Kids' Time

The Mad Man

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Ariana Vaugh, Michlen LaiPang, Tim Crary


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000127

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:19 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, have you ever seen a dog
00:27 with rabies? Now they're not common anymore
00:29 at least not in the United States.
00:31 That's because dogs get rabies vaccinations
00:33 that prevent them from catching this
00:35 terrible disease. But rabies used to be a awful,
00:38 awful problem here. Dogs with rabies are very
00:41 dangerous and they get, they get so sick
00:43 that they just foam at the mouth
00:45 and they can be vicious. A person bitten by a
00:48 rabid dog, they can die a horrible painful death
00:51 if it's not treated very quickly. Dogs with rabies
00:55 are usually put to death. It is a terrifying
00:58 experience to see a dog that has rabies.
01:00 Well sometimes people who have given their lives
01:03 over to the devil can actually act like a lot
01:06 of dogs with rabies. Can you imagine meeting a person
01:09 like that on the street? I don't about you
01:11 but I'd want to run and hide. Well, long ago,
01:14 Jesus send his disciples met up with such a man
01:17 he was yelling and screaming and foaming at the mouth
01:20 and it looked like he was going to attack them.
01:23 Not surprisingly Jesus disciples turned
01:27 and ran away but not Jesus, he wasn't one bit afraid.
01:32 Because Jesus is the son of God and he doesn't have
01:35 to be afraid of anyone or anything not even a dog
01:39 with rabies or a devil possessed man.
01:42 Jesus had compassion on that poor man slowly
01:45 Jesus disciples returned and they got to see
01:48 Jesus perform a wonderful miracle.
01:50 We'll hear about that miracle in our Bible story
01:53 today but right now let's hear about some
01:55 miracles of nature from Ranger Jim.
02:05 Hi boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
02:07 We're glad you can join us today;
02:08 I'm with my friend Sherry and look what
02:10 we have here. Sherry, what is this?
02:12 Well, this is a groundhog or a woodchuck or,
02:16 a lot of people call it the whistling pig,
02:18 the whistling pig! You wonder how they got the
02:21 whistling pig out of this? They actually make some
02:23 pretty funny noises, high shrilly noises
02:26 and I think it's probably 'cause he's just a little
02:28 overweight that make them be called the pig.
02:30 This is Wally, Wally is about I'd say about
02:34 4-years-old. And he makes a excellent pet,
02:39 they are also a rodent. And when, the thing that's
02:44 special about rodents, did you know their teeth grew?
02:46 All the time, they grow all the time.
02:48 So I have to actually take Wally to the veterinarian,
02:52 he has to trim his teeth down every now and then
02:55 otherwise Wally's teeth will grow so long that
02:58 he wouldn't be able to eat. Let me see if I can
02:59 get Wally to eat, bananas are one of his
03:02 favorite things. Oh that's good, I do too,
03:04 I like it. Let's see if he will eat that,
03:06 now they don't normally bananas in the wild.
03:09 What they normally will eat in the wild,
03:11 they love all kinds of different grasses
03:14 and I think you probably heard about the groundhogs
03:18 when they hibernate, yes. You know what
03:20 hibernate means? He goes to sleep for a long time,
03:23 right. These guys start collecting food,
03:26 they eat all spring and summer, they get big
03:29 and fat and then about October they start to go
03:33 into hibernation. His heart rate is up
03:36 in the 90s or in the 80s and they actually
03:40 will cut down to about 40 beats a minute.
03:44 His respirations go down to about 15
03:47 and his whole body shuts down. He's actually,
03:53 the first time I had him in the winter time,
03:56 he was in his box outside sleeping.
03:59 I went out there to check on him and he was stiff
04:03 as a board. I thought, oh no I've lost my Wally.
04:06 And actually he was already going into
04:09 hibernation. These guys actually build two
04:12 different kinds of dens. In the summer time
04:15 they build a den that's very close to where they eat.
04:19 Their food and their dens aren't as deep,
04:22 but when they're preparing their winter
04:24 den they actually will dig it down six to ten
04:27 feet deep. So that they can stay warm
04:30 and another thing I've noticed about these guys,
04:32 they're extremely clean. You wouldn't think a rodent
04:35 was clean, but they actually have a special
04:37 room in their winter housing that
04:41 is their bathroom. And they are potty training
04:43 themselves, they are potty training themselves.
04:46 Now I don't know I think Wally is enjoying a little
04:48 bit of everything. I see these are one of my
04:50 favorite that's a Fig Newton there.
04:52 He's eating a Fig Newton, you didn't bring two,
04:53 did you okay Wally. Well I don't think he's gonna
04:55 share with you. When you were talking
04:57 Sherry about them being stiff and my work,
04:59 I used to dig in the ground a lot with the big
05:01 backhoes and things, yeah. Once in a while I would
05:04 dig up one of the first like you.
05:06 I dug him up and he was stiff and I thought
05:07 this is dead. I put him off to the side as he began
05:10 to warm up in the Sun. I begin to see a leg
05:12 twitching like this and he came back to life just
05:14 like that, right, right. So a very, very interesting
05:17 creature and boys and girls, these were a great
05:20 problem for farmers when they farmed
05:21 with horses especially. In haying time and in summer
05:24 when they were building up hay they would dig
05:26 their holes. The groundhog or woodchuck would dig
05:29 their hole and the farmer with his horses going
05:31 along they would step in their hole and quite often
05:34 they'd have a compound fracture of their leg.
05:36 And so the farmers hated them with a passion,
05:38 they didn't like that at all, they didn't like that
05:40 and they call him a whistling pig because
05:41 they will stand up like and signal each other.
05:44 And people asked me quite often, where does
05:47 the dirt go from the groundhog's hole?
05:49 Because he may have several entrances,
05:51 no dirt, no clue, correct. He digs it down,
05:54 compacts it and digs and has his room
05:56 and his comfort, like that. So Wally, thank you,
05:59 you've been a very, very good boy today.
06:01 Another one of God's wonderful creatures
06:03 boys and girls. This is Ranger Jim saying
06:05 as always, don't forget to tell Jesus that
06:09 you love him because he really does love you.
06:24 I will extend peace to her like a river
06:27 and the wealth of nations will flow to her
06:30 like a mighty stream, Isaiah 66 verse 12.
06:43 I've got peace like a river
06:47 I've got peace like a river
06:51 I've got peace like a river in my soul
06:59 I've got peace like a river
07:03 I've got peace like a river
07:07 I've got peace like a river in my soul
07:15 I've got love like an ocean
07:19 I've got love like an ocean
07:23 I've got love like an ocean in my soul
07:31 I've got love like an ocean
07:35 I've got love like an ocean
07:39 I've got love like an ocean in my soul
07:47 I've got joy like a fountain I've got joy like a fountain
07:55 I've got joy like a fountain in my soul
08:03 I've got joy like a fountain I've got joy like a fountain
08:11 I've got joy like a fountain in my soul.
08:31 Welcome to Learning Time. Hey, do you know that
08:34 we've got something special for you today.
08:37 I've got some equipment right here,
08:38 looks like we could go swimming in the
08:39 swimming pool doesn't it? Yeah, well we're not
08:42 gonna go swimming today because we're gonna be
08:44 talking about air pressure. Do you know that the
08:46 weather people, they use air pressure all of the time
08:49 and they report about air pressure.
08:51 When we have low air pressure you know
08:53 what kind of weather that means we're gonna have,
08:55 it means we're gonna have lousy weather,
08:57 I think so. Well, today we're going to be looking
09:00 at high air pressure and low air pressure
09:02 if you wanna put your glasses on,
09:03 we're gonna start our experiment.
09:05 I'm going to burn this match we're gonna go ahead
09:08 and light our palate here. Oh look we've got our
09:10 burner really, really cooking. We're gonna
09:12 heat up a drum; now this is a 16 gallon drum
09:17 and we're gonna try to change some air pressure
09:20 in the drum. We want low air pressure in the drum
09:23 and we want high air pressure outside of the
09:25 drum and we're hoping today that we can implode
09:29 or crush the drum. So I'm gonna get a little bit
09:32 of water and we're gonna put a little water right
09:35 here inside of our can. Whoa, I can hear it,
09:39 can you hear it? It's popping and its boiling
09:42 in there, that water's getting so hot it's turning
09:45 into steam. Can you see a little condensation
09:48 coming out of here? Yeah, oh that must be really,
09:51 really hot inside. When we do that we're taking
09:55 some of that air and it's expanding and those air
09:58 molecules are getting so far apart that some
10:01 of them are coming and changing into a gas
10:03 and they're going right out of the drum.
10:05 And then we're gonna take our little top.
10:08 I happen to have my top right here,
10:10 now I'm just gonna take this top,
10:12 that's what goes on top of this drum
10:14 and I'm gonna put that top right on the drum.
10:17 We're gonna turn off the gas and then I'm going
10:20 to cool the drum down from the outside.
10:22 And that ought to give us a picture of some strong
10:25 air pressure, high air pressure on the outside
10:28 but we're gonna have what kind inside?
10:31 Low, low air pressure, the drum should just crush.
10:35 I'm just gonna hold that right there just like that.
10:38 We're gonna try to get some pressure build up,
10:40 gonna try to get some more of that steam
10:42 to come out of this can right here.
10:44 Now I'm gonna turn my valve off because
10:48 I don't want it heated up with the top on
10:50 tight 'cause then the can would blow up,
10:53 that's not a good thing, is it? No. So I'm gonna
10:55 turn this off, there you go I'm gonna screw
10:59 this lid right on top right here I've got my
11:02 gloves on 'cause that's really, really hot,
11:04 that would burn my skin and that's not a good thing.
11:08 I happen to have a very special wrench
11:10 just for this drum, we're gonna get it tight just
11:12 like that and now I'm gonna cool it off
11:15 with this water. And I'm gonna around the outside
11:18 in the top we're gonna cool this drum down,
11:20 we're gonna see if this drum will crush
11:22 if it does boy it's going to be really exciting.
11:26 Man, I hope this thing works 'cause it's really
11:28 fun when that happens, here we go. Whoa, whoa,
11:32 whoa, look at that. Did you see that?
11:37 Oh it's still moving, man, oh it's still moving,
11:42 look at that, its going. It's crushing,
11:45 look at that? Isn't that interesting?
11:47 That was high air pressure boy,
11:49 high air pressure is really, really forcible isn't it?
11:53 Yes. It just took that drum and it's,
11:56 why it's still moving, it's still imploding,
11:59 that's interesting to me. Well, we don't have
12:02 to worry about that at all because that pressure
12:06 can't hurt us because you know why?
12:08 We have the same amount of pressure pushing out
12:11 against all of that air pressure.
12:13 And God made us that way. Remember when we learn
12:18 science we're studying more about our creator God.
12:33 Dad, dad it's me. I'm healed, I'm healed
12:38 it's alright, I'm healed. Don't come near me
12:40 just stay away. I'm fined Jesus healed me;
12:42 I'm in my right mind dad. Son, is it really you?
12:46 Yeah, I'm fine, Jesus healed me.
12:51 Tell me what happened? You know how the people
12:54 of Gadara, they came and they chained me
12:57 in the prison. Yes, how won't I remember?
13:00 Oh yeah, the demons. The demons that
13:04 controlled me broke those chains
13:06 and I've been living up in the tombs there
13:09 beside the lake. But this morning dad,
13:12 this morning I was looking and I saw two boats
13:16 coming into land. And then all these men came out
13:19 of them they started walking up the hill.
13:21 And evil and I thought hey we can get some
13:24 food and we ran down there. And just were yelling
13:28 and all of the men ran but one, only one,
13:33 one stopped and he didn't run like the others.
13:36 And he just pointed out his finger and said,
13:40 come out of the man. And I could come no closer
13:47 and I realized right then that there must be
13:50 something here that this man had something that
13:52 could heal me, amazing, yes, amazing. And so
13:55 I knelt down and I was gonna tell him,
13:58 please help me and instead the demons
14:01 yelled out. They yelled out and they said
14:04 I know who you are, the holy one of God Jesus,
14:08 have you come to torment us before the time?
14:13 And he just said what is your name;
14:18 and the demons, I tried to answer but the demons
14:20 answered from inside of me and they said,
14:23 we are Legion for we are many. Have you come
14:27 to torment us before the time? Please don't send us
14:31 out of the country, don't send us anywhere.
14:33 Send us into those pigs over there and that's,
14:37 oh yes, and he just said go. And immediately
14:42 it was like a whole troop of monkeys who have been
14:46 pulling me and pushing me and telling me
14:49 to do such vile things were gone instantly.
14:53 They were gone, gone, and I am now in my right mind,
14:59 but that's not all. Do you know that herd of pigs
15:03 that belong to Herbert Ezor, they had 2000 swine up
15:11 there on the hill. We heard about that,
15:13 yes and all 2000 of those swine started running back
15:18 and forth and the keepers they couldn't keep them
15:20 and they ran straight towards the cliff,
15:24 oh what happened? And went over the edge
15:26 and all of them drowned in the sea.
15:28 All of them drowned dad, amazing.
15:33 But I was free, I was free, amazing son.
15:39 Those demons no longer control me
15:41 and so I was sitting down there talking with Jesus
15:45 and I realized that I didn't have any clothes on,
15:49 so I ran up to hill and I found some clothes
15:52 and I put them on and I came back and I talked
15:55 with Jesus and he started to explain to me things
15:59 that I've never understood. He told me dad, things
16:02 that are true that no one knew but I know
16:06 they were true. And but you know, just then
16:11 Mr. Ezor came down over the hill and you should
16:15 have seen his face, it was red, his veins stuck out
16:19 and as soon as he came down he started telling
16:21 Jesus leave, leave and Jesus didn't argue with him.
16:25 And he went over and he climbed in the boat
16:27 and he was getting ready to leave
16:29 and I ran over there and I said Master,
16:31 please may I come with you? And he said no,
16:34 you stay and you tell what I've done for you.
16:41 Son, you've changed so much, Jesus did it dad.
16:45 Jesus did it, welcome home son, welcome home.
16:48 Where's Sarah, where's the children. They're over at
16:51 your sisters, let's go, hey, let's go.
19:17 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
19:20 book of the day. And my choice for you today
19:22 is this, an exciting book by Jerry D. Thomas.
19:25 Great stories for Kids volume two,
19:28 Danger on Seventh Street. And it says,
19:31 Janelle spat the towel over her mouth,
19:33 yuck, Lisa, I'm so scared. Lisa looked over
19:37 on the couch. Mrs. McCusky, are you OK?
19:40 There was no answer. The two girls looked
19:42 at each other and agreed without saying another word.
19:44 Help! They screamed. What can you do
19:48 when you're all tied up, someone's hurt,
19:50 and the only one you can turn to help for is a cat?
19:55 Oh dear, if you like stories full of adventure,
19:58 mystery, and fun, you'll gonna love Danger
20:00 on Seventh Street on a secret mission,
20:02 you're gonna go with Super Spy McFly,
20:05 and you are gonna explore Deadman's Cave
20:07 and also learn to M.Y.O.B!, I wonder what that is.
20:11 It said besides these and other stories,
20:13 you'll get to see how other kids handle some
20:16 of the things you have to deal with.
20:18 Things like cheating, maybe you have divorced parents
20:21 or emergencies. Danger on Seventh Street is book
20:25 two of the Great Stories for Kids set.
20:27 The stories and pictures will make you
20:28 laugh out loud, and keep you guessing
20:30 what will happen next. So doesn't that sound
20:33 like an exciting story, I wonder what happened?
20:35 You have to get the book and see, okay.
20:37 Well right now before I get to reading all these
20:40 letters that I just love getting from you
20:41 boys and girls I'd like for you to meet a very
20:44 special girl, her name is Ariana. Hi Ariana,
20:47 hi Miss Brenda. Well I'm so glad you're here
20:49 today Ariana. Let me ask you what do you do
20:53 to share Jesus? I pray for people.
20:56 You pray for people, and can you tell me
20:59 may be somebody who you prayed for? Calissa,
21:01 who is Calissa? My best friend at school,
21:06 is she your best friend and why do you pray
21:09 for Calissa? So her Dad doesn't choke her
21:11 mom anymore. So her Dad doesn't choke her mom,
21:14 what happens? One day when Calissa was at
21:18 school her grandma was with her Mom
21:21 but then her Dad came to Calissa's house
21:24 with her mom and he started chocking her,
21:26 but when she got out of school. Her grandmother
21:30 told her what happened. Oh and she,
21:33 that made her really sad didn't it?
21:34 So she praised to Jesus you know that's
21:36 the best thing that we can do.
21:38 So let's ask boys and girls everywhere to please
21:41 pray for Calissa's Mom and Dad that will put,
21:44 that maybe Jesus will come into her Daddy's heart
21:47 and he'll act kindly. Shall we do that
21:50 and ask that Jesus really touches her daddy's heart.
21:53 And that's what he needs most of all is
21:55 Jesus doesn't he? Well you know what that
21:57 is a wonderful way to pray for our friends
22:01 is a wonderful way to share Jesus right,
22:03 when we have someone that's in trouble
22:04 or you have a friend that's hurting the best
22:07 thing we could do for them is to pray for
22:08 them isn't it? So you keep on praying,
22:10 will you? Alright. How old are you?
22:12 8. You're 8-years-old, 8-years-old
22:15 and witnessing for Jesus. That's good isn't it,
22:17 well I'm proud of you. I've some letters here
22:20 today and I'd like you to help me
22:21 would you like that? I've got a picture here
22:23 can you hold this picture up.
22:25 A cute little boy and this letter is from College
22:29 Place Washington. And it says dear Miss Brenda
22:33 I'm only 2-years-old so my mommy is helping me
22:36 to write this letter. I wanted to thank you for
22:38 your songs on Kids Time; I love to sing
22:40 with the kids. Love, Preston.
22:42 Well thank you Preston, and that's an adorable
22:45 picture. Before I need to read another letter
22:47 though I would like to take you all the way to India
22:49 and there's a little girl that wants to tell you
22:52 how she loves Jesus. I'm Sameshwari studying
22:56 6th standard. I love Jesus very much because
22:59 He is true. Teachers are, teachers teach us
23:02 about Jesus, they also teach many songs
23:06 about Jesus, I like that songs very much
23:09 I share Jesus with my friends, relatives
23:11 and with my parents, thank you.
23:14 Oh that was nice wasn't it? Well I have
23:17 a letter here from Canada and I've got another
23:21 picture real pretty girl, nice yellow bright top.
23:24 It says, hi Miss Brenda, my name is Amili,
23:29 Amili I guess it is, I have a hard times
23:32 saying your name. I am 13-years-old
23:35 I live in Quebec, Canada. Your TV show
23:37 is very good and a very good program
23:39 where we can learn English. Because I speak
23:41 French but I want to learn English.
23:43 I love God and to show him my love
23:45 I sing in church and on the TV program,
23:47 it is written in French, from your friend,
23:50 Emily. And it says that she loves Jesus
23:53 very much, well thank you so much for that
23:56 letter and also for sending your picture.
23:57 And I'm glad that you're sharing your faith
23:59 by singing. You know when we have a song
24:01 in our heart we can praise Jesus through
24:03 songs can't we? Alright, let's see I have another
24:06 letter here and let's see where this is from?
24:08 It's got a stamp on it, and oh it got
24:11 another picture what a pretty girl there.
24:13 Okay let's see who this is, I can hardly
24:15 wait to open the letter up and see.
24:18 It says dear Miss Brenda my name is Starry
24:21 and I am 10-years-old. It says I love Jesus
24:25 very much could you please send me a
24:26 Kids Time activity book. I like Kids Time very,
24:30 very, very much. Thank you bye, bye from Starry
24:33 and my address is, it says I live in Rosvik,
24:36 Sweden. Well thank you so much for that,
24:39 I like that letter and I am glad that
24:43 you are sharing Jesus all the way over
24:44 in Sweden. Well right now we are gonna
24:47 go all the way to Nigeria and let's see who loves
24:51 Jesus there. My name is Gibbs Togomaga
24:55 and I am the big pew of
24:59 Seventh-Day Adventist School. I love to share
25:06 God with my friends. When they do to me
25:09 anything I tell them that it is wrong to do
25:13 that to anybody. Oh that's wonderful,
25:18 thank you for that. I have a letter here
25:20 from Madras, Oregon. I'm not sure how
25:24 if I said that right but the pretty looking kitty
25:26 on the card. It says dear Miss Brenda
25:28 my name is Luke and I'm 4-years-old.
25:30 I would like to join your kids club.
25:32 I would like to receive the stories
25:33 and activity book on nature.
25:35 I enjoy your program very much,
25:37 I share Jesus but to my Mom and Dad
25:39 by praying for them and blessing them loving
25:42 them and saying happy birthday to them on
25:43 their birthdays and also just by being happy,
25:46 thank you. Love, Luke. Well thank you Luke
25:49 for that letter and you know what we do share
25:51 Jesus by having a song in our heart and being
25:53 happy Christians don't we. Another email
25:56 says dear Miss Brenda my name is Diandra
25:59 and I am from Montego Bay in Jamaica.
26:02 I'm 7-years-old I enjoy watching your program
26:05 I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist and I love going
26:07 to church. I would love to join your club
26:09 and get some of the fun stuff and also help
26:11 me know more about Jesus. Please write to me
26:14 in care of my Mommy, her name is Debbie
26:16 and she works at the west Jamaican conference
26:18 of Seventh-Day Adventist. I love you Miss Brenda
26:20 and love, Diandra. Well thank you so much
26:23 our time is all gone, I want to thank you
26:26 so much for joining me. Thank you for joining me,
26:29 I really loved having you and keep sharing
26:31 Jesus won't you. Boys and girls,
26:32 wherever you are it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17