Kids' Time

The Paralytic Man

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000099

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there, looking for a friend like Jesus. It's
00:10 time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. Let's
00:17 tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls, today I wanna show
00:26 you a picture of a bed. Now, this bed it
00:30 doesn't look very comfortable,
00:31 doesn't it? I don't think I want to for my
00:33 bed to sleep on every night. It's very
00:36 narrow and it doesn't have a mattress
00:38 or blankets or sheets, but you know what?
00:41 This bed is a stretcher and it used
00:44 to carry sick people. Well, today's Bible
00:47 story tells of a man who was sick,
00:49 but he wasn't hurried onto a stretcher
00:51 and taken to a doctor, instead
00:54 he had to lie on a bed for years because
00:57 no one could make him feel better.
00:59 But a day came when this man met
01:02 a doctor, one called the great physician.
01:05 And the man wondered when he finally
01:07 be made well. Well, you'll find out more
01:10 about this man when we hear our
01:11 Bible story today, but I want to leave
01:14 you with this thought, Jesus is our great
01:17 physician. And whenever you need Him
01:20 whether it should be your, your body
01:22 physically needs to be healed or
01:24 inside spiritually your heart needs to
01:26 be healed. Call upon Jesus because He
01:29 will help you. Well, Ranger Jim is right now,
01:33 he's at the Florida aquarium and let's go
01:35 join him. I can't wait to see what
01:36 he is gonna show us today?
01:46 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
01:47 welcome to Nature Time. We're at
01:49 the Florida aquarium at Tampa, Florida.
01:51 You may hear some noise in the
01:52 background because we are at an aquarium
01:54 and my friend Alex is here and he is going
01:57 to tell us something about these creatures.
01:58 Alex what are these? They don't look
01:59 like fish or animal, what are they?
02:01 We are looking at leafy sea dragons
02:03 here from Australia. Well, tell us
02:05 something about these? Well,
02:07 these are perfect example of camouflage
02:11 in the under water world. We have
02:14 a relative of the sea horse here,
02:16 the leafy sea dragon who has managed
02:18 to be able to mimic himself to look
02:20 almost identical to the actual
02:22 environment when, in which he lives?
02:25 Well, what do they eat? They spend
02:27 their whole day hunting for mysid shrimp
02:31 which are little tiny shrimp. The
02:33 equivalent of what whales would eat,
02:34 when they hunt for krill. The shrimp
02:38 are very important part of their diet
02:41 and the things that's really need about
02:44 these creatures is that they don't have
02:46 a stomach. No stomach. Yes. How do they
02:49 observe the food? How they? Well,
02:51 that all takes place within the intestinal
02:53 tract of the animal and that's part of reason
02:55 why they have to eat continuously
02:57 throughout the day. Tell us something
02:59 about the reproduction, do they have,
03:00 what is the process of that? Well,
03:03 for those of you who don't know that
03:05 the seahorse family, the majority of the
03:07 males in the family are the ones who
03:10 become pregnant and the way that that
03:13 works is that the females produce
03:16 the eggs and the males become ready
03:18 to accept the eggs and there is a bit
03:21 of a courtship that goes on between the
03:23 two over a period of two days perhaps
03:26 and when everything is perfect
03:27 the female will transfer her eggs over
03:30 to the male and the male actually carries
03:32 the eggs, and the eggs develop on
03:34 the, in this case with the dragons on
03:37 the underside of the tail. Until then,
03:40 and then when the eggs mature, the babies
03:42 hatch, do they hatch in the pouch? Well,
03:44 in the case of the seahorses, the male
03:46 has a pouch and that's a protective
03:48 in housing for the babies, but with
03:52 the sea dragons and another relative,
03:55 the Pipefish, the eggs are actually laid
03:58 on the bottom of the tail and they
04:00 will hatch right up to the tail. So,
04:02 they just hatch in the water and the tiny
04:03 little, what do these creatures look like
04:05 when they are small? Do they look like
04:06 their parent? They are almost invisible.
04:08 Ah, I think so. They're, they're tiny
04:10 little things approximately about
04:12 a ½ inch long, they are transparent
04:15 practically. They still have a little bit of
04:17 yolk on them too on their stomach
04:19 which is enough for them to be able to
04:22 find the bottom of the, of the ocean and
04:26 begin to hunt for food. So, they've got
04:28 a little reserve of food left over.
04:30 And as always I suspect that there are
04:32 creatures that feed on them,
04:34 younger ones, when they are young like
04:35 that. Absolutely. And so, then there
04:37 are as is the case of many of those
04:40 creatures most of them don't survive,
04:41 but enough survive to perpetuated
04:43 continue like that. That's exactly.
04:45 What type of water do they inhabit,
04:47 do they live in, and is it deep water, or
04:49 shallow water, leaves or things of that nature?
04:51 Well, this is what interesting because
04:53 most people think that because these
04:55 animals are so colorful and so exotic
04:58 looking that they must come from the Great
05:00 Barrier Reef in Australia, but in
05:03 actuality they're a cold water seahorse,
05:06 the equivalent of perhaps the California
05:08 coast cold water where there's lots of kelp,
05:11 lots of marine algae that grow on rocks.
05:14 And they associate with these marine algae
05:16 in a cold water environment and they
05:18 wouldn't live if they lived in warm water,
05:20 they would die immediately.
05:21 Well, tell me about this, are these creatures
05:23 difficult to keep I mean that you really
05:25 have special care here, special water
05:27 and are they delicate, they appear
05:30 to be very delicate creature? They
05:32 do look quite delicate and they are,
05:33 in certain ways they are a little more hardy
05:38 than some other types of fish, but we have
05:41 special techniques for maintaining
05:44 our collection because they can be quite tough
05:47 to keep and they're quite tough to acquire
05:49 also, they only are available during
05:52 one month of the year. Well then,
05:55 then if you are, can people keep these
05:58 in their home? I don't think very many
06:00 people in the world have these in their
06:02 home aquariums. They're too difficult to
06:04 keep in that. Yeah, and very hard to acquire.
06:06 Very hard to acquire. Well, they certainly
06:08 are a beautiful creature and I am
06:10 just thrill this is my first experience
06:12 with them that I have seen. And boys
06:14 and girls it's a thrill for me to learn
06:16 about these creatures and learn
06:18 about their environment and we
06:20 can appreciate them, and see them,
06:21 and love them and tell as always,
06:23 this is Ranger Jim saying, don't forget
06:25 to tell Jesus that you love Him
06:27 because He really does love you.
06:38 Hello Andrew, are you looking for a star?
06:42 Buddy, I'm not just looking for any star,
06:44 I'm looking for The star. Are you looking
06:47 for The star? I don't get it. Well,
06:50 I am in fifth grade this year and I've
06:52 got a lot of big decision and I've got to make.
06:55 I thought may get a sign from heaven.
06:59 A sign from heaven that could happen,
07:02 but more likely, if you walk with your
07:06 friend Jesus, He'll show you what to do?
07:08 See Andrew He wants you to take
07:12 a step of faith. Ladies and gentleman,
07:15 shall we rise and sing.
07:27 The man that had the most virtue and he's
07:31 where you should be. Put your best foot
07:36 forward and God will see you through.
07:42 Take a step of faith, take a step of faith,
07:45 when you can't see your hand in front
07:47 of your face, take a step of faith.
07:50 With North star to guide your way,
07:52 God still beside you saying, take a step
07:55 of faith, just take a step of faith.
08:00 You now wait until some bean of ray that
08:02 you came to, you now wait to check
08:06 your light afar. Because God made you,
08:10 he's everything you know is true. Wait
08:12 in the corner, where you are.
08:17 Wait in the corner, where you are.
08:21 Wait in the corner, where you are.
08:25 Someone far from here where you may
08:28 guide across the far.
08:29 Wait in the corner, where you are.
08:33 Take a step of faith, take a step of faith,
08:37 when you can't see your hand in front
08:39 of your face, take a step of faith.
08:41 With North star to guide your way,
08:44 God still beside you saying,
08:46 take a step of faith, just take a step of
08:49 faith. Take a step of faith,
08:51 just take a step of faith.
09:06 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Learning
09:08 Time. Today we have got a real special
09:11 program for you, and we need some special
09:14 equipment. So, you know what? I've
09:16 got some special equipment right here.
09:18 Can you tell me what these are?
09:20 Safety glasses. They're safety glasses
09:23 we're gonna need some of those,
09:25 at least some of us are today, and you
09:27 know what else I have today? Matches.
09:29 This happened to be matches, now you
09:31 have to be very careful with matches.
09:33 You should never play with matches, today,
09:36 we are gonna need them for an experiment.
09:37 We have a very special piece of equipment
09:40 over here. Can you tell me what this is?
09:43 Fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher,
09:46 because you know today we are working
09:48 with matches and we just might need
09:50 a fire extinguisher. I hope not,
09:52 I brought another special piece of
09:54 equipment with me, it happens to be
09:56 right here. I want you to tell me what
09:59 this object is? A water bottle.
10:02 It's a water bottle, what comes in
10:04 these bottles? Water. Water, of course.
10:07 Well, there was a label on here we just
10:09 took the label and we scratch the label
10:11 right off. We ought to put another label
10:14 on this bottle and that label ought
10:16 to say danger, keep away, no fires,
10:20 no sparks, it ought to say poison. It ought
10:24 to say toxic. Now, I'm gonna ask you
10:27 a question, do you think that there are
10:29 something dangerous in this bottle? Yes.
10:33 You do. Well, can you see any danger
10:36 in this bottle? No. I can't see any danger
10:39 in this bottle. Is this bottle empty
10:41 or is it full? Empty. It happens to be empty
10:45 of water, water, but it's absolutely full
10:50 of what? Air. Air, now sometimes
10:54 we can't see air. Air is transparent,
10:57 we look right through it, but there's
10:59 something mixed with this air that you
11:01 can't see, this is what I want you to do.
11:03 I want you to take your safety glasses
11:06 and I want you to put them right on,
11:08 okay, you got it. Hey, you guys look
11:11 great with those safety glasses on.
11:13 Now, I'm gonna take our match and I'm gonna
11:15 light the match. We're gonna count three,
11:18 two, one, I'm gonna put the match right
11:21 in here and we're going to see exciting
11:26 experiment. Are you ready? Yeah. Alright,
11:29 here we go. Now, some of you just might
11:31 want to take your hands right now and
11:34 just place them over your ears because
11:36 there might be a reaction.
11:38 Are you ready? Yes. Alright, here we go,
11:42 how about a count down? Three, two,
11:46 one, and here we go.
11:50 Did you, did you hear that? Yeah. Well,
11:54 was there is something dangerous
11:55 in it that couldn't see? Yeah. Oh! Yeah,
11:59 there was something dangerous in here
12:01 that we couldn't see. Oh! Oh! My, Oh!
12:03 My, Oh! My, it's stuck to my hand. Wow!
12:09 There we are. There was a chemical reaction
12:14 that happens when I drop the match
12:16 in there. There was something very
12:19 dangerous in there that you and I couldn't see.
12:22 Do you know what? Sometimes we can't
12:25 see things that can hurt us and sometimes
12:28 people remind us, so the fact that we
12:30 can be hurt even though we don't see
12:33 any dangers. You know that God gives us
12:36 His Holy book, the Bible. The Bible warns
12:39 us against danger. Remember every time
12:44 we learn something new about science,
12:46 we're learning something about our Creator God.
12:58 Welcome to Capernaum. You had a
13:00 good trip from Jerusalem? Yes.
13:03 I'm told you wanna hear my exciting story?
13:06 Oh! Yes. Oh! I can't believe what happened
13:09 to me and I can't tell it enough.
13:12 I have been paralyze, totally paralyze
13:15 for years and, and it was because I don't
13:20 wanna you why, it's all my own stupid
13:22 decisions in life. It wasn't that God
13:24 punish me, it was that I made some poor
13:27 decisions and brought these things on myself.
13:29 Now, I would like some of our believers
13:31 they think they want something bad
13:33 happens that's God that does it. No,
13:35 we make some of our own poor decisions
13:38 end up in these situations. I heard
13:41 that Jesus was coming to Capernaum.
13:43 I was so excited. He went to Peter's house
13:47 and was preaching at Peter's house.
13:50 I got four of my big friends to come over
13:53 and say, would you guys please, take
13:55 me to Jesus, take me to Jesus?
13:58 They got a stretcher. I said goodbye
14:00 to my wife, they carried me to Peter's house.
14:03 While I forgot one thing. Wherever
14:06 Jesus goes He attracts the crowd.
14:08 There were people everywhere my four
14:11 friends said, hey, we got a get to Jesus,
14:13 this guy's sick and they turned and
14:14 looked at Him and said, we're all sick buddy.
14:18 So, I had an idea I said, guys take me up
14:22 the steps beside of the house up to the roof.
14:25 You know, the flat roof and it was made
14:28 of palm and clay and we got up there
14:34 and they said, now what? I said, destroy
14:38 the roof. They started pulling into it,
14:41 pulling bits off and Peter was down below
14:45 standing next to Jesus, as Jesus
14:47 spoke they said, that little chunks started
14:50 falling from the ceiling and, but Jesus
14:54 isn't distracted by little stuff you see and
14:56 so He kept looking at the people then the guys
15:03 weren't too careful and a big chunk fell down
15:05 right in front of Jesus and the people all
15:08 looked up, Jesus looked up and I,
15:10 the four guys were like this; hello, hello,
15:16 now I said, okay, guys, lower me down.
15:18 How were they gonna lower you down?
15:20 Well, good question. They were big guys
15:23 with big belts; they tie the four corners
15:25 of the stretcher and started lowering
15:27 it right down in front of the Jesus.
15:29 The crowd was gasping. Peter was probably
15:33 worried about his roof. I heard Judas said,
15:36 this is gonna cost a lot of money.
15:38 They lowered me down. I was so thrilled,
15:40 all I wanted was to know that I was
15:42 forgiven of sins. The first thing Jesus
15:46 said was, son your sins are forgiven.
15:54 At which point I, guys come and take me.
15:57 Jesus looked around; there were some
16:02 Pharisees there they were giving Jesus
16:03 a hard time. They were really already
16:06 preparing to kill Him. And Jesus said to them,
16:09 which is easier to say your sins are forgiven
16:12 or get up? Take up your mat and go home.
16:15 They didn't answer. You could see them
16:17 discussing among each other. And Jesus said,
16:20 I want you to know that the son of man
16:24 has the power to forgive sin. He's God.
16:28 And he came over to me and he said,
16:30 get up, pick up your mat and go home.
16:35 I felt my muscles starting to twitch,
16:37 I saw color coming back into my skin,
16:41 I kept my eyes on Jesus, I stood up,
16:45 I couldn't believe it, I jumped, I hugged Jesus,
16:49 I said bye guys and I went running as
16:52 fast as I could home. My wife was over
16:54 in the corner of the room. She said,
16:55 lay him down over there fellows.
16:57 I walked over to her. She said, I said lay him
17:01 down over there. I wrapped my arms around
17:04 her, she said, excuse me she turned around,
17:08 I was able to hug my wife. I'll never
17:13 forget the day. Don't ever take walking or
17:17 moving for granted, it's a gift from God.
17:20 I've been restored and I tell the story
17:22 over-and-over again. Jesus changed
17:25 my life and He'll change your
17:27 life too. Let's have a pray.
17:49 I am a child, just learning to pray
17:54 I am a child, just learning to pray
17:59 I am a child, just learning to pray
18:04 Dear Jesus walk with me.
18:11 I am a child, just learning to love
18:16 I am a child, just learning to love
18:21 I am a child, just learning to love
18:26 Dear Jesus walk with me.
18:46 Thank you, Yasmine for that song.
18:48 I always love listen to Yasmine sing,
18:50 don't you? But today I want to introduce
18:52 you to Ashley. Hi, Ashley. Hi. I am so glad
18:55 you join me on Sharing Time today, and
18:58 tell me what it is that you do to share Jesus?
19:00 I make gifts. You make gifts, now what
19:02 kind of gifts? Like this little basket. Oh! Is
19:06 that cute? Now, how do you make that?
19:08 You take a can the size you want and you
19:13 just put paper around it and at the end
19:15 you may, you cut it and so it's fringy and I
19:19 just put a little black belt on the bottom.
19:22 Then inside I put soap and for the, this I
19:27 just put it around the fancy. Now, what
19:29 is this, this little wire that use curled up
19:32 as a handle? There's little holes on the
19:35 side, so you wanna have like a grown up
19:39 person do it. Okay, okay and what do you
19:42 put in the basket? I put in little memory
19:45 verses. Can I see? Oh! This is cute.
19:53 Let's see here. It says: If we can confess
19:56 our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive
19:58 us our sins, First John 1:9. Oh! That is so,
20:02 and I like the little flower here. Now,
20:03 how did you get these little flowers on here?
20:05 They're stamps. They're stamps. So, I
20:08 just stamp it. Oh! That is so cute and then
20:10 you have Bible verses in there, and now
20:12 who would you gift this to? Friends,
20:15 new neighbors, and new Church members,
20:17 whoever really need it. Oh! That is so
20:20 sweet, isn't that? Do you think you could
20:22 do that boys and girls? I think
20:23 you can, that is adorable I love that idea.
20:26 Well, thank you for coming and sharing.
20:28 How old are you? I am 10. You're 10
20:31 and what grade that you get ready going to?
20:32 Fifth. Fifth and what is your favorite sport
20:35 that you love to play? Baseball. Baseball,
20:39 well that's awesome, but you know what?
20:40 I am so glad that you brought and showed
20:42 us a gift, boys and girls, everywhere
20:44 ideas or what you can do, right? Well,
20:46 I have so much mail boys and girls, look
20:48 at all this mail I have to today. Can you
20:50 believe this letter after letter after letter,
20:52 I am so excited I'm gonna try to read as many
20:56 of them as I can, alright. This one is
20:58 from Hollandale, Wisconsin and there's
21:03 a picture and I'm gonna ask Ashley,
21:05 if you would help me hold this, oh!
21:06 I got a picture of the whole family.
21:07 Can you hold that up for me, please? Now,
21:09 this letter says, dear Miss Brenda,
21:11 I would like to have a Kids Time activity book,
21:13 love Joshua. Well, yes I would be happy to send
21:16 you one. And here's a picture they colored
21:18 and Gideon blowing his horn right there.
21:20 See that for the City of Jericho and thank
21:23 you for that. Now, let see what a precious
21:26 family. Let me have that picture; if you could,
21:29 alright. And lets see there is one from the
21:31 Bahamas, let's get this one. This one says,
21:34 Oh! I got another picture and here we go.
21:38 This says, dear Miss Brenda, my two little
21:41 children just love your program Kids Time and
21:43 they tell their friends and family to watch
21:45 it everyday and that's how they share Jesus.
21:48 Brianna, who is 5 years old and Brian Jr.
21:51 3-year-old, they love the songs and the
21:53 Bible stories. Also my husband and I
21:55 enjoy your program, especially Sharing Time
21:57 and the Story Time. May God continue
21:59 to bless you and this is a picture Brianna
22:02 and Brian. And then I want to thank you
22:04 for that and I will make sure you get some Kids
22:07 Time activity book out to you. Now,
22:09 there is one here from Hutchinson,
22:12 Minnesota and lets see what we have here,
22:14 another picture I love the picture boys and
22:16 girls, lets see who we have here? Can
22:18 you hold this one for me? Handsome
22:20 in there and this one says, dear Miss Brenda,
22:23 I am 8 years old; please send me an activity
22:25 book. I am really good at seeing. By the way,
22:27 my name is Justin and I read the Bible everyday,
22:30 I love Jesus. Well, Justin you know I am
22:32 glad you read the Bible everyday.
22:33 We all should because that's how we learn
22:35 more about Jesus. And we become closer
22:38 to Jesus when we learn more about Him.
22:40 Let's see this one is from Melinda from
22:43 Fairview, Tennessee, and let's see what
22:46 Melinda says, Oh, she's colored us a little
22:50 picture here, and maybe you can just
22:52 hold this up for me. And it says, dear
22:56 Miss Brenda, my name is Melinda. I'm 3 years
22:59 old and I live in Tennessee.
23:00 I share Jesus this year at the County Fair
23:03 and I handed out Religious Books to the
23:05 people who came by our booth. Many people
23:07 were happy for them and they even stopped
23:09 by and see our spiritual and healthful living
23:12 literature. I really enjoy Kids Time and
23:14 I would like an activity book, please. I
23:16 love to watch Mr. Buddy play the piano
23:19 and sing. You know what? I love to watch
23:21 Buddy play the piano and sing too.
23:22 And all those Kids Time singers don't you?
23:25 Let's see this one is from Makayla and
23:28 Makayla is from Marshall, Maryland.
23:30 Let's see what Makayla has to say, I got
23:33 another picture to show you. Let's put
23:35 that up, okay, let's see here. It says,
23:38 dear Miss Brenda I love Jesus and I help
23:41 my friend when they were hurt and I'm 7 years
23:43 old and I am in the first grade and I have
23:47 a pet sheepdog. Please send me an activity
23:49 book and a bookmark, love Makayla.
23:52 Oh! You know, I want you to be nice and
23:56 kind to your pets too. We need like Ranger
23:58 Jim says, when you have pets you need to
24:00 give them water and food and take good
24:02 care of them. Thank you for your letter.
24:04 This one is from Trinidad. Let's see what
24:07 this letter's about. And I have got another
24:10 picture. Well, Ashley you getting lots
24:11 of work today, aren't you? It says,
24:13 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Christy and I'm
24:16 7 years old. I enjoy watching Kids Time
24:19 with my family. I enjoy the kids singing the
24:21 songs very much and the animals with Ranger Jim.
24:24 I share Jesus by telling my cousins and my
24:26 friends about Jesus love. Please, send me
24:29 a Kids Time activity book and I would like
24:30 to be a member of Kids Club. Thank you
24:32 and I am praying for you and all of 3ABN,
24:35 love Christy. Well, Christy thank you
24:37 and keep praying for us, will you. I
24:40 have got another picture. This one
24:41 is, let's see this one here was Christy
24:44 you just thought, and this one is Trixie.
24:46 Let see what Trixie's letter says. And
24:49 this one says, dear Miss Brenda. My name
24:51 is Trixie and I am 10 years old and I really
24:55 love Kids Time especially Praise Time.
24:57 Please send me an activity book and I
24:59 want to thank you and I am praying
25:00 for you and 3ABN, love Trixie. Well, thank
25:03 you Trixie and keep praying for us, we
25:05 need all the prayers we can get because
25:07 we want Jesus to really bless this program.
25:09 I have one here from Reedsburg,
25:12 Wisconsin and I have another picture, if
25:14 you could that up for me. And let's
25:16 see what Megan, this is from Megan.
25:19 Let's see what Megan has to say, dear
25:20 Miss Brenda. I am 9 years old and I have
25:22 two sisters and a brother. My
25:23 oldest sister is 12 and my youngest sister
25:26 8 months. My brother is 10 and I like to
25:29 help my mom with my baby sister. My
25:31 mom works a lot and so that means she sleeps
25:34 a lot too. I help keep my baby sister quiet,
25:36 so my mom can sleep. I like Kids Time a lot,
25:39 love Megan. Well, thank you Megan,
25:41 you know that's really, it shows Jesus
25:44 in your heart to help your mama like that
25:46 doesn't it? Let see, if we have another one
25:48 right here and let see this one is from
25:52 Brooklyn and there's a picture if you can
25:54 hold that up real quick. It's say, dear
25:56 Miss Brenda, I love Kids Time, it's interesting
25:58 and I am 9 years old and I am in the fourth
26:01 grade. I go to the Seventh-day Adventist
26:04 Church and I was baptized. Please send
26:06 me an activity book, sincerely your Claron.
26:09 Claron, I am so glad you gave your heart to
26:11 Jesus and that you were baptized, that's
26:14 what Jesus wants all of us to do, isn't it?
26:16 Well, that's all the time we have today boys
26:18 and girls. I want to thank you for joining
26:19 me. I want to thank you Ashley for joining
26:21 me too and also sharing your baskets.
26:24 Remember boys and girls, wherever you go,
26:26 whatever you do, its Kids
26:27 Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17