Participants: Brenda Walsh, Lodencamps, Grant Graves, Kenny Morrison
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000131
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there is a world out 00:13 there. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:25 Hi boys and girls, I have been reading 00:26 the best book today. It has the most amazing 00:29 stories in it. I can hardly put it down. 00:31 It's called the Book of Daniel and it's one of 00:34 the books in the Bible. See, it says Holy Bible 00:38 and you know what the amazing thing is? 00:40 Is that these stories in this book really happened. 00:44 You know true stories are always more interesting 00:46 to me than made up stories. But historians 00:49 haven't always believed the stories in the Book 00:51 of Daniel are true. And in fact some historians 00:54 and archaeologists they set out to prove that 00:56 Daniel was just a collection of myths and falsehoods. 01:00 But you know what they were very disappointment. 01:03 Everything they dug up only showed how true 01:06 the stories in Daniel really are. And for example 01:09 they couldn't understand why in one story a King 01:12 named Belshazzar told Daniel that he would 01:14 make him the third ruler in Babylon, if he would 01:17 interrupt some strange writing that appeared 01:19 on the wall out of nowhere. 01:21 Those skeptical archaeologists 01:22 said that strange story never happened. 01:26 First of all there was never any ruler in Babylon 01:29 named Belshazzar, and why in the world would 01:31 he make Daniel you know or offer to make Daniel 01:34 the third ruler in the Kingdom anyway. 01:36 Wow those archaeologists finally dug up some 01:39 ancient list of Babylonian kings and do you know 01:42 what that list not only have the name Belshazzar 01:46 on them but it also revealed that Belshazzar's 01:49 father Nabonidus was the first ruler of the Kingdom. 01:53 Now Nabonidus went on a long vacation and 01:56 he left his son Belshazzar in charge as second ruler 01:59 of Babylon. So now it's easy to understand why 02:02 Belshazzar offered to make Daniel the third ruler in 02:05 the Kingdom. You know our Bible story today is 02:08 taken straight from the Book of Daniel and 02:10 you can be sure it really did happened just as 02:13 Daniel recorded it. So I want you to listen closely, 02:16 okay. But first let's listen to Ranger Jim 02:18 tell us some true stories about nature. 02:28 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying 02:30 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad that you can 02:31 join us today, we're at Knoxville, Tennessee at 02:34 Ijams Nature Center, and we have a special 02:36 surprise for you, our friend Pam is with us. 02:38 Pam, what are we talking about today? 02:40 Well, if we get really quiet and listen, 02:42 you're gonna hear a sound around us that 02:44 only happens once every 17 years at this time 02:47 of year and it's the cicadas, periodical cicadas. 02:51 The cicada, alright tell us about this. 02:55 Well, they're on the trees behind us and 02:57 they're a wonderful, wonderful insect, 02:59 and they're, if we get into our, you know kind of 03:02 our classification of insects a little bit, 03:04 they are in an order of insects called Homoptera 03:08 which means same wing and these insects have wings 03:12 that are kind of pitched like a roof or a tent. 03:15 So that's a good identification for children 03:17 when they're out looking for insects 03:18 to kind of know that particular group of insects. 03:22 Well now you gave me this thing to look out. 03:24 Yes. What is this that I am holding? 03:26 Well we are gonna take and do something call 03:28 metamorphosis here and most children. 03:31 Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis. 03:33 What is this word? Big word, Meta meaning 03:35 change and morphosis meaning shape and so 03:39 what we're going to do is, most children are familiar 03:42 with how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. 03:47 Oh yes. Okay, which I'm sure it's some times hard 03:50 to catch that actually in action in the real world, 03:52 so we have this wonderful puppet. 03:54 But a lot of insects go through a change in 03:56 body shape, and the cicadas also do that. 04:00 For 17 years of their life they live underground 04:03 as something called a nymph. Alright and then 04:07 at this magical time they emerge from the ground 04:11 and if we look around closely then we could 04:12 probably see some round holes that they have come 04:14 up through. And then they go to a tree and sometimes 04:18 climb 30 or 40 feet up in a tree and then as 04:22 we see here, this is what they look like, 04:25 this little case which is now empty because 04:28 last night they emerged. Oh through the little 04:31 slit in the back. Yes, it actually slits, 04:33 and you know underground they don't need wings 04:36 of course because they can't fly underground 04:38 but when they're adults they do needs wings. 04:41 But if we look closely at this casing, we can 04:44 actually see little wing pads that were forming 04:47 where the wings were actually forming. 04:50 Amazing, now for 17 years they lived underground 04:53 boys and girls where it's dark, no sunlight. 04:56 Right. Rubbing around, well they have little 04:58 passage ways do they. Well they can a dig 04:59 there way through and they have these 05:01 wonderful front legs that children can notice on, 05:04 and they also feed on tree roots like on the sap 05:08 and things from tree roots when they're in this 05:11 nymph stage underground. For 17 years and then 05:14 the magical time comes like last night they came 05:16 out of their holes, came up and then they came 05:18 from this case. Exactly. And now they're these 05:21 beautiful creatures. Exactly, and we can 05:24 see some of them as a matter of fact 05:25 you have something important that all 05:27 naturalist should carry and that's. 05:29 A collection. Yes, a collection jar or a bug 05:33 box and one other things we always encourage 05:35 children to do is to never touch an insect 05:39 or spider unless they know exactly what kind 05:41 it is and it's safe. Because just like you have our 05:44 little puppet here with the bee you know most 05:46 children know the bees and wasps could sting, 05:50 okay. But there are a lot of other insects that 05:52 have to protect themselves in some way and so we want 05:55 to encourage them if they don't recognized an insect 05:58 or an spider or really any wildlife we should 06:01 enjoy at a distance. But they can use something 06:04 like a collecting jar to very carefully scoop up 06:08 an insect, close the lid up and always want to make 06:11 sure that there's a little air hole in there and then 06:14 they can observe them. Safely, safely, safely. 06:18 Now you and I both know its okay to handle cicadas, 06:22 so we're gonna let you hold one of these. 06:25 Oh I can just reach in and safely take it up. 06:28 You can safely take it out. Because I know 06:29 boys and girls, can hold it in my hands and what 06:32 a beautiful creature, what a beautiful creature. 06:35 And again these are the periodical cicadas. 06:38 Eastern United States there's a 13 year and 06:42 a 17 year and this is the magical year and 06:45 if we go back through history and we look at 06:47 some writings that people have done, 06:49 it actually shows documentation at these 06:52 different time periods that there was a 06:53 tremendous number of cicadas that came out of 06:55 the ground. Now a lot of people are concerned 06:58 about them when they're out and they say you 07:00 know oh they're yucky, they're going to bite me. 07:02 But that's not something we have to worry about. 07:05 They are safe, we know they're safe to handle, 07:06 right. Well wonderful boys and girls, exciting 07:09 to learn about these creatures. 07:10 Ranger Jim saying as always, don't forget to 07:13 tell Jesus that you love him 07:14 because he really does loves you. 07:24 In his hand is the life of every creature Job 12:10 07:36 He's got the whole world in His hands, 07:40 He's got the whole world in His hands, 07:44 He's got the whole world in His hands, 07:48 He's got the whole world in His hands. 07:52 He's got the wind and the rain in His hands, 07:56 He's got the wind and the rain in His hands, 08:00 He's got the wind and the rain in His hands, 08:04 He's got the whole world in His hands. 08:08 He's got the tiny little baby in His hands, 08:12 He's got the tiny little baby in His hands, 08:17 He's got the tiny little baby in His hands, 08:21 He's got the whole world in His hands. 08:25 He's got you and me, brother, in His hands, 08:29 He's got you and me, sister, in His hands, 08:33 He's got you and me, brother, in His hands, 08:37 He's got the whole world in His hands. 08:41 He's got the whole world in His hands, 08:45 He's got the whole world in His hands. 09:00 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad you are 09:02 with us today. Now John's gonna help me 09:04 with an experiment, and we're gonna talk about 09:07 space. How many of you would like to travel in 09:09 space some day? Oh I want too, that would be 09:12 so interesting. Now I am gonna put my safety 09:15 glasses on because we're gonna talk about being 09:17 an astronaut travel in space. Do you think that 09:20 we can use common ordinary materials to 09:23 travel in space, what do you think? No. 09:27 No, well today John, I have got a ball right here 09:29 you know. You know, you ever play with balls 09:31 like this? I mean these are ordinary materials 09:33 and we're just going to cool this ball down to 09:37 about the temperature of outer space and then 09:39 I'm gonna have John take this ball and I am 09:42 gonna have him throw it at the satellite dish right 09:45 behind us right here and let's see what happens 09:47 to ordinary materials when we get them almost 09:50 as cold as outer space. I am gonna pour the 09:52 second coolest thing that's on planet earth in here, 09:56 and it's liquid nitrogen. The temperature of this 09:59 stuff happens to be a minus 321 and a half degrees, 10:03 now that is really cool. Well John, let's just go 10:07 ahead and take a little walk over here. 10:10 I'm gonna take my ice test right, and stop 10:13 right about here. Now we're gonna give a countdown 10:16 3, 2, 1 and then John's gonna throw that ball 10:20 right at the satellite dish. Are you ready to help 10:22 me with the countdown? Yes. Alright, let's go 10:26 3, 2, 1, right there and let's see what we've got. 10:32 Okay we're gonna try another one, here we go, 10:35 we're gonna try another one here we go, 10:37 are we ready? How about a countdown, 10:39 3, 2, 1, and John let's see what we do with there. 10:44 Whoa! Did you hear that, did you see that, 10:48 the ball just shattered, John, a good shot, 10:51 man or what, that's an interesting thing. 10:54 Now you know it was so cold that it absolutely 10:58 shattered that's what would happen if you and 11:02 I were using common materials and decided 11:05 to travel in space they would fail. 11:09 Oh that's interesting, now is it expensive John 11:12 or is it real cheap to travel in space? 11:15 It's very expensive. It is very expensive 11:18 and part of that expense is because it takes not 11:22 ordinary materials like that ball was made out of, 11:25 but very, very special materials because things 11:28 get too hot and things get too cold in space. 11:32 Now I think that's extremely interesting, 11:35 and I was looking at the prices of astronauts suits. 11:39 Do you know how much an astronaut suit cost John? 11:42 No, I don't. It costs over 1 million dollar can you 11:46 imagine that 1 million dollar for just one suit. 11:49 Now, I don't have anything that's worth a million 11:52 dollars, never mind a suit. Wow! Space travel 11:55 is really, really expensive, but it's really, really 11:59 exciting. Would you like to travel in space John? 12:02 Someday. Would you like to travel in space 12:04 using ordinary materials? Definitely not. 12:07 Oh not me, we need extraordinary materials 12:11 to travel in space. Well, I'm glad that we don't 12:15 need extra ordinary materials to live on 12:17 planet earth. Are you glad that we don't need 12:20 extraordinary materials because we just might 12:22 not survive. We don't need that because God put man 12:27 and woman and boys and girls on planet earth, 12:30 and we can survive with the things that he has 12:32 given us to use. I'm really happy for that. 12:36 Remember, when we study science, 12:39 we learn more about our creator God. 12:51 Ambassadors from the Ethiopia, you may proceed. 12:55 I hear that your King is interested in hearing the 12:59 story of Daniel, and the story of Daniel's God. 13:02 Well, it is a story worth telling. It happened about 13:08 5 years ago, I had just become King and 13:13 I had many men underneath me. Daniel was one of 13:16 those men. He was one of my officials in charge of 13:20 a lot of other men. I was very impressed with the 13:24 work that Daniel did. You see he was very organized, 13:27 very honest and hard working. I had noticed 13:31 Daniel's work and was thinking of making him 13:33 second in command. Some of the other officials 13:36 heard about this and they didn't like that idea. 13:39 They looked and searched Daniel, trying to find 13:43 something that he didn't do good, somewhere 13:46 where he might have stolen from me or slacked off, 13:49 but they couldn't find anything. Daniel was 13:51 perfect, except for his devotion to his God. 13:54 They said if we can trap Daniel in his religion then 13:58 we can get him. Well, they came up with that 14:01 evil plan and came to me. O King, live forever they 14:06 said. King, you're such a great man, you're very, 14:11 very wonderful and powerful, and we think 14:14 that the people of your Kingdom need to dwell on 14:17 your wonderful attributes. Well, this sounded pretty 14:20 good to me, so I said proceed, what is your plan. 14:24 They said King, for the next 30 days we want 14:28 to declare a holiday in your honor. 14:31 For those 30 days everyone should worship 14:35 none of their Gods but only you. Well, I thought that 14:41 sounded pretty good, so I gave them my ring 14:44 and said go make this decree law, and whoever 14:48 dares defy my authority, may he be thrown 14:52 into the den of lions. Well the men went off 14:56 and proceeded with their plan. Daniel heard 14:59 of the new decree, and I'm sure it made him sad. 15:02 You see Daniel was a good man, and he was loyal, 15:06 but his relationship with his God was more important 15:09 than anything else. He went home that night 15:12 and opened his window to face Jerusalem his 15:16 hometown. He got on his knees and he prayed as 15:20 he did three times everyday. Well, the evil men were 15:24 spying on him and they saw him pray to his God. 15:27 They giggled in and ran over to me and they said 15:30 O King, someone has broken the new law. 15:32 I became angry and said who dares to defy me, 15:37 King Darius. And they said Daniel, he defies you. 15:41 My heart broke, I saw through their trap, 15:46 I ordered them out of my sight and I stayed up the 15:50 whole day trying to find out what I could do to 15:53 save my friend, but the law cannot be changed even 15:58 by me. The next day we took Daniel and before 16:02 we threw him into the lion's den, I said Daniel, 16:05 may the God whom you serve continually protect 16:08 you. He said King, don't worry, they threw him in. 16:13 That night I couldn't sleep, I didn't want any food, 16:17 I didn't want any entertainment, 16:19 I was so worried about Daniel. The next morning, 16:23 just as the sun rose, I jumped in my chariot 16:26 and ran as fast as I could to the entrance. 16:30 I ordered the stone to be rolled away and 16:33 I shout out Daniel, Daniel. For a few seconds there 16:37 was just silence, my heart crumbled and then 16:41 I heard his voice. O King, live forever, my God had 16:46 sent an angel and he had shut the lion's mouth. 16:49 I ordered Daniel hauled up and I gave him a 16:53 great big hug. Then I turned on the men 16:56 who trapped him. Their Gods are not as powerful 16:59 as Daniel's God, and they did not last against the 17:02 lions. You see Daniel's God took care of him 17:08 because he put his God first. I don't know a lot 17:11 of about this God of Israel but I want to learn. 17:14 He's very powerful and if he can make men 17:18 like Daniel. I want him to live in my heart. 17:21 You take this story back, you tell your King 17:24 and perhaps he will learn of 17:26 the God of Daniel. You may leave. 17:42 Your only son, no sin to hide 17:49 But you have sent him from your side 17:55 To walk upon this guilty side 18:02 And to become the lamb of God 18:09 O lamb of God, Sweet lamb of God, 18:15 Lamb of God I love that holy lamb of God 18:22 O wash me in His precious blood 18:28 My Jesus Christ, The lamb of God 18:36 Your gift of love they crucified 18:42 They laughed and scorned Him as He died 18:49 The humble King they named a fraud 18:55 And sacrificed the Lamb of God 19:02 O lamb of God, Sweet lamb of God, 19:08 Lamb of God I love that holy lamb of God 19:15 O wash me in His precious blood 19:21 My Jesus Christ, The lamb of God 19:29 I was so lost I should have died 19:35 But You have brought me to Your side 19:42 To be led by Your staff and rod 19:48 And to be called the Lamb of God 19:55 O lamb of God, Sweet lamb of God, 20:01 Lamb of God I love that holy lamb of God 20:08 O wash me in His precious blood 20:15 My Jesus Christ, The lamb of God 20:32 Hi boys and girls, do you know what time it is, 20:35 it is time for the book of the day, and today's book 20:40 I have chosen "The Secret of Scarlett Cove" 20:44 and it is by Charles Mills and I would like to just 20:47 read you a short little thing about it. 20:49 It says, a beautiful vacation spot, 20:52 a secret cove and dead dolphin. 20:55 A strange baseball-cap wearing girl who doesn't 20:57 know the meaning of fear, and a creepy 21:00 water-park owner who uses dolphins to make money. 21:03 It says that a final showdown with 21:06 Mr. Chilson puts Alex and Dusty's beliefs to the test 21:10 as they find themselves in a dramatic fight to save 21:13 the dolphins and their very lives. Boy that sounds 21:16 exciting doesn't it. Well I want to make sure 21:19 you have your pens and pencils ready boys and girls, 21:21 write this down The Secret of Scarlett Cove 21:24 by Charles Mills. And I'm excited about this book. 21:27 I have really, really enjoyed reading it and 21:29 I think you will too. Well right now something else 21:32 I'm very excited about and that's I have a 21:34 special guest with me Kenny. Kenny, 21:36 thank you for joining me on Sharing Time today. 21:38 You're welcome. Well, are you excited 21:41 to be here and be a part of Kids Time? 21:43 Yes. Well, I am excited you're here too. 21:45 Can you tell me what is it that you do to share Jesus? 21:48 How I witness for Jesus is I go door to door 21:51 and I donate kids books to kids that don't know 21:54 about God. Now what kind of books do you have? 21:58 Like the story book, it's on stories about teach 22:03 them how to obey and stuff like that and cat 22:06 and cage, its on disaster stories. 22:09 And for the adults who donate like the 22:11 Desire of Ages, Steps to Christ, 22:14 and I have Business Digest. Now where do you get 22:16 those books? We get them from the conference. 22:19 So you order these special books, 22:22 and they're all about Jesus, right. Yes. 22:23 They're all about Jesus. Now tell me if you ever 22:25 had any special experience when you've gone 22:29 and given somebody one of these books. 22:31 Yes, one time when I went to knock on somebody's door, 22:34 they opened it up and they slammed the door 22:36 back on my face, but I still want to give 22:38 them literature, so I just put it in their car. 22:40 Did you ever had good experiences 22:44 when you give it, did you have someone 22:45 that was really happy that you gave them book. 22:47 Yes, and they brought a lot of books from me, 22:50 and then they are really happy that I could come 22:52 and stay with them, and donate some books to them. 22:55 What did they say? They said that they 22:59 would try to keep in touch with me, 23:02 and they would read the books. 23:04 They did? Yes. So did you have anybody that 23:08 seems like they were really excited about it? 23:12 Yes, there is one lady last year who I donated 23:17 some books to, and at this funeral I came back 23:20 to her house, and she recognized me, and she said 23:23 that her husband just passed away, but she still, 23:25 she read the books, and she need somewhat more 23:28 to learn, so I left the note that I would do it, 23:30 and she is going to call back. 23:33 Oh that's good. Let me ask you what has this 23:35 done to you personally being able to share Jesus 23:38 this way. I love Jesus very much, and it helps me 23:42 to go door to door, and feel the experience of 23:44 knowing people that one noble God it helps me 23:47 a lot to understand, and it makes me love him more. 23:50 Well that's wonderful, you know there is something 23:53 that is so special about sharing Jesus, and you will 23:56 have the best, and really you're going to get the 23:58 better blessing when you share Jesus with others, 24:01 won't you. You really come back with such a blessing. 24:03 Well you know what else is a blessing to me is 24:05 your letters boys and girls, and I absolutely 24:07 love them and I have some I'd like with you today. 24:09 I have a letter from Tony and Cassidy and 24:13 I don't know how to pronounce his name, 24:15 so I am going to spell it J.O.U.D.I., and 24:17 they're Nassau, Bahamas, and I recently, I had a 24:20 chance to visit over to Nassau in Bahamas in the 24:23 church over there, and I was there to speak to 24:25 some of the you boys and girls over there, 24:27 so I was excited to get your letters. 24:29 Said dear Miss Brenda, my name is Tony, 24:31 and I'm twelve years old, my sister's name is Cassidy, 24:35 and she is five years old. We live in Nassau, 24:37 Bahamas. The Bahamas when we watch your 24:40 show every afternoon, and we love to sing 24:42 and read with you, and learn about Jesus 24:44 and his love, and my mom watches too. 24:46 She's a Sabbath school teacher. If you please 24:49 send us two activity books one for me and my sister, 24:52 and thank you for you show, love Tony and Cassidy. 24:55 And you know what there is a picture of them, 24:57 and I just love that picture, thank you Tony 25:00 and Cassidy, for that letter. And let's see we have 25:04 one here from St. Lucia, and I love all these 25:07 letters boys and girls. Okay, quite a bit of mails 25:10 from St. Lucia actually. This one says 25:12 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Kurt Chi, and 25:15 I am nine years old, and as you have seen 25:17 I live in a beautiful island of St. Lucia. 25:20 My purpose for writing this letter is that 25:22 I love watching Kids Time. I wouldn't miss 25:24 one episode. Listening to it gives me, 25:27 and teaches me different messages, it brings me 25:29 closer to Jesus, and teaches me what Jesus 25:32 is expecting from each and everyone of us 25:34 including me. I would appreciate it if you'd 25:36 kindly send me an activity book, so 25:38 I would share Jesus word with my friends 25:40 and those who wish to hear his word. 25:42 I'll be glad to spread his words to those 25:44 who will listen, and bring them closer to him, 25:46 so Jesus can come soon. I would love a Bible, 25:52 if you have a Bible, could you please send me one, 25:54 and it said love, Kurt Chi. Well thank you so much, 26:00 and if anyone would like to send her a Bible, 26:02 and you send it to Miss Brenda, I'll make sure 26:04 she gets it, okay. Well I have time for just a quick 26:07 e-mail. Dear Miss Brenda, I'm Crystal May, 26:10 and I am ten years old, and I am studying here 26:12 in Adventist school in Thailand, Saraburi, 26:17 Thailand. And it says I really love Kids Time, 26:19 love, Crystal May. Well, that's all the time 26:22 we have today boys and girls, but until next time, 26:25 I want you to remember that it's 26:26 Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17