Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000092

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls, I was just checking my
00:28 temperature to see if I have fever.
00:31 And lets see if I do, can you read that, it says
00:35 98.6, that means I don't have a fever and my
00:39 temperature is normal, because 98.6 is a normal
00:43 reading. You know, I hope you don't have a fever
00:47 because you know if you have fever, you feel
00:49 kind of miserable and your head's gonna heard
00:52 and you got chills, you know what you might
00:55 even ache all over. But usually fevers don't
00:58 last very long. If you have the food, you feel
01:01 very sick, but you know what in a few days you
01:03 better that sometimes people develop fevers
01:06 that just won't go away. And you know what,
01:09 the longer fever lasts the weaker the body
01:13 becomes. And the harder and harder it becomes
01:16 for your body to fight off that sickness.
01:18 A woman in our Bible story today had fever
01:21 like that. She was usually a very busy,
01:23 buzzing you know really active lady, and she was
01:27 waiting on another people and fixing food and
01:30 visiting friends, telling stories to children even.
01:34 But with the high fever that just wouldn't go away,
01:37 she had kind of grown thin and weak and tired.
01:40 You know she was so tired
01:41 that she could hardly crawl off of her bed.
01:44 Now her friends and family wondered,
01:46 what in the world would become of her,
01:48 and they really wondered if she was going to die.
01:51 Well, our Bible story today tell us what happened.
01:54 But you'll have to wait just a little bit longer
01:57 to find out, because first we're going
02:00 to the beach, where Ranger Jim
02:02 is going to tell us about high tides and low tides.
02:12 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:14 welcome to Nature Time.
02:16 We're glad you could gonna join us today.
02:17 We're on beautiful Hutchinson Island near
02:19 Fort Pierce, Florida.
02:20 You could hear the waves crashing behind us,
02:23 its a beautiful scene,
02:24 we are enjoying it thoroughly.
02:26 If you live near the ocean,
02:27 you are well aware of high tides and low tides
02:30 and boys and girls that don't leave
02:32 near the ocean, they don't know.
02:34 And many people who come to this beach everyday,
02:36 the people local people here,
02:38 they go out to the beach to enjoy some sunshine
02:41 at a picnic, and sometime they just come to watch
02:43 the yankees. And that's sport is this.
02:46 Sometime people come to this beach from up
02:48 North which is very cold in the winter time
02:50 they get blanket and they layout on the beach
02:52 and enjoy the sun. Yes, they have on
02:54 their sunscreen, and they go to sleep.
02:57 And the tides start comes in, and they don't know
03:00 the waters gonna get more and more deep
03:02 where they are and soon their feet are suddenly
03:05 in the waves, and they jump up and start running
03:07 all over because they don't realize that
03:10 the water's coming in. If we should continue here
03:12 for another hour and Ranger Jim would put his
03:14 arms out here like this, perhaps all the would be
03:17 showing of me we would be might head.
03:19 What happens, when we have the tide,
03:22 God took the put it just the right distance
03:25 from the sun. So it would be warm and
03:28 providing energy for plants to go then he put
03:30 another heavenly body near the earth
03:32 call the moon and the moon exhorts a force
03:37 on the earth, that it has a pull.
03:39 The only way I know how to demonstrate
03:41 that for you. I have magnate in my hand,
03:44 and some medal if I put this near the medal near
03:47 those, you see what happens to them,
03:50 that is the way the force of the moon works
03:53 on the earth. We can't see it,
03:54 but as the moon goes near the earth
03:57 it exhorts first and pulls it over, pulls
04:01 the a water away, towards it from the earth,
04:04 although the water doesn't leave the earth.
04:07 And that causes water flowing always downhill,
04:10 and will always level itself.
04:12 So, one side of the earth the water suddenly
04:15 start flowing away from the shore
04:17 because of the force of the moon, and then when
04:20 the moon gets only other side of the earth
04:21 it releases that then we have the high tides.
04:24 Now, we don't have enough time for
04:26 Ranger Jim to get into all the technicalities
04:28 of it. But I just wanted to tell you about that,
04:30 and when you got to the beach, you could
04:33 always count on, in fact we can have tables,
04:37 and we have on the news they can tell you exactly
04:40 when the water will start to coming up,
04:42 and when the water will start coming down.
04:44 The importance to us, the great thing
04:46 is in God's great creation is this.
04:48 If we had all of the surface of the earth
04:51 we have which is water, which is the vast
04:53 majority of the surface of the earth is water,
04:56 and there was no circulation,
04:58 then it would become what we call stagnate
05:00 or dead water. Any dead that died would fall
05:03 to the bottom, it would soon, just the whole,
05:05 the whole ocean would die, but because of that,
05:08 through all of the earth, through all the oceans
05:10 of the earth, as the water flows back and forth,
05:13 it's like underwater rivers that flow and
05:15 wash and clean. And in this surf there are
05:19 creatures living there at high tide they
05:22 come forth, little crabs, little crustaceans,
05:24 scallops, all different kind of things at
05:27 high tide and they feed, go about their busy life.
05:29 But when the water starts going out as
05:31 we look out, low tides coming, so they borrow
05:34 down in the sand and hide, if they don't,
05:36 the gulls and the birds will come and eat them,
05:38 so they borrow down, when the tide goes out,
05:41 they go to sleep and have nap and take it easy,
05:43 then when the high tide comes, once again
05:46 they're active. And so that's Gods great plan,
05:49 to me it just absolutely unbelievable the things
05:52 that God did when he created the earth.
05:54 And so the tides are very necessary.
05:57 I have a friend of mine who moved to Alaska
06:00 and he wasn't really aware of that tides well
06:02 he knew they had high tide and low tide.
06:04 And so they took their boat and anchored it
06:06 one sabbath afternoon and went for a hike,
06:08 and when they came back from the hike,
06:11 he had to pull out his shoes and his pants
06:13 and swim out to his boat that was anchored,
06:15 but now the boat was anchored way out
06:17 in the bay. And so he had to swim out there,
06:20 because he had anchored the boat at low tide
06:23 and the water came in, he was fortunate in that
06:25 fact that was enough rope on the anchor,
06:28 so that the boat could still float.
06:30 Had he anchored the boat securely and tied to
06:33 some large rock or something, it would
06:35 either have broken the chain or the rope or
06:37 would have taken the boat underwater.
06:39 So, as I say before if you live near the ocean,
06:42 you're well aware of that, but if you don't,
06:44 you wouldn't be. But the tides are a very
06:47 important part of God's plan for the ocean
06:49 to keep it moving back and forth and to keep
06:50 it fresh and for all the creatures
06:54 that live in this area. So, once again boys
06:56 and girls, we find that God's plan is always
06:59 the best. So, Ranger Jim telling you.
07:01 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
07:03 Him because He really does love you.
07:14 I will sing of my Redeemer,
07:18 And His wondrous love to me
07:21 On the cruel cross He suffered,
07:25 Brit, Brit, Brit, Brit, look at this,
07:29 I found a Love Coupon Book.
07:31 In that Love Coupon Book it says you can redeem
07:33 coupons for anything you love, and I love
07:37 Oatmeal Cream Pies. So, I went to the store,
07:40 gave them a coupon and I redeemed that coupon
07:42 for an oatmeal cream pie, yes,
07:46 I love redeeming things. Uncle Buddy,
07:48 I can thing of something else that's been redeemed.
07:52 Better than cream pie? Yes, us. We've been
07:56 redeemed by Jesus. That's right,
08:01 did you want some? Yeah, okay, here's a piece,
08:04 okay. Yes, we have been redeemed
08:11 by Jesus and that is way better
08:14 than Oatmeal Cream Pie.
08:27 I will sing of my Redeemer,
08:31 And His wondrous love to me;
08:35 On the cruel cross He suffered,
08:40 From the curse to set me free.
08:44 Sing, O sing, of my Redeemer,
08:48 With His blood, He purchased me.
08:53 On the cross, He sealed my pardon,
08:57 Paid the debt, and made me free.
09:04 I will praise my dear Redeemer,
09:08 His triumphant power I'll tell,
09:12 How the victory He given
09:17 Over the sin in heaven and hell,
09:21 Sing, oh sing, of my Redeemer,
09:25 With His blood, He purchased me.
09:29 On the cross, He sealed my pardon,
09:33 Paid the debt, and made me free.
09:38 Sing, oh sing, of my Redeemer
09:42 With His blood, He purchased me.
09:46 On the cross, He sealed my pardon,
09:50 Paid the debt, and made me free.
10:05 Hi, we have delicious recipe for you
10:07 that you can have with the Veggie Burger
10:09 or a sandwich. Today, we're making potato
10:11 chips. And you really don't need a recipe
10:14 because it's so easy. But I guess we'll put
10:16 on the screen anyway for you.
10:25 Now first we gonna take, we have some
10:27 nonstick cooking spray in hand, and all
10:30 you have to do is spray the pan,
10:32 I have a pan here, we're just going to spray
10:34 it down, with some spray. Spray it real good
10:39 and then I already have some potatoes,
10:41 peeled for us, we have them in water,
10:43 so they don't get brown. But what we're gonna
10:45 do actually is we have a potato and then I have
10:49 a peeler and all you have to do, you're just
10:52 gonna slice them real thin, like that.
11:00 And that's all you have to do. And then what
11:04 we do, is I have some here. We're just gonna
11:08 put them on the nonstick cooking,
11:10 on the pan, one here, and just a few and then
11:23 we're gonna, all you need to do is spray
11:27 them again with pam, over the top of the
11:29 nonstick cooking spray, wherever you have,
11:31 real good, and then just sprinkle on the salt.
11:40 Really simple and easy, that's all there is to it,
11:43 and then you put it in the oven at 400 degrees
11:45 for about five minutes. But it probably,
11:48 it might not take that long, so you need to
11:50 watch them, because they burn really easily.
11:52 We just put them in the oven, down here and
11:57 we have these. Now it should look about like
12:00 this, nice and crunchy, and I already have some
12:05 in the bowl for you. Now, if you want them
12:10 to taste a little bit different, you can
12:12 even put some seasoned salt on them or
12:14 something else to make them taste a little
12:16 different. And that's what they'll look like,
12:20 done and they're nice, they should be nice
12:24 and crunchy, because they're really good like
12:26 that, I'm gonna taste one. Delicious.
12:30 Well, until next time,
12:33 keep cooking and eat healthy.
12:42 Here is really Lord of God is one God,
12:46 Hallelujah. Hi, boys and girls, I'm on my way
12:51 to my neighbor's house, to take her this bread
12:53 that I just baked. I can't wait to see her,
12:56 my husband prayed for her last night and God
12:59 performed a true miracle. Since I met Jesus,
13:03 I believe in miracles because I've seen what
13:06 Jesus can do in people's lives. For example,
13:09 it's really a miracle how Jesus has changed
13:13 my husband, he's a new man. Oh! I'm sorry
13:16 I forgot to tell you who I am. I'm Peter's
13:19 wife and my husband became an apostle
13:22 for Jesus, and today he's one of the leaders
13:25 at Jerusalem Church. My husband Peter
13:28 is such a wonderful man and I'm so thankful
13:31 that God changed him, you see some years ago
13:35 when I first married my husband, he was not such
13:39 a good person as he is today. He was a
13:42 fisherman when I married him and there is
13:44 nothing wrong with being a fisherman,
13:46 but my husband was a little rough around
13:49 the edges if you know what I mean. Sometimes
13:53 he would even curse and swear. And sometimes
13:57 he was bit conceded and he was very impulsive
14:00 person. What I mean is, he would often say
14:04 and do things without thinking about how it's
14:07 going to effect his life or others, I'll never
14:10 forget the day that Peter came home and he
14:12 told me he was gonna quit his fishing business,
14:14 he said that he had meet this man named Jesus.
14:17 And that Jesus said, if you will come and follow
14:19 me I'll make you a fisher of men. Well,
14:22 I didn't know what to say, I just threw up my
14:25 hands and I said, Peter, if you quit your job
14:29 to follow this Jesus, how will we pay for
14:32 our bills. To be perfectly honest though,
14:35 I really wasn't that worried because I didn't
14:38 think Peter would follow him that long,
14:40 my husband used to change his mind all the time
14:43 about things. But one Sabbath day, Jesus came
14:48 to visit our house. I remember it so well boys
14:51 and girls, my mother was staying with us and
14:54 she was very sick, I was so worried about her,
14:58 her fever was so high and I was even afraid
15:02 that she might die. But when Jesus came and
15:05 his eyes were so full of love, I've never seen
15:09 anyone like him. Well when he saw my mother
15:13 lying there sick, he went over and he touched her
15:16 hand, and it was a miracle. She got well
15:20 immediately, she hopped up from bed and starting
15:23 serving Jesus and our other guests. Just one
15:26 touch from Jesus and she got well. Oh! But let
15:30 me finish telling my story about my husband.
15:32 I am so proud of him, he worked side by side with
15:36 Jesus for three and half years and being with
15:39 Jesus had such a very positive effect on him,
15:43 Peter really started becoming a better man
15:46 one day he came home and tell me that Jesus
15:50 was the Messiah, the Son of God who would save us
15:53 from our sins. Oh I knew this had to be true,
15:57 I had never meet anyone as special as Jesus.
16:02 You know we thought Jesus would announce
16:05 his kingdom right away, but we were wrong,
16:08 we did not realize that the penalty he had to
16:11 pay for us was to die on the cross so our sins
16:15 could be forgiven. When it happened,
16:18 we were so confused, we were so sad,
16:21 oh but Praise be to God, he came back
16:26 to life. He truly is the son of God, our Savior.
16:32 Knowing Jesus has changed my husband Peter
16:35 completely and me too. On the day of Pentecost,
16:38 Jesus sent us his precious Holy Spirit,
16:41 just like he had promised. And since that day
16:45 we've never been the same. We are full of God's
16:49 love and his joy and we found real peace in our
16:52 hearts and the true meaningful for life.
16:55 My husband is a completely new man, he is
16:59 so wonderful and courageous and he is very
17:02 bold in telling people how Jesus can give
17:05 them an amazing new life. I'm so happy that we
17:09 know Jesus as our Savior. And although Jesus
17:13 is up in heaven now with God the Father we are
17:16 still following him. Boys and girls, maybe
17:20 you know someone who needs to be changed
17:23 for the better. All you've got to do is to tell
17:26 them how much Jesus loves them and tell them,
17:29 they can't change themselves, but if they
17:32 will pray and ask Jesus to come into their hearts,
17:35 he will change them and he will give them the
17:38 power to quit sinning. My Jesus can change
17:42 anyone who will let him and after they've been
17:45 introduced to Jesus, they'll be happier then
17:48 they've ever been before. So, be sure to share
17:51 the good news with about Jesus love with everyone,
17:55 okay. Well, I guess I better be going,
17:58 I want to get this bread to my friend before
18:01 it gets cold, I can wait to spend time with her,
18:04 talking about the wonderful things
18:06 that Jesus is doing for us. I've enjoyed
18:09 talking with you too. Bye, bye.
18:21 Daddy, I want to sing a song about God's robin.
18:24 Oh! Taylor I think that's a great idea you know
18:27 that God made all the robins right,
18:29 and he made us too, didn't he?
18:33 Little Mr. Robin hopped up on my window sill
18:38 Little Mr. Robin cocked his head and sang:
18:44 "Hello!" - "Hello!"
18:47 "Good Day" - "Good Day"
18:50 And then he flew away.
19:07 Thank you Mark and Taylor for that beautiful song.
19:10 Isn't Taylor absolutely adorable? I just love
19:13 him you know what, he loves Jesus. Well,
19:15 I have someone else with me that loves Jesus,
19:17 and I'd like you to meet him, his name is Evan.
19:19 Hi, Evan. Hi. And I want thank for being here
19:22 on Kids Time. And Evan you came, where do
19:25 you live? Tennessee. In Tennessee, so you had
19:28 a little drive to get here, yeah. How old are you?
19:30 Eleven. You're 11 years old and you're going
19:33 into what grade? Fifth. You're going into
19:36 5th grade, are you excited about that? Now
19:39 tell me, what are some of your favorite things
19:41 to do. I love to make videos. You love
19:44 to make videos. In fact, do you make videos for
19:46 Jesus? Yes. How do you do that? Well,
19:50 we have a video editing system at home and
19:52 a video camera. So, what we do is right now
19:55 we're in the middle of making a video project,
19:57 where we video tape missionaries. Get their
19:59 stories and we add pictures and sound and
20:02 then show it to our Sabbath school. Oh that's
20:04 good. Well, you've actually send me some
20:07 programs and I've aired and I've aired one just
20:11 recently. You send me one and you did a really
20:14 good job, I was impressed. Thank you.
20:16 And I appreciate that, will you keep making some
20:18 videos for me. So I want they share Jesus and your
20:22 video tape it and send them and I'll put it on
20:24 the air, how's that? Okay. Would that be a good
20:26 thing to do. Yeah. Now, is there anything else
20:29 you do to share Jesus? How about when you,
20:33 just the way are you with your classmates
20:35 everybody at school? Well, I'm home schooled
20:38 actually so, I get along with my, all my siblings.
20:42 Well, you know what that's important too isn't it,
20:44 because you know how we act with your brothers
20:47 and sisters that makes a big different if we have
20:49 Jesus in our heart right? That's good, not that
20:52 I'm putting you on the spot. Well, I have some
20:55 letters to read, do you want to hear some of
20:57 them? Sure. I know you do boys and girls,
20:59 let listen, there's one here from Indian River,
21:03 Michigan, lets see where that's from.
21:05 And I've got a picture, can you hold that picture
21:07 up for me? And this one says, dear Miss Brenda,
21:11 we watch your programs every week and our
21:14 little sisters will be 3 in April says Kids Time
21:16 whenever it starts coming on, we remember you
21:19 when you came to our church to see your
21:21 brother in Cheboygan. Well that's right,
21:23 when my brother used to pastor that Church up
21:25 there and I came and sang. We like to share
21:29 Jesus with our friends at school, and we like
21:31 to help Mom and our aunt and our grandma
21:33 around the house, love Bridgett and Curtis and
21:36 Stephanie. And PS: We would like a T-shirt.
21:39 Well, I don't have any T-shirts right now,
21:42 but I, there is some plans in the work,
21:44 and when there is I will announce it and
21:46 you'll know when you can call or write for your
21:48 Kids Time T-shirt, okay. Lets see, we have
21:51 a letter from Grasslake, Michigan,
21:53 a lot of Michigan viewers right now.
21:56 And this one is from Blaine. Lets see what
21:59 Blaine has to say. Oh Blaine is, got a picture,
22:02 can you hold up that, you should look at that
22:03 picture she drew. And it says, dear Miss Brenda,
22:06 my name is Blaine, and I'm six years old,
22:08 my favorite things to do are playing outside
22:10 in the dirt, riding my bike and playing with
22:13 my three year old sister Kristen. I share
22:15 Jesus with, when helping a friend up and down,
22:18 oh I'm sorry, when she helped a friend up
22:20 when he fell. Says, please enroll me in the
22:22 Kids club and send me an activity book to my
22:24 sister too please. Thank you and God bless,
22:26 love, Blaine. Well, thank you Blaine and
22:28 I will get a book out to you right away.
22:31 And I'm glad that you were thoughtful of your
22:33 sister to send her a book too. Alright, lets see,
22:37 there is, lets get one here, he's one from
22:39 Colorado and it's from Joshua, and lets see what
22:42 Joshua has to say. I've been to Colorado,
22:44 and it's beautiful out there. This says, dear
22:48 Miss Brenda, my name is Joshua and I'm five
22:49 years old. I live in Evans, Colorado
22:53 and it's very cold here. I enjoy helping people
22:56 and for this year my mommy took my sister
22:59 and me to a nursing home and we delivered
23:01 cookies and cookie baskets to three people from
23:04 our Church and it made them very happy.
23:06 I'm sure it did. Said, I love Jesus, and I like
23:09 to act like I love him, love, Joshua. Well
23:12 you know what Joshua, that's true, if we love
23:14 Jesus we need to act like it. And I'm glad you
23:17 took those cookies, I'm sure there really did
23:18 appreciate it. Lets see, there is one here,
23:21 and I don't know where it's from, don't see
23:24 an address yet. I hope you put the address
23:26 inside, so I can write to you, oh there's a real
23:28 pretty picture, and yes it is, it's from Wales
23:32 in the United Kingdom. It says dear Miss Brenda,
23:35 my name is Jordan and I like to play with my toys,
23:38 the way I share Jesus is by opening doors for
23:40 people, and I like to stroke and pet the
23:43 animals. I'm eight years old. Love, Jordan.
23:45 And here is a picture of what Jordan drew.
23:50 And it looks like a horse maybe running on
23:53 the green grass. And lets see, here is one from
23:57 California, lets see who is writing one from
23:59 California. This says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:05 My name is Kaylin, oh that's pretty name
24:07 isn't it, I haven't heard that name. Says,
24:09 I'm six years old, one day I went to the park
24:11 there was a little boy there and he wanted
24:14 to play ball, I let him throw the ball and he
24:16 threw it too hard and I could not hit it,
24:19 but I let him throw it anyway.
24:20 Well that was good for you to do.
24:22 Said, please send him a Kids Time activity book
24:24 and send me one too. Love, Kaylin. And Kaylin
24:28 drew a picture, she's got a picture of a Kitty Cat
24:31 right here and a mouse and you did a beautiful
24:33 job coloring that Kaylin, thank you for that,
24:35 isn't that sweet. How about one from
24:39 Huntsville, Alabama, lets see here, oh I've got
24:43 a picture and this is stapled right here,
24:45 so I'll just let you hold that up if you would
24:48 please Evan. It says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:50 my name is Asha and I'm nine years old and I like
24:54 to play basketball, my favorite food is pizza,
24:56 my favorite color is blue and I like to witness
25:00 for Jesus by making cards and giving them
25:02 to people, your friend Ash. I'm sorry I had said
25:05 Asha before, but I think it was just Ash. And,
25:09 thank you so much for that. And I think that
25:13 was a good thing to do. Now, lets see,
25:15 how about one here from, not sure where
25:18 this one's from either, but we're gonna find out.
25:21 Lets see here, and this says, dear Miss Brenda,
25:29 my name is Dianna, and I'm in fifth grade and i'm
25:32 only 10.5, but my birthday is coming up soon.
25:35 My family really likes your programs on
25:38 television and I do too. I share Jesus by talking
25:42 about him at school, and I like Jesus,
25:46 he's in my heart and I tell people that Jesus
25:49 loves them and God loves them so much
25:52 and I do too, we just can't wait till we
25:54 get to heaven. PS: Can you send me two activity
25:56 books, one for me to share and it said,
25:59 I'm God's Angel, thank you very much, please
26:02 write back. Well, I will write back and lets see
26:05 if I can find out where to?
26:06 Rogers, Minnesota. Okay. Alright, lets see who
26:12 this is from, this is from Justine in Baker,
26:16 Montana. Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Justine
26:18 and I'm ten years old I enjoy Kids Time,
26:21 I really like the cooking and music and I
26:23 love Jesus, please send me an activity book,
26:25 love, Justine, and I will do that. That's all the
26:28 time we have today boys and girls.
26:30 I wanna thank Evan for being with me,
26:31 keep sending me videos, and boys and girls,
26:33 remember, its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17