Participants: Jenessa Ahn, Brenda Walsh, JD Quinn, Tamera Coulter, Shelley Quinn, John Ahn, Lee Jamieson
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000123
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there is a world out 00:13 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:14 it's time to share there is a world out 00:15 there. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:26 Hi boys and girls, do you remember the story 00:29 that Jesus told in the Bible about the good 00:31 shepherd who owned a 100 sheep. 00:33 Good shepherds you know they always 00:37 keep their sheep in a safe place at nights, 00:38 so the wolves and the other predators 00:39 can't get them. But remember the story 00:41 where one of those 100 sheep headed off 00:43 into the wilderness instead of coming 00:46 home that night. So do you know the good 00:48 shepherd, he left the other 99 sheep and 00:50 he went looking for that one lost sheep. 00:54 Now imagine will you, that you are that 00:57 shepherd and one day one of your sheep 00:59 runs away. You safely lock up your other 01:01 sheep and you head into the cold night 01:03 to look for that stray. And when you 01:05 find him oh, you are so happy. You just 01:08 throw your arms around him and you 01:10 take him right home. Well the next day 01:13 guess what? The sheep does the same 01:18 thing he runs off into the wilderness only 01:19 this time there was a storm blowing. 01:20 And you chase that crazy sheep all over 01:23 the forest in the rain after night before you 01:26 finally find him. Now your patience is 01:29 wearing a little thin by that time, isn't it? 01:32 Well the next day, oh if he goes again, 01:35 this time you spend all night looking 01:36 for him. You finally find him at your 01:38 neighbor's farm, but your neighbor says this 01:44 is my sheep and if you want him you are 01:46 gonna have to pay me a $100. 01:49 Well you are tempted aren't you to 01:50 abandon that sheep. And say you know what, 01:52 he is not worth the $100 he is a 01:54 trouble maker anyway. But our Bible story 01:57 today is kind of like that, only it's not 02:00 about sheep it's about a prophet and 02:03 his wife. The prophet's wife kept 02:05 running off and abandoning her husband. 02:08 What was he had to do? But I think I'm 02:11 getting ahead of myself. You are gonna have 02:13 to wait and hear the whole story so stay tune, 02:16 wont' you? Right now it's time 02:18 for a visit with Ranger Jim. 02:28 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying 02:30 welcome to Nature Time. We are glad 02:31 you can join us today; we are in Knoxville, 02:33 Tennessee at the zoo and look what 02:35 we have here with us today? 02:36 We have some beautiful birds. 02:38 Stephanie tell us about this, we have 02:40 Jenna over here holding one just like it, 02:41 what are these beautiful creatures. 02:43 These are African grey parrots. 02:45 And this is Einstein if fact she can tell 02:47 you her name, what's your name? 02:49 Einstein. Wow. Einstein and this is her 02:51 friend Ally. Now they both live here, 02:54 Einstein is about 17 years old where as 02:57 Ally is only 7. These birds can live a 02:59 long time of around 70 to 100 years old, 03:03 amazing. Yeah, they are still very young, 03:04 amazing. Now they are very popular pets, 03:06 are they not? They are and you know 03:08 why, they love to talk. They love to 03:11 mimic sounds that they hear, 03:12 so they are very popular. In fact Einstein 03:15 since she lives here at the zoo she knows 03:16 lots of animal sounds. She just mimics 03:19 the sounds that she hears here, 03:21 she does. Would you like to hear some 03:22 of them? Yes, let's hear them, okay. 03:25 Let's listen to my favorite, how about 03:26 a wolf? Good job. Can you do a rooster, 03:31 good, how about chimpanzee, 03:33 oh that's very good Einstein. 03:36 This is a cute one too, how about a cat, 03:39 that sound like sana. Can you do a cat, 03:42 cat, there you go. Well that neat boys 03:45 and girls. What about this, does she 03:47 sing any song or anything like that or, 03:49 she does she can sing happy birthday and 03:51 she also can do a little bit of opera, 03:55 there you go. They can learn about a 03:57 1000 or even more than a 1000 different 04:00 words and sounds, amazing. Now she has 04:03 been with us for over 12 years, 04:05 so she knows about 65 sounds on cue, 04:08 amazing. She has got a little secret too 04:11 you know she not only knows lots of sounds, 04:12 but she loves to party. She loves to party? 04:15 She loves to party in fact she can dance, 04:17 let's see she will dance first, 04:18 can you dance instein. Oh yeah, 04:21 let's see if she will do some singing too. 04:30 Sound like a real party girl to me, she is. 04:33 She is, she is a real swinger isn't she? 04:36 Now you know not all African grey's will 04:38 mimic a lot of sounds and we have Ally 04:40 over here where as Einstein knows lots 04:42 of sounds about 65 she only knows about 04:45 seven different things on cue and that's 04:47 her maximum. If she learns something new 04:50 she will forget an old one. So, Jenna can 04:53 do a few of the sounds that she knows. 04:58 Yeah, she can also wave, kiss, 05:03 oh she is waving bye to you okay. 05:07 Very, very nice, now you say they live 05:10 quite an old age and the same thing 05:11 happens with these birds as do parrots, 05:13 people give as a gift to people that are in 05:16 their 50s or so like that, then what the 05:19 tragedy happened when these folks get 05:21 old and pass away. That's right; it's not 05:24 unusual for parrots to have over five 05:26 different owners in their life time, 05:28 because they do live such a long time. 05:31 Also they do require a lot of attention; 05:34 these guys are prone to plucking, 05:36 if they don't get enough attention they 05:38 get very unhappy and will start to pluck 05:40 all their feathers so, they become bare and, 05:42 yes and it can be a problem and of course 05:45 these birds get the best veterinary care 05:47 possible, of course. And you could see that 05:50 they are handled daily to participate in 05:52 the show, that just adds to it doesn't 05:54 it? That's right and she loves to perform 05:57 may be she will do a few more sounds for 05:59 us, do that ahead we would love to hear 06:00 them. How about a fiesta, alright Einstein. 06:06 What about, are you excited, oh they both 06:09 are, we are both excited, very good. 06:11 Sometimes Ally will learn a lot of sounds 06:13 from Einstein also, so if she does a sound, 06:16 she will do the same thing. 06:17 They might pose to this one, 06:19 how about a penguin. A penguin, 06:23 a penguin, a penguin, okay that's good. 06:27 Boys and girls, we could just go on and 06:29 on and on and enjoy it so much, 06:31 but that's all the time we have for this. 06:33 And so boys and girls remember don't 06:35 forget to tell Jesus that you love 06:37 him because he really does love you. 06:49 He gives us the victory through our 06:50 Lord Jesus Christ. 1st Corinthians 15:57. 06:59 I heard an old, old story, 07:03 How a Savior came from glory, 07:07 How He gave His life on Calvary 07:11 To save a wretch like me; 07:15 I heard about His groaning, 07:19 Of His precious blood's atoning, 07:23 Then I repented of my sins 07:26 And won the victory. 07:30 O victory in Jesus, My savior forever, 07:38 He sought me and bought me 07:43 With His redeeming blood; 07:47 He loved me ere I knew Him 07:51 And all my love is due Him, 07:54 He plunged me to victory, 07:58 Beneath the cleansing flood. 08:35 O victory in Jesus, My Savior forever. 08:44 He sought me and bought me 08:47 With His redeeming blood; 08:52 He loved me ere I knew Him 08:55 And all my love is due Him, 09:00 He plunged me to victory, 09:03 Beneath the cleansing flood. 09:09 I heard about a mansion 09:12 He has built for me in glory. 09:16 And I heard about the streets of gold 09:20 Beyond the crystal sea; 09:24 About the angels singing, 09:28 And the old redemption story, 09:32 And some sweet day I'll sing up there 09:36 The song of victory. 09:40 O victory in Jesus, My Savior, forever. 09:48 He sought me and bought me 09:52 With His redeeming blood; 09:56 He loved me ere I knew Him 10:00 And all my love is due Him, 10:04 He plunged me to victory, 10:07 Beneath the cleansing flood. 10:22 Welcome to Learning Time, 10:23 thank you for joining us today. 10:25 Hey we've got a great group and 10:27 you know there is something that I like. 10:30 How many of you ever seen rockets. 10:32 Have you ever seen a rocket? Yeah. 10:34 Oh yeah Katy have you ever seen a rocket, 10:36 aha. Man we are gonna make a rocket 10:38 today will that be great? Yeah. 10:40 I think that would be wonderful. 10:41 First of all I think we might wanna put 10:44 our safety glasses on, I think if you are 10:46 out at home watching this you will be 10:48 safe enough where you are at. 10:50 First of all we need some rocket fuel. 10:52 Have you seen any rocket fuel around here? 10:55 No, no. well no problem because I brought 10:57 some rocket fuel. It happens to be in 10:59 this little red tank right here and we are 11:01 gonna fill up a balloon and I am gonna 11:04 give this balloon to Katy, we are gonna 11:06 talk about this for a minute. 11:07 Let's go ahead and put some, 11:10 oh did that scare you? Oh yeah it's 11:13 scared me too. Well, we are gonna put 11:16 some rocket fuel in this balloon. 11:18 Now this is hydrogen gas, Katy hang on to 11:21 that balloon right here. Hydrogen is used 11:24 as a rocket fuel in the space shuttle. 11:26 Now Katy I want you just let go that 11:29 balloon and let's find out where the balloon 11:31 will go, let it go and wow. Where did the 11:34 balloon go? Up there. The balloon went 11:37 well up in the air, because hydrogen is a 11:38 very light gas. Well we are gonna make a 11:41 rocket out of this can. So first of all I am 11:44 gonna, I have got a can that has potato 11:45 chips in it. I am gonna open this can up, 11:48 one of the most interesting things about 11:49 this experiment is, you get to eat what's 11:53 inside of the can before you'll make a 11:56 rocket out of it, that is so good, anyway. 12:00 Now I am just gonna take my potato chips 12:03 let's just put them out here what we need 12:05 to do. I have got the lid, I am gonna take 12:08 a little pair of scissors today and I am gonna 12:10 cut a hole right in the lid. We are gonna 12:13 cut about a three millimeter size hole just 12:16 like this. And I'll give you the hole Katy, 12:19 there you go. Now I am gonna put the lid 12:21 back on, now the other end where it has a 12:23 little piece of metal on the bottom. 12:25 I've got a nail today and I've got a 12:27 little wrench and I am gonna use as my 12:29 hammer. I am gonna pound a hole right in 12:32 the bottom of this can, there we go and 12:34 then I pull it out and then I've got a 12:36 hole and I can see everybody out of this 12:38 hole, this is interesting. Now I have a 12:41 little piece of tape, I am gonna put my 12:43 tape right on the hole because remember 12:45 the hydrogen gas is a very heavy or a 12:48 light gas? Light, it's a light a gas because 12:50 that balloon went right up in the air, 12:52 didn't that Katy? Right. Now this is what 12:54 I've got, I've got a little triangle that we 12:56 use in a laboratory I'm gonna put this 12:59 right on top of my triangle. First of all, 13:02 I am going to use this hose and I am 13:04 gonna put some hydrogen gas right in 13:06 that can. Let's put right in here, 13:09 oh having trouble, okay, it's just tight 13:14 fitting thing, alright. Now I am gonna turn 13:17 this on and I am going to fill up this can 13:20 with some hydrogen gas. So lets try 13:22 to do that, I can hear that here we go. 13:30 Okay, we've got our hydrogen right in 13:31 there I am gonna turn this off. 13:33 Now I am gonna take a match and 13:35 we are gonna light this, are you ready. 13:38 Okay let's light this hydrogen and we gonna 13:40 light it right here, wow. I can hear that 13:42 burning but hydrogen burns as a 13:44 colorless gas. Let's see if it will burn 13:46 my paper, oh yeah. But hydrogen burns 13:48 as a colorless gas. Now we need a count 13:51 down from ten, you want to help me, yes. 13:54 Let's go ten, nine, eight, seven, six, 13:59 five, four, three, two, one and blasts off. 14:06 Well you think it's gonna work? 14:08 No, oh no. Do you think our flame went out, 14:11 remember it's a colorless gas we can't 14:13 see it. Oh, did you see that? Man we did 14:18 make a rocket. You know remember when we 14:21 learn about science we are learning 14:23 something interesting about our creator God. 14:40 Good morning, good morning. 14:41 That's a great fruit you got here this 14:43 morning, well I am proud of this fruit. 14:44 It looks real good, I think today is 14:48 gonna be a great day for sales. 14:50 The market has been great anyway. 14:51 I have more orders than I usually have, 14:54 well. Well I appreciate that, I do too. 14:56 This is gonna be a good day, I can feel it. 15:00 Moment, don't I know you? Yes, you are 15:03 Gomer from the house of. Yes, yes we've 15:06 met, we've met but you don't know me. 15:08 I'm Gomer the wife of the prophet Hosea. 15:12 Hosea the prophet yes, yes and how can 15:14 that be? Well let me explain to you, 15:18 when we first met I was living in the home 15:21 of another man and well let met begin 15:24 at the beginning. When I was younger I 15:28 was just an ordinary person not very 15:31 special at all, but the Lord sent his 15:34 prophet Hosea to ask me to become his 15:36 wife and I felt at first very flattered and 15:41 special and it was special, it was, 15:44 it was special, yes. And when we first 15:46 married I thought this is an interesting thing 15:50 that God was doing in my life, 15:52 but you know soon I became tired of my 15:55 husband's lifestyle. He was a good 15:57 husband, but he was so holy and we had 16:00 three children and he wanted everything 16:02 done according to the laws of God. 16:05 And I just got bored, so I ran away with 16:09 my three children to the house of another 16:11 man. And at first it was exciting to live 16:15 there, but soon he became a cruel 16:18 taskmaster as a matter of fact I became 16:21 his slave and my children as well. 16:24 And I thought that I had ruined my life, 16:26 I really did. But you know that God of 16:30 Hosea who is now also my God, yes. 16:33 He is so wonderful and he put it in 16:38 the heart of my husband the prophet 16:40 to come down to the house of this man 16:43 and to redeem me. He paid the price of 16:46 the slave for me, wow. And he bought 16:49 me back. So when we returned I have 16:52 learned to love the God of Hosea, amen. 16:56 Our God is such a gracious God, 16:58 he is wonderful, what a wonderful God, 16:59 yes he is. So even though we met before 17:03 you really didn't know who God intended 17:06 for me to be. Well excuse me, 17:08 but I must shop and get on because 17:10 Hosea is expecting me. I would like 17:12 some of these grapes if I might, 17:14 I really love these grapes, and I think 17:15 I'll take a handful of the figs, yes, yes, 17:17 okay. Oh mam, oh yes excuse me, 17:22 I didn't mean to. Is this enough, 17:26 yes it is, thank you so much, thank you, 17:28 good day to you. What a wonderful story, 17:31 isn't that? It's just like the story of the 17:33 children of Israel? Yes it is. God chose the 17:38 children of Israel, he gave them to be his 17:41 special people, they went into slavery and 17:44 he took them out of slavery, 17:46 took them out of, yes. What a wonderful 17:49 story, yes it is in his love. She was a lovely 17:52 woman, won't she? Yes, I am glad her life 17:55 is turned around, she is changed, yes. 17:58 Oh what a wonderful story, I am 17:59 gonna get back to making these boxes. 21:03 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's 21:06 Book of the Day. And I am excited today 21:09 to bring you this book Old Friends And 21:11 New Elizabeth an Adventist girl book 21:14 two and its written by one of my very, 21:16 very favorite authors Kay Rizzo. 21:18 Well I would like to tell you little bit 21:20 about this book. The day Elizabeth dreads 21:23 has finally come. It is 1852 and the Mayes 21:27 family is moving away to far-off California. 21:30 And the saddest part for Elizabeth is 21:32 leaving behind her best friend, Alice. 21:35 As the Saratoga Express chugs into town, 21:39 the family boards the first part of their 21:41 long and dangerous journey. 21:43 In Albany they took their passage on the 21:46 legacy and they sail down the Erie Canal. 21:49 The trip is tedious, and the 57 locks 21:51 they have to pass through frighten Elizabeth. 21:55 The sights, the sounds, and smells of the 21:56 waterfront are everywhere. Happily, 21:59 the Mayes' meet another family on the 22:01 boat who believe in the Sabbath truth and 22:04 it says events on the barge take a 22:06 terrifying turn when a freak accident 22:09 strikes Benji, and Elizabeth desperately 22:11 tries to rescue her brother. 22:13 It will take a miracle to save him, 22:15 what happened to Benji? Uh, but I am 22:18 not gonna tell you, you are gonna have 22:19 to read the book, it's called Old Friends 22:22 And New Elizabeth and Adventist girl. 22:25 Well boys and girls, I am excited today to 22:27 share with you a girl that really loves 22:30 Jesus an Adventist girl. She loves Jesus; 22:32 loves to share her faith with Jesus and 22:34 you know she shares Jesus every single 22:36 week in a very special way. Let's hear 22:39 about it. Hi Tamera, hello, I am so glad 22:41 you joined us today and you've been 22:42 on Kids Time before haven't you? 22:44 Yes, and what were you doing when you 22:46 came on Kids Time before? I was on 22:48 Praise Time, I played piano. You did, 22:50 and did you have fun doing that? 22:52 Yes, you did. Can you tell me how old 22:54 are you? I'm 11. You are 11-years-old 22:57 now, now share with the boys and girls 23:00 what do you do to share Jesus. 23:02 Well, I play piano every week and I 23:04 like to share Jesus as well because he 23:06 makes me feel good. And I'm also in 23:08 pathfinders that do community things 23:11 like collecting canned food for the poor, 23:13 you do. And you say you play the piano 23:15 every week. Do you just like play in your 23:16 house and nobody is there and. No. 23:19 How will you do this, well I play like that 23:21 too but I also play at the Church. 23:24 Now do you play for its like, is it just 23:25 special music at the church, every 23:26 Sabbath you do the special music or what 23:28 you do? I actually plays for sometime, 23:31 we do songs for the praise team, 23:34 for the praise team. And you actually play 23:36 the piano for your whole church every 23:38 Sabbath, don't you? Almost every Sabbath 23:40 yeah, almost every Sabbath. Well, I 23:42 actually heard you play that Sabbath and 23:44 it really touched my heart, I really 23:46 received the blessing from that. 23:48 You know what it reminded me of, 23:50 when I was just 8-years-old I started 23:52 playing the piano for church, wow. 23:54 And that reminded me seeing you up 23:56 there and you play somebody hear and 23:59 somebody note. I actually play most of 24:01 that by note, by music but sometimes I 24:04 memorize it. But sometimes you memorize 24:06 it, well you play very well and you know 24:08 what, I want you to keep sharing that 24:10 talent you have for Jesus because you know 24:12 when Jesus I think, this is what my dad 24:15 told me when I was in your age. 24:17 He told me said you know Jesus gave 24:18 you a talent and he wants us to use it 24:20 for his honor and glory. So, I can see 24:23 that you are already doing that and I 24:24 want to encourage you to keep doing 24:25 that okay. Alright, is there anything else, 24:28 have you had any wonderful experience 24:29 of sharing Jesus that you would like to 24:31 share with us. Well usually after I play 24:34 piano everybody thanks me for playing and 24:37 that's, that really touches my heart. 24:39 Yes because you know what, 24:40 because they received a blessing, 24:42 always give the glory to God. You know 24:44 one thing that we have to be careful of 24:46 is that we don't ever think that, 24:48 that it's about us. We have to always 24:50 remember its always about God and 24:52 when someone used to come up to me and 24:53 say, oh thank you, you played so beautiful, 24:55 I would say give God the glory because 24:57 we want to give the praise to Jesus, 24:59 don't we? That's right, that is right, 25:01 isn't it? Well I have some letters here; 25:03 can you hold this picture for me? 25:05 I would like to share this letter with 25:06 you boys and girls, this is from London, 25:08 England says dear Miss Brenda my 25:10 name is Melinda, I am age 10 and I live 25:13 in London in the UK. I love Jesus very 25:15 much and I tell all my friends about him, 25:17 I also try to be good and kind to my 25:19 friends and to my family. I love watching 25:21 Kids Time on 3ABN, please send me an 25:23 activity book, love Melinda. So thank you 25:26 Melinda for that letter and I am glad 25:28 you are enjoying the program. 25:30 Let's see another e-mail here says dear 25:32 Miss Brenda my name is Loraine and I 25:34 am from Africa in Kenya. I am 21-years-old 25:36 and I like watching your show. 25:38 I am a single lady in college, but I enjoy 25:41 seeing the young boys and girls in your 25:42 show singing to the Lord wonderful songs. 25:45 I have the young brothers and sisters 25:47 whom I encourage to watch the program 25:48 too. Keep up the good work and our God 25:51 will reward you in his own timing, 25:53 thank you and God bless you love Loraine, 25:55 thank you Loraine. Another e-mail, 25:58 it says dear Miss Brenda my name is 25:59 Sara and I'm 5-years -old. I like your show 26:02 very much and I love Jesus, I would like 26:04 to join your club. Would you please send 26:06 me one of your Kids Time books. 26:08 Thank you for offering this to me, 26:10 I think it will be fun to join a club like this. 26:12 I do go to church and I share lot of 26:14 words of Jesus, thank you so much Sara 26:17 from McLeansboro, Illinois. Well that's 26:20 all the time we had today boys and girls. 26:22 I wanna thank you Tamera for joining me 26:23 today and boys and girls thank you for 26:26 joining me today. I would like to encourage 26:28 you everywhere you go boys and girls 26:30 to witness for our Jesus because 26:32 it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17