Kids' Time

Woman At The Well

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh, Julia Gajewski, Tyler Walker, Laurie Gajewski, Danielle Gajewski


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000139

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there, looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, you know parents are
00:26 always full of good advice aren't they?
00:29 You know, they tell you to brush your
00:30 teeth after meals, eat your vegetables
00:32 and go to bed on time and you know they
00:34 also remind to talk sweetly to grandma,
00:36 use good manners on the phone and keep
00:39 your elbows off the table. And sometimes they
00:42 tell you don't talk to strangers.
00:45 You know why do they say that?
00:47 Because some strangers are dangerous aren't they?
00:48 And they want to keep you safe.
00:51 Well, back in Jesus time little Israelite
00:53 children were told something else.
00:55 Their parents told them don't talk to Samaritans.
00:59 Now, were Samaritans dangerous?
01:02 No, not really, the Israelites just didn't
01:05 like the Samaritans and Israelites thought
01:07 God didn't like the Samaritans either,
01:10 that's why Jesus made some of the Israelites
01:12 angry and he not only talked to Samaritans.
01:15 He told stories about that made the
01:16 Samaritans look good, how could he do that.
01:20 Well, one day Jesus went out of his way to
01:23 talk to a Samaritan woman and even she
01:27 could not believe that Jesus would be
01:28 talking to her. Well, we'll hear what
01:31 happens in our story today.
01:33 Best of all we'll find out what living water is.
01:37 But, first Ranger Jim has something
01:39 to share with us. Ranger Jim.
01:47 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
01:49 welcome to Nature Time we're glad that
01:51 you can join us today, we're at Knoxville,
01:52 Tennessee, at the Knoxville Zoo and
01:54 we have something very special for you
01:57 as you can see Ranger Jim is standing
01:59 outside the fence and my friend Amy
02:02 one of the workers, the zookeeper here
02:04 at the zoo is inside the fence and that's
02:06 because these are wolves and there are
02:08 certain regulations that I can't be inside
02:11 there or we can't have our cameras.
02:12 So we're tapping through the fence
02:14 and Amy, tell us something about these
02:16 beautiful creatures. Well, that I am in here
02:19 with the red wolves and they are very shy
02:22 canine which is a dog and the relatives of
02:25 everybody's pet and everybody has a
02:27 dog and they're carnivores,
02:30 which means they eat red meat, and they are
02:35 native to this place? They are, yes, they
02:38 are native to North America and their
02:42 native ranks used to be all of Southeastern
02:45 United States, just Tennessee, Alabama,
02:47 that's sort of thing. They are very
02:50 endangered, so rotten all that.
02:52 Their ranch in only in Louisiana and Texas.
02:56 Zoos however trying to help the numbers
02:59 in the wild, we've got a couple of pair down
03:03 here, a male and a female who possibly
03:06 maybe having pups, wonderful.
03:08 Yes, so those pups if we have them,
03:11 would be re-released into the wild probably
03:15 around North Carolina or so, and around
03:17 Alligator River so I think they're really
03:19 signed for these guys that's a big F,
03:21 we're not so sure she is pregnant right now,
03:24 and due date would be any time.
03:27 They usually have about two to eight
03:29 pups just depending on the weather, the pair.
03:34 They do mate for life this guys once they
03:37 find a mate they stick with them, they live
03:40 in pack, which means a big family group,
03:45 have a dominant male and female.
03:46 He usually has the pups and then they're
03:48 offspring of other males and females.
03:50 But how long would the pups didn't stay
03:52 with the mother and father, they would
03:53 join the pack then. And a couple of years
03:56 of this, so they would learn the hunting
03:57 skills? Some may stay in the packs, some
03:59 may, may wander off and find their own
04:01 group, it just depends on the individuals
04:04 males and females. And so when we
04:06 speak of them being endangered they have
04:09 taken the remaining want to have in the
04:10 wild and they trap those and brought
04:13 them into a zoo environment like a
04:15 preserve, a number of those, yes.
04:17 A number of those, And round 1970,
04:19 in the 70's the numbers got down
04:20 to less than a hundred which is not many at all.
04:25 It just, that was almost extinct, they
04:27 were almost gone and started making plans.
04:31 So what we're gonna do with these guys,
04:33 since they're so few of them.
04:34 Wonderful, sometimes, some people believe
04:38 that it is the interbreeding
04:39 between coyotes and rebels that have
04:43 caused them to become so low in numbers
04:46 and a lot of is man encroachment on that
04:49 their habitat. .Right! And when we go
04:51 along boys and girls and you see
04:52 supermarket and a mall and all of these
04:55 things and housing developments that's
04:57 where the red wolf used to live and so
05:00 now that been covered over and
05:01 they don't there, no more place for them
05:03 to live and in the wild now when she gives
05:06 birth well she will dig in the ground, as the.
05:09 I'm glad to asked that, actually yet in the
05:12 wild they would be that they would dig a
05:14 den where male and female would dig a
05:17 den and the female would give birth in
05:19 the ground. We have little houses
05:21 here for these guys, we want her to give
05:25 birth in her little den but it's a man made
05:28 house that we've made for her.
05:30 She is digging all around the den.
05:33 Alright, a good sign it's about we're trying
05:35 to keep her from, we don't want her to give
05:37 birth underground so we can't see the pups
05:39 and see that they are healthy and thriving
05:41 and that's what we want her to give birth
05:43 in the den that we made for her which
05:45 we're trying to encourage her to do,
05:47 just so we can look at the pups and make
05:49 sure they're healthy and, right, give good
05:50 veterinary care. Yeah. Alright wonderful
05:53 boys and girls, a thrill once again to learn
05:55 about God's creature. This is Ranger Jim
05:57 boys and girls saying as always don't forget
06:00 to tell Jesus that you love him
06:01 because he really does love you.
06:12 How excellent is thy loving-kindness,
06:14 O God! Therefore the children of men
06:16 put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.
06:19 Thou shall make them drink of the
06:21 rivers of thy pleasure. For with thee is the
06:23 fountain of life. Psalm 36, verses 7 through 9.
06:36 Come, thou Fount of every blessing,
06:41 tune my heart to sing thy grace;
06:45 streams of mercy, never ceasing,
06:49 call for songs of loudest praise.
06:53 Teach me some melodious sonnet,
06:57 sung by flaming tongues above.
07:02 Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it,
07:06 mount of thy redeeming love.
07:12 Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
07:14 O to grace how great a debtor
07:16 daily I'm constrained to be!
07:21 Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
07:25 bind my wandering heart to thee.
07:29 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
07:33 prone to leave the God I love;
07:37 here's my heart, O take and seal it,
07:42 seal it for thy courts above.
07:55 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad you're
07:58 here today I've got two objects in front of me.
08:01 What are these objects? Eggs, well they
08:04 happen to be eggs and eggs, these eggs came
08:07 from what kind of animal? Chickens,
08:09 they came from chickens.
08:10 And I have Rhett over here.
08:13 Rhett, do you raise chickens at home?
08:15 Yes, yeah how many do you have?
08:17 Twenty, about 20 chickens, that's a lot
08:19 of chickens and Amy do you raise chickens also?
08:22 Yeah, how many chickens do you have at home?
08:24 Six, six chickens wow that's a lot of chickens
08:27 isn't it? Now one of these eggs happens to
08:28 be raw and other one happens to be a
08:30 cooked egg. I'm wondering how
08:32 we could find that out. So, what I am gonna
08:34 ask these two to do is I'm gonna ask them to
08:37 spin the egg. Now, can you try to figure
08:40 out just by looking at those eggs which one
08:42 of these eggs happens to be raw can you
08:45 figure that up by looking at them?
08:47 No, that's real difficult just by
08:49 looking at the eggs. So, we're going to do
08:51 the egg test, are you ready for the test?
08:55 Alright, now, I am gonna have Rhett,
08:56 I'm gonna have Rhett spin this egg and
08:58 we're gonna see how fast it spins around.
09:01 So, I'm gonna put my glasses on 'cause if
09:02 that should shatter, man, we're gonna get
09:04 egg yokes all over us right?
09:06 Okay, let's go Rhett, let's go.
09:08 And he's gonna wow, wow is he spinning
09:10 fast or kind of slow, well a little bit slow.
09:14 Alright Amy lets spin your egg and lets see
09:16 what happens are you kidding, do that again,
09:20 wow its spins a whole lot faster than Rhett's,
09:22 look how fast this one spins.
09:24 Now, that means that the inside of this egg
09:27 right here must have what inside,
09:30 cooked, it must be cooked, it must be
09:32 solid inside. Because it spins really fast
09:34 and spin yours again Rhett, lets look at this
09:36 and it just hardly wants to spin at all.
09:39 Let me try that? That looks like fun,
09:40 it doesn't wanna spin as fast as Amy's,
09:45 look how fast it spins. But, that's okay
09:48 because could we crack this open to find
09:50 out if its really true, if it really is a hollow
09:54 or, it wouldn't be hollow. Would it be hollow egg?
09:57 No, chicken don't lay hollow eggs.
09:59 They lay eggs that are full of what?
10:02 They're full of yoke, that's right and so can
10:05 we crack this on your head?
10:07 No, well we're sure already, we did the
10:09 test, well can we crack it on my head?
10:12 Yeah, oh! Sure that's easy for you to say,
10:15 I know this is what? A cooked egg so, its
10:17 okay I am gonna crack it on my head,
10:21 can you hear that, oh! I can feel that and
10:23 look at it right here, we can shell this,
10:25 this is a cooked egg. Did you guess,
10:29 did you guess correctly,
10:31 oh! Good for you, that is so interesting.
10:33 So this means, Rhett that yours happens
10:35 to be a what egg? Raw, a raw egg.
10:38 So, could we crack this on your head?
10:40 No, not a good idea if we crack this egg it
10:45 would be raw and it would be messy.
10:46 Shall, we try it? Well, we've got to
10:48 prove this, I'm gonna get this little jar
10:51 out here and I'm gonna crack this right here.
10:53 It's gonna be messy, are you ready? Yeah.
10:56 Okay, I am gonna crack this egg,
10:57 you wanna see what's happens to it?
10:59 Oh! Look at this, there's something
11:01 inside and lets open this up.
11:05 Is that a cooked egg? Or a raw egg?
11:07 Raw, it was a raw egg, I'm glad I didn't
11:10 crack that on my head. Are you glad we
11:12 didn't crack it on yours.
11:13 Yes, I am glad too. Well, can we tell,
11:17 if an egg is cooked or if it's a raw egg by
11:20 looking at them? No, because they look
11:23 alike, don't they? But we can the spin
11:26 test we can spin the egg and what is solid
11:29 inside that particular egg will spin really,
11:32 really fast. You know, when we learn about
11:36 science we're learning more
11:38 about our creator God.
12:22 Mommy, Mommy, something happened today.
12:25 What? Sit down and tell me about it.
12:29 Mom, we went to well and there was
12:32 women there and they were talking about
12:34 that one woman. That we're not
12:35 supposed to talk to. Oh yes.
12:39 They said that she had a met man at the
12:41 well and he was Jew and he started talking
12:44 to her. What, a Jew? Jews don't talk to
12:48 Samaritans, but he did, he said he knew
12:52 that everything she ever did.
12:54 He said that she knew that she had five
12:58 husbands and the man she is now with is not
13:01 her husband. He knew that?
13:02 Yeah and said something about
13:04 living water, if anyone who drinks
13:07 living water will never ever thirst again.
13:09 Really? What else did she say?
13:11 He said he's the messiah.
13:13 The Messiah, here in Samaria?
13:16 That's what he said. Wow!
13:20 She asked him where would she worship
13:22 on the mountain or in Jerusalem.
13:24 He said that is does not matter where
13:26 you worship, as long as you worship
13:27 in spirit and in truth. Really. So, that is the
13:30 way God wants worshipers to worship. Wow!
13:33 The messiah, could this really gave
13:35 be the messiah in Samaria? They said that she had
13:38 changed so much after talking to him.
13:42 Well, if he is the messiah then may be,
13:44 he did change her and if he can change her
13:47 then he can change me. And he can change me too,
13:50 he can change me. Girls, we need to talk
13:53 some more about this. Why don't we talk
13:56 over lunch, here you go to the market and
13:59 get some bread and get some figs and
14:02 we'll sit down and talk about
14:04 this some more, at lunch.
16:40 Hi boys and girls. I'm here with my friend
16:42 Tyler and he is going to help me introduce
16:45 The 'Book of the Day' And my choice for
16:50 you today boys and girls is a kids classic
16:52 called 'Taught by a Tiger' it is by Norma
16:56 Youngberg and listen to this.
16:59 It says Toga looked around in the
17:00 darkness something was out there.
17:03 The heavy breathing sound was getting
17:04 closer, then he knew he saw it move.
17:08 Not but ten feet away, it was a tiger.
17:13 A fierce, big huge tiger would teacher's
17:16 God be with him now. When Toga's father
17:19 the village chief invited the new
17:21 teacher to live with his people.
17:23 Toga and his friend Kiri began to learn
17:25 about the one true God. But not everyone in
17:28 the village wanted to learn. Nee-pah hated
17:31 teacher and Mama Joe. He would do anything
17:34 to drive them and their new God away.
17:37 Toga was sure that no one could change
17:39 Nee-pah's heart. He knew no one could
17:41 teach Nee-pah to love the true God.
17:44 But that was before Nee-pah was taught
17:48 by a tiger. That's right!
17:51 'Taught by a Tiger' by Norma Youngberg.
17:53 Oh you're gonna have to find out what
17:55 happens you're really gonna to read this book.
17:57 Well I'm excited today, because we
17:59 have a lot of letters to go through and I have
18:02 my special friend Tyler with me,
18:04 but before I talk to Tyler.
18:06 I was looking through the letters and I had
18:08 a letter here from Abby and Sara in
18:10 Raymore, Missouri. And I thought you
18:12 know what let's just get them on the phone
18:14 and talk to them. Does that sound like
18:15 a good idea? So let's see if they're there.
18:17 Hi Abby, hi Sara, are you there?
18:20 Hi Miss Brenda. Oh hi girls, I'm so glad,
18:24 I'm so glad that you wrote me a letter
18:26 and you sent me this beautiful
18:27 picture of yourself. I wanted to ask you
18:30 do you girls love Jesus. Yes. You do.
18:34 Tell me, what do you do to share Jesus?
18:37 We take something to the nursing home
18:40 and they tell us it makes them very happy.
18:44 You take who to the nursing home,
18:46 Peppy, what is that? He's our dog, so you
18:50 take your dog to the nursing home
18:52 and what you do with them?
18:53 You let other people pet him.
18:55 Yeah and they come out happy.
18:58 Oh it makes them so happy, you know that,
19:01 I'm sure that makes Jesus happy too.
19:03 Doesn't it? Yeah, have you had any real
19:05 neat experiences from doing that?
19:10 Yeah. Can you tell me about it?
19:14 Did you have someone that really
19:17 put a smile on your face when they
19:18 petted your dog. A hundred year old man,
19:25 and one man did, he was a hundred years
19:28 old and he loves dogs.
19:30 Oh is that Abby and Sara's mom?
19:32 This is Abby and Sara mom.
19:34 Oh I was thinking he was hundred years old.
19:37 And he used to own a lot of dogs before he
19:39 went to the nursing home and he loved
19:42 petting Peppy. He takes ear buds.
19:45 What's your dog name? Peppy.
19:48 What is it? Peppy! Christie?
19:52 Peppy Longstakings.
19:54 Oh wow! Well thank you for sharing that.
19:57 Girls, I want to encourage you to
19:58 keep sharing Jesus won't you. Yeah.
20:01 Well thank you for your letter and would
20:03 you girls like to join kids club?
20:05 Yeah, alright well thank you and you
20:08 keep sharing Jesus, bye-bye, bye. Bye.
20:12 Wasn't that nice Tyler. And I wanted to ask
20:16 you what do you to share Jesus?
20:20 Well I had two friends come over yesterday
20:24 and they were just using God's name in
20:28 the wrong way. That's not good is it?
20:31 Does that make Jesus sad when people do that.
20:33 They do, what did you do? I drew a picture,
20:36 you drew a picture of what?
20:38 Of church, you drew a picture of church,
20:41 now why did you draw a picture of church?
20:44 So I could tell them about Jesus.
20:46 Oh that must have, did they know about
20:48 the church. Did you tell them that about
20:50 church, yes, and they didn't know what
20:52 church was, no, so you drew them a
20:54 picture, what did they say?
20:58 I forgot what they said but they just liked it.
21:01 They liked the picture. Well that's good.
21:03 Did you tell them not to use God's name
21:05 in vain, Hmm. What did they say when
21:07 you told them not. They said okay.
21:09 They said okay, Tyler, how old are you?
21:12 Six. You're six years old and are the only
21:15 one in your family or do you have any
21:17 brothers or sisters? One sister.
21:20 You have one sister. How old is she? Three.
21:23 Do you have a picture of her? No, you don't.
21:27 Well, maybe we can find a picture and
21:28 show the boys and girls. Shall we do that?
21:30 We'll find a picture of your sister.
21:32 What's her name? Tiara. Tiara and you are really
21:35 kind to your sister. Jesus wants you to be
21:38 kind to your sister. There is a picture of her.
21:40 Isn't she cute? Oh! That's so sweet.
21:43 Well you know what Jesus does want us
21:45 to be kind to our brothers and sisters.
21:47 And you know we don't want to fight
21:48 with them, do we, because that makes
21:49 Jesus sad. We want to have Jesus in our
21:51 heart all the time, don't we?
21:53 Well thank you for sharing that with me Tyler.
21:56 Well I have a lot of letters to read to you
21:57 and I was just reading this one.
21:59 I have one here from Danielle in
22:00 Cape Canaveral, Florida. But you know what?
22:03 Instead of reading letter, I have something
22:05 even better. We're gonna get Danielle
22:06 on the phone and we can talk to her.
22:08 How about that? Danielle are you there?
22:10 Hi Miss Brenda, hi Danielle how are you doing?
22:13 Good. Well, I'm so excited to talk to you,
22:16 thank you for that beautiful
22:17 letter you sent me. You're welcome.
22:20 And let me ask you can you tell the
22:22 boys and girls a little bit about yourself?
22:26 I'm eleven years old and I have five
22:30 brothers and four sisters. Wow! And are they,
22:35 where are you, younger or older,
22:37 or they'll all older than you,
22:39 or where you are at? I'm the seventh child.
22:42 You're the seventh child. That's good.
22:45 So do you always get along with your
22:48 brothers and sisters? Sometimes. Sometimes,
22:52 we want to really try to get along all the
22:54 time keep Jesus in our heart, don't we? Yes.
22:56 What do you do to share Jesus?
22:59 I invite people to our programs at our church.
23:03 Well that's good. And what do they say
23:05 when you invite him? Sometimes they
23:08 say-well, we might go and sometimes
23:13 they say no or yes. Well, if somebody
23:16 says no I want to encourage you.
23:18 Don't be discouraged, you still invite him
23:19 okay. Okay. Thank you so much for
23:23 your letter and it says you that you're real
23:25 name is Rebecca. And that your middle
23:27 name is Danielle. Yes. Did you like
23:30 Danielle Better? Did you know that
23:35 my oldest daughter is named Rebecca,
23:37 no, yes and I love that name.
23:39 So you're Rebecca Danielle and we
23:41 call you Danielle. Well thank you so
23:44 much for your letter and I want to
23:45 encourage you do to just keep sharing
23:47 Jesus, won't you. Yes. Alright, bye, bye,
23:50 Danielle, bye. Wasn't that special?
23:53 I love talking on the phone to
23:54 you boys and girls. If you would like me
23:56 to call you sometimes and talk to on a phone
23:59 to me at kids time just when you write your
24:00 letter make sure you send me a picture and
24:02 also the phone numbers so that I can call you.
24:05 And you not might be surprised.
24:07 I might just give you a call.
24:10 You pick the phone and it will be Miss Brenda.
24:13 Let's see I have a letter, colorful
24:14 letter here from Chelsea, in Florence,
24:17 Oregon. And let's see. I have got with this
24:20 one says. Oh we had a picture.
24:21 Tyler, you want to help me hold that
24:22 picture up and if you hold that right up
24:25 there so that we can see them,
24:26 there we go perfect. There you go, it says,
24:30 hello my name is Chelsea, and I watch
24:33 Kid's Time everyday. I would like to have a
24:36 cook book and my mom wants me to do
24:37 the story time on TV with you and I do not
24:41 go to school. I'm homeschooled,
24:43 love Chelsea, well thank you Chelsea,
24:45 for your letter and you know that, thank you
24:46 Tyler and I want to encourage you to
24:49 share Jesus everyday. If you want a cook
24:51 book boys and girls, you need to write or
24:53 call 3ABN and order your cook book.
24:55 Just say I want the Kid's Time cook book
24:57 or Cooking with Catie, either one it'll
24:59 get you the book. Okay and here is the
25:01 wonderful cook book all Catie's recipes that
25:03 she has demonstrated on the air are in that book.
25:07 Well I have with, maybe a time for
25:10 couple of emails this one says dear
25:12 Miss Brenda, I love watching Kids Time
25:14 I share God by helping other people and
25:16 sharing and not being selfish, like one day
25:19 at school, my friend Crosby was crying
25:21 and I ran over to help her.
25:23 It said I helped her by talking with her and
25:25 she was upset with her friends because
25:27 they were being mean to her and I was
25:29 kind to her. I also learned in Sabbath
25:31 school that God created the earth,
25:33 love Chelsea, I'm from Marion, Ohio.
25:36 Yes that was wonderful letter.
25:37 I'm so glad you ran over and you're kind
25:39 to your friend, that shows Jesus in your
25:41 heart too, doesn't it? And also God did
25:44 create the earth. Well let's see if I have
25:46 one more too email. Lets see, dear
25:48 Miss Brenda this is Kavan, thank you for
25:50 replying to my email. I'm eight years old
25:52 I share the love of Jesus by praying for
25:54 my grandfather I want him to stop smoking
25:57 and also I invite him to church.
25:59 I'm just learning to play the guitar, love Kavan.
26:02 Well thank you for that letter Kavan,
26:04 It doesn't tell me where your from but
26:05 I'm glad you're witnessing for Jesus
26:07 and glad you're witnessing your
26:09 grandpa, because it isn't good to smoke is it.
26:11 And we'll also want invite him to church
26:12 and give his heart to Jesus.
26:14 Well that's all the time we have today
26:16 boys and girls. I want to thank you
26:17 Tyler for joining me today. And I appreciate your
26:20 testimony and I want urge you to
26:21 keep sharing Jesus. Boys and girls,
26:23 its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17