Kids' Time

Queen Vashti

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh, Noah Whalen, Shelley Quinn, Nathan Estipona


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000120

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus, it's time to share
00:12 there is a world out there. Let's tell them that
00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls. I have a challenge for you today.
00:27 I would like you to open up your Bible and then
00:30 find Romans 8:28. Now, I'll wait for just a minute
00:34 while you run and find your Bibles and look for that
00:36 verse okay. I've got my own Bible right here.
00:39 This Bible is very special to me and do you know why?
00:42 My mom and dad gave this to me on the day
00:44 I was baptized and I was just 10 years old and you
00:47 can see I have read this Bible many, many times.
00:50 It's looking pretty old and torn even the cover here
00:53 is starting to come up hard. Oh, it's my precious Bible
00:57 and I would like to take really good care of it.
00:59 And I read it often, and boys and girls I want you
01:02 to read it often. Your Bible would soon look like mine,
01:07 but I don't have to read Romans 8:28, because
01:09 you know why, I memorized it long time ago. And her is
01:14 my challenge for you today; I want you to memorize
01:16 Romans 8:28 before the day is over. Can you do that?
01:20 I think you can, have you got your Bible? Well,
01:23 let me just tell you what that verse says,
01:26 and we know that all things worked together for good
01:29 to them that love God, to them who are called
01:33 according to His purpose, isn't that an incredible
01:36 verse, I mean think about it. All things working
01:39 together for good to them that love God, how can that
01:43 be, but the Bible says it. So it must be true,
01:46 and the Bible is full of stories that prove it
01:49 to be true. And we're going to hear one of those
01:51 stories a little later on. When today's program is
01:55 is all over, I would like you to get a paper
01:57 and a pencil and write down some of the circumstances
02:00 in your life that you would think could not possibly
02:03 work together for good. Then I want you to tuck
02:07 that list away and I want you to put into your Bible.
02:11 And do you know what, I want you to pray,
02:15 and I want you to pray that God will reveal to you
02:17 as time goes on, How he has made those things
02:20 work together for good. You know, some things that,
02:25 there are so many thing in our life that we may not
02:27 understand until we get to heaven, but God wants us
02:31 to trust him, and I know he will be faithful to show
02:34 you that the promise in Romans 8:28 really is true.
02:40 Well now it's time to visit Emily in
02:41 the garden and let's see what she has for us today.
02:52 Welcome to Garden Time boys and girls. I'm back
02:55 in my beautiful garden in Knoxville Tennessee.
02:58 And look at all my garden helpers, hey guys.
03:01 Hi, hey, are you excited to be here? Yes, alright.
03:05 Well today we're gonna to make what's called
03:07 a Propagation pot and this is what it's gonna look like
03:11 whenever we're finished. Now did you know that you
03:14 can take a plant such as this Ivy and take a cutting
03:18 and make a whole new plant? Well we're gonna show you
03:21 how to do that today. The first thing that you want to
03:24 start out with is a small plastic black pot and you
03:27 want to make sure that it has drain holes
03:29 in the bottom, you guys all see that see all the holes
03:33 in the bottom. It's important so that the water
03:35 can drain. Yeah, and then you take a paper towel
03:39 that you can get out of here kitchen and you put
03:40 a little bit water on it and you put it on the bottom
03:43 of the pots. We did that because the vermiculate,
03:48 the material that we're gonna to put inside the pot
03:50 is really, really small and if you don't cover up
03:52 that's big holes, it's gonna to scattered everywhere,
03:55 whenever you put it in the container. The next thing
03:57 that we're gonna to use is called vermiculate.
04:00 Now if you look at this stuff can you guys see?
04:03 No, oh look at this stuff isn't shiny, it's, you can
04:06 touch it yeah. It's really shiny and light and it's
04:10 actually a type of material that holds water.
04:12 If you pour water on it it's kind of like a sponge
04:15 and it soaks up all of the water. Yep that's what
04:17 in that one. So we're just gonna to fill up like this
04:20 sparkly part. Yeah we just gonna to fill up this pot
04:23 here with the vermiculate and you can get this at
04:25 your gardens store. We're just gonna to fill up the
04:29 vermiculate on the top. Now, okay to the top and then
04:35 what you need to do boys and girls if you look at this
04:37 one what's inside of this one Abby? A pot, a pot,
04:41 okay so you just need to go and you need buy a
04:43 small terracotta pot. And all you do as you see this
04:47 hole in it. What we need to clog it up somehow
04:49 so I'm gonna to take this small piece of cork
04:52 and I'm just gonna to insert it into the bottom
04:55 of the pot. You want to plug out that hole
04:59 could you're gonna put water in this pot and you
05:00 want the water to stay in there for a long time.
05:03 Now this is a fun part are you guys ready?
05:05 I have fun with this. I just put the pot right
05:08 in the middle of the vermiculate and I swish it
05:10 down in there, oh swish, swish, swish, swish, swish,
05:13 swish, swish, swish okay. Now the next step is
05:17 that you wanna water in the vermiculate because
05:18 remember I said it's kind of like sponge and it soaks
05:21 up all the water. So we're just gonna to water the
05:24 vermiculate and it's gonna to kind of go right through
05:28 and then next thing we want to do is we want to
05:30 take cuttings. So you need to grab your scissors
05:33 and you can use any sort of plant to take cuttings
05:36 because what a cutting is, is whenever you stick it in
05:39 this vermiculate it's actually gonna to root
05:40 and then you're gonna to have a bunch of new plants
05:42 to plant in your garden. So for example, whenever you
05:46 take a cutting you want to make it cut right on top
05:49 of the next set of leaves. So you're gonna have a
05:53 piece like this. Oh I chopped that didn't I.
05:56 Now it's important that you take these leaves off,
05:59 because the part that the leaf is connected to
06:02 the stem, it's called the leaf internode and it's
06:06 important for that part to be in the vermiculate
06:08 because that's where the roots are gonna to grow
06:10 out of and then you're gonna to have a whole new
06:12 plant. So we just wanna remove the bottom roots,
06:15 or the bottom leaves and we just are gonna poke a
06:18 hole in the vermiculate and insert this piece of
06:22 coalesce. Does that look easy boys and girls, yeah,
06:25 yeah. Do you want to try one, okay? Yeah, I'll let you
06:29 cut one piece, we'll that Abby try and then also you
06:33 guys some other plants that you can do at home.
06:36 Right here, okay good job Abby. Now, what do we need
06:43 to do guys? We need to tear the bottom leaves off.
06:47 So all we're gonna do is we're just gonna to poke
06:49 the hole and put the leaves in , okay. So now we have
06:53 our plant in our pot and the last thing,
06:56 I poke that hole. Well, we'll have to make one at home
06:58 right and then you can poke all the holes for your
07:01 plants. Now the next thing that we're gonna
07:03 to do is we're gonna to fill up that middle pot with
07:05 water, so I'm just gonna fill up and remember we put
07:07 the cork in there so the water stays and now boys
07:11 and girls you have your own propagation pot
07:13 and how it works is that the water because of the clay
07:17 is a porous material the water soaks through the
07:19 clay pot and keeps the vermiculate wet, which will
07:22 allow your plants to root. Thanks for all your help
07:25 boys and girls. This looks like some of you might want
07:27 to do at home yeah, yeah, alright. Well I encourage
07:32 everyone, to take the time to soy a seed of God's love.
07:36 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling,
07:46 and to present you faultless before the presence of
07:49 His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God
07:52 our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
07:55 both now and ever. Amen. Jude verses 24 and 25.
08:07 He's able, He's able I know He's able I know my Lord
08:15 is able to carry me through. He's able, He's able I know
08:24 He's able I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
08:32 He healed the broken hearted and set the captive free
08:39 He made the lame to walk again And caused the
08:43 blind to see. That's why, He's able, He's able I know
08:50 He's able I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
09:07 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
09:09 and I love breakfast. Just like a car needs fuel and gas
09:14 breakfast is our fuel for the day. It gives us energy
09:16 and to keep us going. And today I have a wonderful
09:19 recipe for you to try. Today we're making Tofu French
09:23 toast. Let me go ahead and read the recipe fro you.
09:26 ½ lb. of soft tofu. 1/4 cup of soy milk
09:32 1 tsp. Vanilla 1/4 tsp. almond extract (optional)
09:38 1 ½ tsp. cinnamon 1/4 cup water
09:43 10 pieces of whole wheat toast.
09:46 Now as we start. We're just gonna to take this recipe
09:48 is really very simple. All we have is we have a blender
09:52 and you're gonna take all your ingredients you have
09:54 and just put them all in the blender, it doesn't matter,
09:56 which order you put them in, just whatever you want to
10:00 put in first. Let's start with our Tofu and I chose
10:03 to use Mori-Nu Tofu, and this is soft, but you can
10:08 use any kind of silken tofu that you want. And then
10:12 we're gonna to put in our soy milk, and our water
10:23 and cinnamon. Cinnamon just adds a little bit of
10:25 flavor to your French toast and the Almond extract
10:28 and if you don't like Almond extract you don't have
10:30 it you don't have to put that in, and then our
10:34 vanilla. The top on, I want to just blend it up
10:42 for a few seconds. Now it doesn't take long
10:54 just until it's pretty mixed up, just a little bit
10:58 and you just take out and then you have to,
11:00 you're gonna to have a bowl here, so you can pour
11:02 it out into. And usually I can have the whole wheat
11:12 toast here. I like to use whole wheat it's my
11:15 favorite plus, it's a lot better for you than
11:18 white toast. It's got more nutrients and it's just
11:21 I mean it lot more healthy. We're just gonna put this
11:23 into the tofu mixture, just kind of dip it in,
11:28 and then carefully pick it up and flip it over in it.
11:32 Now I already have a pan, a medium sauce pan over
11:35 here heating, and we're just gonna to take our
11:38 make sure you spray with non-stick cooking spray,
11:42 because even if you would have a non-stick pan,
11:44 this tofu still likes to stick to your pan.
11:58 And you just gonna to want to fry it in the pan
12:00 just until the sides are a little bit brown on
12:02 both sides, you're gonna have to flip it when
12:05 the first side gets done. Now I have my friend's
12:08 product here to show you. I have some french toast,
12:12 some tofu french toasted that I've already made.
12:18 Now you can use really any toppings in these
12:22 that you want. I chose to use strawberries, because
12:23 I love strawberries, but you can use any other kind of
12:27 fruit and fruit is so healthy for you. It's the best
12:29 thing you can put on these. Of course if you like
12:31 and not dairy with topping or fresh blue berries
12:36 or any kind of topping that you like to eat on these
12:39 or you can even just eat them with a little bit of
12:41 soy margarine or something like that. And, just like
12:45 that it's perfect to eat. Well remember until
12:49 next time to keep cooking and eat healthy.
12:52 What do you think about that verse? This is powerful one.
13:05 Yes. This is clear. After a long time here you are.
13:09 Vashti, Queen Vashti, this is Queen Vashti.
13:21 Vashti, Vashti, Vashti, Vashti. Oh yes this is
13:26 really Vashti. Tell me what happened that night
13:30 that you lost crown your queen. Do you really want
13:33 to hear the story? Yes. Please. Well as you know
13:38 it was the great feast and my husband the king
13:42 had all of his princes and all of his council men
13:46 were in the royal palace and they were having a
13:49 great feast. And they became quiet drunk
13:54 and meanwhile I was entertaining all of the
13:57 princesses of the kingdom in my royal chambers,
14:02 and my husband sent seven of his eunuchs to
14:06 me, to command that I would come and to be
14:10 brought forth before all of his drunken men and
14:14 paraded around. I really didn't know what to
14:17 do and I thought about it and I asked the other
14:20 princesses some said you must go, he is the king
14:24 but then others wisely said you cannot go and
14:28 be paraded around like cattle, before all
14:31 of these drunken men. That wouldn't be right.
14:33 So I told the eunuchs, I'm sorry but you must tell
14:36 the king I cannot. We'll discuss this tomorrow,
14:40 but I cannot come and do this thing.
14:44 Well, I learn the next day that I had been banished
14:47 from the king's presence, yes. In fact, I've never
14:51 seen the king since that day.
14:53 But you did the right thing.
14:55 Well you know I really wasn't sure at that point
14:59 I knew the king loved me and I thought surely he
15:02 would understand that I was standing up for
15:04 principle, but his pride I believe was in the way
15:09 and I wasn't sure if I had done what was right,
15:13 but I must tell you this, my chamber maid came
15:17 to me and she has told me the story of beautiful
15:20 queen Esther, the one that God of Israel raised up to
15:24 take my place and when I learned that this brave
15:27 and wise woman had saved God's people from
15:32 the wicked Haman and his plan to kill them.
15:35 Yes, that is. I realized that surely I had
15:38 done the right thing and that the God of Israel
15:43 had included me in his plans for his people.
15:48 I must tell you since then I'm learning to love this
15:52 God very much. I'm thank you for your
15:56 kindness to me. Let us, Let us praise God.
16:00 Yes. For his leading. Oh God we thank you,
16:05 yes God, for your wonderful blessings to us,
16:09 yes, that you gave us queen Vashti and then
16:13 you replaced her with queen Esther, yes,
16:15 for your purposes and we want to praise you give
16:18 you all the Glory as queen Vashti does
16:21 this day. Yeah, praise you Lord,
16:23 praise you, amen, Amen.
16:26 Now may I leave you with this one word of
16:29 advice, all of you remember always,
16:32 you must stand up for what is right no matter
16:36 what, because God will work it out in the end.
16:41 Bye queen, bye, bye, bye, bye.
17:04 God made our hands to give and receive His
17:11 blessings He made each voice for
17:18 singing a happy song God made our feet to
17:27 walk on the path of rainbows
17:32 He made a smile for smiling the whole day long.
17:41 God gave us eyes then filled all
17:46 the world with beauty Sunshine and trees
17:53 and stars above Wonder of all He gave
18:04 us a gift so special God made us a heart
18:11 to share His love God made our hands to
18:21 give and receive His blessings
18:27 He made each voice for singing a happy song
18:36 God made our feet to walk on the path of rainbows
18:45 He made a smile for smiling the whole day long.
18:53 God gave us eyes then filled all the world
19:00 with beauty Sunshine and trees and stars above
19:11 Wonder of all He gave us a gift so special
19:21 God made us a heart to share
19:24 His love, to share His love.
19:45 Hi boys and girls. Right now it is Miss Brenda's
19:49 Book of the day and today's book is an
19:52 exciting book about Detective Zack and the
19:55 Secret of Noah's Flood, and I want to read just a
19:59 little bit for you, not much but just little bit.
20:02 It says, Zack couldn't believe his ears.
20:04 His best friend Bobby was actually trying to tell
20:06 him that Noah's flood never really happened
20:09 and that the stories in the Bible were just fairy
20:12 tales! Could Bobby be right? When Zack's dad
20:16 plans a trip to Utah for a special class about the
20:19 Flood, "Detective Zack" is born.
20:22 With trusty notebook and explorer's hat, Zack
20:25 begins a wonder-filled journey with his family
20:28 in their minivan to enormous caves where
20:30 trickles of water form long, pointy rocks;
20:34 and riverbeds where dinosaurs
20:35 left huge footprints; and to mountaintops
20:38 where seashells are stuck in the rocks!
20:41 Detective Zack and the Secret of Noah's Flood is
20:44 an action packed and you know it is I know you're
20:47 gonna love this book boys and girls so make sure
20:50 that you write down the website and the phone
20:52 numbers so that you know how to get this
20:54 book okay. Well, something else that
20:56 I love to hear and that is from our friend Noah
20:59 who is with us today. Hi Noah, I'm so glad you
21:02 are here. Can you tell me, now I love to you now
21:05 I wanted you to share it with the boys and girls
21:06 about your friend Ben, can you tell me about Ben?
21:09 Yeah, he is not Christian, his mom and dad got
21:16 divorced and, I take him to church sometimes.
21:23 You do, what did he say the first time you asked
21:25 him to, if he would like to go to church with you?
21:29 He says sure, but one time when I was at
21:32 church, he like the Sabbath school,
21:38 but he doesn't like sanctuary.
21:40 No. But loved the Sabbath school it was really fun.
21:45 You did. Yeah. So he is started to getting
21:47 used to the sanctuary now too.
21:49 Yeah, but he only one church one time.
21:53 So that's the only time when just one.
21:56 Okay, but do you want to gonna keep asking him
21:58 and encouraging him? Yeah.
22:01 Have you ever saved your primary treasures or your
22:06 Sabbath papers that you could give him to read,
22:08 your Bible stories? He gets them, he got one
22:13 time but he doesn't come to church.
22:15 Okay well maybe one thing you do is start
22:17 saving those and giving them to him, don't you
22:18 think. That would be good. But would you
22:21 like to hear some letters from the boys and girls?
22:23 Yeah. Alright, let's read some letters. I have one
22:26 here from England I'd like to read from you,
22:29 and this one is from if you like can't wait to see
22:31 where it's from I love your letters I get so
22:33 excited when they come boys and girls.
22:35 This one says dear Miss Brenda, my name is
22:38 Jonathan, I'm 9 years old, and I was baptized on
22:41 November 8 with two of my friends. I'm so glad
22:45 you were baptized Jonathan. I sing with my
22:48 mom in church and I share Jesus by telling
22:50 my friends at school about Jesus.
22:52 When they tell lies and do things wrong I tell them
22:55 that Jesus wouldn't like that at all.
22:57 I would like to join kids club and also my two
22:59 foster sisters and, we especially
23:04 love music time and cooking time.
23:05 Thank you sincerely Jonathan McCool.
23:08 Well Jonathan, thank you so much for your letter
23:10 and I love, love hearing from you.
23:14 Let's see there is one here from Sarah
23:16 and she is from Farmer City, Illinois. Let's see
23:19 what Sarah has to say, and oh Sarah you sent
23:22 me a picture. I love that can you hold that one
23:25 up for me please. And, let's see what Sarah
23:30 has to say here, it says dear Miss Brenda,
23:33 thank you for the fun things on Kids Time,
23:36 love Sarah. Well thank you that
23:38 and she sent me a thank you card.
23:40 Well that was sweet. Alright and Sarah what
23:43 a beautiful little girl you are and I like your
23:45 Teddy Bear. And let's see what else we have here,
23:49 we have one from Bianca and Katrina and they are
23:56 from Oshawa, Ontario. So let's see what they have
23:59 to say, and another picture, can you hold,
24:02 oh there is two pictures in here, can you hold those
24:05 up for one in each hand from side by side and
24:08 I think we can maybe get them both in.
24:09 it says Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Katrina
24:12 and I'm 8 years old and my sister's name is Bianca
24:15 and she is 9 ½ years old. We share Jesus
24:18 when our friend Miriam came to our house.
24:20 She didn't really know Jesus, so we had a
24:22 Bible study with her about Queen Esther,
24:25 after that we that we did after that we did
24:29 the Bible story, we had these Bible cards with
24:31 stories from the Bible and on the back of the
24:33 cards were questions of the story.
24:35 So we found the card with Queen Esther
24:37 and asked her all the questions, and she knew
24:40 all the answers now. Now we are collecting
24:42 primary treasures for her, your friends
24:45 Katrina and Bianca. PS, my sister and I would
24:48 like to join Kids Club, thank you.
24:50 Well that is a wonderful way to witness
24:52 and I'm so proud of you and we would I will
24:55 definitely get the Activity Book out to you.
24:57 And thank you for sending your pictures
24:59 both beautiful girls you are. And let's see,
25:02 oh we've got one here from Saint.
25:04 Lucia, West Indies, let's see what.
25:07 One fell. That's okay, I'll get that in just a minute.
25:10 Let's see, dear Miss Brenda, I'm Tisha from Mon Repos,
25:17 and I can't hardly pronounce that so
25:19 I hope it didn't right. I'm 11 years old and I attend
25:22 the Mon Repos SDA primary school.
25:25 I've been watching your programs and I would
25:27 like to take part in some day. Everything
25:30 is interesting, but two important things
25:32 I like the most is the kids singing time and I would
25:35 like to have an activity book, and I want the Bible
25:38 studies too please. So I can learn more about Jesus,
25:41 love Tisha. And Tisha I would love to send you
25:44 the Bible stories and we do, I want all of you boys
25:47 and girls you should all write to me and sign up
25:49 for kids club, because the Bible studies are so
25:52 important, have a quick email. Dear Miss Brenda,
25:55 my name is Brent and I share Jesus by helping
25:57 my mom, may I please join Kids Club. I love watching
26:01 Kids Time I tried to watch it every chance I get.
26:03 My favorite top part is buddy when the kids
26:06 when they sing and I also like Ranger Jim and you,
26:08 your friend, Brent. Well, thank you Brent,
26:11 he is from Salinas, California and
26:13 I really enjoyed your email. Well that's all the
26:15 time we have today boys and girls.
26:17 I want to thank you Noah for being with me today,
26:19 I enjoy having you here keep sharing Jesus.
26:22 Boys and girls I want you to keep sharing
26:24 Jesus because remember
26:25 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17