Kids' Time

Reachout In Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh, Josh Lance, Judy Lance, Hayley Mundall, Justin Mundall, Michlen LaiPang


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000133

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:19 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls do you know I just love babies.
00:27 In fact I used to love to hold my grandson
00:31 Michael when he was a tiny little baby and
00:33 I would just hold him.
00:34 The first night he was born.
00:35 I held him all night long just so my daughter
00:38 could get some rest.
00:40 Well, have you heard what happens to
00:41 tiny babies that are left in their cribs
00:43 and never touched or held by anyone.
00:46 Eventually they will die.
00:48 Even if they are well fed and they're talked
00:51 to like in friendly tones, they still die.
00:53 If they aren't given the gift of a loving touch.
00:56 You know how it is when you've gotten
00:59 badly hurt or someone has mistreated you.
01:02 All you want is a comforting hug from your
01:04 mother or someone else who loves you.
01:05 It can heal your heart in a instant
01:08 and send you on your way to face the
01:10 world again. Imagine then
01:12 how wonderfully it would be to receive a
01:14 comforting touch or a hug from the
01:16 God our creator.
01:18 That would fix everything.
01:20 Well that's exactly what one woman
01:23 thought long ago.
01:24 She's been terribly sick for 12 years
01:27 and she had heard that Jesus was healing
01:29 people's diseases. So she went
01:31 to find him. But the crowds around him
01:34 were so thick and they were so unruly
01:36 that she couldn't hardly get anywhere
01:37 close to him. Some how she
01:40 managed to get close enough to reach out
01:43 and touch, touch just the hem of his robe
01:47 and that was all it took.
01:49 Her life was changed forever.
01:51 Now, wouldn't you like to reach out
01:53 and touch Jesus' robe and have all
01:55 your illnesses and heartaches healed
01:57 in an instant. Well we're going
01:59 to hear the woman's story in just
02:01 a few minutes. But right now
02:03 its time for Ranger Jim to share with us
02:05 from his vast knowledge about nature.
02:07 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim
02:16 saying welcome to Nature Time.
02:18 We're glad you can join us today.
02:19 I'm with my friend Sherry and
02:21 we have a very special friend.
02:22 What is this little ball of fur Sherry.
02:24 This would be Sydney.
02:26 She is actually a Celebes Ape.
02:28 She's from the Macaque family
02:31 and you're gonna have to look fast,
02:33 because she is very busy.
02:34 Have you ever seen a two year old.
02:37 Well this is, this is them in action here.
02:40 Sydney's actually a year and half old.
02:43 She weighs about three and half pounds
02:46 right now, but she's gonna grow to
02:48 be about 20 pounds.
02:49 The size of a two year old child.
02:51 Macaques are very intelligent animals
02:56 and Sydney here,
02:58 she wants to help talk. I tell you,
03:00 she likes been on camera.
03:02 Sydney actually, the Celebes Apes
03:05 comes from Indonesia, that's the only
03:08 area that they are native to.
03:10 They are actually very, an animal that
03:13 they haven't done a lot of studies on.
03:15 They are not necessarily good mothers
03:20 and so a lot of the young don't make it in the wild.
03:24 Because the mother doesn't like the child birth
03:26 and doesn't feel like she needs to take care
03:28 of them. I'm sorry she's messing up my hair.
03:30 You look beautiful. I need your hat.
03:32 Okay. But anyway they haven't done a lot
03:35 of studies on these guys,
03:38 but we do know that they are very intelligent
03:42 and the troops that they stay in,
03:46 the females are actually the bosses
03:49 of the troops. You want that,
03:51 I'm trying to entice her, so maybe
03:53 she'll sit still, so we can talk a
03:55 little bit here, but the female is
03:58 the troop leader and
04:01 these Celebes actually know who is related
04:04 to each other in their troops. Amazing.
04:07 Now Sydney here as you can see,
04:10 I don't know if you can get a close up short
04:13 of her feet and hands.
04:14 They're just like humans and that helps them
04:17 to climb very well. Now she's curious.
04:20 She's gonna check your hat out there.
04:21 She likes to know what's going on.
04:24 Now when I got Sydney.
04:26 She was only about ten days old
04:29 and so she thinks I'm her mother.
04:31 And anytime I leave the room
04:34 Sydney takes after me. She's scared
04:36 to be in a room without her mom
04:38 and Sydney, its okay, he's not,
04:41 he's just trying to feed you here.
04:43 I hope you can still see me.
04:44 Sorry Sydney, she doesn't have very
04:46 good manners on the camera.
04:48 We can't help that. Well boys and girls,
04:50 she is concerned and frightened about me,
04:52 so she wants consolation from mother.
04:54 That's right. Now Sydney
04:56 believe it or not she has little temper tantrums.
04:59 No! Can you believe that. No. Yeah,
05:01 she gets real jealous if I give any affection
05:04 to any of the other monkeys, because
05:06 she thinks she is the only one here that
05:08 I should love and if I'm playing with another monkey,
05:11 well she lets everybody know about it
05:14 and they also are very selfish.
05:17 Can you imagine that? No. Act just like
05:20 some real kids, no, I've met before.
05:22 No really. She does not like to share her toys
05:24 with anybody. Oh. And she's very loving,
05:28 just like I know lot of children are
05:31 and she loves her momma just like her momma
05:33 loves her. Well wonderful boys and girls,
05:36 to see this creature and they are highly
05:39 intelligent aren't they? They are.
05:40 Now one other thing I haven't told you about
05:42 this, have you noticed this little tuff of hair?
05:45 Yes. I have seen it. That's where they
05:47 get the name the crested Celebes Ape,
05:50 is from that little piece of hair and when they get
05:52 upset that little piece of hair sticks straight up
05:55 and they really look like they're wild and vicious.
05:57 So then that's part of a defense mechanism
06:00 they can look larger than what they are.
06:01 That's right. Now she is talking to you.
06:03 Can you hear? Oh I hear her chattering
06:04 and talking. She is really talking away.
06:06 In fact I'm not sure she is,
06:07 I think she's looking at those cameramen too.
06:10 Boys and girls, so wonderful to learn about
06:13 these creatures. Once again Ranger Jim
06:15 saying don't forget to tell Jesus that
06:17 you love him, because he really does love you. Bye.
06:22 Thanks Gerard. I love getting letters in the mail,
06:39 don't you. Once there is a man
06:42 name Mr. Sims and Mr. Sims has got a letter
06:46 in the mail from his friend Mr. Turner.
06:49 And Mr. Turner said I, and Mr. Turner told him
06:56 about a young man who gave his testimony
07:00 and said I'm going to trust and obey.
07:03 And then he got out his pen and paper out
07:07 and wrote the words to trust and obey
07:10 and then he, he sent the letter to Mr. Turner
07:19 and Mr. Turner wrote the music to it.
07:24 Let's sing kids.
07:47 When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
07:54 What a glory He sheds on our way!
08:00 While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
08:07 And with all who will trust and obey.
08:13 Trust and obey, for there's no other way
08:20 To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
08:32 Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
08:39 Or we'll walk by His side in the way;
08:44 What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
08:53 Never fear, only trust and obey.
09:00 Trust and obey, for there's no other way
09:06 To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
09:26 Welcome to learning time,
09:27 I'm glad that you've joined us today.
09:30 We're gonna do something that I
09:32 think is so interesting.
09:33 I have a piece of equipment right here
09:35 and I've got my helper James.
09:37 James, let me ask you about this odd looking thing,
09:41 now that looks like an odd thing.
09:42 What is that look like to you?
09:44 A ferris wheel. It kind of look likes a
09:46 ferris wheel because you know it has
09:47 a little wheel on it. I can see that,
09:49 but you know this happens to be an engine.
09:53 Does this look an engine? No.
09:55 It doesn't look like any engine that I've ever
09:58 seen. Does it look like an engine that
09:59 you've ever seen? No. Well I didn't think so.
10:02 Well, this is an exciting engine, because this
10:05 engine, it was invented in 1816.
10:08 Was any of you born in 1816? No.
10:11 Were you born back then James? No.
10:14 Oh I didn't think so. By a man,
10:16 his name was called Mr. Sterling.
10:18 You might wanna read about him,
10:20 because he was an interesting guy.
10:22 Well this engine, it works on ice
10:26 or something cold or something really really hot,
10:29 so James what I'm gonna do.
10:31 I'm gonna ask you to take some of those ice
10:33 cubes because oh man.
10:35 Ice cubes are cold, so why don't you put
10:37 some of those in this little tiny bowl.
10:38 We've got a little bowl right here.
10:40 James is gonna put some ice cubes
10:42 in that little bowl, because this engine
10:45 is going to run on some cold stuff.
10:47 In this case the engine's gonna run on ice cubes.
10:50 Isn't that strange? Is that strange? Yeah.
10:54 Oh I think it's a little strange.
10:56 How are we doing in here, we're gonna space them
10:57 out a little bit, we can put one more in there.
10:59 Okay right, hey that might be just right,
11:02 thank you James. Now I'm gonna put this
11:04 right on top of my little bowl.
11:06 Now, this works, this engine works off
11:09 of what we call convection currents.
11:11 Cold air goes down warm air goes up.
11:14 Now if you can see right inside right here,
11:17 I don't know if you can see that there,
11:18 but when I turn this little wheel there's a
11:21 little tiny piston that goes up and down.
11:24 Can you see that James? Yes.
11:26 Yeah well I'm gonna put this right on top
11:28 and we're gonna see what direction this
11:30 engine runs. I'm gonna turn that counter clockwise.
11:33 Does it run that way? No. No, it wants to stop.
11:37 Well we're using ice. When we use ice the engine only
11:40 works clockwise. Let's go ahead
11:43 and spin it clockwise.
11:45 So I'm gonna spin this clockwise and
11:46 let's see if the engine is going.
11:48 James, does it, does it sound like its running?
11:51 Yes. It sounds like its running.
11:53 Its not slowing down, it's just running
11:55 and running and running, that's interesting to me.
11:58 Now these kind of engines sometimes
12:01 we call them a heat engine or a Sterling engine,
12:04 but these engines they don't have
12:06 any intake and they don't have any exhaust.
12:09 Would that be good for us to have engines
12:11 that didn't have an exhaust? Yeah.
12:14 Oh yeah because exhaust just pollutes our planet,
12:17 pollutes our air that's not a good thing,
12:20 but this engine can run on something cold
12:22 like ice or we can take and use something
12:25 real hot inside like hot water and it
12:28 would run the other direction.
12:31 Isn't that interesting? Yeah.
12:33 Well Mr. Sterling, he was a real, a real smart guy.
12:36 He was an intelligent man.
12:38 By the way that reminds me,
12:40 who gives man all of their intelligence? God.
12:45 All intelligence and wisdom comes from God.
12:48 That's interesting to me.
12:49 And God gives us intelligence.
12:51 He gives us thoughts and he gives us abilities
12:54 and you know what he wants us to do.
12:56 He wants you and I, he wants you and I James.
12:58 He wants you and I for all of us
13:00 to use those intelligence for his purpose.
13:03 Oh I really like that. And you know remember
13:07 when we learn about science, we're learning
13:09 something about our creator God.
13:19 This one will be good.
13:21 Here you go, thank you.
13:22 That one, you can have that one. Okay.
13:25 Oh, alright. How you gonna carry all of that?
13:33 That's big enough for you to fit in.
13:40 Oh Judith hi, yes hi Martha.
13:43 How are you doing? Very well.
13:45 How are you? Fine, I've been out
13:48 of town for a while. Have you,
13:50 then you haven't the latest news here,
13:52 have you? No. What happened?
13:54 Shall we tell? Well I will do it.
13:56 Good, good why don't we tell her the story?
13:59 Yes, we will. A story, what happened?
14:02 What did I miss? Well you know Martha how
14:05 my sister has been ill for so long.
14:07 Oh yes. 12 years, yes. How many years
14:11 has it been? 12, oh I'm so sorry.
14:15 Yes, it's been very difficult.
14:16 I'm so sorry, Yes, it has.
14:18 And you know because of her illness a lot
14:19 of the people have avoided her.
14:21 Oh. And she must feel terrible,
14:23 she's been very lonely.
14:25 Oh I'm so sorry. But have heard of Jesus?
14:27 Yes, I have heard of Jesus. Tell me.
14:30 Well let me tell you Jesus came to visit
14:31 while you were not here. He did?
14:32 Yes, he was invited to Levi Matthew's house
14:36 for dinner. Levi Matthew's house? Yes.
14:39 You know Levi? Oh yes, oh yes.
14:42 Well we heard that Jesus was here in town.
14:45 So my sister and I decided we would go
14:48 and see Jesus. Okay. Because she know
14:50 she has spent all of her money going from
14:52 doctor to doctor here in our village.
14:55 I don't know how she's done it all these years.
14:57 It's been very hard and none of them could heal her.
15:00 That's right. In fact she even
15:02 went to visit the priest to see if they could
15:04 heal her. Yes. They couldn't heal her either.
15:07 Oh I'm so sorry. Well when we heard
15:09 about Jesus, she got some hope in her heart.
15:12 Yes. That maybe Jesus can heal her.
15:14 I've heard, I've heard he does miracles.
15:16 He does he does. He does,
15:17 he has healed many people.
15:18 Wait and see what happened.
15:21 Joshua just a minute. Maybe she needs
15:23 to go. Well we have heard that Jesus was in town.
15:26 We decided to go and find Jesus.
15:28 And the crowds were so thick
15:31 that we couldn't get close enough to him.
15:34 And when she thought there's no way I can
15:37 get to Jesus and ask him to heal me,
15:39 but she said you know if I can just,
15:41 but get close enough to him to touch his robe.
15:44 I know he'll heal me,
15:45 because I know he's the Messiah.
15:48 She has faith doesn't she. Well we
15:50 couldn't get through the crowd.
15:52 Its wonderful. And just as we were trying
15:55 to decide what we are gonna do,
15:56 Jesus turned in our direction and he came closer.
16:00 You're not gonna tell me.
16:02 Well, let me tell you what happened.
16:04 You're not gonna tell. My sister
16:06 reach out with all the little bit of strength
16:09 that she got. Yes. And she just reached out
16:10 and she was barely touched the hem and what
16:13 do you think happened?
16:14 Knowing Jesus I bet she was healed.
16:18 She was healed, she was healed,
16:20 she was healed, she was healed. She was.
16:22 She was healed, really. And you know
16:25 when she bent, yes, as soon as she touched his
16:28 robe she got all the power and strength in her
16:31 and she knew she was healed.
16:33 She knew it oh. She wanted to thank Jesus,
16:35 but she couldn't get close enough.
16:37 Yeah, were you there too? Yes, I was there
16:39 it was so exciting. She was healed,
16:41 I was so happy. What you did?
16:43 I jumped with joy, I jumped with joy.
16:45 Let me tell her Joshua. Okay.
16:48 We turned away from the crowd, yes,
16:51 and Jesus asked suddenly who touched me
16:54 and you know he was just being bumped
16:56 and touched by everyone and we all
16:58 thought who touched me.
17:00 Yeah how would you know.
17:02 Well Jesus asked again who touched me?
17:04 And, yes. Can I get the basket.
17:08 Joshua, could you get her a basket?
17:10 And so tell me what happened next?
17:13 Well. Which one would you like to have?
17:15 Here sweetie, why don't you come over here
17:17 and get it. I got to finish hearing the story.
17:20 Yes, this is great. Thank you. Yes,
17:21 so what happened? My sister knew she couldn't
17:23 go unnoticed. And she was
17:25 just terrified because she was embarrassed
17:27 and even though the people who have mistreated her.
17:29 Oh yeah. She came and she just fell
17:31 at Jesus' feet. Yes. And Jesus reached out
17:36 took her hand and he looked in her eyes,
17:39 he lifted her up and he said daughter,
17:43 your faith in me is why you've been healed.
17:48 Oh. He wanted everyone in the village
17:50 to know, praise God, that she's been healed.
17:52 And he blessed her and said go home in peace.
17:58 That's just, Go in peace he told her. Yes,
18:00 isn't that an incredible story. Oh.
18:04 And she feels wonderful.
18:05 She will be here at the shop later today.
18:07 Will she? Helping me make a grill,
18:10 Oh Judith, I've got to go tell my friends.
18:12 She hasn't been here for so long please.
18:14 Oh honey let me give you a hug.
18:15 Oh thank you. Now tell everyone.
18:17 I'm so happy and you hugged you aunty.
18:19 Yeah. I'm so happy.
18:21 Comeback and see her later okay.
18:23 Oh I will, I will. Thank you I have got to tell,
18:27 okay, do you mind if tell all the ladies do you?
18:30 No, I want you to tell everyone that you can.
18:31 That Jesus healed. He did. He can heal us.
18:33 Spread the news, tell the village.
18:35 Oh I will, I will tell. Why don't you come with me.
18:37 Come with me let's go over here
18:40 and tell these ladies. Bye, have a good day Martha.
18:43 Thank you. Thank you I will see you mom.
19:40 Hi boys and girls, I have two special friends
19:42 that are joining me today.
19:44 I have Justin and Haley.
19:46 And you know what they're gonna help me
19:48 introduce the book of the day.
19:52 And you know boys and girls,
19:54 this is an exciting book.
19:55 It's Detective Zack and the red hat
19:58 mystery and its by Jerry D. Thomas,
20:01 oh the plot thickens, says Zack's trip to
20:04 the Middle East has taken a mysterious turn.
20:07 Ever since the man in the red hat joined
20:09 their tour group, someone keeps
20:11 trying to steal their video camera bag.
20:13 From Mount Sinai to Jericho,
20:16 and from the valley where David fought Goliath
20:18 to the pool of Gideon, Zack and his
20:21 new friend Stephanie, and Achmed
20:23 they've tried to keep one step ahead of the thief
20:26 while gathering more clues to prove that the
20:28 Bible stories are true.
20:30 Who stole the car and the bag with Zack's clothes in it?
20:34 And why does the man with the red hat
20:36 always seem to disappear when something
20:38 turns up missing? The trap Zack sets to catch
20:41 the thief might just work, but then again,
20:45 it might not. You're gonna have to read the book
20:48 boys and girls, Detective Zack and the Red Hat Mystery.
20:52 Oh it's a good book. Do you guys think
20:54 you'd like to read this book? Yes.
20:56 Oh what do you think happened Justin?
20:58 I don't know. You have to read the story.
21:00 Well you know what, I'm so excited to
21:03 have you here today because both of you
21:05 had a chance to share Jesus,
21:08 haven't you recently? And Justin what
21:10 did you do? What did you do to share Jesus?
21:14 What do you have in your hands? Cards.
21:19 And what kind of cards are they?
21:21 Those are Jesus, Jesus ones. What are they?
21:29 Those are Jesus ones. Jesus cards aren't they
21:32 and Haley, can you tell the boys and girls
21:34 what is a Jesus card? Well, its actually a
21:38 memory verse card. Can you hold it up,
21:40 so the boys and girls can see what it looks like
21:42 and it has all kinds of different pictures
21:44 and memory verse on it doesn't it? Yes.
21:47 And you recently had an opportunity to do
21:49 something very special with these cards.
21:51 What did you do? Well my brother Justin and,
21:56 well we had a big store. Right.
21:59 And I and I was taking Justin around,
22:04 so he could pass these cards to people.
22:07 Because he's too little to go around by himself.
22:11 That's right. So what happened?
22:13 Well. What happened Justin?
22:15 Oh now Haley send me and then it was Noah's turn.
22:24 Oh. Go ahead Haley, tell us what happened?
22:28 Well what we get was we went up to,
22:32 we walked up to people and we gave
22:37 one of the cards and, when you walked up to
22:42 people did you say just excuse me ma'am or
22:44 excuse me sir or how did you do it?
22:46 Well when they stopped the car,
22:51 then we usually walked up and said excuse me
22:57 that Jesus loves you, this is for you
23:02 and handed it out. Oh
23:03 that was a good way to do it.
23:05 Yes, and I remember one of the people
23:10 we went up to and once we once Justin
23:15 gave the card to this woman then she said thank you,
23:24 I'll show my, I'll read these to my kids.
23:27 Yeah and I thought that was really cool.
23:30 And I think that's really cool too,
23:33 don't you Justin? Yes. Yes, I do. Boys and girls,
23:36 you know you might not have the fancy cards
23:38 that Justin and Haley have, but you can make some.
23:41 Get some paper cut them out and draw pretty picture
23:44 and maybe you can color it nice on it and
23:46 then write a Bible verse on the bottom of it.
23:48 And then you can walk up to someone,
23:49 have an adult go with you,
23:51 and you can say, excuse me I wanted you
23:53 to know that Jesus loves you
23:55 and I have something for you and hand them that.
23:57 I guarantee you that you're gonna brighten their
23:58 day. Well someone else that's gonna brighten
24:01 your day is this little girl all the way from Nigeria.
24:04 My name is Juliana Howard,
24:07 I'm a Seventh Day Adventist
24:10 from a nursery school.
24:15 I'm seven years old. When my friend fights
24:18 I tell them to stop fighting,
24:21 when my friend disobey my teacher,
24:23 I tell to stop disobeying my teacher
24:26 and when and when I tell lies.
24:31 When my friend tell lies I tell them
24:34 to stop telling lies. That's right,
24:37 thank you so much for that.
24:39 Well I have a letter here from
24:41 College Place, Washington.
24:42 And Haley, can you show the boys and girls
24:44 it's got a lot of nice picture says
24:45 dear Miss Brenda, could you please send me a
24:47 Kids Time activity book.
24:49 I absolutely love your show,
24:51 I'm five years old and my name is Brandon.
24:53 I love Jesus. Thank you Brandon
24:55 for that wonderful letter.
24:57 And I'm so glad you love Jesus
24:59 and I want to encourage you to share Jesus
25:01 everyday will you.
25:02 I have an email I would like to read it to you too,
25:04 says dear Miss Brenda, we can hardly believe
25:07 that you got our letter and we're so happy.
25:09 Well I'm glad you, I tell you boys and girls
25:11 I do answer all the letters says we thank you
25:14 very much for taking time to reply to our letter.
25:16 We also thank you in advance for sending our
25:18 activity books and also the Bible studies.
25:21 You know, and the book markers too.
25:23 They make, and making us the member of the kids club.
25:26 We really feel like we belong to the big family
25:28 of God and that way we don't feel left out.
25:31 Our parents are so excited and happy for us,
25:34 tell you once again that we thank you
25:36 for the Kids Time and it says Charlie Munga
25:41 and Lavindi, and they're from Bosnia.
25:45 So thank you so much for that
25:47 and I really enjoyed hearing that.
25:49 I have real quick, it says dear Miss Brenda,
25:52 I'm so happy to hear from you I'm sorry
25:54 that I have forget to include my address,
25:56 but here it is and it said I love Kids Time
25:59 and thank you for making these nice shows love Joe.
26:03 Well thank you Joe. That's all the time
26:05 we have today boys and girls.
26:07 I wanna thank you for sharing
26:08 this time with us and also I want to thank Justin
26:10 and Haley for being with us.
26:12 I wanna keep encouraging you everyday to
26:15 share Jesus and you do know why
26:16 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17