:17 tree canopy. And we're not talking like you
03:19 know little trees we are talking really big trees,
03:22 hundreds of feet. It doesn't look like that he
03:24 climb, quite a good climber may be. Yeah
03:26 excellent climber and when you look its
03:28 coloration you can really tell that it is a tree, an
03:31 arboreal animal because you could tell that
03:33 that's a good color pattern for something that lives. In
03:36 Canopy, well what does it eat? Does it eat, where
03:38 does it? Actually interestingly enough it
03:41 likes to eat, its favorite food is tropical flowers,
03:44 wow! Tropical flowers. Tropical flowers, and
03:48 interesting, also interesting is when you
03:51 look the teeth patterns, it uses its teeth to perforate
03:56 the tough leaves of the plants it also eats. So, it
04:00 can actually pull the piece of leaf off it. Just
04:04 pull it off? Yeah, like a postage stamp, like the
04:07 holes in between postage stamps, that's how it
04:09 pulls the segment. Well we need the, does it step
04:12 in the tree at night it sleep. Yeah it lives its
04:15 whole life up in the trees. Just lives in the
04:16 tree. Yes. Well, isn't that everything, now they are
04:20 other kind of iguanas. Yes, there are actually
04:23 marine iguanas which live in Galapagos Islands
04:27 and they are highly protected, so we are not
04:29 allowed to keep them in aquariums. Now tell me
04:33 about reproduction, are they egg layers? They
04:35 are egg layers and I believe that they do lay
04:37 their eggs in sand and that they do come down
04:41 off the trees to lay their eggs. And that would be
04:43 probably exception one of times that they would
04:45 come out like with, we see some turtles,
04:48 sometimes I will see a snapping turtle way on
04:51 the middle of a cornfield and that is so out of
04:53 place, but she is out there, looking for proper
04:55 soil to lay her eggs. So, the iguana would do the
04:57 same. You see that a lot in reptiles that they
05:00 change their lifestyle when they are about to
05:02 go lay their eggs. Now, of course here at the
05:06 aquarium you have veterinarian care for
05:09 them and caring for them and I was talking to you
05:11 a moment ago and you were saying that many
05:13 people have these for pets but you don't really
05:15 encourage. Yeah, we discourage
05:16 people to keep them as pets because they are
05:18 more difficult then you think to keep because
05:23 they take, there is a lot of medical problems that
05:26 can happen with them and they really need
05:29 constant veterinarian supervision when they
05:33 are in the captivity and so many people will get
05:35 them as a pet and think, oh! They are so beautiful
05:37 and be a nice pet and they find it, they are
05:39 biting off a little more than they can chew, as
05:41 we used to say, it requires a lot of
05:42 professional care. Their animal might end up
05:44 under view. And then quite often that will
05:48 happen they will take them to a rehabilitation
05:50 center or try to give them to someone else.
05:52 Or tragically will not want to invest money in
05:55 them and kind of throw them out, and dispose
05:58 them. Yeah. Okay, so that's it, boys and girls
06:02 what Ranger Jim always tells you that if we have
06:05 a pet, it deserves our very best care doesn't it
06:09 and Devin could tell us here that it has good
06:12 veterinarian care, it has the best of food
06:14 including vitamins and all the things that it
06:16 needs and would you see these creatures here, they
06:19 are so healthy and strong and beautiful their colors
06:21 are and so that's the way we should do with our
06:23 pets. So, we have enjoyed learning about
06:25 the green iguana boys and girls, so this is
06:28 Ranger Jim telling you once again, don't forget
06:30 to tell Jesus that you love him, because he
06:33 really does love you. I have fought a good
06:44 fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the
06:48 faith. Henceforth there laid up for me a crown
06:51 of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
06:54 judge, shall give me at that day and not to me
06:58 only but unto all them also that love his
07:01 appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8
07:05 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
07:17 O what a foretaste of glory divine!
07:23 Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
07:30 born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
07:36 This is my story, this is my song,
07:42 praising my Savior all the day long;
07:48 this is my story, this is my song,
07:54 praising my Savior all the day long.
07:59 Perfect submission, all is at rest
09:04 I in my Savior am happy and blest,
09:10 watching and waiting, looking above,
09:17 filled with his goodness, lost in his love.
09:23 This is my story, this is my song,
09:30 praising my Savior all the day long;
09:36 this is my story, this is my song,
09:43 praising my Savior all the day long.
09:52 Welcome to learning time, thank you for
10:02 joining us today, I have got two special helpers I
10:05 have Jonathan and Alison, they're gonna
10:07 help me with something special, have you ever
10:10 done anything with magnets? Now, Alison
10:13 have you ever done anything with magnets?
10:14 Once stuck up on the fridge, yeah you know
10:18 we put things up on a refrigerator and Jonathan
10:20 what have you done with magnets, I put them on
10:22 toy cars and get another magnet driving around
10:26 our table. Okay, hey that's interesting
10:30 experiments to do with magnets. What have you
10:31 done with magnets at home? You know there's
10:33 lots of experiments that we can do with magnets.
10:36 Today I have a very powerful electromagnet.
10:41 Let me show you this. Now we got four
10:43 batteries here and this is the power we are going
10:45 to get from direct current batteries right here and
10:49 we have got a big old black pipe right here,
10:50 inside if we could see inside and cut it open
10:53 Jonathan, we would find out that we've got about
10:56 two hundred feet of very, very fine wire
10:59 probably about like your hair, just real tiny wire
11:03 and it's wrapped around this steel core. Alright,
11:06 so Jonathan I want you to hold this part of this
11:08 electromagnet and Alison why don't you
11:10 grab this part. We're gonna have them put
11:12 those two together. I am gonna see if they can
11:15 pull them apart. You think they can pull them
11:17 apart. Yes. Let's find out, go ahead put them
11:19 together and right, I will help you to get them
11:22 together. Now pull those apart if you can. Oh!
11:25 They're pretty strong. Was there any force
11:28 there? Could you feel any force?
11:30 Hmm! Not much. I'll tell what,
11:32 let's do. Let's hook up just one of those C-type
11:35 batteries. Now each C type battery has 1.5 volts
11:39 of power in it. So I am going to hook just one of
11:42 those batteries up right here. Now I want you to
11:44 touch those two together again. Let's see if you
11:46 can pull them apart. Let's get them. Okay, let's get
11:48 them right here. Put them together. Now just
11:51 pull those apart for me. Just pull them, just,
11:53 okay, just pull them apart. Just, can you do
11:56 that? Oh they're having a problem, aren't they? I'll
11:59 tell you what. Here, just hold them above my
12:00 table, okay, and just pull kind of don't fall over.
12:05 We don't want you to fall over and hurt
12:06 yourself. What I am going to do is I'm going
12:08 to disconnect the wire. We're gonna take the
12:11 battery power away and let's see if it will come
12:14 apart. Oh! It does. Doesn't it? That's an
12:17 interesting thing. We need those little
12:20 electrons moving through the wire, all of
12:24 that big coil of wire in order to make a very
12:25 powerful electromagnet. Now we've not only
12:29 have one battery. Jonathan, how many
12:31 batteries do we have here all together? We've
12:37 got one, two, three. Four.
12:38 That's four batteries. If we hooked up all four of
12:39 those batteries. Jonathan and Alison they would
12:42 have to pull over 500 pounds in order to get
12:46 them apart. Isn't that interesting? Oh! Yeah,
12:50 you know what and this reminds me of
12:51 something very special. They could pull this
12:53 apart. Grab a hold of that again, grab a hold of this
12:56 one right here. And there wasn't any power. No
12:59 power at all because it doesn't even want to,
13:01 hold that back up here. Wasn't any power at all.
13:04 But when we hooked up the battery we had our
13:07 power and it was a very strong electromagnet and
13:10 that was hard to pull apart. That reminds me
13:13 of something interesting. If you and I are
13:16 connected to the power of God, you know, what
13:19 there is power there. There really is. But
13:22 when we disconnect our cells, what happens?
13:25 Man, we can be released from God's power. I
13:27 don't know about you. But I want to take and I
13:30 want to use all of God's power. So I want to stay
13:33 connected with him. Remember when we
13:36 learn about science we learn something about
13:40 our creator God. I can not believe this. I
13:51 mean look at this mess. Where is my husband?
13:54 He has been gone all day to the palace, I mean he
13:57 left me with all this mess. Who does he think
13:58 I'm his maid or something?
14:00 Hello wife. Hello, Rachel.
14:02 Where have you been? No, I don't even want to
14:05 talk to you know. I have an unbelievable
14:07 story. I saw a beast outside of the palace.
14:09 You can come up with a better story than that.
14:11 No, I am telling you the truth.
14:12 I mean you have been wondering around and
14:14 you come back with this off the wall story.
14:16 Listen to me baby. Hear me out, listen. I saw a
14:19 beast outside of the palace. I was going on
14:21 my way to deliver the fruit, deliver the bread. I
14:24 got just in front of the palace. There is a man in
14:27 the grass outside of the palace long finger nails,
14:30 matted hair, ripped clothes, he looked like a
14:33 beast. The man that's the beast
14:34 right. The man looked like a
14:35 beast. I don't believe you.
14:37 So I went into the palace and there is gossip
14:39 everywhere. You are not going to believe. I heard
14:42 it from the butler who talked to the baker, who
14:45 talked to a hand maiden who talked to a God. So
14:48 you know it's got to be accurate.
14:49 Umh! They said, the man that
14:51 was out there, listen, was King Nebuchadnezzar.
14:55 No way. They said it was King
14:58 Nebuchadnezzar. He was the one out there in
15:00 the field looking like some sort of an animal.
15:02 Our King, the King. The King Nebu himself.
15:05 Outside like a beast. Outside like a beast.
15:07 Here is the story. They say that Nebuchadnezzar
15:10 was out there in the field because of his pride.
15:14 Are you serious? Pride. And you know the
15:17 man set up a big golden image of him years ago
15:19 and wanted everybody to worship it.
15:21 That's true. That man is full of pride,
15:23 full of arrogance, full of all those things that
15:25 always bring Kings and Kingdoms down. He
15:28 thought he was higher than God, bigger than
15:30 God, better than God. And he sure did.
15:31 He did. He did.
15:33 All this time and when he had the golden image.
15:35 What you want? Everyone want to come
15:36 out and worship it. And worship it. That's
15:37 true. Like they were worshipping him.
15:39 That's right. Here what I heard, I
15:41 heard that, that man in the temple named
15:43 Daniel. Daniel had warned the King about
15:47 his arrogance. He told the King that he would
15:49 have to learn to be kind to the poor, learn to love
15:52 everyone and be kind to everyone or he was
15:55 gonna be brought down. So did he do?
15:57 Well, that's what they're saying. They're saying
15:58 because of his arrogance, because of his pride,
16:01 because of his all high and mighty attitude that
16:04 God brought him down a level and made him
16:08 crawl in the field like a beast.
16:10 Are you kidding me? That's serious. So on the
16:13 way back out I got a really good look at him
16:16 and it was King Nebuchadnezzar.
16:18 On the ground like a beast outside.
16:20 On the ground like a beast outside.
16:21 The King. The King.
16:24 The palace King. The palace King
16:26 Nebuchadnezzar. Oh! My Goodness.
16:28 It just goes to show you dear Rachel that we have
16:30 got to always remember to think about everybody.
16:33 That's true. Not lift ourselves up
16:34 above anyone. That's true.
16:36 To keep our hearts in line and be kind to
16:39 everyone of the kingdom, all of our
16:40 friends that we do business with and
16:41 everyone. That's true because you
16:43 know what he had it coming, pride don't get
16:45 you anywhere. That's the truth I should have told
16:48 him myself. Exactly right.
16:49 And the baker and the butcher also told me that
16:53 And the baker and the butcher also told me that
16:54 the King would probably never recover or it would
16:56 take maybe 7 years or so.
16:58 Oh! For him to get back to
16:59 his normal status. Umm! Umm! Umm!
17:01 You believe that? Well, you know what if
17:03 you do wrong only bad things happens to you.
17:05 But when you follow the God good things happen
17:08 and I'll tell you pride don't get you anywhere
17:10 when you just think about yourself. You have
17:11 to honor the Lord. That's the only way.
17:13 That's right. But you know what,
17:14 look the Mamonas are waiting for their order,
17:16 you can get them, thank you, hey you come right
17:17 back. I promise I will. I will be
17:18 won't long next time. Thank you.
17:19 Come right back. Thank you for giving me
17:21 a watch. Bye, bye Bye. Oh! My goodness.
17:24 Hi, boys and girls. It's time for Miss Brenda's
19:04 book of the day. And my choice for you today is
19:07 none other than "Going Home" Heather, an
19:10 Adventist girl, book - 4. It's by Jean Boonstra,
19:13 and that says Goodbyes are not forever. A new
19:17 love hops into Heather's heart. He's a baby
19:20 kangaroo with a hurt leg that Heather rescues and
19:23 brings home to care for. But baby Joey turns into
19:26 a troublemaker. The night before Nathan and
19:29 father are to leave on a mission trip to
19:31 Tasmania, Joey makes a big mess and Heather's
19:36 brother is furious. Said Nathan leaves without
19:40 even saying, goodbye to his little sister or
19:42 forgiving her for what Joey did. Summer seems
19:45 to drag by to pass the time Heather helps teach
19:48 Joey to hop again. She also volunteers at
19:51 Avondale for health retreat. As she is helping
19:54 patients one evening a boy is brought him with
19:56 a dangerously high fever next to him was her
20:01 father terrified, she pears into the boys face, it's
20:05 Nathan. Oh! A letter from America brings big
20:09 news that would change everything for the
20:12 family. I wonder what happened to the father
20:15 and to Nathan. But you're gonna have to
20:17 read the book to find out. Well, doesn't that look
20:20 like a good book boys and girls. I think it is,
20:22 well before I read my letters today, I would
20:25 like to, I have in fact have a lot of letters to
20:27 read to you today. But before I read them to
20:29 you, I've someone on the phone that loves Jesus
20:32 very, very much. His name is James, he's from
20:35 Pecos, Texas, hi James. Oh! Hi, Miss Brenda.
20:38 I'm so glad that you could talk with us today
20:42 and can you tell us, how old are you James?
20:44 8. You're 8 years old and
20:48 what do you do to share Jesus?
20:50 Well, we go to the hospital and we see for
20:56 them and we pray and we give them cards.
20:59 Now, you give people cards and you just pray
21:02 with the patients. How you had any special
21:05 experiences while you're doing that.
21:07 Umm! Yes. Can you tell me about it?
21:10 Well, we were singing and then, we then there
21:19 is this other guy who we, we, he got, he was sick
21:28 and he asked us to pray with him and sing with
21:33 him. Oh! And so you sang
21:36 with him and prayed for him, that was so nice of
21:38 it, that made him really happy didn't it?
21:40 Yes. And then did you ever
21:42 see him again. Oh! No.
21:45 No, you never got to see; you know what's really
21:47 good though is when you've that nice
21:49 experience like that. When you leave, you
21:52 need to just keep on praying for that person,
21:54 okay. Okay.
21:55 And you just wanna pray that the Holy Spirit
21:56 really touches their heart and they'll give their
21:58 heart to Jesus, alright. Alright.
22:01 Oh! Well thank you James for sharing that
22:03 with us and I wanna encourage you to keep
22:06 sharing Jesus everyday will you?
22:08 Yes. Alright, bye bye now.
22:10 Bye. Wasn't that nice to have
22:12 a phone call from James. Alright, I've a letter here
22:16 from the Philippines and let's see what's in this
22:19 letter. It's from Jonathan and let see it, let's see it
22:24 says, I love your letters boys and girls. It says
22:28 dear Ms. Brenda, hi I have enjoy the lessons
22:30 you've sent me and I always keep watching
22:32 your program and 3ABN, God bless you
22:34 and your program. I hope you are fine, take
22:37 care always and more power to your show that
22:39 you can spread the good news of coming of Jesus.
22:42 Love, Jonathan. That's right, because that's we
22:45 know Jesus is coming soon don't we and we
22:47 want to be ready, so we need to tell everybody
22:49 don't we boys and girls and you know if think
22:51 there is nothing that you can do to share Jesus. I
22:54 want you to know to that, you could do
22:55 something as simple as walking up to someone
22:57 and saying, did you know that Jesus loves
22:59 you? You know some people really don't know
23:01 that and that would just making their day, so you
23:04 try that big smile on your face when you say
23:06 it too, okay. Well right now, we're gonna go all
23:09 the way to Russia in Nizhny Novgorod, now
23:11 that's a really big word to say isn't it and there's
23:14 some children there that love Jesus very much.
23:16 Hello Miss Brenda.
23:21 Thank you kids for that song, you know I
25:18 actually had the privilege of meeting
25:20 everyone of those kids there and I love them all
25:23 and I want to say, hello and I want to just
25:25 encourage you to keep on sharing Jesus, won't
25:28 you and I enjoyed your song, thank you boys
25:31 and girls. Well, I've a letter here and this is
25:33 from Martha, she's from Berrien Springs,
25:36 Michigan and she's in a very pretty white dress
25:39 and her name is she says dear Miss Brenda, my
25:42 name is Martha and I'm 9 years old and I share
25:45 Jesus by helping my mom cook and
25:47 sometimes I make breakfast for my parents,
25:49 I would like to be in Kids' club please and
25:52 God bless you and 3ABN. I just love it,
25:55 love Martha. Well, thank you Martha for that letter
25:59 and I can see how pretty you're looking in your
26:01 little white dress there. I wanna encourage you to
26:04 keep on sharing Jesus won't you? One quick
26:07 little email, dear Miss Brenda, thank you for
26:09 the Bible lessons, I've got them today. I love
26:12 them so much, I already want the next ones, love
26:14 Ila and she's from Canada. Well, boys and
26:17 girls, that's all the time we've today. I'm so glad
26:20 that you joined me, I wanna encourage you
26:22 that where ever you go, whatever you do boys
26:24 and girls. You know that it's Kid's Time
26:26 to share Jesus.
26:29 with him and prayed for him, that was so nice of


Revised 2014-12-17