Kids' Time

Jesus Blesses The Children

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jordan Roberts, Rachel Patterson, Brenda Walsh, Sasha Roberts, Wen-Ting Ong, Isabel Ong


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000135

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out
00:13 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls. Don't you just love adults
00:28 who would like to be around children.
00:29 And do you like it, when they treat you as if
00:32 you're really special. And they let you know
00:34 that they just love being with you.
00:35 I loved adults who were like that,
00:37 when I was little. And in fact, my grandmother
00:40 Mitchell was like that. I just wanted to be with
00:42 her all time and even when my cousins
00:45 would go off to play. Not me, I wanted to
00:48 stay right with my grandma, because
00:49 she gave me so much attention and she let
00:52 me know how much she loved me too.
00:54 Do you know someone like that? Maybe you have
00:57 a special teacher or maybe it's a friend of
00:59 the family. Maybe, could be even your grandparents,
01:02 or maybe it's even your mom and dad,
01:05 what a blessing isn't it? Well, in our Bible story
01:08 today we will hear from a little boy who was
01:10 so excited because he got to spend the whole
01:13 afternoon with someone who loves children.
01:15 And you can just see the twinkle in his eyes
01:18 can't you? He can't stop grinning and wiggling
01:20 and telling his mother all about it.
01:22 Who do you suppose he spent the whole afternoon
01:24 with? Well, after you've heard this story,
01:27 I'm sure you will not be surprised.
01:31 But I have a feeling, you'll want to spend
01:33 the whole afternoon with this person too.
01:35 And you know what, you can. But first,
01:38 why don't we spend a little time with Ranger Jim.
01:40 And you know what kids,
01:41 I know he really loves kids too.
01:52 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
01:54 to 'Nature Time." We're glad you could be with
01:56 us today. We're in Knoxville, Tennessee
01:58 at the zoo. And I have my friend Mike with me.
02:01 Mike, what is this beautiful creature?
02:03 This is actually Female Pancake Tortoise.
02:06 She's from Kenya and Tanzania in the east coast
02:10 of Africa. They call it the pancake because
02:12 they're so flat. Yeah, they're extremely flat,
02:14 they're really quite lizard like and they're really
02:17 active, they move pretty fast for a tortoise
02:19 and they live in rock crevices actually.
02:22 Get back into crevices for protection, to hide there,
02:25 to hide like that. And let's just tip this up,
02:27 just a bit here like that, so the boys and girls
02:30 can see the front legs, aren't they gorgeous,
02:32 and the lovely shell it has here.
02:34 And I noticed in compressing this
02:36 a bit quite soft isn't it? Yeah, it's not
02:38 tough like what you would think of tortoise
02:40 or tortoise shell. Its real soft so they can get
02:43 in between those crevices and just hide
02:45 and they can blow up, they can suck in air.
02:47 You know, actually expand a little bit.
02:49 So things can't pull them out. Alright,
02:51 If some chase them in, they could real pull
02:52 him out, that is correct. Puff air in,
02:54 isn't that neat. Yup. Alright, tell me what
02:56 does this creature eat? She's completely
02:59 herbivorous like most tortoises.
03:00 She'll shall eat different greens and different
03:03 grasses and stuff. And fruits? Yeah,
03:05 She's not a big fan of fruits. She likes
03:06 vegetables mostly. And she would eat like that or
03:09 and is this an adult, this would be the normal.
03:11 Yeah, this is an adult female we've had her
03:13 for fourteen years. I mean she's produced,
03:15 they lay one egg at a time, it's about that big
03:18 and they lay one really large egg, and she's
03:22 been a real good mom for us. She's laid several
03:24 good eggs for us. And so they have hatch the due,
03:26 yeah. Alright, now how long would this tortoise live?
03:30 Probably a little bit younger than the other tortoises
03:33 that we have, probably about 50 to 60 years.
03:35 Well that's a good age, that is a good age,
03:37 for sure, that's a 50 to 60 years.
03:38 Now it looks something similar I see in it's
03:41 front legs and all, yeah, something similar that
03:43 we have to the Eastern Box Turtle in the
03:46 structure here like that. It reminds me some
03:48 what of that, but the legs are much longer.
03:50 Well, why do, why do they have the.
03:52 Okay, that's obvious, it's for egg laying. Yeah.
03:54 When she lays her eggs, she digs a hole, yup,
03:57 she digs the hole, lays the egg, does she lay
03:59 just the one egg, just one egg. One egg and
04:01 covers it and they're wild. Yup and then just
04:03 moves on and the egg will hatch in about
04:05 nine months later. About nine months,
04:07 it would take to hatch. Yep, yep. And do you
04:09 have any idea about the mortality rate,
04:11 mortality rate the first year or so?
04:13 It's considerably, it's pretty high,
04:16 I would say less than a fourth make it to
04:19 maturity, would survive, but they're enough to
04:21 perpetuate it only, yeah alright.
04:23 Now, what is the main reason that this
04:28 creature would have, what will it be hiding
04:29 from, when in rock, well, what predator would
04:33 attack this? There is large monitors in the area
04:36 and the nano monitor and savannah monitor
04:38 would be predator. Birds of prey would try
04:41 and get at it, but mostly now, the main
04:44 predator is just man, Yeah, our encroachment
04:48 upon where it lives in and what it does
04:50 and the things like that. So this is a beautiful,
04:54 I want to you ask about tail, has a very,
04:57 very, very short tail here. It's about the shortest
05:03 tail I've seen on a tortoise, yeah, it is a pretty
05:05 short tail and that's just because she's a female,
05:08 the females don't have really large tails.
05:09 The male's tail would be out to about here.
05:12 Good protrude. And that's a good position
05:13 so the boys and girls can see its legs,
05:15 while it's moving like this boys and girls
05:17 and you can see that this tortoise has ability,
05:20 if something attacks it, to pull all of this
05:22 equipment inside. And, if your dog comes along,
05:25 or some creature grabs it, I have seen dogs
05:28 takes these things, not this tortoise,
05:30 but the kind like this. Yeah. And weary
05:31 with them for an hour and chew with it
05:34 and everything else but finally the dog goes
05:35 away and the tortoise sticks his head out
05:37 and he says nah-nah -nah-na-na and
05:39 it crawls away, and he will, yeah alright,
05:41 tortoise says I win and you chewed all way
05:42 and you couldn't get anything.
05:44 Yes, that is true. Okay. So, once again,
05:47 a wonderful creature that God has equipped
05:49 to care for itself. So this is Ranger Jim
05:52 as always saying boys and girls, don't forget
05:55 to tell Jesus that you love him,
05:57 because he really does love you.
06:10 Though my sins be as scarlet, they shall be
06:12 as white as snow; though they be red as
06:15 crimson, they shall be as wool.
06:17 Create a clean heart, O God! In my heart
06:19 and renew a right spirit within me.
06:22 Isaiah 118 and Psalm 51:10.
06:32 I've Been Redeemed. By the Blood of the Lamb
06:38 I've been redeemed. By the blood of the Lamb
06:44 I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
06:48 Filled with the Holy Ghost I am
06:51 All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed.
06:56 God sent his son to die for me,
07:03 God sent his son to die for me,
07:10 God sent his son to die for me,
07:13 so I can live eternally. All my sins are washed away,
07:19 I've been redeemed. You can talk about me,
07:28 that all you please. You can talk about me,
07:35 that all you please. You can talk about me,
07:39 that all you please.
07:41 I'll talk about you down on my knees.
07:44 All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed.
07:51 All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed.
07:57 All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed.
08:13 Welcome to Learning Time,
08:14 I'm glad you're here today. I've got two
08:17 very special helpers with me. I have Courtney
08:19 and I have John, thanks for helping me today.
08:23 Today, we're gonna talk about air.
08:27 Have you ever seen air? Yeah.
08:30 Well, can you see the air between you and I?
08:32 No. I can't because it's transparent,
08:34 we see right through it. I'm glad of that
08:37 aren't you? Today we're going to find
08:39 out what happens to warmer air?
08:42 What do you think happens to warmer air?
08:44 Well, Courtney have you ever felt warmer air
08:48 in a room. Well, what have you done in order
08:51 to feel warmer air in a room? Climbed a ladder,
08:53 she climbed a ladder, when you climb up
08:55 high in a room and put your hand up there.
08:57 It's warmer up there. How many of you ever
08:59 experienced that? It's warmer. That's right.
09:02 Now today, I've got something kind of
09:05 interesting right here. What does
09:06 this look like? Bag. Looks like a bag,
09:10 or a sack or a trash can. It's not a trash
09:12 can at all. This is a very special thing that I built.
09:16 I bought a science kit and I put it together.
09:18 Do you like science kits? I like science kits.
09:21 John, have you ever put anything together?
09:23 Yeah, legos. Legos, what kind of a legos set
09:27 did you use, what did you built? A ship. A ship,
09:31 putting together things are interesting.
09:33 Today, I have this big old piece of plastic.
09:36 And you know what it's got a hole in the end of it.
09:38 Look at, no, we're not going to put Courtney in here.
09:40 But you know what we're gonna do.
09:42 We're gonna heat up some air and we're
09:44 gonna find out where the warmer air goes.
09:46 Where do you think warmer air goes?
09:48 Where do you think, up, shall we try it.
09:51 Okay Courtney, why don't you hang on to
09:53 this right here. I'm going to put my safety
09:54 glasses on and you can put your glasses on too.
09:57 And John's got his safety glasses on.
10:00 We're going to heat up some air.
10:02 We've got to get some warmer air.
10:04 And we're going to figure out where that goes.
10:06 Son, be real careful with my matches,
10:08 remember you should never have matches
10:11 or play with matches, they're very dangerous.
10:13 You should have a parent or a guardian
10:15 with you at all times. Alright, I've got my flame,
10:18 that is warm affect, that's very, very hot.
10:20 Now I'm going to take this bag, thank you
10:23 Courtney. We're going to put some warmer air
10:26 right inside of this big old hot air balloon right
10:29 here. So let's go ahead and get this,
10:31 some of this air heated up. Come on, here we go,
10:34 let's try to get this heated up. Is it filling
10:36 up with warmer air? Yes. Well, I hope so and here
10:40 we go, it should get bigger and bigger as
10:42 it gets full, come on, having the old trouble
10:45 right here. Come on, lets try to get this filled up.
10:49 And this thing is pretty huge when it's full of
10:52 warmer air, come on, lets go, lets go it's getting
10:56 bigger. It's going up towards the ceiling
10:58 right here, pretty soon I won't even have to
11:00 grab a hold of it. Okay this is going to be good,
11:03 lets heat up some more air and we're gonna count
11:06 3, 2, 1 and I'm gonna let go of the bottom of this
11:10 John. Courtney, where do you think it's going to go?
11:12 In the air. Well, let's find out, alright,
11:15 a little more hot air in here, come on, heat up
11:17 that air. How about a 3, 2,1? Are you ready,
11:21 yeah, 3 ,2,1. I'm gonna let go and let's see what
11:25 happens to this, I'm gonna turn my burner
11:28 off where's it gone? Up. It's going clear up
11:32 to the top of the ceiling, that's where warmer
11:34 air goes. It goes up. Now if warmer air goes up,
11:39 where do you think colder air goes? Down,
11:43 well I think so right now it cooled off and the
11:46 colder air went down, that's what we called
11:50 Convection Currents. It happens outside,
11:53 it happens in our house, that's interesting isn't it?
11:57 Hey, when we learn more about science,
12:01 we're learning more about our creator, God.
12:24 Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy,
12:28 mommy, I just went and saw Jesus. You did,
12:31 I thought you were going to the lake with
12:33 your auntie Rachel. I was going to but pretty soon
12:36 she saw Jesus on her way. And it was a lot more fun,
12:40 it was Well tell me what happen, did you get to
12:43 go see him right away, no because the disciples
12:47 pulled us before. Oh you didn't.
12:50 I thought you got to see him. And pretty soon Jesus
12:53 said come and see us don't go away.
12:56 He did, he told you to come and see him.
12:59 Oh that's so wonderful! And what else happened.
13:03 I got to sit on his lap. He picked me up and
13:06 sat me on his lap. Oh, wow, that is so nice
13:10 and what and were any of your other friends there?
13:13 Peter, he was but he's got a broken leg.
13:16 How could he get that far? He rode me, him
13:22 and his mom, they had a donkey and Peter got
13:25 to ride the donkey and Jesus healed Peter's leg.
13:29 He did, so it's not broken anymore.
13:32 No, oh that is so wonderful. I'll bet
13:36 Peter's mom is happy? What about your other
13:38 little friends? Was you other little friend there?
13:41 Amos, was he there with, that was blind? Yes,
13:45 Jesus healed his eyes. He did, he healed his eyes.
13:49 That is so nice, I'm sure that he was so happy now,
13:53 and that he could see. And, was some other one
13:59 of your friends there? Yeah, they were, wow,
14:03 did they get to sit on Jesus lap too.
14:05 Yeah they had. And Jesus said he loved me.
14:09 He said he loved you. I am glad that Jesus loved you.
14:15 Jesus loves little children doesn't he? Yeah. Yes,
14:19 did he talk with your other friends too? Yeah. Wow!
14:25 And was Auntie Rachel, did she get to talk with him.
14:28 Oh, that is so nice. I am so glad, so,
14:34 all your friends are happy and excited like you?
14:36 Yes, oh that is so good. Well you know what,
14:40 it is almost supper time and I would like you to
14:43 go the fruit stand and get us some apples
14:47 and some fruits for supper. Can you do that for me?
14:49 Alright, stand right here. I will get you some money.
14:52 Here you go, give me hug, I am
14:58 so proud of you. Two apples.
17:30 Hi boys and girls, I have a special friend joining
17:32 me today and this is Rachel. Hi Rachel,
17:35 Hi Miss Brenda. Well you know what, I'm so glad
17:38 you joined me today, because you know what you're
17:39 gonna help me do. We're going to introduce the
17:42 'Book of the Day.' And I am so excited boys
17:47 and girls to bring you this book 'Michael Asks Why'
17:49 it's Ellen G. White's classic the great controversy
17:53 and it's adapted for children, it's by Sally
17:55 Pierson Dillon. And it says, Michael wandered
17:58 into the kitchen, where mom was chopping carrots.
18:00 She smiled as he parked on a stool next to her
18:03 I've been thinking he said with those three words
18:07 Michael starts a life changing discussion
18:09 with his mother that opens his young mind to the
18:12 issues behind the wars of all wars.
18:15 'Michael Asks Why' by Sally Pierson Dillon is a
18:18 creative adaptation for children of Ellen G.
18:20 White's classic, the great controversy.
18:23 It's inspired by the real questions of her then
18:26 seven-year old son named in the book titled
18:28 'Michael Asks Why.' And it's a great way to
18:31 direct children's attention to the importance
18:33 spiritual topics contained in the great controversy.
18:36 So this is a great book and not only that.
18:39 With this there's two books; there is actually
18:41 this book and an activity book that goes along
18:45 with it. And this is the really fun book.
18:47 It says kids in this activity book you'll be
18:50 able to read secret messages by figuring
18:52 out the hidden code. You'll help Calvin escape
18:55 from Geneva, discover where Luther is hiding
18:57 and chose your own ending to an adventurous
18:59 story of the last days. And that's just a sample
19:02 of the fun things to do in this activity book.
19:05 And there's an activity page for every chapter
19:07 in this book. So you want both of these books
19:09 boys and girls, you'll want that activity book and
19:11 you'll want 'Michael Asks Why'. So I really
19:15 encourage you to get this book. You will enjoy reading
19:17 them. Well right now before we're gonna talk
19:21 some with Rachel, but and before we do,
19:24 we have somebody on the phone. I have letter here
19:27 on my lap from Miss Kelley from. I think it's Metter
19:30 Georgia, we're gonna ask her, how you say that
19:32 and we just went ahead and got her on phone
19:35 right now. So you can talk to yourself,
19:37 so Kelley are you there? Yes, I am. Hello Kelley,
19:41 how are you? Good. You are doing good,
19:44 well I thank you for your letter that you've
19:46 sent to me and I love this picture. Who's with you
19:48 in this picture? Is that your sister? Yes,
19:51 that's my sister Jessica and she is how old?
19:54 Three. She is three years old. Well both are you are
19:57 real cute girls. Tell me, where are you from,
20:00 what's the name of your city and your state
20:02 where you're from? Metter, Georgia.
20:04 It's called Metter, yes, Metter, Georgia. Yes.
20:07 Okay, and can you tell me, what do you do to
20:10 share Jesus Miss Kelley? Help somebody.
20:14 You do, how do you help them? Well if I see some
20:19 one laying, if I see some one laying on the grass
20:22 I get mom and daddy and then we care,
20:26 take to our house and then call the ambulance.
20:33 Oh, so you have somebody that you helped,
20:35 you saw somebody that needed help and you
20:36 went and ran and got you mom and daddy.
20:38 Well, I am thinking of that. Oh you're thinking
20:42 of that. Was there other things that you think
20:45 of that you can do to share Jesus. Well I can stay,
20:52 I played restaurant with mommy and daddy.
20:55 You played what? I said I prayed with,
20:58 I said I played restaurant with mommy and daddy.
21:02 Oh was that fun? Yes, it was. Oh do you love Jesus?
21:06 You do and you know you can share Jesus by just
21:10 telling to, you could smile and tell someone that
21:12 Jesus loves them. Did you know that? Yes,
21:14 but you just maybe smile. Yes and you smile.
21:18 Now, do you also share Jesus with your sister?
21:21 Yes, I do. How do you that? I play with her.
21:25 And do you when play her, are you kind? Yes.
21:29 And unselfish? Yes. Well you know what that
21:32 shows Jesus in your heart doesn't it? Yes.
21:35 Well Jesus loves you too Kelley and I want to thank
21:38 you and your sister for your letter and thank
21:40 you for your picture and you keep sharing Jesus okay.
21:43 Okay. Alright bye, bye now, bye.
21:47 Wasn't that cute, just six years old.
21:50 And you can tell she loves Jesus, can't you Rachel.
21:53 Well Rachel, tell me what you do to share Jesus?
21:55 And first of all let me just ask you, where how
21:57 old you are and where you're from?
21:58 Let's find that out. I'm sure the boys and girls
22:00 want to know. I'm thirteen and I live in Albuquerque,
22:03 New Mexico. Albuquerque, that's quite away from
22:05 Southern Illinois isn't it? Yeah. Is weather pretty
22:08 good out there most of time? Yeah, it's kind of
22:10 hot but it's good, kind of hot but I think it's
22:13 warmer in the winter time too isn't it? Yeah.
22:15 So what do you do to share Jesus? My mom
22:19 had Bible stories with this lady and she had a little
22:23 four year old boy. He would always interrupt
22:26 my mom when she was giving Bible stories.
22:28 So my mom wanted me to come and help like
22:31 babysit the little boy and so I did and I brought
22:33 Bible stories felts and I showed them to him
22:37 and read books to him. That's wonderful,
22:39 so while your mom was studying the Bible lessons
22:41 with a little boy, with a little girls. It was a lady.
22:46 It was a lady But what she had, how old was the
22:49 boy or girl, her child? Ah, 4, he was a four,
22:52 a little four-year-old little boy. So while your mom
22:54 was studying the Bible with the mother.
22:57 You helped take care of the little boy right? Yeah.
22:59 Well you know what that was a good, wonderful
23:01 way to share Jesus, because the mother's getting
23:03 spiritual food and also you are teaching that little
23:06 one the Bible story. So that was really good.
23:08 That's a wonderful idea in fact boys and girls may be
23:12 that something that you can think about,
23:14 if your mom and dad are giving Bible studies to
23:17 someone maybe there's something you can do
23:19 with the children, you can share the Bible with
23:22 them and tell them about the Bible stories.
23:24 There are so many favorite Bible stories
23:25 in the Bible I love, all about Queen Esther
23:28 and Daniel in the Lion's Den, and what's your
23:30 favorite Bible story Rachel? I like Jonah.
23:33 You like Jonah. Oh I like Jonah too. Jonah in the
23:36 whale, in fact my brother Jim told that story of
23:40 Jonah on Kids Time and he talked about how Jonah
23:43 was so stinky and smelly in that, that whale's belly.
23:47 Oh it made me sick. When you think about that
23:50 had been pretty bad down there. Yeah.
23:52 Well, I love all those Bible stories don't you?
23:56 Well boys and girls right now. I would like you take
24:00 you to all the way to India and a little girl is
24:02 going to tell you, what she does to share Jesus.
24:07 Namaste, my name is Lavanya, I'm studying
24:10 in sixth class, twelve years, I'm a Hindu.
24:14 I learn about Jesus. He is a true God.
24:22 I want to share the true God with my friends,
24:27 relatives and with my parents also.
24:29 My teacher told about the Jesus and He is loving
24:34 true friends and all the children's. I love Jesus
24:40 because he's a true man also. My teachers say
24:47 about the songs about Jesus. Thank you.
24:52 Oh thank you for that. That was precious.
24:55 Well I have a letter here. Let's see it's from Zena
24:59 in Edgewood, New Mexico. Let's see what Zena
25:01 has to say. Can you hold her picture up for me
25:03 Rachel. It says, hi Miss Brenda my name Zena
25:07 and I share Jesus by giving money to Jesus
25:10 in the missionaries. I make money by working
25:12 for my Auntie Margaret by cleaning her yard
25:15 and she pays me. Please send me all your free fun
25:18 activity books and the Bible studies.
25:20 Thank you Zena. And it said She said thank you for
25:25 Kids Time and then what she did was she has put
25:28 a whole bunch of stickers around here.
25:30 See that boys and girls. She loves stickers
25:32 doesn't she? And it says thanks for you and
25:34 all kinds of stuff over here. There's Bible text here
25:37 I noticed, John 3:16 and there are little Bible
25:40 stickers, so isn't that cute. Well thank you so
25:42 much Zena for that. And what a cute little girl
25:46 you are with those little yellow ribbons in your hair.
25:49 That's so cute. Well now I have a letter here from
25:52 Ashley and she's in Lewisburg, Ohio.
25:54 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Ashley,
25:56 I'm eleven year old and I really enjoy Kids Time.
25:59 It says I raise money to send to the missionaries
26:03 and it makes me very happy. I like to join
26:05 kids club. Love Ashley, and it says I also
26:09 share Jesus by giving out my gifts on my birthday
26:11 and I give that to the missionaries too.
26:13 Well thank you Ashley, I am really proud of you
26:16 for doing that for Jesus. That's all the time we
26:18 have for today boys and girls. I want to thank you
26:20 Rachel for being here with me, keep sharing Jesus,
26:22 won't you? And boys and girls I want encourage
26:25 you to do the same thing because
26:26 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17