Kids' Time

Miracle Of Loaves And Fishes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Feldbush, Brenda Walsh, Corey Cotterell, Michlen LaiPang


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000148

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls you know I have a quiz question
00:27 for you today. Are you ready?
00:29 Here is the question what was Jesus profession
00:32 while he was here on earth
00:33 and what did he do as his life work?
00:35 Okay think hard and don't answer too quickly.
00:40 Let see, I think I hear some of your answers.
00:46 I hear someone saying Jesus was a carpenter just
00:49 like his father and someone else is shouting no,
00:52 he was a Missionary. He was the first one
00:54 to teach the Gospel message on this earth.
00:56 Oh! Wait I think I hear another answer what was that?
01:01 Oh! Yes Jesus was the savior of the world
01:05 that's a great answer.
01:06 There is no greater profession than that,
01:09 but wait did you know what Jesus was a baker.
01:12 That's right Jesus was a baker. He baked bread.
01:16 Okay, okay you are right he didn't own a bakery
01:20 in the marketplace but Jesus was a baker nonetheless.
01:24 You know, if you think I am wrong
01:25 just listen to our Bible story today
01:27 you might be surprised but first let see
01:30 what Ranger Jim has cooked up for us today.
01:39 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
01:41 welcome to Nature Time.
01:42 We are glad you can be with us today.
01:44 We are in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in a place
01:46 called Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies
01:49 and it's a beautiful place to be.
01:51 We are having a great time here today.
01:53 They have fish of all kinds you will enjoy this
01:56 when you come to see it.
01:57 I've a friend with me today Chris and Chris is gonna
01:59 to tell us something about the fish in his tank.
02:01 Chris tells us something about this fish.
02:02 Well what we have here are
02:04 two different species of fish.
02:06 We have the Atlantic Menhaden
02:07 and the Florida Pompano, both of these fish
02:10 are schooling fish and there is a couple of reasons
02:13 why fish might want to swim in a school, which
02:16 is a large group of bunch of the fish altogether.
02:18 One is it's gonna help them to find food
02:20 by all swimming together,
02:22 they can kind a circle around, actually the
02:24 Menhaden will make what's called a Bait Ball
02:26 that all kind of bunch in a large bowl.
02:29 It also kind of helps them
02:30 not only when looking for food,
02:32 but to try not to become food.
02:34 Ah, something looking for them.
02:36 Exactly, yeah! When larger fish coming in after them
02:39 there is gonna be so many fish around
02:41 is gonna confuse the predator it's gonna make it
02:43 hard for them to decide which one to go after
02:45 and it's gonna make it easier
02:46 for all the fish to kind a get away.
02:48 We find that in mammals.
02:49 We find that animals or on the plains of Serengeti.
02:52 We see the zebras, boys and girls if you see videos
02:54 of that the zebras and many animals gather together,
02:57 their safety and those numbers like that okay.
03:00 I see some of these fishes will have their
03:01 mouth open swimming with their bowels.
03:03 Right that Menhaden which are these larger fish
03:06 right here they actually swim
03:09 with her mouth wide open
03:10 there are filter feeders and so having their mouth
03:13 wide open and their gills open they just swim
03:16 and let the food go right into their mouth
03:18 and their gills act like a little net,
03:20 and will just grab hold that food
03:21 that they will swallow down.
03:23 That's needed it, sort of we have whales like a
03:26 Baleine whale has the same type of system like that
03:29 that it takes very tiny things from the food.
03:31 Isn't that interesting? Well tell me, are these fish
03:34 an important source of food or anything
03:36 like that for humans, are they?
03:38 Some of them, the Florida Pompano is a food source
03:42 for people we will eat them.
03:44 The ones behind me were actually raised in an aqua
03:48 culture facility and we got them as very small babies.
03:52 They would be raised up to be used for foods
03:55 so they are not actually caught from the wild.
03:57 So these are raised and we have that much
04:00 in the south. Maybe boys and girls those of you
04:02 who live in the south and maybe out in Oregon
04:05 and Washington there are lots of farms out there
04:08 where they raise salmon and also in the south
04:10 there are lot of catfish that are raised like that.
04:12 Boys and girls I might just interject
04:14 you what we are talking.
04:15 We are amongst the great group of people
04:18 that we are talking. We have people talking
04:19 in the background but that's okay,
04:21 we can't stop the aquarium traffic.
04:23 So we are just going ahead with that.
04:24 Is there any other, as you think Chris,
04:26 do you might include with these fish.
04:28 Are these deep water fish or we will find
04:31 these normally in shallow or water.
04:33 You find this right after the
04:35 Eastern Coast of United States.
04:37 The Pompano would be found sometimes coming
04:41 into some of the shallow or sandy areas.
04:43 They will feed unlike the Menhaden.
04:45 They won't swim and take the small plants
04:48 and animals out of the water.
04:49 They go long sandy bottom and in small prestations
04:53 like little mole crabs, and other animals like.
04:56 So they are gonna be kind of picking around
04:57 some of the shallower areas, but there will still
04:59 kind of stick to their school,
05:00 they kinda all hunt together.
05:02 And the Pompano boys and girls I can tell you
05:04 from my experience is a sport fish, okay. Right.
05:06 When you fish you get a Pompano
05:08 you think you've got a whale but they just go so fast
05:10 they move around the boat
05:12 and back in forth all around.
05:14 So they are very interesting creature
05:17 and a very interesting fish and so thank Chris
05:20 for telling us about them today
05:21 we have enjoyed that very much and so boys and girls
05:24 we find with these fish if they are schooling fish,
05:26 small fish, or large fish they are all God's creation
05:30 and he did it right the first time didn't he?
05:32 He made it for us to see and enjoy
05:34 and share the earth with. So Ranger Jim is always
05:37 telling you don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
05:40 him because he really does love you.
05:51 And walking by the Sea of Galilee,
05:52 he saw two fishermen. Simon, who is called Peter
05:56 and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea,
05:59 and he said unto them follow me and I will make you
06:02 fishers of men and they immediately left their nets
06:04 and followed him, Matthew 4:18 and 19.
06:16 I will make you fishers of men,
06:20 Fishers of men, fishers of men,
06:24 I will make you fishers of men if you follow Me.
06:32 If you follow Me, if you follow Me,
06:41 I will make you fishers of men if you follow Me.
06:51 Hear Christ calling Come unto Me
06:55 Come unto Me Come unto Me
06:59 Hear Christ calling Come unto Me
07:03 I will give You rest I will give You rest
07:12 I will give You rest
07:16 Hear Christ calling Come unto Me
07:21 I will give you rest.
07:34 When you on a hurry and need a quick breakfast,
07:36 this recipe is perfect. It's got bananas and granola,
07:40 a complete breakfast in one muffin.
07:43 So today we are making banana Granola Muffins.
07:46 Let me read the ingredients for you.
07:49 1 1/3 cups of whole wheat pastry flour
07:53 1 tbsp. of baking powder
07:55 2 large very ripe bananas - mashed
07:59 ½ cup of soy milk
08:01 1/4 cup of Pure Florida Crystals
08:05 1/4 cup of Pure Maple Syrup
08:08 2 tsp. of corn starch 1 tsp. of vanilla
08:13 And 2 cups of your favorite granola.
08:16 And I'm gonna start with our dry ingredients
08:19 and we're gonna putting our whole pastry flour
08:23 and a pure Florida Crystals, Pure Florida Crystals
08:29 is a wonderful sweetener and our peach soda,
08:33 our corn starch inside, and our baking powder,
08:41 just kind a mix those up just a little bit
08:43 and you've got to dry ingredients mixed up,
08:46 and it kind a make a little well in the center
08:50 and we are going to put our wet ingredients,
08:51 our soy milk and our vanilla and our pure maple syrup,
09:03 mix those up too. Now these muffins you know
09:05 we are adding granola and bananas
09:09 but if you want something, something else
09:11 if you need some nuts or even some dry dates
09:14 or some apricot, you can put that in too.
09:19 And now we're gonna add our mashed banana.
09:23 Now already we have these mashed up,
09:25 these two bananas and I am just gonna mashed them up,
09:28 even mashed them with the fork or just like that.
09:32 They are really thick, but already ahead of the time,
09:37 mix that up. Then we gonna add our granola.
09:41 Now this is just my favorite granola.
09:45 You can also use homemade granola or just any type
09:49 of granola that's your favorite and you know what,
09:51 in the new Kid's Time cook book,
09:53 my aunt Tammy's recipe
09:57 for homemade granola is in there?
10:01 Just get that mix up, and remember you know
10:04 you could put anything you like in that,
10:05 not just those things. Now I have some muffin tins
10:10 here and you want to use a non-stick cooking spray
10:14 and spray real good otherwise
10:15 you muffins won't come out.
10:16 They get stuck in there and you have a
10:18 real hard time getting them out.
10:21 And you just gonna fill your muffin tins up.
10:27 It might be easier with the spoon.
10:29 Let me do with spoon now.
10:33 Fill them up almost full, just that way so they don't,
10:38 when they rise they don't come out over that.
10:42 You want them to come up over the top a little bit
10:44 but do not want them way overflow.
10:48 And then you're gonna bake these at 350 degrees
10:51 for about 15 to 18 minutes or until
10:54 you can take a toothpick, stick it in
10:56 and if stuff comes out on the tooth pick you know
10:58 they are not done. So you want to make sure
11:00 that the tooth pick comes out clean
11:01 then you know your muffins are done.
11:03 Well, I already have some banana granola muffins,
11:06 already baked for you, so that you can see
11:10 what they look like. Don't those look delicious?
11:15 They are easy, simple and they taste really good too.
11:19 And you know if you are in hurry,
11:21 it is a breakfast on the go.
11:23 I know you will love them.
11:25 You should try this recipe.
11:26 Well, remember until next time
11:28 keep cooking and eat healthy.
11:37 Just beautiful! Hi Arlie what do you think about
11:41 all these people here?
11:42 What do you think at these people?
11:44 What did they get down there?
11:45 What did they get down there?
11:47 This! Oh! Look at that. Yeah. I baked a sheet like
11:51 some of that nice bread over there bakery.
11:55 Oh! Are you are the baker that my friend
11:59 comes to you all the time?
12:01 Well I don't know but obviously.
12:03 Are you only the one in town?
12:05 I am the only one currently.
12:07 Well it must be you then she says you got best bread.
12:11 Well I am happy to hear that. Yes, yes.
12:15 What bread do you like because every bread
12:17 is different and you have to make it
12:19 differently every single time.
12:21 A lot goes into baking bread.
12:23 Can you, do you have a recipe or something
12:27 that you can get me.
12:28 Well it depends on what kind of bread you like.
12:30 How about rye? Rye bread! Oh you got to get there.
12:33 Flat bread, you have got to get the best ingredients.
12:36 Well if you use, if you are going into a flat bread
12:39 then we don't need yeast, because yeast makes
12:43 the bread rise really, really big.
12:45 Well I would really like to have your exact recipe
12:49 because my husband and I are thinking about
12:52 getting a stove somewhat like yours
12:55 and doing something like that.
12:58 Well, well there is a lot to go in the baking
12:59 for good fresh bake bread, the process can't be rushed.
13:03 Barnabas, you have to keep complaining,
13:05 can't you just say hello to the nice lady
13:07 like everybody else does. Oh! I wasn't complaining.
13:11 I was simply explaining the things a lot more about
13:15 bread making than one might think.
13:17 But you right Aaron.
13:19 Hi I am Barnabas welcome to Barnabas' bakery.
13:22 Thank you, thank you Barnabas.
13:24 This is my assistant Aaron.
13:26 Hi Aaron! Pleasure! It's nice to meet you and good
13:30 I am glad that you are here everyday.
13:32 Well we aren't here everyday but the reason
13:34 that I am so on edgily is because
13:36 of Jesus of Nazareth.
13:39 I have heard of him. Yes. Yes.
13:41 But when did he started out in carpentry trade,
13:43 yeah, not it on the against career changes
13:47 I am just saying. See he is started out
13:51 in the carpentry trade and now he is teaching
13:54 and feeding at the people. I heard. I heard.
13:58 I found him on the mountain side or something.
14:00 That's right. And he fed 5000 people.
14:04 Over a 5000 people, 5000, just by using,
14:08 how can he feed so many?
14:09 Five loaves of bread and two fish
14:12 and he fed everybody. Everybody ate.
14:15 That's right Now people keep coming by our shop
14:18 and asking me if I can feed 5000 people in one day.
14:23 Over a 5000! Over a 5000! Thank you.
14:27 You gonna have to get a bigger oven.
14:29 That's right I can make 5 loaves of bread
14:32 sure in an hour. Sure, but not food for 5000.
14:36 Where did he get it? Well I don't know
14:39 he must have had a miracle because,
14:43 after he was done, they filled 12 baskets.
14:49 That's a lot of bread. 12 baskets!
14:51 I tell you Aaron if this Jesus goes into baking
14:55 we are out of the job.
14:57 He is not gonna go into baking.
14:59 Really why is that?
15:01 Was because what happened afterward.
15:03 Oh! Yeah what it happened after
15:05 well some friends of mine started following Jesus
15:07 around expecting that he was going continue
15:09 to feed them bread like this all the time.
15:11 Sure, sure. But he told them you shouldn't spend
15:13 your energy seeking after perishable things like food
15:16 rather you should spent your time seeking
15:18 after eternal life and the kingdom of heaven
15:21 which is the reason that the father
15:23 sent me here at earth.
15:24 So what is that mean.
15:26 Well that's means the Jesus the bread of life
15:29 wants us to follow Him so that we can receive
15:31 all of his love and the blessings of heaven.
15:34 He is not out to give us fresh bake bread.
15:36 That's make sense. So Jesus really
15:41 isn't going into baking. No he is not,
15:43 but he sure does know a lot about bread.
15:45 Well listen I am going back to work,
15:48 I'm quick loafing around. Alright!
15:51 You know I am sorry I did hear that his bread
15:54 was just a little well in fact
15:56 that was lot better than yours.
15:58 Well I guess you would expect that
16:01 from the bread of life.
16:02 Who would have thought a teacher
16:04 from Nazareth could do so many things
16:06 to so many people. It's Right.
16:09 Here, why don't you try some of this bread.
16:11 Oh! Thank you I am must be going now.
16:14 Alright. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
19:07 Hi boys and girls it's time for Miss Brenda's
19:10 Book of the Day and this book about
19:14 'Petunia the Ugly Pug'. You know what is pug is,
19:18 it's a special king pug dog
19:20 and it's by Heather Grovet, listen.
19:22 Who let that dog out. Oh, no! Petunia's on the loose!
19:27 That naughty pup escaped from the car before Kyla
19:30 and family could even get her home.
19:32 This is just one of the hilarious adventures
19:35 of a mischievous little pug dog named Petunia,
19:38 a dog that was so smelly and ugly,
19:41 nobody wanted her. She was definitely
19:44 not a perfect pug puppy Kyla dreamed about
19:46 for her 9th birthday. But one look in those big
19:50 brown eyes and that funny wrinkled face
19:53 and Kyla fell in love with the pugnacious pug!
19:57 Oh, I can't wait to hear about all those antics
20:00 that dog got into can you,
20:02 'Petunia the Ugly Pug' by Heather Grovet.
20:06 Well boys and girls I have a special treat
20:09 for you today I was reading my letters
20:11 and I have letter here from Sydney out in Coloma,
20:13 Michigan and you know what?
20:14 She sent me her phone number,
20:16 so you know what I did? You guessed it.
20:18 I just called her and she is on the phone right now.
20:20 Hi Sydney! Hi Miss Brenda!
20:22 Hi sweetie, thank you so much for your letter.
20:25 Let me ask you Sydney,
20:27 you have how many brothers and sisters?
20:32 Four! Yeah. Four, and I see a picture of you
20:36 with a little baby Joshua how old is Joshua?
20:38 He is one. He is one year old now. Yes.
20:42 Oh but at the time of the picture though
20:44 he was 6 months wasn't he, just a little bit a baby.
20:47 Can you tell me what do you do Sydney to share Jesus?
20:52 I go to my neighbors and tell them about Jesus
20:56 and invite them to church.
20:58 Oh, that's good and do you ever have anybody
21:02 say no that they won't go to church.
21:04 My neighbors usually say if I tell them time
21:09 of Church, they say I need to be working on this day,
21:16 and Sabbath and I work till 10 o'clock
21:20 or they say I can't come this Sabbath or something.
21:26 Do you ever had, have you ever had anybody
21:28 come to Church with you yet.
21:30 No. Not yet but I want you to don't get discouraged
21:33 okay Sydney you still keep asking people alright.
21:36 Alright. And one of this time that you might
21:39 be surprised they might say Sydney I love
21:41 to go to church with you and you know what you can do.
21:43 You can pray for them will you do that. Yes. Alright.
21:47 Well thank you so much Sydney.
21:49 How much do you love Jesus?
21:50 A whole lot, you do I know,
21:53 I love Jesus a whole lot too.
21:54 But thank you for talking to me today,
21:56 keep sharing Jesus won't you? Yes. Alright.
21:59 Bye-bye now. Bye. Well that was precious, wasn't it,
22:04 and you know boys and girls don't you get discouraged
22:07 because some times you know when we ask someone
22:10 to go to Church or we think that we are witnessing
22:12 and we know we might they might not be receptive.
22:15 We might try to give somebody a little book
22:17 about Jesus and they go, I don't want that.
22:18 But don't get discouraged. It doesn't mean
22:20 you don't ever pass how books again do you?
22:22 You just pray about it and you just go to the next
22:24 person okay so don't get discouraged
22:26 keep sharing Jesus won't you.
22:28 Let see I have letter here I have got so many
22:31 wonderful letters and emails from you.
22:34 This letter is from India and lets see
22:37 what this letter says and in it's say
22:41 dear Miss Brenda, I am Amanda and I would like
22:43 to join Kids Club I live in India
22:45 and I am in the 11th grade and I am 15 years old
22:48 I want to learn more about God.
22:50 I have a brother Austin who is in the 7th grade
22:53 and he is 12 years old he is also likes to join
22:56 Kids Club so can you please sign us up please
22:59 for the club and we would like to learn the lessons
23:01 about Jesus thank you very much love Amanda
23:04 and she lives in Tamil Nadu, India,
23:09 and it's Tamil Nadu and I am sure
23:13 that I pronounced that right.
23:14 But thank you so much and I will make sure
23:16 you start getting those Bible studies right away
23:18 and you will learn more about Jesus
23:20 I think you are really gonna enjoy them.
23:21 Here is that email says dear Miss Brenda what a pity
23:25 that we are in school when Kids Time is coming on
23:27 but today we did listen to the praise time
23:30 and enjoy it we want to tell you that
23:32 we want you tell you what we are doing.
23:34 I think my mom told you that we have games
23:36 on a Saturday evening at by the Church.
23:38 Well last year we had getting together for kids
23:41 that is not so privileged as we are after they had
23:44 a nice meal and we had games
23:45 and they all enjoy it very much.
23:47 They share some of those children come on a Saturday
23:50 evening to Church for Sabbath clothing and programs.
23:52 When they played for a while we give them
23:55 something to eat and they all enjoy that.
23:57 We teach them nice songs and they enjoy that too
24:00 sometimes their mothers are coming also we pray
24:03 that they will like us so much at they will start
24:05 to come to Sabbath school every week God bless you
24:08 and it said from South Africa and it says
24:12 Shaden and also Jade Inman, and also Johan and Tolika.
24:19 Well thank you so much for that letter from
24:21 South Africa and that's Freeman's Bell, South Africa.
24:24 Well thank you for that letter.
24:27 Let's see this is from Orlenia in Ringgold Georgia
24:32 and let's see that is pretty hard,
24:33 and lots of cards here. It says dear Miss Brenda
24:37 I would love to be chosen to come on 3ABN
24:40 and tell how I share Jesus,
24:41 but guess what I am reading your letter.
24:43 It said one Sabbath afternoon I went out
24:45 on a mission knocking on the doors and this
24:48 particular man was interested in the Bible
24:50 and I kept on telling him of the Seventh Day
24:52 Sabbath in Exodus 20 where we should keep
24:54 the is Sabbath Day holy, he was shocked just the way
24:57 he looked at me and said are you home-schooled,
25:00 then I said yes. The man looked at me in amazement
25:03 as if I was too young to be quoting Bible Scriptures
25:06 from memory and said he is going to read Exodus 20
25:10 to see how well he can understand the verse himself,
25:12 I sure hope I hear from you soon and remember
25:15 God loves you and thank you for my bookmarks
25:17 and also the Bible study lessons.
25:19 I really like them a lot.
25:21 My mom and I want to also sing but unfortunately
25:24 we don't have a tape recorder so we sing for Church
25:27 from the New Hymn and others,
25:29 and it said thank you very much love Orlenia.
25:32 And Orlenia thank you for that beautiful letter
25:36 that you sent me and telling me all the ways
25:38 that you share Jesus you witness
25:39 for Jesus in a very special way.
25:41 Okay, now I have an email this says
25:43 dear Miss Brenda, how are you?
25:45 I am fine I enjoyed watching your program
25:47 and I always wanted to write but I thought
25:50 I was too old until I heard
25:52 that another lady wrote to you.
25:54 Wow, that was good news for me.
25:55 I can write after all. I spread the good news
25:58 of salvation by telling my friends about Christ
26:00 and sharing my lunch with others and I even preach
26:03 at church on Children's Day. I am also a Pathfinder.
26:06 I am 14 and I gave our Bible studies papers
26:09 to people to share Jesus and yes, we are family
26:13 of four, my mom and dad and little baby sister and I,
26:16 bye, bye for now Shanick
26:17 and I live on Antigua, West Indies.
26:20 Well, thank you very much, that's all the time
26:22 we have today boys and girls.
26:24 I want to encourage you
26:25 wherever you go whatever you do.
26:26 It's Kid's Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17