Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000095

00:03 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so,
00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls, isn't this a beautiful angel?
00:27 Since she is just gorgeous in this beautiful dress.
00:31 Well, of course this is just a make believe angel.
00:34 It's somebody's idea what an angel might look like,
00:38 but I think whoever made this doll,
00:40 had a very good idea.
00:42 The Bible tells us
00:43 that angels are powerful and they are,
00:46 you know, radiant with light
00:47 and that they have been seen in white robes
00:50 and sometimes they even appears ordinary people.
00:54 And the Bible also tells us
00:55 that they are God's messengers.
00:58 And they are often sent to help people in trouble.
01:01 The young man in our Bible story today
01:03 was in a lot of trouble.
01:04 And he had done something wrong.
01:06 He was all alone,
01:08 he was scare to go-ahead and scare to go home.
01:11 But, worst of all, he felt he had done something so bad
01:15 that he thought God had deserted him.
01:18 Do you think God deserted him?
01:20 No, not at all,
01:21 and God sent this young man a dream,
01:24 just filled with angles to show him
01:27 that he was stilled loved.
01:29 God seem to be saying,
01:30 you feel so bad I won't send just one angel to show you
01:34 that I love you and I forgive you,
01:36 but I'll send hundreds and hundreds
01:38 of bright shining angels more than you could ever count.
01:42 So that you will always know that I'm with you.
01:46 If you ever feel alone, or if you ever felt guilty
01:49 and you don't think God loves you,
01:52 I want you remember that Jesus does care.
01:55 And if He needs too,
01:56 God would send every angel in heaven to help you
01:59 just when you need it,
02:00 because Jesus loves you so much.
02:04 Well, you are going to enjoy the story,
02:06 but first Ranger Jim has some chimps to show us.
02:17 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
02:18 welcome to "Nature Time".
02:19 We are glad you can join us today.
02:21 We are at the beautiful Lion Country Safari,
02:22 near West Palm Beach, Florida.
02:24 And look what we have for you today.
02:26 My friend Sherri is very knowledgeable
02:28 about these creatures.
02:29 Sherri tell us something about them,
02:30 what's going on here?
02:31 These are group of chimpanzees here
02:33 at Lion Country
02:34 and they are actually being shifted right now.
02:36 What that means is they are going to go from one island
02:39 to the other island.
02:41 Chimpanzees even though they look very cute
02:43 and cuddly can be very aggressive.
02:45 So, we don't actually ever come in
02:47 contact with these animals.
02:49 What Kelly and Andrew just said before we got here
02:51 is as they went on to this island over here
02:53 and they cleaned it
02:55 and they put the animals food out there
02:58 and they put some enrichment out there,
03:00 and enrichment is something that will actually
03:02 occupy the minds of these animals,
03:04 so its kind of like toys.
03:05 So when you guys have something to do
03:07 and you don't get bored you are being enriched.
03:09 So all this stuff is over here on this island
03:11 and these guys know
03:13 that the stuff for today is on their new island,
03:16 so they are gonna cross over here,
03:17 and that way it's safe for us,
03:19 and we don't actually have to go
03:20 on the islands with these islands.
03:22 And so they enjoy, as you can see,
03:24 they are excited and happy to be there.
03:26 These are basically they are same age
03:30 or some young ones or some old.
03:31 These guys range from just under a year to over 60.
03:36 Our eldest one is over 60 years old
03:38 and actually we believe
03:39 the oldest chimp in captivity.
03:41 Sixty years of age
03:42 and probably the oldest in captivity, isn't wonderful.
03:44 And these are very intelligent creatures.
03:46 Yes they are, and in fact they,
03:48 I would say they are almost as intelligent as people.
03:51 In some ways. In some ways.
03:53 In fact boys and girls
03:55 we know that we have maybe you have seen
03:56 some of the videos on these creatures
03:58 that people have taught them sign language.
04:00 I think that's so fascinating to see
04:02 a chimpanzee talking back and forth
04:04 with sign language to an individual.
04:07 How long does the baby
04:08 normally stay with its mother?
04:09 The baby stay with their mothers
04:11 for quite a few years,
04:12 they actually, the mother's carry them
04:13 almost constantly for the first year,
04:16 and they nurse for a couple of years so...
04:18 Originally the babies around the mothers chest
04:21 when the babies get a little bit more mobile,
04:23 they actually crawl around to the mothers back
04:25 when the mother is walking around
04:26 you will see with some of these guys
04:28 that the babies on their mothers' backs.
04:30 And you will see boys and girls,
04:31 in nature among the primates and mammals in general,
04:34 the rule is the more intelligent the creature,
04:37 the longer it stays with his mother.
04:39 And as Sherri had just said
04:40 maybe staying with the mother nursing for two years
04:43 under her constant care
04:44 and her arms fat clinging to her back
04:46 then never out of her general care
04:49 for quite a number of years.
04:50 And so the higher up the scale
04:52 we go in intelligence then we find the longer
04:56 the babies stays with his mother,
04:58 and guess what is at the top of the scale,
05:00 you and I,
05:02 because you are still under your mom and dads care.
05:05 You maybe 12, 13 years of age or even more
05:09 and we are still under mom and dads care, right?
05:12 And then we go to high school and maybe even go to college
05:16 and so human beings
05:18 maybe under the direct supervision of the parent
05:21 for as much as 20 years. Correct!
05:22 And, so that's the way that woks.
05:24 Now when these are on this side
05:25 then that gives you an opportunity
05:26 to clean that and... Correct,
05:28 next thing is the keeper staff will go out
05:31 and will service this island and will do the same thing,
05:33 they will clean it, they will put out fresh food,
05:35 they will put out some enrichment
05:37 and then the animals from the next island
05:38 over will be transferred.
05:40 Well, that's a neat way of doing it isn't it?
05:43 So these creatures love to climb
05:45 and in the jungle they would have vines and things.
05:47 And boys and girls you can see
05:49 that they have ropes hanging here
05:51 and places for them to climb
05:53 and on the tops of the buildings
05:55 and almost like a playground that you would have,
05:58 and they seem to enjoy that.
05:59 That very much.
06:01 They enjoy, what do you feed these creatures?
06:03 These animals get quite a variety of food.
06:05 Their basic diet is actually primate biscuit
06:08 and its commercially prepared food
06:12 and it look just like almost a cookie.
06:13 And they mainly that and need all kinds of fruits
06:16 and vegetables, and the cereal
06:20 and crackers and pretty much anything
06:22 that we would eat they could eat.
06:23 Sounds good to me, bananas and...
06:26 They love bananas,
06:27 bananas and grapes are probably
06:28 one of their favorites,
06:29 they like sweet potatoes and cucumbers.
06:32 I begin to associating that, now I have a lot of friends
06:35 and I have people that think
06:36 that they came from the monkeys.
06:38 And I usually tell them
06:39 that they know their background better than I,
06:41 but I know from the chimpanzees
06:43 that they enjoy many of the same things
06:45 that I enjoy as Sherri has said that.
06:48 Tell me how many did you have here?
06:51 We have 33 chimps here at Lion Country.
06:53 We originally started off with some chimps that were,
06:57 lived in a lab.
06:58 They were... had experiments done on them
07:01 and when the labs didn't need them any more,
07:04 there was no place for these animals to go.
07:06 So they were brought over here
07:08 and this is when they came here
07:10 this was the first time that these animals
07:11 actually saw the outside.
07:13 Their whole lives they had lived in these little cages
07:15 and had experiments done on them
07:17 sometimes on a daily basis.
07:19 We have some animals that had operations
07:22 and had operations every year for their entire life,
07:25 sometimes more than one a year
07:26 and then they come here,
07:28 and this was the first time they saw the outside
07:30 and the first time they saw grass,
07:32 the first time they were allow to climb.
07:33 Very, very, very lucky creatures, aren't they?
07:35 Boys and girls, Ranger Jim is always telling you.
07:37 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him,
07:39 because He really does love you.
07:50 Cindy, I pick these flowers for Aunt Tina,
07:52 do you think she like them?
07:54 Uncle Buddy, those are pitiful.
07:58 But at one time I bet they were beautiful.
08:01 No, they are ugly.
08:05 Why would God make something that wasn't good?
08:07 Well, God didn't turn to make things ugly or anything,
08:11 because in Genesis 1:31 it says,
08:13 "God saw every thing that He had made,
08:16 and behold, it was very good."
08:18 Why don't you try these?
08:20 Oh! I think she like those a lot better.
08:28 Jesus makes the rainbow Jesus makes the sun
08:31 Jesus makes the day and fills it up with fun
08:35 Jesus makes the moon to shine at night
08:38 And Jesus makes the stars so bright
08:42 Jesus makes the kittens Jesus makes the pups
08:45 Jesus makes the chickens and the little ducks
08:49 Jesus makes the bunnies smooth as silk
08:52 And Jesus makes the cows' warm milk
08:55 Jesus makes the flowers Jesus makes the trees
08:59 Jesus makes the rain and makes the gentle breeze
09:02 Jesus makes vegetables fresh and green
09:05 And Jesus makes the air so clean.
09:09 Jesus makes the mom and dad and me
09:12 and we are happy family.
09:24 Welcome boys and girls to ''Learning Time''.
09:27 I'm glad that you are here today.
09:29 I've got something special to show you.
09:31 How many of you like light?
09:33 You like light? Yeah! Yeah!
09:35 Well, I love light, I have a light bulb right here,
09:37 and this light bulb will give us light,
09:39 but you know what it's not what?
09:42 Plugged in.
09:43 It's not plugged in.
09:45 well, I will tell you what we are gonna do,
09:46 I'm gonna plug this in
09:48 and lets see what we can find out there,
09:50 I just plugged in by little plug.
09:53 Do you see any light coming out of this?
09:54 No! No, because we had an open circuit.
09:58 What we need is we need those wires to be touching,
10:00 I've got two wires coming down here,
10:02 all we have to do is get them to touch,
10:04 so what we are going to do today
10:06 is we're gonna unplug this
10:07 and I happen to have a peace of wire.
10:10 I'm gonna take that wire and put in there.
10:13 We are gonna make both of those wires touch
10:15 inside these little plastic tubes.
10:18 And let's see if we can get this light bulb
10:20 to go for us today.
10:21 Let's just plug this in wow!
10:24 And that's a very bring light isn't it?
10:27 Absolutely it's a bright light,
10:29 it almost hurts our eyes.
10:30 Let me unplug this,
10:32 I'm gonna take my wire back out of here,
10:35 and I have a very special helper today,
10:37 Lorene is gonna help us,
10:39 and I'm gonna get my safety glasses on,
10:41 Lorene already has hers.
10:43 I'm gonna plug this back in,
10:45 we are gonna get some electricity
10:46 flowing up these wires
10:48 and try to get it through this light bulb
10:50 without the wire attaching to it,
10:53 you think it will work? No.
10:55 I don't think it will work either,
10:57 but I have a beaker of water right here.
10:59 We're gonna put this right inside of our water,
11:02 and let's see what we've got right here.
11:03 First of all I'm gonna plug this in,
11:05 okay, that right Lorene.
11:07 And now I'm gonna put it right in my water,
11:09 what do you think is gonna happen to this light bulb
11:12 when I just put it right inside of the water?
11:15 Nothing. Nothing.
11:17 Does that surprise you. No.
11:20 Yeah, we've all been told that water
11:21 and electricity shouldn't mix,
11:23 we are mixing them right now.
11:24 There is one important thing that we need
11:26 and I've got it right over here.
11:28 Let's see what we've got
11:30 I happen to have some, what? Salt.
11:33 Salt, now salt is this the same salt
11:36 that we have in our house
11:38 and it's called sodium chloride.
11:40 It has sodium and it has chlorine.
11:42 If we mix them together, we get table salt
11:45 and I'm gonna give this to Lorene.
11:47 Lorene is going to pour
11:48 some of this right inside of there.
11:50 We are gonna put some mineral called salt,
11:53 it's table salt
11:54 and pour some right in there Lorene for us,
11:55 okay, pour some in, just keep pouring,
11:57 okay there we go keep going, keep going,
11:59 we get even some more right here,
12:01 that's as little more than a pinch of salt.
12:04 And go ahead and stop right there.
12:06 We are gonna ask Lorene to go ahead
12:07 and take our stirring rod.
12:08 We are gonna mix this up for us.
12:10 Now, Lorene likes to cook at home.
12:12 Do any of you out there like to cook at home?
12:14 Oh! I love to cook at home,
12:16 that's one of my very special things.
12:18 All right Lorene, she has mixed it up real good for us.
12:21 I'm gonna get that back to you right here,
12:23 okay lets take this stirring rod right out,
12:26 and I'm gonna put this in here now.
12:27 Let's see if the light bulb is going to light up.
12:30 Oh! Yeah! The light bulb lights up,
12:33 because we now have what we call a close circuit,
12:37 that's interesting,
12:38 because you know what God tells us
12:40 that we are the light of the world
12:42 and when we are also the salt of the earth.
12:45 If you put those two together
12:46 that's tremendous force, isn't it?
12:49 Now kids remember not to do this at home,
12:53 it can be very dangerous.
12:55 When we learn about science,
12:57 we are learning something about our creator, God.
13:14 Wow! What a dream!
13:18 Oh! Hi, I didn't see you there.
13:23 I just had a wonderful dream,
13:26 there were angels and ladders and...
13:30 Well, let me go back a little way.
13:33 My name is Jacob
13:34 and the reason I'm out here sleeping in the dirt,
13:38 and the grass is because I lied to my father.
13:43 And I stole the birth right for my brother.
13:48 Last night as I was trudging along all alone,
13:51 I felt so alone and so lonely.
13:56 I was afraid that the God of my fathers had forsaken me
14:00 because I had sinned.
14:02 And that though filled me with such fear.
14:06 So, last night as I laid down here
14:09 using a rock for my pillow,
14:12 I just cried out to God and the stars and said,
14:14 God are you still there?
14:16 Do you still care?
14:19 And I heard nothing, so I went to sleeping.
14:25 In the middle of the night,
14:26 all of sudden there was a bright flash of light.
14:31 I felt like it was noon time and I woke up and looked up.
14:36 And coming out of heaven was this gigantic ladder.
14:43 The ladder was so tall,
14:45 that it reached all the way from down here by me head,
14:48 to the very throne room of God.
14:52 And stating at the top was Yahweh,
14:55 the God of Abraham,
14:57 and the God of Isaac, my father.
15:00 And He was looking down at me,
15:03 and on the ladder, it seemed like the ladder was moving
15:05 and I looked closer and the ladder wasn't moving,
15:08 but there were angels on the ladder
15:11 running up and down.
15:15 And then I heard a voice, God was speaking to me,
15:19 and he says I'm the God of your grandfather Abraham
15:23 and I'm the God of your father Isaac,
15:26 and I will be your God.
15:29 I got happy and it's like he is not gonna forsake me,
15:33 and then he said the land you are lying on now,
15:36 I will give to you and your descendants.
15:41 He said I will never leave you,
15:43 I will always be with you.
15:47 And in such joy and peace just filled my soul
15:51 I knew I was no longer alone.
15:56 The peace was so heavy that my eyelids closed
15:59 and I drifted off to sleep.
16:02 And this morning when you woke me up,
16:04 the ladder is gone, but God is still here.
16:10 It's so great because I know that even though I sinned,
16:14 even though I will probably sin again,
16:18 God will not leave me,
16:20 He will always be there for me.
16:24 I don't know what my future holds.
16:26 I have to travel many miles
16:30 and go to find some relatives.
16:34 I don't know if they will, want me to live with them
16:36 or if they will give me a job.
16:39 God said that he would give this land to my descendants
16:42 and I'm not even marry,
16:44 but I'm not gonna worry about that,
16:47 because Yahweh will take care of it for me.
16:52 Last night when I knelt down here
16:55 and went to sleep, I was alone,
16:59 or I thought I was alone.
17:02 But today as I get up
17:05 and prepare to leave I know that I'm not alone.
17:11 And what about you? Have you sinned?
17:15 Have you done something you are not proud off,
17:17 lied to your father, steal from your brother.
17:21 I know your pain,
17:25 but God won't leave because you mess up.
17:28 All you have to do is ask Him,
17:30 go out one night and look at the stars and cry out,
17:32 my God please don't leave me, and He won't.
17:38 He will be there for you, my God saves,
17:42 and my God doesn't leave anyone behind.
17:46 He wont leave you either.
18:00 Stand up, for what you know is right,
18:03 Stand up you'll be a shining light,
18:07 Stand up, for what you know is true,
18:11 Stand up, stand up.
18:14 Like Jesus on the mountaintop,
18:18 He shine for all to see
18:21 like Andrew telling everyone
18:25 is Jesus come with me.
18:28 Stand up, for what you know is right,
18:32 Stand up you'll be a shining light,
18:35 Stand up, for what you know is true,
18:39 Stand up, stand up.
18:43 Like Lord greeted Peter while the others knelt to pray.
18:50 Like Paul who's brother
18:52 knew of Jesus every single day.
18:57 Stand up, for what you know is right,
19:00 Stand up, you'll be a shining light,
19:04 Stand up, for what you know is true,
19:08 Stand up, stand up.
19:12 Stand up, stand up
19:15 Stand up, stand up
19:27 I just love hearing Kristen sing,
19:29 and I enjoyed that song.
19:31 I wanted to share something with you about Kristen, okay.
19:34 And she doesn't know I'm gonna tell you this,
19:36 but when I first met Kristen,
19:37 the thing that impressed me the most about here
19:39 with how much she loves Jesus,
19:41 because it just shown from her whole face.
19:44 And Kristen not only sings for Jesus,
19:46 but God blessed her with a wonderful talent
19:48 for she draws beautiful pictures.
19:50 And I'm actually gonna ask her,
19:51 she will send me when I can share with you sometime.
19:54 Because I really appreciate the way
19:56 she uses the talents God gave her to glory Him.
20:00 And I wanna thank you Kristen.
20:02 Well, today I want you to meet someone else
20:04 that loves Jesus very much and her name is Victoria.
20:08 Hi, Victoria. Hello.
20:09 Thank you for being on "Kids Time".
20:11 Are you excited to be here? Yes.
20:13 I'm excited to have you here.
20:14 Tell me what do you do to share Jesus?
20:17 I give my friends that don't now Jesus,
20:19 books that tell about Jesus,
20:21 so they can learn about Jesus.
20:24 Well, that's wonderful and what are the books...
20:27 do you know anything the books say,
20:28 or do you know what the books are about?
20:30 That have Bible text in them,
20:32 and then they have stories at the bottom of the page
20:35 that refer to the Bible text.
20:37 Oh! That's good.
20:38 Now did you have an experience it all,
20:41 about giving out your books? Yes.
20:43 Can you tell me about it?
20:45 Well, one day my teacher told me
20:48 that I have to have reading book,
20:50 all class have to do this.
20:53 But my friend she told me
20:54 she forget her reading book at home.
20:56 And she asked me do you have any extras?
20:58 But I have my devotional book in my desk,
21:00 so I said here you can read this.
21:03 And she said thanks, and she took it,
21:06 and she read it instead of day by day,
21:08 she read the whole thing.
21:11 And then that next week, she gave the book back to me
21:14 and said thanks Victoria, you really helped me,
21:19 this was a good book.
21:21 Oh! In devotional books you know boys and girls,
21:24 if you may not know devotional books
21:26 they usually have, they are dated,
21:27 so that you read one story on one day and the next day,
21:30 the next day, you do one little page a day
21:33 through out the entire year right?
21:35 Was that the kind of book it was? Yes.
21:37 Yes, and instead she read the entire book all at once,
21:39 that's amazing, but that's a wonderful way,
21:42 you know God impressed to get through that book,
21:44 didn't He? Yes.
21:45 I was so happy for that, I'm really glad you came.
21:48 How old are you Victoria? Nine-and-half.
21:50 Your are nine-and-half and you know what?
21:52 You are already nine-and-half really showing Jesus
21:56 that you love Him aren't you?
21:58 Well, I have some letters
21:59 I would like share with you boys and girls.
22:01 And I have a big one letter, envelope here,
22:03 that I really kind of curious about are you?
22:06 Let's look inside and see
22:07 and I have a couple of really large pictures.
22:11 In fact I think this is probably
22:12 the largest size picture
22:13 I've ever been able to share with you.
22:15 So can you hold one in each hand Victoria for me?
22:17 This one beautiful little girl
22:19 and a handsome man there
22:22 and look see if there is a letter inside
22:24 and yes it is, let's look and see.
22:27 Okay, this letter says dear Miss Brenda,
22:30 I love "Kids Time"
22:32 and this is the way I tell other about Jesus
22:34 when I go to my friends house
22:35 I tell them about the Ten Commandments
22:37 and I tell them that the seventh day
22:39 is the Sabbath and the holy day to worship.
22:42 And I pray for them and I tell them
22:43 that I will be help that
22:46 they should help each other love, Benjamin.
22:48 Well, thank you Benjamin,
22:50 that's a handsome picture you have sent.
22:52 And I'm glad that you are sharing Jesus.
22:54 Its says, in this other letter says dear Miss Brenda,
22:57 I tell others about Jesus
22:58 by going with the church to feed the homeless
23:01 and I also pass out Bibles and I pray with them.
23:05 And I also tell my friends
23:07 by my house to ask their moms
23:09 to read them Bible stories every night.
23:11 I like to give hugs and I love Jesus
23:15 and I love Him very much love, Ashley.
23:17 Well, thank you so much for that Ashley
23:21 and I'm glad you sent pictures,
23:23 so we know you look like
23:25 and I will send you a "Kids Time Activity Book,"
23:29 and I also send you a bookmark.
23:32 All right, let's see,
23:33 I have a letter here from Bernice
23:36 and let's see if maybe that might be her mom.
23:41 Let's see, if it's from Bernice.
23:43 Yeah, it's from Bernice
23:45 and she is from Memphis, Tennessee
23:46 and oh, listen to this boys and girls.
23:48 It says dear Miss Brenda,
23:50 I'm an 82-year-old lover of Kids Time.
23:54 My method of witnessing for Jesus
23:56 is making videos of Kids Time
23:58 and giving them to children parents that are not,
24:01 they don't know Jesus
24:02 and the children love those stories
24:03 and so do I, and it's from Bernice in Memphis Tennessee.
24:07 Well, thank you Bernice.
24:09 I tell you what,
24:10 you can never be too old to love Kids Time
24:14 or to witness for Jesus.
24:16 Let's see, this is from Elisa in St. John Vermont
24:20 and let's see what Elisa says.
24:22 She says dear Miss Brenda,
24:24 my name is Elisa and I'm 10 years old
24:27 and I'm in the fourth grade I really like "Kids Time"
24:30 and I watch it before I go to church every morning.
24:32 And the way I share Jesus is at my school I pass out bags
24:36 and people put food in them
24:38 and then we pick up the bags with the food
24:40 and make baskets and take them to families
24:42 that don't have food.
24:44 I love Kids Time, love Elisa.
24:46 Thank you Elisa for that letter
24:48 and you know what giving food to the homeless
24:50 is a wonderful way to share Jesus.
24:53 Well, right now before I read any more letters
24:54 I want to go all the way to Africa
24:57 and I want you to listen to a little girl
24:58 who is gonna tell you how she shares Jesus.
25:00 Now she didn't give me her name,
25:01 but we are gonna listen anyway.
25:04 I share Jesus with others,
25:06 my Bible treasure books with my neighbors
25:11 who don't go to church.
25:13 And I tell when somebody is rude at my school,
25:19 I tell them that Jesus don't want them to do that.
25:24 Thank you for that.
25:25 Now I have a letter I would like to read you
25:27 from Pepperell, Massachusetts
25:29 and I actually used to live not very far from that.
25:32 And it's from Cathy, and she says
25:34 dear Miss Brenda I like your show, I like the animals
25:37 and I love the kids singing with Buddy
25:39 and I like the cooking part too.
25:41 I like the food, I'm a vegetarian too
25:44 and I want to cook like Catie does,
25:46 I like you talking about Bible verses
25:48 and kids talking about Jesus.
25:50 I like to read my Bible every day,
25:52 and I like to tell people about Jesus.
25:54 Some of my friends
25:55 and I like to walk my dog every day and I love animals.
25:59 I watch the show everyday
26:00 and I like to watch it after school,
26:02 I like to be a nurse some day like you
26:04 when I grow up and I love Kids Time.
26:07 Please send me a book love, Cathy.
26:10 Well, thank you Cathy for that
26:11 and it sounds like you like the lot of things.
26:13 Well, I want to encourage you
26:15 to always let Jesus shine out of your heart, will you?
26:18 Well, thank you Victoria
26:19 for joining me today on Kids Time,
26:21 I'm glad you are here.
26:22 Boys and girls remember wherever you are,
26:24 whatever you do, its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17