Kids' Time

Man Healed Of Palsy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Amie Pickeral, Karen Pickeral, Noah Mundall, Tyler Walker


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000129

00:03 It's time to share there's a world
00:06 out there, looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there's a world
00:13 out there. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:19 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. I am so glad that you
00:26 joined me today. Oh! Dear,
00:29 that's my cell phone. Oh! I hid it right here
00:33 behind the plant, just one second,
00:35 I'll be right with you. Hello, yes, Oh!
00:38 Hi, Honey. It's my daughter, just a minute.
00:41 Yes, Honey I don't have, you did what?
00:45 Oh! Really, well, that's wonderful news.
00:49 Honey, I really like to hear about it,
00:51 but you know what I am tapping the
00:52 Kids Time program right now. Honey, I am sorry
00:55 I am so busy. Okay, I'll hear all about it.
00:58 I'll talk to you tonight, okay. I love you;
01:00 I can't wait to hear about it. Alright,
01:01 honey, bye, bye. Oh! I'm sorry about that.
01:05 You know that was my daughter
01:06 and she just was so excited.
01:09 She wanted to tell me about some great news
01:11 she just has but you know I'm just so busy
01:13 and I've had so many interruptions today.
01:15 She just told me she got a big promotion at work
01:18 and she was really excited about it.
01:20 But you know it's Kid's Time right now
01:23 and I really didn't have the time.
01:25 I hope she understands, you know,
01:27 our Bible story today is about a mother
01:29 who got really frustrated when her daughter
01:31 interrupted what she was doing.
01:33 But what her child told her was really,
01:36 really important and in fact, the news changed
01:39 the mother's life forever.
01:41 Now, it's a good thing that she stopped
01:43 what she was doing and took time to listen,
01:45 isn't it? You know, boys and girls,
01:47 come to think of it. I think I'm going to call
01:50 my daughter back and I'm gonna let her
01:52 tell me her story. You all just go right ahead
01:55 and visit with Ranger Jim without me, okay.
01:57 I have a phone call to make.
02:06 Hi, boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying
02:08 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad
02:10 you can join us today. We are at Knoxville,
02:11 Tennessee at the Zoo and we have a beautiful
02:14 creature for you and John my friend,
02:16 what is this we have? Well, this is a
02:19 young green tree python. It's from the Island,
02:23 found in the Island of New Guinea.
02:25 There is also limited range
02:28 in Northern Australia. This snake was hatched
02:31 at the zoo and it's about 3 years old,
02:33 and will get larger, adults are typically
02:37 about 5 feet long and can get
02:39 as long as about 7 feet. That's a pretty good
02:42 size snake, isn't it like? Now,
02:44 the green camouflage is helpful
02:46 in finding food or this. Well, they're found
02:49 in rainforest, so that would be affected
02:51 camouflage either for hunting
02:53 or to avoid being hunted. Now, when the babies
02:55 first hatched, they're either red or yellow
02:59 or brown, and they turn green as they mature.
03:02 So this is an adult would have the green color.
03:05 Right, this one already has the adult color,
03:08 but he's not full grown yet.
03:10 Alright, what kind of a diet
03:11 would this creature eat? Well, in captivity
03:14 we feed him rodents, in the wild
03:16 they're more opportunistic.
03:17 They eat a variety of small mammals, birds,
03:20 probably some amphibians and reptiles too.
03:23 So in that nature, whatever they could come
03:25 across they would eat. Right, right,
03:26 this is a fairly common snake in New Guinea.
03:29 The people that live there, their slang name
03:32 for this snake is a see walk because you see
03:35 them when you're out walking and it's actually
03:38 a pretty common snake there.
03:39 It being a very attractive snake
03:42 and one that's not imported very often.
03:44 They're very much sort after by zoos
03:46 and private collectors. Are they dangerous
03:49 to human beings? Well, not really like a lot
03:53 of arboreal snakes they had, that aren't venomous
03:56 they have long teeth that help them capture
03:59 and hold on to their prey, but they don't have
04:02 any type of poison, so even a big one
04:05 it just gives you about same kinds of scratch
04:07 a cat would. Yeah, the nasty bite that
04:09 require a doctor's attention like that.
04:11 Now, are they commonly kept as pets,
04:13 could you keep these as a pet or?
04:15 These are somewhat more inclined to have problems
04:19 then most snakes kept as pets.
04:21 They are kept in collections but usually
04:26 by more experienced people who have for
04:28 one thing it's a fairly expensive snake
04:30 most of the time, and they're more delicate
04:32 then a lot of the king snakes and rat snakes
04:35 and boas that people commonly keep.
04:37 Not something that you would wanna keep
04:38 in your own little place that you would keep
04:41 a regular snake then what would harm more people.
04:43 Well, you should have some experience
04:44 before you try to keep it so,
04:46 and animals like snakes. And of course this snake
04:47 receives professional veterinary care
04:49 all the time I think, right. Tell me, tell me
04:51 John about reproduction now they're egg-layers,
04:53 are they? This snake like the other pythons,
04:56 it's a egg-layer and the female will coil
04:59 around the eggs and maintain
05:01 their temperature, body something like
05:04 a shivering motion that we do.
05:05 She lays the eggs and bask and return to them.
05:09 Just to restore the heat she leave
05:11 for a short time. Right, right, and pythons
05:14 they do that yet. It's not really known
05:17 how much parental care exists than other snakes,
05:20 these two we said they just don't have any,
05:22 but some of the work that's being done with
05:25 some rattlesnake populations
05:26 in the Southwest and some other animals is,
05:29 is changing that and we're starting to think
05:31 that their behavior might be more complex
05:33 then we used to think. As we do more research
05:35 on that, we might find more about that.
05:37 We sure do, so we would find,
05:39 we would find that this snake would be common
05:41 in each where people would keep it there as a pet,
05:44 will they not, will they keep that
05:45 as a pet or Possibly. I, I know some places
05:48 where monkeys and small monkeys like that they,
05:51 people keep them as pets. Alright,
05:54 if a boy and girl sees a snake like this
05:58 or any snake I want you to reinforce this,
06:01 okay. I tell them, if you see any kind of a snake
06:04 you get an adult, right. The best thing to do is
06:08 just leave it alone. The most,
06:11 even with venomous snakes, the most
06:13 dangerous one is the one you don't see that
06:16 you step on and put your hand there by
06:18 a accident, but they really just need to be
06:20 left alone even a non-venomous snake
06:23 can give a painful bite, it, it's not medically
06:26 serious, but it's something you rather
06:28 have not happen. And also we don't know that
06:31 it could be a venomous snake,
06:33 so you do want to leave snakes alone
06:34 and have someone who knows what they do
06:37 and identify the snake for you
06:39 and then even then it's still best
06:41 that you don't disturb. Okay, Ranger Jim
06:44 boys and girls saying don't forget to tell
06:46 the Jesus that you love him because
06:47 he really does love you.
06:59 Hey kids, I would like to tell you a story about
07:01 the song we're gonna sing. Pastor Tyng
07:03 was a bold, fearless, uncompromising preacher.
07:06 Great crowds came to hear this dynamic young man.
07:09 In one meeting over 1000 accepted Jesus
07:12 as their Savior. Pastor Tyng boldly declared,
07:15 I would rather have my right arm cut off
07:17 then to not deliver God's message to you.
07:20 Wow, he sure was serious about that.
07:22 The very next week while visiting his family
07:26 in the country, Pastor Tyng's arm was cut
07:28 in a corn threshing machine.
07:29 As a result to this he lost his right arm
07:32 and two days later he died.
07:34 Before he died he said to his friends,
07:36 "let us all stand up for Jesus."
07:38 These words inspired George Duffield to write
07:41 the song "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus."
07:51 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
07:55 ye soldiers of the cross;
07:59 lift high his royal banner,
08:02 it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory
08:10 his army shall he lead, till every
08:15 foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.
08:26 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
08:30 the strife will not be long;
08:34 this day the noise of battle,
08:37 the next the victor's song.
08:41 To those who vanquish evil
08:44 a crown of life shall be;
08:48 they with the King of Glory
08:52 shall reign eternally.
09:06 Welcome to Learning Time. Thank you for joining us
09:09 today. Now I've got a special helper with me
09:12 and Glenny, you're gonna help me
09:13 with a special experiment, are you ready?
09:15 Yes. Yeah, this is an experiment
09:17 that you can do at home and this is one thing
09:20 that you might need. We're going to use
09:22 a little dropper you, if you have an eye dropper
09:25 at home or a medicine dropper,
09:26 you can use that. I've got a little pipe out,
09:29 sometimes we use those in a laboratory,
09:31 and I'm gonna fill this up with water.
09:33 I'm gonna squeeze it. And we'll fill that up
09:35 with water. I'm gonna give this to Glenny.
09:36 Now Glenny, what I want you to do is,
09:38 I want you to put a pile of water right
09:40 on the penny. She's gonna drop-by-drop
09:42 put some water on that penny.
09:44 We're gonna find out, what happens
09:46 when we get a lot of water together
09:48 and it's gonna drop in the end, keep the whole,
09:50 Hey, that's interesting. Can you see that
09:53 the water is just kind of bubbling up? Oh!
09:56 Yeah, it just kind of making a nice little dome
09:59 on top of that water. That means that water
10:00 will stick to itself. That's what we call
10:05 cohesion, that's an interesting term,
10:07 isn't it? Now cohesion means that the water
10:10 molecules like to stick to each other,
10:12 and that I have a test tube right here,
10:14 and if we look at the test tube,
10:16 we'll be able to see that the sides
10:18 of the test tube, the water attaches itself
10:21 to the sides of the test tube
10:23 and it kind of goes up the side a little bit.
10:25 That's what we called adhesion,
10:27 and the water just wants to stick to the glass.
10:30 Well, we're really thankful that water
10:32 has those properties. Now, I did an experiment
10:35 just last night this is something you can do.
10:39 We got some flowers. What kind of flowers
10:41 are these? They're carnation flowers,
10:44 aren't they? And in fact, do they have any smell?
10:46 Yeah. Oh! Yeah, they've got a smell
10:48 I love that smell. Now, this is a white carnation
10:52 and then what I did was I put some blue food
10:56 coloring, it's just regular food coloring.
10:58 You just might have it in your cardboard,
11:00 and I put some red food coloring and two glasses.
11:03 Here are some white carnations that I put
11:06 red food coloring Oh! We just dropped one.
11:09 I put some red food coloring in the water.
11:12 What happen to them, Glenny?
11:13 They turned orange. That's right;
11:16 they turned kind of orange reddish,
11:18 didn't they? Then I had another one and I put
11:20 the blue food coloring in that and what happened
11:24 to that one, Glenny? It turns blue.
11:27 It turns blue, you know what happens?
11:29 Every plant needs water. Do you need water too?
11:32 Oh! Without water what would happen to us?
11:35 We won't live. We wouldn't live.
11:37 Everything needs water. Well, you know what God
11:40 made water to have those two properties cohesion,
11:43 it likes to stick to each other and adhesion,
11:46 water likes to stick to other things
11:47 and the water goes from the bottom of the stem
11:51 or the bottom of the roots of our plants
11:53 and it goes all the way up, we call
11:56 that capillary action. And the water goes
11:59 all the way up to the leaves and the petals.
12:01 Without that water going all the way up,
12:03 even to the highest trees our plants our trees
12:07 just wouldn't get the water that we need,
12:08 isn't that interesting? Oh! I think so.
12:11 God had that in mind when he planted,
12:14 did God plant a garden? No. Oh! He made a garden
12:18 and we call it the Garden of the Eden.
12:22 And all of those plants get watered.
12:24 The water came from the ground.
12:26 Water probably came from the air
12:28 and watered those plants. Every time we learn
12:31 about science we learn something
12:34 new about our creator God.
12:54 Mom, mom, you won't believe it,
12:56 you just won't believe it.
12:59 Sarah, where have you been? I have been looking
13:01 all over for you. The marketplace
13:02 is very busy today, but where were you?
13:04 Nowhere to be found that's where.
13:06 Now, get to work and no more excuses.
13:08 But, but mom wait till I tell you what happened.
13:11 Alright, alright. I was on the way to
13:14 Uncle Daniel's place to get the baskets,
13:17 just like you told me to do and I saw a
13:20 whole bunch of people standing around.
13:22 I heard someone talking and everyone was so
13:25 interested that I decided to see who it was.
13:28 I had to get little small and squeeze in between
13:32 all the people, and it wasn't easy either
13:34 because every one was pushing so hard
13:37 together so that they could hear.
13:38 Mom, you should have seen all the important
13:41 people who were there. Oh! Really, like who?
13:44 Well, there were Scribes and Pharisees
13:48 and Lawyers, lots of lawyers.
13:50 And they were all going to that
13:51 big beautiful house, you know the one
13:54 on the hill by the lake. Well, Sarah,
13:57 that's the most beautiful house in Capernaum.
13:59 And that's not even the best part.
14:03 Guess who's teaching in there right
14:04 in the middle of it all? Sarah, I don't have
14:07 time for guessing games. It was Jesus.
14:10 Jesus you say. I've heard stories about him,
14:14 but you can't believe everything you hear.
14:16 Well mom, just wait till you hear this.
14:19 Okay, child out with the story.
14:21 It was just incredible. After I got to the house
14:26 I found a little place under a table and learn
14:28 what Jesus was teaching. I started to listen
14:32 and I was so interested in what Jesus was saying
14:35 that I hardly noticed what happening
14:37 right above me. On the table? No, on the roof.
14:40 On the roof. At first I didn't even notice,
14:42 but then one-by-one the roof tops
14:44 started to disappear, by the time I looked up,
14:47 there was a great big hole in the roof
14:50 and then I saw four men with ropes lowering down
14:54 a blanket right through the hole
14:56 and the blanket had a man in it.
14:59 A blanket with a man in it?
15:01 Oh! Mom, he was a very sick man.
15:03 His arms and legs were all twisted and weathered.
15:06 All that he could do is lay there
15:08 and wait see what Jesus would do.
15:10 Then his four friends called up from the top.
15:12 Please Jesus, please help our friend,
15:14 but then some of the men in the room were angry
15:18 with the men for interrupting
15:19 their meeting and insisted that
15:22 the crippled man be taken away at once.
15:24 No telling them what kind of disease he had that
15:26 caused him to be so crippled
15:28 and weathered up, but mom I was watching Jesus.
15:31 He had the kindest expression
15:33 and his eyes were so full of love and compassion
15:36 like this man was family or something.
15:38 And then the strangest thing happened.
15:42 It gets stranger! Jesus looked right unto
15:44 the crippled man's face and said to him,
15:46 man, your sins are forgiven.
15:48 Oh! He forgave his sins! Mom, the room got
15:52 so quite I could hear my own heart beating
15:54 and then I heard someone whisper blasphemy.
15:58 No one can forgive sins but God alone.
16:00 But mom I don't think Jesus heard the man
16:03 because he was talking softly
16:04 to the crippled man, but then as if he knew
16:08 what the people were thinking, he said,
16:09 which is easier to say, your sins are forgiven
16:12 or rise up and walk? So what they say about that?
16:15 Well, none of them could answer,
16:16 so Jesus told them that he would let them see
16:19 that the son of man had the power on earth
16:21 to forgive sins. And he told the man to arise.
16:24 Take up his bed and go home. And so did he walk?
16:28 No, he couldn't stand long enough to walk,
16:30 he was running and jumping
16:31 and praising God. His friends couldn't even
16:33 keep up with him. He thanked Jesus
16:35 and he was gone. Well, what did the others
16:37 say about that. Well, they were all totally
16:40 amazed. Some glorified God and some just shake
16:43 their heads and said we've seen
16:44 very strange things today.
16:46 Well, Sarah, that's quite a story.
16:47 Mom, it's way more than that.
16:49 I don't even know how to explain it,
16:51 but now I feel all different inside
16:54 when I shut my eyes. All I can see is Jesus face
16:58 looking into the soul of that crippled man,
17:00 and when I make a mistake I see a poor helpless
17:03 crippled man who's make a new from his heart
17:05 right down to his toes. Mom, I saw Jesus today,
17:09 our life will never be the same.
17:11 Do you understand what I'm talking about?
17:13 Well, I am not sure Sarah, but I want to,
17:15 do you think you could take me to see
17:17 this Jesus for myself? Come on Mom,
17:19 let's go see Jesus.
17:40 My promise. I am a possibility
17:43 I am a promise with a capital "P"
17:48 I am a great big bundle of potentiality
17:53 And I am learnin' to hear God's voice
17:58 And I am tryin' to make the right choice
18:02 As I promise to keeping, do anything
18:05 God wants me to do.
18:09 I can go anywhere that He wants me to go
18:13 I can be anything that He wants me to be
18:17 I can climb the high mountains
18:19 I can cross the wide sea I'm a great
18:22 big promise you see! I am a promise
18:26 I am a possibility I am a promise with a capital "P"
18:33 I am a great big bundle of potentiality
18:39 And I am learnin' to hear God's voice
18:44 And I am tryin' to make the right choice
18:47 I'm a promise to be anything
18:51 God wants me to be Promise to be
18:57 anything God wants me to be.
19:10 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
19:13 Book of the day. And today I've chosen
19:16 another book by Jerry D. Thomas,
19:18 Shoebox Kids Bible Stories Book 3.
19:21 And this is a wonderful book.
19:24 It says the Bible stories in this book start
19:26 with God sending water from a rock,
19:28 and they includes Balaam and his talking donkey,
19:31 and they ends with the fall of Jericho
19:33 and Achan's secret. The Shoebox Kids stories
19:36 that go along with those from the Bible start
19:38 with dry canteens on a hot sand dune,
19:41 Oh! And they include a puppy on the altar, Umh!
19:44 I wonder about that, its say and they end with
19:46 stolen chocolate all over Yoyo's face.
19:49 Oh! Questions at the end of each chapter
19:52 make sharing Bible lessons interesting
19:55 and fun. Oh boys and girls, you're gonna
19:57 want to read this book, and it's Jerry a D. Thomas
20:00 "Shoebox Kids Bible Stories Book 3."
20:03 Well, I am really happy boys and girls
20:06 to be here today and visit with you and share
20:09 some letters and all the letters you've been
20:11 sharing with me and first I would like to have
20:14 you meet somebody here that shares Jesus
20:16 all the time. And that is Noah.
20:19 Hi, Noah. Thank you for being on Kids Time.
20:22 You're welcome. Tell me Noah,
20:25 what do you do to share Jesus?
20:30 Do you share Jesus on Tiny Tots?
20:32 You know, boys and girls they probably watch
20:34 Tiny Tots too. And can you tell me
20:37 what kind of things, it is fun being on Tiny Tots
20:40 because you witness for Jesus everyday,
20:42 don't you when people see on Tiny Tots,
20:45 don't they? Now let me ask you
20:48 what is your most fun thing you like to do on
20:50 Tiny Tots? Can you tell me? The song.
20:57 The songs, you like to sing the songs.
21:00 What's your favorite song? I like to go
21:04 to the barn. You like, do you remember
21:06 how that goes? Can you sing it? How does
21:08 that go? You forgot, you forgot,
21:12 but you like to go to the barn
21:14 and do you like singing the songs with
21:17 Auntie Linda and Miss Cinda? You do.
21:20 What's one of the songs you've sung in there,
21:23 I know I think maybe you sing Jesus loves me,
21:25 don't you? Can you sing that for me?
21:27 Let's, how does that go? Jesus loves me!
21:30 This I know, For the Bible tells me so.
21:35 Little ones to Him belong;
21:38 they are weak but He is strong.
21:40 Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
21:46 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
21:51 Yes, he does and you know Noah that makes
21:54 Miss Brenda really, gives me blessing
21:57 and I know that it'll give boys and girls
21:59 everywhere blessing too, won't it?
22:01 Is there anything else? How are you doing edits?
22:03 I know, I know that sometimes
22:05 when you're on TV a lot you have to do edits?
22:07 Is that hard for you to do edits? No. No,
22:10 why not? Because I do it all the time.
22:15 'Cause you do it all the time,
22:17 you've gotten pretty good at it, isn't it?
22:19 You're like a little pro. Did they say
22:21 that to you, you're like a little pro?
22:22 Yes, they do. Well, you know I'm really glad
22:25 that you came to on Kids Time and shared Jesus
22:28 with us here too. And you know I want you to keep
22:31 singing on Kids Time. Will you do that? Yes.
22:33 You will have to tell Auntie Linda that
22:35 she's got to share Miss Cinda. They have to share
22:38 you with Kids Time. Can you tell them that? Yes.
22:40 Alright, well, I would like to read
22:43 some letters. Do you like to help me? Yes.
22:45 Okay, we'll read this one and you can hold up
22:47 a picture for me. Would you like to do that? Yes.
22:49 And just hold it right over there
22:51 and the boys and girls can see this letter.
22:53 It's from, let's see what it saying see where
22:56 this letter is from on the stamp? I can't tell,
22:58 it says, Oh! St. Lucia. It says,
23:02 dear Miss Brenda, I sure enjoyed the Bible lessons
23:04 and the activity books that you send me.
23:06 Thank you so much. I want to send you
23:08 a picture of me. I love going to Church every
23:10 Sabbath now, and I enjoy singing in Church,
23:13 but I don't have a hymnal. So do you think
23:16 someone could send me a hymnal,
23:17 and also I want to thank you for a bookmark?
23:20 May God bless you and take care.
23:22 From your dear friend, Paulina
23:24 And there is Paulina, she's from St. Lucia.
23:27 And if anybody would like to send a hymnal
23:32 to Paulina I'll keep this letter out
23:34 and you send it to me here on 3ABN
23:36 and I'll make sure she gets a hymnal, okay.
23:38 And let's see I have another one here,
23:42 and it says, this is from South Africa
23:45 and it says, dear Brenda, my name is Jonathan
23:48 and I have an older brother in grade 4.
23:50 His name is Anthony. I am 8 years old
23:53 and I am in grade 3. I like to share Jesus
23:56 with my little sister Kelly who is almost
23:58 3 years old. We take care of our rabbits
24:01 and other farm animals. She likes to sing songs
24:03 about Jesus. Thank you for the Kids Time,
24:06 we've seen our first Kids Time today
24:08 and we would like to share it with our friends too,
24:10 with love from Jonathan. And you know what,
24:12 let's put Jonathan's picture right here.
24:14 Can you see that boys and girls?
24:16 And there is a picture of Jonathan,
24:18 and what a handsome boy you are,
24:20 love that blond hair of yours,
24:22 and thank you for writing. I am glad that
24:24 you just found our program. I hope you keep
24:26 on watching and keep on sharing Jesus, won't you?
24:29 I have a big envelop here. Aren't you
24:32 wondering what's inside? This one is
24:33 from Richmond, Virginia and let's see
24:37 what this is? Wow! Oh! What a beautiful picture.
24:40 Can you hold this up for me Noah?
24:41 Let's see if we can bend it here so it'll stay up.
24:45 Can you hold that right there? Okay,
24:48 hold it just like that. It says,
24:49 dear Miss Brenda. My name is Christine
24:52 and I'm 10 years old. I love to watch Kids Time.
24:55 It makes me smile when the kids sing.
24:57 I would love to sing on Kids Time because
24:59 I love to sing for Jesus, and when I see people
25:02 singing it makes me happy. I've made a
25:04 picture for you that I wanted to send.
25:06 I was baptized last year and this picture
25:09 makes me think of how happy I was when
25:12 I was baptized. Love, Kristen. Well, Kristen,
25:15 thank you for sharing that letter
25:16 and that beautiful picture with us
25:18 and you know it's a picture of Jesus Baptism,
25:20 isn't it? And I can see why it makes you
25:22 think of that. Thank you Noah and so thank you
25:25 so much, what a talented artist you are too.
25:28 And I want to encourage you to keep singing
25:30 for Jesus. Let's see we have another one here,
25:32 and can you hold this picture up for me,
25:35 right here, okay, there you go. And it says,
25:38 Oops here we, let's go, here we go,
25:40 can you hold there that's fine, that's okay.
25:43 It says, dear Miss Brenda, My name is
25:45 Christy and I am 10 years old
25:47 and my brother's name is Ethan
25:49 and we love to watch Kids Time,
25:50 we would be very happy if you would send us
25:53 an activity book and we live very close to Canada
25:56 and it gets very cold here in the winter,
25:58 but we like to play in the snow.
26:00 Ethan is 8 years old, love, Christy and Ethan.
26:03 Well, thank you so much for that letter
26:06 and it does get cold near Canada, doesn't it?
26:09 But what a beautiful country
26:11 it is up there too. Well, that's all the time
26:13 we have today boys and girls.
26:15 Noah, I want to thank you for being with me today.
26:17 Will you come back again? Alright,
26:19 well, I want to encourage you boys and girls
26:22 to share Jesus wherever you go,
26:24 every chance you get because
26:26 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17