Kids' Time

Righteous Living

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000096

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time
00:25 Hi, boys and girls.
00:26 Have you ever owned a coin
00:28 something like this one right here?
00:30 Probably not, you know, why?
00:33 This one is a real mite
00:37 and it's something that's probably similar
00:39 to what we have is a penny today,
00:41 and I can pick it up and show you like that,
00:43 see how tiny it is.
00:44 It's a lot lighter than a penny just a tiny little thing.
00:48 And this one my friend Pat Zima gave to me,
00:50 so that I can share with you.
00:52 And this was actually used
00:54 and dates back to the Bible times,
00:57 and this wasn't worth very much in Jesus day though.
01:00 And our Bible story today will tell about a woman,
01:02 who did drop the coin very much like this one
01:05 into the church offering plate,
01:08 probably it wasn't even an offering plate,
01:09 it was probably more like a box.
01:11 Now she was a very poor woman
01:12 and even though her little coin wasn't worth very much?
01:16 It was all she had.
01:18 Now do you know that Jesus praised
01:20 and honored that woman for her tiny offering?
01:23 Do you know what,
01:24 to Jesus it wasn't tiny at all because she gave it with love.
01:28 She wasn't selfish.
01:30 She wasn't worried that God wouldn't take care of her needs.
01:33 She trusted Him
01:35 and loved Him enough to give Him her last little coin.
01:39 So you know what boys and girls?
01:41 If ever attempt to think that you can't give much,
01:44 or you can't do much for Jesus.
01:46 I want you to remember the woman and her one little coin.
01:50 To Jesus it was worth more than you could ever imagine.
01:54 And you know what? He will bless you too.
01:58 Well, right now do you know what gulls and terns are?
02:00 I didn't either until Ranger Jim told me all about it,
02:04 so let's listen and see what he says.
02:13 Hi, boys and girls look what we've for you to see today.
02:15 We have a group of birds that are roosting here,
02:18 resting on this gravel bar and they are black skimmers
02:22 and some other birds that you will be seeing also.
02:24 I will try to identify just a few of them for you,
02:27 but these birds feed primarily either at night
02:30 or early in the morning.
02:31 And then in the afternoon they are loafing,
02:33 they are sort of laying around,
02:34 relaxed and visiting and having a nap,
02:37 like we do sometime in the afternoon.
02:39 And most of these birds are black skimmers.
02:41 The birds that you see that have the long large bill
02:45 and it's partially red and part black
02:48 are called black skimmers,
02:49 have a very unusual way of feeding.
02:51 They go along when the water is calm
02:54 and the lower mandible,
02:56 the lower part of the bill bends down
02:58 and they just skim along the surface of the water.
03:01 And when you see eight or ten of them
03:02 side by side skimming along,
03:04 they are just touching the water
03:06 and the moment that bill touches menu of any kind
03:09 it snapshot automatically almost like a mousetrap.
03:12 They garbled that down
03:13 put the beak down continue to go along,
03:15 and so it's beautiful to see them
03:16 just as the sun is going down almost dark.
03:19 As they go along,
03:20 you can see all these little ridges in the water going along.
03:23 They make a big circle,
03:24 then they come back feeding back and forth and back.
03:26 Even at night on a moonlight night,
03:28 that is just gorgeous.
03:30 Sometime Ranger Jim is out fishing,
03:31 I don't get into late if it's a moonlight night.
03:34 When I see the skimmers working,
03:35 I just stop and watch these beautiful birds
03:38 as they skim along looking for food.
03:40 So their bill snapping shot is an automatic sense.
03:43 They don't have to think about it.
03:45 It's like to when you touch something very hot
03:47 you react to it instantly
03:48 without consulting your brain really
03:50 and that's what happens with these birds.
03:52 Now other than the black skimmers
03:54 the birds that you're seeing,
03:55 there are some Royal Terns.
03:58 They are the terns that you may see
03:59 that has somewhat of a blackcap
04:01 if they are immature the cap will be complete.
04:03 But they have a more of an orange bill
04:06 that you see there.
04:07 Also that you will see some gulls
04:10 that have a blackhead.
04:11 Now there are several different kinds of gulls
04:14 that we have in this area that have blackheads depending upon
04:16 if they are immature or not.
04:18 If they are mature then it would be very distinct you could see.
04:21 But some other gulls with the blackhead
04:23 that you might be seeing are Bonaparte's Gull
04:26 or gulls like that.
04:27 And of course then we have a Laughing Gull
04:30 that they have a buffy blackhead
04:32 and they're called a Laughing Gull
04:34 because their call and it sounds
04:36 all more like they're going hahahaha.
04:38 Now that's not a very good imitation,
04:39 but that why they are called Laughing Gulls.
04:42 Now the gull the expression, there is a bunch of seagulls
04:46 you heard that expression many time people use that,
04:48 they are just describing that's a generic term
04:50 that describes a group of gulls, but truly the gull that usually
04:55 you're talking about the most common gull
04:57 that we have across the Unites States specially
04:59 is the Herring Gull.
05:01 And you perhaps are seeing one of those in this group.
05:03 There are large gull and then they have the bill
05:06 and around the end they may have a red dot depending upon
05:09 if there are mature or not.
05:10 If they are in a breeding plumage
05:11 then they would have that you would recognize that.
05:14 And also in this group there is a very small tern
05:18 that you will see is just called a common tern.
05:21 That looks almost like the Black Skimmers,
05:23 but there are much smaller.
05:24 So if you're seeing those tiny smaller birds
05:27 than the Black Skimmers,
05:28 they are not just baby Black Skimmer
05:30 because they wouldn't have the right plumage
05:32 they are just common ordinary terns. Okay,
05:35 so when we come up to a group of birds like this
05:38 and look at them,
05:40 it's true that birds of a feather flock together
05:42 when they are feeding,
05:43 but it isn't true necessarily when they are roosting
05:45 because this group of birds boys and girls
05:48 one of the most amazing things of Gods creation are birds.
05:53 Now with a group of birds that we are looking at behind me,
05:56 the most of the birds on the interior part
05:59 of that flock of birds are sleep.
06:01 That is both eyes are closed
06:04 and their brain is fully unaware of what's going on.
06:07 But the birds around the outer edges
06:10 may have the eye only inside
06:12 facing other birds will be closed,
06:14 yet that part of the brain is resting.
06:17 But the outside eye is aware
06:20 and looking for danger that might attack the flock.
06:23 Isn't that incredible? Can you imagine that,
06:25 that a human being could close one eye
06:27 and rest that side of the brain,
06:29 but we don't need that you see
06:30 God gave us other means of doing that.
06:33 But he gave the birds that ability,
06:35 that those birds only outside
06:37 can have one eye closed that side sleeping,
06:39 but the other side is wide awake watching for danger.
06:42 What a wonderful God we have.
06:45 I could talk to you boys and girls,
06:46 I wish you could come here
06:47 or I could come to your school and talk about birds
06:49 for hours we can talk about them.
06:52 What wonderful creatures they are that God made.
06:55 I do so look forward to being in a new earth
06:58 and we can study, we can ask Jesus questions.
07:01 Will that be wonderful to say, how did you decided to do this?
07:03 How did you ever think of making them this color?
07:06 They all fit together,
07:07 they are also beautiful whom we see them.
07:09 How did you ever come up a concept to fly?
07:12 What a wonderful God we serve boys and girls.
07:15 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him,
07:17 because He really does love you.
07:28 Hello, boys and girls I'm here with Marlisa,
07:31 Marlisa we're doing the song "All In All".
07:33 When you heard that you are doing
07:35 a solo for this song, you're very happy.
07:37 Can you tell the boys and girls at home,
07:39 why you want to do that?
07:41 Because this song describe what God is to me.
07:43 When I'm weak He is strong,
07:45 and when I'm missing something in life I can find in Him.
07:48 That is so very, very true.
07:52 Boys and girls, today we have a special treat for you.
07:54 We've a violin section
07:56 made up of Glazni and Cindy and Hannah.
08:01 And they will be doing some counter melody things
08:03 that are really, really beautiful.
08:05 Also on guitar we have Andrew Roderick,
08:07 he will be doing some finger picking
08:09 and it's really, really pretty.
08:11 We are looking forward to, to doing this song.
08:13 Please worship with us, you are my "All In All."
08:34 You are my strength when I am weak
08:37 You are the treasure that I seek
08:40 You are my all in all
08:46 Seeking You as a precious jewel
08:49 Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
08:52 You are my all in all
08:58 Jesus, Lamb of God
09:03 Worthy is your name
09:09 Jesus, Lamb of God
09:15 Worthy is your name
09:35 Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
09:38 Rising up again, I bless Your name
09:41 You are my all in all
09:47 When I fall down, You pick me up
09:50 When I am dry You fill my cup
09:54 You are my all in all
09:59 Jesus, Lamb of God
10:05 Worthy is your name
10:11 Jesus, Lamb of God
10:17 Worthy is your name
10:48 Hi, I beg you love a big tall glass of lemonade,
10:52 I do too, but I also love lemonade cake,
10:55 it's not only delicious
10:57 but you wouldn't believe how easy it is to make.
11:00 Well let us put the ingredients up on the screen for you.
11:04 [Ingredients on screen]
11:21 Now it doesn't really matter
11:24 what order you put the ingredients
11:25 and you want to get all of it in and then mix up
11:28 and that's all there is to it.
11:29 And we start with our flour, doesn't really matter,
11:33 so I'll just put all in.
11:35 And our pure maple syrup.
11:41 And our one cup of lemonade.
11:47 And our canola oil.
11:51 And our salts, baking powder,
12:00 and then our two tea spoons of lemon extract.
12:03 It's all ingredients and mix it up.
12:09 Now this, this cake is delicious,
12:12 maybe on a hot summer day
12:13 when you would wanna a cool glass of lemonade
12:15 you could also have a piece of this lemonade cake.
12:17 It's just delicious,
12:19 it all mixed up. Okay,
12:26 good and mixed,
12:27 may get off the bottom, okay.
12:32 Now we're gonna get the baking pan, this aside.
12:38 Now you wanna just take some non-stick baking spray
12:41 and spray down your pan,
12:43 so your cake doesn't stick to the pan, besides. Okay,
12:51 now we're gonna pour our batter into the pan,
12:54 put all in there into the pan.
12:59 Now this is a 9x13 pan,
13:02 you can also use 2x8 inch pans,
13:05 but don't use 2x9 inch that's has to be 8 inch. Okay,
13:11 it all skipped out.
13:13 Now we're gonna bake this at 350 for about 25 to 30 minutes,
13:18 but I always under bake just a little bit to make sure
13:21 that I don't over bake. Okay,
13:25 as most of is out, okay.
13:28 Oops, okay,
13:35 we gonna move that aside,
13:38 well we'll try to get this little bit even,
13:41 or even the pan, there we go.
13:45 Try to drop it in like I did,
13:48 it's not a good thing. Okay,
13:53 now that's what it's gonna look like
13:56 and I have a finished product for you.
13:58 This is after a piece, after the cake has been baked.
14:02 See how nice and moist it is.
14:04 Now I'm ready for the glaze,
14:06 now what I've done with the glaze
14:08 is I've taken one cup of pure Florida crystals
14:11 and put them in a blender until they look kind like a powder.
14:14 And I've added just a little bit of lemonade
14:16 and you keep adding
14:17 until you get kind of a consistency like this.
14:23 And you are gonna add a little bit of lemon extract.
14:27 And then with this glaze,
14:30 I'm just gonna dribble it with the spoon over the top.
14:40 Say like that, just a little bit of dribble.
14:46 Then I've taken a little piece of flour,
14:51 just to make it pretty and they're right on the top,
14:57 just like that and here we go.
15:04 Doesn't that look delicious and pretty?
15:06 Well, until next time keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:19 Hi, come on into my home,
15:21 I just got home from the temple.
15:25 Oh, how I had wanted to find Jesus.
15:29 I went to the temple and I was in the outer courtyard
15:34 where all of the treasury boxes were.
15:37 Oh, the man that were there,
15:40 you should've seen how they were dressed,
15:42 they had beautiful long ropes,
15:45 why one of them even had on a crown.
15:48 Oh, they look so beautiful,
15:50 why they held up their money bags very high,
15:55 so that we would all see what they were giving,
15:59 they would drop their coins in and it would make such noise.
16:03 Oh! My! But they must have been rich people.
16:08 I was hoping to find Jesus
16:11 and just about then Jesus walked in.
16:16 What a contrast,
16:19 the rulers and the priest had on this beautiful clothes,
16:23 but Jesus clothes were so, so worn,
16:29 his disciples clothes were worn as well.
16:32 I thought Jesus would have a big smile on his face
16:37 for seeing all those people giving all of their money.
16:40 But He didn't, He looked rather sad.
16:45 I wondered why?
16:47 You know, we had all heard so much about Jesus
16:52 and the wonderful things He had done while
16:54 He had healed the sick, He made the blind to see.
16:58 Jesus even raised a man once from the dead
17:01 after he had been dead four whole days.
17:08 Jesus, we all wanted to see
17:10 Jesus the kind look on his face.
17:13 Oh I thought, if I could only be like Him.
17:18 Just then I noticed a woman coming in.
17:21 She was dressed so poorly.
17:24 She was the poorest widow
17:26 and in her hand she had two little coins,
17:32 just two, I wondered why
17:34 she'd even bothered to come to the temple.
17:36 While I thoughts the priest should give her money instead.
17:41 But she went over very quietly
17:42 and dropped her coins in the box.
17:45 And then she turned to leave,
17:48 she didn't want any one to see her.
17:50 At that moment I noticed that Jesus eyes were on her
17:56 and He had the biggest smile on His face,
17:59 he was so pleased, I wondered why?
18:03 And yes, Jesus whispered to His disciples and He said,
18:10 she has given more than all of the others.
18:18 I wondered what Jesus meant by that.
18:24 Maybe, maybe He meant that
18:27 when the priest and rulers would go home,
18:30 they had much more, but the widow lady,
18:35 the widow lady had given her all.
18:43 I want to give my all for Jesus too.
18:58 Hey Chelsea, what's matter with Taylor?
19:00 I don't know.
19:01 I think I have an idea.
19:03 Really what's that?
19:05 Work on your attitudes The way you know you should
19:11 Put away the selfish thoughts and think only on good
19:18 Check all your motives Make sure they pass the test
19:24 Then the Lord will help you to do your very best
19:30 You've got to work on your attitudes
19:33 In all you do and say Look for opportunities
19:40 To practice them each day
19:43 People around you are watching all you do
19:49 So work on your attitudes Faith, joy, and gratitude
19:56 Yes work on your attitudes today.
20:14 Thank you for that beautiful song.
20:16 Well, boys and girls,
20:17 I've been sitting here reading your letters,
20:19 I have so many letters I want to share with you,
20:21 and I have to share this one with you
20:23 because this is my very first thank you note.
20:25 I'm so excited, I want to read it.
20:27 It says dear Miss Brenda,
20:29 thank you so much for that Kids Time Activity Book
20:31 and for the bookmark, I just love them.
20:34 And I wanted to tell you that
20:36 I get up at 6:30 every morning to watch Kids Time.
20:40 And I can join, I wanted to know,
20:42 if I can join Kids Club, let me know if I can
20:45 because I would really like to get the lessons.
20:47 I have an idea, why don't you call me sometime,
20:50 I think that would be fun.
20:51 And she left her phone number for me
20:53 and says love Laura and she is from Eureka, Montana.
20:56 And you know what Laura, thank you for your phone number
20:58 and you stand by because I just might give you a phone call.
21:02 Alright here is one from Jamaica in the West Indies and Diandra
21:08 and... Oops there is a dollar bill inside this one.
21:11 Let's see what Diandra has to say,
21:14 and she drew a little,
21:16 I'll see this, she drew a little picture
21:17 and says this is my church.
21:19 Well, that's nice, nice picture of a church,
21:22 and oops another dollar bill. Okay,
21:25 it says dear Miss Brenda,
21:27 my name is Diandra and I live in Jamaica, West Indies.
21:30 I watch your program on Sabbath mornings
21:32 and I enjoy it a lot,
21:34 I share Jesus with my teacher and the classmates
21:36 every chance I get by telling them
21:39 what I've learned at adventures club
21:42 and at my church.
21:43 It said I would like to be a member of Kids Club
21:45 and I'm asking you please to send me
21:47 some Kids Time Activity Books.
21:49 Thank you very much,
21:50 and I've encloses some money for Kids Time,
21:53 yours Julie Diandra.
21:56 Well, thank you so much Diandra for the money
21:58 and we'll get, I will make sure it goes for Kids Time
22:01 and also I wanna thank you so much
22:03 for writing to us,
22:06 stand by because we will get those lessons out to you.
22:10 Now, this is from Elli and she is from California,
22:14 let me see where,
22:15 it looks like Weed in California.
22:18 Oh, my, I love this letter, it says Dear Miss Brenda,
22:21 I would like an Activity Book.
22:23 I share Jesus by helping my mom, colporteur and babysitting.
22:27 I love Kids Time and I'm almost 10, love Elli.
22:30 And look at what Elli wrote, I mean drew a picture,
22:32 Elli you are a very good artist,
22:35 look at this very good, thank you so much. Okay,
22:39 and it says, PS oh, we got to show Ranger Jim this one.
22:43 It says PS my favoritest is Ranger Jim just everything!
22:49 Look at that, Oh Ranger Jim is gonna enjoy that one.
22:52 Alright let's see,
22:54 well you know, what I love Ranger Jim too,
22:56 and I love hearing about all the things
22:58 he has to say about nature, don't you? Okay,
23:01 this one is from Holland, okay.
23:04 I love getting all these letters from other countries too.
23:08 And this one, it says dear Miss Brenda,
23:12 my name is Gabriela and I'm 10 years old,
23:15 I live in Holland
23:16 and every chance I get watch 3ABN.
23:19 I just love Kids Time
23:20 and I share Jesus by recording Kids Time on videos
23:23 and I give the videos to my friends
23:25 and they love it.
23:26 I love Praise Time the most
23:28 and if my letter comes on the air
23:32 will you do greetings to my family Lowden Kemp.
23:36 Here is the painting from myself,
23:38 I love Jesus,
23:39 reminding you in prayers, sincerely Gabriela.
23:42 And she has drawn a picture here.
23:45 Let me just show you right here
23:47 and she has drawn a picture here,
23:48 and it says well we love Kids Time,
23:50 and she's... they are saying they love Kids Time
23:53 and there it says 3ABN.
23:55 And she said please send me a Kids Time Activity Book.
23:58 So wasn't that nice, thank you so much.
24:01 And right now I have some emails for you,
24:04 but before I read them,
24:05 I would like to go to Pensacola, Florida
24:07 were Lucy is gonna tell you how she shares Jesus.
24:10 Hi, my name is Lucy
24:12 and I am from Pensacola, Florida.
24:14 One time I went with some of my friends
24:17 and went to share food with all the residents
24:21 and at this one lady's house,
24:22 she hadn't had food for a longtime.
24:24 And she is really happy, it made me happy too.
24:30 Thank you so much, I really enjoy that Lucy.
24:33 Well, I like to read a letter here,
24:35 this is from the Philippines and it says dear Miss Brenda,
24:38 I'm sorry you didn't received my earlier message
24:41 but that's okay, what happen is that's,
24:44 this is from Scott and he emailed me
24:48 and it didn't come through
24:49 and I had to tell him it didn't come through.
24:50 So he re-emailed me,
24:51 said my friends are writing to you too,
24:53 so I thought I would too.
24:54 It says I don't have a picture to show you now,
24:58 but maybe next time I will.
24:59 I come from the Philippines, I'm 11 years old
25:02 and I'm in the six grade.
25:03 I share Jesus by playing the piano in church.
25:06 I sometimes get nervous, but I overcome it by prayer.
25:09 I know you will read this on the air
25:10 that's why I'm trying to make no mistakes while I'm typing.
25:13 I know, I shouldn't write too long
25:15 because there will be no more time
25:16 for the other letters.
25:17 Can you please pray for my parents in California
25:20 and my brother and sister in Davao,
25:23 if so I would thank you,
25:25 please send the Activity Book, love Scott.
25:29 Well, Scott yes I will send the Activity Book
25:32 and also we well pray for your family.
25:33 So boys and girls, would you pray,
25:35 say prayer at night, when you go to bed
25:36 I want everybody to pray for Scott's family, will you?
25:39 Okay, that's a nice email there,
25:41 and this is a nice big envelope right here,
25:44 let's see what's in this one.
25:46 I've got a nice picture back here,
25:48 you see the little picture that they drew me,
25:49 isn't that nice? Okay,
25:52 this says dear Miss Brenda,
25:53 I watched your program today and I thought I would write.
25:55 Well, actually my dad is writing
25:57 because I'm only four years old.
25:59 We really appreciate your efforts
26:01 to share the Gospel with us
26:02 and the story you telling
26:03 and we love the cooking lessons too.
26:05 We had a snowstorm the other day
26:06 and we got almost 20 inches of snow
26:08 and now it's starting to get warm
26:10 and the snow is melting.
26:11 I'm going to draw a picture myself for you
26:14 on the other side of this letter,
26:15 have a happy day Emily.
26:16 Oh Emily, thank you so much for that letter
26:19 and for the nice art work, you are quite an artist.
26:21 Well, it looks like that's all the time
26:23 we have today boys and girls.
26:24 But until next time I want to you remember wherever you go,
26:27 whatever you do it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17