Kids' Time

Road To Emmaus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Mark Feldbush, Corey Cotterell, Laura Green


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000155

00:03 It's time to share there is world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there is world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls. I am so existed about our Bible
00:27 story today I can't wait to you to see it.
00:29 In fact its one of my favorite stories in the whole Bible,
00:33 just imagine you always being interested
00:36 in astronomy and that you may be have dreamed
00:39 of becoming an astronaut some day and traveling
00:41 round out in space. Your hero is Neil Armstrong
00:46 the famous astronaut, I have the picture
00:49 of Neil Armstrong right here now this is Neil,
00:52 he is the first men from the left
00:55 and he is with a couple of his buddies there two.
00:58 Now he was the first man to set foot on the moon.
01:03 Now let's pretend that one day you studying
01:04 for a science test on your front porch
01:06 and suddenly an older man appears
01:09 I don't where and seats down right beside you.
01:13 He looks over your shoulder to see
01:15 what your studying and then he says kindly
01:19 those are heard concepts but I understand
01:22 would you like me to explain them to you,
01:25 sure you say and then he explains the concepts
01:28 so well that understand them perfectly.
01:33 Wow! Thanks you explain you want to come
01:36 in for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
01:39 I love too said the stranger replies
01:40 you quickly make two sandwiches
01:43 and then you invite the stranger to see
01:45 the bluffing but sudden you realize
01:48 he looks very familiar. In fact he is Neil Armstrong
01:53 your hero and you didn't even recognize him
01:57 he flashes your big knowing smile
01:59 gives you a huge ring and poof
02:02 he vanishes into the open air. Sound like an impossible
02:07 fantasy doesn't it? Well it is.
02:09 But the Bible tells us a story of something
02:12 like this that really did happen.
02:14 And will hear about that in our story today.
02:16 But first let's join Ranger Jim
02:18 he is standing by Ranger Jim.
02:29 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim, saying welcome
02:30 to Nature Time we are glad to join us
02:32 Knoxville Tennessee at the Knoxville zoo
02:34 and look at these beautiful creatures
02:36 we have and my friend Michael is knowledgeable
02:39 about this, Michael what are this creatures?
02:41 That's walking away. Yeah, I had.
02:43 You want to grab this guy he going to leave us.
02:44 These are two male Madagascar's radiated tortoise,
02:49 they come of course from the Allen
02:51 and Madagascar which is located of the east coast
02:55 of Africa and their about 16 years old
02:59 they are born in an other zoo and sent to us
03:03 and this is just kind shade underside of the tortoise.
03:07 What do you call the bottom underside of this,
03:09 this is the This is actually called
03:10 the plastron, this is the bottom part
03:13 of the shell and this of course is the Carapace
03:16 where the top part of the shell.
03:18 Look at the big nobs on it, I think beautiful.
03:20 Yeah, yeah. This is a pretty interesting species
03:23 that they get this nobs Encaptivity.
03:25 Now you say they are about 16 years old,
03:27 now how old these live to be? Encaptivity and the wild
03:31 though probably live about a 100 years and so,
03:34 A 100 years? Yeah. 100 years. Alright.
03:36 And there is actually a record of one being taken
03:40 to queen by captain cook lived 188 years,
03:43 so that's all, that's all old tortoise.
03:46 That's a old tortoise. Right,
03:47 what do you these creatures eat?
03:49 Their strictly herbivores they will eat,
03:52 they love eating the grass during the summer
03:54 but we also give them different grains
03:58 like color grains and mustard grains
04:00 and different fruits and vegetables,
04:01 they really like water melon and cantaloupes.
04:04 Good deal. Yeah they like sweet fruits as well.
04:08 Now reproduction of course they are egg layers.
04:10 Yep, they lay about 3-5 eggs in a clutch
04:14 2-3 times a years. They that they protect
04:19 the young after hatching do they just leave them
04:20 like most turtles. They just leave out there,
04:23 the next is laid about six months later the eggs,
04:26 the little babies hatch out and they just down
04:28 there and they are ready to go.
04:29 Little guys are about that bigger are?
04:31 Yup, about the size of a quarter so.
04:33 And the first year of their life is very dangerous right?
04:35 Yeah! They have predators that they will eat;
04:38 once they get up to that size they have no other predator
04:41 other than man. Okay. Automobiles
04:43 and things that other tortoise would have like that
04:45 and of course boys and girls their shell is a protection
04:49 and they can pull in both her head and their feet.
04:51 Yup, they will pull their legs in front of their head
04:54 to protect them and the scales actually
04:56 in front will add as protection.
05:00 Okay bring him back. He only Bring, when this guys.
05:01 This guy is not camera shy you bring him back.
05:04 Now, I noticed that they don't have hardly
05:07 any claws on their front feet as that.
05:09 Yeah. Is that normal. They have her elephant
05:11 like feet and it is used just they don't need well
05:14 exceptionally long claws but the females
05:16 will have really long claws in the back
05:18 that they use for the digging nest.
05:20 That will be about twice a size of this.
05:22 Very, very, very interesting, and boys and girls
05:25 you have seen at home if you seen
05:27 the Eastern Box Turtle what you have like that.
05:29 That have longer claws in that,
05:32 and this one doesn't have that but the,
05:34 The Eastern Box Turtle we can identify by the colors
05:38 of their eyes. Yup, and that interesting thing
05:40 and then the painted turtles we can identify some of them
05:43 by the lengths of the claws. Now tell me this Mike now.
05:46 Yeah. We have an expert boys and girls,
05:48 tell us the difference between a tortoise and a turtle.
05:51 The main difference is a tortoise is have elephant
05:55 like legs as you see with guys are rough thin
05:58 because they mostly terrestrial,
06:00 turtles for the most part a semi aquatic to aquatic
06:03 that the one example of that is Box turtle
06:06 which does live on land but turtles usually have
06:10 whelming between themselves and they have long claws.
06:13 Okay, so then we have the difference in that.
06:15 So we are talking about turtle or tortoise
06:17 are definitely is a difference in that.
06:19 So, we need to remember that. Thank you, Mike for all this
06:22 good information. No problem. Thank you.
06:24 Boys and girls Ranger Jim telling
06:26 you don't forget tell Jesus that you love him
06:29 because he really does love you.
06:40 The ransom of the Lord enter Zion was singing
06:45 and joy Isaiah 35:10,
06:57 Come ye that love the Lord, and let your joys be known,
07:03 Join in a song with sweet accord,
07:07 Join in a song with sweet accord.
07:11 And thus surround the throne, and thus surround the throne.
07:18 We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
07:25 We're marching upward to Zion; the beautiful city of God
08:00 We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
08:07 We're marching upward to Zion; the beautiful city of God.
08:23 Then let our songs a bound and every tear be dry;
08:30 We're marching through Immanuel's ground;
08:33 we're marching through Immanuel's ground,
08:37 To fairer worlds on high, to fairer worlds on high.
08:43 We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
08:50 We're marching upward to Zion; the beautiful city of God.
09:18 Welcome to learning time, thank you for joining us today.
09:22 I have got something special right here.
09:24 This is a very special object
09:26 and I have a special person to help me,
09:29 this is Kimberley. Kimberley is going to help me,
09:32 first of all let me show about this
09:33 whole instrument Kimberley. It has a little a switch
09:36 on right here, we have been practicing on this,
09:38 this happens to be an electro magnet
09:41 and it's a very strong electro magnets
09:44 you may have magnets at home
09:46 may be you have magnets that stick
09:48 on your refrigerator or something like that.
09:50 How many of you have some magnets at home?
09:52 Oh! yeah. Now, if I take my finger
09:54 and I push this little switch in,
09:56 it turns it on. And I can feel it vibrating
09:59 when I let go the switch it stops,
10:02 the electricity stops and we don't have
10:05 a powerful electromagnet anymore
10:07 this is what we called a momentary switch
10:10 because its only on momentarily that
10:13 makes sense to me. Does that make sense to you?
10:15 Yeah, Kimberly I want you to go ahead,
10:17 I want to turn this on and I want you to see
10:20 if you feel that vibrating turn it on.
10:22 You feel vibrating, yes. Yes. It's vibrating,
10:26 now I want you to do the same things
10:28 and I am wondering if this paper clips
10:32 will be attracted by that magnetic force.
10:35 Do you think that you can pick up these metal clips?
10:38 Yes. Yes. Let's try it, let's see that
10:41 she can try that go ahead and put it right
10:42 on there and lift it. And then turned it off,
10:46 wow! They came off. That's interesting to me,
10:49 I have got another object right here. This is a can,
10:53 now these cans are made out of what kind of material.
10:56 Aluminum. Aluminum.
10:58 Do you think an electromagnet or any magnet
11:01 will attract aluminum? What do you think,
11:05 what do you think it will Kimberly?
11:07 Oh! lets try it. Turn it on,
11:09 let's see if we pick that can way up
11:11 in the air. Let's try it? And it's on she is gonna
11:15 to pick it, it doesn't go does it?
11:18 Aluminum is not attracted by a magnetic field
11:22 that's an interesting thing. Well, I got another object
11:25 right here this is what we call a pair of what?
11:28 tongs we can pick things up with these
11:31 and this is made out of some kind of metal probably steel
11:35 or iron. Kimberley do you think
11:36 that these will be attracted by that magnetic force.
11:41 Yes. Well, let's try it, let's see how
11:43 she going to lift this up in the air.
11:44 Let's give her a try and we gonna put that.
11:47 Wow! And we gonna drop it turned it off
11:50 that was interesting, you know some materials
11:53 are not attracted by a magnetic force
11:56 and I think you can do some of these experiments at home
11:59 that's interesting to me now I want you to be real careful
12:04 with magnets in home because you know
12:06 you could make a mistake if you use a magnet
12:10 in a improper way first of all you don't want
12:13 to get a magnet next to any kind of a credit card
12:17 or even a library card if it has a magnetic strip on it.
12:20 Have you ever seen cards with magnetic strips on them.
12:23 or yeah because it certainly erase the information
12:25 and you don't wanna put a magnet near video tapes
12:29 or computer tapes or desk because it will erase
12:32 all the information and you just might be in trouble.
12:35 You know what I mean? Oh! well. Now today
12:38 I want to thank Kimberley for helping us,
12:40 she did a great job. Remember when we learn
12:44 about science we learn something new
12:47 about our creator, God.
12:49 We had a good day today, Hey you Ryan,
13:12 Mr. Baker how are you doing, Hi Simon, Hey you Ryan,
13:15 Hi Cleo where your going since so hurry?
13:17 We go to go to Jerusalem tonight But it's late.
13:20 It's not I know it's late.
13:21 We almost thought for we have to get back
13:24 there tonight. To tell the disciples
13:25 about what's happened. What happened?
13:27 Tell us about it. Well it's a long story
13:30 We also know, we can take the time to tell
13:31 the story as we got to tell the news to somebody.
13:33 Okay. Well, it's it all started last Sunday,
13:37 you remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem
13:40 at a back of colt. Yes, it was a great day.
13:42 Absolutely everybody waiting on palm branches
13:45 and throwing their coats down and shouting
13:47 who is that, the blessed it is He comes
13:49 in the name of the Lord that's right.
13:51 And then the rest of the week goes great Jesus
13:53 is in the temple teaching he is healing,
13:56 he is blessing the kids irritating the religious leaders
13:58 of course. Yeah, You will head to be there
14:01 your right. And then Thursday Jesus
14:03 celebrates the pass over meal in the upper room
14:06 with his 12 disciples right. Right.
14:08 And then the 12 disciples and Jesus go to the garden
14:12 and get sermon and then the religious leaders
14:16 meet them in the garden. Yeah.
14:18 Take him and try him and then take him
14:22 infront of pontius pilate, right.
14:24 It's a terrible day. Oh! that's a horrible day.
14:27 And pontius pilate, gives permission for him
14:30 to be crucified. The wicked started out
14:32 so well and on Friday and his that the sad,
14:35 we watch Jesus die on the cross his body
14:40 is taking down late Friday afternoon before
14:42 Sabbath comes and quickly put
14:44 into Joseph's Garden Tomb and you know
14:46 how wonderful pass over Sabbath
14:48 is that highlight of the year.
14:50 Right. We spend that day hiding in the upper room
14:53 with the other disciples afraid that the Roman soldiers
14:56 were coming for us next. Right sure.
14:58 Well on Sunday morning we thought that creating
15:01 around for the Roman soldiers was not a good
15:03 Idea so we walk few short miles back here to mars.
15:08 Right, is it for walking back or talking
15:10 of course you can talk about the things
15:11 that would have been happening this last week.
15:13 Can't figure it all out. Exactly, and we are so
15:16 immersed in our conversation that we don't hear
15:18 this guy come up behind us. Who came up.
15:20 I doesn't know where this guy comes up
15:22 but he says if you mind if you ask
15:24 what you have been talking about can you imagine.
15:26 Everybody hear is being talking about it
15:29 and this guy doesn't know that's right.
15:32 So, I say do you know about the things
15:36 that have been happening and he says
15:37 what things and we say the things about Jesus
15:41 and Nazareth. Right. You, Hear about Jesus,
15:45 but he had read the news, and then he gets this little
15:47 sparkle in his eye and he says how foolish is to believe you
15:51 are all that the prophets have written
15:52 and then gives us the study of the scriptures
15:56 from Mosses on through the prophets
15:58 how everything had pointed forwarded to the messiah.
16:00 Why sure, The one thing made so much
16:03 sense to us and we continue to talk to him
16:06 as we got here to amaze and then it started
16:09 to getting dark. So, we invited him home
16:12 for supper and so he stayed he came here now.
16:17 He came to our house for supper and as
16:19 we finally have the meal ready we seat down
16:22 and we figure who better to ask the blessing
16:24 on the meal but this man. And he hold up his hands
16:27 to bless the meal and there they were.
16:29 What The marks of the nails in his hands
16:32 and he was Jesus, Jesus, there.
16:35 And them boomed just like that he was gone.
16:38 We've got to get back to Jerusalem, he is alive.
16:41 he is alive that's what we have to go to Jerusalem
16:44 and tell everybody now listen this is the best news
16:46 Jesus is alive, go home tell your family
16:50 tell you friends and your neighbors
16:52 nothing is ever going to be the same again.
16:54 Not getting any lighter we've got several miles
16:58 to go to Jerusalem. Go, go. No problem, go.
17:00 Bye. See you. We got, we got to your rooms, come on.
18:39 Hi boys and girls it is time Mr. Brenda's book of the day,
18:42 and I have an exciting book for you today
18:44 boys and girls it is called The Cruel in the Secret
18:48 Passage and it's the shoebox kids book 7
18:51 from Jerry Thomas and he is an incredible author
18:54 you are going to love reading this book
18:56 this exciting story its say, I am going to read
18:58 you just a little bit, just it see if you like this
19:01 you gonna love it. Deddie just knew
19:04 that she and Jenny were going to have a great time
19:06 exploring her grandmothers book the old house.
19:08 This place is full of old rooms and secrets
19:12 she told her friend but the old house
19:14 had more secrets that girls had ever imagined
19:17 this used to be boarding house Deddie's mother
19:19 told them that's why the mystery
19:21 of Captain Morgan happenned here
19:23 and not some where else. What happened to the
19:27 old river pirate was there a really secrete passage
19:30 in the old house and this shoebox kids mystery
19:34 Deddie and Jenny learned more about the Bible
19:36 why it is important and what it does for us
19:39 as they uncovered an old story
19:42 they began to see the power of God's weapon
19:45 with the help of grandmothers old diary
19:48 the girls searched for family treasure
19:51 includes about captain Morgan can they solve the
19:53 that's been around for almost a hundred years
19:56 you gonna have to get this book
19:58 boys and girls and find out.
20:01 Well you know I have so many wonderful letters
20:03 to share with you today. I just can't wait,
20:05 I love you boys and girls I just want to first tell you
20:10 that when you write to me please be sure
20:12 and have an adult help you with the return address
20:15 because you won't believe how many times
20:17 we get the ring to me and I always answered you,
20:19 I answer you every time but some times your letters
20:22 come back to me because the address is not correct
20:24 like this one here. So I want to just tell Camunto
20:29 to Caribou and Odendi (?) from Australia
20:34 that you see it is came back returned
20:36 to sender I did mail to you and came back
20:37 to me you need to make sure boys and girls
20:40 that you have a correct address. Okay.
20:41 So, if they Odendi (?) family would write me
20:45 again give me correct address I will send you out
20:47 some more activity books, Okay.
20:50 Well, right now lets read one from Victoria
20:52 and Gracy smith from Brewster Washington
20:56 and lets see what we having here,
21:02 well we have a wonderful picture
21:03 and oh! look at those three kids are precious
21:08 thank you for that letter, so cute.
21:11 Isn't that adorable, alright this one says dear
21:15 Ms. Brenda enjoying your program
21:17 I share Jesus by inviting kids to my vacation
21:20 by the school, I am four and I would like
21:22 a book thank you love Gracy and I would be happy
21:26 to send you book and lets see with the next letter
21:28 that says from her sister dear Ms. Brenda
21:31 I share Jesus by telling kids not to fight.
21:33 Please send me a book I enjoy your program
21:36 I have a sister and young brother who are younger
21:38 than me, I am sixth named Victoria.
21:40 Thank you for that letter Victoria and you know
21:42 that is very good not to be fighting isn't it.
21:47 Well, let see now we have another one
21:48 here this is from Britney from Prosser Washington
21:53 and lets see what Britney has to say
21:56 got another picture from Britney.
21:58 Oh! she has got a cute little teddy bear
22:00 with her, let's see what Britney has to say here.
22:03 That's so cute Britney dear Ms. Brenda
22:07 my name is Britney and I am six years old
22:09 I can't read very well yet so my grandmother
22:11 help me to write this letter thank you to your grandma
22:14 for that. I like to watch kids time
22:16 especially singing with buddy. I like to talk to my Daddy
22:19 about Jesus he loves Jesus and he has trying
22:21 to quite smoking I prayed to Jesus
22:23 for help him, would you pray for him too
22:26 the picture I am sending was taken on my birthday
22:28 last year I was sick, please send activity books
22:32 near my sister who is five years old,
22:34 thank you Britney. But you know what Britney
22:36 I am well definitely say pray for your daddy
22:38 to quit smoking that he doing, we know that
22:40 is not healthy for his don't we?
22:42 But I ask someone all the boys and girls
22:44 out there I'm like you to be praying
22:45 for Britney's daddy will you. Alright now I would like
22:49 to take all the way to India and there is a little boy
22:53 there he had something to share with you.
22:57 Hi, everybody I am Archaryalu,10 years old.
23:00 Actually, I am a Hindu but I came to be known
23:03 the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a true God.
23:08 I want to share this thing with my other Hindu friends,
23:12 back to you Brenda. Thank you so much
23:17 I am so proud of you for sharing your faith
23:19 with your Hindu friends and thank you
23:21 boys and girls I want to encourage
23:23 each one of the you sending some videos
23:24 where you I love to hear from you all over the world
23:27 maybe you live too far to actually come here
23:30 sit here and to and share with me.
23:32 But you know what you can send me a video
23:34 tell me what you do to share Jesus
23:36 and I will put on the air, just love seeing your videos
23:40 so please send more to me. Okay, just write to
23:42 Three Angles broadcasting network.
23:44 While this letter says is from Christina
23:47 and it's from Jemison Alabama and Christina
23:50 has a beautiful picture with three,
23:52 looks like she has two friends with her
23:54 let's see who is this is okay. Oh! isn't she cute
23:57 right there. Looks like in front of
23:59 maybe boat or something I am not sure says
24:01 Dear Ms. Brenda my names is Christina
24:03 and I am eight I have twin sisters
24:05 all that's right twin sisters that are six
24:07 we went to beach and my dad and I put books
24:09 about Jesus on the cards we would like to join Kids
24:13 club love Christina, Maloney and Mitchell
24:16 and it says Christina was in the pink Maloney
24:20 was in the purple and Mitchell is in the blue.
24:22 Well, thank you so much for that and I want kind
24:24 was right wasn't they ]were near boat.
24:27 And we have a email here I love your emails too
24:31 just don't stop emailing me boys and girls
24:33 and I answer all of them, they said dear Ms. Brenda
24:37 may I join Kids club anyway I love to share Jesus,
24:41 I am eight years old and I love Jesus
24:43 every morning as soon as I wake up
24:45 I try to make it that way anyway
24:47 to show Jesus that I love him and I do my tours
24:51 without being asked if they little tricky to keep up
24:54 with though but I am still trying anyway
24:56 please write to me love Austin.
24:58 Well, thank you Austin for that email,
25:00 I have another email Dear Ms. Brenda
25:02 thank you very much for sending me
25:04 my kids time activity book well that's nice
25:06 I have received I like it last night
25:08 my mom help me answer lesson one of the Kids club lessons.
25:12 Oh! good. My mom and I will do a lesson
25:15 per night let us finish I am almost done
25:17 with my coloring book too I shared with my friends
25:19 and I wish Some day I sing play the piano on your program.
25:23 My mom and I am moving to Washington state next year
25:26 and I hope by that time we will have time
25:27 to come and visit you much love Anne Dennis.
25:30 Well Dennis thank you for that and you know
25:32 if you want to sing on Kids Time boys and girls
25:34 or play a instrument again I want to encourage you
25:37 to sing and play a instrument and have someone
25:40 recorded on a video camera and send it to me
25:44 on a VHS tape or DVD and I will look at,
25:47 I will look at all of them. So I want you to encourage
25:51 you to keep doing that, okay and I will contact
25:54 about being on the program. I have another picture
25:57 here from Abbey, My name is Abbey Gale
25:59 (?), I am four years old and although
26:01 I cannot write yet I do want to write
26:03 you let me know that I share Jesus
26:04 by going with my mom and I visit the elderly
26:07 in the nursing homes and the sick in the hospital
26:09 they love to see children I ask they will join kids club
26:13 and encloses the picture from my last birthday
26:15 please write to me love abbey. Abbey I will write you
26:19 I will send you activity book and I want a keep
26:21 encouraging boys and girls all of you to keep
26:24 tell everyone you know that Jesus loves them
26:27 and too because its kids times to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17