Kids' Time

Birth Of John The Baptist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh, LeClare Litchfield, Nedleys


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000132

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out
00:13 there. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:26 Oh! This is so cute. Oh! Hi boys and girls,
00:31 do you see this adorable baby blanket.
00:33 It's a gift for a woman who's going to have a baby,
00:36 and she is so excited about this baby.
00:39 I'm just so happy to be able to give her this
00:42 nice little gift, and it's going to feel so soft on
00:45 the baby's skin. Do you know this lady prayed
00:49 for a baby for years and years and years,
00:51 and she'd actually thought she was too old to have
00:53 a baby and kind of given up hope that she'd ever
00:55 be a mother because after all she's forty years old?
00:58 You know in most women they stop having babies
01:01 when they're at that age. You know she knows that
01:04 this baby is a gift from God just like all babies are.
01:07 You know I heard recently that a woman just had
01:10 twins at age 48, and most people think that
01:13 she's very old to be having babies,
01:15 but 48 is nothing. Now you're wondering,
01:18 aren't you. Well, the Bible tells about at least
01:21 two babies who are born to women in their 90s.
01:24 Now that's something to raise your eyebrows about,
01:27 isn't it? Well, today our Bible story is about
01:30 the birth of one of those special babies,
01:32 and he was no ordinary baby. He was born with
01:35 an important mission. We'll hear the proud
01:38 father tells the whole story in just a little while.
01:41 But right now it's time for us
01:42 to join Emily in the garden.
01:53 Welcome, boys and girls. Do you know where I am
01:56 at today? I am at the beautiful University of
01:59 Tennessee gardens, right here in Knoxville,
02:02 Tennessee. Now do you know where that is?
02:04 If you get out your map, I am on the way east side
02:08 of Tennessee and it is a beautiful day, and look
02:11 at the beautiful gardens that God has created
02:14 for us. Well, how many of you like to garden?
02:17 I love it, I love to get out there and play in the
02:21 dirt and get my hands all dirty and everything,
02:24 but they are just a few things that we need to
02:26 remember to make sure that we're nice and safe
02:29 whenever we go out in the garden.
02:31 There's just about four things that we're gonna
02:34 cover today and the first thing deals with birds,
02:37 bugs and butterflies. Do you guys hear that noise?
02:42 Oh! Well, that's Rodney rooster, our pet rooster
02:45 here at the garden. He likes to keep me company
02:47 so you'll probably hear him a lot today.
02:50 Well, the first thing that we're gonna talk about
02:52 you guys is the most favorite thing that I love
02:55 to do is I love to watch the butterflies and the
02:59 bees and the bugs, and they flutter from plant
03:02 to plant. They love the flowers and they love all
03:05 the beautiful colors that's in the garden.
03:08 But there's one thing that we need to keep in mind.
03:12 We really need to remember to not reach
03:14 out and grab those bugs because you know what
03:17 might happen. If as soon as I see a bug on a flower
03:20 I might get really excited, and wanna touch it.
03:24 But some of the bugs can really hurt if you reach out
03:27 and touching uh! It just stung me.
03:30 You really want to be careful especially with
03:32 bees and wasps because they can hurt you.
03:34 There's other creatures in the garden such
03:37 as the ladybug that's really nice and the ladybug's
03:40 kind of like to get up and crawl all over you arms
03:42 and it kind of tickles and makes you laugh and
03:45 be silly. But just remember boys and girls to not
03:48 reach out and touch any insects, just leave them
03:50 alone and let them enjoy the beautiful flowers.
03:53 The next thing that I wanna talk to you about is the
03:58 berries and all the flowers and all the yummy seeds
04:02 and nuts that you might see in the gardens,
04:04 and do you know what sometimes when I get
04:06 in the garden I just get so hungry, and my stomach
04:09 starts growling and I just want to reach out and
04:13 eat something, but there's one thing that
04:16 you really need to remember it's especially
04:20 true with berries. A lot of the berries and
04:22 the nuts and the seeds aren't safe for us to eat.
04:25 If you happen to eat one your stomach might hurt
04:28 and you might not feel so good.
04:30 Oh! That wouldn't be so fun, would it?
04:32 So just remember if you see a yummy looking
04:35 berry makes sure you ask an adult before you
04:37 put it in your mouth. Well, boys and girls,
04:39 I'm just putting on my garden gloves here and
04:42 look how bright and cute they are.
04:44 This is one really fun part about getting garden
04:46 gloves. You can pick out any color you want.
04:49 What is your favorite color? Well, my favorite
04:52 color is this bright blue, and with these bright
04:55 blue gloves my hands are gonna be nice and
04:58 soft whenever I garden. You know the last
05:01 thing that we really need to talk about is make
05:04 sure that you're really safe in the sun because
05:06 wow look how bright and sunny it is here
05:09 and it is so hot, oh! Wow, there is one thing that
05:13 you definitely need every time you go outside
05:15 in the garden and that is your garden hats.
05:21 This helps shade your face and make sure that
05:23 you don't get a lot of freckles on your face
05:25 and it protects your skin as well.
05:27 Well, boys and girls I hope that you remember
05:30 all of these important points that we've made today,
05:33 and that you can play safe in the garden.
05:35 And I encourage you everyday
05:38 to sow a seed of God's love.
05:51 Hey, Nathan, what are you doing?
05:53 Working on a special day that I'm looking forward
05:54 to. What day is that? My birthday.
05:57 I know a special day too, the day when Jesus comes.
06:01 I am looking forward to that day too.
06:03 This is the day that the LORD has made.
06:05 Let us rejoice and be glad in it, Psalm 118:24.
06:17 This is the day that God has made!
06:21 Rejoice! Rejoice, and be exceeding glad!
06:25 This is the day that God has made!
06:28 Rejoice! Rejoice! Hallelujah!
06:32 Christ has conquered death at last,
06:36 left the tomb that held him fast!
06:40 Gone the sorrow, gone the night,
06:44 dawns the morning clear and bright!
06:47 This is the day that God has made!
06:51 Rejoice! Rejoice, and be exceeding glad!
06:55 This is the day that God has made!
06:58 Rejoice! Rejoice! Hallelujah!
07:02 Jesus Christ who once was dead,
07:06 crown of glory on his head,
07:10 prince is now a modern King,
07:14 sorrows of world are passing.
07:18 This is the day that the Lord has made
07:21 Rejoice, rejoice, and be exceeding glad
07:25 This is the day that the Lord has made,
07:29 Rejoice, rejoice, Hallelujah.
07:32 Rejoice, rejoice, Hallelujah.
07:50 Hi, today we're making Jer-Bear cookies.
07:52 Now I know you are probably wondering
07:54 why the name Jer-Bear cookies.
07:57 Well, these are made named after my cousin Jeremy
08:01 and Jeremy we've always, my family always called
08:03 them Jer-Bear and it mostly because he eats so much,
08:06 its kind like he, he eats as much as a bear.
08:08 Well, I know he probably will love me for saying
08:11 that one, but let me read the recipe for you.
08:15 1 cup of margarine
08:16 3/4 cup of Pure Florida Crystals
08:21 1 tsp. of vanilla 2 1/4 cups of flour
08:26 ½ tsp. of salt 1 tsp. of baking soda
08:33 2 tbsp. of corn starch
08:35 1/8 tsp. of baking powder
08:39 1 cup of carob chips
08:42 3/4 cup of quick cooking oats
08:45 ½ cup of shredded or flaked coconut,
08:48 and ½ cup of chopped walnuts.
08:51 Now, we're gonna start with our soy margarine.
08:54 In the bowl, get this out with a stick,
09:00 and Pure Florida Crystals, now these Florida Crystals
09:07 are a wonderful sweetener to sweeten up,
09:11 sweeten it up, add your corn starch, and your
09:19 vanilla. Then you're gonna take a blender and blend
09:24 this up, and make sure when you blend,
09:26 you don't pull the blender up too high, it'll splatter
09:28 all over the place, done that before.
09:39 When you get that blended up, put that to the side.
09:43 We're gonna kind of make a well in the center like
09:48 a little hole in the center where you can dump
09:49 the rest of your ingredients. You're gonna put in
09:53 your flour, and your baking powder, baking soda,
10:03 and also your salt. You get the blender out again
10:08 and blend the rest of that out,
10:25 a little bit more. Alright, just spray it all over
10:33 like that, like I did. Now, you're gonna put in your
10:36 quick cooking oats, now these are the quick
10:38 cooking kind, there's also the whole rolled oats,
10:40 but you want to make sure you use the quick
10:42 cooking once. And your nuts and your coconut,
10:50 its a shredded coconut, and your carob chips.
10:57 You want to hand mix those things, if you try to use
11:00 the blender on those, the blender won't work
11:02 very well. Blender will kind of stuck on,
11:06 and you don't want to chop up the carob chips
11:08 or the coconut. Now if you don't like nuts,
11:11 you really don't have to use them. I love nuts
11:14 and I know that my family likes nuts so
11:18 we like to use them. Also if you don't like walnuts
11:20 you can use a different kind of nuts too.
11:24 There we go. Now, I have a pan here, and you
11:31 wanna spray the pan with cooking spray, and roll
11:39 these into a little ball like this and put them
11:46 on your cooking sheet just like that.
11:52 Now, they're gonna bake at 375 degrees for about
11:56 10 minutes or so or until they're a little bit brown
11:59 or they look done, and I have some finished cookies
12:02 for you. Now these cookies are absolutely delicious.
12:11 I know my cousin Jeremy loves them,
12:13 and he's a pretty picky eater, so if he likes
12:15 something you really know its good.
12:17 Well, if you're ever hungry, and you want a delicious
12:20 healthy snack you should try these
12:22 Jer-Bear cookies. Well remember, until next
12:25 time to keep cooking and eat healthy.
12:38 Oh! Oh! Zachariah, would you tell our
12:40 friends about our little miracle sign?
12:43 I'd be thrilled; I'd be thrilled, I'll never
12:45 forget the story as long as I live.
12:47 I've been called to the temple you know we have
12:49 to go up twice a year for a week, and I was in
12:53 the holy place and I was going up to the altar
12:56 of incense. It seemed really quiet that day,
13:03 I sensed something different and then
13:06 I looked up and there was an angel standing
13:08 on the right side of the altar, I was scared
13:11 to death, remember Isaiah, well it was me,
13:13 I was scared, and the angel started to speak
13:17 and the angel said, your wife Elizabeth
13:24 is going to have a child. Well, my first thought
13:29 was Elizabeth, she's so old, I am so old and
13:33 I said to, it was Gabriel, I said Gabriel, we're too
13:37 old. Gabriel said, it's just as the Father said,
13:45 your wife Elizabeth will have a child.
13:49 Well, I was stunned; I just sat there,
13:53 stood there frozen. Finally it seemed like
13:56 hours but I left the holy place. The people were
14:00 scared, they didn't know what had happened to me.
14:02 I went out, I started to tell them what
14:06 happened and I couldn't talk, I couldn't talk.
14:13 For nine months I just had to write on the board,
14:17 anything I thought, I don't understand I just,
14:24 I doubted just for a minute, anyway when
14:30 my precious son was born. You remember
14:35 some of you were even there and you said to
14:37 Elizabeth what's his name, what's his name
14:40 and you were suggesting that you name him
14:43 after me Zachariah and Elizabeth said, no his
14:48 name is John and then Jared turned to me
14:51 and said what name do you want Zachariah?
14:56 And I took out that tablet I had for so many months
15:00 and I wrote "His name is John" and as soon as
15:07 I wrote John, I could talk, I can talk.
15:14 I grab my precious one. I praised God.
15:19 All over the village, people were saying
15:22 there must be something special about this boy.
15:28 We were told by the angel. He should not have any
15:30 strong drink, no wine, that he was supposed
15:35 to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
15:38 From that beginning and I don't know why we
15:41 were chosen, we raised this child.
15:47 We're excited about this child, but we don't know
15:52 what the future holds for this child.
15:55 He's so precious. He's God's gift to us.
16:09 I just want to pray. Father God, thank you
16:14 for this precious one. I know you have big
16:17 plans for him Father, and I know there is
16:20 nothing Elizabeth or I can do except by your
16:22 Holy Spirit leading and guiding us.
16:24 It's a scary responsibility, but we give him to you.
16:29 May we always speak clearly for you,
16:32 and may he be a voice for you, crying out
16:38 loud about the glory of God.
16:41 I pray this Father, amen.
17:01 Ride on King Jesus No man can-a-hinder me
17:08 Ride on King Jesus Ride on
17:13 No man can-a-hinder me. Ride on King Jesus
17:21 No man can-a-hinder me. Ride on King Jesus
17:27 Ride on. No man can-a-hinder me
17:32 King Jesus rides on a milk-white horse
17:37 No man can-a hinder me
17:41 The river of Jordan He did cross
17:45 No man can-a hinder me. Ride on King Jesus
17:53 No man can-a-hinder me. Ride on King Jesus
18:00 Ride on. No man can-a-hinder me
18:04 If you want to be more like God
18:09 No man can-a-hinder me
18:12 The gospel highway must be trod
18:17 No man can-a-hinder me. Ride on King Jesus
18:24 No man can-a-hinder me. Ride on King Jesus
18:31 Ride on. No man can-a-hinder me
18:36 Ride on King Jesus. No man can-a-hinder me
18:44 Ride on King Jesus. No man can-a-hinder me.
19:16 Hi boys and girls, do you know its time for
19:19 the book of the day, and my choice for you
19:22 today is Prince the Persnickety Pony
19:24 that didn't like grown-ups,
19:27 it's written by Heather Grovet, and listen to this.
19:30 Janelle Wilson had been praying for a pony for
19:32 years. Now she had Prince, a solid black pony with
19:36 a small white star on his forehead.
19:39 But prince was anything but charming.
19:41 He ran away from any grown up who came
19:44 near him, and once he got scared and galloped
19:46 on so fast, that Janelle jumped off quickly and
19:50 bumped her head really hard. Prince could be
19:53 sweet in one minute, and really stubborn the next,
19:56 and miserable too. Prince was persnickety.
20:00 Janelle praised for Prince all the time that
20:03 he will behave, that she will learn to ride quickly,
20:06 they will win a ribbon at the fair.
20:09 Sometimes she thinks Jesus is answering her prayers,
20:12 and sometimes she thinks he isn't.
20:14 The big test though is when Prince must return
20:17 to his home at the end of the summer.
20:19 Will Jesus listen to her prayer to let her keep
20:22 her pony? Boys and girls, you're gonna have to
20:25 get the book to find out, Prince the Persnickety
20:28 Pony that didn't like grown-ups.
20:31 Well I was sitting here reading my letters earlier,
20:34 and I thought I have so many to share with you,
20:36 I don't know which letter to share with you,
20:38 and there was one beautiful letter here
20:40 from Gi Gi all the way in Summerfield, Florida,
20:43 and I thought you know what instead of reading
20:44 this letter to you, why don't we just get her
20:48 on the phone and you know that's what we did,
20:51 and Gi Gi is standing by right now, hi Gi Gi.
20:54 Hi Miss Brenda. Oh I am so glad
20:56 to talk to you Gi Gi. Can you tell me Gi Gi,
21:00 how old are you? Can you hear me Gi Gi?
21:06 Yes. How old are hon? Nine years old.
21:10 You're nine years old. What do you do to share Jesus?
21:13 I pray with friends and I make them feel better
21:18 and I tell them that they have a friend when they
21:21 feel like they don't and I tell them that Jesus
21:24 is their friend. That's right,
21:26 that's a wonderful way to share Jesus,
21:28 because you know Jesus is their friend,
21:30 Jesus is our friend too, isn't he, yes.
21:33 Now you have said, you were telling me,
21:35 what is your exciting news?
21:39 I'm going to get baptized this Saturday.
21:42 You are, you're getting baptized.
21:44 Oh Gi Gi that is wonderful news, isn't that good
21:48 news boys and girls. Oh that's the best news that
21:50 you can ever give Miss Brenda, to tell me that
21:53 you're getting baptized, that you've made that
21:55 decision to follow Jesus all the way that you're
21:58 keeping Jesus in your heart. Do you love Jesus Gi Gi?
22:02 Yes ma'am. Oh can you tell me what's
22:05 your favorite part about Kids Time.
22:07 When Buddy and the children sing,
22:10 and when you read the mail. Oh well I am so glad
22:15 that you could be a part of Kids Time,
22:17 and I was glad I picked up the phone and called
22:19 you today, and I love the pretty picture
22:21 you drew me too, I'll show the boys and girls that.
22:23 This is a nice picture you drew me,
22:25 and what is the picture you drew here of.
22:27 That of a cat. Of a cat, did you name him,
22:32 what's the cat's name. Lucky, Lucky the cat.
22:35 Do you have a cat like this with this name.
22:37 No, no but you drew a pretty picture.
22:41 Well thank you so much Gi Gi, and I want you to
22:45 keep sharing Jesus, and you know what I'm
22:46 going to thinking of you on Sabbath when you're
22:48 baptized, okay. Alright, God bless you, bye Hon.
22:53 Keep sharing Jesus won't you? Okay, Alright,
22:56 bye, bye. Well thank you so much Gi Gi.
23:00 I have another letter here, let's see if,
23:02 oh this is all the way from Belize in Central America,
23:07 and its from Jahiely, and I hope I've pronounced
23:11 that right. Boys and girls, you know when you
23:12 send me a letter, could you just send me a
23:14 little pronunciation even a PS in the bottom of
23:17 your letter. Let me know how to say your name,
23:19 so I can say it right, okay, because it gets really
23:21 hard sometimes to say all these names.
23:23 And I don't on purpose say them wrong,
23:27 and this is a beautiful picture of a little girl,
23:29 she's got a pretty red skirt on. It said dear
23:32 Miss Brenda, my name is Jahiely, and I am
23:35 eleven years old. My favorite part of Kids Time
23:39 is the Cooking Time, because I love to cook
23:41 with my mom. Could you please send me a Kids Time
23:44 activity book. I will always pray for 3ABN,
23:47 love Jahiely. Well thank you so much Jahiely
23:50 for you letter, and keep praying for us, would you,
23:53 and I'm glad you're enjoying Cooking Time.
23:56 Boys and girls if you like Cooking Time,
23:58 you know Katie has a brand new kit, cook
24:00 book out called the Kids Time cook book,
24:03 cooking with Katie. And you can call 3ABN and order
24:06 one today. Alright, let's see this one is from
24:10 Nicolas and Nathan, in Grenada, West Indies,
24:14 and let's see what they have to say.
24:15 Oh we've got a pretty picture too, let me see.
24:18 I'll hold up the picture, so that you see what it
24:20 says. Says dear Miss Brenda, my name is
24:23 Nicolas, and I'm five years old. I like to
24:26 watch Kids Time. My brother's name is Nathan,
24:29 and he likes to watch Kids Time with me.
24:31 We wish to join the Kids Club please, thank you,
24:34 Nicolas. Well that's right Nicolas, and thank you
24:37 for the picture of your wonderful family.
24:38 I want you to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus,
24:40 will you? Now I have a picture and a letter from
24:44 Daiene, and its hard to pronounce you name,
24:47 its D.A.I.E.N.E., so if I spelled, pronounced it
24:50 wrong, I am sorry. It says dear Miss Brenda,
24:53 I like watching Kids Time. My favorite part is the
24:55 Learning Time with Ben Roy.
24:57 He came to my school one time, and when he did,
24:59 I told my friend Stephanie to pinch me,
25:02 but she said no. The first time I saw Kids Time,
25:05 I was so very happy, and it said, I help at
25:10 my Sabbath school, and I help my teacher every
25:12 Sabbath, and you can sign me up for Kids Club please.
25:15 And I also like an activity book, love, Daiene.
25:19 And thank you, she says PS may the Lord bless
25:22 and keep you. Well thank you so much for that letter.
25:24 Lets see I have another letter right here and oh a
25:28 couple of pictures. Let's get those for you.
25:30 There's one picture of a little girl, and with the
25:33 little brother it looks like. Says dear Miss Brenda,
25:35 my name is Hunter, and I love Jesus and
25:38 Kids Time. Please send me an activity book,
25:42 and also the study guides. It said I would like one
25:48 for me and my sister, and he said how about you,
25:51 I love Jesus, how about you, love, Hunter,
25:54 and McKinley is sister. And it looked like
25:58 they've send in one more picture in there too,
26:00 send me two pictures, and this looks adorable too,
26:03 isn't that adorable and cute, there is Hunter,
26:04 and McKinley. Thank you for that beautiful picture,
26:07 and I enjoyed that very much. I'm glad you love
26:11 Jesus, you know I love Jesus too.
26:13 So I want you to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus.
26:16 Well that's all the time we have today boys and girls.
26:19 I want to thank you for joining me and spending
26:21 this time on Kids Time, and remember boys and girls,
26:24 wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:25 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17