Kids' Time

Jesus Heals A Leper, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Halima Martin, Tyler Walker, Brenda Walsh, Lee Jamieson


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000126

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus, it's time to share
00:11 there is a world out there. Let's tell them that He
00:14 loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, oh just a minute. Oh excuse me,
00:33 I'm sorry, I guess I picked up another bad cold.
00:36 You know I meet a lot of people and sometimes
00:39 they spread germs. They bring lots of germs
00:42 with them in the grocery store or wherever I go.
00:45 Oh well, I am just kidding but if I were sick
00:48 a little rest and lots of water and some vitamin C
00:51 would make me feel much better and in a short
00:53 amount of time and of course, I need to stay
00:56 in my own house for a while. So, I wouldn't give
00:58 my germs to anyone else and make them sick.
01:00 Well, I'm sure your mom and dad has kept you home
01:03 from church or school when you were sick.
01:05 So, you wouldn't give your germs to anyone else.
01:08 Diseases that are easily passed from one person
01:10 to another are called contagious diseases.
01:14 Now, have you ever thought of what it would
01:16 be like to catch a contagious disease that
01:18 threatens your life and what if that disease
01:21 meant that you could never see your friends
01:23 or your family ever again, because they might
01:26 catch the disease? There aren't a lot of diseases
01:29 like that, causing problems in the world today,
01:32 but the ones that do are very dangerous. Now,
01:36 one of those diseases is called leprosy.
01:38 And the Bible tells us that people who had leprosy,
01:41 they were required to leave their families
01:44 and their friends and they had to go live in
01:47 special colonies outside of the city, because
01:50 no one wanted to touch them. No one wanted to
01:53 even be near them to even say hello. What a sad
01:57 existence that would be, people were very afraid
02:00 of catching leprosy I would be too. That's why
02:04 Jesus caused quite a stir when he started healing
02:07 people of their diseases and because many of them
02:10 not only got their health back but they also got
02:13 their entire lives back. Can you just imagine how
02:16 happy you would be if you had leprosy and now
02:20 all of a sudden. You were healed and you could go
02:23 home and you could be with your friends and
02:24 your family. Well we'll hear here about one of
02:27 the people who sought healing from Jesus later
02:29 on in our Bible story for today. But first,
02:32 let's spend some time with Emily out in the garden.
02:42 Hey boys and girls, welcome to my garden.
02:45 Oh! Do you hear all of that noise going on in the
02:48 background? Well, that's because my garden is in
02:51 the middle of the big city. But that doesn't stop me
02:54 from spending every single day out in my garden.
02:57 Do you guys like to garden? Yes. Oh! I love
03:01 to garden too and that's why I brought two very
03:04 special garden helpers with me. This is Loraine
03:08 and this is Caitlin. Are you guys excited to be
03:11 here in the garden? Yes. Yeah, it's a beautiful
03:13 day out here. What, we're gonna talk about
03:16 today boys and girls is we're gonna learn how to
03:18 talk like a gardener. Do you ever spend time
03:22 in a garden and all these gardeners are using
03:24 these big words and you have no idea what they
03:27 mean? Uh, do you? No. No, oh you're lucky,
03:32 'cause I do. Sometimes I spend days in the garden
03:35 and I hear these people talk, talk, talk about their
03:38 flowers and I don't know what they mean.
03:40 So, today we're just gonna teach you a few
03:42 basic words that help you out in your garden
03:45 at home. The first word that we're gonna go over
03:47 is an annual. Can you all say annual for me? Annual,
03:51 annual. Now, what an annual is for example
03:55 this is a marigold. Oh! Isn't it a beautiful color,
03:58 that bright orange, it's a lovely bright color for
04:01 your garden. Oh and it smells very good too,
04:03 can you smell it? It's very good to smell, well
04:09 what an annual is, is it grows for one growing
04:12 season. This means that you plant it in the ground
04:15 in the fall, in the spring meaning March or April
04:18 and it will bloom for you all summer long and then
04:21 starting in November whenever it starts to get
04:24 really cold outside these plants can't really take
04:27 that cold and they kind of die down. And you have
04:30 to plant these plants every single year in the garden
04:33 but they add a great amount of color to your
04:36 garden and they smell really good too. I love
04:39 marigolds. The next word is kind of a big one,
04:42 are you ready? Yes. It's a perennial. Can you say
04:46 perennial for me? Perennial, perennial.
04:49 What a perennial is, as it grows for many, many
04:53 years you plant it in the fall and it will keep
04:56 growing all year long. In the winter it'll actually
05:00 take those cold temperatures. It kind of
05:02 puts on a big winter coat like we do and we just
05:05 kind of run really fast out, outside whenever it's
05:09 really cold enough and then run back inside.
05:10 Well perennials, they kind of go to sleep in the
05:13 winter and then come back and bloom in the spring
05:15 and summer. The next word that we're gonna talk
05:18 about is a vegetable. Do you guys like vegetables?
05:21 Yes. What's your favorite vegetable to eat?
05:24 Carrots, what's yours? Tomatoes. Tomatoes, well
05:30 you know what I have right here beside me? What.
05:32 I have a tomato plant and this is a type of a
05:36 vegetable plant. Did you know that you can
05:38 actually grow some of the vegetables in your very
05:40 own garden? Yes. Well, I didn't know that but
05:44 it's very easy and vegetables produce
05:46 the food that we like to eat in our salads and on
05:49 our sandwiches, right boys and girls? Right.
05:51 Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers.
05:55 All you need to do is plant this out in the spring
05:58 make sure it gets plenty of sun and water
06:00 and you'll be eating fresh tomatoes in no time.
06:05 Now, there's just one more word that we need to
06:08 talk about with plants and that's an herb.
06:10 Can you say herb? Herb, herb. You know I've
06:13 even heard some people say herb. Because it spelled
06:17 HERB no matter how you say it Herb or Herb you
06:24 can, it all means the same thing. Herbs can be used
06:27 in a lot of cooking, they can also be used in a
06:30 lot of crafts and art work as well. Herbs have a
06:33 really delicious fragrance and they taste really
06:36 good too. Now, are you guys starting to feel like
06:39 a gardener? Yes, yeah, me too. There's just a few
06:43 things that we need to go over before we are ready
06:46 to go out there and dig in the garden. And that's
06:48 that different plants required different light,
06:51 some plants require full Sun and what do you
06:54 think out here. It's pretty sunny isn't it, yeah.
06:57 Well, that means plants need at least six hours
06:59 of sunlight to grow big and strong. Other plants
07:04 they like more of the shady area where it's not
07:06 so sunny. So, they need at least three to four
07:09 hours of shade. So, it's really good to plant these
07:12 plants under big trees or something. 'Cause if you
07:15 plant a shady plant out in the Sun it's gonna be
07:18 really thirsty for that plant, it's going to need
07:20 a lot of water and it's not gonna grow very strong
07:22 and healthy. Well, boys and girls, I hope you've
07:26 learned a lot about talking like a gardener,
07:28 are you guys ready to go out there and dig
07:30 in the garden and talk with your fellow garden
07:32 friends? Yes. Oh I sure am too. I encourage
07:35 you everyday to sow the seed of God's love.
07:47 I will praise the Lord all my life. I will sing
07:50 praises to my God as long as I live, Psalms 146:2.
07:54 Fanny Crosby wrote to him, praise him, praise him.
07:57 Hearing her life you may not think that she had
07:59 much to praise God for. When she was six weeks old
08:02 she became blind, when she was very young
08:04 her father died. That didn't stop Fanny;
08:07 she went to school and became a teacher for
08:09 the blind. She even got married, she found a reason
08:13 to praise God for everyday blessings, which were
08:15 beyond number, let's praise God right now.
08:28 Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
08:33 Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
08:38 Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory;
08:42 Strength and honor give to His holy Name!
08:47 Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
08:51 In His arms He carries them all day long.
08:56 Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent
08:59 greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in
09:03 joyful song! Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus,
09:33 our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O Earth,
09:36 His wonderful love proclaim! Hail Him! Hail Him!
09:41 Highest archangels in glory; Strength and honor
09:46 give to His holy Name! Like a shepherd, Jesus
09:51 will guard His children, In His arms He carries them
09:55 all day long. Praise Him! Praise Him!
09:59 Tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him!
10:02 Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!
10:17 Hi, today we're making Lasagna. No, not just
10:20 any Lasagna but today we're making Mark Bond's
10:23 famous Lasagna Florentine. Let me go ahead
10:26 and read the recipe for you. White Sauce
10:30 3 tablespoons of margarine 3 tablespoons of all
10:33 purpose flour 3 cups of soy milk 3 cloves garlic
10:40 1 teaspoon of garlic seasoning 1 teaspoon of salt
10:45 And for the filling 4 morning star grillers
10:49 crumbled up, 1 onion chopped 3 cloves of garlic
10:55 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 teaspoon of garlic salt
11:01 1/4th of teaspoon of anise seeds ½ a teaspoon of
11:06 oregano dried ½ a teaspoon of basil dried
11:11 1 package of no boil lasagna noodles 1 two
11:16 pound jar of spaghetti sauce And 4 cups of fresh
11:20 baby spinach chopped. And I've saved a little
11:23 of time; I've already made up my filling and my
11:25 white sauce for you. And for the white sauce
11:27 you're just going to put all your ingredients
11:29 in a sauce pan and remember to keep stirring
11:32 'cause with white sauce. They thicken very quickly,
11:36 so if you don't keep on stirring them, they'll start
11:38 to burn. And for the filling, you're just
11:42 gonna saute up your onions and your garlic and then
11:46 add your grillers and the rest of your ingredients
11:48 into it. But I just want to show you today how to
11:51 layer the Lasagna. So we are gonna start with our
11:54 white sauce, now I bet all of you have seen
11:59 the Bond family on Kids Time. They sing and I know
12:04 I love them, I don't know if you guys have probably
12:06 seen them too. Well, Mark Bonds is not only
12:12 a good singer, I know you see him playing his
12:13 guitar too, but he also can cook and this recipe is
12:17 proof of that you should try it. Now, with this white
12:20 sauce you're not going to use all the white sauce,
12:21 'cause you're gonna have to end up using this white
12:23 sauce actually four times in this recipe. So you want
12:26 to make sure you don't use it all on the first time.
12:31 Put on a thin layer of that sauce on and spread it
12:35 out, use this one. Spread it out evenly
12:41 as even as you can get it. And next we're
12:46 gonna add our noodles, now these are no
12:48 boil noodles, you don't want to use the, make sure
12:52 they're no boiled. If they're not no boiled
12:53 they won't cook right in your pan. What I have
12:56 to do is just break off a little into the corner
12:58 that way it fits into the corner of the pan.
13:04 Like that and you just cover the whole bottom
13:06 of it. You can also just break it so it, it'll
13:14 fit in there. Now I bet you, Mark Bonds also,
13:18 he's not only a talented cook, his four kids and
13:23 he, if you have seen the new praise, kids praise,
13:26 he has done the graphics on there. He's very
13:30 talented with graphics too. He's responsible for
13:34 all those graphics, I'm just kind of filling those
13:38 little cracks if you like to, just like that. Okay
13:45 and next you're going to add another thin layer
13:47 of your white sauce just across the top of it,
13:55 just like that. Now, it's a little bit thick so you
14:03 want to make sure that it's going to be kind of
14:04 hard to get to that pasta, pull it, just spread it
14:11 across and try to get it into the corners too,
14:23 like this okay. And next we're gonna put in our
14:29 filling. Put some of our filling, and you're gonna
14:31 have to use this filling a couple times too
14:33 or twice actually in this recipes. You don't wanting
14:35 use it all, it's a good thing not to use it all.
14:38 And you're gonna use about half of it in here.
14:43 These grillers are morning star grillers; they're
14:46 a delicious veggie meat and it tastes very good,
14:51 it's a hamburger substitute. Use about half
14:54 of those and then we're gonna add our spinach.
15:00 Now, this is fresh baby spinach and what you do
15:03 is you're just going to take the fresh baby spinach
15:07 and cut it up with actually just kitchen scissors.
15:11 It's that simple but makes sure that when you
15:12 put your kitchen scissors make sure they're clean
15:15 before you use them. Make sure you wash
15:17 them before you cut up your spinach. Use about
15:21 half of it in here and remember you know
15:27 even if you don't like spinach, it tastes
15:28 delicious in Lasagna, so you'll have to try it.
15:32 And you just put, sprinkle some or put some
15:35 layer of spaghetti sauce on and that's, you're not
15:39 gonna be able to spread it with a knife or
15:42 anything like that but you can just kind of
15:44 sprinkle it across the top, just like that.
15:52 Now, when you finish putting on the sauce
15:54 you wanna continue the layers just like I've done.
15:57 And until your Lasagna, I mean your platter's
15:59 full and just finish with the filling over the top.
16:03 Now, I have one already made to show you,
16:08 and this will bake at 375 degrees for about
16:11 an hour until it's done. And it's delicious like
16:15 that with the salad, any way you like it. It's good
16:18 enough to eat, you're gonna wanna try this
16:19 recipe it is good. Well, remember until
16:22 next time to keep cooking and eat healthy.
16:41 Excuse me just a minute, I need to go give him
16:43 something, it's been a while, oh there you go.
16:48 Hi Joanna, you look worried, I am so, so upset.
16:57 What's the matter, I've been so down lately,
17:02 it just there's so much going on, I just don't
17:05 know what to do? What's your problem, tell me
17:07 about it? I mean your the only person I could
17:09 talk to. It's just. What's the matter? See,
17:14 I think there's something wrong with me,
17:15 but I can't. I'm afraid if anybody else see it,
17:19 they're gonna kick me out of the marketplace.
17:21 Why would they that? Oh! No, I don't know,
17:30 I don't know what to do about it, I think I have
17:32 leprosy. But you need to go see a friend of mine.
17:37 I don't know who, I don't think anybody can
17:39 heal this. Oh I know somebody. Nobody can
17:40 make it better, it's gonna just grow, and then
17:43 it's going to be everywhere and everybody
17:45 is gonna reject me. I know somebody that can
17:49 heal you, oh who can do that? This man, I heard
17:55 he even healed a woman that touched his garment.
17:58 I know he can heal you, all she did was touch him.
18:01 All she touched his garment, but I tell you
18:04 I saw him heal a man that had leprosy. He went
18:09 out and touched him, touched him. He touched
18:13 the man, he healed. He was healed, he didn't
18:16 have leprosy anymore. Oh where can I find him,
18:21 do you think he will heal me? He will heal you,
18:24 I know he will heal you, he's in the Galilee.
18:28 And he will heal you, you go to him, don't show
18:31 this to anybody else. You just go to Jesus
18:35 and he will heal you, I know he will. He heals
18:39 a lot of people and he will heal you too.
18:42 But what if I am not good enough, you don't
18:46 have to be good enough to be healed by Jesus.
18:49 What if I am not one of the chosen people that he
18:52 wants to? We're all his chosen people he created
18:55 us, I made some bad mistakes and I am
18:57 probably not worthy. We all have, we all have
19:01 Joanna. We've all made mistakes and he's willing
19:04 to forgive us and he's willing to heal us and he
19:07 will bring him, he will bring us to him. And he
19:11 will make us whole again, are you sure Thomas?
19:14 I'm sure of it, I would, I'm positive, I've seen it
19:19 happen and he will do it, okay. You go to,
19:22 Galilee? You go and find Jesus in Galilee,
19:25 don't show this to anybody else and don't
19:27 tell anyone until after he's healed you. And
19:30 when he's healed you, you come and tell me.
19:32 Oh! Okay, thank you, you go and tell him.
19:35 Thank you God bless you, thank you. Oh!
19:38 Thank you Lord for healing my friend Joanna, I know
19:43 you will, you are the great healer, amen, amen.
20:04 Apple red happiness Popcorn cheerfulness
20:08 Cinnamon singing inside Peppermint energy
20:14 Gumdrop holidays When you give Christ your life.
20:19 The benefits of God's great love are supersatisfying
20:27 Throw away your sin; let God's love shine in
20:31 Try it and you'll see how you get
20:36 Apple red happiness Popcorn cheerfulness
20:39 Cinnamon singing inside Peppermint energy
20:45 Gumdrop holidays When you give Christ your life
20:51 that When you give Christ your life.
21:03 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
21:06 book of the day. And I am so excited to bring
21:08 you this book, 'cause this is an awesome book.
21:11 It's called storm on Shadow Mountain by
21:14 Charles Mills. It said, Alex Timmons and his
21:17 friends Shane and Alician, The Honors Club,
21:19 have their sights set this time on the Wilderness
21:22 Living honor patch. But a routine search for
21:25 edible plants on a Pathfinder campout turns
21:29 deadly when the trio finds themselves riding
21:31 a runaway pile of floating logs down an icy,
21:34 rushing river! If an unexpected waterfall
21:37 or the freezing water doesn't get them,
21:39 the fast-approaching, killer snowstorm settling
21:42 on the mountains will. You know what? Earning
21:45 a Pathfinder honor was never supposed to be
21:48 this dangerous. It's a story about much more
21:51 than a badge boys and girls. It's about
21:53 friendship, faith, and survival. Boy, doesn't
21:56 that sound good? I can't wait to read it myself
22:00 but you'll have to get the book boys and girls
22:02 to find out what happened. Well, right
22:05 now I'd like to read you some letters that I have,
22:08 alright. I like to read you this email, it said
22:11 dear Miss Brenda, it said it is Thursday and
22:14 this is our day for going out to work. We have a
22:16 freezer full of carrots and we're visiting
22:18 places to give them ten kilos each. Today, we're
22:21 going to an orphanage home to give them 20
22:23 kilos because there are so many boys and girls.
22:27 It said, we sure enjoy Kids Time and Danielle
22:29 loves Tiny Tots. God bless you and send our
22:32 best regards to your sisters, we love them too,
22:35 we love you and do pray for your Heinemann,
22:36 Murney, Danielle, Bonita and Hardou. Well,
22:39 thank you so much for that. Oh I've got a nice
22:43 email here and I want to show you this picture,
22:44 isn't this a beautiful little girl. Isn't she
22:47 pretty, lets find out who she is okay. Let's read
22:51 the letter, it says dear Miss Brenda, today is
22:53 Thursday and I was watching Kids Time,
22:56 I was so happy to hear the letters and I was so
22:59 hoping to hear mine. But that's okay don't
23:01 worry because I know tomorrow's Friday,
23:03 and you might read it then. Well, I know I've asked
23:06 you a lot of times to read my letter but could
23:08 you please read my letter. It says I would
23:11 like an activity book and also the Bible
23:13 lessons please. Every time I email you, you always
23:16 email me back, thank you. Well, that's right
23:19 and I do boys and girls. It said the show really
23:21 inspires me and I know I love hearing the
23:24 children's letters best, they're cool. Well,
23:27 could you please read my letter next time,
23:29 thank you. Love, Misty. Well Misty, I am glad
23:33 you finally got your email read on the air
23:35 and also your picture today and I want to
23:38 encourage you boys and girls everywhere to
23:40 always share Jesus. Write and tell me about it.
23:43 Whether you want to email me or whether you
23:45 want to send it in mail, either way I will
23:47 get it okay. Well, right now we're gonna go all
23:50 the way over to Nigeria and there's a little girl
23:52 there that wants to tell you what she does
23:54 to share Jesus. My name is Elroy Elijah Samson,
23:58 I am living in Kano, Nigeria. I would like to
24:03 say that my friend has been fighting and I tell
24:06 her not to fight, than she always does and then
24:10 I tell her that God doesn't like it, and we were told
24:14 do that God do not be happy that isn't his way.
24:18 Oh! That was wonderful thank you for that.
24:21 Well, now I am going to take you all the way to
24:22 New Zealand, we have a letter from New Zealand
24:24 and this one is from Amy West and Amy,
24:28 this is Amy's picture and she's got a little bird
24:30 with her on a finger, isn't that precious? It says
24:33 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Amy, I live in
24:35 New Zealand. It says I am 11-year-old my dad
24:38 is the manager of a youth camp in Rotorua it said
24:43 which is located in the Central North Island.
24:45 The campus called Tui Ridge Park and I love
24:48 living there, it says I have two pet buggies.
24:52 Three cats, two horses and I am an only child,
24:54 I love to watch Kids Time whenever I can,
24:56 I share Jesus by caring for kids who are younger
24:59 than me. Can you please send me an activity book
25:02 and I'd like to join kids club, your friend in
25:04 New Zealand, Amy. Well, yes I will Amy, and it
25:07 sounds like also you are kind to animals.
25:09 And whenever we're kind to animals that's another
25:11 way of sharing Jesus isn't it? You know when
25:14 we have Jesus in our heart we're kind to
25:15 animals, we're kind to our friends and everyone
25:17 all around us. This letter is from Rexville,
25:21 New York, and I can see another picture in here,
25:25 oh this is cute. Let's see who this is from
25:29 and here's a picture of a little boy and he's
25:31 holding up some stockings it looks like,
25:33 it says dear Miss Brenda I've been watching your
25:35 programs on 3ABN, my name is James and I'm
25:39 8-years-old, I live in a dairy farm upstate
25:42 New York. It says my favorite cow is our
25:45 oldest cow, her name is Sumpy. She is all black
25:52 with white legs and a white spot on her nose.
25:54 It says, I feed her and pet her everyday, my job
25:57 is to feed all our baby calves, we have lots
26:00 of them. It says I am glad we live on a farm,
26:02 we have lots of cats too. It says I would like
26:05 to join kids club, please send me a book
26:08 thank you James. Well, that was a nice letter
26:10 James and it sounds like you have lots of fun on
26:12 that farm don't you? With all those animals,
26:15 won't it be wonderful boys and girls when we get
26:17 to heaven and we will be able to be with all the
26:20 animals even the wild animals that we can't pet
26:22 now, when we get to heaven, we'll be able to
26:24 pet the lions and the tigers. Oh! That's gonna
26:27 be so wonderful, I just can't wait to get
26:29 to heaven and boys and girls, remember
26:31 wherever you are it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17