Kids' Time

Joseph Of Arimathea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000086

00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:26 Hi boys and girls, did you see what I just did?
00:29 I put an offering in this offering plate.
00:31 It might look like one you have at your church,
00:34 was that a good thing to do?
00:36 Well, yes it is. When we give offerings to Jesus,
00:39 it goes to help spread the good news
00:40 about the Jesus and we want to do that,
00:42 don't we? But if we give offerings just
00:45 because we think it's the right thing
00:47 to do or if we give our offerings without a
00:49 thankful and generous heart,
00:52 it doesn't please God. Now today's Bible
00:54 story tells about a man who did have a
00:56 thankful and generous heart.
00:58 Now he didn't give an offering,
01:00 that is he didn't put any money in an
01:02 offering plate but he did give Jesus
01:04 something much more important and do
01:07 you know that what that is?
01:08 It's kindness, now I know that
01:11 today Jesus is pleased when our love for
01:13 Him makes us kind and generous to others.
01:16 Remember that your offerings are important
01:19 but what Jesus really wants most of all
01:22 is your kind and loving heart.
01:25 But right now Ranger Jim is going to
01:27 show you an animal you might
01:28 not have seen before. I know,
01:30 I had never seen it before and it's called a Tapir.
01:41 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
01:42 welcome to Nature Time. We are at beautiful
01:45 Lion Country Safari near West Palm Beach,
01:46 Florida and look what we have for
01:48 you to see today. My friend Sherri
01:50 is here with me, Sherri, what are these?
01:51 These are Brazilian Tapirs,
01:53 these animals in the background.
01:54 We actually have quite a few animals here.
01:55 We have rheas and these are Llamas,
01:57 but the two that we are most interested
01:58 in today are Amy and Toby,
02:00 our Brazilian Tapirs. Well give us some
02:02 information about them, what do they eat?
02:05 What do they. Tapirs are basically
02:07 vegetarian animals, they eat a lot of leaves,
02:11 grasses, twigs, they if you can see their noses,
02:15 they almost have the actual nose itself
02:18 looks kind of like a pig nose and they have
02:19 almost a trunk like an elephant but not
02:22 quiet as long. But they're most
02:24 closely related to horses.
02:26 Are their nose prehensile,
02:27 can they grab breath? They, they can't really,
02:30 it's not really prehensile but they
02:31 do are able to move it around.
02:33 They also spend a lot of time in the water,
02:35 so they can stick their nose above the water
02:36 a little bit. They are but
02:38 just going to say they look like a aquatic
02:39 animal to me. Do they have thick
02:41 skin or is their skin quite thin.
02:43 I would say they have fairly thick skin.
02:45 So they spend most of their,
02:46 do they eat in the water, do they feed
02:48 on aquatic plants. Yeah, occasionally, they can,
02:49 they feed on aquatic plants but they also
02:51 feed on land. Alright then my next question
02:53 is always for boys and girls.
02:55 How many babies do they have?
02:56 They have one baby and that's a,
02:58 they're gestation, they're pregnant for
03:00 a little bit over a year. They have one baby
03:02 and the babies are the very much different
03:05 than the adults because the babies
03:06 are always spotted. They're almost striped;
03:08 it looks almost like a watermelon.
03:10 I prefer to call them little watermelon
03:12 babies because they are brown and they
03:14 have these white stripes and spots on them.
03:16 And then that serves as camouflage
03:18 when they're very young? Correct, correct.
03:20 We have other, if you are familiar
03:22 with the white tailed deer.
03:25 If you live in North America,
03:26 when they're born or the mule there
03:27 for that matter. They're born with
03:28 stripes on them and spot and that helps
03:30 in the to camouflage when they are very young.
03:34 How long do the babies stay with the mother?
03:36 The babies stay with the mother,
03:37 they nurse for approximately a year.
03:39 Possibly a little bit longer and then they
03:40 might stay in a family group for a while.
03:43 Stay in that, and what about,
03:44 in many family groups like this.
03:46 The male separates from the female,
03:47 do they stay together as male and female
03:49 in the group all stay together or do
03:51 the males usually. They will stay
03:53 together for a while as the male gets older
03:54 they will tend to wonder off, they are,
03:57 when you see them together.
03:58 Usually you see a mother and her offspring,
04:01 occasionally you will see the male that
04:02 will stay with the group.
04:03 But it's more common, one time they were
04:05 thought to be very solitary animals but
04:07 they are changing their minds on that right now.
04:10 The more they studied the male,
04:12 they found that they do tend to spend
04:14 a bit more time with each other.
04:16 Well, that's good, then when you see
04:18 5 or 6 of them you have a mother and
04:20 a daughter and then daughters that are
04:22 having in the past, that have been older
04:24 ones maybe even have their own babies.
04:25 Right. Well they are native to where?
04:29 They are South American,
04:30 they're actually from Brazil.
04:31 And so then I always ask this question,
04:32 how long do they live?
04:34 They live about 30 years in captivity.
04:37 About 30 year they will live in captivity
04:38 and then out in nature most likely
04:40 they wouldn't live that long.
04:42 Do they have natural enemies,
04:43 what are the natural enemies that they
04:44 would have? Just about us,
04:47 any of the large predators would be
04:48 their natural enemy but they are a fairly
04:51 large animal. So it will take a
04:52 large predator. So it would take a large
04:53 animal like a lion or a cheetah or
04:55 something like that. Correct,
04:56 well there is not lions in South America
04:57 but some of the larger South American cats.
04:59 I see, we would have those there.
05:02 They like a warm climate? Correct.
05:05 They like a warm climate like we have here
05:06 in Florida that they thrive here like that.
05:08 Right. And they wouldn't like cold,
05:10 are they prone Sto disease,
05:11 do you have any difficulties things of
05:12 that nature here or? Not any,
05:14 anymore than, we actually have
05:16 very little problems with them,
05:18 and here at Lion Country we have a
05:20 wonderful veterinary staff and we watch
05:23 our animals every and they 're on a
05:25 preventive medicines not actually medications
05:28 or anything but we have a good preventive
05:30 medicine program. And then when you're
05:33 feeding them here, what do you feed them,
05:35 just the food that they would normally eat or?
05:37 They, well they have access to eating a
05:38 lot of they have a large pond over here
05:41 and they can get any of the aquatic plants
05:42 out of that that they want.
05:43 They can graze on the grass when
05:46 some leaves, there's a lot of trees in this
05:48 area that they can eat,
05:49 but we also feed them twice a day and
05:51 they are most closely related to a horse.
05:54 So they, we give them horse pellets
05:57 and they also get quite a bit of fruits
05:58 and vegetables and a lot greens
06:00 they love lettuce, romaine lettuce, kale,
06:02 spinach. Their favorite again is bananas,
06:06 seems that a lot of animals
06:07 favorite is bananas. That's right including
06:09 human beings right? Yes.
06:10 And some of the things you are mentioning
06:11 that Ranger Jim loves when you get into
06:13 the lettuces and the kale and the greens
06:15 and the fruits and the things like that.
06:16 So, boys and girls it's been a very very
06:19 interesting to learn about this creature
06:21 and Ranger Jim as always telling you,
06:23 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
06:24 Him because He really does love you
06:36 SHi boys and girls, when we look at
06:38 young people like yourselves and
06:40 the kids here. We don't see great people
06:44 right now but we see what Jesus is gonna
06:46 do for you down the road and wonderful,
06:48 wonderful things that you'll do for Him,
06:51 nothing compares with the promise
06:53 that you have in Jesus Christ
07:02 My Jesus, my savior
07:08 Lord there is none like you
07:12 All of my days I want to praise
07:18 The wonders of your mighty love
07:27 My comfort, my shelter
07:32 Tower of refuge and strength
07:36 Let every breath, all that I am
07:42 Never cease to worship you
07:49 Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing
07:54 Power and majesty praise to the King
08:00 Mountains bow down and the seas will roa
08:05 At the sound of Your Name
08:11 I'll sing for joy at the work of Your hands
08:16 Forever I'll love You Forever I'll stand
08:22 Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
08:33 Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing
08:39 Power and majesty, praise to the King
08:44 Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
08:49 At the sound of Your Name
08:55 I'll sing for joy at the work of Your hands
09:00 Forever I'll love You Forever I'll stand
09:06 Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
09:11 Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
09:16 Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.
09:38 Hi, do you like to try foods from
09:39 different countries? Well I do,
09:42 when my family went to a
09:43 Mediterranean Restaurant.
09:45 We tried this recipe that I really liked so
09:47 I went home and made a recipe that I could
09:50 make it for you and I called it Hummus
09:53 Pocket Sandwiches. Let's put the
09:54 ingredients on the screen for you now.
10:23 Now to save some time I've already blended
10:25 up all the ingredients and made the
10:26 spread and I used all the ingredients
10:29 except for the olives and the paprika.
10:32 Now I have lettuce here because I love lettuce,
10:34 but if you don't like lettuce,
10:36 you don't have to use it.
10:37 But I love romaine lettuce,
10:39 that's why I did that and you could also use,
10:41 you could use any vegetable,
10:42 you could use tomato slices,
10:44 you can use cucumber slices.
10:47 That sounds good,
10:48 I wonder why I didn't do that.
10:49 Well anyways, and you go over here
10:52 with the Hummus, I have peter
10:53 pockets here and I am gonna put,
10:55 go ahead. I am gonna start with the lettuce
10:58 and you know again you know how to do that.
11:00 Fold it over a little bit and put it inside
11:06 to where the end sticks out,
11:08 so it looks nice. You're gonna
11:10 take some of the hummus spread and put it,
11:14 spread it inside on it, on the lettuce.
11:22 This, then I like to put some paprika
11:30 and this paprika, I was just in
11:31 Hungary visiting my relatives and I got this.
11:35 Hungary is known for their paprika.
11:37 So I got this to put in here and I'm gonna
11:41 just sprinkle a little bit over the hummus
11:44 inside just for a flavor for taste,
11:50 you want to put some olives in here.
11:53 If you don't like olives either you don't have
11:54 to use those either, those are just,
11:57 I love olives, I am gonna put lots of olives.
12:05 That's all there is to the sandwich,
12:07 it's delicious, I love it. Well,
12:10 until next time, keep cooking and eat healthy.
12:21 Have you ever met a judge?
12:25 I'm a judge of sorts; well I have been
12:28 most of my life anyway,
12:30 until this man Jesus came around.
12:33 Let me tell you the story,
12:36 I was a member for many years of the Sanhedrin,
12:39 it's a fancy name that someone came up
12:41 with to describe our council.
12:46 They were 71 of us in all elders and we'd sit
12:47 together and we declare judgment on
12:48 difficult cases. Some very important,
12:52 some not so important but justice was
12:55 always our goal. Justice, well at least in
12:59 the early days before Jesus came.
13:04 Jesus came and started preaching in the
13:06 area and many people started to follow Him.
13:09 Some of the religious leaders were concerned
13:10 about this and they went out to hear Him,
13:13 he had a very unusual message.
13:14 He didn't say the same kinds of things that
13:17 most of the priests in the area were
13:19 speaking about. He spoke of love
13:21 and forgiveness, He didn't talk so
13:23 much about the law and the rules.
13:27 Well many people started to follow Him
13:28 and this mad some people angry.
13:32 Many people liked Him, other people hated Him.
13:36 Especially some of the religious leaders,
13:38 they seem to get so jealous of Him,
13:42 not all of them of course.
13:44 Some of us on the council were impressed
13:47 with His teaching. Nicodemus and I for
13:50 example, we've gone to Him a couple
13:52 of times and we liked what He had to say,
13:56 His message of love. Most of the people
14:00 on the council were opposed to Him,
14:02 well Nicodemus and I had a plan.
14:04 We thought if anything comes before
14:08 the council because we supported Jesus,
14:11 we could protect Him with our own authority
14:12 in the council. Well it didn't workout that way,
14:17 you probably know how they made charges
14:19 against Him as if He was a criminal.
14:22 How they convinced the governor to have
14:24 a trial for Him, how He was convicted.
14:28 How they spit on Him,
14:31 how they beat Him,
14:32 How they whipped Him.
14:37 I am sure you know the story of how they
14:38 hung Him on the cross to die.
14:41 That wasn't part of our plan but we
14:43 were powerless to intercede,
14:45 I saw all that happen. I saw the suffering,
14:51 I saw the death and I was overcome
14:55 with such a sense of injustice.
14:59 Everything that I'd ever stood for to
15:01 protect people, to work for what was fair
15:03 and what was for just and what was right.
15:06 This wasn't fair or just or right.
15:13 I talked to Nicodemus about it,
15:15 we were concerned about what they were
15:16 gonna do with the body of Jesus.
15:18 You see, they would take common criminals
15:20 and even after they were dead,
15:22 they would make examples of them in
15:24 the way they treated the body.
15:26 We didn't want that to happen to Jesus.
15:28 We wanted to give Him an honorable burial,
15:32 so we made a little plan, a bold plan.
15:35 Nicodemus got some things together
15:38 and I went to see the governor.
15:42 And I told him that I wanted Jesus' body,
15:48 he looked at me like I was odd.
15:52 I don't think he believed me at first that
15:54 Jesus was even dead. He called then for one
15:57 of his guards and the guard told him that
15:59 Jesus was in fact dead and when he was
16:02 absolutely convinced, he told me I could
16:04 have the body. But he put his
16:06 guards in charge of making sure that
16:08 there was no funny business.
16:11 Well Nicodemus got together some spices
16:15 and we gave Jesus an honorable burial.
16:19 This raised a lot of eye brows in the community;
16:21 you see I was a judge. I was one of the
16:25 major officials and I gave my tomb that I
16:31 own to a criminal, or someone they viewed
16:37 as a criminal. Many people thought that,
16:41 that was wrong we still don't know what's gonna
16:44 happen to us Nicodemus and I.
16:47 They may kick us off the Sanhedrin,
16:50 they may let us continue, I don't know.
16:54 I only know that my opinions about being
16:56 fair and being a judge are different then
16:59 they were before this happened.
17:03 May be I'm just realizing how,
17:05 how sinful and weak we all are as humans
17:08 and we can't be perfect judges.
17:11 But I know that one day,
17:13 one day there will be a perfect judgment
17:17 because God will show us all His true
17:20 judgment which is without error.
17:24 Wish I could be a judge like that but
17:29 you know I have a more important
17:32 job than being a judge now because that
17:35 tomb that I gave to Jesus,
17:38 it doesn't have a body in it anymore.
17:40 Because Jesus rose from the dead,
17:42 He is not there as a dead man anymore,
17:47 He has risen, many people saw it already,
17:48 many people have talked to Him
17:49 and He is gone back to heaven to prepare
17:51 a place for us. And my job now
17:54 is not to be a judge but a witness to let
17:57 people know that He is coming back
18:00 and that we can have salvation through
18:01 Him and one day God will judge us all
18:04 with His great judgment
18:06 and that will be truly fair.
18:14 Jesus is coming, Jesus is
18:20 coming, Jesus is coming
18:24 He is coming again, in clouds
18:30 of glory, in clouds of glory
18:35 In clouds of glory He is coming again.
18:42 Again, we'll rise to meet Him,
18:48 rise up to meet Him
18:51 We'll rise to meet Him,
18:55 He is coming again, again.
19:01 We shall be like Him, We shall be like Him,
19:08 We shall be like Him, He's coming again,
19:15 Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah,
19:25 He's coming again.
19:29 Oh Hallelujah, he's coming again.
19:47 Thank you Lovell Sisters for that beautiful
19:48 song "Coming Again" and Jesus is coming
19:51 again boys and girls. Well I have a letter
19:54 I'd like to read from South Africa
19:56 and it says dear Ms. Brenda,
19:57 I love to watch Kids Time and what I
20:00 enjoy most is Ranger Jim. Since my name is
20:03 Waldo and in June I will be 9 and my brother
20:05 is almost 12 and I have a sister almost 5.
20:08 Says, I do home schooling as well as my brother
20:11 and I would like a Kids Time activity book please.
20:13 I share Jesus by helping my mother
20:15 and I also visit old lonely people.
20:18 Thank you very much for Kids Time
20:19 I learn quite a lot, love Waldo.
20:22 Well thank you Waldo and look at Waldo
20:24 drew a picture right here and maybe
20:27 that's a picture of Waldo and the green
20:28 grass and a tree up here. Thank you very much
20:31 Waldo for that pretty picture and also
20:33 for your letter. I have some more
20:35 letters to read but first I want you to
20:37 meet Jordan. Hi Jordan. Hi. Alright,
20:39 thank you for coming to Kids Time
20:41 and I want you to tell the boys and girls,
20:43 what do you do to share Jesus?
20:45 Well my cousin Warne moved to Guyana to
20:48 be a missionary and I can.
20:50 Wait a minute, your cousin moved to Guyana?
20:52 And what's your cousins name? Warne. Warne,
20:55 so what does he do? He went to be a missionary.
21:01 In Guyana? Oh so what did you
21:04 decided to do? I decided to give him some money.
21:08 Well how did you do that?
21:11 Well, I went and spoke to my Sabbath school class.
21:16 You went and talked to you
21:17 Sabbath school class? What did they do?
21:19 They helped me. How did they do that?
21:24 With, well we had this man that he
21:30 got a tractor for them and they had to pay it.
21:33 So we helped him. So you helped
21:36 him pay for a tractor because they
21:38 needed a tractor over there.
21:39 Yeah. And what did you do to help them,
21:44 how did you earn money? Well,
21:50 our Sabbath school class
21:51 kids that put money in the jar.
21:56 And so you put money in the jar
21:57 and you kept saving in your money,
21:59 now how, where did you get your money from?
22:01 From my allowance. From your allowance,
22:04 now do you get a lot of money for allowance?
22:07 How much money do you get a week?
22:09 One dollar. One dollar a week,
22:11 that's a a lot of money now,
22:12 how much money were you be able to save.
22:18 Seventeen dollars. Seventeen dollars,
22:20 you've been saving for seventeen weeks
22:22 that's a long time. Now have you
22:24 ever been in the store and you've tempted
22:26 to say ah I wish I wouldn't have given
22:28 all that money because then
22:29 I could buy this nice toy. No, I don't think that.
22:33 You never thought that? No, how come?
22:38 Because I feel good that I give my money to them.
22:42 Because when you give your money to them,
22:44 who are you really giving your money for?
22:46 Jesus. That's right and I can tell you love Jesus,
22:49 do you have a picture of that tractor so
22:50 we can see it again here.
22:52 Let's see here's the picture of the tractor
22:53 and look at that, isn't that a nice tractor?
22:56 Well you know what Jordan?
22:57 I am really proud of that you love Jesus
23:00 enough to really giving your heart and
23:03 giving your offering because that's
23:05 what you are doing, aren't you?
23:07 Saving your money and you are giving that to Jesus.
23:08 Well thank you so much for sharing that with us.
23:11 Yes, boys and girls maybe you have an allowance,
23:13 may be you can do something with
23:14 your allowance too. To help spread
23:16 the word of Jesus okay,
23:19 well I have a picture here.
23:20 Can you hold this up for me Jordan please?
23:22 Alright, this is a letter from Woodland,
23:24 Washington and it says dear Ms. Brenda
23:26 I would like to Sreceive your activity
23:28 book and I also want to join Kids Club,
23:31 said thank you very much I am 7 years old Michelle.
23:35 Well, thank you Michelle.
23:36 Isn't that a cute picture Michelle and we'll
23:39 definitely get you signed up for Kids Club.
23:42 And see we have a letter here from Marysville,
23:46 California, let's see who is this and this is Akisha
23:51 and Akisha writes, dear Ms. Brenda,
23:52 my name is Akisha and I would really,
23:54 really, really, really, really, really, really, really like
23:58 and love to come on Kids Time and sing.
24:00 Well I guess you really want to come.
24:02 Said, I would like to sing on Kids Time very much
24:07 and I would like to send you.
24:11 No, I would like you to send me a Kids Time
24:13 activity book and it says I really,
24:15 really, really, really, really, really love Jesus,
24:18 your friend Akisha. Well thank you for your
24:22 letter and I guess you really want to come
24:24 so you know what? Send Ms. Brenda
24:26 a video of you singing and send it here to 3ABN
24:29 and then I can get it and I look at all the videos,
24:32 I watch everyone okay. So if you want to come
24:34 and sing on Kids Time just need to send me
24:36 a video of you singing, alright.
24:39 Now this one is from Plainfield,
24:41 Massachusetts and Ms. Brenda
24:43 used to live in Massachusetts,
24:45 and it says, dear Ms. Brenda,
24:46 hi my name is Josh and I am 10
24:48 and I will be 11 in May. Said how I share
24:52 Jesus is by helping my grandma who is
24:54 79 years old and I help her out of the car
24:57 sometimes because she has some trouble.
24:59 I love Kids Time and my family does too,
25:02 I love Jesus and so does my family.
25:04 PS: Please send me a Kids Time activity book
25:06 and I want to join Kids Club.
25:08 Well, thank you Josh for your letter
25:10 and I think it's a very good thing to help
25:12 your grandma, that does make Jesus proud,
25:14 doesn't it? And I'll get you signed up for
25:16 Kids Time and get the activity book out to you,
25:20 alright. This is from Jenna and let's see I've
25:24 got a picture here of Jenna,
25:25 she emailed me her picture.
25:26 You wanna hold that up for me?
25:28 And this says, dear Ms. Brenda,
25:30 my name is Jenna and I am 5years old.
25:33 I like watching your program and I love
25:35 all the Bible stories, I share Jesus by
25:37 making cards for people who are sick
25:39 and when my mommy is sick I always help her too.
25:42 I would like a Kids Time activity book;
25:44 this is the picture of me, thank you, Jenna.
25:46 Well thank you Jenna for that wonderful
25:49 email and I think I might have time for one more.
25:52 It says dear Ms. Brenda, we love your show
25:54 but we don't always get to see it because
25:57 in Australia it comes on quite late.
25:59 We are currently trying to share Jesus
26:01 by getting together things for a family
26:04 in our district who had a tragic accident
26:06 and their older daughter was serious injured
26:08 and also the other two children.
26:10 Could we have some Kids Time activity books
26:13 to give them, their children's
26:15 ages are 9 and 5. Thank you,
26:18 love the Johnson kids, Kathleen, Jemima, Kyle,
26:21 and Talitha. Well I would be happy to do that.
26:24 Thank you so much for all your letters.
26:26 Boys and girls remember, wherever you are,
26:28 wherever you go, it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17