Kids' Time

The Leper

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Jacob Patterson, Laura Guthrie, Seth Johnson, Todd Guthrie


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000153

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:05 there, looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out
00:12 there. Let's tell them that he loves us so.
00:15 Let's tell them that he loves us so.
00:19 Kid's Time, Kid's Time, Kid's Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, have you ever been to a family
00:27 reunion with lots and lots of family members
00:29 and may be you haven't seen them in years.
00:31 I just love family reunions, in fact I wish
00:35 I could invite all of you to a Mitchell family
00:37 reunion. We have so much fun and there is
00:39 lots of hugging and kissing going on and you know,
00:42 what else, there is a whole lot of food, because
00:44 we all love to cook. Well, it's so much fun to
00:47 see aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters and
00:50 cousins. I just love family. Well, our Bible
00:54 story today is about a wonderful family reunion
00:56 and the man, who will tell us about it, has
00:59 been separated from his family and friends for
01:01 years, because he had a very terrible disease
01:04 called leprosy. Now, that's gives you all
01:07 those white spots and your skin starts to
01:10 to rot, Oh! It stinks. No one can get
01:13 near, anyone with leprosy, because they
01:15 might catch the disease. But one day Jesus showed
01:19 up and healed him and he was able to go home.
01:23 But, oh! I'm getting ahead of myself,
01:26 you just wait and see. You're gonna love
01:29 hearing this story and boys and girls.
01:31 I know, it will remind you, of the reunion
01:34 to come, when Jesus returns and heals us
01:37 completely of our diseases called sin and
01:41 we can go home to be with Jesus in heaven
01:43 forever. Well, right now, let's join Ranger Jim and
01:47 see what interesting things he has to show us today.
01:57 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim, saying welcome to
01:59 Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today;
02:01 we're in Knoxville, Tennessee at Ijams
02:04 Nature Center and this is a fun place to be, there
02:07 are trees and flowers and all kind of things and my
02:10 friend Ed is here today and he is a
02:12 specialist in these, Ed, what do we have
02:14 here tell us about these. Okay, we're gonna
02:16 talk about some trees today, first our friends
02:19 Jim. This is White Pine, this is a Conifer Tree.
02:24 On the top it's a new growth, the real light
02:27 green and that's called the candles. They
02:31 come out in the spring time and that's the amount
02:33 the tree will grow each year.
02:36 This is all new. Yes, it's brand new
02:38 growth, these are real soft needles, a lot of
02:41 Conifers like your Christmas trees and things, are real
02:44 picky, but these are very soft and there are
02:48 five needles on each little bundle, if you
02:50 pull off a bundle, let's get us a good one here,
02:55 there's five needles on there. That's a good
02:58 way to identify this tree. Now, Ed, you
03:01 used the word, Conifer. Tells the boys and girls
03:03 about what that means. Conifer, it's a tree with
03:07 needles, it produces cones. And it pollinates and produces
03:12 cones and that cones are where the seeds are formed in
03:15 these trees and we have all seen pine cones of some sort.
03:18 Right. Use them for decorations and things
03:20 like that. And, boys and girls
03:21 that's why I said, because boys and girls
03:22 I like to collect those, okay, fine.
03:24 This next tree, it's a sweet gum, it's
03:27 leaves are a little wilted, but it has a very
03:30 distinct five points on the leaf.
03:33 Umm! Umm! It produces little round
03:35 cones on it, they've spiky. Oh! I have seen
03:40 those, those are sharp, you wouldn't want to step
03:42 on them. They are very sharp.
03:43 Ah ha. A lot of people call it
03:44 the Morning star Tree like the old Morning star's
03:46 that the knights used to swing around in
03:49 battle. Now, when I was a boy,
03:51 my grandfather had a gum tree and you can
03:54 make a cut on that and is that the one that
03:56 secretes. Yes, they secrete
03:58 different kind, the sap comes out.
04:01 Comes out. A close relative,
04:02 of this is the black gum and the pioneers used to
04:07 break the end of it and mash the end of it, and
04:10 used it as a toothbrush. Okay,
04:11 very good. We're learning something
04:13 about toothbrush now. Yeah, this is Northern
04:16 Red Oak, it's a common tree, very much used in
04:20 timber for lumber, and if you buy oak things at
04:26 Lowes or Home Depot, you probably find out
04:28 that it's oak and. Wow! And it
04:30 comes from this type of tree. And, you buy some
04:31 beautiful paneling. Yes. They use it for
04:32 paneling. And furniture. Umm! Umm!
04:34 And they produce acorns and acorns are very
04:37 important for wildlife, bears and wild turkeys
04:40 and squirrels will come to these trees in the
04:43 fall and feed from the acorns. Wonderful!
04:46 This is a tree that's, that's common here in
04:49 the south, it's yellow wood and its becoming
04:53 more popular, a tree that you can plan in your
04:55 yard, but its more common to this zone, it
04:59 likes the warmer climate and right now, this is in
05:01 bloom Ranger Jim and we can see the different
05:03 flowers. Beautiful isn't it? It's very beautiful,
05:06 humming birds and bees really like to come
05:08 around these trees. Well, Ed, tell me,
05:10 there is the branch right here, I was wondering, what is
05:13 this stuff called, it's a beautiful plant it isn't
05:15 it. This is. This is black locust.
05:17 Black Locust. You have to be very
05:19 careful, because these small branches and the
05:21 small trees themselves have thorns on them, like the
05:24 rose bush would. For protection.
05:25 Yes, for protection. Okay.
05:27 It has, the beginnings of the flowers, here they get
05:31 white blossomy flowers very similar to this.
05:34 Similar to this. And this is a different
05:36 type of leaf, this is pinnately compound
05:39 You can see, it looks very much like a tropical
05:42 plant in the way that the leaves are opposite each
05:45 other. Very interesting! And, that's a common
05:47 characteristic to identify this tree.
05:49 Also the bark is very dark brown and it has
05:53 ropy curves in it, so it looks like somebody wrapped
05:56 rope strands all up and down the tree.
05:59 Wonderful! Wonderful! Good to learn about these
06:01 trees. Ed, thank you so very much and boys
06:03 and girls. This is Ranger Jim, saying as always
06:06 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
06:08 him, because he really does love you.
06:26 A pioneer missionary to India Mr. E. P. Scott had a
06:30 remarkable experience with this hymn.
06:32 One day he was surrounded by a group of
06:34 tribesmen with spears. Quickly he grabbed his violin
06:38 closed his eyes and began to play and sing all hail
06:41 the power of Jesus name. All Hail the power
06:45 of Jesus Name. Let angels prostrate fall, when he
06:53 got to the verse, every kindred of every
06:55 tribe. He opened his eyes and instead of
06:58 pointing spears, he saw every spear lowered and
07:00 many of the tribesmen moved to tears.
07:02 Mr. Scott spend the rest of his life showing
07:06 God's love to his one time enemies. Yes, boys and
07:09 girls, as Mr. Scott found out in the jungles of
07:12 India and you'll find out anywhere you go,
07:14 there is power in the Name of Jesus.
07:29 All Hail the power of Jesus name, let angel's
07:34 prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal
07:38 diadem, and crown him Lord of all.
07:45 Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him
07:52 Lord of all. Let every kindred, every
08:00 tribe on this terrestrial ball. To Him all majesty
08:06 ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all.
08:13 To Him all majesty ascribe, and crown Him
08:19 Lord of all. O that with yonder
08:27 sacred throng. We at His feet may fall.
08:31 We'll join the everlasting song.
08:36 And crown Him Lord of all. We'll join in the
08:43 everlasting song. And crown Him Lord of all.
09:01 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad that you're
09:03 with us today and today I've got a special thing
09:08 for us. And, we have got two special
09:09 helpers, I have got Haley and I've got Jesse.
09:12 They are gonna do some cutting for us, do any of
09:15 you like to cut. You like to cut
09:16 things? I like to build thing and cut
09:18 things. Now, if you are watching this at home,
09:21 you just might want to get some strips of paper.
09:23 I've got some strips already ready.
09:25 You might to want to get some tape and then of
09:27 course, you're gonna need some scissors.
09:29 And, so we've got all of that today, now let's
09:32 just take a piece of paper right here and
09:34 I've give one to Haley and here is one for Jesse,
09:36 grab your pair of scissors and look what happened
09:39 to you guys, if we cut your paper in half, what
09:41 would happened Jesse? There would be two.
09:43 Right, you would get two, wouldn't you think
09:45 that would happen, how about you?
09:46 Yes. Haley says, we would get two, let's
09:48 prove it here. I'm gonna take it,
09:50 I'm gonna cut mine in half. Cut yours in
09:51 half, I've got two. How many did you get?
09:53 She got two, Haley got two, Jesse got two,
09:57 Wow! It must work, when you cut
09:58 something in half, you just might get two
10:01 pieces. Well, today, we're gonna make three
10:05 rings and so I'm gonna give one to Haley,
10:06 here is one for Jesse. Now, in order to make
10:09 these rings, all you do is you take the ends and you
10:12 put a piece of tape right there and that is just
10:15 really easy to do, now I'm gonna ask both of you
10:18 to take your scissors. You might wanna poke
10:22 a hole through that, just like that. Okay and then
10:25 I want you to cut yours in half. How many pieces
10:27 do you think your gonna get Haley?
10:28 Two. She thinks, she is gonna get two,
10:30 how about you Jesse? Two. Well let's find out
10:33 and I'm gonna cut mine in half too.
10:34 Are you cutting yours in half at home? Okay be
10:37 careful with scissors, because we don't want to
10:39 cut ourselves? We just want to cut the paper and
10:41 what are we gonna get and Oh! I got two pieces.
10:44 Jesse Oh! You Haley got two pieces also.
10:47 This is great and Jesse is ready and how many
10:51 did you get Jesse? Two. He got two
10:53 also. Alright now, this time we're gonna do
10:56 something different with our piece of paper,
10:58 we're gonna take our paper. We're gonna
11:00 put a half twist in it, before we tape it.
11:03 So, we're gonna put a little half twist and
11:06 then tape it. I've got some of them
11:07 prepared of right here, there you go and all we
11:10 need to do now is to cut this in half.
11:13 Are you ready? Umm! Umm!
11:16 Okay, so what don't you go ahead and start
11:18 cutting yours in half. How many pieces do you
11:20 think, you're gonna get Haley? Two.
11:22 Haley thinks she is gonna get two. How about you
11:24 Jesse? Two. Jesse thinks, he is gonna
11:27 get two also and let's see what we're gonna do
11:30 here and I'm just almost finished and let's see what
11:33 we got, Oh! Hold that up Haley. How many pieces
11:37 did you get? One. Haley got one piece and
11:39 she cut hers in half. How you doing with yours?
11:42 Wow! How are you doing at home? Are you cutting
11:45 yours in half also, hold yours up and what have
11:48 you got? Do you get two pieces, Jesse.
11:50 No. He got one piece, I got one piece too.
11:53 Isn't that interesting? So, sometimes even
11:56 if you cut something in half, you just might
11:59 end up with one piece. Isn't that interesting?
12:02 I think so, you know there was a
12:04 Mathematician, who lived a long time ago.
12:06 His name was called Mobius and what we did
12:09 was, we cut a Mobius script in half and when
12:13 you that. You're only get one piece, somethings
12:16 are really hard for us to understand, but I
12:19 understand this, I understand that we can
12:21 cut something in half and only get one thing.
12:23 Now, let me ask you a question. Who gave men,
12:27 like Professor Mobius? All of the intelligence
12:31 to figure this out mathematically, who did?
12:34 God. Oh! God did, that's right and he gives us
12:37 intelligence too, to think things out as well.
12:39 Remember, when we learn about science,
12:42 we learn more about our creator God.
12:54 Leprous, Leprous. I'm healed.
12:59 You are. Look I'm healed, I'm all healed, Jesus.
13:01 Jesus. You're, you're different. Have you ever
13:03 heard of Jesus. Yes. Jesus of Nazareth.
13:05 Yes. He healed me. He healed you?
13:08 Yeah, he came and healed me, look at this, look at
13:09 this. What? Had you showed yourself
13:11 to the priest? Well, all my fingers are.
13:13 I did, I just got back from
13:16 there, but haven't gone home yet to wash-up.
13:17 I was so excited I had to come down here, I
13:19 haven't been to town, in so many years.
13:20 Isn't it exciting, he is healed.
13:21 I had, I, my fingers, my toes were all fallen off,
13:26 and then, look at them 1, 2, 3, 4, and all
13:30 of them are there. Have you seen look over there.
13:31 Look at that. My hands.
13:32 Look at that. My nose.
13:34 You have been. My ears.
13:35 Wow! Who did that? Who did that? Jesus,
13:38 Jesus did it. Jesus.
13:40 Yeah, I heard about him, I heard about him and I
13:42 didn't believe him. I thought maybe he is just
13:44 a magician, and traveling around and doing tricks
13:46 and fooling people. But you're healed.
13:48 Well, I started following him around and
13:50 he started touching little children that had crippled
13:52 legs and he will pick him up off the ground and
13:55 they would take their mat and they would just go
13:56 skipping off and he would spit on the ground, he put
13:59 mud in people eyes and even after people seeing
14:02 and people hearing and he put, he raised a guy from
14:06 the dead. Oh! My God.
14:08 Wow! He called into the tomb, and it was a good
14:11 friend of his and he said, come out and
14:13 he just walked out. He was still all wrapped up
14:16 and he walked right out of the tomb, alive as
14:19 you and me. Well, I'm alive now.
14:21 Look at him, look at. What happened.
14:24 I can't believe him. Where?
14:26 I don't know, I just heard all these stories,
14:27 all these stories of him. So, I started, I started
14:30 asking around and I started following around.
14:31 One day up on the mount, I heard this rumbling and
14:34 I was in my cave. I live in a cave with
14:35 all the other lepers and you know, you know.
14:37 And, so I heard this rumbling coming
14:40 down the mountain I came out of my cave and
14:42 it was bright. And all these people were
14:44 coming down the hill, so I thought well man,
14:45 there, somethings got to going on, so I
14:47 went down underneath the bush, around the side and
14:50 there was this guy, they were kind of all moving around
14:52 this guy, a big group of people, a big group of
14:54 people and they were coming down and all of a sudden
14:56 they kept coming towards me and I was behind this
14:58 bush, and there was really no place for me to go.
14:59 Well, when they got closer, they were
15:01 yelling you know, you're a leper, get
15:03 away and you're just like you guys were, just like
15:05 you guys were and he started getting closer
15:07 and I was like, what's going on, people started
15:09 coming around me like this, and I looked up and
15:11 I realized that Jesus. This was the man and he
15:14 was walking right toward me. He walked?
15:16 He was walking right towards me. Well, you
15:19 know, how long it's been since somebody walked toward
15:20 me, that didn't have fingers. Yeah.
15:22 Or the dead fingers, there you go,
15:24 anyway and he walked right up to me and
15:26 when he got as close as you are to me. I kneeled
15:28 down at his feet and I said, if you're willing,
15:31 you can make me clean, you can heal me,
15:34 because I believe all the people around him
15:36 and I believed him. What did he say?
15:38 Well, he reached out and he touched me.
15:41 He touched you like that. He touched me.
15:43 How many people you know, touch a leper
15:46 and he reached straight down and touched me
15:47 on the shoulder and he said, he said I am
15:50 willing. He said, he was willing.
15:52 Willing. And, he just as soon as he said that
15:56 I stood straight up. I stood straight up and
16:00 ran into. Well, he told me, he told me not to
16:02 tell anybody until after I've got to the
16:04 priest you know, and so I came running to town
16:05 right after I got, got to the priest and
16:08 then, well I haven't gone home to wash-up yet,
16:09 but it was more though, it was, I can't even
16:14 describe it, it's not, it's more then my hands.
16:16 It was like he was looking at me like he
16:18 actually loved me. Not, like Oh! Here's
16:20 an ugly little guy and I could just give him
16:22 fingers, like he actually cares about me.
16:25 Well, I've heard, I've heard that he is
16:27 preaching up on the mountain, outside the, outside of
16:30 town. Really? You want to go. Let's all
16:33 go, let's all go. Let's go. Let's go
19:45 Hi boys and girls. Today I've a friend joining
19:47 me, his name is Jacob. Hi, Jacob.
19:48 Hi. And you're all the way from where?
19:52 Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, New Mexico,
19:54 and you're gonna help me introduce what.
19:56 The Book of the Day. And you know, I'm so
20:00 excited about this book its called Stolen Gold
20:03 and it's by Katy Pistole and it's the sunrise,
20:06 the farm series book two, listen to this. A test
20:09 of faith for Jenny's Broken Heart.
20:11 Jenny Thomas and her golden Palomino mare
20:15 was torn apart when famous horse trainer
20:18 Vanessa DuBois appears and claims that Sunny's
20:21 real name, real name is golden fire, a valuable
20:24 show jumper that had been stolen from her
20:27 eighteen months ago. Heartbroken, Jenny
20:30 believes God is punishing her, and she uses deceit
20:32 to get on the DuBois farm so she can see Sunny
20:35 again. Jenny learns that Sunny has a colt, but both
20:38 are being abused and starved by Mrs. DuBois
20:41 whose cruel training techniques have made the
20:43 animals half crazy. The worst part is that Jenny
20:47 can't tell anyone! Ever since Sunny was taken
20:50 from her, Jenny has struggled to trust God.
20:52 But now as she learns of Mrs. DuBois's plan to
20:55 get rid of Sunny and her colt to collect on the
20:57 insurance money, Jenny's faith in God is put to the
21:01 ultimate test. Can she get to her beloved Sunny
21:04 in time to save her? Oh! No, that I'm not gonna
21:08 tell you boys and girls, you're gonna have to read the story.
21:10 This is one exciting book "Stolen Gold." Well, that
21:15 looks like a good book doesn't it Jacob, it really
21:18 does. Well, right now, before we talk to Jacob and of
21:21 course look at all these boys and girls. I've so
21:22 many letters to read and I enjoy all of these
21:25 letters from you, but first. We've a phone
21:27 call in from Clinton and I would like to have you
21:30 meet him. Hi, Clinton, hello Clinton.
21:31 Hi. Hi, honey, how are you?
21:36 Great. Yeah, I see, how old are you Clinton?
21:39 6 years old. You're 6 years old and
21:42 tell me what do you do to share Jesus.
21:43 Alright, to give people hugs, to share money.
21:51 You do what? To give people hugs
21:57 to share money and. You gave people hugs.
22:02 Do you ever tell someone that Jesus loves them?
22:05 Umm! Can you say that again. Have you ever told
22:09 anybody that Jesus loves them? Umm! Yeah.
22:13 You have, that's sharing Jesus isn't it.
22:16 And, when you give someone a warm hug and
22:19 tell them that Jesus loves them, that makes them
22:21 really happy doesn't it. Umm! Umm!
22:23 Well, I want to encourage you, is there
22:24 anything else you do to share Jesus.
22:26 Share money. You share your money.
22:33 Umm! Well, that's good. Book and my toys.
22:36 And your toys, well that's good too isn't it,
22:38 because Jesus wants us to share when we have
22:41 Jesus in our heart, we're not selfish are we.
22:43 Umm! Umm! No, well thank you for
22:46 talking to us today Clinton and I want to
22:48 thank you for being a part of Kids Time and
22:50 I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus,
22:52 wont you? Umm! Umm!
22:53 Alright, bye, bye now. Bye.
22:55 Bye, bye Oh! Isn't he cute? Well, I want to ask
22:59 you Jacob, now you came all the away from
23:02 Albuquerque, how old are you?
23:03 I'm 10 years old. You're 10 years old and
23:06 tell me, what are some of the fun things you
23:08 like to do? I liked to play football,
23:10 play on the computer and play with my Legos and.
23:15 You did with that, those sound kind of neat things to
23:18 do. What do you like to do to share Jesus?
23:20 Oh! I encourage my friend, my friends
23:24 whenever they're like, something happens like
23:28 then I ask them, well do you want me to
23:30 pray with you or something? I pray with them.
23:32 Oh! That's wonderful you know, if Jesus is the
23:36 answer to all our problems isn't he, so anytime
23:39 you've something that is bothering you, you need
23:41 to go to Jesus, if you've a friend that's in trouble.
23:43 You need to go to the Jesus and you know,
23:45 what, shall we just go to Jesus when we're in
23:47 trouble? Yes. Sure, but is that the
23:50 only time when we should go to Jesus? No.
23:51 Well Jesus wants us to come, thank him doesn't,
23:54 don't, doesn't he and we also wanna to praise Jesus.
23:57 There is so many times we always go to Jesus, we
23:59 just say boys and girls. Give me, give me, give
24:01 me, give me this, give me that, and give me this,
24:03 but you know, Jesus wants to hear us praise
24:05 him and tell him want an awesome God he is and
24:08 also, but he wants to hears thank him because
24:10 Jesus answers so many prayers for us doesn't he
24:12 and we want to give God thanks. So, that's a
24:15 wonderful thing that you're willing to pray
24:16 with your friends and pray for them too isn't
24:18 it. That's really good, I understand you've a
24:20 special grandpa and you want say, you want to
24:22 look right from the camera over there and say
24:25 hi to your grandpa and tell you love him.
24:26 Hi, grandpa. And didn't you want to tell him
24:29 you love him. I love you.
24:30 See there, now that's you know, that's important
24:33 to me 'cause you know I'm a grandmother and
24:34 I've a grandson. So, I can tell you, I
24:36 understand that like, your grandpa is gonna
24:38 like that. Well, and you can share Jesus with your
24:41 grandpa too, you know you can encourage him
24:43 and tell him how much Jesus loves him.
24:45 Once you do that? Well, I've a few letters
24:47 read for you, I've one from Rachael and I'm not
24:50 sure, how to say this, so if I say it wrong you guys
24:52 can write and tell me about it, but I think it's
24:54 Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania and there is a picture
24:58 here. Can you hold that picture up for me and
24:59 just put it right there and let's see what the
25:03 letter says, says dear Ms. Brenda, I loves Kids
25:07 Time and it's really cool. I really like
25:09 cooking time too with Katy, I watch your show
25:11 everyday. I share Jesus, by trying to invite my
25:14 friends to church, I try to invite my friend, but
25:17 he never comes. I don't know why,
25:18 I forgot to tell him about myself though.
25:21 I forgot to tell you about myself, says, I play the
25:23 violin and I've no pets and I'm in the third
25:26 grade. I'm 9. My name is Rachael and
25:29 I've a sister her name is Sarah, she is 12, my
25:32 birthday is in October. But I love Jesus
25:34 a lot. Can you please write me back? I would
25:36 liked to here from you. Thanks your friend
25:38 Rachael. And, Rachael it's so good to hear from
25:40 you. Yes, I will write you back, I'll send you
25:42 an activity. And you know what, I'll sign you up
25:45 for Kids Club and you can start receiving the
25:47 Bible studies and learn more about Jesus and
25:50 then you can share that with all the Bible study
25:52 that you think, you learned in those Bible
25:54 studies, you can share with your friends and
25:55 share with Jesus everywhere and that's
25:57 what I do encourage you to do boys and girls that
26:00 when you sign up for Kids Club and you get
26:02 those Bible lessons. I want you to learn
26:04 those lessons, well and then I want you to
26:06 share what you learned with everyone else
26:08 and then get your friends to sign up too okay.
26:10 Well, that's all the time we have today boys and
26:12 girls. I want to thank you, I will give you
26:14 that picture there and I want to thank you Jacob
26:15 for joining us, keep sharing Jesus won't you.
26:18 Boys and girls, I wanna encourage you to do the
26:20 same, because it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17