Kids' Time

Peace Be Still

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Amie Kurtz, Breanna Roca, Karen Kurtz


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000122

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there; let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He
00:18 loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, do you know what seems like
00:27 every time I pick up a newspaper.
00:29 I read about another terrible storm that's
00:32 happened somewhere in the world.
00:34 Do you know I'm so glad we don't have to
00:36 be afraid of storms? We can trust God to care
00:39 of us just as he promised. Do you know that prophet
00:42 David once wrote in Psalms 91:11 and I wanna
00:46 read this for you, because it means a lot to me.
00:49 It says, "For he shall give his angels charge over
00:52 thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
00:55 That's an amazing thing to know that God has
00:58 given his angels charge over us isn't it.
01:01 We cannot run into his arms fast enough
01:03 whenever we feel afraid. My friend Lisa found a
01:07 baby Raccoon in her backyard once.
01:10 Apparently he had lost his mother and he decided
01:12 Lisa would be a good mother for him.
01:14 He followed her everywhere she went
01:16 even when she mowed the lawn, and at night he
01:19 would curl up in his little cage on her back porch,
01:22 except when there was a storm. Now when a storm
01:25 came he grew terrified and he would just squeeze
01:29 out of his cage and then he squeeze under the door
01:32 into Lisa's son room and in the morning when Lisa
01:35 open the son room door that little Raccoon would
01:37 run straight to her. He knew he was safe with her.
01:42 In our Bible story today we will see how
01:44 that disciples learn to trust Jesus through a
01:47 storm, just like the little Raccoon learn to trust Lisa.
01:51 We can run to Jesus for safety and comfort just
01:54 like that little Raccoon went to Lisa. Storms may
01:58 come and go in this life, but we can always trust
02:01 Jesus to lead to us to safety to our new home
02:04 in heaven someday. No matter what kind of
02:06 storms and trials we have to go through to get there,
02:09 we can always trust and depend on Jesus.
02:13 Let's visit now with Emily I know she has
02:15 something special in the garden to share with us.
02:25 Well hi boys and girls, I'm so excited that you
02:28 are joining me here today. Do you know where I'm
02:31 at, I'm in my really, really big herb garden and
02:35 joining me are two extra special garden helpers.
02:39 Right here I have Abbie and this is Cathleen and
02:42 they are gonna help me explore and discover
02:44 new herbs in the garden. Now do you guys know
02:47 what an herb is? Yeah. Do you know what it is
02:49 Cathleen? It's something that you eat.
02:53 That's right good job Cathleen. Herbs are
02:56 actually edible, you can actually eat herbs.
02:59 They are used a lot in cooking, a lot in salads.
03:04 I love eating a salad and I love putting parsley and
03:07 chives in them. It just gives an extra special
03:09 flavor to my lettuce. Another thing that you
03:12 can do for herbs is using them in craft.
03:14 You can actually make soaps and lotions and add
03:17 herbs such as rosemary as we have here and it
03:20 makes the bass smell very good whenever you
03:23 use rosemary soap. Now what's really neat about
03:26 herbs is the way that they smell. Can you guys
03:29 smell, doesn't it smell really good in here.
03:31 Now Abbie what does that smell, does it smell good?
03:35 You know the best way to get herbs is smell really
03:38 good when you are walking through a garden.
03:40 You guys all you wanna do is you wanna take this
03:44 and you just wanna rub it. Can you guys rub these
03:46 pieces for me. Here I will each give you a piece
03:49 and I will take a piece too. Now just rub it
03:51 between your fingers. Okay are you ready?
03:54 If we just rub in between your two fingers and you
03:56 smell your fingers then oh and it really, by rubbing
03:59 it you are really getting the flavor out of the
04:01 leaves and getting all the oils of the leaves and
04:03 it smells so good. Does it smell good. Yeah.
04:06 Does it smell sweet Cathleen? Yeah,
04:08 wish I could eat it. Oh me too, I'm so hungry.
04:12 Well you know one herb that we eat a lot are
04:16 called chives and I just picked these
04:18 chives this morning. Aren't they pretty.
04:21 Do you guys like the color purple? Yeah.
04:23 Me too, pink and purple and red and orange and
04:27 white. Are those your favorite colors?
04:29 Well me too. Well what chives are really great
04:32 to add as a really oniony flavor.
04:34 Do you boys and girls do you like to eat onions?
04:37 Oh, do you like to eat onions. Yes.
04:39 They are kind of spicy, but they should add a
04:41 lot of flavor to your salad or your vegetables right.
04:44 Well what I'm gonna have the best way to
04:47 smell a chive is to break the blade in half and then
04:51 you smell it at the end of the blade.
04:52 Can you guys smell that for me?
04:55 And I'd say remember you ate it. Yeah it smells
04:58 almost like an onion doesn't it. Yeah.
05:01 Well we are gonna try a little piece of this.
05:03 Are you ready for this boys and girls at home.
05:06 Abbie is gonna try a little piece.
05:07 Do you wanna try a little piece Cathleen?
05:09 It tastes really kind of onion.
05:11 I will try a piece too. Is that taste good.
05:20 Well another herb that we eat a lot on our plates if
05:22 you go out to eat in a restaurant.
05:24 You might see this herb on it and its called parsley
05:28 and it's another herb that you can eat.
05:30 Have you guys seen this before parsley?
05:32 It's got a really pretty little delicate curly leaf
05:35 if you look at it. I can eat this. Oh doesn't it
05:38 look like you can eat it? Well lot of times if you
05:40 go to a big restaurant you might see a piece of
05:44 parsley garnished on the plate. Now do you know
05:48 that's really neat about parsley is that if you eat
05:51 it actually it's a breath fresher, so its just like
05:53 eating a mint or something and that's why they put
05:56 on your plate at a restaurant.
05:57 You guys want to try it little bit?
06:01 It doesn't really have that much flavor, but it
06:03 actually does freshen your breath.
06:06 What do you guys think? Its taste is good.
06:10 Oh doesn't it taste. It does taste good.
06:14 Well boys and girls in my herb garden as you can
06:16 see a lot of these herbs like to grow in full sun,
06:20 so if you wanna plant herbs in your garden
06:22 make sure they get at least six hours of sunlight
06:25 everyday and make sure that you plant them
06:28 maybe close to your kitchen or in a window
06:30 so, in your kitchen so that really close to use in
06:33 kitchen. Doesn't that smell good?
06:35 I wish I could eat this. Oh yeah, but boys and girls
06:40 make sure that before trying any plants in your
06:42 garden that you ask your parents to see
06:44 if it's okay to eat. Oh just taste so good doesn't it?
06:49 Well boys and girls I hope you have learned
06:51 a lot about herbs today and how you can use
06:52 them in different cooking dishes and
06:54 soaps and lotions. I encourage you everyday
06:59 to sow the seeds of God's love.
07:10 Hey kids, the song Blessed Assurance was
07:13 written by Danny Crosby and Mrs. Knapp who are
07:16 very good friends. I hope you have a very good
07:21 friend to do the things with, but always
07:24 remember that Jesus is your very best friend.
07:35 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
07:40 O what a foretaste of glory divine!
07:46 Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
07:51 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
07:57 This is my story, this is my song,
08:02 Praising my Savior all the day long;
08:07 This is my story, this is my song,
08:12 Praising my Savior all the day long.
08:40 This is my story, this is my song,
08:45 Praising my Savior all the day long;
08:51 This is my story, this is my song,
08:56 Praising my Savior all the day long.
09:02 Perfect submission, all is at rest,
09:07 I in my Savior am happy and blest;
09:12 Watching and waiting, looking above,
09:17 Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
09:23 This is my story, this is my song,
09:28 Praising my Savior all the day long;
09:33 This is my story, this is my song,
09:39 Praising my Savior all the day long.
09:53 Hi today we are making my Aunt Brenda's meatloaf.
09:56 You know this isn't just any meatloaf you know
09:58 why it does not have any meat in it.
10:00 Now I bet you're thinking that sounds kind of funny.
10:02 A meatloaf without meat, but just wait until you see
10:05 my recipe. Let me go ahead and read it for you.
10:08 1 pkg. of Yves Burger, 1 onion, 1 pkg. of soft Tofu,
10:16 3 cups of quick oats, 2 cups of pecans,
10:21 3 cups of seasoned bread crumbs, 2 pkgs of good
10:26 seasons Italian dressing mix, soy milk, ketchup,
10:32 1 can of tomato soup, and 1 cup water.
10:37 Now I already have our seasoned bread crumbs
10:38 in the bowl and my Aunt Brenda actually like
10:41 stuffing mix, but you can use any kind of seasoned
10:43 bread crumbs you like, we're just gonna go ahead
10:44 and add our ingredients, our oats and our nuts
10:49 and these are finely chopped nuts.
10:51 You don't want to chop them, I already had that
10:53 done and then our burger. Now I like to use Yves
10:56 burger, but you can use any type of burger you want.
11:00 You just kind of mix this up just a little bit.
11:03 You don't have to get it real good. Now I already
11:06 have saved a little bit of time. I already have the
11:09 onion and the tofu and a little bit of water already
11:14 in here in our good seasons Italian mix and
11:17 I have just put it up and I like to use more new tofu,
11:21 but you can use any type of Tofu that you like and
11:24 this tofu, the reason I put the onions in with
11:26 that because the tofu doesn't have its own flavor.
11:30 The onions gives it flavor, so when you blend
11:32 it up it makes the tofu have the flavor of the
11:35 onions. I also used the good seasons Italian mix
11:39 and this is the good seasons. Its actually it's
11:43 my Aunt Brenda secrets uses in everything, but
11:46 it's delicious and it gives everything a good flavor.
11:49 Let's go and take this mix and put it into our dry
11:55 mixture here and just mix it up and you're gonna
12:03 continue mixing until it gets to about the right
12:06 consistency. You don't want it too dry and you
12:10 don't want it too wet either you want it sort
12:13 of hold together. Now the reason that I don't have
12:17 a certain amount on the soy milk is because there
12:21 is not an actual amount of soy milk you just put it in
12:24 until, oh careful until you can hold together for a
12:30 loaf. Mixing it, it looks like. Now my uncle Tim,
12:43 my Aunt Brenda's husband is a very picky
12:45 eater and he also struggled with stopping
12:49 to eat meat and I'm just about two years we stop
12:52 eating meat and he loved this meatloaf.
12:54 He said he couldn't even tell the difference.
12:57 Now if it's a little bit dry you can add a little bit
12:59 more soy milk. Continue mixing and if it holds
13:10 together then you know that it's good it's ready.
13:15 Now I already have some pan for you.
13:17 Set this aside and it's gonna look you notice
13:23 there is, it's not all the way to the side I left
13:26 some space in between and that's because well
13:29 I will show you that in a second.
13:30 First of all we gonna start. You gonna pre-bake it
13:32 for 30 minutes at 370 degree in oven which I've
13:35 already done and then you can take your
13:38 ketchup and you want to do a generous amount
13:40 of ketchup over the top of this. If you don't put
13:45 enough ketchup it will be dry on the top.
13:50 Put ketchup on it, generous amount.
13:57 Spread this out and then you're gonna take your
14:00 tomato soup and the tomato soup doesn't go
14:05 over the top at all. You're just gonna take it with
14:09 little bit and pour it into the sides and just fill it up
14:14 to the top of the meatloaf on both sides.
14:24 And when you get all through to the top, your
14:25 gonna bake it again for 375 for about an hour
14:30 until it's done on the top. Now I have a meatloaf
14:34 already baked that you can see what it looks like
14:36 when it's done. And it's a little bit hot on the side,
14:39 so that's why I have these hot pads and you can see
14:44 with this I didn't get enough ketchup and that's
14:45 why there is brown spots, so these brown spots is
14:48 probably doesn't put ketchup and make sure
14:49 you put a generous amount. Well, that's all
14:52 there is to the meatloaf. It's delicious and is easy
14:56 to make. Well until next time remember
14:59 to keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:09 Mom I told Anna and Seth that I will play with
15:12 them for supper. Please can I please go now?
15:16 I don't now Sarah, I've been watching those
15:18 clouds over the lake. I looks like we are gonna
15:20 have a storm and you know how afraid of
15:23 storms you are. You mean how afraid I used
15:26 to be. Well yes, but I remember the storm
15:29 that lasted all day. You were so afraid.
15:32 You weren't here, I couldn't find you,
15:34 I was so worried. Worry, I think Jesus taught us
15:38 both something about that. I remember it as
15:41 long as I live. Remember how we sat all day on
15:46 the hillside listening to Jesus tell stories.
15:48 Thank you so much mom for bringing me my
15:51 lunch, because that was all I had to eat for the
15:54 whole day and poor Jesus, he didn't even stop
15:59 to eat. He just kept on giving his plain and
16:02 simple answers. So simple that a kid
16:05 could understand it and I mean a little kid.
16:08 When we got on our neighbor's boat, I didn't
16:11 think that we would soon be fighting to save our lives.
16:17 When we got in the boat the wind was howling and
16:21 the thunder was so, so loud. Once I almost fell
16:26 out of the boat, but then I just looked over Jesus
16:32 and I couldn't see him that's because he was still
16:35 asleep. Mom, do you remember once when
16:40 the lighting got up the whole sky. I do.
16:45 Yeah and then Peter must have looked over into the
16:48 back of the boat and saw Jesus was still sleeping
16:51 and then the disciple shouted at the top of
16:54 their lungs master, master don't you care if we die,
16:58 and then Jesus woke up. When he woke up
17:02 I though that he would start helping his friends
17:04 save the boat, but he didn't. He just spoke,
17:09 he just stood up and spoken to the winds and
17:11 waves and said please be still and it was.
17:15 It was still. I remember that, you know I felt we
17:18 are all going to die and then the next month we
17:22 were sailing on a sea of glass.
17:24 Do you remember what he said to his disciples?
17:27 You mean when he asked them why were they
17:28 afraid? Yes and he said where is your faith.
17:31 Mom, that really made me think. You see I watch
17:35 Jesus disciples want to save the boat.
17:37 It was like that they forgot Jesus was even in
17:40 the boat, but now mom I know that if Jesus can
17:45 calm a storm like that, then there is no storm in
17:48 my life he can't handle, but mom I'm afraid of
17:51 the storm that's coming. Will you pray with me?
17:55 I think that's a wonderful idea.
18:03 Dear Jesus, thank you so much for the lesson that
18:06 you thought me on the lake that night.
18:08 You are my best friend Jesus. Thank you for
18:11 being my best friend and thank you for saving me
18:15 and Lord I'm afraid of the storm that's coming now
18:19 and I'm asking you to take care of me now just
18:21 like you did before on the lake that night.
18:24 Thank you Jesus, amen. Amen.
18:29 We better go Sara, it's time probably daddy is
18:32 getting worried about us. Probably, let's go.
18:52 Jesus loves the little children
18:57 All the children of the world
19:00 Brown and yellow, black and white
19:02 all are precious in his sight
19:04 Jesus loves the little children of the world
19:09 Jesus loves the little children
19:13 All the children of the world
19:17 Brown and yellow, black and white
19:21 all are precious in his sight
19:25 Jesus loves the little children of the world
19:31 My father is rich and has lands,
19:35 He is rich in his love for everyone,
19:39 He loves all the children like you and me
19:43 and that's one big big family,
19:48 Jesus loves the little children of the world
20:02 Hi boys and girls, do you know what time it is?
20:05 You're right, it's time for Miss. Brenda's
20:07 book of the day and my book of the day boys and girls
20:10 is calls the Bandit of Benson Park it's by
20:13 Charles Mills and just wait to hear this.
20:17 Something strange is about to develop in
20:19 Benson Park. Alex Timmons and his friends
20:21 Shane and Alicia are determined to earn
20:24 every Pathfinder honor there is, so that's why
20:26 they formed the Honors Club. Their very first
20:29 assignment is to photograph a wild animal
20:31 to earn their photography honor.
20:33 They set their sights on a squirrel in Benson Park,
20:36 just waiting to be captured on film when the
20:39 pesky rodent eludes them. Alex calls on Kobe the
20:43 teenage genius. Kobe rigs up a clever camera
20:46 contraption to snap the picture at night.
20:49 As their photo develops however it reveals far
20:52 more than a shy squirrel. A thief is lurking in the
20:56 background and he is flashing a gun.
20:58 Fear grips the quiet college town and the
21:01 photo puts the friends in danger and but I'm not
21:04 gonna tell you anymore. You're gonna have to get
21:06 the book. The Bandit of Benson Park.
21:09 Well one thing you won't have to wait for boys
21:13 and girls is some letters. I have some letters to
21:14 share with you and I'm so excited about your emails
21:17 and your letters that you send in the mail and all
21:19 your photographs and I want to share this one.
21:21 It says dear Miss. Brenda, my name is Harrington
21:24 Brown. I'm eight years old, I'm in the fourth
21:26 grade and in Florida, and I'm writing you this
21:30 letter to tell you that I enjoy, what I enjoy
21:33 doing for Jesus at Port Charles. I mean Port
21:35 Charlotte. I'm writing, I have written to you
21:39 before and you have answered my email,
21:41 so thank you. I love Jesus very much and when
21:44 I was in pre-school I gave my heart to Jesus.
21:46 When I lived in Rochester, New York, I tried
21:49 witnessing to my bus driver. He was very kind
21:51 to me and he was a very nice person, but when
21:53 I told him about Jesus, he said stick to your own
21:57 religion and I will stick to mine. Says I'm praying
22:01 for him, because Jesus can still help him to be
22:03 part of his family and I planted the seed and
22:06 I believe God will help it to know him better.
22:09 I also witnessed to my friends about my choice
22:11 to be a vegetarian. I'm excited to tell people
22:14 that my choice to eat right has helped me as it
22:16 did Daniel and his friends in Babylon.
22:19 I'm glad that I'm a vegetarian.
22:21 Pray for me that God will use me to encourage other
22:23 children to eat right, because our bodies are
22:25 the temple of the living God. PS, I pray for you
22:28 and your program that God will continue to
22:30 reach and bless kids like me, sincerely, Harrington.
22:33 Please look at my picture.
22:34 Wow we all look at his picture.
22:36 This is it looks like a picture of Harrington
22:39 he write down here. He said that's me with
22:40 this glasses right here and I don't know who is
22:43 sitting around him, but this says my mom and
22:45 dad and here he looks like he has some wonderful
22:48 Christian parents doesn't he, and so I wanna thank
22:51 you so much for that Harrington and let's see
22:56 this one says dear Miss. Brenda.
22:58 My name is Kemunto, I'm eight years old and live
23:02 in Tinegie Creek, Central Australia.
23:04 I like watching 3ABN and I have not been
23:06 watching any other channel on the television
23:08 except for 3ABN and Kids Time is my very
23:11 favorite program. I share Jesus by writing letters
23:14 to people in my town to let them know about how
23:16 to get 3ABN and they can get it on their television
23:19 sets and radio too. I also share Jesus with by
23:24 helping my dad who is paralyzed and he said
23:26 please say hello to Ranger Jim and tell him that
23:28 I love hearing him on Nature Time.
23:31 Can you also say hello to Katie, Ben, Rae and
23:33 all the Kids Time singers and tell them to keep up
23:36 the good work and they are also making Jesus
23:39 happy including you and Ranger Jim.
23:41 Don't forget that Jesus loves you and I do too.
23:43 My sister and I would like to be on Kids Time.
23:45 She is three years old, Kemunto. Well thank you
23:49 so much for your letter. You know you really are
23:51 helping and making Jesus proud of you and you are
23:55 sharing your faith with your father, who is
23:57 paralyzed. I'm really proud of you for doing
23:59 that and if you want to be on Kids Time boys and
24:02 girls there are many ways you can do it.
24:04 If you can't physically come here to 3ABN and
24:07 be on Sharing Time with me which I love for all of
24:09 you, I invite all of you to come.
24:10 Let me know when you want to come on Sharing
24:12 Time, I would love to have you, but you can't
24:14 physically come here to Southern Illinois then
24:16 what you can do is send me a video and tell me
24:18 how you share Jesus and we are gonna watch one
24:20 of those videos. Right now we are gonna go
24:22 to India and see what this little girl
24:24 does to share Jesus.
24:27 Hi, I'm Anusha but my teacher calls me little
24:31 bird. I'm studying in fifth class. I'm ten years old.
24:35 I'm a Hindu. I would like to tell about Jesus.
24:41 Jesus is a true God. I share this truth with my
24:48 Hindu friends and relatives. Bye.
24:53 That's right Jesus is the true God and I think,
24:55 thankful for little girls like her that are willing
24:59 to share their faith and she is sharing with her
25:01 Hindu friends and that's a wonderful way to
25:03 share Jesus isn't it. Well I have a letter here
25:06 and it's from Caleb and I have a picture of Caleb
25:10 and it says dear Miss. Brenda my name is
25:12 Caleb, and I'm four years old. I live for Jesus by
25:15 helping my mommy with the dishes and also with
25:18 the vacuuming. I also pick up my toys.
25:22 It says I drew this picture of me and my mom.
25:25 I hope you like it. I'm sending a picture of me
25:27 and my two little brothers. I'm the one with straight
25:29 brown hair, Jacob and Isaac is the baby.
25:33 So please send me a Kids Time activity book.
25:35 Thank you Caleb, and look at he drew a little picture
25:37 of Caleb and his mommy. There is Caleb right there
25:40 and there is his mommy isn't that adorable.
25:44 Well thank you and what a good artist you are too
25:47 and I love your brothers that you got some
25:49 handsome little brothers there. Isn't it wonderful
25:52 to share Jesus. Let's see I have a quick little one
25:56 here. It says dear Miss. Brenda. It says thank
25:59 you so much for my activity books.
26:01 May God bless you and all your friends at 3ABN,
26:05 love, your friend Lorenzo, I'm from Italy.
26:07 Well thank you Lorenzo and I have want to keep
26:09 watching Kids Time and share the good news of
26:12 Jesus with everybody over there in Italy for
26:14 me will you. Well that's all the time we have
26:17 today boys and girls. I'm so glad that you have
26:18 joined me. I want to encourage you boys and
26:21 girls to do what ever you can every single day to
26:23 share Jesus, because it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17