Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000094

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. Isn't this a beautiful flower
00:27 I'm holding? Do you know it's called a lily?
00:29 And this lily blooms in the springtime,
00:32 and you know what it seems like
00:33 it just kind of comes right back to life after its rested
00:36 as a dry brown bulb all winter long.
00:39 Now, when a flower opens it's really a thing of beauty,
00:42 isn't it?
00:43 It creates happiness and it reminds us of Jesus,
00:46 who gives life to everything.
00:49 But, do know while lilies are really lovely symbols
00:52 of new life, they do make us think of death.
00:55 Now, if you ever attended a funeral,
00:57 you may have seen lilies draped across a casket
00:59 or standing solemnly beside it.
01:03 Well, our Bible story today talks about death
01:05 and that sounds like it would kind of be a sad story,
01:08 doesn't it?
01:10 But look at this lily while it reminds us of death,
01:14 it also reminds us of Jesus, who makes all things beautiful.
01:18 So maybe, just maybe this story
01:22 might have a happy ending after all.
01:24 You will have to listen to find out but first Ranger Jim
01:27 has something to show us that lives in the water.
01:37 Hi, boys and girls.
01:38 Ranger Jim saying welcome to "Nature Time."
01:40 We're glad you can join us today.
01:41 We're at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida.
01:44 My friend Lorene lives here, and she is going to tell us
01:47 something about these beautiful creatures,
01:49 and she is coming into the tank now.
01:50 Lorene, tell us something about these beautiful creatures,
01:53 what are these?
01:54 Sure, we have, actually we have
01:55 two different types of rays in here,
01:57 the diamond-shaped ones that you can see some of them
01:59 soon right by my feet right now are call cownose rays,
02:03 and hopefully we'll get some of the Southern Stingrays
02:06 the larger round ones to just swim around.
02:09 But these are different types of animals that you might find
02:12 when you go to the beach especially around Florida.
02:15 And they always tell you to do the stingray shuffle
02:18 which is what I did, when I first came into the water
02:21 because you don't want to accidentally step on a ray,
02:23 they do have barbs on their tail.
02:26 And they can actually sting you, but if you're careful
02:30 and you get them swimming around you,
02:31 they're not gonna sting you, you know these,
02:33 they sting as a defensive mechanism.
02:36 So I am quite safe just walking around,
02:39 as long as I remember to shuffle my feet, Jim.
02:41 Right, they're not, they're not aggressive in stinging you,
02:43 they in a defense mechanism, right.
02:45 It's just their defense, the rays are actually
02:47 bottom feeders, if you were to look underneath the ray,
02:50 you can see their mouth is located on the bottom.
02:53 So, they're actually gonna eat things like plants or crabs
02:56 that are buried down in the water.
02:58 I am just gonna move my feet, so he can swim on by.
03:01 They are actually strong enough to break the shell
03:04 of those creatures.
03:05 Absolutely, they don't have teeth like a shark.
03:07 They are related to sharks, but they have more of a,
03:10 a crushing plates in there mouths and that's how
03:12 they can crush those plants and crabs and different animals
03:16 that live on the bottom, I see.
03:19 Now, we normally go to beach if you were to see rays,
03:21 they're not gonna come and swim after you like they are here,
03:25 they are doing that because they think
03:26 they're gonna get that.
03:27 What are these beautiful fish? What are they?
03:29 oh! Well, there are a bunch of different types of fish
03:31 that are in here the bigger ones are called Permit,
03:34 we have some Mullet in here.
03:36 We also have those really thin ones,
03:38 I like them they're called needlefish, Jim.
03:40 They look like needlefish, I catch those while I am fishing
03:43 sometime on lake.
03:44 Okay, tell me they don't have any bones in their body,
03:46 is that true?
03:47 They appear to be just cartilage.
03:48 Actually, the needlefish do have bones,
03:52 but the rays that we have in here,
03:55 one of the interesting facts about them is they,
03:57 their skeletons are made of cartilage.
03:59 That flexible stuff that's right at the tip of your noise,
04:02 so they are real flexible.
04:03 Okay, and the smaller ones,
04:05 what are the smaller fish that we see.
04:06 And we do have some, some mullet in here,
04:09 as I mentioned the needlefish there is actually some
04:14 I really guess some doctor fish in here.
04:17 I don't know if we can see that right now.
04:19 Okay, I hadn't seen it before but looking closely,
04:21 this ray out here you can hardly see, how does he,
04:24 how does he camouflage himself, he is almost covered with sand?
04:27 Right, right, we have, that's one of the southern stingrays
04:30 that's buried down in the sand
04:32 and that's abnormal behavior for stingrays,
04:34 which is why you have to careful,
04:36 because they do like to bury themselves in the sand.
04:38 You can see they blend right in, so you have to keep
04:41 your eyes open and shuffle your feet when you go into the water
04:45 and that's just the abnormal behavior of a stingray.
04:47 They don't really have too many predators except may be sharks.
04:50 Sharks is about the only thing that would bother them, yeah.
04:53 So, it so much fun boys and girls,
04:55 I am just thrilled when I can come to a place like this.
04:58 I have studied these creatures all of my life
05:00 but to come and have that knowledge sometimes
05:03 renewed to me or refreshed in my mind
05:05 and to learn many others things about them
05:07 is just a thrill for me.
05:08 I am sure that you have enjoyed it today.
05:10 And we hope that you have, that you can learn
05:12 many things about these beautiful creatures
05:14 and learn to respect and love them.
05:15 So Ranger Jim as always saying boys and girls,
05:18 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him,
05:20 because He really does love you.
05:31 Hello, boys and girls.
05:33 I am here with Andrew Roderick
05:34 at least I think its Andrew Roderick.
05:37 Andrew, what is that outfit
05:38 and why are you dressed like that?
05:40 This is a bee outfit,
05:41 and with all this spread of flowers around here.
05:44 I am expecting a big swarm of bees to come in.
05:47 And I am gonna be ready for them.
05:53 You know, I hadn't thought of that,
05:55 a big swarm of bees could be pretty scary.
05:58 But if we talk to Ranger Jim and he sets us up.
06:03 We might get a whole lot of honey,
06:05 I love that stuff. I love honey.
06:09 Boys and girls, sometimes the Bible seems
06:12 like a big swarm of words, might be kind of scary
06:15 and we really don't know what's going on,
06:17 but if you talk to the Holy... you talk to Jesus,
06:19 He will send His Holy Spirit to you and then the word become
06:22 sweet like honey.
06:24 Psalms 19 talks about that
06:26 and we'd like to do that song for you.
06:46 The law of the Lord is perfect Converting the soul
06:54 The testimony of the Lord is sure
06:58 Making wise the simple
07:02 More to be desired are they than gold.
07:07 Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey
07:15 And the honeycomb.
07:20 The statutes of the Lord are right
07:24 Rejoicing the heart
07:28 The commandment of the Lord is pure
07:33 Enlightening the eyes
07:37 More to be desired are they than gold
07:41 Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey
07:49 And the honeycomb The fear of the Lord is clean
07:58 Enduring forever
08:02 The judgments of the Lord are true
08:06 And righteous altogether
08:11 More to be desired are they than gold
08:15 Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey
08:23 And the honeycomb Let the words of my mouth
08:31 And the meditation of my heart
08:36 Be acceptable in Thy sight, Lord
08:40 My strength, and my redeemer
08:44 More to be desired are they than gold
08:49 Yea, than much fine gold
08:52 Sweeter also than honey And the honeycomb
09:11 Hi, today we're making
09:12 my aunt Brenda's vegetable cacciatore.
09:15 I love vegetables don't you?
09:16 Let me put the ingredients on the screen for you.
09:20 Take 2 medium onions, thinly sliced
09:23 1 tablespoon of olive oil
09:25 2 medium red sweet peppers, thinly sliced
09:29 3 cups of mushrooms, sliced
09:33 1 medium zucchini, sliced
09:36 1 quart of canned tomatoes, sliced or diced
09:41 1 package of good seasons Italian dressing mix.
09:44 Now, I already have my onions some sauteing with my olive oil
09:49 in the pan already for you.
09:51 And we're just gonna start with all vegetables,
09:54 our mushrooms going first.
09:58 Now there are many different vegetables
09:59 you can put in this dish, pretty much every vegetable
10:02 you can think of me and Brenda tried has put in this recipe.
10:06 If you like broccoli, you can put in broccoli.
10:08 If you like lima beans or green beans or,
10:11 pretty much anything you can put in this,
10:12 put that zucchini, yellow squash
10:16 and red peppers and our...
10:23 Let's mix that up a little bit and our tomatoes.
10:35 Well, mix that up a little bit.
10:39 Now, what I have right here is Italian seasonings
10:42 made by good seasons and this is what it looks like right here.
10:46 Delicious and my aunt Brenda uses it all the time
10:49 in a lot of things just gonna be our seasoning
10:52 for our cacciatore, put that in and mix it all, together.
11:03 Now just remember I mean if you don't like one of these things,
11:05 if you don't like peppers you can put in something else,
11:08 also you can put in different kinds of peppers maybe.
11:10 If you like green peppers you can put those and if you,
11:13 you like yellow peppers you can put those in,
11:15 and I chose to put red, I like red peppers,
11:17 but if you don't like those you can try other pepper.
11:21 And now you're gonna let it simmer,
11:23 cook for about 20 minutes, it usually takes just in
11:27 till the vegetables are tender and done.
11:29 And you're gonna put it over some rice or some pasta,
11:33 you can use any pasta you want, penne pasta may be
11:36 angel hair pasta, spaghetti.
11:38 You can put it over rice and it's delicious.
11:41 I love this recipe and you should try it yourselves.
11:45 Well, until next time, keep cooking and eat healthy.
11:56 Hello, boys and girls. I am Jarius, welcome to my home.
12:00 Come on in, find a place to be seated
12:03 because I want to tell you about
12:05 how my little daughter met Jesus.
12:08 She was at school one day, running around,
12:10 playing with her playmates like any kid would run around.
12:13 And she caught a cold, except it grew worse and worse,
12:18 her eyes hurt, her nose hurt, her throat hurt,
12:22 her chest hurt, her back hurt.
12:25 Mom and I did everything we could think of,
12:28 we spend up nights rubbing her back and rubbing her feet
12:32 and doing all we could. But nothing seemed to help.
12:37 We called the doctor, and the doctor did all he could,
12:40 but that didn't help either.
12:44 And then there was a knock on the door,
12:46 and there was a neighbor telling us that Jesus
12:50 was just down the street.
12:52 Well I tell you I wasted no time
12:54 getting down that street as hard and fast as I could go,
12:57 but you never saw so many people in your life,
12:59 it looked like the whole town was headed
13:02 the same direction I was.
13:04 I was pushing people out of the way,
13:06 I was doing all I could.
13:07 Please excuse me, get out of my way.
13:09 Yeah, please excuse me, get out of my way.
13:11 I run as hard as I could,
13:13 till I came down to where Matthew lived,
13:16 and there the crowd is so thick
13:18 I can hardly push my way through.
13:21 But when I got through and into the living room there was Jesus,
13:26 and you cannot imagine the feeling I had when He looked me
13:32 right in the eye and He leaned toward me
13:35 and He reached out and He shook my hand
13:37 and he listened to my request to come to my little daughter.
13:42 He then turned and he beckoned for Peter,
13:44 James and John and out the door we went.
13:48 But the crowd was so thick, you just couldn't believe it.
13:52 And so we made a wedge,
13:56 James and John on each side of me pushing our way
14:00 through the crowd pushing our way through the crowd.
14:02 Jesus right behind us Peter right behind Him
14:05 and there we go pushing our way through,
14:07 pushing our way through.
14:08 But it was such a slow process
14:11 I was thinking we will never make it on time,
14:14 how is my little girl going to do?
14:16 And then Jesus was just as interested
14:20 in everybody else's problem it seem as He was mine.
14:23 There was this lady that He stopped and talked to,
14:27 I didn't think he would never get home.
14:29 And then I heard my head servant calling over the crowd,
14:32 Jairus, Jairus and I yelled, here I am.
14:38 And he called back, don't bother the master,
14:42 your daughter is dead.
14:48 The energy drained from me. My hope was all gone.
14:55 My legs buckled out from under me had it not been
14:58 for the thickness of the crowd around me,
15:00 I would have fallen to the ground.
15:03 It was in total despair.
15:06 Then I heard the most comforting words
15:09 I have ever heard in my life.
15:14 The words of Jesus, don't fear, only believe.
15:19 And just like that there was courage came back into me,
15:24 that there was hope entered my soul I stood up.
15:27 Now there seem to be that peace that passes
15:30 all understanding inside of me and now it didn't matter
15:34 how long it took to get home and Jesus ministered
15:38 to the people as we walked along,
15:40 the very crowded street till we got back to my home.
15:43 And when we got the home,
15:45 the doctor had hired mourners to mourn
15:50 and there they were and you never heard
15:54 such a racked in your life, they were howling and screaming
15:59 and carrying on, as if they thought
16:02 they were trying to sound like I would sound
16:05 at the loss of my daughter.
16:08 Jesus in His very kind and gentle way
16:11 started ushering the people out of the house.
16:14 And He started saying she is not dead, she's asleep.
16:19 And they were laughing at Him.
16:21 The doctor had been there,
16:22 the doctor had pronounced her dead,
16:24 the doctor had hired the mourners and poor momma,
16:27 she was in total despair.
16:29 She had not heard the comforting words of Jesus.
16:33 I held her as close as I could
16:34 and I said don't fear, only believe.
16:37 As Jesus was ushering these people
16:40 from the house out the door, out the door.
16:43 Finally when they were all done, He shut the door.
16:45 I was holding momma,
16:47 and there was Jesus and Peter and James and John.
16:51 He led us into the bedroom, where my little girl was.
16:55 There she was lying all still.
16:58 Mother was trying to keep from crying,
17:02 I was holding her as tight as I could.
17:04 And Peter, James and John were standing there
17:08 and Jesus looked all of us right in the eye,
17:10 around the edge of that bed.
17:12 And then He reached down and He said little darling arise.
17:20 There was that pink flush of life across little cheeks,
17:25 her little lips turn pink, her eyes fluttered open,
17:29 and for the first time, there was Jesus
17:32 and a total smile on her face and in her eyes
17:35 doted over to mom and I like a flash she was in our arms.
17:38 And there was our darling daughter alive again.
17:42 Oh, we held her tight as we possibly could.
17:45 Jesus was just grinning.
17:49 Peter, James and John had the biggest smiles on their faces.
17:52 And then Jesus made two statements.
17:57 Number one He says, don't tell anybody about this.
18:01 And secondly, give the child something to eat
18:07 and you know. We never said a word about this
18:11 still after Jesus was dead and raised from the grave.
18:14 And let me tell you right now that was the nicest meal
18:18 we ever had in our lives.
18:22 And believe me that Peter could eat an awful lot.
18:26 Now, you heard my story.
18:28 That's how my little girl met Jesus.
18:44 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
18:48 Smile at the storm, smile at the storm,
18:52 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
18:56 As we go sailing by.
19:00 Sailing, sailing by, sailing, sailing by,
19:08 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
19:12 As we go sailing by.
19:18 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
19:22 Smile at the storm, smile at the storm,
19:26 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
19:30 As we go sailing by.
19:34 Sailing, sailing by, sailing, sailing by,
19:42 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
19:46 As we go sailing by.
19:50 Sailing by, sailing, sailing by, sailing,
19:58 Sailing by, sailing, sailing by
20:04 With Jesus in the vessel we can smile at the storm,
20:08 As we go sailing by. As we go sailing by.
20:31 I am so excited today boys and girls,
20:33 and do you know why?
20:34 I am excited because I am with someone that really loves Jesus
20:38 and you know when I am around people who love Jesus,
20:40 I get really excited.
20:41 And I want to meet Kaila. Hi Kaila. Hi.
20:44 Thank you for coming to Kids Time
20:46 and being on sharing time with me.
20:48 I am happy to be here. And you know what,
20:50 I am really excited that you are here.
20:51 Now you're a Kids Time watcher, aren't you?
20:53 Yeah. Now do you watch Kids Time
20:55 do you watch like just one or two programs,
20:57 or you watch a lot? I watch a lot.
21:00 You do? And what's your favorite part
21:02 of Kids Time? Sharing Time and the Stories,
21:07 and Bible stories? Yeah.
21:09 Do you have a favorite Bible story?
21:10 Esther and Ruth.
21:12 Oh! Do you know who was, who played Queen Esther? Who?
21:16 Do you know who she was, with the beautiful long hair?
21:20 Oh! Wow? That was Linda Shelton.
21:27 Did you know that? No.
21:30 You didn't know that, she fooled you.
21:31 She really looked like Queen Esther didn't she?
21:34 That's what we think she looks like.
21:36 Anyway we don't really know, do we?
21:37 Well, I am so excited.
21:39 Now tell me, what do you do to share Jesus?
21:43 I invite my friends over to church with me,
21:48 and I invite them to watch Sabbath movies.
21:54 Now, what are Sabbath movies?
21:55 Well, there are Bible stories and we also watch Kids Time.
22:04 Ah! Awesome. And we also...
22:11 Now, let me ask you, your friends when they come,
22:13 when you say, you come over, do you say,
22:15 when you come over we'll watch movies.
22:17 And they think they're watching something else
22:18 then you just stick in a Bible movie
22:19 or do they know when they come over that you want them
22:22 to watch the Bible movies with you.
22:23 Well, they know that at Sabbath I can't play
22:28 and when I like call them on the phone to come over
22:35 to watch a Sabbath movie they usually say yes.
22:40 Okay, so they know you don't play regular games on Sabbath,
22:44 because on Sabbath we want to keep it holy
22:47 and only do the things that Jesus would,
22:49 that we can bring us closer to Jesus, right?
22:51 We can think about Jesus all the day long, right?
22:53 Do you do anything else to share Jesus?
22:56 Yes, in the, at the schools for summer school.
23:02 There is these church Bible schools
23:05 and I invite them to Bible schools.
23:09 Oh they do.
23:10 Now, what kind of things you do at Bible school.
23:11 Well, we usually do crafts and sing songs, and...
23:19 What kind of songs? Like Sabbath songs like...
23:25 Songs about Jesus? Yeah. And so you like that,
23:29 it sounds like you really take every opportunity
23:31 to witness to your friends, don't you?
23:32 And can you witness to friends with,
23:34 when you're playing with them?
23:36 Yes. And how can you do that?
23:38 Well, when we are like playing soccer,
23:43 you know, you're not suppose to take the ball out of that,
23:53 hold the ball with your hand, right.
23:57 Well, I am not a soccer player, but I am assuming you're right.
24:00 And when they do that I say, oh! You are not suppose
24:07 to pick up the ball it's against the rule.
24:11 And so, you abide by the rules and you can also,
24:15 you can share Jesus when you're even on the soccer field
24:17 by being kind and doing acting, how we act everyday
24:22 shows how we share Jesus too, doesn't it?
24:25 Well, I know that you probably had Jesus in your heart
24:28 all the time, right? All right, that's one.
24:30 Well, thank Kaila for being here,
24:31 would you like to hear some letters?
24:32 I have a letter here from Christy from Dowagiac, Michigan.
24:39 And I don't know if I said that right.
24:41 But, lets see what Christy has to say?
24:43 And you know what, Christy gave us a picture,
24:47 can you hold that up for me? It says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:49 I love Kids Time, and my favorite part is
24:51 the cooking and the singing.
24:52 I love to cook with Katie.
24:54 And while my mom is in school I clean,
24:56 cook and babysit.
24:57 It is a big job but I try to do my best for Jesus
25:00 and I know He loves me and wants me to use
25:03 my talents faithfully. My name is Christy,
25:05 and I am 10 years old. Please send me
25:07 two to three recipes from cooking time
25:09 and a Kids Time activity book.
25:11 Well, thank you, Christy.
25:12 I be happy to send you some recipes,
25:14 but why don't you right or call 3ABN for Katie's cookbook, okay?
25:19 And then you can get all of Katie's recipes
25:21 and I tell you they are good, I have tasted everyone of them
25:24 because I am here for everyone time,
25:27 every program we take.
25:29 All right, this letter is from Lake City.
25:31 Can you hold that picture for me?
25:33 We got really nice pictures today.
25:35 Dear Miss Brenda.
25:37 My name is Artie, and I am 5 and half,
25:39 I share Jesus my great grandma had no water and I took her some
25:44 another time some friends were fighting,
25:46 and I prayed that they were glad and then they were glad.
25:49 I would like to come to Kids Time.
25:51 Please send me a book. Thank you, Artie.
25:54 Well isn't that sweet? Thank you, Artie.
25:56 What a handsome man in that suit?
25:58 I really enjoyed that picture.
26:00 How about here is one from Walla Walla, Washington
26:03 and I'll just read this one really quick and it says.
26:06 Hi, my name is Shiloh, and I love Kids Time,
26:10 I like the stories.
26:12 May I please join Kids club, your friend, Shiloh.
26:13 And then she drew a picture and says me.
26:15 Isn't that cute?
26:17 Well, that's all the time we have today, boys and girls.
26:20 I want to thank you for joining us.
26:21 Thank you Kaila for being on Kids Time with me.
26:24 And boys and girls,
26:26 I want to encourage you to smile,
26:28 tell someone that Jesus loves them
26:29 because its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17