Participants: Seth Johnson, Yasmine, Hannah Whalen, Shelli Johnson, Brenda Walsh, Lee Jamieson, Crystal-Ann
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000149
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there, looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there. 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi boys and girls, have you ever stood 00:26 up for what you knew was right, even 00:28 though you knew it would cost you 00:30 something. Now maybe your mother 00:32 made cookies and told you not to eat them 00:34 until after supper and you really wanted one 00:37 of those cookies and maybe even two or three. 00:40 But you resisted the temptation to sneak 00:43 them out of the kitchen, you stood up 00:45 for what was right. Now, maybe one of 00:47 your friends dared you to steal candy 00:49 from a store. He told you, he wouldn't 00:51 be your friend anymore if you didn't 00:53 do it or maybe he just called you names and 00:56 made fun of you for being afraid. 00:59 But you decided not to steal it even though 01:02 you knew it cost your friendship. 01:04 You stood up for what was right. 01:07 Our Bible story today is about three young 01:09 men who literally stood up on their feet 01:12 for the right. They stood up even though 01:14 they knew it would probably cost them 01:16 their lives. Now because they stood up 01:19 these young men became heroes. 01:22 Now boys and girls, real heroes are always 01:25 people who stand up for the right. 01:27 Well, you're gonna hear the story of our 01:29 three young heroes in just a little while, 01:32 but first it's time for Ranger Jim to standup 01:35 and tell us a few things. Ranger Jim. 01:45 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying 01:46 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad you can 01:48 join us today, we're in Knoxville, Tennessee 01:50 and we're at the zoo. And look at what we 01:52 have with us today. Nathaniel, what in the 01:54 world is this creature? Well, this right here is 01:57 an Alligator Snapping Turtles. 01:59 They are one of the largest or the largest 02:02 species of turtle in North America. 02:06 They can grow up with shells that 02:08 measure over two feet in length. 02:11 You know they are found actually out 02:14 in the Mississippi Valley River. 02:17 You know they're found in the river 02:18 systems here and there and actually 02:20 their range goes across Southern 02:23 Alabama and Mississippi and in the 02:25 Southern Georgia. These, these guys are, 02:30 spend just about all their lives in the 02:32 water. They rarely ever come out and it's 02:35 only in times like laying eggs and all that. 02:38 You would find them out there. 02:39 Now does he occupy shallow water, a pond 02:42 or something like that or does he 02:43 like deeper water. They actually can 02:44 occupy both. They don't tend to stay 02:47 in many of the smaller steams you know, 02:50 because they're so large and they'll sit in 02:52 the bottom and look like a rock and wait 02:55 for a fish to come. And he lays there 02:57 covered up and opens his mouth and just 03:00 waits right? Oh! yeah. See, as they get older 03:02 though actually because they spend a lot of 03:04 their time sitting around. They'll grow algae 03:07 and stuff on their shell. And it makes them 03:09 look more like a rock just sitting there and 03:11 they'll hold their mouth open. 03:13 And they have a little lower on the end of 03:15 their tongue that they wiggle like a whale. 03:17 Yeah. And when the fish comes up they 03:19 just grab it and suck it in. 03:21 Closer and closer and when it gets close 03:23 enough, he grabs it and they also like 03:26 young ducks or geese and things like that. 03:28 Oh! yeah. They can grab small things like that. 03:30 They don't usually try to get anything large 03:33 since most of their food, they eat whole. 03:36 Now if they do grab something large they 03:38 will work it and try to tear it apart, but it's 03:41 not very often. They have very large 03:42 claws on their front or like that. 03:44 Oh! Yeah, it helps them to go across 03:46 rocks and the river and all. 03:48 Float along the bottom. Now you say this is 03:50 the smallest Alligator Snapping. 03:52 How big would these turtles get? 03:55 How, not here, I mean in the wild, 03:57 what would be? In the wild they can 04:00 get up to around 250 pounds. 04:02 Wow, and that guy, he would be this big 04:05 around. Oh! yeah. Head like that. 04:07 Yeah they're known for having huge heads. 04:10 It's huge and you can see boys and girls 04:12 that he is snapping. He doesn't like this 04:14 because Nathaniel's restraining him and if 04:16 you would get your finger over there or 04:17 something like that, yes, you see he is very 04:20 aggressive and a very defensive and if some 04:23 dog or animals catches it about on the 04:26 dry land, if she's going out to lay eggs 04:28 or what have you then if the animal attacks. 04:30 They begin tuck in their shells. 04:32 Their head tuck out they begin to spin 04:34 around. Oh! yeah. Defend themselves 04:36 and this, I was just watching in a 04:39 document recently on television there is 04:42 a man in Alabama that all of his life has 04:45 caught these animals for food sources and 04:47 sold them and now he's devoted his life to 04:49 preserving them and breeding them and 04:53 preserving them with eggs and what have 04:54 you and he has a collection of these 04:56 shells and many of these shells on the 04:58 inside of them they find Indian arrow 05:01 heads and they find civil war bullets 05:05 lodged in that shell and so many 05:07 biologists are saying that these creatures 05:09 would gain maybe a pound and a pound 05:11 and half a year that's slow in growth. 05:14 So when you find a turtle that's 200 05:16 pounds, oh yeah. He's been here a long time, 05:19 has he? He's been here a long time. 05:21 What do you feed them here 05:22 in the zoo Nathaniel? At the zoo we feed 05:24 them mostly mice and occasionally we try to 05:27 give them some fish just because it's what 05:29 they naturally eat. It's something that 05:31 they would enjoy. And he, this is 05:34 something boys and girls I normally say is 05:36 a beautiful creature, but I can't say that this 05:38 is a beautiful creature. He is rather grotesque 05:41 and he is a survivor. Oh! Yeah. He is a 05:44 survivor. There's very little that will actually 05:47 hunt them and that's like I was saying 05:49 about their camouflage. They don't need it to 05:51 protect him, because once they get like 05:54 even half this size, there is very little that 05:57 naturally will eat them. It's all just to camouflage 06:00 him and allow him to bring in the 06:03 fish for him to eat. Well wonderful boys 06:05 and girls, we've learned a lot about the 06:07 snapping turtle. Nathaniel, could you 06:09 pick him up once again a little bit for us 06:10 like that. Okay that's good enough. 06:13 And boys and girls, don't forget to tell the 06:16 Jesus that you love him, 06:17 because he really does love you. 06:29 Hi my name is John Leland, I was a pastor 06:32 of a church in Virginia. One cold winter day 06:35 while I was waiting beside a stream to 06:37 baptize five precious souls. 06:40 I rode to him for Baptism. 06:42 And started out with these words. 06:44 Christians, if your heart be warm, 06:46 Ice and snow can do no harm. 06:49 If by Jesus you are prized 06:51 Rise, believe and be baptized. 06:54 Oh what a day of Baptism that was. 06:57 I was also very interested in religious liberty. 07:01 That means being able to worship 07:03 without people telling you how to do it. 07:06 A lot of bad things were happening 07:07 around me and that's what inspired me to 07:10 right this song. O when shall I see Jesus? 07:14 We would like to thank Andrew 07:15 Roderick for portraying the part of John Leland 07:18 who told us that we would 07:19 hear that trump blowing in the morning. 07:26 O when shall I see Jesus 07:28 and reign with Him above 07:30 and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning? 07:35 And from the flowing fountain 07:38 drink everlasting love and shall hear the 07:41 trumpet sound in that morning 07:44 O, shout, glory! For I shall mount 07:48 above the skies, When I hear the 07:50 trumpet sound in that morning 07:55 Gird on the gospel armor of faith and hope and love, 08:00 and you'll hear the trumpet sound in that morning 08:05 And when the combat's ended 08:07 He'll carry you above, and you'll hear the 08:11 trumpet sound in that morning 08:14 O, shout, glory! For I shall mount 08:17 above the skies, When I hear the 08:20 trumpet sound in that morning 08:25 Our ears shall hear with transport 08:28 the host of heaven sing, And shall hear the 08:31 trumpet sound in that morning 08:34 Our tongues shall chant the glories 08:37 of our immortal King And shall hear the 08:40 trumpet sound in that morning 08:43 O, shout, glory! For I shall mount 08:47 above the skies, When I hear the 08:49 trumpet sound in that morning 08:52 O, shout, glory! For I shall mount 08:56 above the skies, When I hear the 08:58 trumpet sound in that morning. 09:12 Welcome to learning time, I'm glad that 09:14 you've joined us today and we got a special 09:18 program for you. I happen to have an 09:20 object right here and I've got a great helper 09:23 with me today. Glendy is my helper. 09:26 Glendy, can you tell the boys and girls 09:28 at home what this object is? 09:31 A light bulb. That's correct, it's a light bulb. 09:34 How many of you have light bulbs around? 09:37 Oh! Yeah, lots of people have light 09:39 bulbs and Glendy at home what do you use 09:43 electricity for? What do you use electricity 09:46 for? For computer. For a computer, 09:48 you've got to have electricity for 09:50 computers. Do you have any electric 09:52 lights at home? Oh and some people 09:54 cook with electricity too. But you know this 09:57 light bulb reminds me of a person in history. 10:00 You probably studied about him and he 10:02 developed the light bulb. Now Glendy, if you 10:05 look inside there, can you see something 10:07 inside of that light bulb? Yes. 10:10 What does it look like? Like a tiny hair. 10:13 That's right, it looks like a tiny hair. 10:15 Now we call that tiny thing inside a filament 10:19 and when we have electricity going 10:21 through the wire, the electricity goes 10:23 through the filament and it heats the 10:25 filament up and it gives us what? 10:28 Light. It gives us light well I'm gonna have 10:31 Glendy turn the switch on right here. 10:34 Let's look at this light bulb because this is a 10:36 very special light bulb, it's one of the ones. 10:39 It's a replica of the light bulb that 10:42 Thomas Edison and the Edison group 10:44 developed, okay. Glendy, are you 10:46 ready? Yes. Right, let's turn that on. 10:48 Let's look at that really, really pretty 10:51 filament, wow. Have you ever seen a 10:55 light bulb like that. Look at that filament, 10:57 isn't that neat. It's very, very long, 11:01 is it really, really bright? 11:03 No. No, it's not very bright at all. 11:05 The first light bulb, they weren't bright at 11:07 all, but you know what, I can feel 11:10 something way over here. What am I feeling 11:12 from this light bulb? Heat. Yeah, it's heat, 11:15 do we want heat from light bulbs? No. 11:17 Oh! No, what do we want from light bulbs? 11:20 Light. Yeah we want light, so these light 11:23 bulbs they weren't really really affective 11:26 for light because they gave off heat as well. 11:28 Do you think that Thomas Edison who 11:31 developed this and his group, do you think 11:34 that they had a hard time getting 11:36 something that wouldn't burn up 11:38 inside of these light bulbs? Yeah. 11:40 Oh yeah, do you know how many 11:41 different things they tried in order to get 11:43 something that wouldn't get all 11:45 destroyed by that electricity. 11:47 How many things do you think they tried. 11:49 How many think they tried a 100? 11:52 How many thing they tried 200, how about 11:54 500, you know they tried over 3000 things 11:59 to make this little filament inside. 12:02 Would you have given up before 3000 tries? No. 12:06 I'm afraid that I would, how about you at home? 12:09 That's interesting to me, because that 12:11 shows me one thing. We should never give 12:14 up right. Oh yeah never give up, even 12:17 when things look like they're hard for us. 12:20 But you know Thomas Edison, 12:21 he didn't develop this light bulb all by himself. 12:25 No, he worked with other people and other 12:28 people helped him to develop this light bulb. 12:30 I'm glad that we have electricity. 12:32 Think about how your life and my life would 12:35 be changed if we didn't have electricity. 12:38 Man, that would be some kind of lifestyle 12:41 wouldn't it. We wouldn't have any 12:42 light, maybe not have any heat. 12:44 You might not be able to cook your food. 12:46 Wouldn't have electronics and computers. 12:49 Boy, what a difference that would make. 12:51 When we learn something new about 12:53 science, we're learning something 12:54 new about our creator, God. 13:06 Mother, this is a wonderful meal 13:07 you've prepared for us. Father, you want 13:10 some grapes? Please yes. Mother and father, 13:13 would you like some bread too? 13:14 Yes. Son, can you pass it to your mother. 13:17 Thank you sweetheart. Your mother and 13:18 I were unable to be there at the unveiling 13:21 of the great golden state. 13:22 Father, it was so beautiful. 13:24 It was so tall and gold, completely gold, 13:27 completely. Wow! Wouldn't that. 13:29 It was of this man yeah, oh you would have loved. 13:31 We got to worship it. The King had the 13:35 trumpets played and then we all bowed 13:37 down to it. Yeah. Well everyone was 13:39 supposed to bow down. There was three guys, 13:40 the three Hebrew guys, yeah. 13:42 You know them don't you? Yes. 13:43 A few that the King likes so much, they 13:45 refuse to bow down. Refused straight up. 13:48 What did they do so. They said we will 13:50 only worship our own God. 13:52 They shouldn't done something. 13:54 The King was furious. He was so angry, he 13:57 called them right up forward. 13:59 Yeah and he said he's gonna give them 14:00 another chance you know, but they 14:02 wouldn't take it, no. They wouldn't bow 14:05 down? They said that even if you were to let 14:06 give them another chance that they 14:08 would still do the same thing they 14:09 would not bow down to their image. 14:11 So what did he do to them? 14:12 He threw them in the fiery furnace. 14:14 In the furnace. But not before heated it 14:17 seven times hotter. It was so hot, we had 14:19 to back up from that, wow, yeah. 14:22 And the men that threw them in died 14:23 because of the heat. The strongest 14:24 soldiers, big guys. That must have 14:27 incinerated them right away. 14:28 They did, they fell right over. 14:30 Oh no not the three men though. 14:31 The three men didn't? I'm talking about the 14:32 three men. Oh the three men, no, they 14:35 lived through it. They walked out of there. 14:37 They left. Not even the three though like 14:39 when they were in there and they started 14:40 walking around there was four. 14:42 Oh! Come on. It was, Nebuchadnezzar 14:43 recognized the man and said he looks like 14:45 the son of God. Four men. He just appeared 14:48 in there. It was their God, he came to save them. 14:50 He protected them from being burned completely. 14:53 And then he walked out of the fiery furnace. 14:55 They walked out, they didn't smell like 14:57 smoke, like fire like anything. 14:58 The clothes were not even touched. 14:59 And get this, King Nebuchadnezzar 15:02 bowed down to the God, to their God. 15:04 In front of everybody. To their God? 15:07 And he told us all to bow down. 15:09 Our God couldn't do that. I know but their God 15:11 could. Our God is made of wood. 15:15 He would burn in the furnace. 15:18 We need to worship the God of the Hebrews. 15:23 Who saved the people from the fiery furnace. 15:26 We don't need that God and we don't 15:28 need these jewels. That's right. 15:33 We need to worship the God of the Hebrews. 15:36 We need to find out more about him. 15:41 Yes. We can ask the three Hebrews about him. 15:43 Yeah. Daniel's friends. Yes. That's very good. 16:06 O Yasmine, do you love Jesus? 16:09 Oh yes I love Jesus. Are you sure 16:12 you love Jesus? I'm sure I love Jesus. 16:16 And why do you love Jesus? 16:18 Here's why I love Jesus. Because He first loved me. 16:23 That's the reason we all ought to love Him. 16:28 Oh, how we love Jesus. Oh, how we love Jesus. 16:36 Oh, how we love Jesus. Because He first loved me. 16:45 O Crystal do you love Jesus 16:47 Oh yes I love Jesus. Are you sure you love Jesus? 16:52 I'm sure I love Jesus. And why do you love Jesus? 16:57 Here's why I love Jesus. Because He first loved me. 17:02 That's the reason we all ought to love Him. 17:07 Oh, how we love Jesus. Oh, how we love Jesus. 17:16 Oh, how we love Jesus. Because He first loved me. 17:33 Hi boys and girls, it's time again for the 17:37 book of the day and our book of day today 17:39 is Detective Zack, Dangers at Dinosaur 17:43 Camp and it's by Jerry D. Thomas and let me 17:46 just share this with you. Dinosaur Camp 17:48 brings Detective Zack and his family to 17:51 Dinosaur National Monument, where 17:53 dinosaur bones and fossils of many kinds 17:56 are found. There, Dr. Bones, 17:59 a paleontologist who believes in God, 18:02 will try to help Zack and company find 18:04 answers to the mystery of the dinosaurs. 18:07 A wild white-water raft ride, a dinosaur 18:10 park, and a deserted canyon leads Zack, 18:13 Kayla, and also Luis to an amazing 18:16 discovery and you know what they come 18:18 to a better understanding about 18:20 the truth about dinosaurs. So boys and girls get 18:24 your pens and papers you'll want to write 18:26 this number down because you'll want to 18:28 order this book, Detective Zack. 18:31 Well, I'm excited boys and girls, I have 18:34 a special friend I would like you to 18:35 meet and her name is Hannah. 18:37 Hi Hannah, I'm so glad you're here today 18:41 and can you show me that big smile. 18:43 Yes, I love your little smile. 18:45 Can you tell me, you love Jesus and what 18:48 do you do to share him with others. 18:52 I help people. You help people. 18:57 Yeah when don't have food, I give them 18:59 food. You have given people food that 19:01 didn't have food. What did they say to 19:04 you. Thank you. They said thank you, 19:07 do you think it made them smile, did it 19:08 make them happy? It did and you have 19:12 a special friend that you witnessed to. 19:16 What's your friend's name? Tanner. 19:17 Tanner and what did you said to Tanner? 19:25 What did you say? Hey Tanner, Jesus 19:27 loves you. You told Tanner Jesus loves 19:30 you. Yeah. And what did Tanner say? 19:32 He said, what did he said? I don't know. 19:39 He didn't know, he didn't know Jesus 19:41 loves him and so did he tell him that Jesus 19:43 really does love him. Do you think you 19:45 were able to convince him? 19:48 You did, well that's good. Do you tell other 19:50 people that Jesus loves them. 19:52 That's important to say isn't it? 19:54 How old are you? How? Four. 19:58 Four-years-old show that fingers up again, 20:00 let's count them, one, two, three, four. 20:02 Yes, you are, you are four-years-old and 20:04 you know what at four-years-old you are 20:06 doing a good job sharing Jesus by 20:08 telling people that Jesus loves them and 20:10 that is important isn't it? Would you like to 20:12 hear some letters. I know that boys 20:14 and girls at home would, wouldn't you? 20:15 I have some wonderful letters here. 20:17 This one is from Briana Wood and she 20:20 lives in Michigan and let's see what this says 20:24 dear Miss Brenda, I love Jesus very much. 20:26 I try to be good, but I guess I'm getting a 20:29 little better around that. 20:31 I like Kids Time very much, Briana. 20:33 Well thank you so much Briana for your 20:35 letter and you know what it is, it's important 20:37 Jesus wants us to be good, doesn't he Hannah. 20:40 It's important to be good. And then I have one 20:42 from Canny in Willingboro, New 20:47 Jersey and let's see what, oh got a picture, 20:50 can you hold this up for boys and girls at 20:52 home. There you go, perfect, okay it says 20:56 dear Miss Brenda, this is the 20:59 first time I am writing to you, everyday 21:01 I look at Kids Time and I like your show. 21:03 I pray for Kids Time all the time. 21:05 I appreciate that, we need all the prayers 21:07 and it says I pray for God to help all the 21:11 kids out there in the world. 21:12 Well I'm four-years -old just like you 21:14 Hannah and I would like to become a 21:16 member of Kids club. God bless you love 21:19 Canny. Well thank you Canny and I'm so 21:22 glad that you're enjoying the program 21:26 and I'll take that picture for you, 21:28 right over here and let's see there is one 21:30 here, oh I got another picture. 21:32 Oh I just love these pictures boys and girls. 21:34 This one is from Jamaica and let's see, 21:38 this one is dear Miss Brenda God bless you 21:43 and your programs, I'm writing from 21:45 Jamaica and I'm nine-years-old and 21:47 I love to watch Kids Time every time I get 21:49 a chance. I share Jesus by telling my 21:51 friends about him and that he loves us and 21:54 he has given his life for us. 21:56 My favorite show to show in the world is 21:58 Kids Time and I love Ranger Jim well you 22:01 Ranger Jim well you tell him. Yes, I will. 22:03 Send an activity book for me please thank 22:05 you God bless you your friend, Camoy. 22:08 And Camoy, what a beautiful name that is. 22:10 Thank you so much for your letter and 22:11 I want to encourage you to keep sharing 22:13 Jesus and thank you for that beautiful picture. 22:16 What a beautiful girl you are. Okay, this 22:19 one is from Yonkers, New York and let's 22:21 see what's in it. Another picture, here 22:23 we go, can you hold that one up for me. 22:26 Oh! What a handsome boy you are. 22:27 Dear Miss Brenda, I like watching Kids 22:30 Time and my favorite part is cooking time. 22:32 See boys, I like you cooking too. 22:34 It says because I get to learn things to 22:36 cook. I share Jesus by playing the piano and 22:39 when I play the piano I know that I'm 22:40 playing so Jesus, so people can know that 22:43 God loves them. Love Jason. 22:46 PS, may I join kids club? Yes you can. 22:48 You know I'm excited boys and girls that so 22:52 many of you are wanting to join kids 22:54 club because you are going to be getting 22:56 Bible lessons in the mail and learn lots 22:58 more about Jesus. And right now we 23:00 have almost 2000 kids enrolled in kids club 23:02 all over the world, so keep writing to me, 23:05 keep sending me your addresses and I will 23:07 make sure you will get joined and you too 23:09 can get those lessons. This one is from 23:11 Danny and Billy and they're from Lamar, 23:14 Missouri and I got another picture. 23:17 Can you hold that, you get lots of work 23:18 out there holding up those pictures aren't 23:20 you Hannah. This one says dear Miss 23:22 Brenda, my name is Danny and I have a 23:25 younger brother named Billy. 23:27 He is three and half years old and I'm six. 23:29 We are doing Bible studies with the 23:31 family who has children our age and 23:32 they did not know Jesus. Now they come to 23:34 church with us. Each Sabbath and 23:36 are learning to be like Jesus, please send us 23:39 and our older sister a Kids Time activity 23:41 book and my older sister's name is 23:43 Brooklyn. Thank you from Danny and Billy 23:46 and Brooklyn. Well thank you so much, 23:48 isn't that exciting boys and girls, they were 23:51 studying with people and now they're going 23:52 to church and learning more about Jesus. 23:54 Isn't that awesome Hannah? 23:56 Isn't that so wonderful. I just love that, so you 23:59 just keep telling people about Jesus 24:01 won't you? You know my friend Ben, 24:03 yes we always bring him to church sometimes. 24:06 You do. Oh and his name is Ben does he 24:09 like church? Yeah he likes snow too. 24:14 Oh, well that's good. Well this one is from 24:17 Caitlin Williams and she is from Ohio. 24:21 Dear Miss Brenda, I like your shows and 24:23 I love cooking with Catie. It's fun learning 24:26 how to do it. Yes, it is. It says I love 24:30 sharing Jesus with my friend. 24:31 I'm so glad you have Kids Time. I watch 24:33 your show everyday love Caitlin. 24:36 Well thank you Caitlin for your letter 24:37 and boys and girls if you like our cooking 24:40 with Catie you are gonna love her new 24:41 cook book, so call 3ABN to order your 24:44 brand new Kids Time book, it's called 24:46 cooking with Catie and all of the recipes 24:49 that you have seen her cook on the program, 24:51 are in that cook book, so make sure you 24:53 order one today okay. This letter is from 24:57 Taylor and Jolene Clayburn and they're 24:58 from Massachusetts. I like the letter. 25:02 You like this card, I kind of like that 25:04 card too. It's pretty isn't it. See there, 25:10 yeah okay I'll read this and it says may 25:12 God continue to bless your ministry my kids 25:15 really enjoy watching Kids Time. 25:17 Love, Loretta. And I'll let you hold up 25:19 that card, so the boys and girls can see how 25:20 pretty it is. And well I read the letter from 25:23 the kids, says dear Miss Brenda, my 25:25 name is Tyler and I'm six-year-old, my 25:28 sister's name is Jolene and she is eight-years 25:31 old. We would like to have a Kids Time 25:33 activity book and we would like to sign up for the 25:35 Kids Time Bible studies. I really like nature 25:38 time, so if you have a nature activity book 25:40 that would be great. Well you know what 25:41 boys and girls if you finish the Bible 25:42 studies you will receive a nature time book. 25:45 We both enjoy Kids Time a lot and we 25:47 share Jesus by playing nicely with our 25:49 friends and we have a boy from Thailand 25:52 who lives across the hall from our 25:53 apartment building. He is Buddhist and 25:56 doesn't know Jesus. We share Jesus by 25:58 sharing our toys and being nice to him. 26:01 It was really fun to meet you at camp 26:03 meetings this summer, keep on 26:04 sharing Jesus, God bless, Jolene and 26:06 Tyler. Well, thank you and it was so nice 26:09 to meet you too. I love going to the 26:10 camp meetings boys and girls, into your 26:12 churches and getting a chance to meet you 26:14 personally. That is so rewarding to me and 26:16 I just love. That's cute, that was cute 26:18 wasn't it. That's cute. Oh! You like the 26:21 envelope here, this one here. 26:22 I know, I do too, but that's all the time we 26:24 have today boys and girls maybe I'll read 26:25 this for next time and till next time, 26:28 remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17