Kids' Time

Prodigal Son

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh, Caleb Dinzey, Halima Martin, Jeff Williamson, Joshua Lance


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000137

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 48, 49 and 50, hi boys and girls,
00:28 do you see this jar. This jar is a special jar
00:31 for two reasons. One, because my girlfriend
00:34 Marie gave it to me and I like to keep all
00:38 my coins in there. We actually have a joke
00:40 about shoes and can you see all the shoes
00:43 on here and this says right there look at all
00:46 those shoes and this says shoe shopping,
00:48 but you know what, this money isn't going
00:51 for shoes. This money is going for mission work.
00:54 You know there was a young man named
00:56 John D. Rockefeller and Rockefeller senior
00:59 who become a millionaire when he was in his 20s.
01:02 Now by the times Mr. Rockefeller was 50
01:04 he was known as the richest man in the whole
01:07 world but was he happy? No, he was miserable
01:12 and he became so sick that the doctor told
01:15 them he had only a short time to live.
01:17 Mr. Rockefeller's greed was destroying his life,
01:20 so you know what he did he decided to give
01:23 his money away to the churches
01:24 and the hospitals. Many advances in medical
01:27 research were made because of that money.
01:29 And guess what happened to Mr. Rockefeller,
01:32 his health improved and he lived to the ripe
01:34 old age of 90, that's right 90.
01:38 You know generosity probably saved his life.
01:40 Our Bible story today is about a generous father
01:44 and a greedy son. The father showed
01:46 his generosity not only by giving money
01:48 but also forgiveness. And forgiveness is worth
01:52 a whole lot more than money isn't it.
01:54 Before we hear our story though,
01:56 lets visit with Ranger Jim for a few minutes.
02:05 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:07 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad you could
02:09 join us today. We're at Knoxville, Tennessee,
02:11 a place called Ijams Nature Center
02:13 and it is a beautiful place with many, many,
02:16 many, many flowers and we have our friends
02:18 Peg with us today and Peg is going to tell us
02:20 something about these beautiful flower.
02:22 Peg, tell the boys and girls about what
02:23 you have here. Well Ranger Jim thanks
02:26 for coming to Ijams. We really appreciate you
02:28 being here. We enjoy it here.
02:29 Thank you, I've got a few different native
02:31 wild flowers here, I've got a yellow coreopsis
02:35 and a blanket flower, purple phlox
02:38 and beardstongue, they're all natives to
02:41 East Tennessee. They all are naturally developed
02:44 here over time and they're used to our
02:46 conditions. They're used to the hot weather
02:48 and the cold weather. They last through
02:50 the winter, they come out every year,
02:51 they die back in the Fall, they Spring out
02:53 in the Spring and these are some of our
02:55 first really spectator blooms here
02:57 in the Spring. With the coming of this spring.
02:59 Now tell me about them as an individual,
03:02 what it likes are the soil type maybe.
03:05 Right, well the coreopsis this little
03:07 yellow one here is probably the most
03:09 hardy, it has, it can take sun, it can shade,
03:13 it really likes living in the poorest of soils.
03:16 Around in East Tennessee we have lot of red clay
03:19 soil and this little flower loves that kind of soil.
03:22 It doesn't have to be like a rose,
03:23 I grow roses, you have to pamper them,
03:25 you have to feed them just right, right.
03:27 Give them water if you don't it will say
03:28 I am not gonna grow, this guy grows anywhere.
03:30 This is one tough little flower yeah,
03:32 it will grow just about anywhere and like it said
03:35 if you have place that's really sunny it does well.
03:38 If you have a place that's little bit of shade
03:39 or little bit of sun does really well.
03:41 If your place is all shady, this is a good
03:44 one to plant. Wonderful, it's a wonderful plant.
03:46 And when it dies back you can pull off to
03:49 the seed head, save that and plant yourselves
03:51 thousands of others because in the seed
03:53 head down in here. I can see.
03:56 There are thousands of seeds.
03:57 Wonderful. So each flower would produce
03:59 a thousand other flowers. Wonderful now
04:01 what was the name of this one,
04:02 that's a beautiful flower? This little white
04:03 one is called beardstongue and we have several
04:06 different varieties of this. Oh I see inside.
04:08 It's related to snapdragons who lots
04:10 are familiar with that. Right, that's white color,
04:12 it looks something like that.
04:13 And they're closely related it's another one
04:15 that really, really likes the hot, hot sun,
04:17 if you got a place that doesn't get much shade,
04:20 this is great plant for that it doesn't drupe
04:22 you know some times in the summer, right.
04:24 You have flowers that drupe down,
04:25 this little flower stays standing up right
04:29 in the hottest of temperatures.
04:30 Yeah, and boys and girls you perhaps have seen
04:32 in the garden you may have seen things
04:34 like squash plants or something like that.
04:36 Yeah. If it gets hot they begin to wilt back,
04:38 but this guy can take the hot sun.
04:39 Loves the hot sun. That's why he's good here
04:41 in this part of Tennessee, you mean
04:43 it gets hot here? Just a little. Just a little hot
04:46 I imagine so. Yeah, yeah. Alright now,
04:47 well what about the, we haven't talk about
04:50 this one. This is phlox, a lot of folks are
04:52 familiar with phlox as what's call a creeping
04:56 plant, it looks like a blanket. Right it runs
04:58 along. But there are different varieties,
05:00 this particular variety is a stand up variety gets
05:02 2, 3 sometimes even 4 feet tall and just creates
05:06 a huge pink blanket around your yard.
05:09 So it's very, very pretty. If you have
05:12 a lot of grass and you have a place you wanna
05:14 just put a little bit of color this is a great
05:16 thing to plant. Now this is just a few that we have
05:19 that we're showing in the show.
05:20 Around the nature center there are many,
05:23 I notice when I came in there were some
05:25 Dutch clover. Yes, the honey bees love that
05:29 this time of year that's where they get a lot
05:31 of there pollen to pass on to other plants and
05:34 it's where they get their nectar to make honey.
05:35 That's, and I was thinking when you were talking
05:38 about this plant that grows in almost any
05:40 conditions back where I am, I am a beekeeper,
05:43 and we have plants like that. We have one that's
05:47 known as knapweed and the knapweed
05:49 boys and girls has this characteristic the same
05:51 as this plant. It grows almost anywhere,
05:54 it doesn't, you don't have to pamper it,
05:55 you put it out, it grows, it grows wild,
05:58 fills in all the dead spaces and it's just gives
06:00 his pollen and it gives his nectar for all the
06:05 insects that come and everything and as I said
06:08 before some of the flowers, going get tough,
06:10 no I am not gonna do it any way like that so.
06:12 Thank you Peg, it's was wonderful learning about
06:14 this boys and girls learning about these
06:16 beautiful flowers. So Ranger Jim as always
06:18 saying boys and girls don't forget to tell Jesus
06:20 that you love him because he really does love you.
06:33 Have you ever done something you knew
06:36 you shouldn't do, sometimes it is hard to do
06:39 what is right, but if we ask Jesus he will help us
06:43 to be a Christian in our hearts?
06:54 Lord, I want to be a Christian
06:59 in my heart, in my heart,
07:03 Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart,
07:12 in my heart, in my heart
07:20 Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart.
07:29 Lord, I want to be like Jesus
07:33 in my heart, in my heart,
07:37 Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart,
07:45 in my heart, in my heart,
07:53 Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart.
08:01 Lord, I want to be more loving
08:05 in my heart, in my heart,
08:09 Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart,
08:17 in my heart, in my heart,
08:25 Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart
08:33 Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart.
08:52 Welcome to Learning Time say have you ever
08:56 wanted to fly, have you ever wanted to fly?
08:58 Yes. Yeah, I've got Christian to help me
09:02 today, and I've got Alison. Let me ask them
09:04 a question or two alright. Hey Alison,
09:07 have you ever flown, have you ever wanted to fly.
09:11 Oh I like to fly but you know what when I go
09:14 like this I don't fly at all but what does fly
09:18 is an animal that God made what animal it?
09:21 Bird. Oh its bird, that's right Christian
09:24 have you ever flown. No.
09:25 Oh today we are gonna look at flight.
09:27 Now we are gonna give a peace of paper to Alison
09:31 and Christian, why don't you hold that just
09:33 like this. We're going look at some of the
09:35 forces that cause airplanes and birds
09:38 to fly. Now we can take that piece of paper
09:40 just like this and if you're at home
09:42 watching, you can take a little piece of paper,
09:45 and you can do this experiment too,
09:47 it's really interesting. Now we're gonna blow on
09:49 top of our strip of paper. Go ahead
09:51 and let's see what happens to this paper.
09:55 It flies doesn't it, it lifts right up just like
09:59 that and it flies. Any time we have fast
10:02 moving air, that fast moving air creates low
10:05 air pressure and so high air pressure just
10:08 does this, it lifts the paper right up
10:10 in the air, and if you were an airplane
10:12 or a bird you would be flying. Hey,
10:16 that is great, you did a good job.
10:18 Now I've got another thing for them to
10:20 figure out. We have a ball and a cup,
10:23 now these are little ping-pong balls,
10:25 I can take a ball and I can pour it and dump
10:27 it in to the cups and I want you to try that,
10:30 okay. And Alison you can have two here,
10:32 put your strip of paper down.
10:34 Can you put one ball into the other one,
10:37 just I mean take one cup and pour that
10:39 ball out. Hey, they're doing a great job.
10:41 How you doing at home with this.
10:43 Now, it's going to get harder and this is
10:46 really interesting. Okay, stop what you are doing.
10:48 Now let me take yours Christian.
10:50 Now here is the problem for you to solve.
10:54 I want the ball in your one cup to end up
10:57 in the other cup, but you can't pour it,
11:00 you just can't pour it like this and you can't
11:02 reach in and take it out with your fingers,
11:03 you can't do that either, and you can't jump up
11:06 and down likes with them, so go ahead
11:08 and solve the problem. You can't tilt the cup,
11:10 you just can hold them just like that,
11:12 right beside each other, can you get that
11:13 ball into the other cup. No you can't bounce
11:16 them up and down, you can't pour them,
11:18 you can't lift one and lower the other one,
11:21 I wonder how they're gonna solve this problem,
11:23 can you do that? Can you do it?
11:26 Can you do it? Hey, let's use that formula,
11:29 the formula for flight, shall we try that.
11:32 Hey, let's use Bernoulli principle,
11:35 that's what that's called. I am gonna use
11:37 Alison's, I am gonna take her cup,
11:40 I am gonna make some fast moving air go
11:42 right over the top of her cup, we're gonna
11:45 create low air pressure and the high air
11:48 pressure is gonna lift that ball Christian right
11:50 out of the cup and it just might end up
11:52 in here with a little practice. Are you ready
11:54 to try this at home too? Let's try it,
11:56 I'm gonna blow straight across the cups;
11:58 let's see if we can do this, here we go.
12:02 And it landed on the floor, I get to try
12:04 this again. Let's try this, takes a little
12:06 practice but the ball lifts right out of the
12:08 cup doesn't it. Oh! This is so interesting,
12:10 lets try it again here we go, oh I almost
12:13 caught it, how about what you can try the
12:15 same thing Christian, Christian gonna do it
12:17 over there. Oh almost got it, I tell you what
12:21 I am gonna give up on that one right here
12:23 you can blow on this cup because I have had
12:25 that cup by mouth right here, why don't you
12:27 try that. Can you get that cup to blow right
12:29 out of that, that's interesting to me.
12:32 Every time we learn something
12:34 new about science, we're learning something
12:37 about our creator God.
12:56 I'm not happy about this, I just want you to know.
12:58 Why, why, why, it's something that we must do.
13:01 Why would we go to a feast to serve somebody
13:04 who just ran off and left his father.
13:06 He's not a good friend to you,
13:07 what kind of friend is that?
13:08 You don't just go to people when they do good
13:10 things you also support them when
13:12 they've come back from a long way
13:13 like this young man has done.
13:14 Well you know what if he ripped his father off,
13:16 he will rip you off too and I am not gonna
13:18 have it, I'm just not going to deal with
13:19 that kind of thing. Wife, you ought not be so
13:21 judgmental about this young man.
13:22 Judgments, now I'm judgmental, I'll tell you.
13:28 Hey, what are you doing? Look this is money
13:31 that we work hard, so you are not going
13:33 to give to some beggar man.
13:34 I am sure he is a no different than a
13:36 prodigal son. I'm just tired of you helping out
13:38 these people who can't even help themselves.
13:40 This is our money now we work hard.
13:42 Wife, wife, wife. We're good Christians,
13:44 we do what suppose to do,
13:46 I am not having it, I am not having it.
13:47 Wife, listen, would you listen wife.
13:48 Please forgive us sir, my wife she is not mean,
13:52 she is just misguided about something
13:54 that happened to some friends.
13:55 Misguiding, now I am misguided.
13:56 Listen to her. Here is our story,
13:59 some good friends of ours, a dear friend
14:01 of ours, a young man, very greedy,
14:04 very selfish says to his father.
14:07 That is true. Says to his father,
14:09 father give me half of what is mine,
14:12 half of your property, so that I may go
14:15 in to the city and become rich.
14:18 His father sold half of everything that he had
14:20 and he gave the money to his son and
14:23 his son ran away to the city, he lived in.
14:26 He ran off with his father's money and now
14:29 he wants to know, and busy and celebrate
14:32 then coming back. As far as I am concerned
14:34 the family would have done better if he just
14:36 would have stayed where he was at,
14:37 sinners should not, I have no forgiveness
14:40 for sinners, no. We are good Christian
14:42 people I tell you. The man did do wrong,
14:44 he did go away, he did waste his father's money.
14:47 We went to a far away country.
14:48 He waste his father's money,
14:52 spent it on women, strong drink,
14:56 on his friends in gambling venues,
14:59 doing horrible things you are exactly right.
15:02 After that there was a great famine
15:05 in the land and he had wasted all of his
15:07 father's money and there was nothing
15:09 that he could do. Here he was in a
15:12 strange land, no money, nothing to do,
15:14 no one to love him, all of his so called
15:17 friends were gone. That's what he deserves,
15:18 that's what he deserves. However this is not a
15:21 story about the son as many of you
15:24 all think it is. It's really a story about
15:27 the loving father. After wasting all of his
15:30 father's money after running all around
15:33 the country doing horrible things he should
15:35 not have done, this young man had to eat
15:39 from a pig's trough in order to survive.
15:43 When he had his face in the pig's trough,
15:47 eating the pig's food, he looked down
15:49 and said don't my father's servants eat
15:53 better than this. Are they not treated better
15:56 than this, so the young man goes back
16:00 home to his father. You would think that
16:04 his father would not accept him.
16:06 Right. For his horrible behavior,
16:09 you would think his father will kick him out,
16:12 but the father was so happy that his son
16:15 was simply alive that he ran, he embraced
16:20 his son, took the special ring off his finger,
16:25 the coat off of his back put it on his son
16:29 and welcomed him back home.
16:32 The story of the feast that we are going
16:34 to is not about a son who sins,
16:36 but about an ever loving, ever lasting father
16:41 who always remembers and takes care of his child.
16:45 And he came home. And he came home,
16:48 and his father accepted him with open arms,
16:51 so that's what why we're going to this feast,
16:53 that's why it's a happy occasion,
16:55 not a sad occasion, and that's why our heart
16:58 should not be hard but they should always
17:00 be open to a loving God
17:01 who takes care of all of his people.
17:03 Oh you're right honey, you go
17:06 and have a good time okay.
17:07 You are right. Alright, God bless you.
17:13 We're going to the feast.
17:34 The Lord is good, the Lord is good.
17:41 And blessed the world who puts his trust in Him
17:46 The Lord is good, the Lord is good
17:51 Taste and see that the Lord is good!
17:57 The Lord is good, the Lord is good
18:03 And blessed the world who puts his trust in Him
18:08 The Lord is good, the Lord is good
18:14 Taste and see that the Lord is good!
18:19 Taste and see that the Lord is good!
18:36 Hi boys and girls, I have my friend Caleb
18:38 with me today. And I am so glad you are
18:40 with me Caleb, and you're gonna help me
18:42 do some special today aren't you.
18:43 Yes. Yes, we're gonna introduce what,
18:46 the book of the day, that right.
18:49 And boys and girls this is such a wonderful
18:52 book its call 'The Palomino by
18:54 Katy Pistole. It's the sunrise farm series
18:56 and its book one. Listen to this, it says
19:00 Jenny Thomas has her heart set on one thing,
19:02 a golden palomino all her own. But it seems
19:06 like the only horse she will ever have is the one
19:08 in the poster on her bedroom wall.
19:10 At least there's horse camp to look forward
19:13 to she thought, so if she can earn some money.
19:16 Jenny's week at Sonrise Farms is pure heaven!
19:19 Her natural talent in the saddle and hard work
19:21 cleaning the stalls leads to a dream job
19:24 and the happiest summer of her life.
19:26 Along with lessons in horsemanship,
19:28 Jenny learns to trust God more and more.
19:30 And with her dad's help, she commits her heart
19:33 and her life to Jesus. Her growing faith
19:36 and maturity will serve Jenny well in the
19:38 life-and-death challenges she will face with
19:40 her beloved horses. It says an auction
19:45 and a jumping competition become the ultimate
19:47 tests for Jenny's skills, and her faith as well.
19:50 Oh I can't wait to hear more about this you wanna
19:53 read this book boys and girls, The Palomino
19:55 by Katy Pistole. Well right now I would like
19:59 to read some letters for you before we talk
20:03 with Caleb. And there is a first letter
20:05 I got is from Dillon and you know what I thought
20:07 we do, we're just gonna get Dillon on the phone
20:09 and talk to him ourselves.
20:10 Let's see hello Dillon are you there.
20:13 Yeah. Hi how are you doing.
20:16 Good. I am glad we could talk you today
20:18 you know we're seeing the picture that you
20:20 sent me and then I see a picture of you they looks
20:23 like your brother Christian and your
20:24 cousin Cameron. Well thank, that, it looks like
20:28 such a cute picture there, you all having fun.
20:31 Tell me Dillon what you do to share Jesus.
20:36 I.. Do you tell people about Jesus.
20:40 Yeah. What else you do. And I sing in a prayer.
20:46 Oh that's wonderful, well thank you so much
20:48 and I thank you for writing to me Dillon.
20:50 Now your brother Christian is he there,
20:52 maybe we could say hi to him too.
20:54 Yeah. Okay. Hello Christian. Hi.
21:03 Hi Christian, how old are you?
21:04 6. You're 6 years old,
21:07 what do you do to share Jesus.
21:10 Well, I tell people about Jesus that don't know
21:17 about Jesus then I tell my classmates
21:20 about Jesus and. And you what?
21:27 And I pray for other people and I sing
21:31 in front of the churches, doing stuff in for
21:34 another Church, and I started something
21:37 in front of the church. Well it sounds like
21:40 you love Jesus very much do you?
21:43 What? It sounds like you love Jesus very much.
21:46 Yes. Yes you do, well that's wonderful
21:49 well thanks you Christian. Now Cameron,
21:51 are you on the line, hello Cameron.
21:54 Hello Miss Brenda. Well it's good to talk
21:57 to you Cameron, how old are you?
21:59 4. 4, what do you to share Jesus.
22:03 I sing to the baby Jesus loves me.
22:10 You sing Jesus loves me, who do you sing that to?
22:15 The two babies that I got to choose from.
22:18 Can you tell the boys and girls who you sing
22:20 that song to? You sing Jesus
22:24 loves me and who do you sing it to?
22:27 The two babies, my sister that already popped
22:32 down my mom's tummy and the one
22:34 that's in my mom's tummy.
22:36 Oh, so your mommy is having a baby
22:39 and has a baby in her tummy, and you sing
22:40 Jesus loves me to the baby.
22:42 Yeah. Well, that's a wonderful way to share
22:45 Jesus isn't it. Yeah. Well thank you Cameron
22:48 and thank you to Dillon and Christian.
22:50 It was good to talk to you and I want you
22:52 to keep sharing Jesus okay. Okay.
22:54 Alright bye-bye. Bye. Oh that's was preciousness
22:59 little Cameron singing to his, to the baby
23:01 in his mommy's tummy isn't that cute.
23:03 Well, right now I would like you to meet Caleb,
23:05 Caleb I am so excited you're here with me today
23:08 can you tell me Caleb what do you do to
23:10 share Jesus? I pray with my brother
23:14 and I we go to people's house and singing songs
23:19 to the people that are sick at their house.
23:23 Oh so, if they're sick you go right to their house
23:26 and you sing to them. Yes. Oh that's nice
23:29 and what kind of songs would you sing.
23:31 Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me and you know
23:34 what Jesus does loves you doesn't he.
23:35 Yes. And Jesus loves each one of us doesn't he.
23:38 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus.
23:40 Caleb, how old are you. 4. You're 4 years old
23:43 and do you love Jesus? Yes. You do,
23:46 well I am so glad that you came and shared
23:47 that today. Would you like to stay and help
23:50 Miss Brenda read some letters. Yes.
23:52 Alright, lets see if we can read some letters.
23:54 I have a letter here from Madera, California
23:57 from Bridgette and lets see what Bridgette
24:00 has to say. He says dear Miss Brenda,
24:04 please send me an activity book,
24:06 I watch your program and I love Kids Time.
24:10 I love listening to you talk about Jesus,
24:12 it makes me feel good inside.
24:14 Can you please pray for my grandpa Jim,
24:16 he has leukemia. I would really appreciate it
24:19 it if you pray for him, thank you so much
24:21 loves Bridgette. Well thank you Bridgette
24:23 for your letter and you know what,
24:24 yes we will say a prayer for your grandpa Jim.
24:28 And boys and girls, can all of you pray
24:30 for Bridgette's grandpa Jim will you,
24:32 because he's sick and he needs our prayers
24:34 right now. So, I wanna encourage all of you
24:36 to pray for him. We'll just have a big prayer
24:38 chain for grandpa Jim. Well I have another one
24:41 here from, it says the Dallas, Oregon
24:46 and lets see where that's from, I've never heard
24:47 of a city called Dallas and a pretty picture
24:51 on this one, says dear Miss Brenda hi my name
24:53 is Charlene, and I'm 10 years old and I love to
24:56 watch to Kids Time. I show God's love by going
24:59 to elderly people at veterans home.
25:01 Another way I show God's love is going
25:03 with my whole pathfinder group on pathfinder
25:06 nights to sell cards and cell phones
25:09 and calendars and we do good things with
25:12 their money. My favorite part in Kids Time
25:14 is Learning Time, Praise Time, Nature Time
25:16 with Ranger Jim and I guess everything.
25:18 It says, please send me an activity book
25:20 I would like to join Kids Time. May God bless
25:23 you and keep you in all that you do
25:25 and please keep us in your prayers I would love
25:27 to see you in heaven. God bless you, your
25:29 friend Charlene. Well thank you so much
25:31 Charlene for that you know what I wanna see
25:33 you in heaven too. Well it looks like I have
25:36 another letter in here, it says I think it's from
25:39 your sister, dear Miss Brenda my name is
25:41 Darlene, and I will be. It says I am in 8th grade
25:44 and I am 13 years old. Says the way I share
25:47 my love for Jesus is to sing in front of the
25:49 people, the elderly people too, and I love
25:52 Kids Time and Tiny Tots. Could you please send me
25:55 an activity book? May God bless you in all the
25:57 things that you do. Please keep me in your prayers,
26:00 and be my prayer partner and pray for my mom
26:02 and my sisters and my brothers and also me,
26:05 keep me in your prayer because I want to see
26:07 you in heaven someday too, your friend Darlene.
26:09 Well thank you Darlene and I do want to make
26:11 you heaven lets make a date, okay.
26:13 Well I wanna thank you Caleb for joining me today
26:16 on Kids Time. And boys and girls I wanna
26:18 thank you for joining us. I've enjoyed spending
26:20 this time with you. I want you to remember
26:22 that wherever you go whatever you do
26:24 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17