Kids' Time

Ten Talents

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Yasmine Siagian, Casey Sharrer, Grant Graves


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000160

00:03 It's time to share there's world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 let's tell them that he loves us so, let's tell them
00:17 that he loves us so. Kids time, kids time,
00:23 kids time, kids time.
00:26 Hi! Boys and Girls. Today, I want you to think
00:27 back to when someone told you that
00:29 they appreciated something very special about you.
00:32 Now maybe it was your smile that cheer them up
00:34 or maybe they enjoyed listening you play
00:37 your violin or your piano or trumpet or something,
00:40 maybe your mother said thank you for
00:42 doing such a good job cleaning your room
00:45 or maybe you have saved some of your money
00:47 and send it to the mission field to help by food
00:49 or Bibles for the people there.
00:52 You might have even been extra patient
00:54 with your baby brother or sister.
00:57 Well, the Bible says that every good gift
00:59 comes from our father in heaven.
01:01 Do you know, God has given you special gifts
01:03 and he wants you to use those gifts to bless others.
01:05 Those gifts are called your talents.
01:08 Now they include all that you have, all that you are,
01:12 and all that you can do. Now all those things
01:16 come from God and he wants you to use them
01:18 to help people understand how good
01:19 and how kind and how generous he is.
01:23 Now, why don't you do something for me here.
01:24 I want you to grab a piece of paper and a pencil,
01:26 and I want you to make two columns
01:29 and I will do that right here. First, I'm gonna draw
01:32 a line right down the centre like that
01:35 and I'm gonna write, right on the top,
01:38 talents right here. Okay, now in this column,
01:43 I want you to write down all the talents that God
01:46 has given you, but in this column I'm gonna write uses
01:50 and I want you to write in this column
01:52 all the ways that you might use those gifts
01:56 to help others know Jesus. Well isn't that a good idea.
01:59 Well, our Bible story today is all about using
02:02 our talents for Jesus.
02:05 So let's first before we hear our Bible story
02:07 today let's visit Ranger Jim, aren't you glad
02:11 he is using his talents to help
02:12 you know more about Jesus.
02:21 Hi! Boys and Girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
02:23 to Nature Time. We are at Knoxville,
02:24 Tennessee at Ijams Nature Center
02:26 and we have something special for you today.
02:29 We have something you perhaps have
02:31 never seen before. This is Sakata
02:33 and I have my friend Pam with me,
02:35 who is wildlife biologist here.
02:37 And Pam tell us something about these
02:39 beautiful creatures? Oh! What the first thing
02:41 you will notice when we came up here
02:43 is the sound, this incredible sound
02:45 emanating from the trees and then we keep
02:48 getting dive done by these wonderful insects
02:50 as their wings are drying and they are taking
02:53 their first flight. The very first flight,
02:56 yes, alright could we show the boys and girls that. Yes.
02:58 She has one in her box and she is going to open it
03:00 boys and girls. These came out of holes
03:02 last night, climbed up on the trees,
03:04 their wings are filled out and dried now
03:06 and would you like to fly for us.
03:09 May not, we have to maybe give him a minute or two,
03:11 here he goes to the top. Would you like that fly, okay.
03:14 There we will see, we'll kind of watch him
03:16 maybe as we are, as we're sharing some, oop!
03:18 there it goes first time. There he go, alright fine,
03:21 alright, now tell us about this creature something
03:24 about it about how long it stays in the ground and
03:27 Well, this particular Sakata is called a periodical sakata
03:32 and it comes out either the 13 year and 17 year species
03:36 and they are actually, they are some of our longest
03:38 lived insects. They are under the
03:41 ground as a nymph, which is one form of a
03:44 baby insect and they have legs and mouth parts
03:47 and they feed on tree roots and they spend
03:51 most of their life underground and then
03:53 when the temperature and the timing is just right,
03:56 they emerge, climb up on the trees and there
03:59 exoskeleton splits and they emerge.
04:05 They emerge. Now, these female that will lay eggs,
04:08 how do they place their eggs,
04:10 do their eggs go into the ground or,
04:12 no it's kind, they will actually take and split
04:15 a little tree branch at the very end of the branch,
04:18 make a little split, lay their eggs in it,
04:20 and that weakens the tree branch often in the wind
04:23 and it will tumble to the ground and the eggs
04:26 or the nymphs at that point will then go
04:29 into the ground and remain there for that incredibly
04:32 long period of time. So, in the end of the tip
04:34 of the plant it's protected the egg until it hatches
04:36 the nymph this tiny protected in that,
04:38 when it falls to ground then it burls
04:40 in and now that nymph will, it will be 17 years
04:43 later when it emerges right there.
04:45 17 or 13 right. Now there are annual ones
04:46 that come out later in the summer.
04:48 Every year, children in the eastern
04:50 United States and Canada can see that occurring
04:53 for the annual ones. They are usually little larger
04:55 than these and eyes are darker.
04:57 Oh! The other one that have some of the green
04:58 sheen to, kind of a greenish sheen
05:00 to that as sample. My grandpa used to call it
05:01 dry flies in August and July. Oh! Okay,
05:03 yes that's exactly right. You can hear
05:04 when the tree going raaaaaaaaaack
05:06 Almost a deafening sound. Almost a deafening sound.
05:08 And lot of people think insects are just a problem,
05:11 you know, but they do incredible wonderful
05:14 things for us. Kids like to eat fruits and things
05:17 and grains and food, I mean,
05:18 we wouldn't have a lot of our food and fruit
05:20 without pollinators and you know we have to consider
05:23 insects to be so special to us. Very special to us
05:26 and boys and girls you may notice
05:28 in the background that you hear some sounds
05:29 of other boys and girls, who are here enjoying
05:31 this incredible event and I could show you
05:33 that perhaps Pam and I are the only ones here today
05:36 that are so excited about this was probably
05:41 to observe this about three years ago
05:42 and I got out of my car and hurdled and I said,
05:44 the Sakatas, the Sakatas then one said
05:47 what Sakatas and I said 17 years
05:49 they have been underground. Exactly.
05:51 Eating sap and what and finally they are coming out
05:54 and their wings will dry and they will meet
05:57 and they will reproduce and fly away
05:59 and so only those of us that really studied them
06:01 and know a lot about them are so excited about.
06:04 So if the children add 13 years or 17 years
06:07 to their age right now the next time this happens again,
06:10 don't know what age it will be,
06:11 so you will be able to look for them.
06:12 If you are 10 years old, you will be 27
06:15 and married and have children,
06:18 perhaps are finished college when these the eggs
06:21 from this female hatches, that's what will happen
06:25 boys and girls that's why Pam and I are so excited
06:27 about it. As always, boys and girls, Ranger Jim telling
06:30 you don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him
06:32 because he really does love you.
06:43 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
06:46 Going therefore and teach all nations,
06:48 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
06:50 and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
06:52 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
06:55 I have commanded, and behold I am with you always,
06:57 even unto the end of the world,
06:59 Matthew 28:18 through 20.
07:11 Go tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere.
07:19 Go tell it on the mountains, that Jesus Christ is born.
07:26 While shepherds kept their watching.
07:29 O'er silent flocks by night.
07:34 Behold throughout the heavens. There shone a holy light!
07:43 Go tell it on the mountains,
07:47 over the hills and everywhere.
07:51 Go tell it on the mountains, that Jesus Christ is born.
07:58 Down in a lowly manger. The humble Christ was born.
08:06 And God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn.
08:16 Go tell it on the mountains,
08:19 over the hills and everywhere.
08:24 Go tell it on the mountains, that Jesus Christ is born.
08:31 That Jesus Christ is born. That Jesus Christ is born.
08:50 Hi! Sanner is making oatmeal patties.
08:52 Now, I know what you're thinking,
08:53 you probably thinking that you have ate oatmeal cookies,
08:55 but these patties you wouldn't need for dessert,
08:58 but they are delicious. Let me read the recipe for you.
09:03 2 cups of quick oats 2 cups of crushed corn flakes
09:09 1 12.3 ounce carton of Mori-Nu Tofu
09:12 1 medium onion diced
09:15 1 tablespoon of oil or margarine
09:20 1 teaspoon of bakon yeast 1 teaspoon sage
09:25 3 teaspoons of McKay's chicken style broth
09:28 and seasoning soy milk
09:30 3 teaspoons of McKay's beef style broth
09:34 and seasoning and 2 teaspoons of Bragg's Aminos
09:39 Let's start this recipe. I've already taken
09:41 my onions and sauté them in a sauce pan
09:44 with little bit of oil just until the onions are clear.
09:47 So, if it is not clear it will be little bit of crunchy
09:50 and it will be too strong in your recipe,
09:51 but to save time I have already done that.
09:52 In this recipe, you can just put them
09:55 in any order you can just put everything in,
09:57 the onions and these are our cornflakes
10:03 and you can use any kind of cornflakes you like
10:05 and these are just already, we just crushed them up
10:07 at a time and so tofu,
10:12 I would like to use mori-nu tofu,
10:14 but you can use any kind of your favorite tofu
10:18 that you like and then our seasonings,
10:25 those in, and then mix that up, you know,
10:37 these patties are so yummy. One thing I really like
10:39 about them is so many different things
10:40 you can do with them. One thing I like to do
10:43 with them is put them in a casserole dish
10:45 with some tomato soup over them and bake them
10:48 or if you don't like tomato soup you can use
10:49 mushroom soup too, another thing you can do
10:52 is you can form them to balls and bake them
10:54 and you can eat them with spaghetti and meat balls
10:56 with tomato sauce. Now, I'm just gonna put
10:59 little bit of soy milk in these to make them
11:01 little bit more moist and the reason there is not
11:03 an actual amount on your recipe is that
11:07 there is not really an actual amount that
11:09 you are supposed to use, you just kind of put it
11:11 until they are moist and put a little bit of soy milk
11:13 in here, mix it up, and look about moist,
11:19 so you are gonna take them and form them in the patties
11:25 and make sure that before you do this you wash your hands
11:27 and your hands be clean. This is round into patties,
11:31 they are round and what you are gonna do is
11:34 you are gonna put them on oiled cookie sheet
11:37 with just a little bit of oils they don't stick
11:40 and you're gonna bake them at 375 degrees
11:43 for about 30 minutes or until they are golden brown
11:46 on both sides you might have to flip them
11:48 in between and I have some oatmeal patties
11:51 already cooked for you. I will show you.
12:00 It is what they like when they are done and you see,
12:02 how nice and golden brown they look on both sides.
12:05 They are really delicious and there are really
12:07 so many ways you can eat these.
12:09 You should give them a try, they are very good.
12:12 Well, it's all there is to it. So, until next time
12:15 keep cooking and eat healthy.
12:27 Oh! Hi! Girls. Oh! Come on in what is this.
12:30 Mother baked you some bread. Oh! Wow, it smells great.
12:36 Have you seen Jesus today. Well as a matter of fact,
12:39 I just got back. He told a great story,
12:43 do you guys want to hear it? Yeah.
12:46 Alright, well sit on down, I will tell it to you.
12:52 This story started a long, long time ago.
12:55 There was rich man and he decided
12:57 he was gonna go on a trip, so he called his servants
13:01 to him and he said servants I'm going on a long trip,
13:04 but I want you to take care of everything while I'm gone.
13:07 So to the first servant, he gave four talents.
13:11 Now talent is type of money, so he gave him some money
13:14 and the second servant he gave two talents
13:17 and then the last servant he gave one talent
13:20 and then he got on his donkey and he went off
13:23 on a long journey. Now the servants talked
13:26 among themselves and they are like well,
13:28 I wonder how long he is gonna be gone.
13:30 I don't know said the first man,
13:32 but I'm gonna see what I can do with the money
13:34 he gave me, so the first man
13:36 who had four talents. He went to the market place
13:39 and he decided that he was gonna invest
13:42 in baskets, so he bought some baskets
13:45 with the money and he sold some and he bought some
13:48 and he sold some and before long he had made
13:51 4 extra talents, so instead of just having four
13:55 he had 8. While the second man saw that
13:59 and he said he has an idea, so he looked
14:02 to his two talents and he decided that he was
14:05 gonna get into jars, so he went to the market place
14:09 and he buy a jar and he sold it and then he bought
14:12 a couple and he sold them and before long he had 4 talents
14:17 instead of just 2. Well the last worker
14:20 was a lazy bum and he said I've just got one talent
14:24 that's not fair, but instead of trying to make
14:27 his talent more, he went out and hide it
14:30 in the ground, he dug a hole and put it there
14:33 and just forgot about it for a while.
14:35 Well the rich business man was gone
14:37 for a couple of years and then he came back
14:40 and he called his servants and the first servant
14:43 whom he gave 4, he came out to him and said servant
14:45 what have you done and so the servant told him
14:48 all about the baskets and all about, all the extra money
14:52 he had been able to make and he said master
14:54 you gave me four and I have doubled it,
14:56 look and he gave the master the money back
14:59 and the master was very pleased and he says wow
15:03 thank you so much. He turned to the second man
15:06 and he said what have you done when I have been gone
15:08 and the second man said master I took the two talents
15:12 that you gave me and I invested in jars
15:14 and look now I have four and the master smiled
15:18 and he said well done my good and faithful servant
15:21 and then he looked at the last man and he said servant
15:25 what have you done, the servant kind of hung
15:28 his head and said well I know you are really hard
15:32 and cruel master, so I don't want anything
15:35 to happen to your money, so I hid it in the ground,
15:38 here is the talent that you gave me.
15:40 And the master was dumb found it,
15:43 he said why didn't you at least put in a bank,
15:45 so that I can collect interest on it, take your talent
15:49 and give it to the man who multiplied his four.
15:52 Now when I first heard the story,
15:54 I was like wow that's really good story
15:57 and then it hit me. God gives us all talents
16:01 like you can sing really good and your mom makes
16:05 the best bread this side of the Jordan river
16:07 and God wants us to give our talents to him
16:11 and then he can multiply it, so what I'm gonna do
16:15 for you guys. I want to give you
16:17 each some money and I want you to go out
16:20 to the market place and see what you can do
16:23 to multiply the money I gave you.
16:25 Now this is a big responsibility,
16:27 so you should pray about it.
16:30 Now, Abigail I'm gonna give you four,
16:35 Hannah you can have three, Sarah you have two,
16:41 and Ruth here's one for you.
16:45 Now remember be wise with the money you have
16:48 and I want you to come back next week
16:50 with some more of your moms bread show me
16:52 what you did with your money.
16:54 Thanks for coming by, you guys have a good day.
16:58 Let's go and double our money.
17:17 Jesus, you're the sweetest name of all.
17:23 Jesus, you always hear me when I call.
17:29 Oh! Jesus, you died and took away my sin.
17:36 You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.
17:42 Jesus, how I love to praise your name Jesus,
17:52 you're still the first, the last, the same.
17:56 Oh! Jesus, you died and took away my sin.
18:02 You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.
18:10 Jesus, you're the soon and coming King.
18:17 Jesus, we need the love that you can bring.
18:23 Oh! Jesus, you died and took away my sin.
18:30 You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.
18:45 Hi! Boys and Girls. I'm here with my friend Casey
18:47 and he is gonna help me introduce
18:49 the book of the day. An exciting book,
18:53 I have for you today boys and girls.
18:55 This the Shoebox Kids Bookie from Jerry D Thomas
18:58 The Rockslide Rescue, said with all the plastic
19:02 butter tubs and a bag and electronic parts,
19:05 Willie, Chris, and Sammy build secret code transmitters.
19:08 Before long, they are sending morse code messages,
19:11 no one else can understand.
19:12 Then, while driving on an old road through
19:15 the mountain side. Willie and his grandpa
19:18 are swept away by a rock slide with the car smashed
19:22 into a tree at the bottom of a canyon
19:23 and Grandpa's leg caught in the car door,
19:26 they are trapped. And, no one knows
19:29 where they are! When Willie doesn't
19:31 make at home, the search begins.
19:33 But no one knows that the car is down
19:35 the canyon! Can Willie trust Jesus
19:37 to help them, even when it seems like
19:39 they'll never be found? You're gonna have to read
19:43 the book boys and girls to find that out.
19:45 It's The Rockslide Rescue. Well, right now,
19:49 I would like to have you meet a friend
19:50 who joined me today. I have just introduced
19:52 you to Casey. And, Casey has something
19:54 to tell you about how he shares Jesus.
19:56 Don't you Casey. Yep.
19:57 Where, first just find out.
19:59 How old you are and where are you from?
20:02 I'm 9 years old and I'm Casey and I live at Morristown.
20:08 Okay and can you tell me what do you do to share Jesus.
20:12 Well, I help kids at school by helping them
20:19 on their work and if someone falls down, I catch him up.
20:27 And, do you help them get help. Umm! Umm!
20:29 You do. Well, that's important isn't it?
20:31 We are supposed to be kind to others and
20:33 when you say you are helping with their work.
20:34 Are you pretty smart and you help them
20:36 with their school work? I'm pretty smart.
20:39 Well, that's pretty and you have what kind of work
20:40 do you help them with? I can't do fax that well
20:48 usually I always do math and reading.
20:51 Math and reading. Well, that's sounds wonderful
20:54 and you're friends probably really appreciate
20:56 it don't you think. Yeah.
20:57 Now, Jesus wants us to be kind to our friends
20:59 and to help each other doesn't he?
21:01 Well, I'm proud of you for doing that.
21:03 Well, thank you for coming and sharing
21:05 that with us. Would you like to help me with some letters?
21:06 Sure. Let's see here.
21:08 I've a letter here, let's see where this comes from?
21:10 And, it says, Dear, Ms. Brenda,
21:14 my name is, I'm trying to read it Mullica
21:18 and it said, I'm 16 and I'm from Castrie
21:22 St. Lucia says, I'm a St. Lucian
21:26 and I'm in the grade 10. I'm a Christian,
21:28 I attend Gospel Tabernacle in St. Lucia.
21:31 I come from a family of seven.
21:33 I've four sisters and no brothers.
21:35 My hobbies are singing and sometimes
21:38 I'm reading and writing. I'm now going through
21:41 some rough times in my Christian life.
21:43 And, I wish for some advice and guidelines
21:46 through your ministry. Would you please pray for me?
21:49 I would like to be a part of your kids club program,
21:53 yours sincerely, Mullica. Well, thank you Mullica.
21:56 You know, I'm sorry you're going through some hard times
21:58 in your Christian life, but you know what
21:59 I want you to encourage you to do. I want to encourage
22:02 you to take it to the Lord in prayer.
22:03 You can tell Jesus anything just like
22:05 because Jesus is, not just like your best friend
22:08 because he is your best friend and you can share
22:10 with him your troubles and your problems
22:12 and you know, pray unless the God
22:13 give you the answer to whatever the problems
22:15 is your life and God will answer it.
22:17 Well, right now I would like to take you
22:19 all the way to Nigeria, where a little boy there,
22:21 he is gonna tell you how much he loves Jesus.
22:25 I love you all. My name is, Basith Tarragon, a member
22:28 of Seventh-Day Adventist Nursery School,
22:31 Calabar, Nigeria. My message for you
22:36 from Jesus is that Jesus crushed a lot his grit
22:42 and gristle to people at risk. He is to be feared above
22:48 all Gods, some 96 best forms.
22:54 Well, that's one of my favorite text too.
22:56 Thank you for sharing that. Well, I've a letter here
22:59 from Grenada and Western. Can you hold that picture up
23:03 there for me Casey? So, it's Dear Ms. Brenda,
23:05 I've been watching your program
23:07 and it is really incredible and interesting
23:09 and I love it. Said, I pray the God
23:11 will keep you as healthy and stronger as you're right now.
23:13 I do request prayer for my mother and father and family
23:17 that they are not saved and I want them to be saved.
23:20 So, it's my name is Michael, I'm 14 years.
23:22 God bless you, yours truly, Michael.
23:24 Well, thank you for your letter Michael and that's
23:26 handsome picture, it looks like you are receiving
23:29 some kind of award there. And, thank you for sharing it
23:31 with us. And, boys and girls let's all pray
23:33 for Michael's mom and dad and to his family.
23:36 He loves his family very much and he wants to see them
23:38 in heaven. So, let's pray that Jesus
23:39 will touch their heart that they would give their hearts
23:42 to Jesus, okay. Let's see,
23:44 I've a letter in a red envelop here and see
23:47 what I've. I've a picture maybe Casey,
23:49 if you could hold up the picture for me
23:51 and it says, Dear Ms. Brenda,
23:54 my name is Rebecca. I live in Greeley,
23:57 Colorado with my brother and I watch kids time
23:59 at my Baba's and Papa's house.
24:02 I like kids time, and I like sharing Jesus
24:05 by smiling and saying hello to people.
24:09 I also invite people to our Bible study class.
24:11 Please enroll me in kids club. Thank you, Rebecca.
24:14 Well, thank you Rebecca and that was a nice picture
24:16 that you colored for me. Thank you, so much.
24:18 Let's see what else we've here. We've one,
24:21 how about this one. This is from Jamaica
24:24 and see we have another pretty picture,
24:29 I think somebody draw me from Jamaica.
24:30 Let's have Casey hold that one of two.
24:32 And, there you go, and let's see
24:36 this letter says. So, it's Dear, Ms. Brenda,
24:39 I'm 7 years old and my brother is one year old.
24:42 I'm going to grade three and my brother is going to be
24:45 in grade two. And, I want to tell someone
24:47 about Jesus. I love to watch your program,
24:49 it's exciting. Please send me an activity book,
24:52 your friend Venessa. Well, thank you, Venessa
24:54 and she is from Westmoreland, Jamaica.
24:56 And, I'll be happy to send you an activity book
24:59 and I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus,
25:02 you know, maybe you can these beautiful
25:03 pictures you draw and you put a Bible text on there,
25:07 you could and just give it to someone
25:09 that will be a wonderful way to share Jesus
25:10 and it is your art work don't you think.
25:11 Let's see here is another one from Anderson, California.
25:16 And, let's see what this one says and I'm get it open here.
25:22 Says, Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Trina
25:24 and I'm 6 years old and my mom is writing this
25:26 letter for me. I enjoy kids time
25:28 and I love Jesus very much.
25:30 I've a sister named Emmy, who is 7 and
25:32 brother named Robert, who is 9.
25:34 So, as we want to join kids club
25:36 and please send us activity books.
25:38 Send our friend Mark one too,
25:39 share Jesus. I share Jesus by singing
25:42 Jesus loves me when people are upset
25:44 and it seems to make them feel better.
25:45 Thank you very much love Trina.
25:47 Well, thank you Trina you know,
25:49 whenever we talk about Jesus, we pray about Jesus,
25:51 we praise Jesus, it makes us all feel better,
25:54 doesn't it? And, now I wanna encourage
25:56 you boys and girls to do that maybe there is
25:58 something you've seen on kids time that you say
26:00 well that little boy or that little girl,
26:01 who share Jesus. Maybe I could do that too.
26:03 And, I think that's a very, very important.
26:05 And, I want you to encourage you,
26:08 if you can't do anything else, you can smile at someone
26:10 and say Jesus loves you. Will you do that for me?
26:12 Well, that's all the time we've today boys and girls.
26:15 Our time says all gone.
26:17 I want to thank Casey for being with me today.
26:19 Thank you, Casey and keep sharing Jesus
26:21 won't you. Boys and girls remember
26:23 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17