Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Nataleigh Kenner, Corey Cotterell, Mark Feldbush
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000152
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:26 Oh! Hi, boys and girls. I'm just looking inside 00:28 an oven to see if my bread is baking. 00:31 Let's see, yeah, that sure is, it's baking, we're not 00:34 quite ready yet. See, there is an oven in this mirror. 00:39 And I've been told it bakes the best bread of all. 00:43 Oh! Yes, but still needs a little more time. 00:47 Okay, I know you're starting to wonder about me, 00:50 aren't you? What do I really see when I look in 00:53 this mirror. You're right. I see myself. 00:56 But did you know that I am actually like an oven. 01:00 You see, Jesus was like a baker, 01:03 but there was more to the story. 01:05 You might remember how Jesus took a few loaves of bread 01:08 and he fed a huge group of people by blessing and 01:11 breaking the bread and multiplying it. 01:14 But Jesus wasn't just interested in feeding 01:17 our empty stomachs. He wanted the people to 01:19 understand something about his goodness, 01:22 and that is what our Bible story is about today. 01:25 When we asked Jesus to come in to our hearts, 01:28 it's sort of like putting a loaf of bread in the oven, 01:31 if all the right ingredients are there. 01:33 God's goodness, it just grows inside of us 01:36 like a delicious loaf of bread rises and bakes 01:39 into a perfect golden brown. So, it makes you hungry, 01:43 doesn't it? But not for just any old food. 01:47 Jesus said, I'm the bread of life. 01:50 He, that comes to me will never hunger. 01:54 You know, that I'd like you to look that up in 01:56 your Bible, boys and girls at home, John 6:35. 02:00 So the next time you look in the mirror 02:02 boys and girls and you ask yourself, 02:04 Is the bread of life baking in my oven today? 02:07 I hope your answer is yes. 02:10 Well, right now, let's visit Ranger Jim. 02:11 He is always baking up something. 02:13 interesting, isn't he? 02:22 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying 02:23 welcome to Nature Time. 02:24 We're glad you can join us today. 02:26 we are in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and 02:28 this is the exciting place. It's called 02:30 Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies. 02:32 and we're having a wonderful time here. 02:35 We're just going around seeing different things. 02:37 They say there is a fish here. 02:39 and I'm looking inside everywhere for a fish 02:42 and it's hard to find there's a fish here. 02:44 I see some lumps, and some rocks and what have you. 02:46 But my friend Todd over here. 02:48 He knows a lot about these things. 02:49 Todd, is there a fish here? 02:52 Yes sir, there is a fish there. 02:53 There's an angler fish in there, 02:55 and he looks just like a rock. 02:57 He looks just like a rock. Tell me something this guy? 03:01 That's their camouflage. They try to hide out. 03:03 They look like a rock or piece of coral. 03:06 They just sit on the bottom, waiting for their lunch 03:08 to come by. So this is their way of hiding, and it's a 03:12 wonderful system, isn't it? You can hardly see him, 03:14 and tell about. Well, tell me does he attack? 03:16 Does he swim and get his prey or does he just stay there? 03:19 He waits there. He waits for a little fish to come 03:22 along and if he look his first dorsal spine, has a little, 03:27 has a lure on it. A lure? 03:30 Just like a fishing lure. And he wiggles that in front 03:33 a fish to enhance him to come over and just when he 03:37 gets close enough he jumps out really quick, open his 03:39 mouth really wide and swallows them whole. That's sort 03:41 of a sneaky thing to do isn't it. Oh! It's really 03:44 sneaky, but he is good at it. He is good at it and he is 03:46 efficient that way. Well, tell me now, these fish 03:50 what do they eat primarily, they crabs or small things 03:53 like this or. Generally they eat smaller fish, 03:55 but they'll also eat big fish, as almost as big as they are. 03:58 They have a huge stomach that will expand. 04:01 Okay, now this is an adult. We would expect it to be about 04:04 as big as they get, this one is. I say, that one right 04:06 there is as big as that variety is gonna get, yes. 04:09 That's as big as they would get. 04:10 Now do you start them here or do you have smaller fish. 04:13 Smaller like you start them at a different area. 04:15 I'd say we have smaller ones in another 04:17 holding tank and. We might be able to see 04:19 them eat. And when they eat, do you feed them, they 04:22 do the same thing, the procedure like this. 04:24 Well, I see over your shoulder, there is a video 04:26 over here. What about, oh, this is showing it. 04:29 This video is showing it. That's his lure right 04:31 there. That's his lure. That's his lure. 04:34 That was lunch just came up and. 04:36 He is fast isn't he. He just came out and grabbed it that 04:39 quick. Its instantaneous. There is a, we have an 04:42 alligator snapping turtle that also has a tongue like that 04:46 and he does the same thing as this sneaky guy does. 04:49 He lays on the bottom and opens his mouth and inside 04:53 there is a little white worm and he wiggles it like that. 04:56 And when a fish comes near it, wow! He grabs it again. 04:58 Could we see that again. 05:00 Let's see that again over there. 05:01 I can't believe how fast that guy and the thing that 05:04 he dangles out there. This is part of his body. 05:07 That's part of his dorsal spine. 05:09 Yes, I can't believe that. I don't. A Fish should take 05:13 that shouldn't it. I fish for best I would catch best. 05:19 What a wonderful interesting fish. 05:22 That is exciting and when I first came up 05:24 I have to confess I looked and looked for the fish. 05:27 But I am glad you're here to explain it to us. 05:30 So boys and girls we now know that there really 05:33 is a fish there. And so Ranger Jim as I always tell you 05:38 boys and girls. They are all different and they are all 05:40 wonderfully made and Jesus made them right the first time. 05:43 So boys and girls from a beautiful place in the 05:47 Smoky Mountains. Ranger Jim saying, 05:49 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him 05:52 because he really does love you. 06:02 And God saw everything he had made, and behold, 06:06 it was very good, Genesis 1:31. 06:14 "God of great & God of small," God of one & God of all, 06:23 God of weak and God of strong, God to whom all 06:30 things belong. Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise be thy name. 06:48 God of land and sky and sea. God of life and destiny. 06:57 God of never ending power, yet beside me every hour. 07:06 Alleluia, Alleluia, praised be thy name. 07:23 God of silence, God of sound, God in whom the lost are found, 07:33 God of day and darkest night, God whose love turns 07:41 wrongs to right, God of heaven and God of earth, 07:48 God of death and God of birth, God of now and days before, 07:58 God who reigns forevermore, Alleluia, Alleluia, 08:08 praised be thy name. 08:24 Do you have a sweet tooth, I know I do but I still wanted to 08:28 eat healthy too. And that's why I came up with this 08:30 recipe for Oatmeal Banana-Nut Cookies. Let me read 08:34 the recipe for you; 1/4 a cup of soy milk. 1/4 a cup of 08:40 oil. 1/2 a cup of maple syrup 1 tsp. vanilla. 08:47 1 cup of rolled oats (not quick-cooking) 08:51 1/2 a cup of whole wheat pastry flour 08:56 1 tsp. of baking power. 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 09:02 1/2 a cup of chopped walnuts and 1 ripe banana - mashed. 09:08 Now we're going to start with our wet ingredients 09:11 and I am going put in our oil, now you can 09:13 use on safflower oil or a light 09:17 kind of olive oil or canola oil. 09:23 And add soy milk. Now the only reason we're 09:28 separating these ingredients, wet and dries because 09:31 they mix better. I mean if we get all the wet once 09:33 mixed up together and then you can add the dry one. 09:35 This is our maple syrup, and our vanilla, 09:42 1 tsp. of vanilla. Those mixed up quick. 09:49 And then we are going to go ahead and add our 09:52 dry ingredients. Now these are rolled oats, 09:55 whole rolled oats and you can also add or you, 09:59 it's not good to add quick oats. So make sure 10:01 you get the rolled oats. And a flour, 10:07 our whole wheat pastry flour. And our baking power, 10:16 cinnamon, set up. Now you can put really 10:22 any kind of different things like nuts and stuff 10:27 I've got chosen to use walnuts today, but you can really 10:30 use like if you don't like walnuts or if you're allergic to 10:35 nuts you don't have to use nuts, but I like to use nuts, 10:37 because my dad likes nuts. But you can also use pecans or 10:41 anything like that and if you really want to be creative, 10:45 go on para nuts, if want to be creative, you can put in some 10:48 dried apricot or some dried cranberries or anything you know 10:53 like that. It will all taste good in there and if you want 10:55 something a little bit different. Now you can 10:57 also, let's go ahead and put in the smashed banana. 11:01 This banana has already been smashed up. 11:04 Ahead of time for us but you just can take a banana. 11:08 And you can just smash up with your fork or 11:10 squish it up, that mixed up. Now 11:15 what we're just gonna go ahead and put. I have already 11:18 a pan out here. Just a baking pan. 11:22 And I am gonna get a non-stick cooking spray. 11:27 And spray the pan. It's in good, so the 11:31 cookies don't stick. And you're just gonna take a spoon 11:36 and get a spoonful and just drop them on in a spoonful 11:39 just like that. And leave a little bit of 11:44 space just in case they spread out 11:45 a little bit, you don't them to 11:47 touch each other. And you're gonna bake these 11:50 at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, but it may 11:53 take a little less time if the cookies, if your 11:57 oven isn't hot enough or not if it's hot enough. 12:00 But it may take a little bit more time or a little bit 12:02 less time. And I have some cookies already 12:06 baked for you. I'll show those to you. 12:12 These are delicious cookies. you ought to try them, 12:15 if you have a sweet tooth like me. 12:16 They are delicious and healthy too 12:19 you know why you're having, you're enjoying your 12:21 sweet tooth. You're eating healthy 12:24 too, your not eating anything 12:25 that's really bad. Well until next time, 12:28 keep cooking and eat healthy. 13:07 Aaron, Aaron. Yes, Barnabas, you baker 13:12 extraordinaire you, what can I do for you? 13:15 You said, Jesus wasn't going to do anymore baking 13:19 Right. You said, that Jesus was 13:21 more interested in feeding the people information 13:25 about the eternal life in heaven. 13:28 Then he was about fresh baked bread. 13:30 What happened? Did Jesus reconsidered his position. No 13:34 he did not, no, you're all concerned about the feeding 13:36 of the four thousand that just happened yesterday. 13:39 Over four thousand? Over four thousand, I know 13:41 I was there. Man, you should have been there, 13:44 it was a great day. Jesus was telling us all 13:47 about God's love. There were people there. 13:50 They were coming up, sick kids that had broken arms 13:52 he touched their arm and they be healed just 13:55 with a simple touch. He was telling us so many 13:57 great things we lost track of time and before we knew 14:00 it. It was late in the afternoon and nobody had eaten 14:02 all day long, we were starved. And there were some people 14:07 there that had a little bit of bread and some fish 14:10 and he multiplied it just like he did with the 5000 14:12 and he feed everybody. So his point this time 14:15 was that he could take how many loaves? 14:17 It was seven this time. Seven loaves and a few fish. 14:21 Right. Feed less people and have 14:25 how many baskets left? It's seven baskets, but no 14:27 that wasn't his point. although, you do have to admit 14:29 that the seven loaves, to start with and the 14:31 seven baskets, it's a pretty amazing coincidence. 14:34 Yeah. No, no his point this time 14:37 was about yeast. Yeast? Right, 14:40 afterwards, he warned his disciples to be on guard 14:44 against the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 14:47 The yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 14:50 Right, right. What does that mean? Well, 14:54 think of it this way Barnabas, when we make our bread. 14:57 Yeah. We use the best ingredients. 15:00 The right flour, good fresh water, 15:04 the right amount of yeast, so that the bread 15:05 rises properly, correct? Absolutely. 15:08 Alright, well, if we want to have a good relationship 15:11 with God, Jesus is saying that we need to start with 15:15 the right ingredients. Love, joy, peace, goodness. 15:22 And if we have those right ingredients, our relationship 15:25 with God will rise. If we don't have those 15:28 ingredients if we have bad yeast then that relationship 15:31 with God doesn't rise at all. That was his point. 15:35 Wow! So Jesus really isn't going into baking. 15:40 He is more interested in goodness, love and kindness. 15:45 You've got it exactly. So I guess you would expect 15:50 this from the bread of life. I certainly would. 15:53 And speaking of goodness, kindness and good things. 15:59 I just saw somebody today that I would love to give 16:03 a bread baskets to. Okay. 16:05 Could you go on an errand for me. 16:08 Take this down the streets to the widow of Nain. 16:11 Will do. See you Aaron. 16:13 Well, see you. Morning ladies. Oh! Good morning. 18:59 Hi, boys and girls. Right now, Ms. Brenda would 19:02 like to show you my Book of The Day. 19:05 And my Book of The Day is Julius, the 19:07 Perfectly Pesky Parrot. And it is by Veralee Wiggins, 19:11 and let me share just this little bit with you. 19:15 Mitch was doomed. He couldn't believe it, what 19:17 was his eyes seeing. The lampshade lay in a pile 19:20 of dust in the floor, exposing the metal 19:22 skeleton of the lamp. His mom's beautiful walnut 19:25 dining table had become scalloped overnight. 19:28 Walnut chips lay on the floor accusing 19:30 the culprit Julius, the Perfectly Pesky Parrot! 19:34 Julius annoyed everyone with his phone imitations, 19:36 his thefts, and ear-splitting squawking. 19:39 But, when Julius scares away a suspicious 19:42 salesperson and chases his away mean dogs, 19:46 everyone starts to believe that Julius might not be 19:49 as pesky as they thought. Now you're gonna have to 19:53 purchase this book, boys and girls, to read 19:55 more about the Julius the Perfect Pesky Parrot. 19:59 Let me tell you what that is mouthful to say isn't it. 20:02 By Viralee Wiggins, so I know you'll enjoy this book. 20:06 And boys and girls I want you to keep reading 20:08 We need to read more books about Jesus 20:11 because we will learn more about Jesus every time 20:15 we read more of these books we're going to become 20:16 closer to Jesus and that's what we want most of all, isn't it? 20:20 Well, I have some wonderful letter to share with you. 20:22 This one is from South Africa, 20:26 and let's see what in here. This is kind of a 20:28 heavy letter, let's see what's in here. 20:31 Oh! Boys and girls. There is some South African 20:36 money in here. Look at this, I don't 20:39 even know how much it is? But, look at this. 20:42 See they have a picture of a bull on it, 20:44 and all these wild animals. Isn't that something? 20:47 Let's that, Oh! And I've got a picture of, 20:51 Oh! How precious, I have two pictures, 20:53 I've picture of a little boy and a little girl. 20:55 Look at that, oh! Isn't he cute. 20:59 Isn't she cute with a little curls in her hair and her 21:02 big brother holding her hand. And then let's see there 21:05 is one here of the little girl by herself. 21:10 Isn't that cute? Isn't she a precious, 21:14 well let's see here what she says. 21:16 Dear Ms. Brenda. My name is Enrico Yanson. 21:23 I'm 7 years old and my sister's name is Zelda. 21:26 She is two years old. We stay in South Africa 21:29 in Bloemfontein, I'm not sure I'm pronouncing 21:32 that right? My home language is Africans 21:35 But, I can also speak English, for in case the 21:38 language in heaven, for just in case the 21:41 language in heaven is English. 21:43 I love Kids Time programs on 3ABN very much. 21:46 Please send my warmest regards to all the 21:49 Kids Time friends, Ranger Jim and Ben Roy and 21:52 Buddy and the Kids Time singers and also Mrs. Katie. 21:56 Because South Africa is so far from America, 21:58 we can't met one another, but in heaven we will praise 22:00 the Lord together. And you're right about that. 22:03 It says please pray for my sister and we would like to 22:06 join the Kids Club. When I am a big man 22:09 I want also to be a doctor like my father. 22:11 Thank you very much. I love Kids Time, 22:13 greetings, Enrico. And there is a cross 22:16 way here they've got dear Ms. Brenda, 22:18 and she has written the whole thing out in Africans. 22:22 For me to see what that would look like 22:24 and that is really cute. Well, let's see what else 22:27 we have here. Okay, we have one from 22:31 Isabel and she is from Canada okay, let's see what 22:37 Isabel has to say. Oh! We have a picture, 22:40 Isabel, and we've got, I'll just hold this letter up 22:43 so you can see the letter I'm reading, it says, Dear Brenda, 22:47 my name is Isabel, I'm 8 years old, I live in Quebec, 22:49 in Canada, I like Jesus so I play flute for him. 22:53 I don't speak English, but I want to learn. 22:55 So I asked my sister, 13 years old, to write 22:57 that letter for me. I like very much your 22:59 TV program. From Isabel. 23:02 And look on the back, she has drawn the most 23:05 beautiful drawing of a horse in its all 23:08 get some of the rider galloping on it. 23:10 Isn't that cute? So I really like that. 23:12 Thank you so much, Isabel. Let's see what else 23:15 we have here. We have one, oh! Let's do 23:17 an email, let's read an email. Dear, Ms. Brenda, 23:20 I hope you are feeling well. Please accept this picture 23:23 of me and my sister Kayan. My name is Kemar, 23:26 I am presently a part of the Kids Club. 23:28 My favorite part of Kids Time is Nature Time, 23:30 and we'll always remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus. 23:33 I will always remember that. I am from Jamaica, bye. 23:36 And look at these beautiful faces. 23:39 There is Kayan and Kemar. Oh! Those are adorable 23:44 little kids aren't they, thank you so much. 23:46 And that's a email picture. So that probably wasn't 23:48 exactly clear on your sets, so don't adjust your set 23:50 that's just an email picture. And I've another one here. 23:54 It says, Dear Ms. Brenda, I am Nisha from the lovely 23:57 Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia. 23:59 I am 12 years and I enjoy watching your program 24:02 on Friday evenings, I show others the love of Jesus, 24:05 by telling them about him. Maybe you could initiate 24:09 a pen friendless where kids like me can get to know 24:12 other Christian friends. Please send me a 24:15 Kids Time accessory book. Attached is a photo of myself 24:18 with this email. May God richly bless 24:19 you and your family. Love Nisha. 24:22 And here is a picture of Nisha. 24:24 And Nisha is absolutely beautiful. 24:27 Thank you Nisha for the picture. 24:28 You are a beautiful girl. Well, right now I would like 24:31 to take you all the way over to Nigeria. 24:34 Where there is a precious little boy that has 24:36 something to share with you. I'm Levian in 24:40 Nigeria, Calabar. Now I share you those 24:46 with my friends. I told them that God 24:49 said that you worship on the Sabbath day. 24:52 That he said in the Ten Commandments and they should 24:57 not do anything on that Sabbath day. 25:00 That day if they didn't do anything that God will 25:04 bless them and take them to heaven. 25:07 Oh! Thank you so much. You know, it's wonderful 25:10 to praise Jesus, isn't it? Well, I have a letter here 25:13 from White Springs, Florida, and a handsome boy 25:16 in a nice suit with a real pretty blue shirt. 25:19 And it says, dear Ms. Brenda. I'm 8 years old. 25:23 And it says, I'm in second grade, I live in a nice home 25:26 in White Springs, Florida. And it says, I share 25:29 Jesus by telling others how the Lord blesses me 25:32 and will bless them. Please sign me up for 25:35 Kids Club, God bless you. Eric. 25:37 Well, thank you Eric for that wonderful letter 25:39 and also for your picture and keep sharing Jesus. 25:43 Wont you? This one is from Grants Pass, 25:45 Oregon and it says, dear Ms. Brenda. 25:49 Please sign us up for your Kids Club and we would like 25:51 the activity book. Please tell people about Jesus 25:53 We tell people about Jesus whenever we can, 25:56 especially our baby brother. It is hard to be patient 25:58 with him, but we should try because it's important and 26:01 my baby brother is worth it. Love Ruby, I'm 6 six 26:05 years old and Alex, I'm 4 years old. 26:08 Well, that is important, isn't it? 26:10 Think we have time for a quick email. 26:12 Dear Ms. Brenda. My name is Sharon. 26:13 I thank you for the Bible lessons. 26:15 I keep sharing Jesus. Love from India. 26:19 My name is Sharon. Well, that's all the time 26:22 we have today boys and girls. 26:24 I've enjoyed spending this time with you. 26:26 Remember it's Kids Time to Share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17