Kids' Time

Jesus Heals A Leper, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Halima Martin, Guthries, Lee Jamieson, Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000128

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Oh that's wonderful news, I can't wait to tell
00:27 my kids on Kids Time. Oh thank you for calling,
00:32 aha bye, bye. Oh hi boys and girls, that was my
00:35 friend who just told me about her father who
00:37 has been battling brain cancer for many months.
00:40 And do you know when they first found out
00:41 he had cancer the doctors said he had only had
00:44 a few weeks to live. But that was seven months
00:47 ago and my friend's father has been responding
00:49 so well to the treatments that the doctors
00:51 have given him. Do you know he's doing so much
00:53 better, I can't, they can't even believe how
00:55 well he's doing. Well the tumors have shrunk
00:58 and one of them is completely disappeared
01:01 and a few short months ago my friend's father
01:03 could hardly stand up or talk.
01:06 He didn't even know what he was doing or what
01:08 he was saying or what was going on.
01:11 But today he's up and he's walking around,
01:14 he's been able to go back to church and he
01:15 can tell all the old stories he used to tell
01:18 about his childhood. My friend is so happy
01:20 and I am so happy too, 'cause I've been helping
01:23 her pray for him. She's been calling all her
01:25 friends to thank them for their prayers and
01:27 to tell them that a miracle has happened to
01:29 her father. You just can't help but share a
01:31 good news like that, can you? Our Bible story today
01:35 is about someone who wanted to share that
01:37 kind of news not only with everyone else
01:39 she knew but also with strangers on the street.
01:42 You know we worship and serve a
01:44 God who has saved us from our sins so that we
01:46 can live forever, isn't great news?
01:49 Someday you won't have to deal with diseases
01:51 or heartache. Have you shared the good news
01:54 of Jesus with anyone lately? Why don't you
01:56 make a list of some of the people who might
01:58 be interested in hearing your story?
02:00 But in the mean time let's join Emily in the garden
02:02 'cause she always has
02:04 interesting things to show us.
02:13 Hey boys and girls, welcome to Garden Time.
02:17 Wow, look at all of my garden helpers today.
02:20 Today, do you know what we're gonna learn about?
02:22 Can you guess by looking at this baggy here?
02:26 Seeds, Today we're gonna learn about seeds.
02:29 Now do you know if you look at a tree or
02:32 a plant after it drops its seeds there's about
02:35 four main ways that nature carries it to soil.
02:38 A seed has to drop on soil in order to sprout
02:41 and grow into a big plant. And there's actually a
02:44 lot of different sizes of seeds.
02:47 We have this little tiny bitty seed,
02:51 little tiny bitty seed. You can barely see it
02:53 in my hand. It's super tiny and then
02:55 we have this big seed, the coconut which
02:58 is one of the biggest seeds.
03:01 What does it have in it? It has the coconut juice,
03:03 do you guys hear that? I wish I could drink it.
03:06 You hear the coconut juice? I wish I could drink it.
03:08 Yeah, oh yes me too okay.
03:11 Now, one of the ways that seeds travel is they
03:14 drop and roll. Now why, what? Hey Aaron,
03:18 look at this seed, why do you think this would
03:20 drop and roll? Because it's round,
03:22 because it's round. If you see a seed that's round
03:24 chances are whenever it falls from the tree
03:26 it's gonna drop and roll. It's round like a basketball
03:30 or a baseball. And it just rolls right into a new
03:34 patch of soil. Now another way that seeds get
03:38 carried is by the wind. Alex, well how do you think
03:42 seeds get carried by the wind.
03:44 Do the seeds if they're really, really heavy,
03:46 do you think that wind will carry them? You do.
03:49 Well, you know what boys and girls the seed
03:51 has to be really light weight to be carried by
03:53 the wind. In order to be carried by the wind
03:56 it has to be really light and the wind will
03:58 just pick it up and carry it across nature.
04:01 Now this one for example came from the Maple
04:02 Tree and I like to call these helicopters,
04:06 because they're shaped like a wing.
04:08 And if you thrown them up in the air for example,
04:10 I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see
04:11 this but it just kind of splatters and gets
04:14 carried by the wind on a really windy day.
04:17 And in rainy? Well, in a rainy day it almost get
04:20 carried off by water wouldn't it? Yeah, it would.
04:24 Another way for seeds to get carried is by an
04:27 animal. Animals like to eat seeds,
04:31 that look like berries and seeds that look
04:33 really good maybe bright colors,
04:35 they're really attracted to red seeds and blue
04:40 seeds and then they pass them along the way
04:41 as they're walking across the woods.
04:42 And one seed that I have here do you know
04:44 what this seed is, what does this look like?
04:46 A Sunflower seed. Very good Emily,
04:48 this is a sunflower seed and animals especially like
04:51 to eat the sunflower seeds. And a lot of seeds
04:54 get carried this way through animals.
04:57 Now there's one more seed,
04:59 does anybody see anything different on me? Is
05:00 there anything, a prickle, oh oh, what is this?
05:05 This is a seed and it's got really prickly little
05:08 parts on it and it gets, can I touch it? Yeah,
05:12 it's kind of sharp, watch out.
05:13 Hey, can I hold it? Well, and it's kind of sharp
05:18 but what this does is it gets caught on animal's
05:20 fur or skin and it'll get carried that way.
05:23 And it also gets carried on humans on their
05:26 clothes like it's sticking to my top.
05:30 Oh it won't stick to your skin but I'll put one on
05:32 Alex's collar here. Oh and it's stuck because
05:34 it's got those little prickly pieces.
05:37 Well boys and girls, no matter if the seed is small
05:40 or big, every seed knows what it takes
05:43 to turn into a big healthy plant.
05:46 I just want to take a moment to thank all
05:48 of my garden helpers today, are you guys
05:50 ready to get out in the garden and plant seeds?
05:52 Yes. I encourage everyone to sow the seed of God's love.
06:06 Rejoice in the Lord always,
06:08 I will say it again Rejoice. Philippians 4:4
06:18 Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say rejoice.
06:24 Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say rejoice.
06:29 Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice,
06:35 Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice.
06:40 Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice.
06:45 Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice.
06:51 Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice.
06:56 Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice.
07:11 Everybody loves pasta and I love pasta too.
07:14 Well today we're making a recipe that
07:15 I think you're gonna love. We're making
07:17 Macaroni Salad. Let me go ahead and read
07:20 the recipe for you. 5 cups of macaroni cooked
07:26 2-3 large stalks of celery diced
07:30 2 carrots diced 2 cups of frozen petite peas
07:35 3/4 cup of chopped dill pickles
07:39 2/3 cup of Grapeseed Vegenaise, and
07:42 Season salt to taste. We're gonna start, this
07:46 is another recipe that. It doesn't really matter
07:49 what order you put things in,
07:50 just as long as everything goes in the bowl.
07:52 And I'm using pasta already cooked here
07:54 and I've chosen to use shell pasta,
07:59 and we're just gonna go ahead and put the peas
08:00 in and these peas are, you don't have to cook
08:02 them before you put them in. They just,
08:06 just let them thaw out at room temperature
08:08 and put in our pickles and you don't have to,
08:10 any of the stuff that I have here,
08:11 you don't have to put in if you don't like
08:14 it or you can use other things, you can put black
08:17 olives or any other type of vegetable that you like
08:22 or you can use a different kind of pasta for this
08:25 celery and stir that up a little bit.
08:28 It doesn't really matter just do whatever you like.
08:34 Mix that up a little bit. Okay and then we put
08:39 in our Grapeseed Vegenaise. And this Vegenaise
08:42 we don't wanna use, most pasta salads we
08:46 use mayonnaise. Well mayonnaise is not good for
08:48 us so we use Vegenaise. And Vegenaise tastes
08:53 a lot like it and is a great substitute for it,
08:56 mix that up. Now you can take this pasta salad
08:59 anywhere it can be a meal by itself.
09:02 You can eat it for a snack during the day
09:06 or you can take it on picnics with a sandwich
09:08 or with something like, that's delicious
09:13 just by itself though. And you can put anything
09:17 you like in it. I love, we don't have it say,
09:20 but I love to put black olives.
09:22 Black olives are my personal favorite that
09:24 I love to put in. Well, oh and this is our season salt,
09:31 and you don't, this isn't measure out right here
09:34 and you don't want to put too much or your pasta
09:37 salad will be too strong but you just take a
09:39 little bit of it and sprinkle it over the top.
09:43 Just enough to give it some flavor,
09:47 a good flavor and mix it in. And if it's too,
09:50 it's not enough you can always add little bit more,
09:53 this is just your favorite kind of season salt,
09:56 whatever kinds you have or whatever kinds
09:57 you wanna use. And that's all there is
10:03 to pasta salad; it's quick, simple,
10:06 easy and delicious. You can have it just like this.
10:10 Well remember until next time to keep
10:12 cooking and eat healthy.
10:46 Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Hi Joanna,
10:49 Oh I saw Jesus, I saw him Thomas,
10:52 I saw him and look he healed me.
10:54 He healed you, he healed me.
10:56 I knew he would heal you.
10:57 Oh Thomas it was amazing.
10:59 There were so many people there,
11:00 there was people that couldn't speak
11:02 and he just touch their mouths and words
11:04 came out. There were people that couldn't hear
11:06 and he just prayed, he just touched their ears
11:09 and they could hear. There were people that,
11:12 people with babies, mother with their babies
11:14 they needed help and he just touched them
11:15 and healed them, everybody was there.
11:18 Oh my goodness, kids were lined up and the
11:20 disciples tried to push the kids away but
11:21 then Jesus said come my children,
11:23 let my children come to me.
11:25 Everybody was there Thomas, he was
11:27 so wonderful. I could just see the kindness
11:30 in his eyes and the mercy and the grace of him,
11:34 my goodness He just when I walked,
11:36 I would see him, even before I got to him
11:37 I could feel, I could feel like trembling in my spirit.
11:41 I can feel something good was about to happen.
11:43 It was like a light around him,
11:45 he was so amazing and being in his presence
11:49 just automatically made me feel like
11:51 I was healed already. Healed all the people
11:53 with leprosy there, I wasn't even the only one.
11:55 People of every color, people that was young,
11:57 people that was old, people that were
11:59 black and white and everything,
12:01 everybody was there. Handicapped people
12:04 that couldn't walk and he just touched
12:06 their legs, praise the Lord He jumped up
12:07 and they were up. Thomas, it was amazing,
12:11 I stayed there all day. Everybody was just
12:14 there and they were praising and they said
12:15 thank you God and everybody looked so happy.
12:19 Let us do that, let's do that. Oh Lord,
12:22 we want to thank you for this healing that
12:25 you've given Joanna, thank you Jesus,
12:28 and all the other people. We praise your name
12:31 because you love us and you forgive us,
12:33 yes and you heal us, yes, from all our infirmities.
12:37 Thank you Lord. Praise you Lord, thank you,
12:39 and thank you Jesus, amen.
12:43 Thomas, he was so wonderful, just being
12:46 around him and I didn't want to leave and
12:48 he came to me afterwards and he hugged me
12:51 and he told me. Me as of all the bad things
12:54 I've done, he told me that he loved me.
12:57 He told me that I was special,
12:59 you need to share that with others, oh Thomas.
13:01 Go and tell the others, Joanna,
13:04 Praise the Lord, praise. Jesus loves you,
13:06 he loves you, he loves you no matter what your
13:09 circumstances are Jesus loves you.
13:11 He wants to be in your life, he wants to make
13:13 everybody happy. He wants to be with you
13:16 and your family and he wants to be with you,
13:18 no matter how young you are he loves you,
13:20 it doesn't matter, he loves you man,
13:23 he loves you. He can help,
13:25 he can help your legs. He can help everything
13:28 no matter what it is, He can just touch you
13:30 and you will find no more pain. Jesus loves you.
13:35 Sir, Jesus loves you, He wants to heal you,
13:38 He wants to help you to prosper, yes.
13:41 He wants to be with you no matter what it is
13:42 and whatever happened in your life.
13:44 It doesn't matter what your past was like,
13:46 He loves you. And He wants to be with you.
13:48 Well that's good news to know yeah its good.
13:50 Thank you for telling me,
13:51 remember that, remember that always.
13:54 Oh madam, Jesus will touch you and he would call,
13:58 He will place His hand right upon your legs.
14:01 And you will stand up and you will walk.
14:04 You will never have to be in this pain again,
14:07 you won't need this any longer.
14:09 And you'll be able to share with other people
14:10 how awesome he is. I'm telling Jesus wants
14:13 to be with you, He loves you.
14:15 Take him and accept Him. Accept Him into your life,
14:18 he's on the hillside. He's right out there
14:20 in the hillside in Galilee, He wants to be in your
14:22 life forever. He wants to reside in your heart.
14:25 Jesus wants to, He wants to reside in your heart.
14:29 Ma'am, it doesn't matter,
14:31 Jesus wants to help you to hear better.
14:33 What? What? Jesus wants to help you to hear
14:35 better, he wants to make you madam,
14:37 He wants to touch your ears madam.
14:39 He wants you to hear, oh that's wonderful.
14:42 It's Jesus. Jesus, oh he's on the hillside in Galilee.
14:47 He touches people's hearts and their lives
14:49 and He changes them not just on the outside
14:52 but even on the inside in your heart,
14:53 oh I never seen him Oh yes, he can, well honey,
15:03 you don't know when I was younger.
15:06 But he knows, when I was younger I, madam,
15:09 madam, he knows he knows everything you did
15:11 already. He knows all about it, but guess what,
15:14 he forgives you. Does he? He has,
15:17 you know don't have to have any shame
15:19 in your heart. He forgives you and he loves you,
15:21 are you sure? He told me he loved me
15:23 no matter what, He said He loves me,
15:25 He will never. What he has done for you?
15:27 Oh he has healed me I was hardened,
15:29 He healed me, He heals everybody.
15:31 Everybody He's healed. Yes, you don't have
15:34 to be in this pain any longer. Yes, yes.
15:47 Shall we gather at the river?
15:52 Where bright angel feet have trod,
15:57 With its crystal tide forever
16:01 Flowing by the throne of God.
16:07 Shall we gather at the river?
16:11 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
16:17 Gather with the saints at the river
16:22 That flows by the throne of God.
16:27 On the margin of the river,
16:32 Washing up its silver spray,
16:36 We will talk and worship ever,
16:41 All the happy golden day.
16:46 Yes, we'll gather at the river,
16:51 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
16:55 Gather with the saints at the river
17:00 That flows by the throne of God.
17:08 Before we reach the shining river,
17:13 Lay we every burden down;
17:17 Grace our spirits will deliver,
17:23 And provide a robe and crown.
17:27 Yes, we'll gather at the river,
17:32 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
17:37 Gather with the saints at the river
17:42 That flows by the throne of God.
17:47 Soon we'll reach the shining river,
17:52 Soon our happy hearts will cease
17:57 Soon our happy hearts will quiver
18:01 With the melody of peace.
18:07 Yes, we'll gather at the river,
18:11 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
18:16 Gather with the saints at the river
18:20 That flows by the throne of God.
18:46 Hi boys and girls, it is time for Miss Brenda's
18:48 Book of the Day. And my choice for you today
18:50 is 'Detective Zack and the secrets of the sand'.
18:54 And it's written by Jerry D. Thomas,
18:55 he is an exciting author. And listen to this,
18:58 Detective Zack is back! And this time he's hot
19:01 on the trail of Abraham and Moses in the land
19:03 of pharaohs. Living in goat-haired tents and
19:06 riding knobby-kneed camels, Zack and his dad attempt
19:09 to solve the new mysteries while helping Dr. Doone,
19:12 film a video about archeology and famous
19:15 people in the Bible. It's a trip of a lifetime.
19:18 But it gets even better when Zack meets Achmed,
19:21 the son of the Middle Eastern guide.
19:23 Now those two boys become fast friends
19:25 and as they camp along the shores of the Dead Sea,
19:28 they dodge deadly snakes, and they ride camel
19:31 taxis along the same desert highways that the
19:34 Old Testament heroes traveled thousands
19:36 of years before. Oh this is an exciting book
19:39 you're not going to want to miss it, it's another
19:41 one of the detective Zack series it is called,
19:43 the secrets of the sand. So make sure you get this
19:46 book boys and girls. Well, let's see what's in our
19:49 basket today, okay. I'm excited I want to read
19:51 some letters to you but before I start reading
19:53 the letters I do want to give you a quick reminder
19:55 boys and girls to make sure that when
19:57 you write to me, make sure you have an adult
19:59 check the return address. Because I can't send
20:02 you anything if I don't have a correct address
20:04 and many of you are writing to me and I'm
20:06 getting the letters returned to me because
20:08 the address was wrong. So if you will haven't heard
20:11 from Miss Brenda in a while and you know
20:12 you've written and you're starting to feel bad,
20:13 don't feel bad I've tried to write to you but
20:17 just send me another letter, give me a really
20:18 good return address and I'll get that activity
20:21 book out to you, okay. Well right now let's see
20:23 what's in our basket, and I have a letter here
20:26 from Juan Rosales in Elmira, New York.
20:29 Let's see what Juan has to say.
20:33 And let's see it says dear Miss Brenda,
20:36 my name is Juan and I'm the father of a 12-year-old
20:39 boy and name Juan too. And he has requested
20:42 your activity book and since I'm in prison
20:44 I was hoping that you would send me one also.
20:47 So me and my son can do these lessons together
20:50 through our letters and I can use this to build
20:53 our relationship even more and teach him about
20:56 the things and principles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
20:58 that would really help me, thank you Juan, and
21:01 here's my son's address. May God bless you
21:03 and thank you again. Well Juan,
21:05 I think that's a wonderful thing for you to do,
21:07 and I'll be happy to send both of you the lessons
21:11 and I think it's a good thing that you're both
21:13 learning at the same time these wonderful
21:15 messages in the Bible and
21:17 learning those Bible stories.
21:20 I have an email for you too. This email, it says,
21:23 oh it's a picture. Let me show you the picture
21:25 first and you see this, a little girl and it's,
21:32 the email says dear Miss Brenda,
21:33 thank you for your messages on Kids Time.
21:35 I'm a young woman who has cerebral palsy
21:38 and I use a wheel chair. I get around well pretty
21:42 much independently, independently that is not
21:45 without God though. And it says Jesus has
21:48 helped me overcome depression last year.
21:51 I've been in the church for over 13 years
21:53 and I really enjoy it. I have included my picture,
21:56 my favorite Bible verse and I hope you like it too,
21:59 have a nice day God bless, Marianne.
22:01 And her Bible verse that she likes is,
22:04 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew
22:06 their strength; they shall mount up their wings
22:09 as eagles; and they shall run and not be weary;
22:11 and they shall walk and not faint, Isaiah 40:31.
22:14 Well you know what Marianne,
22:15 that also is one of my very favorite Bible texts
22:18 and thank you so we could share with boys and girls
22:20 everywhere. Well right now I have somebody that
22:22 like to share with you all the way from India
22:25 and let's see what she has to say.
22:28 Hi, I am Patrusha, I am studying 6th class.
22:31 And my age is 11. And though I am a Hindu
22:35 I like Jesus very much. I want to share about Jesus
22:40 with others and, that's it Brenda.
22:46 Thank you so much she was a little bit
22:47 shy wasn't she? It's kind of difficult to be on
22:50 a camera knowing you're talking to millions
22:52 of people isn't it? But she loves Jesus,
22:54 you can tell that, thank you. Well I've a picture
22:56 I would like to show you this is a cute little girl
22:59 who loves Jesus, look at this adorable little
23:04 face and her letter says dear Miss Brenda,
23:05 my name is Ashley and I'm 5-years-old.
23:08 It says my mom and I did window paintings
23:10 on our door. And I like to watch Kids Time
23:13 when it comes on, I like every show that you
23:15 show and especially the ones with my friend Lisa
23:18 Caballero. I share Jesus by putting my toys
23:22 away and listening to my Mommy and Daddy.
23:25 I also help my Daddy makes salsa. It says,
23:27 I want to have one of your Kids Time books,
23:30 could you please send me one. I love you,
23:32 love Ashley. Well thank you Ashley,
23:34 she's from Michigan and I will send you one of
23:37 those books, and it sounds kind of fun helping
23:39 your Daddy make salsa. I like to cook in the
23:42 kitchen, do you like cooking with Miss Katie?
23:44 Well keep sharing Jesus won't you.
23:48 Now this letter is from Felicia and
23:50 she's from Fort White, Florida and you know
23:52 what boys and girls I have to show you this
23:53 letter of Felicia, because she drew some beautiful
23:57 pictures right on the envelop. Look at this,
23:59 she's got beautiful flowers here and birds flying
24:03 around here look at this even right over here.
24:05 And what an artist Felicia you are.
24:07 And thank you, I love that.
24:09 Thank you so much. Well let's see
24:10 what you have to say, and this says
24:16 Dear Miss Brenda, hello my name's Felicia
24:18 Rose and I like watching Kids Time and I have
24:21 a story for you. I've a cousin that when I see
24:23 him we fight all the time but this time we
24:26 did not fight so that was a blessing.
24:28 Can you please send us an activity book
24:30 for my cousin AJ, sister Samaya and me, PS.
24:33 Thank you. Well, yes I will, and you know
24:36 what I want to tell you Felicia, it makes Jesus
24:38 really sad when we fight with anyone,
24:40 when we fight with our family or friends.
24:42 You know we want to show, when we,
24:44 that we have Jesus in our heart when we play with,
24:46 when we work, when we're at school,
24:49 wherever we are we need to have Jesus in our heart.
24:52 So really try really hard never to fight with
24:55 anybody okay. Well, this letter is from St. Lucia,
24:59 and let's see who this is from, it says Dear
25:04 Miss Brenda how are you? I am fine, thank you,
25:07 my name is Jeremiah Joseph and I am 5-years-old.
25:10 It said I live on the beautiful isle of
25:13 St. Lucia. I watch your program everyday and
25:15 I share Jesus with my classmates by sharing
25:17 my lunch with those who don't have any lunch.
25:20 I also share Jesus by sharing my stuffs
25:23 and my toys with other children.
25:25 I would love to join your kids club,
25:26 thank you so much for all your help. I will
25:28 keep praying for you, please pray for me,
25:31 love Jeremiah. Well thank you Jeremiah
25:34 and you know, I will pray for you and I
25:37 want you to pray for me too, okay.
25:38 And pray for all the boys and girls that watch
25:40 Kids Time that they'll be closer to Jesus, alright.
25:43 Well I might have time to read another quick
25:44 email and this says Dear Miss Brenda, I share
25:46 Jesus in a big way, I've been preaching
25:49 at the Masonville House and I also passed out
25:51 amazing facts literature. It said they were very
25:54 happy, the reason I did it is because my piano
25:56 teacher Mrs. Tanner was on vacation.
25:58 So my Mom and I planned the service all by
26:00 ourselves and first we had sang songs,
26:02 we prayed, we had adoration and then my
26:05 Mom and I sang a song do you hear what I hear.
26:08 Then I Adam Sawyer preach a sermon
26:11 and we had a closing hymn and everybody
26:13 enjoyed it and I was very nervous but
26:15 I had fun, love, Adam. Well thank you so much
26:18 Adam and you know what, Jesus will give us
26:20 what we need when we want to work for him,
26:21 doesn't he? Well, that's about all the time
26:23 we have today boys and girls.
26:25 Remember, Jesus does love you, he's coming
26:27 soon and it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17