Kids' Time

Lazarus Is Alive!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kurtz Family, Lee Jamieson, Brenda Walsh, Janine Martin, Gloria Morrison


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000116

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:23 Hi boys and girls, I know that many of you have
00:26 brothers and sisters don't you? Well, you know what
00:29 I have brothers and sisters too,
00:31 I have two sisters and two brothers.
00:34 In fact I like to show you a picture of them right now
00:36 I love them so much this is my brother Jim
00:40 and he is a minister, he is the Youth Director
00:42 for the Michigan Conference,
00:44 right behind him is my sister Cinda
00:46 and she produces the program Tiny Tots on 3ABN
00:49 and she is also in the Kitchen there,
00:51 then you see myself with my mom and then she is my mom
00:54 standing next to my sister Linda and Linda is what,
00:57 who you know as Aunty Linda on Tiny Tots
01:00 and then of course my brother Kenny,
01:02 he's my baby brother and he pastors
01:04 two Churches in Michigan.
01:05 And I just love them so much.
01:08 Do you know what so much fun growing up
01:10 in a big family we had our challenging days
01:12 but we loved each other very, very much,
01:15 we still do. I still love my brothers and sisters
01:18 with all heart and you know whenever they go through
01:22 hard times it makes me really sad
01:25 because I wouldn't want any thing bad
01:27 to ever happened to them. Our Bible story today
01:30 is about two sisters and their brother,
01:32 the three of them loved each other dearly
01:35 and they also love Jesus, in fact
01:38 he was one of their best friends.
01:40 Jesus often came to visit them in their home.
01:43 Wouldn't that be a wonderful things
01:44 boys and girls to have Jesus come to your house
01:46 but one day the brother got very sick
01:50 and the sister sent word to Jesus,
01:52 they didn't want their brother to die
01:54 and they knew that if Jesus could just get there
01:57 on time Jesus would heal him. Well, I am sure
02:00 they figured he, that Jesus would come very quickly
02:02 because he was their friend but when Jesus
02:05 got the message, he acted rather strangely.
02:07 He didn't seem to be in any kind of hurry to get there
02:11 to help their brother, it almost seemed as if
02:14 he didn't care at all. They couldn't understand it,
02:17 so how did it all turn out.
02:21 Well, we'll find out in a just few minutes.
02:23 But first let's find out what Emily has for us
02:26 in the garden today.
02:34 Hey boys and girls, welcome to my garden.
02:37 Today my special garden helper is what's your name?
02:41 Clinton. Clinton, and he is really excited
02:43 about gardening. Do you like to gardening Clinton?
02:46 You don't? Well may be I can teach him a few things
02:50 about plants, that's gonna get him
02:51 really excited to get out there and dig in the dirt.
02:53 Today boys and girls we are gonna talk about
02:56 what plants need, Clinton do you know what plants need?
03:00 Soil, sunlight, and food and waters.
03:10 Wow Clinton, good job. Clinton is right on,
03:14 he guessed all four things that plants need.
03:18 The first thing the plants need to grow big
03:20 and strong is the sunlight and look how sunny it is
03:24 out here and these plants, these are called
03:27 to Geranium and they are loving the sunlight.
03:29 Plants need sunlight to get energy to grow big
03:33 and strong the next thing the Clinton mentioned that
03:36 plants need is water. Now, this is
03:39 one of my favorite parts about gardening
03:42 because you can have so much fun
03:44 watering your plants do you like to play in the water
03:46 Clinton? No, well I yeah I like
03:49 I am gonna swim this year. You're gonna go swim
03:52 oh I like the swim too and whenever it's really hot
03:55 it's feels really good to water your plants
03:57 but they are just a few things to remember
03:59 whenever you water your plants, for example
04:02 the best thing to, the best way to figure out
04:05 if your plant need water is to actually take your hand
04:07 you wanna help me Clinton take your hand
04:09 and you wanna feel around the soil,
04:11 can you feel around the soil for me.
04:14 Well, if it feels really, really dry your plant
04:17 probably needs a lot of water so what
04:20 I am gonna to do is I am gonna take my water can
04:22 or if you have big garden you may water your garden
04:25 with a gardening hose and I am just gonna sprinkle
04:27 some water around the base of the plant.
04:30 The plant needs water to grow big and tall.
04:34 One thing to remember though
04:35 if you don't want to give too much water
04:38 because then the soil is gonna get really soggy
04:40 and muddy and the plants not gonna like that
04:43 very much. The next thing plants need,
04:46 they need air just like human needs air to breathe,
04:50 plants needs air to breathe too, to be big and strong
04:53 and green and flower all summer long.
04:57 Now, another thing the plants need are nutrients
05:01 and nutrients can be found in the soil
05:04 and I just have an example here, here's some soil
05:07 and the plants using their roots they kind of push
05:10 their roots through the soil and they find all
05:13 the nutrients they need to grow to be big and strong.
05:16 Now, one thing to remember whenever your planting
05:18 plants is that you don't wanna push down too hard
05:22 because remember the plants find the nutrients
05:25 out of that soil and also they need a lot of air.
05:27 So it's really important Clinton not to go walking
05:30 through the garden because you're gonna trample
05:32 the plants and push down the soil
05:34 so they have no air to grow.
05:37 Let's see is there any thing else
05:39 you think plants need. No, well I know one more thing
05:44 that I see on these geraniums
05:45 that could make this plants bloom all summer long
05:48 and that's called, the word that gardeners use
05:52 is called deadheading and that, what that means
05:54 to see this bloom right here boys and girls,
05:55 see it doesn't looks so good. Clinton does it,
05:58 its looks like it's almost done blooming doesn't it.
06:01 Looks like it's dead. Oh yeah
06:04 it's starting to die out so all you want to do
06:06 is you can take scissors or you can just sniff off
06:09 the old bloom and then the plant uses this energy
06:12 to produce more buds to bloom all summer long.
06:15 Well, boys and girls, I hope you've learned a lot
06:18 about what plants need and I encourage you every day
06:22 to sow the seeds of God's love.
06:30 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord,
06:34 and to sing praises unto thy name, o most high:
06:37 To show forth thy loving kindness
06:39 in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night.
06:42 Psalms 92 verse 1 and 2.
06:49 Look who's coming down off of the hill
06:53 Look who is shining on my window still
06:56 With the blue bells singing, and the blue bells ringing
07:01 It's Morning again, When the sun comes up to say,
07:09 I know it'll be a lovely way
07:13 For God sends sunshine everyday
07:17 It's morning again. There is a woody woodpecker,
07:22 just sitting in a racket and the cock goes cockadoodle,
07:29 When the cow and the pasture
07:31 and the sheep in the valley,
07:33 when the voices go down, that goes, whew
07:38 Look who's coming down off of the hill
07:43 Look who is shining on my window still
07:47 With the blue bells singing,
07:49 and the blue bells ringing It's Morning again.
08:02 Do you like pot pie? Well, I love
08:06 every different kind of pot pie, but this kind,
08:08 this recipe is a little bit different its call
08:10 Shepherd's pie you know they call it a
08:12 Shepherd's pie because well I don't know
08:16 why they call it Shepherd's pie
08:17 but anyway this is my recipe I am for vegetarian
08:22 Shepherd's pot pie or Shepherd's pie.
08:24 Let me read the recipe for you.
08:25 One tables spoon of oil canola or olive,
08:30 one large onion diced, one tea spoon of minced garlic,
08:36 3 stalks of celery diced, 3 carrots peeled and diced,
08:42 1 small eggplant peeled and cubed,
08:46 1 cup of mushrooms chopped into large chunks,
08:52 1 10 Oz container of grape tomatoes sliced
08:56 or 1 3/4 cups of sliced grape tomatoes,
09:00 1 pounds 3 Oz can Loma Linda Tender Bits
09:05 or 2 cups of your favorite gluten
09:08 1 16 Oz can of Great Northern beans optional,
09:12 1 cup of water, 3 teaspoons of Bragg Liquid Aminos,
09:18 2 teaspoons of McKay's Beef Style instant
09:21 broth & seasoning, 1 ½ teaspoon of McKay's Chicken
09:26 Style instant broth & seasoning,
09:28 2-3 teaspoon of Vegesal all purpose seasoning
09:31 or your favorite all purpose seasoning,
09:33 1/4 cup of water mixed with 2 tablespoons of corn starch
09:39 and 4 cups of warm mashed potatoes.
09:41 Now, for the sake of time I already have my vegetables
09:46 and my Tender Bits actually I use a different kind of
09:50 gluten but you can use any type of gluten that you like
09:54 or it can even be homemade. If you want to try that
09:57 or Tender Bits or any kind of thing like that
09:59 I already have that in the stove cooking
10:02 and you want to add your tomatoes last,
10:05 okay tomatoes last because they don't need
10:06 to cook this long. I already had that
10:08 all mixed up and so now we just need add
10:11 our seasoning, our McKay's style Chicken seasoning
10:16 and these seasonings and Bragg Liquid Aminos
10:30 and mix this. Now, really you can use
10:34 on any different kind of vegetable
10:36 that you would like just whatever, whatever types
10:40 I choose some carrots and cereals
10:42 and those kind of things in here but
10:43 well they any kind of thing you wanna add
10:45 in here it's good. Now well that's on the stove
10:49 I am cooking like all them seasonings mixed up,
10:50 while that's in the stove cooking,
10:52 you want to take your corn starch and into water,
10:57 now you never want to add corn starch
10:59 just by itself dry you always wanna have it
11:03 under water. Let see, oh and well let's see,
11:11 little spoon, that's been here mix up
11:15 the corn starch into the water
11:19 and this will be our thickener and go ahead
11:23 and pour this, now you wanna continue
11:25 stirring once you pour this in because this is gonna
11:28 thicken very quickly, thickener.
11:36 Now, once it's already done cooking
11:38 you are going to put into 9/13 pan
11:40 which I have already greased, just pour it in.
11:49 Okay, most of it out, and spread it around.
11:55 Now I already have some, already cooked mash
11:58 potatoes here and you want them hot
12:02 because if you have if you have cold mash potatoes
12:04 that came out of the fridge it's really hard
12:06 to spread them out. So this mash potatoes
12:11 let's go ahead and put them on
12:20 and spread them over the top.
12:30 Now once you get him all spread, spread out
12:34 and you gonna bake it for 30 to 35 minutes
12:37 on 375 degrees and I haven't already done
12:42 one for you right here and to decorate
12:48 I have some dried parsley and you just
12:50 take a little bit and sprinkle it over the top,
12:53 just a little bit of garnish,
12:58 now doesn't that look beautiful. Taste it,
13:00 just ready to eat delicious.
13:03 Well, until next time keep cooking and eat healthy.
13:25 Well Annette, let's hurry to the marketplace to buy
13:29 some last minute items for our Passover feast.
13:34 Oh mummy look at the pretty baskets may I have one.
13:38 Oh we really can't afford one today.
13:40 Would you like this one? This is so handy.
13:42 Oh that is. Look it all the beautiful designs on it
13:45 and look I found this. That is a beautiful basket.
13:48 Or would you like this beautiful basked
13:51 I made it myself I spent so many long hours.
13:54 Oh that's nice to but we really need
13:56 a smaller basket. Would you like this one?
13:58 Yes, a smaller one. Would you like the beautiful
14:02 small basket I made it myself
14:04 and I just made the wing.
14:05 Oh I think this one will do. Okay.
14:08 How much would this cost? Well, it was cost
14:10 about 3 will be fine. There you go thank you.
14:16 You're welcome. Oh mummy smell the bread,
14:20 it smells so good may be have some?
14:22 That's the wrong kind of bread honey
14:25 we use unleavened bread for our Passover feast.
14:28 Well, I have some unleavened bread.
14:30 Oh that is nice bread, how much does that cost.
14:33 Two denarii. Alright well I think we can afford that.
14:38 Thank you have a nice Passover. Thank you.
14:48 Shalom James, how are you? Shalom, I am fine.
14:51 Good, I would like some of these a couple of apples
14:55 and a pear please. Okay.
14:56 Did you hear that they took Jesus
14:59 before Pilate this morning? No, I didn't.
15:03 They tried him last night before
15:05 the Sanhedrin for blasphemy.
15:07 You mean Jesus the healer? Yes, Jesus the healer
15:11 they took him before Pilate this morning,
15:14 they want to have him crucified, it's so awful,
15:19 I know he is not a blasphemer,
15:21 because when I was with Mary and Martha
15:25 when Lazarus was sick they called for Jesus
15:28 and he didn't come and then Lazarus died
15:33 finally after Jesus arrived Lazarus had been dead
15:37 for four days. Was he really dead.
15:41 Oh yes, when Jesus got there he asked the men
15:45 to roll the stone away from the grave
15:47 and oh the smell was so terrible then he prayed
15:52 a prayer like I had never heard before he said
15:56 father, I thank thee that thou has heard me
15:59 and I know that thou hearest Me,
16:01 hearest me always but I said it for these people
16:05 that they might believed that thou has said me,
16:08 then he said Lazarus come forth. We were all waiting
16:14 and watching and soon we saw Lazarus coming up
16:18 to the open door of the grave walking slowly
16:21 still wrapped in the grave clothes
16:23 and they unwrapped him. Ah, then we were crying tears
16:28 of joy instead of tears of sorrow, we were so excited
16:33 well we need to finish preparing for over Passover
16:38 and we wanna find out some more news
16:40 about Jesus so we really need to be on our way.
16:43 Okay tell me if you hear anything. Okay.
16:45 We need to give more news about Jesus don't we.
16:47 Yes, we do as soon as I find anything out
16:50 I will let you know. Oh please do.
16:52 Thank you, take care. Thank you.
17:27 Jesus loves me! This I know,
17:43 For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong,
18:05 They are weak but He is strong.
18:18 Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
18:36 Yes, Jesus loves me! For the Bible,
18:51 For the Bible tells me so; Yes, Jesus loves me!
19:15 Oh yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
19:36 For the Bible, For the Bible tells me so.
20:11 Hi boys and girls, I am so excited because today
20:14 I am going to introduce you to something
20:16 new on this program and that is my book of the day.
20:20 Now I think it's really, really important to read
20:23 and I think it's even more important
20:25 what we read because any thing we read should bring
20:28 us close to Jesus. So, Miss Brenda have chosen
20:31 some wonderful books for you and each program
20:34 I am gonna have a book of the day
20:36 and now you make sure when you hear kids time
20:38 coming on that you get your pencils and your papers
20:40 because I want you to be able to write down
20:42 the website and the phone number of where you can get
20:45 this book okay and so right now it's time for the
20:48 Book of the day and my first book
20:51 I've chosen for you is written by one of my
20:53 very favorite authors in whole world Kay Rizzo
20:56 she writes the most amazing stories
20:58 and this one the book is called
20:59 The not-so-secret mission and it's about Elizabeth
21:03 an Adventist girl and let me just share with you,
21:06 it says Springtime in 1851 has come to the town
21:11 of Ballston Spa and changes are in the wind,
21:15 soon guests will come to stay at the
21:17 three-storey boarding house on Maple Avenue
21:19 where Elizabeth Ann or Patty Cake Mayes lives.
21:22 That means lots of work for the whole family
21:25 even nine-year-old Elizabeth.
21:27 One day two mystery guests from Maine arrive
21:31 at the Mayes house. And they are on a mission.
21:33 The woman, Mrs. White, has visions from God!
21:37 She likes to share her stories and Elizabeth
21:40 is thrilled to hear about heaven,
21:42 where she will see Jesus. It all seems very mysterious,
21:45 at first. As the secret comes out
21:48 and the mission unfolds, big changes
21:51 happen in Elizabeth's family.
21:52 And decisions are being made that could change
21:55 their whole future forever. But I am not gonna tell you
21:59 any more you gonna have to get the book
22:01 and read it for yourself but I know
22:03 you are gonna enjoy this book.
22:05 Well right now something else you are gonna enjoy
22:07 and that is meeting a very special guest
22:09 I have and this is Gloria. Hi Gloria.
22:12 Hi. Gloria where are you from? I am from Vermont.
22:15 You are, well that's a long way from here isn't? Yes.
22:18 It is, now how old are you? Seven.
22:21 Your 7-years-old and what grade
22:23 are you going to go into? Second.
22:25 In second grade do you like second grade
22:26 or did you like first grade? Yes.
22:28 You did so you are excited about
22:30 going to second grade. Yes. Well, you know
22:31 what you will tell me something
22:33 you like to collect items, what do you do
22:35 with those items and what are they,
22:37 kind of got me curious aren't you curious
22:39 boys and girls? Well, I had a lot toys
22:44 and I give it to the poor and needy
22:47 and I take like my favorite toys out of the closet
22:52 and I give them to people that need them and.
22:57 What are some of the favorite toys
23:00 you've given away. Blocks and stuff.
23:04 Blocks and you had some favorite
23:05 some blocks you liked. It's fun to build things
23:08 with blocks isn't it? Yes. And can you tell me,
23:10 you also said that you like to help some people
23:15 in an orphanage, can you tell me about that.
23:17 Well, my sister plays an orchestra
23:22 and after the concert there is like a whole table
23:27 full of pictures and stuff that we could get to.
23:33 So, if you like support like a child like
23:37 send them cards or. Sure. Or some money.
23:40 So I met with a boy name Kane.
23:45 His name is Kane do you know how old is. 8.
23:47 He is 8-year-old and you write to him. Yes.
23:50 Oh has he ever written back to you.
23:54 Not yet, but may be you might,
23:55 did you give me your address
23:56 and may be he can write back to you. Yes.
23:58 Well, that's good I can tell your doing a lot
24:01 for Jesus aren't you. Yes.
24:02 Well, you know boys and girls I want to encourage
24:05 you to do that may be you can find a boy or girl
24:08 that you that you could be may be pen pal to
24:10 and witness to him through the mail through letters,
24:11 you know and telling him Jesus,
24:13 I think that's a good idea that Gloria had.
24:15 Well, I have some wonderful letters to share with you
24:18 and this one is from Elizabeth in Calhoun,
24:21 Georgia and let's see what Elizabeth
24:23 oh she has a letter can you hold this up for me
24:25 please just right there. Nope, turn it down this way
24:28 so they can see it, oh there you go and this says,
24:32 lets see what this letter says Dear Miss Brenda,
24:34 my name is Elizabeth and can you please send me
24:36 a Kids Time Activity book and a T-shirt.
24:39 I am sorry we don't have t-shirt but anyway
24:41 I share Jesus by reading a book to my brother
24:44 when he is sad and my grandpa Dave is sending you
24:46 this money to help you with the supplies for the show,
24:49 I am 10-years-old, I probably should have
24:52 looked in the envelope, there is some money
24:53 in here, there is you know what it's a $100.
24:58 Well thank you so much and you know what
25:00 you tell your grandpa that this will help us
25:04 to make a lot more programs that we can do for Kids Time
25:07 and tell more people about Jesus.
25:09 So, thank you so much then we have this one is from
25:12 Hayden Mcguire from Westminster, Maryland
25:16 and let's see what Hayden says.
25:18 Oh Hayden drew me a picture I love pictures
25:21 and why don't you hold this one up just like
25:24 that for me and let's show them the picture
25:26 that Hayden drew, it says well we got two pages
25:29 in this letter said dear Mrs. Brenda
25:31 my name is Hayden and I am seven years old,
25:34 I share Jesus by playing nicely with my friends
25:36 Corrie and Josh please send me a kids time activity book
25:39 I have one sister in a cat name Tiger
25:42 and a Crab named Crabby my sister name is Hannah,
25:45 love, Hayden. Oh I kind a like that name
25:47 a crab named Crabby that was pretty good wasn't it
25:50 and thank you for that beautiful picture
25:52 I just love that. Let's see oh you know
25:55 what we've got a wonderful email here
25:57 and here's another picture can you hold that up for me
26:00 and this email. I love emails too it's says
26:02 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Shannon
26:04 and I am 9 years old and I enjoy watching Kids Time,
26:09 I share Jesus by making bookmarks
26:11 and writing Bible verses on them
26:13 and giving them to people I have a sister named Shanice
26:16 and I help my mom take care of her,
26:18 my address is in Hong Kong,
26:21 can I have an activity book please?
26:23 Well, yes you can and I wanna thank you
26:25 for your email and boys and girls it's all the time
26:27 today remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17