Participants: Joshua Webber, The Patchett's, Brenda Walsh, Shelli Johnson, Simon Käller
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000143
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi boys and girls, do you know I've often wished, 00:27 I could go back and live in Bible times and meet 00:29 the people from all my favorite Bible stories. 00:32 Wouldn't that be interesting to sit down 00:33 and talk with Moses or Abraham or 00:36 the Apostle Paul and wouldn't it be exciting 00:39 to stand by and watch God send lightening 00:41 down from heaven and burn up the altar 00:44 where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, 00:47 do you remember that? 00:48 And what about Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, Oh! 00:51 Wouldn't you like to ask them how they felt 00:53 when they discovered Jesus was with them 00:55 right there in the middle of that fiery furnace. 00:58 Well, I'm glad to tell you boys and girls 00:59 that you'll get to meet all of those people in 01:02 heaven some day. And if you followed Jesus 01:04 you will get to talk with Caleb and Joshua 01:07 and Isaiah and Jeremiah 01:09 and with all of Jesus' loyal disciples. 01:12 But best of all, you'll get to talk with Jesus 01:16 Himself face to face. Do you know in our Bible 01:19 story today we'll get to meet a famous woman 01:21 from the Bible times. Well at least we pretend 01:24 to meet her. We'll get to hear her tell all about 01:27 her life and about her famous husband. 01:29 And we'll even see her little son 01:31 when he was a baby. We'll probably get a 01:34 little taste of what it'll be like to meet her in 01:36 heaven someday. But first it's time to 01:39 catch up with Ranger Jim, 01:40 he has something interesting to show us. 01:50 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying 01:52 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad you 01:53 can join us today we're in Knoxville, Tennessee 01:55 at the Knoxville zoo. And look what we have, 01:58 isn't this a beautiful creature? 01:59 Nikki, tell us what this is? 02:01 This is an American Peregrine Falcon. Ah, 02:05 he is gorgeous, tell us something about him. 02:08 Well, these birds have a really interesting 02:10 history and they were considered endangered 02:13 back in 1970, they were declared an endangered 02:15 specie and they believed that DDT a pesticide 02:18 was leading cause of their disappearance 02:20 and it got into their food chain that farmers 02:24 were using it for a chemical the pesticide 02:26 to help reduce the bug population that they had. 02:29 But it got into their water source 02:31 and their eggs became extremely brittle, 02:33 so when they went to sit on them they would hatch. 02:35 They would crack and they wouldn't be able to hatch. 02:38 Exactly. Much of them that effected the eagles, 02:40 did it not, it did, and all those 02:41 at the top of the food chain. Exactly. 02:43 Mention that briefly, how does that work? 02:45 Well it gets into the water system and 02:48 the smaller animals begin to eat that. 02:50 They'll eat the bugs and rodents things like that 02:53 in the water and then the larger animals will start 02:55 to eat the rodents and it just continues on and on. 02:58 Then higher up the chain, the more effect it has. 03:00 Exactly. Tell us something about the flying, 03:02 it look like it's built for flight. 03:03 They are, they're actually pretty amazing animals, 03:06 these are the fastest animals in the world. 03:08 And they can, they dive out of the sky 03:11 at speeds of over 200 miles an hour. 03:13 You said 200 miles an hour, yes. 03:17 Amazing, amazing. What do they feed on then? 03:21 They like to eat other birds. 03:22 Oh, that's unfortunate but that's what happens, 03:24 okay, Smaller birds? Well, actually they can 03:28 catch a bird about the same size as themselves 03:30 and they love pigeons. They've been reintroducing 03:33 these birds into cities all around the 03:35 United States and Canada and they love 03:38 to nest on cliff tops out in the wild so. 03:41 In the cities they'll nest in the really 03:43 tall skyscrapers. Well that's neat then 03:45 in Chicago or New York up on the ledges 03:47 you have the Peregrine Falcon. 03:49 And there is a very abundant 03:51 food source there, pigeons so. 03:52 Pigeons and so, they really like them. 03:54 And most people don't feel too bad if they eat 03:56 an occasional pigeons right, exactly, like that. 03:57 Alright, tell me now when they're nesting, 03:59 how many eggs would they lay. 04:01 I think they lay about two to four eggs, 04:04 it just depends. Do both mother and father 04:07 feed or, actually, I'm not sure about that, 04:11 I couldn't tell you right of that about 04:13 which one and I do believe mostly the mother 04:15 would feed but the father does occasionally 04:17 help the mother, so. I would think that would 04:19 probably true with them too that and then, 04:21 then when the young fledged, 04:22 do they say in the general area 04:24 then of the parents or? 04:25 They do somewhat for a certain amount of time 04:28 and then they'll find their own area. 04:29 And we actually in Downtown Knoxville 04:32 have an area that we have two that come back 04:35 every single year and nest, wonderful. 04:37 And then bird lovers are there to watch and 04:40 gather around the crowd of them like that. 04:42 Now do they have any natural enemies or 04:45 predators that would feed on them other than man or? 04:47 Well man is the number one predator for them 04:50 and they have to be pretty careful, 04:52 they're pretty fast so they don't have 04:54 too many predators but and Great horned owls 04:57 might try to get them if they're available, 04:59 it's mostly when they're young that they have 05:01 the hardest time and only about 80 percent 05:04 of birds make it through their first year. 05:06 So it's mostly. That's a tragedy there because 05:10 we find that in song birds and many other birds 05:13 and migration, radio towers, 05:15 television towers and things like that. 05:17 And most people don't realize boys and girls 05:19 how many collisions that birds do have 05:20 with wires and guy-wires and antennas, 05:23 smokestacks and things like that in migration 05:26 that always saddens me so we get around a 05:28 smokestack like that and see these tiny 05:30 beautiful little war birds that are in transition, 05:33 migrating and fly into things like that. 05:35 But this bird, it is carnivorous right, 05:38 it lives on other birds like that. 05:40 And you are just beautiful, 05:42 he has a nice song doesn't he, 05:44 he sings like that, he does. Well it strikes 05:46 fear in the hearts of some birds so, right. 05:49 Now let me get this right, 05:50 we're getting this boys and girls from an expert. 05:53 And this lady knows what she's talking about, 05:55 this bird can dive out of the sky 05:57 at 200 miles an hour. They've actually been 06:01 clocked about 270, so over 200 miles an hour. 06:05 That is just unbelievable. 06:07 We mentioned earlier though that they had, 06:09 that their story was tragic that they were 06:11 placed on the endangered species list 06:13 but as of August 1999 they've been taken off 06:16 the endangered species list so that is a 06:18 definite step in the right direction. They're now 06:20 just considered threatened species, 06:22 so step in the right direction. 06:23 So they still need the assistance, 06:25 so they need us to be careful and 06:26 share the earth with them, exactly. 06:27 Oh wonderful, boys and girls, 06:29 Ranger Jim telling you, don't forget to tell Jesus 06:32 that you love him because He really does love you. 06:43 Hosanna to the son of David. 06:46 Hosanna in the highest. Matthews 21:9. 07:01 Hosanna, loud hosanna, The little children sang, 07:10 Through pillared court and temple 07:14 The lovely anthem rang. 07:19 To Jesus, who had blessed them? 07:23 Close folded to his breast, 07:28 The children sang their praises, 07:33 The simplest and the best. 08:17 Hosanna in the highest! That ancient song we sing, 08:27 For Christ is our Redeemer, 08:31 The Lord of heaven our King. 08:36 O may we ever praise him 08:41 With heart and life and voice, 08:45 And in his blissful presence Eternally rejoice. 09:05 Welcome to Learning Time, 09:06 I'm glad you're here today. 09:08 How many of you like sound. Oh I love sound, 09:12 you know I have three helpers today 09:14 and we're just standing by up here aren't we? 09:16 I've got Chloe right here, Chloe, can you tell me 09:19 what do we need in order for us to have sound? 09:22 Vibrations. That's right, we need 09:24 something to vibrate. Hey, I want you to put 09:26 your hands right here on your throat. 09:28 And I want you to hum. Hummmmm. 09:31 Can you feel something vibrating. 09:33 Our vocal cords vibrate and Katie, 09:36 we need, what else do we need 09:37 in order for us to have sound? 09:39 Something for sound to travel through. 09:40 Right, we need something for 09:41 sound to travel through or in. 09:43 Does sound travel in the air? Oh yes it does. 09:46 Will it travel in liquids like water? 09:49 Oh, it loves to travel in liquids like water. 09:52 Will it travel in solids like steel and wood? 09:55 Yes, yes. It really likes to travel in steel 09:58 and wood about 15 times faster than the air. 10:02 Today oh we need one more thing, I almost forgot. 10:05 We need the third thing in order 10:07 for us to have sound. 10:08 Tyler, do you know what that is? Receiver. 10:10 Right we need something to receive the sound. 10:12 How many of you brought your 10:13 satellite receivers today, did you? 10:15 Some of you at home, you might have 10:17 satellite receivers too but I'm talking about 10:19 my ears because they act like satellite receivers, 10:22 it takes all of that sound information, 10:24 pushes it right into our head and 10:26 we hear sounds because of that. 10:29 Today, I brought three special rods 10:32 with me right here. This is a long rod, 10:34 I'm gonna give that to Chloe, 10:36 okay you get a medium size rod and Tyler, 10:39 you get the hardest rod of all, 10:41 it's the shortest one. Now we can make 10:44 some sounds come out of these rods. 10:46 All we have to do is to make them vibrate, 10:50 are you ready, are you ready? Yes. 10:54 I was hoping you were ready. 10:55 I'm going to take and I'm going to put 10:56 some of this rosin on my fingers, 10:58 because it makes my hand vibrate those rods. 11:02 So go ahead and rosin up your finger. 11:04 There you go Chloe's got rosin up hands 11:07 we're gonna rosin up your fingers right here. 11:09 Tyler's gonna rosin up too. You know there is a 11:11 musical instrument that we use rosin on. 11:14 Do you know what it is? A violin. 11:16 A violin, we have to put rosin on the bow. 11:18 Now what we have to do, let me grab yours, 11:21 what we do is we hold the rod like this 11:23 and then we rub our fingers over it and we 11:26 kind of squeeze as we rub. Can you see if you 11:28 can get that rod to vibrate? Let's see if she 11:31 can get that rod to vibrate with us. 11:33 She's gonna pull and squeeze 11:36 and we're gonna listen. Oh let me see 11:39 if I can get it to vibrate, here we go. 11:41 I'm gonna pull this, we're gonna see if we can get 11:43 this to vibrate, can you hear that? That's a very 11:48 loud sound. We're making that rod vibrate. 11:50 Can you try yours, and let's see if we can make 11:53 that rod vibrate. We're gonna have to squeeze, 11:55 listen, that's a higher pitch sound because 12:00 it's a shorter rod, excellent Katie. 12:02 How about yours Tyler? Tyler has the shortest rod 12:05 and the shortest one has to vibrate so much 12:07 faster and it's so much harder. 12:12 Let me try yours Tyler. I heard it squeak, 12:15 did you hear it squeak. We're gonna try this one, 12:17 listen to this. Wow. That's a very, 12:22 very high pitch, maybe you can keep that going Tyler. 12:26 And can you play them all together, we can have a, 12:29 a what, a trio, couldn't we? Can you get yours 12:31 going? That is so interesting to me. 12:36 Hey do you know when we study 12:38 more about science, we're learning more 12:41 about our creator and that is God. 12:52 I'm so glad. I ran into you at the marketplace. 12:54 I have, I've been so lonely, my husband, 12:57 he's out working the fields and so 12:58 it's just me in this house all alone. And so I'm so 13:01 glad you decided to come in. I'm so glad that you 13:03 saw me because. It's so good to get his little 13:06 head out of the sun sometimes. 13:07 I'm certain, it can be so hot especially 13:10 if you're traveling that sun can be brutal. 13:13 I'm sorry, what did you say your name was? 13:16 Oh I'm Rachel and this is little Joseph, oh right. 13:19 And this is my servant Bilhah. Hi, it's nice to 13:22 meet you Bilhah. So you all are traveling 13:25 then, yes. Alright. Oh and my sister Leah. 13:29 I have to tell you this. My sister Leah is 13:31 married to the same that I am Jacob. Really, 13:34 and you are sisters, that's what you said, 13:36 yeah, that's interesting, alright. 13:37 Yeah, it's kind of a long story but I'll 13:39 tell you about it sometime. Do please, 13:41 I want you to come back again. She has given 13:43 him six sons. Oh, she is definitely blessed 13:46 and just recently a daughter. 13:48 That made me feels so, like a horrible wife, 13:52 you know I couldn't give, I couldn't give him 13:54 anything special, I prayed so hard, so hard 13:57 to God that he would give me a son for Jacob. 14:01 I'm sorry, you said you prayed to who? 14:03 To the God of heaven. I don't believe 14:05 I'm familiar with that. I wasn't familiar with him 14:09 at first either. But Jacob, he praised him 14:12 all the time. He'll be in the field praying to him, 14:14 he prays for rain, he prays that his crops 14:17 will come up. He prays for Leah and my safety 14:21 and God listens to him and answers his prayers. 14:25 They're best friends and because of that I started 14:28 to pray and I know that the Lord answers 14:31 prayers because he gave me Joseph and he will 14:33 answer yours too, he'll listen to you 14:35 and be your friend. Even if I, I've never been 14:38 heard of him. I've already told you 14:39 I don't even know who is and He'll still 14:40 listen to me? He'll listen to you. Just ask Him to, 14:43 to come be with you and talk to him about 14:46 anything. This sounds like an awful lot for me 14:50 right now. But I do want to hear, I do want 14:52 to hear more about this. But I don't know. 14:55 I'll come back, I'll come back and tell you. 14:57 Please do, please do I would love, 15:00 I would love to have your company again like 15:01 I said I'm so lonely. But yeah truly 15:04 please come back and I would love to see 15:05 how Joseph is doing, how he's growing. 15:08 He's already so big as it is now it seems 15:09 and you've only had him for such a short time. 15:11 He is, he's growing bigger and bigger everyday. 15:14 Alright we'll see you then, yes. 15:16 I'll, I'll come back. Please do, 15:17 our house is open to you always, 15:19 thank you so much. Bilhah, you as well. 15:21 Have a wonderful afternoon 15:22 and be careful on your journey, bye. 18:31 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's 18:33 book of the day. Oh and today I have a choice 18:37 for you that's so good. It's Detective Zack 18:39 and the missing manger mystery and it's another 18:42 wonderful book by Jerry D. Thomas. 18:45 To take a church Christmas program, and outdoor 18:47 nativity scene, real barking, mooing, 18:51 bleating of animals including a camel, 18:53 a female wise man, battling shepherds 18:57 and it says a mysterious fire, 18:58 a missing antique manger, mix them all 19:01 together, and what do you have? One of the 19:03 funniest and most memorable Detective 19:06 Zack adventures yet. It said the trail of clues 19:09 that Zack will take and the company that he 19:12 will take his company on a wild lamb chase 19:14 that eventually leads them to the villain 19:16 and the true meaning of Christmas. Doesn't that 19:19 sound good boys and girls? That's Detective 19:21 Zack and the missing manger mystery. 19:24 Well today I'm so excited to share with you 19:27 especial guest that's come a very long, long, 19:29 long way to be here. And he's here 19:32 with his mother because He doesn't speak 19:34 andy English, he is from the country of Sweden. 19:37 And today I have, how do you say your name? 19:42 [Foreign language] Simon. 19:44 Simon. See I want to say it right, I didn't 19:46 want to say it wrong with you sitting right 19:47 here next to me. So Simon, I'm so glad that 19:50 you are here. And can you tell me what do you 19:52 do to share Jesus? [Foreign language] 20:14 Wait a minute, let mom translate. 20:16 What is he saying? In school when they have 20:18 lunch and sit to eat, he has a friend called Semi 20:22 and he often asks him why do you go to Church? 20:25 And then he says that because we want to learn 20:28 about God. Oh, and what does he say? 20:31 [Foreign language] Can you tell me something 20:40 from Church and then he tells him 20:42 different things. What kind of things 20:43 do you tell him? [Foreign language] 20:52 Different things sometimes sing song and when 20:54 Jesus died on the cross and different 20:57 Bible stories. Oh that's wonderful. You know 20:59 you're sharing your light in a very special way. 21:01 [Foreign language] How old are you? 21:05 [Foreign language] 7. 7. And tell me, 21:10 what is your favorite Bible story? 21:11 [Foreign language] The war against the 21:18 Amalekites. Oh, yes, that's an exciting story 21:21 too. I like that story. Well, I wanna thank 21:24 you so much for coming and sharing your 21:25 story and I'm gonna read some letters now. 21:28 But first I wanna thank your mom Ann Christine 21:30 for interpreting 'cause we wouldn't be able to 21:32 understand anything you say, would we? So, 21:34 I'm really thankful that you came. And right now 21:37 I have a lot of letters here boys and girls 21:39 in my basket, I've so many I'd like to share 21:41 with you. And this one is from Nicole in 21:45 Nampa, Idaho. Let's see what Nicole has to say. 21:49 It's a tiny little piece of paper, it said dear 21:52 Miss Brenda my name is Nicole and I'm 21:54 11-year-old and it said me and my two sisters 21:57 love to hear all about God and we try to read 21:59 our Bibles almost everyday. That's why 22:01 I would like to be a member of your club 22:02 and get your activity book and your Bible 22:05 studies in the mail, thank you 22:06 and God bless you. Well Nicole, 22:08 we'll get those lessons right out to you and you 22:10 will hear all kinds of Bible stories and you 22:13 know what, you're gonna learn more about Jesus 22:16 There's a letter here from Laura and 22:18 she's from Bulls Gap, Tennessee. 22:20 That's a funny name isn't it? 22:21 Bulls Gap, Tennessee. Let's see what, oh you 22:25 know what I think there might be a picture 22:26 in this one. Let's see, if I am right or not, 22:30 it might be. I don't have a photograph 22:34 but they did draw me a picture. 22:36 Let's look and see this picture right here. 22:39 Can you see there's a picture of a girl 22:41 and she looks like on top of a green hill 22:43 and two beautiful little flowers right there? 22:46 Let's see what she has to say? 22:48 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Laura 22:50 and I enjoy Kids Time. I'm 8-years old 22:52 and I want to be in your club. 22:54 Tennessee, love, Laura. Well thank you Laura, 22:58 thank you for that beautiful picture you 22:59 drew me. And I'm glad you're enjoying the 23:01 program and I wanna encourage you to 23:03 share Jesus everyday, will you do that for me? 23:06 And then you can write and tell me about it. 23:08 This letter is from St. Lucia and let's see 23:12 who this is from? Dear Miss Brenda, 23:18 my name is Chelsea and I'm from the beautiful 23:21 Caribbean Island of St. Lucia. 23:23 I'm 8 years old, I always watch Kids Club 23:26 with my cousins, Samara 5 years, 23:28 Shania 4 years and Neary 7 years, 23:31 Janich 8 years and 6 years old is Kyle. 23:35 Wow! You've got lots of cousins don't you? 23:37 It says it's our pleasure to be watching Kids Club 23:39 and we're getting to know God better. 23:40 Thanks a million to you. Could you please 23:42 send us your activity book we appreciate you 23:44 very much, God bless you, always love, 23:46 Chelsea. Yes Chelsea, I'll make sure I get one 23:49 to everyone of your cousins that you 23:50 named too. How about that? Well right now 23:53 I'd like to take you, we've been to Sweden. 23:55 How about, let's take a trip all the way to India 23:58 and see who there, if someone there 24:00 that wants to share Jesus. Hi I am Prathyusha, 24:04 11 years studying 6th class 24:08 in Seventh-day Adventist High School, Bobbili, 24:10 Andhra Pradesh in India. Though I am 24:13 a Hindu, I love Jesus. Because he is a true God. 24:20 In this school they teach about Jesus songs 24:25 and Jesus. I learned many Jesus songs 24:28 and about Jesus in this school. He is a true God, 24:32 I want to share this truth with my Hindu friends, 24:37 relatives and parents, etc. Oh thank you 24:44 for that and she wants to share Jesus, 24:45 doesn't she? And she shares Jesus with her 24:47 Hindu friends, well thank you. 24:49 I have a letter now from the Philippines. 24:51 Simon, do you want to help me hold that 24:53 picture up for me please. And this says 24:55 dear Miss Brenda, thank you for replying to my 24:57 letters and thank you for the activity book 24:59 you sent me. I would like to join the Kids Club 25:03 now and receive Bible lessons, can you send 25:05 them to me too. I'll be sharing my talents 25:08 in singing and joining the choir, 25:11 his precious gems. We've been to churches 25:13 and 'cause a lot in singing and inviting us 25:16 to sing for them songs. On Sabbath we're 25:18 singing to some more. So bye for now. Love, 25:21 Tatiana. Well Tatiana, thank you so much for 25:25 that letter and that beautiful picture and 25:27 keep singing for Jesus won't you? Alright, 25:30 let's see we have a letter right here and it's 25:35 from Brianna in Lyons, Texas. 25:38 And Brianna, let's see what she has to say, 25:42 maybe you can hold this picture, 25:43 she drew a picture up of a dog for me. 25:45 It says dear Miss Brenda, I am Brianna, 25:47 I am 8 years old I like Kids Time 25:50 and singing a lot. I have a little sister 25:52 her name is Fay. Please send me an activity book. 25:54 Thank you, Brianna. I'll do that Brianna 25:57 and I want to tell you, give me that picture 26:01 there we go. That was a nice picture 26:02 you drew too Brianna. Well I want to 26:04 thank you Simon for being with me today 26:06 and coming all the way from Sweden 26:08 to be here, thank you for sharing your faith 26:11 with us and keep sharing Jesus when you go back 26:14 home won't you? And thank you too your mom 26:16 Ann Christine for interpreting. 26:18 Well boys and girls, that's all the time 26:20 had today I wanna thank you for spending this time 26:22 with me. I've enjoyed spending it with you. 26:24 Remember, wherever you go whatever 26:26 you do its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17