Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Bailey, Wagner, Jeff Williamson
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000124
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there is a world out 00:13 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:14 it's time to share there is a world out 00:15 there. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:27 Hi boys and girls, I Brought this stuffed animal 00:29 today to show you, do you know what it is? 00:31 Yes, it's an adorable little lamb, don't you 00:35 just wanna just wrap your arms around him 00:37 and just hold him, he's so cuddly and soft. 00:40 This one's made out of real lamb's wool, 00:42 I tell you, you would just like to put your little 00:45 fingers in here and just feel how soft his wool is. 00:48 Do you know one thing that might surprise you 00:51 though about sheep? Is that sometimes a mother 00:54 sheep decides that she doesn't want her baby 00:56 lamb at all after it's born and when that baby 00:59 lamb's born, she just walks away and leaves it 01:01 there to die? Now, if that lamb is even able to 01:04 struggle to his feet when it tries to nurse the 01:06 mother sheep just butts that little lamb right away, 01:09 poor little lamb. Fortunately the baby lamb is 01:12 usually discovered by a very kind owner of the sheep. 01:15 And lovingly raised on bottle and when the lamb 01:18 is old enough he rejoined the flock and spends 01:21 his days grazing on moist green grass. 01:23 Do you know he probably doesn't think much about 01:25 how he was rejected when he was just a baby lamb. 01:28 Now, he has plenty of food and he fits in just 01:32 fine with the rest of the flock. 01:33 Well, our Bible story today is not a about a 01:36 little sheep who was rejected by his mother, 01:38 it's about a young boy who was sent away 01:41 from home by his own father. And his mother 01:44 was sent away with him and they had to run 01:46 into the desert, can you imagine how broken 01:49 hearted the boy must have been? 01:51 You know they must have wondered who would 01:53 provide from him and his mother. 01:55 Who would give them food to eat and water 01:57 to drink and clothing to wear? 01:59 Where would they live, would they die in the 02:01 desert. A good Sheppard always steps in to take 02:05 care of an abandoned baby lamb. 02:06 Who would take care of this boy and his mother? 02:10 Well, we'll find out the answers to those questions 02:14 a little later on when the boy tells his story 02:16 but first we'll spend a few minutes 02:18 with Emily out in the garden. 02:27 Welcome boys and girls to my kitchen, 02:30 wait a second. This doesn't look like a kitchen, 02:34 does it? No, well where are we? We're in a herb 02:37 garden, you're right Emily we're in an herb garden 02:41 today. And with me are my two very special garden 02:44 helpers. What's your name? Abby, Abby is gonna 02:47 be helper number one and what's your name? 02:49 Emily. Emily, now it doesn't that name sound familiar 02:53 boys and girls. My name's Emily too, Emily is gonna 02:57 be garden helper number two. And what we're 03:00 gonna talk about today are edible flowers, 03:03 now you know I said in the beginning that 03:06 welcome to my kitchen. I'm actually gonna 03:08 use the herb garden as my kitchen today. 03:10 Did you know that some flowers and plants 03:13 are actually edible? It's true you can actually 03:17 eat some of the bright colors in your garden. 03:19 Now, did you guys know that? No, did you know 03:23 that some flowers are edible? Well, I'm just 03:25 gonna go through a few flowers to show you 03:28 and tell you how you can actually cook with them. 03:31 So, the first flower that we have today is called 03:36 Nasturtiums, can you guys see the pretty color 03:39 of the flower? That's not good Abby? 03:42 Oh Nasturtiums, it's smells like a mint. 03:44 And look at their cute little leaves, 03:46 see how around they are, they almost look 03:48 like a little teeny tiny water pad. Isn't that neat? 03:51 They're very circle, well you can add these 03:54 to salad and they add a really, really big 03:57 peppery flavor. So, they're kind of spicy, 04:00 so I'm not gonna let you guys try them today, 04:02 but if you want to add a really spicy flavor 04:04 to your salad, you would add Nasturtiums. 04:06 And the way that you would do that as you 04:08 were just pick the leaves off and tear them 04:11 into pieces. The next flower boys and girls 04:18 that you can any kind of cooking; 04:21 is the beautiful chive flowers. 04:24 Now, these kind of taste like onions, 04:26 I'm just gonna snip part of stem off. 04:29 Oh! Smells like an onion, kind of smelly. 04:32 Abby, can you smell it, I wish I could eat it, 04:35 oh! You wish you could eat it. I think Abby's 04:37 hungry what do you guys think, how about 04:39 you Emily? Can you smell it? Oh! Smells like 04:42 an onion, well you can actually eat the flower 04:44 part of this, and did you guys know that? 04:46 So, all you do if you kind of rip the petals off 04:49 the chives and I happen to have a fresh bowl of 04:53 herb salad right here and you just sprinkle 04:55 the chive flowers right over the top. 05:01 Now, the next flower boys and girls, 05:03 you might have heard of this, it's called daylily 05:06 and the daylily comes up and blooms in your 05:09 garden every single year and its got a lot 05:12 of grassy foliage in it and it has really beautiful 05:16 yellow flowers, isn't this a pretty petal? 05:19 You can use a petal to add to your salad 05:21 and it's really sweet. Do you guys wanna try 05:23 it a little bit. Thanks. I'll try some too. 05:32 It's very sweet, isn't it? It's very, very delicious 05:35 boys and girls. It's just like onion, oh! It kind 05:37 of tastes like onion but very sweet right, 05:39 okay and one more flower that I wanna share 05:42 with you, it's called the Viola. Emily can you 05:45 go pick up pretty viola for me right back there? 05:48 Sure, and we can taste it, we can taste it 05:51 you're right, Abby. Thank you, well Emily just picked 05:55 is a little viola and these are little tiny baby 05:58 flowers, it almost look like pansies that bloom 06:01 in the spring time. And in the fall, and you can 06:04 eat these in your salad. So all you do is you pick 06:06 up the stem and you add it to your salad, 06:09 so I'm gonna make up a salad for myself for lunch. 06:13 I'm gonna put some more pansy flowers in them, 06:17 some more daylily petals. Let's shake it out some, 06:21 oh do you guys want another daylily petal to eat? 06:24 Sure, and up I just happen to bring my fork along 06:31 now I'm just gonna blend these together and 06:33 I'm gonna go ahead and have myself some lunch. 06:36 Boys and girls, I hope you've learned today 06:38 some really neat flower that you can grow in your 06:40 gardens to add to your very own salad at lunch 06:43 or supper time. I encourage you 06:46 everyday to sow the seed of God's love. 07:02 The Lord's compassions are new every morning; 07:04 great is thy faithfulness, Lamentations 3:22 & 23. 07:14 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; 07:21 There is no shadow of turning with Thee; 07:30 Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; 07:38 As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. 07:49 Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! 07:56 Morning by morning new mercies I see. 08:04 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; 08:11 Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! 08:21 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth 08:29 Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; 08:36 Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, 08:44 Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! 08:52 Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! 08:59 Morning by morning new mercies I see. 09:07 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; 09:14 Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! 09:39 Have you ever heard the saying an apple a day 09:40 keeps the doctor away? Well, my dad's a doctor 09:43 and I certainly wouldn't wanna apples and keep him 09:45 away. Well, I'm just teasing, but today we're making 09:48 a recipe that has apples in it and apples are 09:51 healthy for you. So, you do wanna eat them, 09:53 today we're making Apple Dumplings, 09:56 let me go and read the recipe for you. 09:59 10 apples-peeled, cored and chopped 10:02 One 12 oz. can of frozen apple juice concentrate 10:06 3 tbsp. corn starch 2 tsp. cinnamon 10:11 Flour for tortillas or puff pastry 10:16 Now, to start I already have my apple juice 10:19 concentrate heating up on the stove and 10:22 I saved up just a little bit of the apple juice 10:24 concentrate, to put my corn starch in. 10:27 And the corn starch, you may remember never 10:30 put corn starch into there something unless 10:33 it's already mixed with liquid. Because corn 10:35 starch will just thicken and you want to put it 10:37 in something else before, so we're gonna mix 10:39 the corn starch with some your apple juice 10:42 concentrate, just kind of mix it up a little bit. 10:48 And then you're gonna add it to your apple juice 10:51 concentrate, now when you add it make sure 10:54 that you start stirring and keep stirring the whole 10:57 time. 'Cause this is gonna thicken really quickly, 11:02 now when it does thicken you're gonna add your 11:04 apples. Now, apple dumplings are very, 11:09 very delicious it's simple. Obviously there's very 11:12 little ingredients to this and apples are very 11:16 healthy for you. You do wanna make sure you 11:18 eat some apples, now and this looks to be 11:21 getting thicker, which it's a little bit thicker. 11:28 But it needs to be a little bit more, now apple 11:34 dumplings I don't know if you've had them before 11:35 but we'll end up doing is we're gonna put 11:38 them on in some tortillas, wrap them up, a delicious 11:42 healthy snack, you can eat them as your school 11:44 or even your breakfast in the morning. 11:47 It's like a breakfast burrito kind of with 11:50 apples in it. Delicious, just a little bit thicker 11:56 and the corn starch. You don't wanna keep 11:59 stirring them, remember to keep stirring or else 12:01 it'll burn on the bottom, plus it will thicken very 12:04 quickly. Once it gets thicker, 12:10 it's almost ready and make sure your heats up 12:12 pretty high too, so they it'll continue to thicken. 12:17 Now, when I was at home and made this for my 12:19 family, my dad loved this. But I guess, 12:22 that doesn't say too much because he pretty much 12:26 eats everything. But my brother liked it too and 12:30 also my cousin Jeremy who is very picky, 12:33 he liked it also. So, you know that it must be good; 12:35 well it looks just about thick enough. 12:38 Now, I know this looks like a lot of apples, 12:41 but when you put it in. The hot water will shrink 12:44 the apples, put the apples in and continue mixing 12:51 that up. And you gotta add your cinnamon too 12:55 and I should have added that before. 12:56 Oops forget that, I think we should go ahead 12:59 and add that in now, just to give the apples a 13:04 little bit of flavor, a little bit of space. 13:08 Just let it keep on heating up, now while that's 13:15 heating I'm gonna go ahead and get my tortillas 13:18 out and stir it. Well, maybe I should, maybe 13:22 I should just keep stirring it, or else you might 13:23 burn it. Stir that up, I mean it looks like it's 13:28 getting thicker and it's gonna be done. 13:35 Mixing up the apples, I'm gonna go ahead 13:37 and get my tortillas out, and then you wanna 13:40 make sure that your tortillas are hot. 13:42 I put mine in the oven for just a few seconds 13:44 they'll warmed up otherwise they'll crack 13:46 when you do them, when you roll it up. 13:48 Now, see how it's thick you're gonna put a little 13:51 bit of your mixture about right here in the center, 13:55 you don't want too much or your tortillas 13:57 won't roll up, a little bit more in there. 14:01 And I'm just gonna take it, roll it once, 14:04 roll over this way, roll on the other side. 14:08 And then continue on rolling it over oops 14:11 I think I might have gotten a little bit too much. 14:13 But you kind of say you do it, you wanna put 14:15 the seem side down so it doesn't unroll 14:17 and you're gonna bake it at 400 degrees for 14:20 about 20 to 30 minutes or until they look brown 14:23 on the top and then they'll be done and I have some 14:26 finished apple dumpling for you to see 14:29 what they look like. You can even put a little glaze 14:32 in the top, which is some, blend up some Florida 14:36 crystals and with some almond extract. 14:39 And a little bit of water and you'll have a 14:40 nice plate, a perfect healthy snack. 14:42 Well, until next time keep cooking and eat healthy. 14:54 Boy it is really, really hot out here, 14:58 the sun is shining down on my back and my feet 15:00 are swelling and I don't smell too fresh either, 15:04 it reminds of another hot day a long, long time 15:08 ago when my family were fighting and they were 15:10 so many problems in my household. I'm Ishmael 15:14 and it was a terrible time many, many years ago 15:17 when my family was fighting over me and where I fit 15:21 in my family household. My father had two wives, 15:25 a wife by the name of Sarah and my mother Hagar, 15:28 oh! They never got along Sarah and Hagar. 15:30 And we had to leave the household because 15:33 there was so much jealousy and there was 15:34 so much fighting. Because of that we got send 15:38 into the wilderness, my mother and I Hagar, 15:40 it was so hot in the wilderness during the 15:43 day the sun would shine down on us. 15:45 We were sweaty, we were hot. We were 15:47 wondering if anyone was looking for us, 15:50 if any one would take care of us. 15:52 The family no longer could have us there, 15:55 when my stepbrother Isaac was born, 15:58 there was simply no place for me in that household, 16:01 no place for my mother because of all of the 16:03 jealousy. Well, there we were in the wilderness, 16:06 I was hot and it was a terrible hot, very warm 16:09 day like it is today, the nights were so cold 16:12 and we were so afraid. We didn't think that 16:15 we would be delivered from this; 16:16 we didn't think that anyone was looking out for us. 16:19 But little did we know that God was taking care of us, 16:23 even though we couldn't see it. 16:24 My mother prayed that, that God would not 16:27 let us be out here in the wilderness and leave us 16:30 to die alone out here when I was here. 16:32 She especially didn't wanna see me die here 16:34 in the wilderness, by the way my name Ishmael 16:37 means called by God or God will hear. 16:41 And God heard my mother's pray that I, 16:43 that I would not die in the wilderness that 16:45 she would see me here. She prayed and there 16:48 was a well of water in the middle of the desert. 16:51 An angel came and told my mother about this 16:54 well of water and we took the well of water, 16:57 we were able to drink, it just made me remember 16:59 on this hot day, that God would take care of us, 17:03 like he did on that day. He seems to always find 17:07 a way to do that, to take care of us even 17:10 when things look bad, even when things look down, 17:12 even when it seems like we're not going to get out 17:14 of our situation. God took care of us during that 17:17 time in the awful terrible wilderness. And he'll take 17:21 care of you too, he looked out for us, 17:23 he blessed my family. God said he would make 17:26 of me, even though we have problems in our 17:29 family. He would make of me a great nation, 17:33 a nation of thousands of people. 17:36 And he blessed us, my mother and I and he 17:39 brought us through that hot day. 17:40 He saved us from dying in the wilderness, 17:43 from not being able to, to find anything to eat 17:47 or to drink. And just like God took care of us 17:50 that time in the wilderness, even though we had 17:52 family problems and things weren't going that well 17:55 and we were cast out. Even though no one 17:58 seemed to be looking out for us. 17:59 God was looking out for us, we didn't know it 18:02 but that's what he did and that's what he 18:04 always does. He looks out for his people, 18:07 he takes care of us, I'm going to market place 18:09 to sell these skins that I've just collected 18:11 while hunting. And I think about it and how 18:14 God provided for me during that time and I'm going 18:17 to sell these right now. He's gonna provide for 18:20 me again, he provides for all of us all the time. 18:23 He's always looking out for us just like he looked 18:26 out for my mother and I. Things worked out 18:28 alright as they always do when God's 18:31 looking out for his children and 18:33 he's always looking out for you too. 20:18 Hi boys and girls, do you know what time it is, 20:20 it's time for Miss. Brenda's book of the day 20:23 and my choice for you today is The Shoebox Kids 20:27 Bible Stories Book 2 and it's by Jerry D. Thomas 20:31 and let me just share with you, it says: 20:32 The Bible stories in this book start with Eliezar's 20:35 search for a wife for Isaac, and it includes 20:37 Joseph's dreams, and the end with the parting 20:41 of the Red Sea and bread from heaven. 20:43 The Shoebox Kids stories that go along with those 20:45 from the Bible start with Dee Dee's search for 20:47 the perfect birthday present; they included a 20:50 gerbil that's loose in the church, and ends with 20:52 Jenny's week-long pizzafest, oh! That kind 20:55 of sounds good doesn't it. It's says questions 20:57 at the end of each chapter make sharing 20:59 Bible lessons interesting and fun! 21:01 So, I know boys and girls you're gonna wanna 21:03 read this book. It's book 2 of 21:06 The Shoebox Kid's Bible stories. 21:08 Well, something else that I know you'll find 21:11 interesting is all the letters that I'm getting 21:13 today from you. And I wanna share with you 21:15 some of them, lets see, let's start with this letter 21:18 over here in my basket. And it's from Eagle Point, 21:22 Oregon and lets see who this is from. 21:25 There's some, some money inside and it's 21:28 from Caitlin and let see Caitlin. She's got some 21:31 money in here, oops and a picture lets see here 21:35 oh! Look how precious those little blond curls are, 21:38 they are so cute and lets just show you boy and girls 21:41 that pretty picture. It says Dear Miss Brenda, 21:43 may I join Kid's Club please. Thank you for giving me 21:47 pure things from my eyes and ears to see and hear. 21:50 This gift is for the Kids Time, so more kids will learn 21:53 about Jesus, love Caitlin. And you know what she 21:56 gave us some $2 from her allowance money for 21:59 Kids Time. Well, thank you Caitlin, and you know 22:02 I will make sure that all of this money goes to help 22:06 make more Kids Time programs okay? 22:08 Well, let see how about an email, this email says 22:12 Dear Miss. Brenda, I have a friend who's called 22:15 Talitha Jackson who wants to start the 22:18 Bible lessons that you've been sending to me. 22:20 Please send them to her thank you from Leon. 22:23 PS, I'm doing just as you said by sharing 22:27 my ministry with friends. I will be getting Baptized 22:30 this Sabbath and by the grace of God please 22:33 pray for me and my family, love, Leon. 22:35 Leon, I'm so glad that you wrote and told me 22:38 that you're going to be baptized. Thank you so 22:40 much. And thank you also for sharing your faith 22:43 with your friend and getting them signed 22:45 up for Bible studies. I'll get those lessons send 22:47 right out, so thank you so much. Lets see oh! 22:50 Lets see, we got another email, we got lots of emails, 22:53 we got lots of letters. This is an email, 22:55 it says Dear Miss. Brenda, my name is Rachel, 22:57 I'm 4-years-old and I lived in Sallisaw, 23:01 Oklahoma and I have lots of friends in 23:03 my neighborhood and Church. It said my 23:05 mommy home schools me and I love it, 23:08 I will play my violin and I love to sing for Jesus. 23:10 I share Jesus by taking care of my little brother 23:13 Andrew and I give him my children's offerings 23:16 to Sabbath school. It says I gave Jesus 23:19 my children's offering at Sabbath school. 23:21 I love Kids Time and I like watching your programs 23:25 and I also love Kid's Club. Please send me more 23:28 lessons and more Bible studies here is the picture 23:30 of me and my little brother love, Rachel. 23:33 And it says Rachel Melody. So lets see if 23:35 we can see a picture of her and her little brother. 23:37 And oh! Yes, there is one right there and oh! 23:40 She is so cute and look she's got a little lamb 23:43 in her hand and looks at her little brother. 23:45 It looks like he's still on the bottle right there. 23:47 And she didn't say how old he was. 23:49 But aren't they precious, thank you so much. 23:51 Alright, lets see, we have another letter over here. 23:54 And this one is from Hannah from Westminster, 23:59 Maryland. Lets see what Hannah has to say 24:01 and oops we got a picture of Hannah too, 24:04 oh! Thank you Hannah for that picture here boys 24:07 and girls, here the picture of Hannah, it says 24:09 Dear Miss. Brenda I like Kids Time, I'm writing to 24:11 you because I want to tell you how I share Jesus, 24:14 I share Jesus by telling two friends about Jesus. 24:17 I have a little brother to, and a cat and my brother 24:21 has crab. I'm 9 and my brother is 7, it says I made 24:25 a picture of my family love Hannah and look 24:27 she drew a picture, isn't that pretty? 24:29 Thank you Hannah for that beautiful picture, 24:31 she even put faces in the clouds up in the sky 24:34 didn't she, look at that? Isn't that precious, 24:36 I love that thank you so much. And I get your 24:42 picture over here; I think we have time for 24:45 another letter. Lets see what we've got oh! 24:46 One from Cleveland, Tennessee and lets see 24:49 who's writing from Cleveland, Tennessee, 24:51 this says oh! How precious, it looks like big sister 24:56 with a little brother. Let see Dear Miss. Brenda, 24:58 my parents are helping me to write this letter, 25:00 I'm 6-years-old and home schooled and I really 25:02 love Kids Time and I want to join Kid's Club, 25:05 it said I share Jesus by helping mom and dad, 25:08 I also share Jesus by reading Bible stories to 25:10 my little baby brother Mateo, please send me 25:13 a Kids Time activity book, I'm made you a drawing 25:16 of my kitten tiger, my brother Mateo 25:18 and myself playing outside under a rainbow. 25:20 I'm also sending a picture of me and my baby brother, 25:22 love Maria. Well, thank you Maria and let see that 25:25 picture she drew for us and she said there it is, 25:29 it's there's tiger and Maria and isn't that cute? 25:34 And there is little Mateo, and that's so precious, 25:38 thank you so much for that. I think we have 25:40 time for a quick email it says Dear Miss. Brenda, 25:43 in my language arts lessons, I wrote to 25:45 following poem and I hope you like it. 25:47 I wrote it English, it says, I walked in the park 25:50 last Sabbath afternoon, I watched with Ingra 25:53 in the park, I picked chestnuts and there was 25:55 a lot, they're brown and hard, I heard this splash 25:57 near the ducks in the pond, splash, splash 26:00 I really enjoyed my walk. I enjoy Kids Time 26:02 very much and the Kids Time book, love Jacobed 26:06 and here is a picture of Jacobed and she's looks 26:08 like she has a chicken with her and isn't that 26:11 precious, oh! Thank you so much, she's adorable, 26:14 well that's all the time today boys and girls 26:17 and thank you for joining me. 26:19 Remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17