Kids' Time

Blind Man Healed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000088

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls. Do you think I'm wearing
00:27 dark glasses because I'm in bright sunshine
00:29 right now? Or do you think maybe I'm wearing
00:32 them because the television lights are just
00:34 so bright. Well, you know what both of those
00:37 reasons could be true. But I'm actually wearing
00:40 these dark glasses because they make me think of
00:43 a man in the Bible who was born blind.
00:46 And these glasses are so dark,
00:47 I mean I can hardly see through them,
00:50 but they make me feel a little bit like a blind
00:52 person to feel. But you know what I'm
00:55 going to take them off and ah,
00:58 that so much better. Do you know it's just
01:00 wonderful to be able to see all the wonderful
01:03 things that God has made?
01:04 Like the beautiful colors in these pink flowers
01:08 and we've got purple flowers and yellow flowers,
01:11 I just love the beautiful colorful world that
01:15 God made. But our Bible story today tells
01:18 of a man who had never been able to see any
01:20 of these things because he couldn't see
01:22 anything at all. Can you imagine,
01:26 a tiny little baby that has never been able to see
01:29 his own mother, or even his own little
01:31 toes or his fingers, his life was hard,
01:34 and was very hard until, until something
01:37 wonderful happened. Now you'll hear all
01:40 about it just a little later in our story,
01:43 but I can't resist telling you that Jesus changed
01:46 his life completely, inside and out.
01:50 Now, you don't have to be blind to have Jesus
01:53 change your life. Boys and girls,
01:56 I really want you to remember that Jesus loves
01:59 you just the way you are, and He is going
02:02 to help you be the very best that you can be.
02:06 Well, now Ranger Jim is going to tell
02:07 us about some Spanish moss.
02:16 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
02:19 to Nature Time. We're glad you can join us.
02:21 What's this we have here behind me?
02:23 Have you ever seen this before?
02:25 Some Indians called this Tree Hair,
02:28 because it looks like his hair going on a tree.
02:30 When the French people came this country
02:32 they'd been particularly care for the Spanish
02:34 people that were out exploring and was
02:37 competition for them, so they called it the
02:39 "Spanish Beard". They said that the tree
02:41 has a Spanish beard hanging down,
02:44 and so the Spanish people didn't like that.
02:46 So they started calling it the "French Beard".
02:49 And so what we have today,
02:50 sort of a compromise, we call it
02:52 'Spanish moss'. And its beautiful stuff, isn't it?
02:55 The Spanish moss is not parasitic,
02:57 that is it's not a plant like Holly or Mistletoe
03:00 or something like that, that attaches itself to
03:02 a tree, then puts roots into the tree and
03:04 takes nourishment from the tree.
03:07 And so the Spanish moss only uses a tree or
03:11 a living object to support itself.
03:15 It hangs from the branches as you can see
03:17 beautiful, graceful orchids that are hanging down.
03:19 It has the ability to absorb 18 times its own
03:23 weight in moisture. The problem that people
03:26 have, when I tell them that the Spanish moss
03:28 is not parasitic, they say Jim I know that
03:30 the tree that had all the Spanish moss on it
03:33 was almost dying and when I took up all
03:35 the Spanish moss, it immediately started
03:37 growing a new. It was like a new tree.
03:39 Well, what happens when you have Spanish moss
03:41 over a tree and it rains, then the rain is all
03:45 collected and absorbed by the Spanish moss.
03:48 And so your tree doesn't get enough moisture.
03:51 So if you have a year when you have a drought
03:54 that tree that has Spanish moss on it that
03:56 is true, it will begin to die before any tree
03:59 that doesn't have. The solution is simple.
04:02 You take off the Spanish moss or trim it
04:04 back, take off most of it.
04:06 Because if you have Spanish moss hanging on
04:08 a tree, literally tons of it hanging on a tree,
04:11 and you have a big rainstorm, then there are
04:14 tons of additional weight on that tree.
04:17 Even at times I have seen branches broken
04:19 on a tree. The tree was perfectly healthy and
04:21 normal, but all the Spanish moss hanging on
04:24 there absorbs all of the moisture,
04:26 hence all the additional weight.
04:27 So, trim the tree back. It looks better anyway,
04:29 if you'll trim it back. And I also have friends
04:32 of mine, older friends who say now Jim,
04:34 you say that Spanish moss doesn't grow on
04:36 telephone wires? And I tell them that's true,
04:38 but remember when I say that it doesn't mean
04:41 that there can't be Spanish moss hanging on
04:43 a branch and appear to have been growing there.
04:46 There is a bunch moss that looks something like
04:48 Spanish moss, but it doesn't have,
04:50 nearly as long as Tendrils as does the
04:52 Spanish moss. But Spanish moss can fall
04:55 on to a branch or fence or something like that
04:59 will continue to grow, because it absorbs
05:01 enough moisture and nutrients from the air
05:05 to support itself. And so Spanish moss
05:08 doesn't propagate itself any other way then
05:10 through seeds. It has tiny little blossoms on it,
05:14 and the blossoms mature into the seeds,
05:17 and then when the seeds mature and they fall,
05:19 they're caught in the wind. They have a little
05:20 sail on them, many seeds have that.
05:23 Have you seen the dandelion seeds in the lawn?
05:25 Yes, I'm sure you've seen them.
05:26 When you pick them up and you blow,
05:28 what happens, out they go with their little
05:30 parachutes and they're carried all over your
05:31 neighbor's yard and you neighbor probably not
05:34 that very happy that you would do that,
05:35 but that's what happen to the Spanish moss seed.
05:38 It simply glides in the wind when it comes to
05:40 another tree happens to catching the bark,
05:43 then it begins to take nourishment,
05:46 and it begins to grow and grow and grow and
05:49 so it spreads from tree to tree.
05:51 So, Spanish moss is a very, very interesting
05:55 subject to study. Mini birds use Spanish moss
05:58 for building their nests. Mockingbirds and
06:00 cardinals and just a moment before we
06:02 started taping that was a beautiful cardinal
06:05 singing here and he still singing over there
06:07 somewhere, I don't know if you can hear him
06:08 or not, but the cardinal also and Mini birds
06:12 like small Screech-owls and things of that
06:14 nature live inside the Spanish moss.
06:17 There can be big column of Spanish moss
06:19 hanging down like this. The Screech-owl looks
06:21 that all over very carefully.
06:23 In fact, the group that we're looking at,
06:24 this mass of Spanish moss that we're looking at,
06:27 I was showing some friends last year bought
06:29 them down and I went up and showed them
06:30 how firm it was hanging on the tree.
06:33 When I reached up and took it and just shook
06:34 it a little bit a Screech-owl flew right,
06:37 almost in my face flew out.
06:39 And so mini birds are roost in that.
06:41 So, the Spanish moss in nature really makes
06:44 thing look beautiful. It's hanging on the
06:46 cypress tree, an old tree, or whatever tree
06:49 it might be, it just dresses it up.
06:52 And I love to bring my friends here to see the
06:54 Spanish moss up and down and if I had something
06:57 in my hand that you could see its gray silver
06:59 with some green in it and when you hold it in
07:01 your hand, it's very heavy. It looks like very
07:04 light and delicate, but it is very heavy
07:07 because of its moisture content.
07:09 So, this is another subject boys and girls that
07:11 we can study and learn about and learn to
07:14 praise our Heavenly Father.
07:15 Because as I always say,
07:16 He made it right the first time,
07:18 didn't He? Boys and girls don't forget to tell
07:21 Jesus that you love him because
07:22 He really does love you.
07:34 Krista, what do you looking at?
07:37 Uncle buddy, I wasn't looking
07:39 at anything. I was praying.
07:42 How could you be praying? Your eyes were
07:43 wide open, and your lips weren't moving,
07:46 and I didn't hear any sounds.
07:48 Well, sometimes I just woke up
07:50 and Jesus can hear my thoughts.
07:53 Well, if Jesus can hear your thoughts,
07:56 we need to keep looking at up to him
08:07 Lift your eyes to Jesus, look on His lovely face
08:14 Lift your eyes to Jesus and feel His warm embrace
08:21 When the world becomes too much for you to bear
08:29 Look up and Jesus will be there
08:37 Lift your eyes and Jesus will be there.
08:44 Lift your eyes to Jesus, look on His lovely face
08:52 Lift your eyes to Jesus and feel His warm embrace
08:59 When the world becomes too much for you to bear
09:06 Look up and Jesus will be there
09:14 Lift your eyes and Jesus will be there.
09:22 Lift your eyes to Jesus, look on His lovely face
09:29 Lift your eyes to Jesus and feel His warm embrace
09:37 When the world becomes too much for you to bear
09:44 Look up and Jesus will be there
09:52 Lift your eyes and Jesus will be there.
10:08 Hi, I really wanted to make something special
10:10 for my brother because he is such a good
10:13 big brother, and he is always looking out
10:15 for me. Well, he loves pumpkin pie,
10:18 and he loves muffins. So, I decided to mix it
10:21 together well minus the pie, but ...
10:24 So, today we're making Pumpkin Muffins.
10:27 Let me read the recipe for you.
11:07 Now, we're going to start with our dry
11:08 ingredients and I have a quick oats here
11:11 and put in a bowl and flour,
11:17 and our Florida crystals, and our baking powder,
11:26 and baking soda and salt.
11:31 Now, these are Pumpkin spice, and it is,
11:36 it smells really good. It smells kind of like a
11:39 pumpkin pie taste, and we're gonna put that
11:41 in and then mix it all up, like that.
11:51 Now I have our pumpkin, we're gonna put in,
11:56 okay. Now, ever since I was younger my
12:02 favorite kind of pie has been pumpkin pie.
12:04 And when I came up with this recipe,
12:06 I was so excited because it tastes kind of
12:08 like pumpkin pie, except its muffins.
12:12 Putting our vanilla and this is our egg replacer
12:16 equivalent of one egg. And I already have
12:18 that mixed up for you, put that out, okay.
12:27 We're gonna mix that all up. Here we go.
12:36 Now, in case my brother loves pumpkin pie
12:40 and I really hope that he like these muffins.
12:43 I'm sure he will. They are delicious.
12:45 You should try them too.
12:48 Let's get this all mixed up.
12:50 Now, once it look's about like this you're
12:52 gonna note any muffins you don't want to
12:54 mix them too much because they'll get
12:56 too dry, and so it looks about like this.
13:00 I have a pie tin, a muffin tin, sorry and it
13:04 has yeast foils in it, and if you don't have
13:07 those foils you can spray it.
13:09 It was a non-stick cooking spray and that will
13:11 work too. I'm just gonna put it on a little bit
13:14 in here. Now, since these are muffins don't
13:17 rise as much as other muffins, they do rise,
13:19 but not a lot. You're gonna;
13:23 you can fill almost till the top like that.
13:27 Now don't, you don't want to mess down
13:28 anything. I'm gonna do one more for you.
13:33 In here, just like that. And I'm gonna take
13:37 some Florida crystals and just,
13:39 you can sprinkle on how much you want over
13:41 the top. Just like that, mix it just little
13:46 bit sweeter just over the top and little bit
13:48 of crunch. And then some cinnamon,
13:51 sprinkle that over it too, just take a
13:54 little bit, sprinkle it over the top,
14:00 just like that. Now, you're gonna bake
14:04 these at 375 for about 20 minutes or until
14:09 they looked and there are little bit brown
14:10 on the top. Not too much, and I have a
14:13 finished product for you.
14:17 This is what they look like and when we're done.
14:24 And these muffins are delicious, sorry.
14:28 You're gonna love them, you should try them,
14:29 and for my brother I hope you like them too.
14:32 Well, until next time keep cooking and eat healthy.
14:43 Jared, good to see you.
14:45 Its' good to see you too.
14:46 No, no, it's good to see you Jared.
14:49 So, and yes... Did you see the sunrise?
14:52 Did you see the temple pigeons?
14:53 Yes, but so what? I was a blind man.
14:56 Oh! Yes. From birth. Now you can see!
14:58 Well I'm telling you the story, Jared.
15:00 I wanna just hear the story.
15:01 Look at that beautiful blue,
15:03 isn't that beautiful? Well, there I was at
15:06 the temple, answer the poor,
15:09 answer the poor and He came up.
15:11 Who came up? Jesus of course.
15:13 Yes! He came up, I guess he looked at me.
15:18 Amen. He spit on the ground Jared.
15:22 Spit on the ground! You know,
15:23 how we used to believe there is healing
15:24 principles in spit, not anymore.
15:27 He put his fingers in this spit made some mud.
15:32 He put it on your eyes? Both eyes,
15:35 and then He said go to the pool of Siloam.
15:39 Which means Sent? He send me the Sent,
15:42 I got up. Could you see? Of course not.
15:47 I was walking the crowd said,
15:50 hey money face where are you going?
15:52 I didn't listen to the crowd. No?
15:54 They said, hey we got some water wash your
15:55 face here. I said, no I've got go to Siloam.
15:58 Where He sent you? Yes, I bend down.
16:05 Put the water on my eyes,
16:08 opened up my eyes to blue sky to pigeon fly.
16:11 You can see! Oh! Jared, you will never understand.
16:14 Have you ever been blind for a minute?
16:15 Never! An hour? No. All your life?
16:18 No. The touch of Jesus, I went running back
16:22 to the temple, I wanted to find Him,
16:24 I wanted to see what He look like,
16:27 but I bumped into a Pharisee. Oh! No.
16:30 Oh, you know. What did they say?
16:33 They wanted to know how many steps I had
16:36 gone. Why? They wanted to know,
16:39 how I received my sight. They ought to be
16:41 happy you can see. Exactly, when I told
16:43 them this man bend down and made some
16:46 mud they said, umm! On the Sabbath?
16:50 I'll tell you, I'm so thankful.
16:53 You know, I was told all my life it was because
16:56 mom or dad had done some terrible sin and
17:00 God was punishing. No. Yeah! But Jesus,
17:04 He has made it so clear, He has made it
17:06 so clear. They threw me out of the Synagogue
17:11 Jail. They threw you out?
17:12 That means I can't shop.
17:13 Just because you can see? Exactly!
17:15 Because I claimed that Jesus was a prophet.
17:19 They said prophets wouldn't be doing such
17:22 things on the Sabbath? I said one thing I know,
17:25 once I was blind now I see. See! They took
17:29 me to my parents and they said,
17:31 you tell us what happened?
17:32 My parents were scared to death,
17:34 my dad and mom just backed off and they said,
17:37 he is off age ask him. Well they, they were
17:42 scared and I don't blame them.
17:44 No, the way they treated you.
17:46 Exactly! But what happened next was,
17:49 when they threw me out of Synagogue,
17:51 I sat down alone and then I saw a shadow,
17:56 and I saw a face come up and I recognized
17:59 the voice Jared, He said. It was Jesus.
18:02 He said, you can see. I said,
18:06 Lord tell me, tell me who you are that I
18:08 might believe. He said, you've seen me with
18:10 your literal eye. Now you see me with your
18:12 spiritual eye. And Jared nobody told me
18:15 to kneel, I just knelt. Of course you did.
18:19 He is now, he is such a special man,
18:20 the light of my life.
18:23 Let's pray Jared, let's pray.
18:39 [Music]
20:24 Thank you, William for that wonderful song.
20:26 You know, William is the only boy I know of
20:28 that can play the trumpet and smile at the
20:30 same time. Just love that. Thank you,
20:32 William. Well, today I want you to meet Katie.
20:35 Hi, Katie! Hi. How are you doing today?
20:37 Fine! Well, I'm glad that you're on Kids Time,
20:39 and you've done something special to
20:41 share Jesus, what is it? Yes, I shared Jesus is,
20:45 I collect Bible studies, and the meanings that
20:48 we have and I save them for my sister Tessa,
20:53 she lives in North Carolina, and few months
20:56 after that she came over for two weeks and
20:59 when the two weeks was up,
21:01 I said Tessa make sure you read them,
21:03 and she said I'll read them every worship
21:05 that we have. Oh! Now, Tessa doesn't get
21:08 to live with you, does she?
21:10 No. So, you don't get to see you that often,
21:12 and that's the way to witness your own sister,
21:14 right? Yes. And that's awesome,
21:16 and do you think Tessa has given her heart
21:19 to Jesus? Yes. Isn't that wonderful?
21:21 But you want to keep witnessing and
21:23 encouraging her too, won't you? You know,
21:25 boys and girls that might be a family member
21:27 right in your own home that you can witness
21:29 too. Like Katie sister she is witnessing to
21:32 her sister because it might be a mother or a
21:35 father that doesn't know Jesus,
21:36 I want you to witness to someone everyday,
21:39 share Jesus tell them that Jesus loves them
21:41 okay. Well, thank you so much Katie. Okay.
21:44 I have some letters here to read and I have
21:46 one from Crystal River, Florida and let's see
21:49 what this and I have a picture in here.
21:51 Katie, can you hold that picture up for
21:53 me please? Well, I read the letter.
21:55 And let see, it's from Reese. It says,
21:58 dear Miss Brenda can you tell Ranger Jim
22:00 that I love him, and tell him that I love
22:03 the Nature part on Kids Time.
22:05 Well, I surely will and Ranger Jim will be
22:07 thrilled to hear that. And it says,
22:09 I'm seven and I tell my friends about Jesus,
22:12 love Reese. Well, thank you Reese so much for
22:15 that letter and I will make sure that Ranger Jim
22:17 gets the message. Let's see I have one here
22:20 from it says, British Columbia, Canada
22:23 and it's, let's see where this is from?
22:26 Oh! I've got another picture.
22:27 I love these pictures. Do you want to hold
22:28 that one for me Katie? Oh there are two
22:31 pictures. Let's hold, this one is,
22:34 let's see Chantal and what is that, does it
22:36 say who that one is on the other one.
22:39 It says, what does it that say?
22:42 Okay, read it from there. I don't know.
22:44 Okay! Let me look, good to see, it says,
22:47 looks like Melanie. Okay! And Melanie's eight.
22:51 It says, dear Miss Brenda. Melanie and Chantal,
22:57 we love to watch Kids Time and the letter
23:01 on the other side of paper is to you
23:03 Miss Brenda about what they've done to
23:05 share Jesus. And it says here,
23:09 dear Miss Brenda we made a loaf of bread
23:11 for our neighbor and we handed out Discover
23:14 Guides, Melanie and Chantal.
23:17 And there is a little picture here of Melanie
23:19 and Chantal. They are kind of like those other
23:22 pictures better, because I could really see
23:23 what you look like. And let's take those there
23:26 for you. And then we have one here from,
23:29 first you know I think I'll read an email.
23:31 I love emails, boys and girls.
23:33 This one is from Saudi Arabia.
23:36 It says dear Miss Brenda, thanks for the
23:37 interesting programs on Kids Time that you
23:40 offer at 3ABN. My name is Brian and
23:42 I'm five and a half years old.
23:44 I and my little brother Kevin enjoy listening
23:46 to Kids Time, we love the music,
23:49 we love the children and I like to listen to
23:52 stories too. I show my love for Jesus by
23:54 obeying my parents and helping my little brother.
23:57 Please send me Bible coloring book and
23:59 Bible story books for children.
24:01 Best regards Brian. Well, Brian,
24:03 I'd be happy to send those out to you.
24:05 And let's see and keep helping mommy and
24:08 daddy too, won't you? Alright, this says
24:11 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Roche and
24:14 I'm 9 years old and I live in Long Island, New York.
24:17 My mom and I watch Kids Time and I enjoy
24:19 listening to other boys and girls tell how
24:21 they share Jesus and when I go to the
24:23 nursing home and I sing songs to the residence.
24:26 I go round and I shake their hands,
24:28 and I tell them that Jesus loves them.
24:31 It says, I enjoy the cooking time.
24:32 I love Catie. I love to cook and bake.
24:35 I'm a great helped to my mom in the kitchen.
24:37 Please enroll me in Kids Club, love Roche.
24:40 Well, I will definitely do that now,
24:42 I'll tell Catie how much you enjoyed her cooking.
24:44 I like her cooking too and let me tell you what?
24:46 She really does know how to cook.
24:47 She is not just for TV. This is from Shiloh from
24:51 Walla Walla, Washington. And let see what
24:53 Shiloh has to say. Shiloh has given us a
24:57 little sticker here, isn't that cute?
24:59 You want to hold that up?
25:00 Little sicker, it says dear Miss Brenda my
25:03 name is Shiloh and I'm 9 years old.
25:06 And it says, I tell my friends about Jesus.
25:09 I tell them that Jesus loves us.
25:11 I like Kids Time a lot and that veggie dip that
25:14 Catie made looks great. Please send me a
25:16 cookbook, love Shiloh. Well, you can call 3ABN
25:19 for one of Catie's cook books and I tell you,
25:21 what, I've tasted everyone of her recipes
25:24 and they are delicious. Alright, I think I have
25:27 another email here, getting lots of emails
25:31 I love it. And I like your letters and pictures
25:33 too boys and girls. It says,
25:35 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Vicky and I'm
25:37 writing from Merlin, Oregon,
25:39 which is 8 miles North of Grants Pass.
25:42 I love Jesus very much, and I talked to my
25:45 mom and dad about Jesus.
25:47 It says my sister Alaya is 3 years old and
25:52 she loves to watch. Alaya loves Jesus very
25:55 much and talks to her mommy about coming
25:57 to pick her up at the house and one day real
25:59 soon she knows Jesus is coming.
26:02 She is very intrigued about Heaven,
26:04 the stars and the moon. Would you please
26:05 send me an activity book?
26:07 I certainly will, I appreciate that.
26:09 And let see if I have time for one more.
26:13 It says, Miss Brenda, I'm 11 years old,
26:15 and I'm in 6th grade I share Jesus by playing
26:17 the piano for church. And it says,
26:19 I love Jesus, Scott. Well, thank you Scott
26:23 for email. Thank you, boys and girls for all
26:25 your letters and emails remember
26:27 wherever you go, wherever you are
26:28 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17