Kids' Time

Noah`s Sons

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Caleb Palmer, Brenda Walsh, Seth Creason, Kayla Creason, Corey Cotterell, Mark Feldbush


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000121

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, kids Time, kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. I would like to show you
00:26 a picture today. This picture is someone that
00:29 is very special to me. Someone I just loved with
00:32 all my heart. You see this wonderful man, yes that's
00:36 my grandfather and he is in his bib over out there
00:40 and he loved to work, he was a coal miner.
00:42 He worked in the coal mines for 47 years.
00:46 You know when my grandpa was alive,
00:47 I loved to crawl up in his lap and here all his stories
00:51 about when he was a little boy and I would try to
00:54 imagine what he looked like when he was little
00:56 and I just couldn't believe that he was ever anything,
01:00 but my grandpa. Well today we are going to
01:03 hear a story that happened to a very famous
01:05 grandpa in the Bible. We are going to pretend
01:08 that we are his grandchildren.
01:11 We will sit at the feet of two of his sons and hear
01:15 them tell the most unbelievable story.
01:18 They know the story well because they were there
01:21 when it happened. I'm not going to give you
01:24 anymore hints okay because it might give it
01:26 all away, but I promise you will love our Bible
01:29 Story for today. Why not we first though see
01:32 what Ranger Jim has to share with us.
01:41 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
01:43 welcome to Nature Time. We glad you can join us
01:46 today have you ever seen Ranger Jim look better
01:49 than this. Look at these gorgeous flowers aren't
01:52 they just absolutely beautiful.
01:54 My friend Rosalie Peters this is her hobby and she
01:56 is going to tell you something about them.
01:58 Rosalie tells us about your beautiful flowers.
02:01 These are Phalaenopsis which most of the orchids
02:05 that are purchased are really the Phalaenopsis
02:07 and you can get them say like it the different
02:11 hardware stores or at your florist, but if you buy
02:15 them in a hardware store make sure that you are
02:17 there at the first day they come in because often
02:20 times they don't take care of them real well, they try
02:22 to over water them and if they do that you don't
02:25 have any roots on them by the time you buy them.
02:28 So these are the Phalaenopsis and you
02:30 grow those in your home about the same light and
02:34 water as you do your African violets, so lot of
02:37 people grow African violets. What about these lovely
02:40 things up here. Okay this is a Dendrobium and
02:44 in the winter time you bring it in I keep most
02:47 of my plants outside in the summertime and in
02:49 the wintertime you bring it in and you know water
02:51 it until you start to see the blossoms come out.
02:54 You just keep it completely dry and they
02:57 don't last as long as the lot of the other Orchids
03:00 do the blooms. They last about a week and a half
03:04 or two weeks is about all they grow.
03:06 We were talking a moment ago, people are
03:08 talking about their very favorite once and I just
03:10 love the one behind you all those creamy color
03:13 once and they are just gorgeous.
03:17 What are these? These are Phalaenopsis they
03:19 are the same as they just happen to different color.
03:22 Oh they are gorgeous and what about these?
03:26 Oh those are Phrags. They look like a lady
03:30 slipper. Yeah, they are Phrags and the lady
03:31 slipper family. There is a Paphiopedilum
03:34 and a Phragmipedium, and I get it mixed up
03:37 sometimes as you can tell, but the
03:39 Phragmipediums are the once that are bogged
03:42 plants and they grow out in nature where its very
03:45 very wet in the soil and hey require a lot of water.
03:50 The Paphiopedilums are in the same family,
03:53 but they don't require as much water and this one
03:56 is a species which means that it does grow wild
04:00 some place. The other one is like this one;
04:03 it was probably crossed with several species to get
04:07 the size of this one. This one is called Sunset,
04:11 which you can see why with the colors that they
04:14 have in it. Now tell me this Rosalie, look at an
04:19 Orchid they look so delicate like if you touch
04:21 them they will break or they really that delicate.
04:23 Well the flowers are pretty delicate, but the
04:27 plant itself although it's easy to kill them.
04:31 They are still a fighter, they will comeback often
04:35 when you don't think there is a chance.
04:36 They are quite hardy then they will when
04:38 could do that. Now what about this one?
04:40 This look like it's almost air plant is it hanging.
04:43 Yes, it's growing on a peace of drift wood and
04:49 one this is the first time its bloomed and I have
04:51 had this plant hanging six or seven years.
04:53 Maybe just for this program. You have to be patient
04:56 when you are an orchid grower. It teaches you
04:58 patience. Really teaches you patience okay,
05:01 because you can see when the shoots first starts
05:05 coming up with the bird, it takes time forever and
05:08 ever for it to bloom so that's patience.
05:10 Alright, you were talking a moment ago about
05:12 someone had cross these is that common in orchid
05:15 that you would cross two, yes, and get a different
05:17 combination. Yes, and so that's a special talent is it
05:20 or that's a special skill. It is and it's very difficult
05:23 that something I would never try to do.
05:25 You have to keep everything very sterol,
05:27 because if you don't you get mold and they just
05:30 won't make it. They just won't make it.
05:32 Boys and girls it would be nice if we had Rosalie
05:34 to be here for two hours, we don't have
05:36 that time today. Rosalie thank you so much for
05:38 coming and telling us about these beautiful,
05:41 beautiful plants. You welcome. Ranger Jim
05:43 saying as always boys and girls don't
05:45 forget to tell Jesus that you
05:46 love him because he really does love you.
05:58 Hey kids remember we are all kids of the
06:01 kingdom. Hi, boys and girls, Miss Brenda has
06:05 a very, very special friend her name is Carole
06:08 Derry-Bretsch and she has written a beautiful
06:10 song called We are kids of the kingdom and we
06:13 would like to sing that for you right now.
06:22 We are kids of the kingdom, we are kids of
06:25 the kingdom and we love the Lord and we love
06:28 the Lord. We are kids of the kingdom, we are kids
06:32 of the kingdom and we love the Lord and we love
06:35 the Lord. We follow our Jesus and we ask him to
06:39 believe us each and everyday.
06:43 We are kids of the kingdom, we are
06:45 kids of the kingdom and we love the Lord.
06:54 Everyday we do our pray to live as Jesus would,
06:59 we try to show our friends always we see that
07:03 God is good and even if we aren't the kids that
07:07 where suppose to be. We ask God for
07:11 forgiveness, we want the world to see.
07:19 We are kids of the kingdom, we are kids of
07:21 the kingdom and we love the Lord and we
07:24 love the Lord. We are kids of the kingdom,
07:27 we are kids of the kingdom and we love the
07:30 Lord and we love the Lord. We follow our Jesus and
07:35 we ask him to believe us each and everyday.
07:39 We are kids of the kingdom, we are kids of
07:42 the kingdom and we love the Lord.
07:49 So today we take our stand we will say the
07:53 Lord to listen to this hearing and never rise
07:58 this word. I like to be a witness in the peaceful
08:03 way we live. Tell everybody about eternal
08:07 life our previous Lord can give.
08:14 We are kids of the kingdom, we are kids of
08:17 the kingdom and we love the Lord and we love the
08:20 Lord. We are kids of the kingdom, we are kids of
08:24 the kingdom and we love the Lord and we love the Lord.
08:29 We follow our Jesus and we ask him to believe us
08:32 each and everyday. We are kids of the kingdom,
08:37 we are kids of the kingdom and we
08:39 love the Lord. Yes, we love the Lord.
08:58 Welcome to Learning Time. I'm glad that you
09:00 have joined us again today. I have got a special
09:03 thing to show you. How many of you like to
09:05 go hiking? Oh, I love to go hiking and walking in
09:08 the woods. Well, I have got a substance right here
09:11 that's really special. I'm gonna go oh you know
09:13 what I think we better put our safety glasses on.
09:17 We got safety glasses for our first row over here
09:19 because what if something just might
09:21 happen to be pretty exciting. I'm gonna put,
09:24 I'm gonna pour some of these yellow powder in
09:26 my hand right here. Let's pour this in here.
09:29 Now that yellow powder that comes from a plant
09:32 that we find out in the woods. It comes from a
09:34 Lycopodium plant. It's like a little club moss.
09:38 Now do you think that this yellow powder might
09:41 burn? Do you think so? Yeah. Oh let's find out
09:45 I'm gonna take a match and I'm going to light this
09:47 powder and let's see if it just might burn.
09:49 I'm gonna put that match right in my hand just
09:51 like that. Did it burn? No, no in fact the match went
09:56 clear out, so I guess this stuff doesn't burn.
09:59 Would you think that? Yeah, well hey let's try
10:02 this again. Now I'm gonna take a match
10:05 I'm gonna let it burn again, but this time
10:08 I'm gonna pour this right out of my hand.
10:10 What do you think is gonna happen?
10:12 What do you think is gonna happen?
10:14 Well, we are gonna find out, let me get my match
10:16 burning right here. I'm gonna just move over
10:18 right here, so we will have just a little bit of
10:20 room. How about a 3, 2, 1 and I'm jut going to
10:24 spread those little tiny particles from the plant
10:26 and we are gonna let them go right over this flame.
10:28 How about it 3, 2, 1 and let's try this. Wow, did it
10:35 burn, yeah, oh man did it ever burn.
10:38 You know that reminds me. You know when we
10:41 have little tiny particles and we suspend them,
10:44 when we mix them with air and oxygen they
10:47 can really burn. They can be explosive can't they?
10:51 And you know that reminds me of something
10:53 very interesting boys and girls. If you and I are
10:56 in God's hand can anything hurt us?
11:00 No, no you know God will save us at the very
11:05 end; he will keep us safe for his kingdom, but
11:08 what happens if we get out of God's hand.
11:10 What happen when I pour this over the fly?
11:14 It burned up. You know you and I are safe for
11:17 eternity if we stay in God's hands.
11:20 Do you wanna stay in God's hand?
11:22 Do you wanna stay in God's hands? Yes.
11:24 Oh yeah I do too and remember when we learn
11:29 science we learn more about over creator God.
11:41 Uncle Jeff, uncle Jack can you tell us a story. Yeah.
11:47 What story would you like to about Noah's Ark.
11:51 Yeah. Okay, we can do that, we can do that,
11:55 we can tell you the story about Grandpa Noah.
11:59 A long time ago when Grandpa Noah was a
12:02 young man, he was about 500 years old. I am Noah.
12:07 That's right you have named after your
12:09 Grandpa Noah. The earth was really wicked,
12:11 nobody obeyed God and people did lots of bad
12:13 things and God decided that he wanted to wipe
12:16 the earth clean and have a chance to start
12:18 all over again. Well, Grandpa Noah always
12:21 trusted God, so when God told him to build a boat,
12:26 Grandpa Noah said yes Lord I'll build you a boat.
12:30 I guess you got to help Grandpa Noah to build
12:32 that boat. Yeah, that's right. Uncle Jeff and
12:35 I worked right along with that crew cutting down
12:38 the cypress trees and gathering up that sticky
12:40 pitch to seal in the seems of the ark.
12:42 It took us a longtime to do it, but eventually God
12:46 helped us to get that boat built. Now meanwhile,
12:49 while we are building the ark Grandpa Noah is busy
12:52 telling everybody about the rain that it was gonna
12:55 come, but everybody thought that Grandpa
12:57 Noah was crazy because nobody had ever seen
13:01 water falling down from the sky before, so nobody
13:06 listens to Grandpa Noah's warnings or his invitation
13:09 to join us on the boat. Well eventually we got
13:12 the boat done and it was big 450 feet long, 75 feet
13:18 wide, 45 feet tall with three levels with lots of
13:22 cages for all the animals that were gonna come and
13:25 a few apartments for us to live in. Wow that's cute.
13:28 Oh that is big. Well, when we got done God
13:32 had lined up the animals two by two to go right
13:35 onto the Ark and there were seven pair of clean
13:40 animals and one pair of every unclean animal and
13:45 they just march right onto the boat and we were just
13:50 there to let them into the cages as they came.
13:53 That's right it was like an angel that was leading
13:54 them right into that boat. It was a miracle seeing
13:57 all of these animals get into the ark.
13:59 It was absolutely fantastic and miraculous and so
14:03 we loaded our family onto the boat and then the
14:07 angel came and shut the door, but there wasn't
14:11 a drop of water inside. We waited for a whole week
14:15 before anything happened and then on the seventh
14:19 day we heard some peddler paddlers against
14:21 the side of the Ark and pretty soon the peddler
14:23 paddlers turned into some drumming and pounding
14:25 as the sky opened and buckets of rain dumped
14:28 out of the sky. The ground broke apart,
14:30 the underground river is gushed up and the water
14:32 begin to rise as the water rose, the boat went up
14:35 with it and pretty soon it was rocking back and
14:38 forth and our stomachs got queasy and you
14:41 should have heard the animals mow,
14:45 the elephants, it was incredible and then we
14:51 had to get used to it really fast because we had a lot
14:56 of work to do on the Ark. We had to feed the
14:59 animals, we had to clean the cages and we have to
15:02 lay out fresh stray for them. So meanwhile
15:06 when all of this was going on, we had lots to do.
15:11 We got used to it after all, we got used to this
15:13 queasy stomachs and we got use the stink that
15:16 was on that Ark. Do you remember how long it
15:20 rained, 40 days, 40 nights, that's right
15:24 about six weeks it rained, but at the end of the six
15:28 weeks we couldn't just walk outside of that Ark.
15:30 We had a pretty deep swim if we did from the
15:33 bottom of the lowest valley to the tippe top of
15:36 the highest mountain. The whole earth was
15:38 covered with water. It had to go somewhere either
15:41 had to evaporate or soaked back into the
15:43 ground again, but eventually we landed and
15:46 we landed on the mountains of Ararat.
15:49 It took us about five months before it hit the
15:51 dry ground. And so once we hit the dry ground,
15:56 Grandpa Noah started sending out a raven or a
15:58 dove to see if there was any dry land inside,
16:02 but every time the same thing happened.
16:05 What do you think happened? The rain came back.
16:08 They came back. The birds went out on a wide
16:11 sweeping circle and came right back to the Ark.
16:14 You know one day Grandpa Noah let a dove
16:16 out of the Ark and this time when it came back.
16:19 It had an olive leaf in its mouth. We knew that the
16:23 rain had ended that the water was gone away and
16:26 then soon we would be able to go out of the Ark.
16:30 Well then a week later Grandpa Noah sends out
16:34 that same dove and it didn't come back.
16:39 We went up to the top of the Ark with Grandpa
16:41 Noah. We took off the cover and there was dry
16:43 ground for miles around. God said it was time to
16:46 get out of the Ark. The door opened up and all
16:49 of the animals marched out, we went along with
16:51 them and the first thing we did was to raise an
16:54 altar hence worship God because he had brought
16:57 us safely through that storm. Well God accepted
17:00 our offering of thanksgiving and do you know what he
17:03 did. He gave us a rainbow. He gave a the rainbow in
17:07 the sky as a promise that he would never more
17:11 flood the world and so the next time that it rains and
17:16 rains and rains some more and you have to spend a
17:19 miserably longtime inside. Remember you
17:22 look for a rainbow because it's a promise of
17:25 God to you that he will never more flood the
17:29 world or you with anything, but his
17:33 wonderful love. Wow, that was a great
17:36 story thank you. You are welcome.
17:57 Unto thee O Lord, Unto thee O Lord
18:01 Do I lift up my soul, do I lift up my soul
18:06 Unto thee O Lord, Unto thee O Lord
18:10 Do I lift up my soul, do I lift up my soul
18:15 Oh my God, Oh my God,
18:19 I trust in thee. I trust in thee
18:23 Let me not be ashamed, let not
18:26 my enemies triumph over me.
18:32 Show me Thy ways. Show me Thy ways,
18:37 Thy ways, O Lord. Thy ways, O Lord
18:41 Show me Thy ways. Show me Thy ways,
18:46 Thy ways, O Lord. Thy ways, O Lord
18:50 O my God. O my God,
18:54 I trust in Thee, I trust in Thee
18:59 Let me not be ashamed, let not my
19:02 enemies triumph over me.
19:19 Reading is so much fun isn't it and reading the
19:22 right things is very important, so that's why
19:25 its time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day
19:28 and my choice today is Spotted Boy and the
19:31 Comanches by Mabel Cason and let me just
19:34 read just a little bit about this exciting book.
19:37 Brown County, Texas was a good place to
19:39 live in spite of the danger, but no one dwelt too
19:42 much on that except during the summer that
19:45 the Comanches were active. Thad Conway
19:48 loved his life in Texas until one day he was
19:51 snatched away by the Comanches and his much
19:54 loved pony was given to another boy, a Comanche
19:58 boy. Thad was carried off a prisoner and from that
20:01 day on, his life was changed dramatically.
20:05 Here is the story of his life with the Comanches.
20:08 Did Thad influence the tribe to learn about the
20:11 true God? Did he ever return to his own people?
20:15 You'll have to find out the answer is to all those
20:17 questions right after you read Spotted Boy and the
20:21 Comanches. You aren't gonna want to miss this
20:22 book. It is an exciting book, you won't even
20:25 want to put it down till you done reading it.
20:27 Well, I'm excited boys and girls about a guest
20:30 I have with me today and his name is Caleb Palmer.
20:33 Hi Caleb, you know Caleb I'm so glad you
20:36 joined me here today. I'm so excited be here.
20:40 Hi, I made you a present. You did, what is this?
20:44 It's a homemade bookmarker. Well it is a beautiful
20:47 homemade bookmark too, I see you have written
20:49 my name Brenda right on here and you have
20:51 got some ice cream cones and a little car and heart
20:53 and star. Thank you so much, will you do me a
20:55 favor though, before you leave today will you
20:58 sign your name on the back of it for me and
21:00 Miss Brenda will put this in Bible and then every
21:02 time I see it off think of you. Okay, okay, well
21:05 thank you. Well you have come a long way,
21:08 where are you from Caleb? Ohio, Ohio and
21:11 how old are you? Eight, you are eight years old.
21:16 What grade are you going into school?
21:20 I'm homeschoolers. Homeschoolers. You get
21:22 ready to go on the second grade. Oh that's wonder,
21:25 do you like home school. Yeah. Oh, you learn lots
21:28 of things don't you? Yeah, I think you have
21:30 some wonderful field trips too. Don't you?
21:32 Yeah. Let me ask you this, what you do to share
21:35 Jesus. I see you brought something with you over
21:37 here. What is this and tell me about it?
21:41 Sometimes I make these flowers as
21:48 you could see here. That's look beautiful I see
21:50 you got all kinds of dried flowers there.
21:52 Yes, it's a dry flower picture. Now how do you
21:57 make that, do you dry those flowers yourself?
22:00 Oh well in the fall, we pick flowers and leaves
22:04 and we put them in phonebooks and when
22:06 they are dry mom and I put, glue them into
22:11 black construction paper as you see here and
22:14 I give them to people who are older and sicker.
22:17 Need to have a nice picture to look at all the
22:19 time don't they? Yeah they do. And then what
22:22 did people say when you give them the pictures.
22:26 They usually say thank you. You tell them that
22:30 Jesus loves them. You do and are they really happy.
22:35 Do you know I can tell you a little secret boys
22:37 and girls one thing that Caleb does it he dries
22:41 them in a phonebook. Well I know the yellow
22:43 pages of the phonebook actually has a chemical in
22:46 the pages of the phone, out of the yellow pages,
22:49 so that when you take your flowers and you put
22:51 them in that phonebook and you close the book on
22:53 them and you leave it to dry it actually that
22:55 chemical that helps dry them faster and keep their
22:57 color fresher, so that's why so many people dry
22:59 them in phonebooks and maybe not know why but
23:01 that's really what happens, so I think that's
23:05 a beautiful way to witness and make something
23:08 beautiful that you can share and give someone
23:11 you know when you made something like that
23:13 yourself you are giving from the heart is
23:14 just like this beautiful bookmark you made for
23:16 Miss Brenda to know that you made that yourself
23:19 for me, it means so much to me that every time
23:21 I see it, it will warm my heart, every time
23:24 everyone sees the person that you gave that to
23:27 and it will warm their heart too won't it.
23:29 So that's a wonderful way to share Jesus.
23:31 Would you like stay around and help me read
23:33 some letters. Yeah. I love letters don't you boys
23:36 and girls. So I have a letter here and it is from
23:40 Alisa Frazer from Bakersfield, California
23:43 and let's see what she has to say. I have a picture
23:47 from Alisa, can you hold this up for me please?
23:50 Okay and it says Dear Miss. Brenda I love Kids
23:53 Time very much and I watch it every time I can.
23:56 My name is Alisa Amber and I live in Bakersfield.
23:59 I'm 17 months old, so my grandma Frazer is writing
24:02 this little letter for me. My aunt reads me Bible
24:05 stories everyday and I'm trying to learn the songs
24:08 from Kids Time. Would you please send me
24:10 one of your activity books? I'm sending you
24:12 a picture of me. I hope you like, I hope that you
24:15 like me because I like you Miss Brenda. Love Alisa
24:18 Amber. Well thank you so much Alisa and what a
24:21 beautiful little girl you are and I'm so glad that you
24:25 are learning all those songs about Jesus.
24:28 You know when we sing songs about Jesus that
24:29 makes Jesus happy doesn't it. I have another
24:32 letter here, this one is from Allegra Moore and
24:36 she is from Elko, Minnesota and you know
24:39 what I have another picture, can you hold this
24:42 one up for me? Sure. Caleb oh you are such a
24:44 big help Caleb. Let's see what this letter says.
24:48 It says Dear Miss. Brenda, I love Kids Time,
24:51 I watch it everyday my name is Allegra and
24:54 I play the violin. I love to be on Praise Time and
24:57 Sharing Time, please call me by my phone and she
25:00 gave me the phone number. It says I also like to have
25:02 a second set of lessons, I'm nine, I just recently
25:06 turned nine on June 25. I love Kids Time and I sure
25:10 wanna be on it some day your friend Allegra
25:12 Moore and it said PS last time I wrote to you,
25:16 I said you will list a prayer request for my
25:18 aunt, uncle and other aunty and my grandma.
25:21 Well, I just want to let you know that my
25:23 grandma was, her toe was healed and my uncle has
25:27 adopted the baby he wanted to and also it's
25:31 been really great to see that my prayers answered,
25:34 but my aunt still needs prayer so please keep
25:36 praying for her love Allegra. Well, yes, you
25:38 will Allegra. I will keep praying for your aunty
25:41 and you know Jesus does answer our prayers
25:43 doesn't he, it's so wonderful to pray to
25:46 know we have a friend like Jesus and anytime we
25:48 wanna pray Jesus well listen to us anytime of the day.
25:52 This letter is from Fredericka in the
25:54 Bahamas and there is $5 in here. It says Dear
25:57 Miss. Brenda, my name is Fredericka and I live
25:59 in Bahamas and the settlement is bluff and
26:04 I'm four years old. My mommy is writing this
26:07 letter for me, but I do love to watch Kids Time
26:09 and I love Jesus very much can you send me
26:11 an activity book here is a small donation for your
26:14 program. I love you Miss. Brenda, love Fredericka.
26:18 Well thank you Fredericka for your
26:19 beautiful letter and Jesus loves you too.
26:22 Well that's all the time we have today boys and girls.
26:25 I wanna thank Caleb for being with me here
26:26 today. Thank you Caleb. Welcome.
26:28 Boys and girls wherever you are
26:30 remember its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17