Kids' Time

Pearl Of Great Price

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Baily, Tim Crary, Wagner


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000134

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:19 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls do you know I know
00:26 the cutest little boy that wanted a
00:29 toy fire truck more than anything else on earth.
00:32 Now he thought he would be happy forever
00:34 if he could just have not just any fire truck,
00:37 but one with remote control and he wanted
00:39 it to make a big siren noise
00:41 and scout in real water. He was willing to give
00:45 away all of his other toys if he could just
00:46 have a fire truck like that at least
00:49 that's what he said. Now on his 5th birthday,
00:52 his grand parents sent him a fire truck
00:54 just like the one he wanted.
00:55 He was so excited he played and played
00:58 and played all day with that truck trying to get
01:00 around inside the garage and scolding
01:02 his big sisters every time they came near.
01:04 Well you know that little boy just turn 6
01:07 and he hasn't played with that fire truck
01:10 in months in fact it gathered dust in a garage
01:13 all winter, so now you know what he wants,
01:15 he wants a real fire suit like the one his dad
01:17 wears down at the fire station,
01:19 he is tired of that old toy struck he wants
01:21 the real stuff now. Well is there something
01:24 you want more than anything else
01:26 have you ever thought about it may be
01:28 I can't think of anything on earth that
01:30 I want to be fat badly can you.
01:31 But the man in today's Bible story found
01:34 something he was willing to give everything else
01:37 up for and we found it his story was complete
01:40 and permanent. I really can think of only
01:43 one thing that would bring that kind of joy
01:46 and that's eternal life with Jesus in heaven.
01:49 That really is something worth giving,
01:51 everything else up for isn't it.
01:53 Before we hear our Bible story today,
01:55 let's find out what Emily is up to though.
01:57 I know she has something interesting
01:59 in the garden to show us.
02:07 Hey boys and girls welcome back
02:09 to the gardens. Do I have a really, really
02:13 exciting project for you to do today.
02:15 Now do you see what's in front of me,
02:18 yap I showed you these bright colored boots
02:22 right aren't they really neat,
02:23 well these used to be my favorite old work boots
02:27 and you know what I did well one day
02:30 I got out of bottle of paint and a paint brush
02:33 and I painted them these bright awkward color
02:35 with hot pink flowers and do you know
02:38 what I decided to do is that I decided to plant
02:42 a plant in it, isn't that silly to plant a flower
02:45 in your old boots. Well today I am gonna show
02:48 you how to make your very own boot planter
02:51 and there is such a few things that
02:52 you need to gather up before we start.
02:54 The first thing that you need to do is you need
02:58 to get an old pair of boots.
02:59 Now this is really important boys and girls,
03:02 I just don't want you to go in your closet
03:04 and grab your favorite pair of tennis shoes
03:06 you really, really need to make sure that
03:08 it's a really old pair of shoes that
03:11 you don't mind painting and putting holes in it
03:14 and everything else; you need to make sure that
03:17 you ask an adult to make for there permission
03:20 to use these pair of shoes. Now the next thing
03:23 that you need to do is you need to get whatever
03:27 favorite color of paint you have and paint brush
03:30 because this is your chance to paint
03:31 your favorite shoes, your favorite color
03:34 and be a silliest creator if you want.
03:36 I painted hot pink flowers, I have also seen
03:39 boots that I have big red ladybugs on them too
03:41 and they are very cute. The next thing that
03:44 you need to do after you get your boots
03:46 ready is you need to take hammer and
03:48 boys and girls don't do this by yourself
03:50 this is something that adult needs to do,
03:52 they need to poke drainage holes
03:54 on a bottom of the boots so that means
03:56 whenever you water the plant,
03:58 the water can drain through and properly
04:00 water the soil so the plant grows nice
04:03 and healthy. After you cut, after you poke
04:06 the drainage holes in the bottom of your shoes
04:08 it's time to turn it over and go pick out
04:12 your plant. Now for this particular boots,
04:14 I picked out this plant here and you know
04:18 what this plant has a really silly name to it
04:21 do you know what it's called well the name is
04:23 Hens & Chicks isn't that funny.
04:26 I just think that's a cutest name ever.
04:28 Now why did I choose this plant,
04:31 well this plant likes to live in a really, really
04:34 dry soil what that means that it is a need to have
04:37 a lot of water in it so especially because
04:39 it's gonna be in a shoe it's good to pick out
04:42 a plant that's really dry and the last thing
04:45 that you need is some soil, so what I am
04:47 gonna do here is I am going to take my boots
04:52 and I am just gonna take my hand wrought
04:55 and fill the boot with soil.
04:57 Now this is really important boys and girls
05:01 and you can buy potting soil at your
05:03 local garden store and then you just wanna take
05:06 your hand and kind of push it in a toe because
05:08 the roots once they get water are gonna go
05:10 all over your boots and you just fill the boot up
05:13 with soil and kind of push down
05:17 and then you take your plant out of the pot
05:20 and what I like to do is I like to put
05:21 my hand right on top and flip the pot
05:24 over just like this. Now see this is a really
05:28 big plant to squeeze into that
05:31 tiny little boot right. How I am gonna do this?
05:34 Well, what I am gonna do is I am just gonna take
05:37 I am making a mess, but that's a clay
05:39 boys and girls it funs to get your hands
05:41 dirty and slimy. What I am just gonna to do
05:44 is I am just gonna take a few of these
05:46 Hens & Chickens just like that and you just
05:50 kind of tamer apart and make sure you see
05:52 all these roots here, make sure that
05:54 you don't tear a lot of those you have to be
05:56 really gentle and then you just pop
05:59 it in the boots and you add a little bit of soil
06:03 and you wanna press down very, very gently.
06:12 And then the last thing that you need to do is
06:15 you need to water it and this is a most fun part
06:18 sometimes because you can get really messy
06:20 and fun and if it's a hot day it feels really good
06:23 to water plants. All you do is you take your water
06:26 in can and you water your boots
06:31 and after you are done planting it make sure
06:33 you put in a sunny location and check
06:35 the water everyday. Boys and girls,
06:38 I hope you have a fun time learning
06:40 how to plant out some old pair of shoes
06:42 and I encourage you everyday
06:45 to sow a seed of Gods love.
06:54 Hey kids I am gonna tell you about a lady
06:57 named Melissa Steed. She was born in England,
06:59 when she was 9 years old she learned about Jesus.
07:02 She was 21 when she moved to the United States.
07:05 At a camp meeting, she volunteered to do
07:07 missionary work in China but she couldn't make it
07:09 as her health wasn't very good but she was pretty
07:12 disappointed but she knew God had
07:14 other plans for her. She got married
07:16 and had a little girl name Lilly
07:18 but when Lilly was just 4 years old,
07:20 Melissa's husband died. This was pretty hard
07:23 on them because sometimes there wasn't enough
07:25 money and sometimes there wasn't even enough food.
07:28 One day when there was no food left,
07:32 Melissa decided to talk to her best friend Jesus.
07:35 The very next day on her port there was a
07:39 basket of food and even a little money
07:41 and this has fired Melissa to write
07:43 the words to Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
07:55 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
07:59 Just to take Him at His Word;
08:02 Just to rest upon His promise,
08:07 Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord."
08:11 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
08:15 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er;
08:19 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
08:23 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
08:30 I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee,
08:34 Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
08:37 And I know that Thou art with me,
08:41 Wilt be with me to the end.
08:45 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
08:49 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
08:52 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er;
08:56 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
09:00 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
09:07 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
09:09 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er;
09:13 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
09:17 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
09:37 Hi, do you know you don't have to wait
09:39 for a cool day to eat a bowl of hot soup
09:41 because today I am making a recipe for you
09:44 that is delicious anytime of the year.
09:47 Today, we are making Italian pasta soup.
09:50 Let me go and put the recipe
09:51 in the screen for you. 3 Tbsp. Extra
09:55 Virgin Olive oil. 1/4 cup Imitation Bacon Bits.
10:00 1 medium onion chopped fine 2-3 cloves of garlic
10:05 1 15oz. can dark red kidney beans
10:09 1 15oz. can great northern beans
10:13 4 stalks of celery, including leaves
10:17 1 ½ tsp. salt ½ tsp. crushed red pepper
10:23 1 tsp. dried oregano 1 tsp. dried basil
10:29 2 14oz. cans Italian tomatoes with juice
10:34 1 15oz. can tomato sauce 1 12oz. can V-8 Juice
10:42 2 carrots - chopped 1/4 cup parsley
10:47 ½ lb. of small tube shaped pasta
10:53 12 or more homemade vegetarian meatballs
10:57 Now to save a little bit time, I already have
11:01 my onions and my Imitation Bacon Bits,
11:03 already in my pan cooking and I've saute them
11:10 with my oil with just a little bit of oil
11:12 and you want to wait till the onions are clear,
11:15 so they are not crunchy in your soup,
11:16 it will give them a good flavor and I am gonna go
11:20 and put all my vegetables and you can put
11:21 everything in, but you wanna save the pasta
11:23 and the meatballs, the vegetarian
11:24 meatballs for last. Put our carrots in
11:30 and tomatoes. Now if there is something
11:39 you don't like in this recipe replace them
11:41 with any rest of the vegetables generally,
11:43 you can leave like that, if you don't like carrots
11:46 it will still be good without the carrots
11:48 and tomatoes sauce. Now I have the beans
11:55 and now normally when you see me make a recipe
11:59 with beans, the beans will have
12:01 not have a juice, I've drained and rinsed them
12:04 but these beans you wanna make sure
12:05 you don't drain and rinse that you leave them
12:09 with the juice because that will make your sauce
12:11 for your soup and then our seasonings.
12:24 Now those in, seasonings that make the soup
12:30 have flavor, so I make sure to get all those in
12:36 and the salt and stir that up.
12:39 Now all those are exist over,
12:43 you are gonna want to let them cook for about
12:45 10 minutes. I am gonna cook the vegetables,
12:48 so you will get the carrots and celery
12:50 all cooked and now for instance we don't
12:55 have time till that cook, we just gonna pretend
12:57 that's being cooking for about 10 minutes
12:59 and go and put our pasta, but make sure that
13:00 you at home cook this for about 10 minutes
13:04 to make sure the vegetables are done.
13:06 Now these meatballs, I am gonna put in are
13:09 my moms meatballs that she makes homemade
13:11 at home but you can use any kind of vegetarian
13:15 meatballs that you want to use,
13:16 these are my favorite specialists in some,
13:18 my mom made them, I have grown up eating them
13:22 and there but you can use anything you like
13:24 and this pasta now this is already cooked pasta,
13:28 I have already cooked it. But you can you know
13:33 if you don't like pasta you can add a little bit
13:35 less of it or still gonna be good,
13:42 you don't want to let that cooked for another
13:46 10 minutes and then your soups done
13:50 and I am gonna show your finished part
13:51 because the soup that I have already made.
14:00 All cooked, its delicious, now the soup
14:03 you know soup is a meal itself,
14:04 you can eat soup just by itself or you could have
14:07 a nice creamy if you salad with it
14:09 or it is just fine just like it is.
14:11 Well that's all there is and you remember
14:14 until next time to keep cooking and eat healthy.
14:36 Hey what's in your box? Oh, well let me
14:40 ask you a question before I tell you
14:42 that what's in the box. Would you be willing
14:46 to give everything you owned,
14:48 your horse, your sheep, your home.
14:54 No, no. For one thing of supreme value. Yes.
15:01 Would you be willing to do that?
15:02 No, yes, no. Yes, no.
15:03 Not my horse. Not my goat.
15:07 Oh, well let me tell you I am a simple man.
15:12 I you know what, I enjoy only the best
15:16 all my life I have been searching for a perfect
15:21 pearl that's right. But do you know I never
15:26 even introduced myself. My name is Alexander.
15:30 I live in Antioch in Volusia and I am a buyer
15:35 of pearls and I have traveled the world over.
15:38 I have gone across the sea, I have traveled
15:42 across the deserts, I have gone too far away
15:45 cities and strange places looking for the
15:49 perfect pearl, you know you can find many
15:52 little small once have you ever seen a pearl before.
15:55 No. Do you know that they come in
15:58 blue and green and white they even come
16:06 in red like your cap. And my green.
16:11 And your green that's right and I have been
16:16 searching for the perfect large pearl.
16:19 Now you can find many small ones,
16:21 but to find the large ones that are perfect
16:25 is very hard because see a pearl has many layers
16:30 of translucent coating on it and when the sunlight
16:34 comes and it shines on the pearl it's like the
16:38 pearl captures the sunlight and puts it inside
16:41 of itself and then it radiates out you can see
16:45 it coming out of the pearl, it's just beautiful
16:48 if you have never seen one before.
16:52 Well you know I have been looking for such
16:54 a longtime and I found it, I found the pearl,
17:00 the perfect pearl but you know I had to pay
17:04 an enormous some of money. I sold my team
17:08 of Arabian horses, I sold my beautiful new chariot,
17:13 and I had a collection of gems that would
17:15 dazzle your eyes, but I sold them off.
17:19 Did you have clothes? I had lots of clothes
17:23 and I still have some that's the one thing
17:26 I didn't sell, but I sold everything for this
17:32 one treasure. Now some people are satisfied
17:40 with simple things that don't really get them
17:44 anywhere but not me I want only the best
17:49 and I have found it the pearl of great price.
18:02 It is as if as the words of the Prophet say
18:07 you shall seek me and find me when you search
18:10 for me with all your heart that it's what
18:14 God wants us to do for him he wants us to
18:18 search for him with all our hearts. Well,
18:23 I must be going now it's nice meeting you all.
18:26 Bye, thank you. You are welcome.
18:32 That was so nice.
20:00 Hi, boys and girls it's time for Miss Brenda's
20:02 Book of the Day and my choice for you
20:05 today is Nibbles, the mostly mischievous
20:08 monkey written by Martha Myers.
20:11 It says Jean and Allen worked hard all summer
20:14 on their father's fishing boat.
20:16 Now they have some extra money to spend
20:18 and Jean has only one wish. But it's a surprise.
20:22 When a scrawny squirrel monkey arrives
20:25 a few days later with Jean's name on
20:27 it everybody is surprised.
20:29 Sometimes Jean's monkey Nibbles is good.
20:32 He cuddles up with Jean and loves to be scratched.
20:35 He loves pranks and seems to always be
20:37 laughing. Soon Nibbles loses some of his
20:40 wildness but mostly Nibbles is mischievous,
20:43 very mischievous. He sits on a hot stove.
20:47 He swallows pills and he turns Mitzie the family
20:51 dachshund, into a puppy taxi by hitching rides
20:54 on her back. One day Nibbles escapes from
20:58 his cage. Oh no Allen hurry Nibbles is gone
21:02 Jean called. Well Jean and Allen be able to find
21:05 him again? But you are gonna have to read
21:09 the book and find out aren't you,
21:11 it sounds like a fun book doesn't it.
21:13 Well right now I'm reading a letter here
21:16 from the Cleveland, South Carolina and it's a letter
21:21 from Richard and you know what I have his
21:24 phone number and we gave him a call
21:26 and he is on the phone right now.
21:28 So, let's talk to him. Hi Richard.
21:29 Hi Miss Brenda. Oh it's so good to talk
21:33 to you Richard how old are you?
21:35 Five. You are 5 years old and you wrote a nice
21:39 letter to me and you sent a picture and it's so
21:42 cute you are sitting there by a barn
21:44 in the picture. Can you tell me Richard
21:46 what do you do to share Jesus?
21:49 I give some pocket money to ADRA
21:54 and I give books to people and tell
22:01 about Jesus. I went to some ones house that
22:04 broke their leg. Oh you give all your pocket
22:08 money to ADRA and then you also went to
22:10 somebody's house that broke their leg,
22:14 did you pray for them. Yeah.
22:17 And were they glad you came to visit them.
22:20 Yeah. You love Jesus don't you?
22:24 Yes. Well I'll tell you what's the best
22:28 thing you like about Kids Time.
22:31 Ranger Jim. Ranger Jim, Oh I love Ranger Jim too.
22:35 He has lots of animals, what's the favorite
22:37 animal that you like Ranger Jim shown you.
22:39 The lion. The lion, it won't be wonderful
22:42 Richard when we get to have it and you can pet
22:44 the lions. Yes. And they won't hurt you will they?
22:47 No. No, well thank you Richard for talking to me
22:51 and keep sharing Jesus won't you.
22:53 Yes. Alright, bye-bye now.
22:57 Bye Miss Brenda. Bye-bye honey.
22:59 Well isn't that special thank you and
23:02 boys and girls if you would like me to call you
23:04 and we can talk on the program be sure
23:06 when you write, give me your phone number
23:08 and I might give you a call okay. Let's see
23:10 I have a lot of letters here today,
23:14 but before we read all these letters.
23:16 Let's see, I would like to take you on a trip
23:20 all the way to India and we are gonna
23:22 see what this little girl does to share Jesus.
23:26 Hi my name is Gayatri.
23:28 I am studying 6th, 11 years, I am Hindu
23:32 but I learned about Jesus that he is a true God.
23:37 I share this with my friends and relatives
23:41 around my house thank you.
23:44 Thank you for that well I have a letter here
23:48 from Guyana Georgetown and this is from Joshua
23:51 and here is the picture of him it said dear
23:53 Miss Brenda how are you today I am writing this
23:56 letter from Guyana. I am 10 years old
23:58 and it's says I am asking you to if I could
24:01 join Kids Club please and it said please
24:05 I love Kids Time and so does family we are
24:08 waiting for Jesus to come. I love Jesus
24:10 and when I grow up, I want to teach
24:13 the word of God to people who don't know
24:15 about God love Joshua. Well thank you so much
24:19 and you know what Joshua. I also wanna
24:20 thank you for this really nice picture you drew
24:23 me of this owl, see how nice this is with
24:25 the little yellow on there and you did a really
24:28 good job. Well, thank you for that Joshua.
24:31 I love that picture and let's see there are
24:35 so many letters, I don't know which
24:37 one to read first. Let's see this one is
24:39 from Burleson, Texas and it's from Joe.
24:41 Let's see what Joe has to say and it's a card
24:44 and it's a thank you card. Let's see says
24:47 dear Miss Brenda I live in Burleson, Texas.
24:49 My name is Joe David and I am 9 years old.
24:51 I like Kids Time, I like to look at it when I go
24:55 to my aunt's house. I love Jesus very much
24:57 and I really want to go to heaven very much,
24:59 so I pray a lot. I want to join Kids Club please,
25:02 please send me an activity book.
25:04 Thank you so much for Kids Time, love Joe.
25:07 Well thank you so much Joe and I will get
25:10 you signed up for the lessons and activity book
25:12 and you know it's a really good thing to pray
25:14 a lot isn't it. I like to pray a lot too
25:17 and you know what it makes Jesus happy
25:19 when we talk to him everyday and you can talk
25:21 to him all day long wherever you are,
25:23 wherever you go boys and girls you don't have
25:25 to be at your bedside at night to pray,
25:27 you pray all day long, talk to Jesus anytime.
25:30 Sometimes I might misplace something
25:32 and I'll say oh dear Jesus where is that can
25:34 you help me find that and do you know what
25:36 he always does, he will put it right in my mind
25:38 to go and when I find it don't forgot to say
25:41 thank you, say thank you Jesus because we always
25:44 wanna say thank you. Dear Miss Brenda
25:46 my name is Kenny and I am in the second grade
25:49 at school and I am turning 8th next week.
25:56 It said I brought my Bible to school
25:57 and I read it everyday, I love to read the Bible
26:00 and I learn more about Jesus when I read
26:02 the Bible love Kenny and he wrote a poem God
26:05 made you, God made you God, God made me,
26:08 God made me, God made everyone,
26:11 God made flowers, God made the flowers,
26:13 and God made the trees and God made me.
26:16 Well that's all the time today boys and girls
26:18 remember wherever you go
26:20 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17