Kids' Time

Widow Of Nain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Williamson, Brenda Walsh, Mia Morrison, Danny Shelton, Halima Martin, Hayley Mundall


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000117

00:03 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share Zthere's a world out there,
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so,
00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls.
00:25 Do you see what I have in my hand?
00:28 It's a bottle, isn't it?
00:29 But this is no ordinary bottle.
00:31 In fact, this is a tear bottle
00:34 that was actually used in Bible times.
00:37 Do you know, back in the Bible times
00:39 when someone died, special people
00:41 called Mourners were hired to cry
00:43 for the person who died.
00:44 And they would fill a little bottle
00:46 just like this one with their tears
00:48 and they would give it to the relatives
00:49 of the person who had died.
00:51 Now I suppose it was maybe a way to show the relatives
00:54 that they didn't have to cry alone.
00:56 Have you ever known and loved someone who died?
00:58 I have. You know when I was a little girl
01:01 my sisters and I had a playmate
01:03 and her name was Anida Wheatley.
01:05 She lived on a wonderful farm with horses
01:07 and kitty cats and dogs and chickens and oh,
01:09 we just loved to visit her.
01:12 But one day Anida became very sick
01:14 and she couldn't play with us anymore.
01:16 Her parents took her to the hospitals
01:17 but the doctors couldn't make her well.
01:20 We visited her in the hospital
01:21 and we sang to her songs about Jesus.
01:23 And you know she smiled at us through her pain
01:26 and she thanked us so much for coming to sing to her.
01:29 We loved her very much.
01:31 But one day she told her mom
01:33 that she knew she was gonna die.
01:35 But she also knew that because she loved Jesus,
01:38 He would some day wake her up again
01:40 and take her to heaven just like the Bible says.
01:43 You know, we all cried when Anida died.
01:45 We didn't put our tears in a bottle.
01:47 But I know Jesus saw our tears
01:49 and He remembers them.
01:51 And some day He will give us back our friend
01:54 and we will share eternity with her.
01:57 Our Bible story today is about a mother
01:59 who lost her only son.
02:01 Mourners had already filled up a bottle of tears
02:04 for that poor mother but then on the way
02:06 to the funeral, she met someone special
02:09 and all those tears were no longer needed.
02:11 You'll hear of all about it very soon.
02:14 But first we're gonna hear from Ranger Jim.
02:16 What do you have for us today, Ranger Jim?
02:25 Hi, boys and girls,
02:26 Ranger Jim saying welcome to Nature Time.
02:28 We're glad you can join us today.
02:29 I'm with my friend Sherry and she has some
02:31 beautiful animals that we're looking at today.
02:33 And the wind is blowing and so you may see
02:36 a tail blowing back and forth once
02:38 in while like that, and I have to hold my hat.
02:40 But Sherry what are these lovely creatures?
02:42 These are Ring-tailed lemurs.
02:44 They're actually primates or monkeys.
02:47 But they're from the country of Madagascar
02:50 that's the only island that they live on.
02:53 And they're actually becoming endangered now.
02:56 So we wanna be sure
02:58 we take care of them, don't we?
02:59 Right. They don't bite. Do they?
03:01 These won't bite and the reason
03:02 for that is because they were never bottle fed.
03:05 They were raised in a zoo.
03:07 And I ended up getting them here
03:09 in my private collection because the zoo was trying
03:11 to move their facility to another place
03:15 and they needed to slim down on what they had.
03:17 So they gave me these guys,
03:21 and we've got four of them here.
03:23 We called this a Troop. A troop!
03:25 A troop, and there is always at least four in a troop
03:29 and they can have upwards to 20.
03:31 They're very loving. It's just like a family.
03:34 If I took one of them out of here,
03:36 in fact one time did get loose.
03:39 And the others were just totally freaking out.
03:43 Would you like to feed?
03:44 Oh, yes. I would love to.
03:45 This little guy here, this is Hamlet.
03:47 He is the man of this troop. Wow!
03:50 And here we've got Lucky.
03:51 She says ah, Hamlet's got something,
03:54 I wanna have something. Okay.
03:55 And this one here is Loopy.
03:58 Loopy! Well Loopy here have some food, oh.
04:01 See there they're saying
04:02 come on let's feed ourselves faster.
04:03 Aren't they careful, how they take
04:04 it so careful and gentle?
04:05 Okay, and what we have coming here is Droopy.
04:07 Droopy! Can you take a look at her
04:09 and see why she isn't small in the group?
04:10 Oh, she is much larger.
04:11 Droopy is actually the matriarch of this troop
04:15 and when I say matriarch that means she is the boss.
04:18 She gets whatever food she wants
04:22 and she gets whenever she wants it.
04:24 She even steals it from others if you are,
04:27 if she lets some and I guess you can get
04:30 some more bananas out there.
04:31 They are about take this bowl out of my hands.
04:33 And they're eating things that I enjoy,
04:35 Sweet potatoes and carrots and bananas, yummy, yummy.
04:38 Now in the wild though they usually live off from,
04:42 actually in dry spiny forest.
04:45 I used to think that they were
04:46 in some kind of rainforest,
04:48 but they actually live in dry area forest.
04:52 And they have, they eat plants,
04:54 they eat little bit of insects.
04:57 I say they get fed better here.
04:59 I think they do.
05:00 But some thing that's unique about these guys,
05:03 I don't know if you can get up
05:04 a zone on Hamlet, the male.
05:07 He is got little, a scent glands
05:11 that are right on of his wrist.
05:13 They have little scent glands right
05:15 on their wrists and what they do,
05:17 is they produce a very smelly odor.
05:21 And they have what they call Stink Fights
05:24 and the males will produce a real stinky smell.
05:28 And they'll take their tails they'll rub it
05:30 on their wrists and then they'll wave
05:32 their tails around and fight each other
05:34 with that smelly stuff.
05:37 This scum casts nothing on us.
05:38 No. So, the scum can use his tail,
05:40 we can use our tail.
05:42 This was about to try to pull up pants here.
05:44 Okay. I think they're getting their food.
05:47 Another thing that's very interesting
05:50 about these guys, the female is actually
05:58 this one right here like I said she bosses everybody.
06:01 Now Hamlet likes to think
06:03 he is the boss but he is not really.
06:05 She as you can tell, she gets what she wants
06:08 first and there is a pecking order here.
06:10 She is the first, then Hamlet actually
06:13 is next and than Droopy's daughter
06:16 who is Loopy is next and then you'll see Lucky.
06:19 See her? See how much thinner she is,
06:21 then our big matriarch here.
06:26 So it's a pecking order that's common in animals
06:27 and we've talked about that before boys and girls.
06:29 As long as everyone knows their place
06:31 and stays in their place everything goes well.
06:34 If you get out of line they correct you,
06:36 she'll correct you immediately.
06:37 She'll let you know.
06:39 She'll let you know that I'm boss
06:40 and you get back in your place,
06:41 if you don't I'll bite you whiskers. That's right.
06:43 If it's a male, I'll stink up my tail right.
06:46 Right. Now she is the mother like I said to Loopy.
06:51 Loopy had a baby one time when I had him here,
06:54 but Loopy doesn't like childbirth the whole lot.
06:57 And she disowned her baby and so Lucky took over.
07:03 And she decided that Lucky was gonna be the mom
07:08 and Lucky didn't have any milk.
07:10 So we had, the baby did not make it that time.
07:14 So you couldn't feed them without the milk,
07:16 either one of them. So, thank you Sherry.
07:18 These are such beautiful creatures.
07:20 Boys and girls Ranger Jim saying,
07:22 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him
07:24 because He really does love you.
07:34 Hey kids, had you ever been in a big hurry to go on trip.
07:38 Well, the guy in our story William Don,
07:40 he was in hurry too.
07:42 He was gonna had to some meetings,
07:43 some church meetings in Cincinnati.
07:45 But first he needed some word
07:48 to a song he had written.
07:49 So he went to see his good friend, Fanny Crosby.
07:52 He only had 40 minutes
07:54 so he had the rush over to her house.
07:56 When he got there, she answered the door
07:58 and said well hello William Don, how are you?
08:02 He said, well I'm good
08:04 but I could some help on a song.
08:06 She said you've already got the music, don't you?
08:10 Yeah, he said. He was surprised
08:12 because he hadn't even told her that yet.
08:15 And so she is like well come on in
08:17 and play a tune for me. So he played it.
08:20 He is like, now I only had 35 more minutes,
08:23 can you get words for me?
08:24 She said yes I think I can.
08:27 I have had this text running through my head all day
08:29 and I think God sent it to me
08:31 especially for this song.
08:33 So she sat down and she began to write
08:35 and she had him play through a couple
08:37 of more times to get just perfect.
08:39 Pretty soon, she was all done.
08:42 She folded it up and slipped
08:43 it into an envelope and said here William take
08:46 it with you on the train, so you're not late.
08:48 He caught his carriage and he rushed to the train,
08:50 fortunately he made it in time.
08:52 And on his way to Cincinnati while he is heading
08:55 the tracks he read the words,
08:57 "Safe In The Arms Of Jesus".
09:07 Safe in the arms of Jesus
09:11 Safe on His gentle breast
09:15 There by His love o'ershaded
09:20 Sweetly my soul shall rest
09:24 Hark! 'tis the voice of angels
09:28 Borne in a song to me
09:32 Over the fields of glory
09:36 Over the jasper sea.
09:40 Safe in the arms of Jesus
09:45 Safe on His gentle breast
09:48 There by His love o'ershaded,
09:52 Sweetly my soul shall rest.
10:14 Safe in the arms of Jesus
10:18 Safe on His gentle breast
10:22 There by His love o'ershaded,
10:26 Sweetly my soul shall rest.
10:39 Welcome to Learning Time.
10:40 I'm glad that you've joined us today.
10:42 How many of you like science?
10:45 Oh, I love science.
10:46 Now I've got a special helper with me today.
10:48 Alexandra. Thanks for helping me.
10:50 Do you like science? Yes, I do.
10:52 Oh, great. Do you like to do experiments? Yes I do.
10:55 Well, Alexandra is gonna be our volunteer today
10:59 and we're gonna do some chemistry.
11:01 Do you like chemistry? Yes, I do.
11:02 Oh, this is wonderful.
11:04 We've got the right person today.
11:06 What we're gonna do Alexandra is we're going to,
11:08 actually you are going to make some
11:11 water disappear, have you ever made
11:13 water disappear before? No.
11:14 Well, I've got some water right here.
11:16 I'm gonna pour some of that water right
11:18 in this little cup and let's some in here.
11:21 Oh, maybe 200 or 300 ml,
11:23 oh that might be just about enough right here.
11:25 Now if I drank it, it would disappear, right?
11:27 Yes, it would. Well, it would be right
11:29 in my tummy probably, wouldn't it?
11:30 So what I'm gonna do is I have three cups,
11:33 now what color cup is this?
11:35 Red. That's a red cup.
11:37 And this cup is a ... Yellow.
11:39 Now yellow is my favorite color.
11:41 Do you have favorite color? Yes.
11:43 Alexandra what's your favorite color?
11:45 Blue. Blue is her favorite color.
11:47 What's your favorite color at home?
11:49 I hope its yellow that's what mine is.
11:51 Well, I've got a yellow cup and than I've a...
11:54 Blue! A blue cup, and then I'm gonna pour
11:57 this water in one of those cups
11:59 and Alexandra is gonna make it disappear.
12:01 Do you think she can do that?
12:03 Do you think she can do that?
12:05 Yes. I think she can too.
12:07 So I'm gonna pour this in.
12:08 Let's see what cup should I pour it into.
12:10 Red. Blue. Yellow. Blue. Oh, like yellow.
12:13 Right here, so we're gonna pour it in here.
12:15 Now if you use your ears we can hear
12:17 the water being poured because it makes
12:19 a gurgling sound right.
12:21 And we're gonna use our eyes and we're gonna see
12:23 the water being poured in and now Alexandra
12:25 she is gonna make it disappear.
12:27 Are you ready?
12:28 All right, listen and use your eyes
12:29 and check this out. Did you hear that water?
12:34 Did you see that water? Yeah.
12:36 All right, now we're gonna put our glasses on
12:38 Zbecause we're using some chemistry
12:40 right here in some liquids, we don't want to get
12:42 it splashed in our face.
12:44 Now Alexandra is gonna mix those all up
12:46 and she is gonna make that water completely disappear.
12:48 Go head and keep your eye on the cup.
12:51 Remember the hand is quicker than your eyes.
12:54 She might just trick you and you at home.
12:58 You let me know when you are ready
12:59 and you're done. Okay.
13:01 Oh, you done? Yes, I am.
13:02 All right. Now how many of you think
13:04 that the water is in the middle cup,
13:07 raise your hand? Well, shall we find out?
13:10 All right would it be okay for me
13:12 to pour this on your head. No.
13:15 Oh, no are you kidding?
13:17 Would you like to pour it on my head?
13:18 Yes. That's what I thought.
13:20 Okay, but be careful. All right, go head.
13:23 You can pour that right on my head, go head,
13:24 and was there any water in the cup?
13:27 No. No, it disappeared it, didn't it?
13:30 Give her a nice hand, didn't she do it good...
13:33 oh no, we are not over yet, are we?
13:34 Hey, do you think that the water
13:37 just might be in the red cup?
13:38 How many of you think the water is in the red cup.
13:40 The same two people that's interesting.
13:42 Now would you like to pour this on my head?
13:44 Yes, I would. Okay, go head
13:46 right there pour right in there.
13:48 There is no water in the red cup.
13:50 Hey, how many of you think that the water
13:53 just has to be in the last cup?
13:56 Raise your hand if you do.
13:57 All right, now would it be okay
14:00 if I put this on your head?
14:01 No. Please, could I?
14:03 No. No, all right here it goes.
14:06 Now try on to get me all wet.
14:08 Okay, pour nice and easy right on my head
14:10 and pour it right there.
14:11 And is there any water in yellow cup? No.
14:15 Give Alexandra a hand, good job.
14:18 She made the water completely disappear.
14:21 That is so interesting to me.
14:24 But you know what?
14:25 Do you think that the water is really, really gone.
14:28 I'll tell you what we are going do.
14:30 We're gonna pour some salt in there.
14:32 Then we're gonna take a little knife
14:34 and we're gonna make that water
14:36 completely disappear or show what,
14:40 what you think we can do?
14:41 Think we can make disappear or show up.
14:44 Well, I've got a right there I'm gonna take our cup.
14:47 We're gonna pour that water right out.
14:49 It was there all of the time.
14:51 Do you know when we study about science,
14:55 we're learning more things about our creator, God.
15:07 Well if he had, I mean I wait and I wait
15:10 and I clean and I clean, he would leave me
15:12 by myself all the time, I'm so sick and tired.
15:16 Hello Rachel, hello wife.
15:17 Hello, how are you?
15:18 Where have you been?
15:19 Don't be upset with me.
15:21 You are not going to believe what I just saw
15:22 Everyday is something new.
15:24 Everyday you got a new story,
15:26 something happened.
15:27 Why don't you just hear me out this one time,
15:30 this last time? You ready?
15:31 What is it this time?
15:32 I saw a boy being raised from the dead.
15:36 Oh, I don't believe it.
15:37 From the dead! From the dead?
15:40 The boy was laid down on a stretcher,
15:43 dead and he was raised from the dead.
15:45 And he got up and walked.
15:46 Got up and walked away.
15:47 Oh, my goodness. Listen, listen.
15:49 I think Samuel you gonna have to do better than this.
15:51 I am just sick and tired of this mess.
15:53 Have you heard about this man named Jesus?
15:55 Yes, I knew Him. Jesus!
15:57 Jesus and His disciples and this crowd
16:00 was coming down the hill, it was whole bunch of,
16:03 they were celebrating.
16:04 They were rejoicing. They were clapping.
16:06 They were having a good time.
16:07 They were coming down the hill.
16:09 Coming up the hill was a funeral procession.
16:13 I'm serious. It was a boy
16:14 laid on a cart dead like that.
16:17 Look at me wife. Dead like that.
16:19 And he was on his way up the hill Jesus raised
16:22 His hand and stopped the funeral procession.
16:25 Oh, my goodness. He stop them right there.
16:28 Will you ready to tell where you really been?
16:30 Let me know. I'm telling you the truth.
16:32 And he stopped the procession
16:34 He went over to the woman.
16:35 Now here she was from some smaller town called Nairn.
16:38 She is from this town of Nairn.
16:39 Her husband had recently died,
16:41 and now her only boy was dead
16:43 and she was going to bury him.
16:46 It was just her luck that on the way up
16:48 there she met Jesus, who was coming down
16:50 from some celebration.
16:51 And what did He do?
16:52 Jesus stopped them from the burial.
16:56 He raised His hand.
16:59 He walked over to the boy,
17:00 I couldn't hear what He said,
17:01 He went over and spoke to the boy
17:03 and the boy got off the deathbed and walked.
17:07 So who are they saying this Jesus is?
17:09 I mean if He raised the people from the dead,
17:11 I mean, right off the funeral
17:12 who they are claiming him to be?
17:14 His disciples and the apostles
17:15 are saying He is the son of God.
17:18 No way! Born and....I'm telling you.
17:21 Wife now what I tell you something that's true,
17:23 I'm always late but do I ever tell you
17:25 anything that's not true?
17:26 So is He man like, like a man you, man?
17:29 Flesh and blood! His name is Jesus.
17:31 He comes from a town called Galilee
17:33 and He is performing miracles for long time.
17:35 But I saw this one with my own two eyes.
17:39 Are you sure all about what you saw?
17:40 I'm positive. I saw a man walk over
17:43 to a dead boy speak to him and the boy got up
17:47 and walked and hugged his mother.
17:50 She was so happy that her son was now alive.
17:53 I'm not making it up wife.
17:55 Well, you know what...
17:56 I'm gonna learn about Jesus myself.
17:58 If that is the truth and if the son of God
18:00 really is here on earth then I want meet him myself.
18:02 I want to see.
18:03 Okay, maybe in a few days you can go see Him,
18:05 but I want to tell you more about Him.
18:07 In a few days, why can't I go right now?
18:10 Well, because who is gonna run this?
18:11 Oh, no, no, you're gonna run this.
18:13 I don't know how run. I'm going to go.
18:14 If Jesus is who you're saying He is,
18:16 I'm gonna go, if he is out there
18:18 I want to meet Him myself.
18:19 So you take care of things I'll be back.
18:20 But wife, wife...
18:24 apples, pears, peaches.
18:28 Anyone? Anyone?
18:45 Don't build your house on the sandy land
18:48 Don't build it too near the shore
18:51 Well it might be kind of nice
18:53 But you'll have to do it twice
18:54 So you'll have to build your house once more
18:58 Don't build your house on the sandy land
19:01 Don't build it too near the shore
19:04 Well it might be kind of nice
19:06 But you'll have to do it twice
19:07 So you'll have to build your house once more
19:11 You better build your house upon the rock
19:14 Make a good foundation on the solid spot
19:17 And though the storms may come and go
19:21 But the peace of God you'll know
19:25 Don't build your house on the sandy land
19:28 Don't build it too near the shore
19:31 Well it might be kind of nice
19:32 But you'll have to do it twice
19:34 So you'll have to build your house once more
19:37 You better build your house upon the rock
19:41 Make a good foundation on the solid spot
19:44 And though the storms may come and go
19:47 But the peace of God you'll know
19:51 You better build your house upon the rock
19:53 Make a good foundation on the solid spot
19:57 And though the storms may come and go
20:01 But the peace of God you'll know
20:04 You better build your house upon the rock
20:08 Make a good foundation on the solid spot
20:11 And though the storms may come and go
20:15 But the peace of God you'll know
20:25 Don't build your house on the sandy land
20:28 Don't build it too near the shore
20:31 Well it might be kind of nice
20:33 But you'll have to do it twice
20:35 So you'll have to build your house once more
20:38 You better build your house upon the rock
20:41 Make a good foundation on the solid spot
20:45 And though the storms may come and go
20:48 But the peace of God you'll know
21:01 Hi, boys and girls.
21:02 It is time for Miss Brenda's,
21:03 book of today. And I want you to look
21:06 at this book its called Shoebox Kids,
21:08 Bible Stories by Jerry Thomas.
21:11 And I'm gonna tell you boys and girls
21:12 you're gonna want this book.
21:14 It is about the Shoebox Kids and they are back.
21:18 They're Sammy, Jenny, Willie, DeeDee,
21:20 Chris and Maria and they meet in a church
21:22 and they find out that their Bible stories
21:24 have a strange way of fitting into things
21:26 that happen to them each week at home.
21:28 And every week brings a new adventure
21:30 and learning with the Bible means in real life at home,
21:33 at school, and on the playground.
21:36 Every story is an adventure
21:37 in learning to be more like Jesus.
21:40 And that's what I want to be like
21:42 boys and girls, is more like Jesus.
21:44 And I have someone with me today
21:45 that wants to be more like Jesus and that is Mia.
21:48 Mia, I'm so glad you here today.
21:50 I'm glad too. And can I ask you
21:52 I was so touched with the story you told me
21:55 about the lady with brain cancer.
22:00 Can you tell me how it is that you happen
22:01 to meet her and tell us about her?
22:04 My father did a program for LE,
22:07 which is literature of Evangelism
22:08 and we sold books to people out in a community
22:11 and she was one of the people
22:12 that I happen to me.
22:13 Her name was Kim and she is in her late 20s
22:16 and she has four kids. Wow!
22:18 And she told me that she had brain tumor
22:20 and that she wasn't, probably gonna
22:21 wasn't gonna live very long.
22:23 And I really felt bad and I prayed with her
22:26 and told her that Jesus loved her.
22:28 And it happen that next a couple months later
22:32 I got a chance to meet her again
22:34 because she only lives a couple
22:35 of minutes from my church.
22:36 And so I told my father and my parents
22:39 that I really want to go, see her again.
22:41 And she was there and talked with her and we had survey.
22:44 And I told her that we're gonna have some
22:47 programs at our church and she said sure,
22:49 she would like to come and everything
22:51 and so I went there and then I prayed
22:54 with her again and talked to the kids and stuff.
22:56 And then I got a chance to go the next week
22:59 and she told me that she cried for whole hour
23:01 because she felt so special, I was able to come back
23:05 and talk with her and to the kids.
23:07 And she also got a chance to meet,
23:09 my parents and my brothers and sisters and her kids
23:12 and my kids, not my kids, but my brothers and sisters.
23:16 They played together and had a really good time.
23:19 And it was just so special to me to know
23:21 that there are other people who are out there
23:23 and that God gave that chance to witness
23:25 to her and I was, I really I'm praying
23:27 that she will come to our church
23:28 sometime with her family.
23:30 Oh, and don't stop praying for either okay.
23:31 No, let's ask the boys and girls
23:33 to pray for Kim too. Yes.
23:34 And pray that the Holy Spirit
23:35 well just keep working on her heart
23:37 and one of this times she is gonna call up me
23:39 and say I wanna come to church with you.
23:41 I wanna keep learning more about Jesus.
23:43 Yes. So thank you for that with us today.
23:45 I have some letters I'd like to share
23:46 with you boys and girls.
23:48 And let's see this first one here is from Saint Lucia
23:52 and what's this some money that came out this one,
23:55 20 dollars let's see what that's all about.
23:58 And it says dear Miss Brenda.
24:00 I'm 7 years old and I live in tiny island
24:02 called Saint Lucia. It is very beautiful here,
24:05 and it is a very beautiful country.
24:08 And Saint Lucia only start and seeing 3ABN.
24:11 Oh, I only start to see it this year.
24:13 I enjoy watching Kids Time and I would like
24:16 to become a Kids Time member.
24:17 And also my brother Waldron Daniel
24:20 who is 12 years old would like
24:22 to an activity book too.
24:24 My mom has given us a contribution of 20 dollars
24:27 to help you keep making Kids Time program
24:29 because they are blessing to our hearts.
24:32 Oh, thank you so much.
24:33 And it says Gavin and Waldron.
24:36 And I want to thank you so much
24:38 that is so sweet and I'll make sure
24:40 that this goes to help have more Kids Time programs.
24:45 Then I have one from Katie
24:47 and she is from Coloma, Michigan.
24:51 Let's see what Katie have to say.
24:53 Oh, good Katie has brought us a picture,
24:54 so we can see what you look like.
24:56 Hold that up for me. This is kind of funny
24:59 letters isn't boys and girls.
25:00 So it's to Miss Brenda I love Kids Time
25:03 my name is Katie, I am five.
25:05 I love to watch Kids Time and from Katie.
25:08 And I like an activity book too please.
25:10 Well, thank you Katie and yes I'll send
25:13 you one right away.
25:14 And this one is from...Brenda.
25:18 Her name is Brenda too.
25:20 Her name is Brenda
25:21 and she is from New Jersey, New Jersey.
25:24 And or Jersey city, New Jersey and oh,
25:27 good we've a picture so you can know
25:28 what she looks like.
25:30 And her name is Brenda too.
25:31 It says dear Miss Brenda
25:33 I really like your shows on Kids Time.
25:35 My name is Brenda, just like you.
25:37 I'm eight years old and in a fifth grade
25:39 and I would like you to send me an activity book.
25:41 Here is a picture of me to Brenda from Brenda.
25:45 Well, thank you so much. I really like that.
25:48 And I think we might have time for a quick email.
25:50 It says dear Miss Brenda thanks for the quick
25:52 response I love emailing you and I do answer
25:54 you boys and girls, says my girls Tamara and Christine
25:57 are happy on receiving the news
25:59 and I'm preparing some drawings for you.
26:01 We love Kids Time and we would like to have
26:04 you come to Saint Lucia. Love Yasmin Markey.
26:08 Well, thank you so much for that letter Yasmin.
26:11 Maybe I get one more in.
26:13 And it said dear Miss Brenda my name is... oops.
26:17 I have already read this one.
26:18 Let me try this one.
26:19 My dear Miss Brenda my name is Abbey
26:20 and I'm three years old and I love Kids Time.
26:23 Well, that's all the time we have today.
26:25 Thank you Mia for being with us here.
26:27 Boys and girls remember Jesus is coming soon
26:29 and it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17