Kids' Time

Road To Damascus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), Cadet Sisters, Adriana Whalen, Grant Graves


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000118

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 It's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:26 Hi, boys and girls.
00:27 I've got my purse with me today
00:29 because I'm all ready to go shopping
00:31 when I am done here today.
00:33 I need to pickup the few things at the grocery store
00:35 and I like shopping, I'm sure that your mom
00:38 likes to go shopping too, doesn't she?
00:40 Sometimes it's relaxing to kind of wander
00:42 down the isles and look at all the things
00:45 in the store, especially I love the grocery store
00:47 where you can see all the amounts of vegetables
00:49 and fruits and look so nice and there is also
00:53 the planning of the meals for the upcoming week
00:55 and you know what I love the most.
00:58 When I'm shopping and I've got my shopping cart
01:00 going down the isle, I like to pray that's right.
01:03 I love to pray to Jesus and talk to Him
01:05 and I pray for my family members, my mom, my dad,
01:09 my brothers, my sisters and friends.
01:11 Maybe friends are going through a hard time
01:13 or I think need a little extra pray that day.
01:15 You know, you can talk to Jesus too, anywhere.
01:18 You don't have to be by your bed at night
01:21 to pray on your knees
01:22 although that's a good place to be.
01:24 God wants us to talk to Him wherever we are all day long
01:29 Do you know what happens sometimes
01:30 when I go shopping in my hometown?
01:32 I just love it when I bump into friends at the store
01:35 and we get to stop and talk for a while
01:37 and sometimes they tell me their troubles
01:40 that they have experienced during the week
01:41 and then that gives me an opportunity
01:43 to encourage them and pray for them.
01:46 Sometimes they have wonderful news
01:48 to share with me.
01:49 And we can rejoice and praise Jesus together.
01:52 Maybe their daughters getting married
01:53 or the fathers have been, you know,
01:54 healed of a terrible sickness
01:57 then I get to just praise Jesus and go away feeling
02:00 so happy and encouraged.
02:02 In our Bible story today, we get to visit an ancient
02:06 market place way back in Bible times,
02:09 and guess who we bump into there? Any guesses?
02:12 No it's not Zacchaeus
02:15 and it's not one of Jesus disciples either.
02:17 Today we get to meet Paul himself
02:20 right there in the market place.
02:23 Paul was one of the greatest missionaries
02:25 for Jesus who ever lived,
02:27 but he wasn't always a missionary.
02:30 Today at the market place we get to hear Paul
02:32 tells us of a story of an exciting event
02:35 that change his life forever but first let's see
02:39 what Emily has to show was today
02:41 in the garden.
02:49 Hey! Boys and girls welcome the Garden Time.
02:52 Today I'm in the beautiful university
02:55 of Tennessee Garden here in Knoxville, Tennessee.
02:58 And with me I have three very special garden helpers
03:02 I have Emily, Katelyn and Tim.
03:05 Now can you guys guess
03:06 what we are gonna talk about today?
03:07 Plants! Plants, is right, at garden time
03:11 we always talk about plants, right? Yes.
03:13 Well, today we're gonna talk about plants
03:15 in a container, and you know what,
03:18 boys and girls this is something that everyone
03:20 can do even if you don't have yard to garden in.
03:23 Everyone can plant a container,
03:25 one of the containers that I did earlier was a shoe.
03:29 Now isn't it a silly looking?
03:31 Wouldn't you guys wear that on the street?
03:34 Well, I would.
03:35 I love how bright and colorful it is,
03:37 but it was one of my old work boots.
03:39 So I decided to plant hens and chick in it.
03:42 And then here is another container
03:44 and this is called a tiny yard
03:46 and I put grass in the middle
03:48 and I put a little water garden down here
03:51 and I even hid a rooster because here at the gardens
03:53 in Knoxville, we have garden rooster
03:56 named Rodney, the rooster.
03:58 So today we're just gonna kind of show you guys,
04:00 how to put together container garden at home.
04:03 Now all you need to start with is a pot.
04:05 Now you can do any pot as long as you make sure
04:08 it has a drainage hole in the bottom.
04:11 Do you guys all see that hole?
04:13 It's really important to have a drainage hole
04:15 so that the water can drain out and make sure
04:17 that the plant doesn't get too much water.
04:20 So you start out with your pot,
04:22 you can also use milk jugs, cans, old shoes anything
04:26 as long as it has a hole.
04:27 And you just need to cover up the hole
04:29 a little bit with a old peace of pot that's broken
04:31 or maybe a big rock.
04:33 And then you just fill it with potting mix.
04:38 And after you fill the pot I have one already filled
04:41 that we're gonna pot up into something special.
04:46 So as you can see here and it's really big pot,
04:48 this is gonna go and my deck,
04:50 and I'm calling it a plant petting zoo.
04:52 Have you guys gone to a petting zoo before?
04:55 Yes. And what do you do
04:56 when you go to a petting zoo?
04:57 Pet animals. You pet animals.
04:59 Well, you know what this is gonna be?
05:01 A plant petting zoo!
05:03 So you are gonna pet all the different kinds of plants
05:05 in it, isn't that sounds like fun? Okay.
05:09 Well, the first plant I have in here is called pigsqueak
05:12 and we went over this before but what it does,
05:15 it is actually squeaks.
05:16 Emily can you rub again the leaves?
05:19 And you probably can't hear that at home,
05:21 boys and girls, but it actually
05:22 makes a squeaky noise whenever you rub it
05:24 with your fingers.
05:25 Now the next plant, and whenever you are doing
05:28 a container you want to choose the plants
05:30 that you like to see grow,
05:32 if it's a pretty color, a pretty flower.
05:34 For this plant I, all you do is dig a hole
05:38 for the next one with your hand trowel.
05:44 And I'm gonna plant a Snapdragon.
05:46 Now do you guys look know
05:47 what's really need about the snapdragon?
05:50 If it actually talks to you, hello Emily,
05:53 it's a really fun plant to play around with.
05:55 and then It blooms all summer long
05:57 and look at the nice bright red color.
05:59 So all you do is you take this and you kind of,
06:01 you wanna rip the roots apart a little bit,
06:03 so it encourages a lot of new growth.
06:05 You guys see what I'm doing.
06:07 Can you rip a little bit of that Katelyn?
06:09 Just rip oh, very good, and then you just make a hole
06:13 and put it in your container
06:15 and spread the soil around to the sides,
06:17 and you just want to press down a little bit.
06:21 Now the next plant I'm gonna put in is called,
06:24 Woolly thyme. And I bet by the name
06:26 you already know that it's gonna be so soft, right?
06:29 Can you feel that Emily, the soft?
06:31 Yes. Katelyn, Tim, can you feel it?
06:33 Oh isn't it soft? Oh, it feels like a blanket.
06:36 Woolly Thyme is really nice too
06:38 because it smells really good.
06:40 Oh, it smells so good.
06:41 Can you smell it?
06:42 Well we're gonna just gonna pop this guy out,
06:45 I'm gonna move the roots around a little bit
06:47 and I'm gonna dig a hole, and pop it right
06:51 in the front because it's gonna
06:53 kind of trail over the sides.
06:56 Now after you get all your plants in the container,
06:58 the most important thing to do is to water it.
07:00 And I'm gonna ask Emily,
07:01 one of my garden helpers to water it for me.
07:04 You just, and especially with containers place them
07:06 in a sunny spot on your deck or maybe on your stairs
07:09 and check the water everyday.
07:10 Fill the soil if it's dry because plants dry out
07:13 really quickly in a container.
07:15 Well boys and girls thank you for your help today
07:17 and I hope everyone goes home
07:18 and plants the container.
07:20 And I just wanna encourage everyone
07:22 to sow a seed of God's love everyday.
07:35 Hey, boys and girls, I've got a story to tell you.
07:37 It happened a long time ago during a war
07:39 in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia.
07:42 This place had been totally destroyed by bombs.
07:44 All the churches except for one little Adventist church
07:47 had been destroyed.
07:48 This is where Christian and Caddie,
07:49 with their father and mother and some other friends
07:51 were talking, wondering when all bombings would stop.
07:54 And father urged them all
07:55 to get into the Baptismal tank for protection.
07:58 This tank wasn't very big or very deep
08:00 but they all catered in.
08:01 And then they prayed like they had never prayed before
08:04 They asked the Lord to send the angels.
08:06 Send the angels, send the angels,
08:08 they kept praying.
08:09 And Jesus kept His promise and He did send the angels.
08:11 In fact, they heard some singing in the church,
08:14 it's kind just like the hymn,
08:15 "All The Way My Savior Leads Me."
08:17 Until this stage the church is still standing
08:19 as a reminder of God protecting power.
08:46 All the way my Savior leads me,
08:50 What have I to ask beside?
08:55 Can I doubt His tender mercy
08:59 Who through life has been my Guide?
09:04 Have peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell!
09:12 For I know, what ever befall me,
09:17 Jesus doeth all things well,
09:21 For I know, what ever befall me,
09:25 Jesus doeth all things well.
09:42 All the way my Savior leads me,
09:46 What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy,
09:55 Who through life has been my Guide?
09:59 Have peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell!
10:08 For I know, what ever befall me,
10:12 Jesus doeth all things well,
10:17 For I know, what ever befall me,
10:21 Jesus doeth all things well.
10:45 If you like Carrot Cake
10:46 then I've got a wonderful recipe for you today.
10:49 Today we're making Carrot Pineapple Cupcakes.
10:52 It's just like miniature Carrot Cakes.
10:54 Well let me read the recipe for you now.
11:44 Now we're gonna start with our wet ingredients.
11:47 And we gonna put in our maple syrup.
11:51 Now I spruced up, the wet ingredients
11:53 and dry ingredients we are doing separately.
11:55 That way they both can mix up,
11:56 so when you put them together,
11:58 you don't get one little section
11:59 that's start too much salt or anything in it.
12:03 And this is the oil.
12:06 And our soy milk and add our vanilla,
12:15 now we gonna see our carrots
12:16 and our pineapple till the end.
12:20 Good mix this up just a little bit.
12:26 And we gonna put in on flour, a whole wheat pastry flour,
12:30 and also the regular flour,
12:38 and our baking powder, and baking soda,
12:41 our salt, and cinnamon.
12:52 And then not making close or I am also gonna say
12:56 the nuts too and also stir those up too.
13:02 When you mix up, oh, when you mix up those
13:06 seasonings you just gonna take your wet ingredients
13:09 and you kind make a hole like a well kind of in the center
13:12 and pour your wet ingredients into the dry.
13:20 Just stir that up.
13:22 Now, you can use all sorts
13:26 of different things in it.
13:28 The carrots and the pineapple get to have,
13:30 I guess obviously, to make it carrot cupcakes,
13:34 carrot pineapple.
13:36 You need to carrot and the pineapple.
13:37 But if you don't like nuts or you are allergic to nuts,
13:40 you don't have to use those at all.
13:42 Or you can use different kind of nuts if you like,
13:44 another different kinds of nuts
13:45 then you can use that too it really doesn't
13:47 make a difference on those.
13:49 You get that mix up.
13:51 You wanna store into with your crushed pineapple.
13:54 Pineapple just gives it a really good flavor
13:55 that's why we added.
13:57 And I mix it, all but sweeter
13:59 gives it some good flavor in there.
14:03 And it kind of makes you,
14:04 reminds you of Carrot Cake too.
14:06 It's just basically the recipe is kind of same
14:08 as Carrot Cake go in their in Cupcakes.
14:11 Mix that up too.
14:13 And these carrots have also been peeled,
14:15 make sure you peel your carrots, and shroud them up
14:20 or chop them up real good.
14:22 Once you've added those two things,
14:23 add your nuts and again you don't have to use nuts
14:25 if you don't like them.
14:27 But I love nuts and my whole family loves,
14:28 my dad loves nuts especially.
14:31 And they just give a nice little crunch
14:34 to your cupcakes when you are eating them.
14:37 I have some cupcakes tins here.
14:39 Now I use some mini cupcakes, mini cupcake tins.
14:43 And, but you can also use the big ones too.
14:46 And you just gonna spray them
14:48 with your nonstick cooking spray
14:51 and fill about 3/4 away full.
14:54 And you gonna heat your oven to 325 degrees
14:57 and they are gonna bake for about 25 minutes
15:00 or until the test, where the test is to take
15:03 a toothpick and you dip it in
15:05 and if it comes out clean then they are done.
15:08 But if it comes out a little on it,
15:09 you are gonna little bit more time in these cupcakes.
15:12 Now I already have some cupcakes already baked
15:14 for you, show those to you.
15:17 Now these cupcakes are perfect.
15:18 You don't need to make mini muffins.
15:19 You can make these big ones too,
15:21 and they are just as good. Now with the glace,
15:23 we just use a glace on the top.
15:25 We just use some, we took some powder,
15:27 for the crystals and just put them up in the blender
15:29 and blend them up to make them into a powder
15:31 then a little bit of almond extract and some water
15:34 and there is your glace, delicious and just
15:36 a little sweet to add upon cupcakes on the top.
15:40 And it makes look pretty too and that's always to it.
15:43 Well until next time keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:58 Who goes there? Oh, it's just you.
16:02 You know, you can get yourself killed sneaking up
16:04 on a Roman soldier like that you better be careful.
16:08 Yeah I know I'm a little jumpy but you would be too,
16:11 after everything that happened with Saul.
16:14 What? You haven't heard the story?
16:16 Well let me tell you.
16:20 It all started a couple of weeks ago.
16:22 I was assigned to a detachment of Roman soldiers
16:25 to go to Damascus with Saul.
16:28 You see, ever since the stoning of Stephen,
16:32 Saul had it in him to get these Christians.
16:34 He was always breaking into the houses
16:37 taking husbands, wives, even little children to jail
16:41 just because they worshipped some guy name Jesus.
16:45 I'm a Roman soldier,
16:46 and dirty business is my business.
16:49 But the hatred that Saul had for these people
16:52 just wasn't right.
16:54 Well, he heard that they were
16:56 some Christians up in Damascus.
16:58 So we asked the religious officials
17:00 if he you could go up there and throw them in jail.
17:03 Well, they hated Christians just as much as Saul did,
17:06 so of course they said okay.
17:08 That's where I come into the story.
17:10 I got assigned to go with Saul,
17:13 to go kidnap little kids and throw them in jail.
17:18 Well, we're on the road about kind of like this,
17:22 out in the middle of nowhere when all a sudden
17:24 there was a bright flash of light,
17:27 I almost fell off on my horse
17:28 and I blinked and saw that Saul had fallen of his.
17:33 There was some kind of deep rumbling sound like thunder,
17:38 later Saul said someone was talking to him but
17:40 it just sounded like thunder to me.
17:43 In a minute or two and the light was gone.
17:46 I ran up to Saul who was sitting in a pile
17:50 and just crying, I said Saul, what's wrong?
17:53 He says I've been attacking Jesus.
17:58 Well, I would be saying crazy stuff too
18:00 if I got knocked off my horse by a bolt of lightning.
18:02 So we picked him up and we let him by the hand
18:06 into Damascus because the light had been
18:08 so bright, it blinded him.
18:11 Well for three days, Saul didn't eat or drink.
18:15 He just fasted and prayed.
18:17 I didn't know what was wrong but,
18:19 so I just stood there and waited
18:20 for something to happen.
18:23 At the end those three days an old man named
18:25 Ananias knocked on the door.
18:27 I found out later that he was one of the Christians
18:30 that Saul had come to attack.
18:32 He came in real humble like.
18:36 And he said Brother Saul, I've seen in the vision
18:39 that I'm supposed to come and heal you.
18:42 And he put his hands on Saul's head and he prayed.
18:46 And when he finished praying,
18:48 something like scales fell off of Saul eyes
18:51 and he could see again.
18:53 Immediately he said, I wanna be baptized,
18:56 and so Ananias took him and he baptized him.
19:00 And then all a sudden Saul started preaching,
19:04 the same Jesus he had been persecuting,
19:07 doesn't make much sense to me.
19:10 I am heading back to tell the Jewish officials
19:12 what happened to this crazy man,
19:14 how he said that on the road when the bright light hit
19:17 him he saw Jesus, a man that died year or two ago.
19:23 He said that Jesus talked to him and said,
19:25 Saul why are you persecuting me?
19:28 It broke Saul's heart.
19:30 Now he is a changed man I don't know about
19:33 this Christian preaching thing,
19:36 but I'm sure glad we are not going after
19:38 babies and women and throwing them in jail.
19:41 Well, I've got to get going to tell my message.
20:01 Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
20:05 Pray Every Day, Pray Every Day
20:09 Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
20:13 And you'll grow, grow, grow.
20:17 Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
20:21 Pray Every Day, Pray Every Day
20:25 Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
20:29 And you'll grow, grow, grow.
20:32 And you'll grow, grow, grow.
20:36 And you'll grow, grow, grow.
20:41 Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
20:44 And you'll grow, grow, grow.
20:48 Don't read your Bible, forget to pray,
20:52 Forget to pray, forget to pray.
20:56 Don't read your Bible, forget to pray,
21:00 And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.
21:03 And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.
21:07 And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.
21:12 Don't read your Bible, forget to pray,
21:15 And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.
21:28 Hi, boys and girls, it is time once again
21:30 for Miss Brenda's, Book of the Day.
21:32 And my choice today is this wonderful book
21:35 by Mabel Miller and it is, Grandma, Ellen and Me.
21:39 And I just want to read just a little bit about it.
21:41 It says Mabel Miller shares true stories
21:43 from her childhood about her very famous great-grandmother.
21:46 No, I'm not giving you any hints here.
21:48 It says early readers will love these stories
21:50 about birthday parties at Elmshaven,
21:52 buggy rides with Grandma Ellen,
21:54 singing in the bathtub,
21:55 and Grandma Ellen's laughter at baseball games.
21:58 She is such a fun lady you are gonna love this book,
22:02 Grandma, Ellen and Me, by Mabel Miller.
22:05 You know, someone else you are gonna love today
22:06 is meeting my guest and I have with me Arianna.
22:09 Arianna thank you so much for being here today.
22:11 Where are you from Arianna and how old are you?
22:14 I'm from Charlestown, New Hampshire
22:15 and I'm 12 years old.
22:17 You are 12 years old.
22:18 Now let me ask you this, in all the times
22:21 that you share Jesus, is there something special
22:24 that stands out in your mind? Well....
22:30 Because I know you talk about Jesus
22:32 to everybody, don't you?
22:33 Yeah. Well when I was at camp there's this girl
22:37 and she wasn't a Christian.
22:40 And a lot of, and she said God's game is vain along,
22:44 and a lot of people didn't like that so they kind...
22:48 Make Jesus sad when we take
22:49 the blaming game, doesn't it?
22:50 Yeah, so they kind of stayed away from her,
22:52 and but I became friends with her and I asked her
22:57 to please not to say that because not only did it
23:00 offend me it offended my God too.
23:04 And so she said,
23:08 oh I'm sorry and so she stopped
23:11 that and we became really good friends during
23:15 the week and my other friends saw that
23:18 and they become friends with her also.
23:21 And so she started listening to the meetings more
23:25 and I think it gave her more confidence.
23:28 Well, you know that's awesome.
23:29 You know, I'm sure you turn things around
23:31 because maybe if you hadn't stepped up to be her friend
23:34 and befriend her, and just stay away from her,
23:36 you wouldn't had that opportunity to witness to her
23:38 and she would have left camp with
23:39 a very bad experience in her mouth about Christians,
23:41 wouldn't she? Yes.
23:42 Is there is anything else that happened at the camp?
23:46 Yeah, I had there's, there's this thing called,
23:52 Honor Cabin, and it's when you keep your,
23:56 whoever has the cleanest cabin gets the award.
24:01 And our cabin didn't get it and the others did.
24:06 And all the others are mad
24:08 and I congratulated the other cabin but...
24:12 The one that won, you congratulated them?
24:13 But the others were so mad and when they saw
24:17 that they were like, why are you congratulating them?
24:19 And I said because it's what Jesus would do
24:21 and it makes me happy and so...
24:24 And that is what Jesus would do, isn't it?
24:26 You know boys and girls Jesus does want us
24:30 to not glow when other people have bad things
24:34 happen to them and when other people have good things
24:36 He doesn't wants us to be jealous either, does He?
24:38 So we share, you know, that was a wonderful thing
24:40 to do, to congratulate them and show
24:41 that Jesus is in your heart.
24:43 Well I have time just for few letters today
24:45 I would like to share with you of children have Jesus
24:47 in their heart and this one is from
24:50 Britney from Colon Michigan,
24:52 and can you hold this one for me please? Yeah.
24:55 And it says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:56 my sisters and I love Kids Time.
24:58 We watch that in grandma and grandpa's house.
25:00 And I would like a recipe book and an activity book.
25:03 I have three sisters and a brother,
25:05 and this is picture of my brother whose name
25:07 Joshua and my name is Britney, love Britney.
25:10 And I would like to join Kids Club.
25:11 Well thank you Britney,
25:13 and if you want one of Catie's cookbooks,
25:16 one of our brand new Kids Time cookbook,
25:17 boys and girls, they are available
25:19 by calling Three Angels Broadcasting Network,
25:21 ask for the Kids Time cookbook,
25:23 Cooking with Catie and you can order one.
25:26 All right, we have another letter here
25:27 from Jessica Abraham sent from Sturgeon, Missouri.
25:31 And, oh there is a picture in here.
25:32 Let's see what this, if you can hold that picture for me,
25:35 it says dear Miss Brenda I'm nine years old,
25:38 and I'm in third grade.
25:39 I love your show and I love Cooking Time with Catie.
25:42 I know how to cook dump cakes,
25:43 pumpkin pies, pancake, cookies,
25:45 cakes and much more stuff.
25:47 May I have an activity book please?
25:49 My name is Jessica.
25:50 And oh Jessica, also painted me a beautiful picture,
25:54 isn't that wonderful?
25:55 Thank you so much. What an artist you are?
25:57 Thank you, you know Miss Brenda is an artist too,
25:59 and I love painting.
26:00 And then one more quick letter here,
26:05 is let's see from Michelle and Michelle let's see
26:08 what you have to say, dear Miss Brenda,
26:11 you are from Altoona, Iowa and my name is Michelle.
26:15 I'm 8 years old. I love Kids Time.
26:17 I share Jesus by sending Felt to the children in Peru
26:21 and for Sabbath school.
26:22 Please send me a Kids Time activity book.
26:24 Well thank you so much, that's all the time today.
26:26 Remember boys and girls it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17