Kids' Time

Rachel Gets Married

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Shelli Johnson, Sofia T., Adriana Whalen


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000151

00:24 Hi boys and girls do you know what I love
00:26 to ask the new bride or fiancee
00:28 someone that's just about to get married.
00:30 I just loved asker how did you meet
00:33 your husband or your fiance?
00:35 and usually she just start to glow all over and sit
00:39 right down and tells me the whole story.
00:41 and I just finding all the details too.
00:43 There is something so wonderful about fallilng
00:47 in love with that special person
00:49 the God has split out just for you.
00:52 You just can't keep quite about it,
00:53 you just have to tell people Did you know
00:56 bosy and girls that the Bible calls us Jesus
00:59 pride we should be just as excited
01:02 to talked about Jesus as a bride us
01:04 when she is talking that man she is going to marry
01:07 today we'll here from a beautiful bride in the Bible
01:10 about how she met her husband to be.
01:12 We'll talked to her right before the wedding
01:15 But first let's talk with Ranger Jim
01:18 he has mixed exciting things to share with us too.
01:28 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
01:29 welcoem the nature time. we are glad that you could
01:31 with us today. we are notice all Tennessee
01:33 at the KIM's nature center and there are many
01:36 wonderful things to see here and earlier Pam
01:39 I was sweeping out with out nets
01:42 and Pam is a biologist here at the center
01:44 and she is going to explain something about these things
01:47 Yes, but we are going to show the children
01:49 what we found in our nets. Now as ususal
01:52 when we try to go out and looked and explore nature
01:55 we always wanted to be with in adult
01:57 who is knowledgeable and we always wanted to be
01:59 conscious and that handle and enjoy wild life
02:01 at a distance is something very important
02:03 for the children to know. So went out early
02:06 and we did sweep net and we used special net
02:10 a muzzling net in that allows us to get into branches
02:14 and things a lot's in that. This is a butterfly net
02:17 here and this they can see this is a much more delicate
02:20 net. that we would try to generally catch butterfly
02:22 or mauls or that type of any animal in,
02:25 but always release that's very important
02:27 never want to keep and release where you caught
02:29 it exactly, but in this muzzling net
02:32 when we open these we are going to see literally
02:35 hundrends of insects and these are in everyones
02:38 back yard. It's a wonderful world
02:40 to look at. Writing your own backyard
02:42 but a couple precautions if you do chosen
02:45 to grab with a net you want to make sure
02:47 if you get these vasts. There is a lot of animals
02:51 that are defend themselves and so we always want to
02:54 a bug box which we are going to do in just a minute
02:56 when we lot of insects out we'll try to lay this on top
03:00 of a few of them and look at them closer.
03:03 You want to try out net. Alright boys and girls
03:05 Let's see what Ranger Jim cought I am going to open
03:07 it up and dumped them gentrly
03:09 here on the piece of paper maybe Pam wouldn't
03:12 capture are one of them or two of them
03:14 we let them out and we see there is a lot's of seeds
03:16 lot's of seeds, Oh goodness of
03:18 they are alive them and taking off
03:19 or ready oh they don't want to stay around do they go
03:23 what we are noticing is already is a lot of these
03:25 are in very young stages its by the end of the season
03:30 and late falled will be much larger then they are now.
03:33 So we are seeing a lot of what we called nims or young
03:36 young insects who is well here I could boys and girls
03:39 at their home they fall they would see
03:41 praying methods there is may be that long. Now that
03:43 are little for these are little insects exactly.
03:46 And you know there is over a million species of insects
03:50 in the world. amazing. So, we are not going to take
03:52 the time to indentify these today.
03:55 but we are going to show you a little about some
03:57 basic insect identification. really hosts make and really
04:00 identify that and have this wonderful
04:02 puppet to share with you today
04:03 and speaking of praying Menace's, oh okay.
04:05 this is biggest one I have ever seen
04:08 this is they don't get this big
04:09 but all insects when I shouldn't say in their stage
04:14 insects have usually through three body parts.
04:17 Okay, kids ever trying trivia this will be good
04:20 information form that they have a head a foyax and in
04:25 abdomen okay and the foyax is the most important
04:28 part of an insect that's the part that keeps
04:31 insect altogether the head attaches to the foyax
04:33 the abdomen attaches and the legs
04:36 and the wings that and
04:37 the wings that if they have wings all attaches there
04:39 so that's would hold that all together.
04:41 And the important organs of the body
04:43 are mostly contained within the throat
04:45 yes some are and also in the abdomen
04:47 Okay very important and then insects of course
04:50 you know these eyes and sensory organs
04:52 as well on scattered on here at the body.
04:54 We have talked in earlier about changes in body shape
04:58 and insects don't always look the same way.
05:01 they usually go through the change
05:02 at some point in their life. Now we were at
05:06 sweeping I was wondering is your way that
05:07 bosy and girls might learned to sweep
05:10 or something like that for what you recommend
05:12 that boys and girls would do in that case.
05:14 Well they could use is if Mom or Dad would go
05:17 to the store and if they get some muzzling material
05:19 which is very expensive and if they would get a
05:22 code hanger and have Mom or Dad helped them
05:24 open it up into circle and take the ends of it
05:28 was in duck tape and maybe they would use
05:30 wooden dile. they could having that
05:32 but again precaution is always
05:34 don't reach into the net
05:36 make sure there is no beas or vasps, right.
05:39 and if they live near that they could go to a nature
05:42 center something like that gets a professional help
05:44 I would recommend that before they start anything
05:47 in the yard is to go and learned more.
05:49 and be well informed, exactly thank you Palm for
05:52 teaching us today. Boys and girls
05:54 Ranger Jim is always saying don't forget the tell
05:58 Jesus that you love him. He really does love you.
06:09 Upon the harp I praise oh God, my God
06:15 Tom 43 verse 4. Little David,
06:29 play on your harp Hallelu, hallelu,
06:33 little David Play on your harp,
06:36 hallelu Little David, play on your harp
06:41 hallelu, hallelu, little David
06:45 Play on your harp, hallelu.
06:51 David was a shepherd boy he killed goliath
06:57 and shouted for joy! Little David,
07:01 play on your harp Hallelu, hallelu,
07:06 little David Play on your harp,
07:08 hallelu Little David,
07:12 play on your harp hallelu, hallelu,
07:16 little David Play on your harp,
07:19 hallelu Little David,
07:22 play on your harp Hallelu, hallelu,
07:26 little David Play on your harp,hallelu.
07:47 Welcome to learning time I am glad you've joined
07:50 us today, I want to ask you a question
07:53 can you feel how heavy the air has today
07:56 can you feel how heavy the air has today
07:58 isn't the air are heavy is the air heavy where
08:00 you are today. Well, let's find out
08:03 if the air has weight shall we do that? yes.
08:07 Okay, well I am going to put my safety glasses on
08:10 and Nor has his safety glasses on too.
08:13 and today we are going to used a burner
08:15 I going to need some matches for this remember were very
08:17 careful we have our parents our teachers or
08:21 our guardians and they help us
08:23 without matches. So there we go
08:24 let's get this burning now that is really hot
08:28 Today I am going to use a very big can
08:30 i could scan on this can and its really strong
08:34 but we are going to put right on my fire
08:36 and I have a little bit of water right here
08:38 and I am going to pour some of these water
08:40 right inside of my can. We are going to heat up
08:42 the water. Let's see up to this water
08:47 and there is some steam the water is turning
08:49 into a gas and that is getting
08:52 really, really warm and that warm air
08:54 is coming right out of my can. Now, as soon as
08:58 oh can you see some condensation
09:00 coming up here oh I can too
09:03 and its hot and its moist air.
09:05 Now what I am going to do is this
09:07 I am going to turn off me burner
09:08 that's very important and then I am going to
09:11 put the lid on, I am going to take this
09:13 lid, I am going to put my lid
09:14 on really, really tight as put my lid on tight.
09:16 Just like that and Nor is going to hand me the
09:20 screwed bottle. We are going to cool this soft really
09:23 really quick unless see what is going to happen to
09:25 my can. And I am just going to move over here like
09:27 this we are going to up hang on
09:29 we are going get this as same just cool down,
09:31 we are going to cool down that warm air inside
09:33 all we got know wet, wet a bit
09:36 that's okay it's think wow to some things happening
09:39 to my can what's happening to my can
09:41 what's happening to this can
09:44 what's the can doing the can is just
09:49 crushing itself. We took the air pressure
09:53 that's on you and I everyday and we took that
09:56 air pressure, the air pressure is just crush
09:58 this can, because the we took the air pressure
10:01 out of the can. Can you feel that a heavy
10:05 air pressure on you right now can you feel it right now?
10:08 No because our bodies are designed to take that
10:12 pressure all the time. And we just don't feel it
10:16 But you know what if that want like that
10:19 this is what would happen to you and you and I
10:21 you and I are bodies were just get crushed
10:25 and that's not a good thing is it?
10:28 No absolutely not. So we are just going to put
10:30 this over here just like that and listen and this is a
10:33 great reminder of the fact that air does have what?
10:37 Weight, it's got weight in that way stuff
10:41 In fact, you know it weighs it weights over 14 pounds
10:46 per square inch that's how much pressure
10:47 it has on it all over us. When we learned about
10:52 science we are learning more about our creator God.
12:36 Richa, how are you marry what are you doing
12:39 I am getting married, today is the day.
12:44 Who are you to marry? Jacob.
12:46 Jacob, you don't know Jacob. No. When did you meet him?
12:50 I met him at Vella, over seven years ago
12:54 oh seven years that's a long he came and he recognised
12:57 as his cousins and then he came into this himself.
13:00 Do you believe in mother for sake
13:04 I am not too awful. Well, I think this is
13:05 what this was, I have love him ever since I saw him
13:08 and I knew that I wanted to marry him.
13:10 and you've knowing for seven years.
13:12 Yes, well, then he came he didn't ask you any sooner
13:16 I came back to tell my father about it.
13:19 and so Jacob and the dad staying with us and working
13:21 in the fields you know and working for my Dad
13:24 with the animals and he asked to my father
13:27 if he could marry me. And so he they grow
13:30 it was that he had to work for seven years for my
13:32 father and he agree for me oh honey he loves you
13:34 so much, I know it I am so excited
13:36 he came all the way from Canon, from Canon, yeah
13:40 really, I was suppose to marry him last week
13:44 last week yeah and when he came time for the
13:48 wedding and I was suppose to go in with my wale
13:51 rush your, my father send Lia instead of me.
13:54 He deceived Jacob, Rachel no
13:57 it was their was the most often thing
13:58 he hurt, he almost make some how then make you feel
14:02 I was already in everything. He deceived you
14:05 that's so terrible to say people
14:08 you could see Jacob, but you know, Jacob
14:11 to saved his father you know, it maybe
14:13 i guess it goes a really mess when we do
14:16 deceive each other I hadn't imagine of doing
14:21 that to you. I thought that I have lost
14:23 him forever you know, He was going to marry Lia
14:27 and live with her and be happy.
14:29 but he came back, he came to my father,
14:30 he was so angry when you'll be angry, oh yes
14:33 he was so angry and he marrying my sister shut up
14:36 or I'll big mad he came to my father
14:38 and say I want to marry Rachel
14:39 anyways, because i love Rachel.
14:43 I am so happy for you and he is going to work
14:45 another seven years. Seven years.
14:48 So, you mean he has to work like 14 years for you.
14:53 Oh honey I am so excited he loves you so a lot
14:57 he loves you so much. these are my maiden
15:01 we actually to go to the wedding now
15:05 I don't want you to be late, but I am so glad to see you
15:08 and all I wish you the most happiness
15:13 thank you so much thank you, thank you for coming,
15:32 bye. When He cometh, when He cometh
15:36 To make up His jewels, All His jewels,
15:42 precious jewels, His loved and His own.
15:48 Like the stars of the morning,
15:52 His bright crown adorning,
15:56 They shall shine in their beauty,
16:00 Bright gems for His crown.
16:06 He will gather, He will gather
16:10 The gems for His kingdom;
16:14 All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
16:18 His loved and His own.
16:22 Like the stars of the morning,
16:26 His bright crown adorning,
16:30 They shall shine in their beauty,
16:33 Bright gems for His crown.
16:39 Little children, little children,
16:43 Who love their Redeemer,
16:47 Are the jewels, precious jewels,
16:51 His loved and His own.
16:55 Like the stars of the morning,
16:59 His bright crown adorning,
17:03 They shall shine in their beauty,
17:06 Bright gems for His crown.
17:21 Hi boys and girls do you know what time it is?
17:23 that's right. It is, Ms. Brenda Book of the day
17:27 and here is my choice for you today
17:29 Its a wonderful book by Jean Boonstra
17:32 and it is called A New Life Down Under.
17:34 and I am so excited about this book,
17:37 its called about Heather Adventist girl.
17:40 and it says Heather now nine years old
17:43 has a happy out looken at life.
17:44 and with her new friends Laura and they help of her
17:48 brand new eye glasses I am telling Heather is
17:51 thing this wild and wonderful land
17:53 Down Under, with new eyes. And it says, she discovers
17:57 joy of having Jesus in your heart.
17:59 and sharing him with other. So boys and girls
18:01 I want you to make sure you have your papers
18:03 and pens are ready write down this
18:05 web address and write down theirs phone number
18:07 so that was how you purchase this book.
18:09 And you will going to read this is an exciting story
18:12 about Heather. What you know, someone else
18:14 that loves to share Jesus is with me today.
18:16 And I want you to meet Hi, Ariana, Hi,
18:19 You know, I want you tell the boys and girls
18:23 where you from and how old you are?
18:26 I'm from Calstine New Hampshire and I am 12 years old
18:29 and how did you first meet Ms. Brenda?
18:33 Well, I met had at camp meeting and so then
18:37 in England two years ago yeah and I was and
18:42 Sabbath school you came up into the story.
18:46 and then you invited me in So, yes I've invited you
18:50 to come and be on the program
18:51 and here you are and I am so excited you can be here.
18:54 Now one thing I was really impressed
18:56 I have to tell you is how much you loved
18:59 talking about Jesus and you talk about Jesus
19:03 just about everywhere you go don't you? Well tell me
19:06 now you are on the swim team right, why don't tell me
19:08 a little bit about that? Every morning I go
19:11 an hour early to swim practice
19:15 and so because my Dad was swimming
19:17 instructor and my sister swims and so
19:21 you have to wait for them. Yeah, I am waiting for
19:25 my swimming practice i wait for them
19:27 and talk to the parents we're washing the kids swim
19:29 and a lot of time asked me why don't go to church
19:34 on Saturday and I expect them...
19:37 why you don't go to church on Saturday's
19:39 I mean I don't go to swim practice on Saturday's.
19:41 Okay, and so I tell them why I don't go to
19:47 swim practice on Saturday's and why is that?
19:49 It's because I go to church only I like the Bible says.
19:52 in the fourth commandment. And so. Are they surprise
19:56 by this? A lot of my Mom.
19:58 And so a lot of them asked me
20:02 about Dad. what do say then, now
20:06 when they asked about that, what you tell them?
20:08 We, I sat when we do we know nothing at all.
20:12 And like the Bible says And so we wouldn't know
20:16 nothing to Jesus comes again.
20:18 and then what happened to Jesus comes again.
20:20 And then we go to heaven.
20:21 Now raise them once again we'll need.
20:22 Yeah, a lot of people think that
20:24 when you die they think the right they just go
20:27 right to heaven, but we know the Bible
20:28 that's not true, because the Bible doesn't say that.
20:30 Does it. The Bible says the dead
20:32 know not anything they only sleepeth.
20:36 So that was, that would what other kind of things
20:38 if you told to us? Well, they asked me
20:40 about my diet and because a lot of them know
20:44 that they offer me food and also I can have that
20:47 because it how stuff in it. that I don't eat.
20:51 like for an example I am in a weekend
20:53 and I only eat like fruits and vegetables
20:58 grains and so that. I don't, what is wegen
21:00 means there is a lot of girls maybe don't know
21:01 they probably never get that word
21:03 before what is a wegen Well, a wegen is a person
21:06 who eats no meat and they don't eat anything from
21:09 a animal, right. And I explained to them
21:14 they are really interested. And so, do you have
21:21 telling things like they they ever said you
21:23 what do you eat you know, I mean I get that sometimes
21:25 Yeah, them asked for me vegetarian.
21:27 something's like that what you eat
21:29 and I'll be like whatever fruits and vegetables
21:32 and I like the pastas and stuff like that
21:34 and they you nuts and grains
21:37 that have a balance diet. Yeah, that true.
21:41 and a lot of people think Oh maybe they can't ask
21:44 to be getting and something like that.
21:45 I am like I can have so many.
21:47 That good's well, I think that you really set a
21:50 good example doesn't she, boys and girls.
21:52 sharing her faith whoever she is?
21:55 So you to be in the grocery store
21:57 you could be you know take in a walk you could anywhere
22:00 you can share your faith for Jesus.
22:03 And I really wanted to tell you Ariana
22:04 I am very proud of you and I want you to keep on
22:06 doing that, okay. Thank you. Well, right now
22:08 I would like to share some letter with you
22:10 And this one here let's see where this one is from
22:13 that has two pictures in it I love it can you hold this
22:16 up for a mean or she oh what a beautiful girl there
22:19 in a white dress and the handsome body with
22:22 his pants and his tie in white shirt
22:25 lets see here in front of this letter open
22:27 this fumble fingers aright, okay.
22:31 Dear Ms. Brenda my name is Jozan and
22:36 I am 11 years old I am from small island
22:39 called Debargo in the West Indies
22:41 and Debargo is very small I have Jesus be telling
22:44 my friends in school that Jesus loves them
22:46 and that he the seventh Adventist church
22:50 is God's true church. Can you please send
22:52 two activity for my brother
22:54 and his name is Jevan. and he is seven years old.
22:57 and he helps Jesus by reading the Bible
22:59 and singing to people in church.
23:01 Jesus want us to be loving and so let us do so
23:04 your friends Jozan and Jovan.
23:07 Well thank you so much for that letter,
23:09 I really appreciate that for those pictures too.
23:12 Oh I have to show you just this boys and girls
23:15 I just love this letter. Look at that.
23:18 all kind of stickers and some of you do
23:21 such a good job of decorating
23:23 all these envelops for me and I got all kinds
23:25 of stickers here and i just love that.
23:27 Let me see here what's in lets read the letter now
23:31 and she has to say oh right let proper letter
23:35 she says I have good news I have good news
23:39 don't you worry on it? Yes, says dear Ms. Brenda
23:41 My name is Felony and I am a 11 years old.
23:44 I have two brothers and one sister and I love
23:47 to watch kids time and love to watched kids time
23:49 so much I am learning more about Jesus.
23:52 you want me to let more about Jesus
23:54 don't you Ms. Brenda? Yes, I do.
23:56 and it said Ms. Brenda Jesus is coming soon
23:58 and he wants us to tell everyone that he loves
24:01 them and he wants to be there best friend too.
24:03 And he said Jesus loves you too.
24:06 Yes he does. We watched kids time
24:09 everyday and we just love it.
24:10 and the funny thing is we do learn more about Jesus.
24:13 Me and my friend Ben and Justy
24:15 we talked about Jesus everyday. and
24:17 I share with about Jesus I tell my friends everywhere
24:20 just like you do and it says
24:23 pleas send me six activity books
24:25 I want to share Jesus with my friends.
24:27 and Jesus loves you. love Felony.
24:30 Well, thank you Felony for this
24:32 and I'll send out some activity books, okay.
24:36 and then we have one from Mathew
24:37 from Rochester Minnesota and let's see what Mathew
24:40 has to say and Mathew has pretty paper here
24:46 it says dear Ms. Brenda my name is Mathew
24:48 and I am six years old and I like to watch kids time
24:51 my favorite is learning time with Ben Roy.
24:54 I share Jesus by helping my Mom take care
24:57 of my little brothers. Please send me an activity
24:59 book and I want to learn more about
25:00 Jesus to kids club. Thank you love Mathew.
25:04 thank you Mathew and I'll make sure you get
25:06 signed up for kids club too. Let's see we have another
25:10 one here and this one is from Australia.
25:14 And oh that two pictures that just came out
25:17 can you hold those are going to be hard to hold those
25:19 up or isn't it. Dear Ms. Brenda I liver in Australia
25:22 presently I am on school holiday
25:24 and I lover your kids time please send me an
25:26 activity book and signed me for kids club.
25:28 I am a 11 years old and it said my brother
25:31 will also like an activity book
25:33 here is a picture of me and my brother.
25:34 from Laura and Karo. Well, thank you so much
25:38 Laura and Karo I am would love to sign you
25:40 for kids club and get you started on those lessons.
25:43 And before I forget you know, I received another letter
25:47 some often I get letters from you boys and girls
25:50 and you do not get me the correct address.
25:53 and see this rule was just returned it says
25:54 returned big on here that's because I wrote
25:57 you send it you, but you didn't have
25:59 the right address and it comes back.
26:01 So if you are angel Peterson
26:02 from Jamaica Angel write me again
26:05 and I'll send it to you, but make sure print
26:07 your address clearly boys and girls.
26:09 print it very well so that I can
26:11 see and understand it and get your books out to you.
26:13 Okay, well I want to thank you Ariana
26:15 for being with me today I am so glad
26:17 we're here. Keep sharing your faith and boys and girls
26:20 remember its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17