Participants: Brenda Walsh, Hayley Mundall, Justin Mundall, Sasha Roberts
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000144
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there. 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi boys and girls, you know my friends Conna 00:27 told me something interesting today, 00:29 she told me that her house is lonely, 00:32 that's right she said you know I never heard 00:34 about a lonely horse, have you? 00:36 Here's a picture of him, his name is Pony boy, 00:39 but he's no pony as you can see, he's a 00:40 great big horse. In fact, I think if you look 00:43 really close, you're gonna see Chelsea is on 00:46 Pony boy and so as Adriana and there's Emily 00:49 Beth leading Pony boy by the reins. You know, 00:54 even great big horses like Pony boy can get lonely 00:57 I never heard of that before but my friend Conna 01:00 is trying to find another horse to buy so that 01:02 Pony boy won't be lonely anymore, 01:04 her veterinarian told her that a horse who 01:06 is kept all alone he can get sad and grumpy and 01:09 sometimes even dangerous, isn't it amazing 01:12 how God made animals to want companionship 01:15 just like humans do, animals need each other 01:18 just like people need each other and in the 01:20 beginning God declared it is not good that man 01:24 should be alone I will make him a helpmate for him. 01:28 Well, right from the start both man and animals 01:30 were divided into twos male and female. 01:33 Now, many years later after man had become very 01:36 wicked God destroyed the earth with a huge flood 01:40 but guess what? God made a way for both man 01:43 and animals to be saved and they were saved 01:45 in twos. Noah and his sons boarded the ark with 01:49 their wives and many, many animals were saved 01:51 in twos as well. You know we're gonna hear 01:54 all about it in our Bible story today but 01:56 first it's time to go to the garden with Emily. 02:07 Hey boys and girls, welcome to Garden Time. 02:10 Today my extra special helpers Abbey and Alex 02:13 are gonna help me explore the world of garden tools. 02:17 There's just a couple of things that you need 02:18 to gear up for whenever you go out to your garden. 02:22 Do you guys know what the first really important 02:24 thing is? I will give you a clue, gloves, 02:26 gloves, gloves, garden gloves. 02:28 Now, look at mine what do you think of these? 02:31 Cool, yeah cool garden gloves make gardening 02:36 a fun time. Mine, I picked out my favorite color, 02:38 this turquoise color with big white polka dots. 02:42 And garden gloves are, boys and girls, 02:44 do you hear all that noise the birds and the chugs. 02:47 Well, that's because my garden is in the city, 02:50 well being in the city it makes it really easy 02:52 to get out there and buy all the tools that 02:54 I need for my garden. Especially cool 02:57 garden gloves, the second thing that's really 03:00 important to get with garden tools especially 03:03 for kids is to get tools that are personally sized 03:06 for kids and Abbey actually has a plastic hand shovel. 03:11 Now, this tool is really important especially 03:13 whenever you work in containers and small 03:15 gardens and Abbey, can you just hold that for me, 03:18 and all you do as you can bend down and you 03:20 can just dig in the soil and that's a really great 03:23 tool that you can do little weeding jobs and 03:26 plant little plants in your own garden. 03:28 Okay, thanks Abbey, now Alex in his hand, 03:32 he has a good cultivator and these tools are really 03:36 nice because they're plastic, which means that 03:37 they're really durable and also they're not so sharp, 03:40 so they're not very dangerous to work with. 03:42 So it's perfect for kids in the garden and what 03:45 this does Alex you can go ahead and start, 03:47 it's really good for loosening up that 03:49 really hard packed soil and it's also really great 03:52 whenever you have a lot of weeds in your garden. 03:56 Now the next couple of tools are my favorite 03:58 and these a absolute must. My favorite tool 04:01 is a garden shovel, where as you can see here 04:04 boys and girls this is a little bit big for Abbey 04:07 or Alex to use isn't? It's almost as tall as they are. 04:11 Well, I just happen to have a kids size shovel 04:15 and Abbey if you want to give me this, 04:18 you can hold the shovel and the way a shovel 04:21 works is, it's for digging big plants, 04:25 big holes for big plants such as trees and shrubs 04:28 and as you can see here, the shovel has a point 04:32 see you want to be really careful boys and girls 04:34 because sometimes this can be sharp but 04:35 its really great for digging into that hard soil 04:38 and you can just put your foot up and press down 04:40 and dig and turn over the soil, Now the next 04:45 garden tool, once again is my garden hoe 04:49 but this is little bit tall for Alex, 04:52 and actually its almost too tall for Emily in the 04:55 garden too isn't it? So, I have a kid size garden 04:59 hoe and Alex, do you want to switch me? Yeah. 05:02 And this is really great boy and girls, 05:04 for getting in between those plants to get 05:06 those weeds and you just take it Alex and you 05:09 kind of go between the plants. 05:11 Yes, perfect job you guys are really great gardeners 05:15 and you can just get all the weeds in your garden 05:17 because the weed if any unwanted plant in 05:19 your garden and if it grows really big. 05:22 It's gonna take all the water that the plants 05:24 that you plant need for your garden. 05:26 Now, the last tool that you're gonna want in your 05:29 garden is a garden rake and I'll use this one even 05:32 though it's a little bit small for Ms. Emily isn't? 05:35 But you can just rake your bed smooth 05:37 and also in the fall its really fun whenever 05:40 all the leaves fall off of the trees to use your rake 05:43 to rake up all the leaves and then jump in that 05:45 big pile. That's so much fun isn't it? Okay guys, 05:49 the last garden tool that you need to go out 05:52 in your garden with is one of the most important 05:54 things for you. Hey Alex, can you guess what's 05:57 the last thing is that I might need? Hat. 06:00 That's right, I need a garden hat, 06:03 a garden hat not only keeps the sun out of your 06:06 face but it also keeps you cool all day long. 06:10 I just want to thank my extra special garden 06:12 helpers today Abbey and Alex, they 06:14 really know how to work a shovel in the garden. 06:17 I also want to encourage you everyday 06:20 to sow the seeds of God's love. 06:30 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart; 06:31 and lean not unto thy own understanding. 06:35 In all thy ways acknowledge him, 06:36 and he shall lead thy paths. Proverbs 3:5 and 6. 06:46 Wonderful, Wonderful, Yes my Lord is wonderful 06:52 Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful 06:56 Eyes have seen, Ears have heard. 06:58 It's recorded in God's word 07:01 Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful 07:09 Come and go with me to my father's house 07:14 to my father's house. to my father's house. 07:19 Come and go with me to my father's house 07:23 where there is joy, joy, joy Jesus is the Way 07:30 to my Father's house, to my Father's house, 07:35 to my Father's house, Jesus is the Way 07:39 to my Father's house, where there's joy, joy, joy! 07:46 Come and go with me to my Father's house, 07:50 to my Father's house, to my Father's house, 07:55 Come and go with me to my Father's house, 07:59 where there's joy, joy, joy! 08:04 where there's joy, joy, joy! 08:23 How would you like to have a recipe 08:24 that's easy simple and a one dish meal. 08:27 Well today we're making a delicious recipe 08:29 called bean and cornbread casserole. 08:32 I'm gonna go ahead and read the recipe for you. 08:35 Vegetable cooking spray 1 cup chopped onion 08:39 1 cup chopped red bell pepper 08:42 2 cloves of garlic, minced 08:46 1 16oz. can dark red kidney beans, 08:49 1 160z.can pinto beans, 1 16oz can tomatoes, 08:56 1 8oz. can tomato sauce 1tsp. chili powder 09:02 1/4-1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 09:06 And your favorite cornbread recipe 09:08 Now to save a little bit of time I've already 09:10 sauteed my one cup of chopped red bell pepper, 09:13 my 1 cup of chopped onion and my two cloves 09:16 of minced garlic are in the pan and all you 09:19 need to do is just spray it with a little bit of 09:20 vegetable cooking spray and just saute it up 09:23 until the onions are a little bit clear. 09:25 Now, if onions aren't clear, they're gonna be 09:27 a little bit chunky and I like cooked onions. 09:29 You wanna make sure that they're clear and 09:31 next we're gonna take the rest of our ingredients 09:34 which are the beans, the one 16 oz can of dark 09:37 red kidney beans, I'm gonna put it in with this, 09:44 and our 1 16 oz can of pinto beans and now these 09:48 beans are all drained, you want to rinse them 09:50 and drain them, also our one can, 09:55 1 8oz. can of tomato sauce. And our 1 16 oz. 10:05 can of tomatoes and don't forget your seasonings, 10:13 one tsp of chili powder and 1/2 or to 1/4 tsp 10:18 of cayenne pepper. This recipe is a lot like your 10:28 like chilling cornbread. And have except that 10:33 you know it's all you have to serve, 10:34 just have all in one you have to make two 10:35 different things and I'm gonna leave this in here 10:38 to simmer and while it's simmering I'm gonna 10:41 go ahead and get my pan over here it's a 9, 10:45 13x9x2 inch pan and go ahead and spray it 10:51 with non-stick cooking spray right here, 10:54 spray it around the pan and you don't really have 10:59 to worry about you know exactly how long, 11:00 just let this simmer for a second. 11:03 And take it off and heat it and dump it in, 11:08 carefully dump in the pan's gonna be really hot. 11:13 Go ahead and set this back on here. 11:16 Now, I've already made up my cornbread and 11:21 I'm gonna dump this on, this is, you can use 11:23 any kind of your favorite cornbread recipe, 11:29 just put it over the top and what you're gonna 11:31 do is you're just gonna spread it out over the top 11:33 and it'll be done, and you're gonna bake this 11:37 at 375 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes and 11:41 I already have a already cooked one here for you. 11:47 This is what it's gonna look like when it's done. 11:48 You have the cornbread all spread out over the top 11:50 evenly and it looks delicious, its gonna be 11:54 also one dish meal, you don't need anything else 11:57 to eat it. Well, you could had may be in green 12:00 leafy salad with it but it's good just the way 12:02 it is too. Well, I wanted to show you how good 12:05 it would look and taste when you dish it out. 12:08 So, I have a plate here, I just gonna dish a piece 12:15 of this out. And it's gonna be a little bit soupy 12:30 but it should be okay. Well, one meal it's delicious, 12:39 well, that's all there is to it. So, 12:41 until next time keep cooking and eat healthy. 12:51 Momma please, please, please tell my friend 12:55 the stories, oh! I suppose I can. I'll be back. 13:05 I'm gonna tell you a story today about, 13:10 we love stories. Well good, have you heard 13:14 the story of Noah and the Ark. Its Noah, oh! 13:19 I mean a big Noah. No. Well, God told Noah 13:25 that there is gonna be a big flood on the earth 13:28 and he needs to make a great big boat and there 13:33 was gonna be lots of animals in the boat. 13:35 What kind of animals? All different ones, 13:40 there were sea birds, dogs and cats and dogs. 13:44 Yes. There were lions and giraffes and what 13:48 other kinds do you think were on the boat? 13:51 And frog, frogs, that's right. 13:56 You think they had rabbits, yes tortoise, 14:05 do you think that there was rhinoceroses? 14:13 Yes, I think so too. Wow! How did they all fit. 14:17 Well they, some of them, there was only two of them, 14:21 those were the unclean animals. 14:24 You mean, dirty animals. Wow! Peter, 14:26 got to come here, and wasn't that dirty, yeah, 14:31 we can't eat them. And there was two of them, 14:34 a boy horse and a girl horse, of all the unclean 14:37 animals, two of them and they were right up 14:40 the ramp and right into the boat and there was 14:42 a little space for each one of the animals. 14:45 Wow! Yes. And the ones that were clean they 14:48 were seven. How many do you think seven is? 14:53 This many right here, yeah seven. Seven of those 14:59 animals. Well, it will 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15:07 that's right. Wow, that's good, good job. 15:09 And so the animals got into the boat. 15:12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 and the rains came. 15:15 And pretty soon the floods came and they got 15:18 deeper and the boat was on the water. 15:20 How long did it rain? It rained for 40 days 15:24 and 40 nights. Oh! Wow! Were they scared? 15:28 I don't know, do you think that they were scared? 15:30 Oh! Yeah. Yeah, I would be scared because 15:34 it was storming and raining but they shouldn't, 15:38 I would be scared if I heard the storm. 15:40 Yeah, they were scared too but they trusted 15:43 in God to protect them and to take care of them 15:47 and they were okay and when the rain stopped, 15:50 everyone was still okay. Good. 15:54 Yes, and they had a little window and they would 15:56 open the window and they look and all they could 15:59 see was water and there wasn't any trees or 16:02 land or birds or anything anywhere, just the water. 16:07 So, how did they get out? Well, 16:09 they had to wait until the water went into the 16:12 ground and then it soaked up, and it dried up, 16:15 and they, and God send an angel to open 16:18 the door and they all came out, the animals 16:20 were skipping, jumping and they were happy, 16:24 they became excited. They were excited, 16:26 don't you think you would excited to come out 16:27 of the boat after that long time? Yeah, 16:29 would you be excited Hannah. Yes, 16:31 they were in there for a long time. 16:33 I will just go out and see if I could find any trees. 16:38 We just dig for a seed. Wow! And it took 16:41 a little while, How many days they stayed 16:43 in that Ark? Yes, for the, 40 days, 16:45 yes for the trees to grow and for the grass 16:47 to grow back and do you think that they were 16:50 thankful to God that he had saved their life 16:53 in that flood. Oh! Yeah, yes, I think so. 16:58 And do you know what? They had a little worship 17:02 right there and they thanked God for saving 17:05 them. And God was so happy that they were 17:09 thankful that he gave them a special promise 17:13 and he told them I will never ever send another 17:17 flood that covers the whole world ever again. 17:21 That is so good. And do you know that we still 17:24 get a part of that promise. Today when it rains 17:27 sometimes, how, a rainbow, God send a rainbow. 17:30 That's right he put a rainbow in the sky. 17:33 That's where that comes from, oh! Wow. 17:37 And every time you see that you can remember 17:39 the promise that God gave to Noah. 17:43 I'm so happy that our God is so nice to us 17:47 and that he loves us. Isn't it great that God 17:49 loves us? Yes, it is. Me too. Yes, well, 17:55 I have to get back to work and you kids 17:57 have a wonderful day today. Thank you, 18:00 thank you for telling us the story, 18:02 you are welcome good bye, bye, bye. 18:08 So, how's business going. 18:23 Don't build your house on the sandy land, 18:27 don't build it too near the shore. 18:32 Well, it might look kind of nice but 18:34 you'll have to build it twice, 18:36 or you'll have to build your house once more. 18:41 Don't build your house on the sandy land, 18:46 don't build it too near the shore. 18:50 Well, it might look kind of nice but 18:52 you'll have to build it twice, 18:54 or you'll have to build your house once more. 19:00 You've got to build your house upon the rock, 19:04 make a good foundation on a solid spot. 19:08 Oh, the storms may come and go, 19:13 but the peace of God you will know. 19:18 Don't build your house on the sandy land, 19:23 don't build it too near the shore. 19:27 Well, it might look kind of nice but 19:29 you'll have to build it twice, 19:32 or you'll have to build your house once more. 19:36 Well, it might look kind of nice but 19:39 you'll have to build it twice, 19:43 or you'll have to build your house once more. 19:57 Hi boys and girls, its Miss Brenda's book 20:00 of the day, and you know what we have 20:02 Prince Prances Again, by Heather Grovet. 20:05 Wait till you hear this, it says, 20:07 I'll never forgive that Katie Adoff, 20:09 Janelle said sharply, the way she looked 20:10 at Prince, never, it was going to be a great 20:14 year, Janelle had a pony of her own and 20:16 a new friend called Katie who lived near by, 20:19 what fun they would have riding Prince but 20:22 before long Katie wants to ride Prince all of the 20:25 time and whines whe she can't and Katie 20:28 is bossy and annoying and a pest, 20:30 Janelle praised for Jesus to help her to be patient 20:33 with Katie. But things go from bad to worse 20:36 when Katie thinks she can ride Prince as well as 20:38 Janelle and trots off with her black pony. 20:41 Janelle tries to stop them but Prince gets 20:43 spooked and gets a nasty cut on his shoulder 20:46 by running through a barred wired fence. 20:49 Now, Janelle's pony is hurt and she can't ride him 20:51 for weeks, will Janelle ever be able to forgive 20:54 her new friend for hurting Prince, 20:57 but you're gonna have to find out 20:58 boys and girls when you read the story Prince 21:01 rides again or Prince Prances 21:03 again by Heather Grovet. 21:05 Well, I'm excited boys and girls because 21:07 I have lots of emails and letters and cards 21:11 to share with you but before I get to all that, 21:13 you know want I want to do. I have Zachary 21:17 on the phone and we're gonna talk to him 21:18 and see what he does to share Jesus. 21:20 Zachary, are you there? Hi Ms. Brenda. 21:23 Well hello Zachary, how are you today? Good. 21:26 Good, well tell me how old are you Zachary and 21:28 where you from? I'm 11 and I'm from Farmington, 21:32 New Mexico. Farmington, New Mexico and you're 21:34 11 years old. Tell me, do you share Jesus? Yes. 21:38 And what do you do to share Jesus. 21:41 I help feed the homeless, and give them hats 21:45 and gloves. Now, when you say you feed 21:48 the homeless, what exactly do you do? 21:53 I pass out the food and help serve it and pour 21:57 the drinks. What kind of food do you fit? Do 21:59 they fix that you serve? Spaghetti and sloppy 22:06 Joes. Sloppy Joes. And you have other stuff 22:10 too but those are the two you think of now. 22:14 Yeah. I think, I see, and do you love Jesus 22:18 Zachary? A whole lot, oh I love Jesus too. 22:23 Well, I understand you have a sister that also 22:25 loves Jesus, is she there, could we can talk 22:27 to her too. Ah ah, there she is. Alright, 22:34 hello Sara, is that you? Yeah, how old are you 22:37 Sara? I'm 8, your 8 years old and tell me Sara 22:42 do you love Jesus? Yes, you do and you take, 22:45 do you share Jesus every chance you get, ah? 22:49 Do you like to share Jesus every chance you get. 22:52 Yep. And what do you do share Jesus? 22:57 I help out pass out the bulletins at church 23:01 and I help them with little Kids classroom. 23:05 Well that's good. And do you do anything else? 23:09 Yep. What do you do? I help out in the sound booth. 23:21 And what do you do in the sound booth at church? 23:24 Like turn up and down that of the mics of the people 23:29 singing upfront. Well that's pretty good for 8 years 23:32 old you can do that, I'm really proud of you. 23:37 Thank you. Well, I want to encourage you to keep 23:39 sharing Jesus won't you? Yep. Alright now, 23:42 thank you for talking to us today and you just 23:45 keep sharing Jesus and tell Zachary that Miss Brenda 23:48 thanks him for talking with us too, okay. 23:52 Okay, alright, bye, bye now, bye. 23:55 Wasn't that nice to talk with Sara and Zachary? 23:58 Boys and girls, if you'd like to talk with me on 24:00 Kids Time make, sure when you write me 24:02 that you send me a picture and you send me 24:04 your phone number and who knows I might 24:06 be calling you. Okay, well let's read a couple 24:09 of these letters that I have here. 24:11 This one is from Orlando, Florida and let's see 24:16 who this is from and I do have a picture and 24:21 a really cute little boy there. Let's see, 24:23 this says dear Ms. Brenda it says I share Jesus 24:26 by telling others that Jesus is coming soon and 24:30 he's coming again very soon. Auntie Brenda, 24:33 may I come to your club and that did you know 24:36 that Jesus loves me and also he loves you 24:39 and I'm seven years old and I am from South America. 24:43 Well, thank you so much I see that the Florida 24:47 address must be one that you know somebody 24:49 that you send mail there, I'm not sure but 24:51 I wanna thank you for your letter and I'm glad 24:54 you that you are telling people that Jesus 24:55 is coming soon because you know what? 24:57 He is coming soon. I have a letter here from 25:01 Shaun from Etowah, Tennessee and oh! 25:04 I got another picture in here I love those pictures 25:06 boys and girls. And let's see here, 25:12 here's a picture, he's in a baseball looks 25:14 like uniform. He must play baseball, says, 25:17 dear Ms. Brenda my name is Shaun 25:19 and I am five years old I love to watch Kids Time 25:22 and my favorite part is Ranger Jim 25:25 and I also like learning time with Ben Roy, 25:27 I share cards and stickers at school with my 25:30 friends, my birthday in November, 25:33 please can I join Kids Time and have an 25:36 activity book, thank you for your great program, 25:38 love Shaun. Well, you sure can Shaun, 25:40 we'll send you out a Kids Time activity book 25:44 and we'll also send you out a, 25:47 get you signed up for Bible studies okay at 25:49 kids club. This email says dear Ms. Brenda 25:52 Thank you for your speed reply to my email 25:54 I will await the activity book and mark, 25:57 and the bookmark in the mail. I am five years old 26:00 and I'm so eager to start the Bible studies, 26:02 I share Jesus with others by helping my dad 26:04 to cook and also I make post cards for children 26:07 that don't have any toys. I also help my baby 26:10 brother pick up his toys, change his diapers 26:13 and help him not to touch dangerous things. 26:15 I tell everyone that Jesus is in my heart and 26:18 that Jesus is my best friend and he will be their 26:21 best friend too. Thank you for sharing Jesus 26:23 with us on Kids Time, love Abigail. 26:26 Well, thank you Abigail and it sounds like you 26:28 do a lot to share Jesus. Well, boys and girls, 26:31 I want to encourage you to do everything 26:33 you can for Jesus because Jesus loves you. 26:36 Remember its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17