Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000087
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there, 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so, 00:17 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi boys and girls, as you can see 00:27 I am wearing a name plate today 00:28 with my name on it. This name here is Brenda, 00:32 that's my first name and then 00:35 Walsh is my last name, and R.N. 00:38 stands for Registered Nurse. 00:41 Do you know our parents named me Brenda 00:42 just because they liked the sound of my name? 00:45 Of course it also rhymes with my sister's 00:47 names Linda and Cinda. 00:49 But in Bible times names were always chosen 00:52 for their meaning. Sometimes a child 00:54 would be named for something special about 00:56 them that the parents noticed, 00:57 or they might be named for qualities the parents 01:00 hope the child would grow into. 01:02 For example, if the parents wanted their 01:04 child to grow up to be faithful, 01:06 they might name him Hammond 01:08 which means faithful. Today's Bible story 01:11 though tells about a man whose parents 01:13 named him one thing, but then God himself 01:16 named him another. The name has it's 01:18 very special meaning. You'll have to listen 01:21 to this story to discover this man's new name, 01:24 but it's a name that means one 01:26 who is wanna wrestling match. 01:28 Now that sounds interesting, 01:29 doesn't it? I don't suppose this man 01:32 received a name plate with his name 01:34 on it like mine. But he did get to 01:36 have thousands of people named after 01:38 his new God given name. How would you like to 01:41 have your name chosen by God himself? 01:44 Well someday, do you know boys and girls 01:47 that will actuall happen, 01:48 when we get to heaven, 01:50 Jesus is going to give us each our own 01:52 special name and it's going to be based 01:54 on our very own characters. 01:56 I can't wait to see what my name will be, 01:59 can you? Well now Ranger Jim has some 02:03 beautiful trees to show us called Palm Trees. 02:13 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying 02:14 welcome to Nature Time. 02:16 Look what we have for you today. 02:18 Have you seen these before? 02:20 I bet you have seen them on a big Frosted cake. 02:23 It's called coconut. When I was a small boy, 02:26 I remember reading a story that was many, 02:28 many years ago about a man who was lost at sea, 02:31 and he sailing a small-craft and the mast 02:33 had been broken in a terrible storm 02:35 and he had fought to keep it afloat for many days, 02:38 and after he had rested all night he awakened 02:41 in the morning with the storm had passed 02:43 and he heard something hitting 02:44 against the side of his boat. 02:46 He didn't know what it was. 02:47 He got up and looked, and there was a lot of 02:49 these things in the water. 02:50 And you see it's a quite a large thing, 02:52 isn't it? And it has a very fibrous 02:54 casing around it, very tough. 02:57 And if you cut that away, 02:58 what you find inside is a nice round coconut. 03:02 And this man picked it up and begin to look 03:03 at that and when he moved it he saw, 03:06 heard a sound inside that just brought 03:11 joy to his heart because he learned there 03:13 was something inside that sounded for all 03:15 the world like something he was dying for, 03:17 and that was water. And so he picked it up, 03:21 knocked a hole inside and turned it up 03:23 and began to pour it. And for a man who 03:27 was dying of thirst, who had just awaken 03:30 from a sleep after having fought for days 03:33 and days to keep his vessel alive, 03:36 and there were all around his boat were floating 03:38 these beautiful coconuts, 03:41 you can imagine what joy it brought to him. 03:43 So, the coconut palm is a source of much 03:46 nourishment in food and I'm not gonna let 03:48 that finish pouring out, just keep it like that 03:50 and I'm not gonna drink it for you because 03:52 when make you thirst you would want some, 03:53 okay. But this is the coconut palm; 03:56 there are many palms in Florida. 03:58 There are synonymous with Florida. 03:59 They are the huge, big, elegant, Royal Palms. 04:03 They are so beautiful. And then there is also 04:06 a queen palm that has beautiful nuts on 04:09 it and has a blossom that is just gorgeous. 04:14 And then of course we have the coconut 04:15 palm that we've just been talking about. 04:18 And then the state tree of Florida 04:22 is the Cabbage Palm. And the Cabbage Palm 04:24 is not beautiful at all. 04:26 It grows wild everywhere. 04:28 It's a short squat Palm Tree that 04:30 has much shielding on it, 04:32 armor around its bottom, 04:34 but when the legislature in the State 04:35 of Florida was gonna name the state tree 04:40 there was an objection to calling 04:41 it the Royal Palm, because the Royal Palm 04:43 has to be planted and cared for and nourished, 04:46 but the Old Cabbage Palm just keeps growing. 04:49 Around the flea markets in Florida 04:51 you will find many people selling something 04:53 they call Swamp Cabbage. 04:55 What they do is take a young Cabbage Palm Tree. 04:59 They cut it down and cut out the tender 05:01 hard-pitted the middle, the part of the middle, 05:04 and they call that Swamp Cabbage. 05:05 It does have a taste some part like cabbage. 05:07 I've tasted but with particular care for it. 05:10 But the Cabbage Palm was use for many, 05:14 many different things in the early days. 05:16 In fact if you have seen a big machine 05:18 out in the highway, where they are going to 05:20 put down blacktop or asphalt, 05:23 you will see a machine with a huge big brush 05:25 going round and round and round sweeping 05:27 the ground to make it clean, 05:28 eating all the grabble and all the material away. 05:31 Those are made today of plastic with the 05:34 first ones were made of the Cabbage Palm. 05:37 They would take the trunk of that tree 05:39 then they had a way of cutting into it 05:41 and notching into it and it has very tough 05:44 fibers inside and so that's what they 05:46 use them for. They also may first push 05:49 brooms that they had, for that was made 05:50 from the Cabbage Palm. Even yet today sometimes 05:55 they make mats, for welcome mats 05:56 out in front of your houses made from 05:58 Cabbage Palm. And so the people 06:00 of Florida they don't even refer to it as a 06:02 Palm Tree they just say, oh that's just cabbage, 06:04 because they grow everywhere. 06:06 So people like to have the more exotic 06:09 varieties of the Palm Trees on their yard, 06:14 but as far from the economical standpoint 06:15 the Cabbage Palm has been something 06:16 that has supported Florida well. 06:18 We have houses down in the Everglades 06:20 that have been built from the Cabbage Palm. 06:22 People would take those and move out 06:24 the same size, maybe 12-14 feet long 06:27 and bury them 3 feet in the sand 06:29 or in the muck and then put a house on 06:31 the top of them and use the Cabbage Palm 06:34 farm for the thatching on it. 06:36 And those trees, those buildings built 06:39 from those trees, some of them are 125 06:42 or 140 years old are still standing. 06:45 They are almost indestructible. 06:47 So the Palm Trees in Florida when you come 06:49 and you will see all the Palm Trees 06:51 and the first thing I think of when I get to 06:52 Florida and see the Palm Trees, 06:54 I remember that story that I read of the man 06:57 that was dying of thirst and awaken 06:59 in the morning to hear something gently 07:01 bumping against the side of his boat 07:04 and here was something that he had 07:05 prayed for a long time. 07:07 You can open the stuff inside, 07:09 it has the white meat inside and then you 07:11 shred that and put that on the cake and it is yummy. 07:15 So now you know about the coconut palm. 07:17 Boys and girls don't forget to tell Jesus 07:19 that you love Him because 07:21 He really does love you. 07:31 Where is Buddy? I am gonna find him. 07:35 Buddy! Buddy! There you're are Buddy, 07:41 come on Buddy. Andrew, I can't do this anymore. 07:47 All these kids take after take, 07:50 I can't take it anymore and that lady in her 07:54 flowers you know it's a keeper, 07:55 but it's never a keeper. I can't do with this. 08:00 Uncle Buddy people in the Bible have tried 08:02 lots of times to run away from their job 08:05 and it didn't work for them and it 08:06 won't work for you? Oh! Boys and girls, 08:12 I guess it just doesn't pay 08:14 to run away from God. 08:25 Gloak, Gloak, John and Joanna 08:28 down in the valley of a well, 08:31 Three days they were up and down, 08:34 looking by the well, 08:38 Power of John had tried his best to run away God, 08:44 But a three day ship and the valley 08:46 of the well had him right back on the job. 08:50 Oh friends I say it doesn't pay 08:53 to run away from God. 08:56 Thus a three day ship and the valley 09:02 of the well had him right back on the job. 09:05 Gloak, Gloak, Gloak, John down to 09:08 see if he can press a juice. 09:11 One day they were up came 09:13 and down looking mighty blues, 09:18 Power of Elm had tried his best 09:20 to run away from God, 09:24 But a one day ship on a bunky, 09:26 chunky donkey had him right back on the job. 09:30 Oh friends I say it doesn't pay 09:33 to run away from God. 09:36 Thus a one day ship on the bunky chunky 09:39 donkey had him right back on the job. 09:48 Zoom, Zoom, Zoom down when you light up, 09:51 Elijah was staring up at his death, 09:54 Forty days later up came right up 09:55 came ladder, he was out of breathe, 10:00 Power of Elijah had tried his 10:02 best to run away from God, 10:06 But a forty days trip in the wilderness 10:09 have him right back down the job. 10:12 Oh friends I say it doesn't pay 10:15 to run away from God, 10:18 Thus a forty days trip in the wilderness 10:21 have him right back on the job. 10:24 Oh friends I say it doesn't pay 10:27 to run away from God. 10:31 Thus a forty days ship in the wilderness 10:34 or a one day ship on the bunky chunky donkey 10:37 or a three day ship in the valley of the well, 10:40 have him right back on the job. 10:52 Hi, boys and girls! Welcome to Learning Time. 10:55 We've got a special one for you today. 10:57 Hey, have you ever heard sound? 11:01 Yes. Oh, yeah, I loved to hear a sound. 11:03 Well, I've got something right 11:04 here that makes sound. 11:06 Do you know what this is? 11:08 Radio. Well, it's a radio. 11:10 Now you might have a radio at home and 11:12 some of you might even have more than one 11:14 radio but you know radios make a sound. 11:16 But this radio happens to be kind of special, 11:19 because there aren't any batteries inside 11:22 and I don't even have a wire and a cord. 11:25 I can't even plug it in. So how in the world 11:28 are we gonna get the electricity 11:30 to power this radio? What do you think? 11:32 Light. Well, you just might be right. 11:35 So, I will tell you what. 11:36 I happened to have a light right here. 11:37 Can you look at this light? 11:39 Thank you very much. 11:40 This light has a tremendous 11:42 amount of power. In fact if you'll had 11:44 a birthday and that birthday cake 11:46 had about million candles on, 11:49 it would be as brightest this light. 11:51 Now do you wanna see how bright this light is? 11:53 Yeah. Okay, I want you to close your eyes, 11:55 because this is so bright it will hurt your eyes, 11:57 so close your eyes. And I'm gonna shine 11:59 it right in your eyes and can you see that 12:02 even know your eyes are close. 12:03 Can you see that? Yeah. Man it is so bright. 12:06 Well, I will tell you what we're going 12:07 to do over here. Malorie, I want you to 12:09 grab and hold of that light. 12:10 We have a very special thing on this radio. 12:13 Can you see this panel right here? 12:16 Yeah. This panel right here is called a 12:18 Solar Panel and it takes light energy 12:21 and when light energy hits the solar panel, 12:23 it turns light energy into electricity. 12:29 Now this radio really needs electricity 12:31 and I would like to hear it. 12:32 Would you like to hear the radio? 12:33 Yeah. Alright, here we go. 12:35 Now go and shine some light on there. 12:37 Let's see. Okay, turn it off. 12:42 What happens when the light goes off? 12:45 The radio goes off. The radio goes off, 12:47 because the light is making electricity 12:50 and the radio really needs electricity. 12:52 Let's try one more time, Malorie. Wow, 12:57 and put it down there, man oh, man, 12:59 did you know that God created the light. 13:03 The light not only gives us light so 13:05 that we can see, but you know God 13:08 gave man the intelligence so 13:10 that we can take that light, 13:11 we can put it through these panels, 13:13 these solar voltaic cells. These solar cells, 13:16 we can make electricity out of it 13:18 and that is really cool. Remember every time 13:23 we learn something new about science 13:25 we are learning something about our creator, God. 13:37 What a night! Last night was the worse night 13:42 of my entire life. My name is Jacob 13:47 and I am coming home. The home I am coming 13:50 to is very different from the home I left. 13:54 My dear mother, who I was so close 13:56 to is now dead and my father is even 14:02 more old and blind. Esau my brother, 14:08 he is coming to welcome me, 14:11 but he is coming with a band of four hundred 14:14 armed man ready to do me end. 14:19 You see when I left; I left because I had to. 14:24 I had just lied to my father and stolen 14:27 the birth right blessing from my brother. 14:30 Esau was enraged and he swore he killed me 14:33 the day I came home. 14:36 And now he is coming for me. 14:38 It's not myself that I am afraid, 14:41 but it's for my wives, for Rachel and Leah 14:44 and my children. Last night I was 14:49 struggling with my fears and so I said my 14:52 family on a head over the river and I stayed 14:55 behind to pray and struggle with God. 14:59 I screamed at the stars; Lord are you with me? 15:04 I shook my face saying, I don't feel your hear. 15:07 Will you protect me? Esau is coming and 15:09 he wants to kill me. Where are you? 15:14 About that moment I felt the strong arm, 15:17 grabbed my shoulder and fling me around. 15:20 I knew it was someone comes to kill me. 15:22 So I grappled with him. 15:24 We wrestled back and forth. 15:26 This assailant was very strong and I gave 15:29 all my strength to the battle. 15:32 We went back and forth and first I had 15:34 the upper hand and then he had the upper hand. 15:37 We struggled like this all night. 15:41 Then as the morning drew up closer, 15:44 he jerked the hand out, 15:46 and touched my hip. 15:48 And as he touched my hip, 15:50 it threw it out of sack in excruciating pain, 15:53 spraying up and down my body. 15:56 My knees buckled and I fell to the ground, 15:59 but I would not let go of his cloak, 16:01 for I knew that this was no man, 16:04 but an angel of the Lord. He said, 16:07 let go off me for the morning draws night. 16:10 And I said, no, I will not let go of you 16:13 until you bless me. He said, 16:15 what is your name? 16:18 I held on but I hung my head in shame, 16:21 Jacob, which means deceiver I said. 16:26 He said your name is no longer Jacob, 16:29 but Israel which means he who struggles with God. 16:36 Then he blessed me and he let me know that 16:39 God would not forsake me and that God 16:42 would still with me, and then he was gone. 16:47 As I struggled to get up, I was hurting, 16:51 but my heart was happy for I had peace. 16:55 The worst night of my life was over 16:57 and it was finally morning in my heart. 17:00 I struggled back to camp and my children 17:03 came out to meet me and said, 17:04 father what's wrong? I said nothing. 17:07 God is with us. I haven't met Esau yet. 17:13 I hear he is getting closer. 17:16 I have been sending him gifts of sheep 17:18 and rams and goats hoping to make him happy. 17:24 But I know that Esau cannot do anything to me, 17:28 for I am in God's hands. 17:30 My family is in God's hands. 17:34 Esau may have four hundred men and they maybe 17:37 armed till the teeth and ready to do me end. 17:41 But I have all the angels in heaven on my side. 17:45 I have the promise of the God of the universe, 17:48 who said He will protect me and I know there is 17:51 nothing that Esau can do to me. 17:55 Well it's getting close to that time. 18:03 And I'm gonna go meet my brother. 18:07 But I am not gonna meet him alone, 18:09 because I will have God with me. 18:31 Lord the Light or Your Love is shining, 18:35 In the midst of the darkness shining, 18:39 Jesus light of the world shine upon us, 18:44 Set us free by the truth You now bring us, 18:48 Shine on me. Shine on me. Shine Jesus shine 18:59 Fill this land with the Father's glory 19:04 Blaze, Spirit blaze, Set our hearts on fire 19:12 Flow, river flow 19:15 Flood the nations with grace and mercy 19:20 Send forth Your word 19:23 Lord and let there be light. 19:28 Shine Jesus shine 19:33 Fill this land with the Father's glory 19:36 Blaze, Spirit blaze, Set our hearts on fire 19:44 Flow, river flow 19:47 Flood the nations with grace and mercy 19:52 Send forth Your word 19:55 Lord and let there be light. 20:02 Shine Jesus shine. 20:19 Thank you for that beautiful song. 20:21 I just love hearing them sing, 20:23 don't you? Well I have an email I to like 20:26 to share with you and this is a little 20:28 lengthy email, but I'll try to get this 20:30 as quicker as I can that's very interesting. 20:32 It says, dear Miss Brenda and 20:34 everyone of Kids Time. I've been watching 20:36 Kids Time at my grandparent's house. 20:38 I called them Mom B and Papa George. 20:41 And I do not have at home. 20:42 My sister and I like it a lot. 20:44 I am seven and my sister is four. 20:45 My name is Adora and my sister's name 20:48 is Arianna, and my sister and I would like 20:51 to join kids club. It said I would also 20:55 like it if you would tell Ranger Jim 20:56 that I love him. I love playing games, 20:59 I love animals and I want to learn 21:00 more about them. I hope you would 21:01 love animals too. They are wonderful. 21:04 Yes, they are. And Jesus made the animals. 21:06 I have a pet dog name beauty and my favorite 21:09 horses name Cody. And I am in the 21:10 second grade. It said I try to teach other 21:12 people about Jesus by sharing my toys 21:14 with people and singing songs to people 21:17 about Jesus. Well, I have been 21:18 visiting my Aunts Sarah's house. 21:20 I was able to sing in a Sing 21:21 Inspiration at Church. 21:23 I sing "Bringing in the sheaves", 21:25 I like singing very much and I try to set 21:27 an example to my sister. 21:28 Thank you Miss Brenda for Kids Time, 21:31 I can't wait to hear from you, love Adora. 21:33 Well thank you Adora for your email 21:35 and I will definitely sign up you for 21:37 Kids Club and I want you to keep 21:39 singing for Jesus, won't you? Alright, 21:42 this letter is from Shayan and it's 21:45 from West Jordan, Vermont. 21:48 We haven't had a letter from Vermont in a while, 21:49 have we? Oh, look an adorable little picture 21:52 from Shayan and let's see that 21:54 picture right there, isn't that cute 21:55 boys and girls? There we go, and let's see. 22:01 It says dear Miss Brenda. 22:02 My name is Shayan and I watch every single day, 22:06 can you send me a Kids Time book 22:08 and here's a picture of me and I love Kids Time. 22:12 Well, thank you Shayan and I will send you 22:14 a Kids Time activity book and a special 22:16 bookmark okay. Alright, now I would like to 22:19 share someone very special to me 22:21 and that is my grandson Michael 22:24 and he has a little message that 22:25 he has for you. Hi, grandma. I love Jesus. 22:33 Jesus loves you too. Bye grandma and bye kids. 22:40 Thank you Michael, isn't that precious? 22:42 I'm a little bit prejudice don't I, 22:43 but I sure love that little boy and 22:45 you know what he loves Jesus. 22:47 He started folding his hand and praying 22:51 to Jesus when he was just about six months old. 22:54 And so he has progressed now. 22:55 He is doing a lot of talking. 22:57 He is not only praying but he talks about 23:01 Jesus a lot too and he is leaning his Bible stories. 23:04 And I want you kids to think about joining 23:06 Kids Clubs so that you can get lots of 23:07 Bible lessons and you can start learning 23:09 about all the stories about Jesus too. 23:12 This letter is from Avan Zain from Jamaica, 23:15 West Indies and oh Avan you've sent us 23:18 a beautiful picture here I want to show 23:20 the boys and girls. Isn't that adorable? 23:24 Okay, let's look and see what you said 23:26 in your letter. And it says dear Miss Brenda 23:30 my name is Avan Zain and I am 5 years old. 23:33 I love to watch Kids Time and I share Jesus 23:35 by being kind and loving to the children at school. 23:39 And I help them when they fall down. 23:41 I also taught them a song about Jesus, 23:44 The Magic Painter, and they loved it. 23:47 I am a member of the Pathfinder Club 23:51 and I love to go to church in Sabbath School 23:52 and my favorite persons at church are Alisha, 23:58 Machimo and Susan. Please send me 24:00 an activity book, thank you Avan Zain. 24:03 Well, I will definitely send you an activity 24:05 book and I want you to keep sharing Jesus, 24:08 okay. Let's see I have one letter 24:11 here from Yakima, Washington. 24:15 And let's see who is writing to 24:16 us from Yakima. Oh, is this not adorable. 24:20 Look at this boys and girls. 24:23 I love it and really creative way to take 24:26 their picture, isn't it? I really like that. 24:29 Well this letter says, dear Miss Brenda, 24:31 please send me a Kids Time activity book. 24:33 I watch Kids Time at my Grandma Evans 24:35 and I am six years old and I visit the elderly 24:38 ladies almost every Sabbath and they let 24:40 us called them grandma. Love Savannah. 24:43 Well, that's nice Savannah. 24:44 You know it makes Jesus when we help the elderly, 24:47 doesn't it? Because you know all of a sudden 24:49 you gonna get old sometime when you 24:50 need lots of help and it makes Jesus happy. 24:53 It says, dear Miss Brenda, 24:54 please send me a Kids Time activity book. 24:56 I also visit the elderly on Sabbath. 24:58 I love Kids Time and I am eight years old. 25:02 I think your show is great, love Rankin. 25:06 Well, Thank you so much and I will get a 25:08 Kids Time activity book out to both of you, 25:10 okay. Now let's see here, let's look 25:15 and see what's in this one, 25:17 this one from Fort Worth, Texas. 25:19 And I love Texas. Let's see oh 25:24 adorable little girl, now let see her picture, 25:26 take a look and do you see that? 25:29 Okay, that's adorable, 25:31 let's look and see here. It says, 25:34 dear Miss Brenda I want to tell you how 25:36 I share Jesus. I was scared to the fire drill 25:39 at school and my friend and I pray to Jesus 25:42 to take my fear away. 25:43 Thank you for your program. 25:44 Can I have a Kids Time book? 25:46 Love, Jamie. Yes, Jamie you can have a book 25:49 and you know what? Jesus, when you have 25:51 Jesus in your heart, you don't ever have 25:53 to afraid 'cause you can pray to Jesus anytime, 25:56 anywhere you go and Jesus is always with us, 25:59 isn't he? So always say keep Jesus 26:03 close in your heart. I have one more 26:05 picture and I will show you that 26:07 and this letter says, dear Miss Brenda, 26:10 I asked my grandma to send this picture to you, 26:12 it's my brother and me. 26:14 We loved to watch Kids Time and we share Jesus 26:16 with our neighbor and take her to Church. 26:18 Now we are moving to Sri Lanka to take Jesus 26:21 and Bible for the people there. 26:23 Love Julia and Joshua. Thank you for your 26:25 letter Julia and Joshua and I am glad you 26:28 go an as missionary. That's all the time today 26:30 boys and girls. Remember 26:31 its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17