Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000093

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there, looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Oh, hi boys and girls. Oh! I've been waiting
00:28 such a long time and the hands on this watch,
00:31 they don't seem to move at all.
00:33 I think I am just gonna give up.
00:36 Have you ever waited for something important,
00:38 and time goes by so slowly
00:40 that you just wanna give up.
00:43 Well our Bible story today tells about a
00:45 whole lot of people who are waiting for
00:47 something important. They didn't have
00:50 watches so they couldn't check the time
00:52 as I've been doing right now.
00:54 But they kept looking at the place where they
00:55 had last seen someone. Their leader, the one
00:58 that they depended upon had just disappeared.
01:02 And he had been gone for so long that they felt
01:05 that he had deserted them. And you know what
01:07 they even felt that God deserted them.
01:11 Now, of course they should have known
01:12 better because while human beings may,
01:15 you know, let us down from time-to-time
01:18 God never does. But because lost their
01:21 faith in God, they did something wrong
01:24 and something very foolish.
01:26 But you gonna have to wait a few more minutes
01:28 to find out when you hear the story.
01:31 Boys and girls don't ever go tired of waiting
01:34 for God to do something.
01:35 You know, He always keeps His promises,
01:38 may be not always at the time we expect,
01:40 but always at the right time.
01:43 I know a Bible verse that tells us that
01:45 being patient we will gain life
01:48 and that's found in Luke 21:19.
01:52 And that's talking about a life that will never end,
01:55 life with Jesus. So you know what,
01:58 I think its worthwhile to be patient, don't you?
02:01 My grandmother always said
02:02 that God never gets in hurry,
02:04 but He always gets there on time.
02:07 I want a live with Jesus, don't you?
02:10 Well right now, Ranger Jim has some very
02:13 interesting to show us. But, you know what
02:15 you're going to have to listen
02:17 very carefully to this because these
02:20 creatures are very, very noisy.
02:31 Ranger Jim saying welcome to Nature Time.
02:33 We are at Lion Country Safari near
02:35 West Palm Beach Florida and look what we have today,
02:37 what is this noise behind us, Sherri?
02:39 These are the Siamang Gibbons
02:41 and they are very noise.
02:44 They have extremely long arms.
02:48 That they do. They have extremely
02:49 long arms because their way of getting around
02:52 which is called locomotion is by brachiation.
02:54 So they do this hand over hand movement
02:57 and that's why their harms are little forcer,
02:58 so they can swing around in the trees in forests.
03:01 And these are the one that you see swinging
03:03 from branch to branch and rhythmically just
03:05 going through the woods just like
03:07 you would run to the woods.
03:08 And what is this sound? Is this a call territorial?
03:12 Yes. This is a call, at times it's territorial.
03:14 Right now, it does not happen to be a
03:15 territorial call, but typically it is.
03:18 They also do it other times of the day just
03:21 let other animals know where they are.
03:24 They do it for their, they live in family groups.
03:27 And let the rest of the family know where they are.
03:29 And if you listen really closely, there is actually
03:31 two different calls going on right now.
03:33 There is a male and a female.
03:34 That was the male just now, and this is,
03:37 that's the female going right now.
03:38 And they have different calls for different things.
03:40 I see. And is that not a baby clinging to its mother.
03:43 That is! We actually have four Siamangs
03:46 out here on this island. And this Tina, who is
03:50 the mother right here is the last one and she
03:52 does have a baby and that baby
03:54 is just a few months old. And baby lets say
03:56 how long would it stay with its mother?
03:57 These ones stay with their mothers for a few years.
04:00 They actually live in family groups and
04:01 family group stay together for quite at one time.
04:04 One of the reasons is that is most important,
04:06 and most of the primate species,
04:09 nursing and raising babies is not an
04:11 instinctive behavior like it is
04:13 in a lot of other species.
04:14 If you have a dog or a cat and they had babies,
04:17 they usually know to do with it.
04:19 But most primate species they don't.
04:21 So, they actually have to stay with their family
04:24 group until they see other babies being
04:26 raised, and then that's how they learn how to do it.
04:29 We really had to do with some of the greater
04:31 apes, these are actually lesser apes,
04:33 and with some of the greater apes we have
04:35 been able to show them videos and things
04:37 like that of other, for example Orangutan,
04:40 the neighbor to show them videos of other
04:43 Orangutans raising babies when they are
04:46 put in situation where they have seen
04:48 an actually baby being raised.
04:50 And I have seen many times with videos
04:52 I have seen the mother with a baby,
04:54 after it's two or three months old then she
04:56 would share with antis, okay.
04:58 Correct! They do have what's called anti behavior.
05:01 And these guys aren't as they don't ant as much
05:03 because they were actually in a family group,
05:06 but they do pass the baby around to
05:07 especially after the first couple of months.
05:09 The other ones, especially the other
05:11 females, well pick up the baby and help
05:14 take care of it. But considering these
05:15 guys carry their babies just about 24 hours a day
05:18 then you know this, that would be a welcome relief.
05:21 Wouldn't it? Yes, yes it is.
05:22 It would be welcomed. And their diet,
05:23 well they are omnivorous.
05:24 They are basically omnivorous.
05:26 Their main diet is fruits and vegetables,
05:28 and leaves and they have ate some nuts,
05:31 but they have been known to eat other
05:32 animals especially small animals like birds,
05:35 they might eat a small birds.
05:37 Especially eggs, they really like eggs.
05:38 Alright! Now tell me do they live in the trees
05:42 or they also in the land or what.
05:44 They live mostly in trees. They are very arboreal,
05:47 which means they live in the trees as opposed to
05:49 terrestrial which means they walk on the ground
05:51 and the Siamangs are very arboreal and spend
05:54 99 percent of their time in the trees.
05:56 And that's why they built the wooden one.
05:59 How do they sleep in the trees?
06:00 Do they prepare a bed there or something like that?
06:02 No they really, these kinds not make mess.
06:04 They just sleep up. They find a nice,
06:06 comfortable branch and sometimes it will be
06:08 comfortable branches together.
06:09 They makes a nice little cork
06:11 and will sleep up in there.
06:12 Just get very comfortable and just zoom off like that.
06:15 Now being, apes and they
06:17 don't have a prehensile tail.
06:19 Their tail is not prehensile.
06:20 They don't have a tail at all.
06:21 I see! And so boys and girls do you see,
06:24 I have heard, we had our first grandson came
06:27 along and he was just desperately interested
06:30 in this kind of creatures and he learned all about
06:32 them and a group from his church work with him
06:34 and they were going along in a zoo when
06:36 people all talked about those beautiful
06:38 monkeys up there and he was four years old
06:40 and this little boy said oh they can't be
06:41 monkeys, they don't have tails.
06:43 They must be baboons. And everyone said, ah yes.
06:46 Well okay Jimmy we go along with that.
06:47 So it was that neat boys and girls,
06:49 we can learn about these creatures
06:50 and see about them like this and so this is fun
06:54 for them to swinging back and forth.
06:56 They are enjoying it. Yes, yes.
06:57 They are actually watching us what they are doing.
06:59 And they are curious about us being here
07:02 and they assure you of this.
07:04 Now the brachiating hanging down is what
07:07 we call enhancement they. This is actually we call
07:11 it Enrichment because since they brachiate,
07:13 we give them away so that they can move
07:15 around the Island. So this is the, enrichment
07:19 is actually something that we can give them
07:20 all on a daily basis to occupy their minds.
07:23 And so this will be something they can play
07:24 with so that wouldn't get bored.
07:26 Boys and girls this has been a fascinating time
07:28 for me to learn about this creature.
07:30 So Ranger Jim is always saying,
07:32 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him
07:34 because he really does love you.
07:45 Oh! Hi, boys and girls. I'm kind of busy.
07:48 Uncle Buddy, what are you doing?
07:50 I'm cleaning out my wallet.
07:52 You know what a wallet is?
07:55 It's something that folds and men carry some
07:57 of things that are very valuable to them in it.
08:00 Do you know what the most
08:01 valuable thing in this wallet is?
08:09 A 20! Where did I get that?
08:13 How about you Cara, is there anything that
08:15 you think is real valuable to me?
08:18 Oh, my sub-club membership card.
08:22 I like that club. When I am hungry I use this.
08:26 But those aren't the most valuable things to me.
08:28 Let me show you the things most precious to me.
08:32 Can you see? Can you see it?
08:36 This is a picture of my kids.
08:37 There is Adam Gibson, Hannah Grace,
08:40 Brandon Robert Kyle, and Jared Kurt.
08:42 They along with my wife Tina
08:43 are the most valuable things in my life.
08:48 Boys and girls if Jesus has a wallet,
08:49 I know your pictures in it.
08:52 You are the most valuable thing to Him.
08:54 You are His precious choice.
09:07 Having such a dear face, very precious Jewels,
09:13 There are emeralds and diamonds
09:16 and rubies and pearls But there will be some
09:20 special jewels made by God above,
09:25 And all the boys and all the girls
09:27 are surrounded by His Love,
09:31 Jewels for Jesus that is what we'll be,
09:36 Jewels for Jesus through all eternity,
09:42 Jewels for Jesus sparkling in his light,
09:48 Jewels for Jesus, making heaven bright.
09:54 Even here on planet earth, we can be a gem,
09:59 By following God's plan and living lives for Him,
10:05 Then we'll make this old world a better place to live
10:10 Then all those around us will see and believe,
10:15 Jewels for Jesus, that is what we'll be,
10:21 Jewels for Jesus through all eternity,
10:26 Jewels for Jesus sparkling in his light,
10:32 Jewels for Jesus, making heaven bright.
10:48 Welcome Boys and girls to Learning Time.
10:50 Hey, have you ever wondered how
10:53 aero lances can fly and stay in the air.
10:55 Have you ever wondered that? Yeah!
10:58 Today's experiment has to do with all of that.
11:01 Now we have six volunteers up here
11:04 and they're gonna help us with this experiment.
11:07 Now this is great one that you can do at home.
11:10 For this experiment all you need is to get a funnel.
11:12 Do you have your funnels?
11:14 Oh yeah, we've got our funnels and we are
11:16 going to need one of these balls.
11:18 Can you think about what this ball is?
11:20 What kind of ball is that? A ping pong ball!
11:22 It's a ping pong ball. I love to play ping pong.
11:24 Now, all they have to do for this experiment
11:27 is to take this ball, its really light,
11:29 it has air in it, and all they have do I am
11:32 gonna put in their funnel and then they are
11:34 gonna blow the ball, clear out of the funnel.
11:37 Do you think they can do that?
11:39 Yes! Well, let's find out. It's real light.
11:42 It goes up in the air
11:43 and let's try this one right here.
11:45 Put it right over in your mouth
11:47 and blow that right out and see if we can do that,
11:49 have a real trouble here and let's try yours over here.
11:53 Go ahead and blow that out force and blow it out,
11:56 maybe a little harder.
11:57 Let's try this one over here.
11:58 We are gonna put that in there
12:00 and blow that right out.
12:01 Yeah, hey they are doing great.
12:03 How are you doing at home?
12:04 Are you doing okay with this.
12:06 Hey, we have a little trouble here.
12:07 Go ahead and try that one and blow that right out.
12:10 That's it. Little harder, and here we got
12:13 another one right there.
12:14 Blow that thing, clear up, up to the ceiling.
12:17 Come on, give them some encouragement,
12:18 come on help them. Put that, let's go.
12:21 Come on, help them. Let's go.
12:22 Blow that thing right out. Wow! You know what,
12:28 I think we have problem here.
12:30 Do you know what the problem is?
12:33 When you blow real hard, there is some low
12:36 air pressure coming in and the low air pressure
12:39 creates a problem for us. The higher pressure
12:42 pushes that ball down, that's what happens to
12:44 wings on airplanes and birds.
12:47 The top of the wing has very, very low
12:50 air pressure and you know what the high
12:52 air pressure lifts the wing and at least the
12:55 airplane in the air, it lifts our birds into the
12:57 air and things can fly. You know that is so nigh.
13:02 And remember every time we learn
13:05 something new about science,
13:07 we are learning something about our creator, God.
13:18 God! How could they so soon forget
13:23 the wonderful things that you have done for them?
13:28 Do they not realize how sad they make you
13:32 when they worship other God?
13:35 Oh, you've startled me. I thought I was alone.
13:40 You want to know what is wrong,
13:43 how thoughtful of you. Come close my children
13:46 and I will share my sad story with you.
13:49 You see, not along ago God called me Moses
13:55 to lead His people out of slavery.
13:58 They have been slaves in Egypt for a long time.
14:02 They were so used being told what to do
14:06 that they even forgot about God,
14:08 and worship the Gods of wood and stone in Egypt.
14:13 These Gods were not alive and could not help them.
14:22 See this stone, you pray to,
14:26 stone it would not give you food.
14:29 Would it make you well if you were sick?
14:33 Would it make you good inside if you ask it?
14:36 No! It's only a stone and nothing more.
14:41 The people of Israel were so used to ask
14:44 in these idols made of stone to help them that
14:49 they have forgotten that it is only the great God
14:53 in heaven who helps them.
14:55 So, God decided to give them His laws to help them,
14:59 to remember that it is He alone that can help them.
15:05 He called me into the mountain top
15:08 to meet with Him. He rolled His laws on
15:12 two tables of stone and He did it with His own finger.
15:17 I know because I saw Him do it.
15:21 I felt His love as I watched Him
15:24 write the Ten Commandment.
15:26 He told me that if we kept all His laws
15:30 they would protect us from the enemy of God,
15:33 and keep us close to Him. I could hardly wait to
15:37 share these wonderful laws with all God's children.
15:43 Then, God told me that I am must hurry and go
15:47 back to the camp, for there was
15:49 trouble going on down there.
15:52 I hurried back as fast as I could.
15:55 When I reached the camp,
15:56 I could not believe what I saw.
15:58 There the children of Israel were dancing
16:01 around the Golden Calf, that can't hear or see.
16:06 They were worshiping this dumb calf.
16:10 I became so angry that I threw the tables of
16:13 stone that God had written all the
16:16 Ten Commandments on and they'd broken to pieces.
16:20 The people stop dancing around the
16:23 Golden Calf that could not see or hear anything.
16:28 My brother, Aaron, tried to tell me that the
16:31 people made him do it. And he just threw the
16:35 gold into the fire. And a calf came out.
16:38 But that was not true, and Aaron and the
16:41 people knew that was not true either.
16:44 All the people were very quite because they
16:47 had disobeyed God by worshipping the Golden Calf.
16:52 They wondered what would happen next.
16:54 The children of Israel watched as I had the
16:57 idol thrown into the fire and ground into powder.
17:01 They grasped as I had the
17:03 powder thrown into the stream.
17:06 Then I ordered all the people to drink the
17:09 water so that they would know how useful
17:11 is this idol was. I wanted them to
17:14 remember that this was just an idol
17:17 that could not see or hear or help them.
17:22 Oh, how sad it makes God to see us worship other God.
17:28 It makes me sad too. I hope that you will learn
17:32 something from this, sad experience too.
17:36 There is only one true God, and that is the
17:40 great and awesome God in Heaven
17:42 who sees and hears and helps us.
17:45 He is the only God we are to worship.
17:48 Well, I am so glad that you stop by.
17:51 I must be going for God
17:53 has called me back up in the mountain.
17:57 I love spending time alone with God.
18:01 He likes it when you spend time praying to Him too.
18:06 Good bye, my friends.
18:28 Come and join the reapers; All the Kingdom seekers
18:38 Laying down your life to find it in the end
18:48 Come and join the harvest; Help to light the darkness
18:58 For the Lord is calling, faithful men.
19:12 Come and join the reapers; All the Kingdom seekers
19:22 Laying down your life to find it in the end
19:32 Come and join the harvest; Help to light the darkness
19:41 For the Lord is calling, faithful men.
19:51 For the Lord is calling, faithful men.
20:16 Hi, boys and girls, I have so many letters
20:18 I want to share with you today.
20:20 This one is an email and it is from here a girl,
20:24 her name is Nafeesa, and if I don't pronounce
20:26 your name right boys and girls can you just
20:28 give me a little note when you send me a
20:30 letter and give me a little hint on how to
20:32 pronounce it correctly, okay.
20:34 But this one says dear Miss Brenda my name
20:36 is Nafeesa and I am six years old
20:38 and I come from the state of Meghalaya,
20:41 which is in the North eastern part of India.
20:43 I love Kids Time, especially the Praise Time.
20:46 I would love to sing for Jesus like the kids in
20:48 your program, and could you please send
20:51 me a Kids Time activity book,
20:52 I would love to have one. Love Nafeesa.
20:55 Well, thank you Nafeesa for your letter.
20:57 I appreciate that. I love emails too,
20:59 boys and girls. This letter has a real
21:01 pretty envelope. I like this one.
21:03 It says dear Miss Brenda I watch your show Kids Time
21:05 every morning at 5 a.m. here in Philippines,
21:09 with my mother before I go to school.
21:11 He says your show is beautiful because
21:12 I learn many things and I like your animal show,
21:15 cooking time, Bible heroes, and reading letters.
21:18 Please send me your free activity book
21:20 and some of Catie's recipes.
21:21 I love to watch her cook, sincerely Rafael.
21:26 Well, Rafael I'd love to send you some.
21:27 You know Catie has a new cook book,
21:31 you can able to write to at 3ABN for,
21:34 and it's absolutely beautiful.
21:36 All Catie's recipes are in that Cook Book.
21:39 And it just Kids Time Cook Book.
21:41 This one is from Antelope, California from Ellie.
21:44 And Ellie has written, oh isn't this adorable.
21:47 Ellie has drawn a picture and she just puts
21:52 me and I am not pretty share what that says,
21:56 but it's got Kids Time flags all over it.
21:58 So she's got herself here at Kids Time.
22:01 So, that was a nice picture, thank you for that.
22:04 Well, right now, I want to go to Richmond, Virginia.
22:08 I was recently there and visited some
22:11 boys and girls there and they love Jesus so much,
22:13 and they prepared a song that they would
22:15 like to share with you and that's how they'll
22:17 share Jesus with you today.
22:23 Wonderful book of God's People,
22:27 Wonderful book of God's Word,
22:30 And the Bible pages passed out through the ages,
22:34 The voice of God is heard
22:37 Wonderful book of God's People,
22:42 Wonderful book of God's Word,
22:46 Called a book full of treasure,
22:48 That's sewn together, the Bible people heard
22:53 And God loves them. And God loves them.
23:01 The Old Testament shows the God in Christ,
23:05 the clergy stories and all,
23:09 The New Testament tells of Jesus,
23:14 the way, the truth, the life eternal.
23:19 Wonderful book of God's People,
23:23 Wonderful book of God's Word,
23:26 And the Bible pages passed out through the ages,
23:31 The voice of God is heard
23:34 Wonderful book of God's People,
23:39 Wonderful book of God's Word,
23:43 Called a book full of treasure,
23:45 That's sewn together, the Bible people heard
23:50 And God loves them. And God loves them.
23:59 Thank you kids, I love singing for Jesus
24:01 and that was a beautiful song.
24:03 Thank you so much. I would like to read
24:05 a letter to you now from Albeena
24:07 and Albeena is from Rogers, Minnesota.
24:11 And this is the picture of Albeena.
24:13 It says dear Miss Brenda I am nine years old,
24:18 but I am going to be 10 soon.
24:19 And I love Kids Time and said I share Jesus
24:22 by praying with my sisters everyday when
24:24 they want me to and I love Jesus and God so
24:27 much and I want to go to Heaven so bad
24:30 and I know Jesus and God is waiting for me.
24:33 Love Albeena. Well you know Albeena,
24:35 Jesus is waiting for us to go Heaven.
24:37 And you know, I can't wait to go.
24:39 I am homesick for Heaven. Aren't you?
24:41 Well, boys and girls, I have a letter here from
24:43 Sierra and she is from Rocklin, California.
24:47 And she says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is
24:49 Sierra and I am 12 years old.
24:51 I am interested in joining Kids Club.
24:54 When I was two, I knew almost every
24:56 Bible story by heart but now I know almost none.
24:58 Please send me some Bible stories,
25:00 so I can read and remember, love Sierra.
25:03 You know Sierra, I am going to do just that.
25:05 When you enroll in Kids Club, boys and girls,
25:07 you do learn more about Jesus.
25:10 Right now I want to hear from Seff down in
25:12 Collegedale, Tennessee. He is going tell us what
25:14 he does to share Jesus.
25:17 Hi, Miss Brenda, this is Seff from Collegedale,
25:19 Tennessee and I am 11 years old and this is one
25:21 of the ways that I share Jesus.
25:24 During the Iraq war I wrote to the soldiers
25:27 telling them that I was praying for them
25:29 and hope they come home soon.
25:31 We know what Seff that was a wonderful way to
25:33 share Jesus, and maybe some of you boys and girls
25:36 can also write to some soldiers and tell them
25:38 Jesus loves them because they need that
25:40 kind of encouragement, don't they?
25:42 I have time for maybe a quick email here.
25:45 It says dear Miss Brenda my children
25:46 and I watch Kids Time. It's part of a home
25:48 school activity. I think it's great how
25:50 you allow the Lord and to have
25:53 you witness to all ages. My 21 month old son
25:57 loves Kids Time. I was wondering if you
25:59 could send my daughter Shianne the Bible
26:01 studies and the book. Here is our address,
26:04 and she is writing from West Jordan, Utah.
26:07 Says I want to specially thank Catie, your niece
26:10 for those great recipes and I would love any
26:12 recipes you could send us. Thank you so much
26:15 Miss Brenda for Kids Time, your sister
26:17 in Christ, Quell. Well, thank you so much
26:19 for your letter and yes we will get some
26:20 recipes out to you and Catie's Cook Book
26:22 is coming out soon too. Well, that's all the time
26:25 vwe have today, boys and girls,
26:26 remember its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17