It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:00:03.62\00:00:07.12 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:00:07.13\00:00:09.97 it's time to share there's a world out there. 00:00:09.98\00:00:13.81 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:00:13.82\00:00:16.62 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:00:16.63\00:00:20.33 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:00:20.34\00:00:25.38 Hi boys and girls, I'm sitting here wondering 00:00:25.39\00:00:27.80 what should I do with these beautiful stones 00:00:27.81\00:00:30.38 nice and round. I had a friend that 00:00:30.39\00:00:32.77 actually found these in the woods for me. 00:00:32.78\00:00:34.59 I've lots of choices don't I, because stones are 00:00:34.60\00:00:37.38 used for so many things. I'm sure you can think 00:00:37.39\00:00:39.77 of some ways too. You know some people 00:00:39.78\00:00:42.01 built houses with stones and stones can be 00:00:42.02\00:00:44.51 crushed and mixed with other material to make 00:00:44.52\00:00:47.11 roads and highways, and stone is also used 00:00:47.12\00:00:50.70 for monuments and cemeteries. 00:00:50.71\00:00:52.53 Boy scouts and girl scouts they, 00:00:52.54\00:00:54.89 they learn to make stones that mark a trail 00:00:54.90\00:00:57.37 through the woods, and they do that to help 00:00:57.38\00:00:59.48 them find their way out don't they? 00:00:59.49\00:01:01.07 All of these ways are good ways of using stone, 00:01:01.53\00:01:04.39 but sometimes stones are used in ways that are 00:01:04.40\00:01:07.38 not so good, for example stone slide down a steep 00:01:07.39\00:01:12.09 cliff or an embankment, and they've fall into a 00:01:12.10\00:01:14.73 highway you know what, if they land on the 00:01:14.74\00:01:17.15 passing car somebody could be hurt, 00:01:17.16\00:01:19.13 and then there is people that go rock climbing 00:01:19.75\00:01:22.02 or mountain climbing, and they have to be 00:01:22.03\00:01:23.35 very careful about not having a stone roll into 00:01:23.36\00:01:27.77 their foot and maybe fall down and maybe 00:01:27.78\00:01:30.02 get killed. And what if I were to take one of 00:01:30.03\00:01:32.78 these stones and throw it at somebody that would 00:01:32.79\00:01:36.49 certainly be a dangerous and a hurtful 00:01:36.50\00:01:38.68 thing to do, we wouldn't want to do that, 00:01:38.69\00:01:40.21 would we boys and girls. I guess that shows that 00:01:40.22\00:01:43.39 some things they just might not be good just 00:01:43.40\00:01:46.15 as they are nor bad just as they are. 00:01:46.16\00:01:49.39 It all depends upon what we do with them. 00:01:49.40\00:01:52.52 Can you think of something else like that? 00:01:53.12\00:01:55.01 But I have I have thought of something, 00:01:56.02\00:01:57.92 and it's about the television. 00:01:57.93\00:01:59.80 Now it just sits there television is not good, 00:02:00.52\00:02:02.90 and it's not bad is it, it just there. 00:02:02.91\00:02:05.19 But when we turn it on if we turn it on to 00:02:05.20\00:02:08.33 something bad like a bad program that uses God's 00:02:08.34\00:02:10.91 name in a careless way, or a program that 00:02:10.92\00:02:14.74 shows lying or hurting at the people or being 00:02:14.75\00:02:17.69 rude or disrespectful, that's not a good way 00:02:17.70\00:02:21.40 to use the television is it? 00:02:21.41\00:02:24.00 Or if you turned down the television to something 00:02:25.11\00:02:27.53 good like a program about God that honors 00:02:27.54\00:02:30.31 His name, where people tell the truth, 00:02:30.32\00:02:32.43 and they speak to one and another in a kind 00:02:32.44\00:02:34.27 and respectful way, they would be using in 00:02:34.28\00:02:36.68 a good way wouldn't it? Well, today's Bible story 00:02:36.69\00:02:40.33 tells about some people who use stones just 00:02:40.34\00:02:42.62 like these, stones that can be used for either 00:02:42.63\00:02:45.24 a good purpose or bad purpose which way do you 00:02:45.25\00:02:48.83 think they used them? I'll give you a hint; 00:02:48.84\00:02:51.64 I hope that you never use stones the way they 00:02:52.16\00:02:55.79 were used in this story. But before you hear the 00:02:55.80\00:02:59.36 story Ranger Jim is going to tell us about an 00:02:59.37\00:03:01.46 animal that some of you might have in your house. 00:03:01.47\00:03:04.61 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome 00:03:14.04\00:03:16.30 to Nature Time. We're glad you could be 00:03:16.31\00:03:17.88 with us today, we're at a place called 00:03:17.89\00:03:19.39 Facion's, Hummer Haven, Alpaca Farm, 00:03:19.40\00:03:22.52 and David's here with us a friend of our, 00:03:22.53\00:03:24.39 and he's going to tell you about our special 00:03:24.40\00:03:26.19 friend that we have. This is Sierra, 00:03:26.20\00:03:28.14 boys and girls, you can see she's panting and 00:03:28.15\00:03:30.79 she's a little excited about this. 00:03:30.80\00:03:32.41 And dogs don't perspire as we human beings do 00:03:32.42\00:03:35.15 when you run and play on the playground, 00:03:35.16\00:03:37.40 but the way she has at cooling her body is 00:03:37.41\00:03:39.95 to stick out her tongue, and it's wet and she's 00:03:39.96\00:03:42.32 breathing, pulling the cool air over her tongue 00:03:42.33\00:03:44.51 that's equipped with large veins and arteries and 00:03:44.52\00:03:47.10 this dissipates the heat. David, tell us 00:03:47.11\00:03:48.91 something about your friend here. 00:03:48.92\00:03:50.10 Well Ranger Jim this is Sierra, 00:03:50.11\00:03:51.77 she's a four year old female Rottweiler. 00:03:52.95\00:03:55.50 She's really good with kids. They have a good 00:03:55.51\00:03:59.89 disposition around kids as you can see and 00:03:59.90\00:04:03.68 they're nice family pets, depends on how you 00:04:03.69\00:04:06.57 bring them up, you shouldn't tease them 00:04:06.58\00:04:08.85 otherwise just like anything that you tease 00:04:08.86\00:04:10.95 them they get up bad disposition or whatever. 00:04:10.96\00:04:14.52 She's really good would keep in stray animals out 00:04:16.50\00:04:19.95 from around the farm, she lets you know when 00:04:19.96\00:04:21.93 strangers are coming in. She watches like that, 00:04:21.94\00:04:24.11 and takes care of it. Well sometimes boys and 00:04:24.12\00:04:25.67 girls a Rottweiler has gotten a bad reputation, 00:04:25.68\00:04:28.58 and as our friend Dave has said because these 00:04:28.59\00:04:31.44 animals many of them have been trained as watch 00:04:31.45\00:04:33.70 dogs, and they can be very aggressive. 00:04:33.71\00:04:36.09 And as you can see, she's a huge animal. 00:04:36.10\00:04:38.58 This is a female and weighs over a 100 pounds 00:04:38.59\00:04:41.16 and sometimes the males will weigh a 130 pounds. 00:04:41.17\00:04:44.38 And these dogs go back many, many, many years, 00:04:44.39\00:04:48.47 this is a very old breed of dog and they were 00:04:48.48\00:04:50.91 used originally for herding cattle. 00:04:50.92\00:04:53.45 Now that's not protecting cattle but herding 00:04:53.46\00:04:55.20 them. I had an opportunity down in Florida; 00:04:55.21\00:04:57.70 I have a friend of mine who hauls cattle, 00:04:57.71\00:04:59.54 and we went to this ranch where they were going 00:04:59.55\00:05:02.02 to haul a truck load of big bulls and they had 00:05:02.03\00:05:05.96 horses to go on the round up, 00:05:05.97\00:05:07.32 and they had four Rottweilers with them. 00:05:07.33\00:05:09.57 And these big dogs had been trained to come up 00:05:09.58\00:05:12.56 behind these big bulls and come behind them and 00:05:12.57\00:05:15.02 nip their heels and duck, and that's the way they 00:05:15.03\00:05:17.68 drove these big huge animals around. 00:05:17.69\00:05:19.90 And this dog requires a lot of training and 00:05:19.91\00:05:23.03 discipline when they're puppies. 00:05:23.04\00:05:24.46 If you allow them to have their own way they 00:05:24.47\00:05:26.55 become aggressive, they'll lean up against you, 00:05:26.56\00:05:28.78 and begin to push you around a little bit, 00:05:28.79\00:05:30.43 if you allow that they'll take more liberties 00:05:30.44\00:05:32.66 with you. So they are not the dog that every 00:05:32.67\00:05:35.07 family would want to have unless you train them. 00:05:35.08\00:05:37.97 And so I usually say an unruly dog can only be 00:05:38.61\00:05:41.51 outdone by an unruly child and that's true with 00:05:41.52\00:05:44.00 any of our pets isn't it? That we must train them 00:05:44.01\00:05:46.30 correctly but the Rottweiler if he is taken 00:05:46.31\00:05:48.63 care of and trained is an excellent dog. 00:05:48.64\00:05:52.10 This one they have had for four years, 00:05:52.11\00:05:55.97 and how many puppies would she normally have? 00:05:55.98\00:05:57.46 She would have normally between 8 and 10 puppies. 00:05:57.47\00:05:59.77 About 8 or 10 and she is an excellent parent that 00:05:59.78\00:06:02.96 she cares for them, it does require much care 00:06:02.97\00:06:05.04 for raising the puppies, she takes care of 00:06:05.05\00:06:06.63 them right? Correct. She takes care of them 00:06:06.64\00:06:08.73 as he has said she's a good watch dog, 00:06:08.74\00:06:11.49 these dogs boys and girls in many countries have 00:06:11.50\00:06:13.89 been used as we wouldn't want to call them really 00:06:13.90\00:06:16.19 a beast of burden, but they are train to 00:06:16.20\00:06:17.78 pull a wagon, You can train these dogs 00:06:17.79\00:06:19.92 in a harness to pull a small wagon, 00:06:19.93\00:06:21.58 they are very powerful and strong. 00:06:21.59\00:06:23.58 And if we would get Sierra up, 00:06:23.59\00:06:25.16 we're afraid to have her stand up, so you can see 00:06:25.17\00:06:27.13 that she has a docked tail that is when she's 00:06:27.14\00:06:30.02 born she has a long tail like other dogs, 00:06:30.03\00:06:32.23 but when they're very young then they cut that 00:06:32.24\00:06:34.41 tail off, surgically they remove the tail, 00:06:34.42\00:06:36.85 so she has a very short tail. 00:06:36.86\00:06:39.12 Now this is not painful because it's done when 00:06:39.13\00:06:41.63 the puppy is very young, and something that would 00:06:41.64\00:06:45.44 be helpful when you are training the dog to say 00:06:45.45\00:06:47.19 that their brain is not fully formed until the 00:06:47.20\00:06:49.79 second or third month, and they are not 00:06:49.80\00:06:52.45 susceptible to pain, and that if you take this 00:06:52.46\00:06:54.61 dog and dock it's tail when it's couple of few 00:06:54.62\00:06:57.18 weeks old the mother doesn't seem to object nor 00:06:57.19\00:07:00.39 does the puppy. When this dog's tail was docked, 00:07:00.40\00:07:02.87 it did not cause it pain. Now many people object 00:07:02.88\00:07:05.26 to that and say, oh that's cruel to cut 00:07:05.27\00:07:07.30 the dog's tail, but the dog doesn't feel that, 00:07:07.31\00:07:09.57 this is done by a veterinarian, someone 00:07:09.58\00:07:11.93 who knows how to do that correctly. 00:07:11.94\00:07:13.05 But the Rottweiler goes around with his little 00:07:13.06\00:07:15.54 stubby tail. And as David and Cindy can tell 00:07:15.55\00:07:18.27 you when the Rottweiler wags his tail he wags 00:07:18.28\00:07:20.68 his whole body as we saw this morning. 00:07:20.69\00:07:22.62 When Sierra come to meet us she's greeting, 00:07:22.63\00:07:24.84 she's shaking her tail and wiggling all over. 00:07:24.85\00:07:27.10 And such an exciting dog, and I am just happy 00:07:27.11\00:07:29.82 today that we have an opportunity boys and girls 00:07:29.83\00:07:31.83 to tell you about this dog. And you remember 00:07:31.84\00:07:34.38 that never go up and pet a dog that you 00:07:34.39\00:07:36.61 don't know, okay be careful to pet the dog 00:07:36.62\00:07:38.94 only if the owner is there. So boys and girls 00:07:38.95\00:07:42.33 if it's a Rottweiler or if it's a tiny puppy 00:07:42.34\00:07:44.47 whatever is, God made it perfect the first time. 00:07:44.48\00:07:47.01 So Ranger Jim saying, don't forget to tell Jesus 00:07:47.02\00:07:50.16 that you love Him, because 00:07:50.17\00:07:51.47 He really does love you. 00:07:51.48\00:07:53.98 When I go to heaven I will pet him, 00:08:02.51\00:08:08.28 there will be joy, joy, joy, joy. Hi uncle Buddy 00:08:09.21\00:08:17.06 what you doing? Oh I was just thinking about 00:08:17.07\00:08:20.95 heaven and what I am going to do when I get 00:08:20.96\00:08:22.97 there? Thinking about playing with a real 00:08:22.98\00:08:26.14 live bear, thinking about petting a lion and 00:08:26.15\00:08:28.64 petting a tiger, I got big plans. Uncle Buddy, 00:08:28.65\00:08:31.76 the only thing that I want to do when I go to 00:08:31.77\00:08:34.49 heaven is to see Jesus. Oh you know Bobby, 00:08:34.50\00:08:38.94 that sounds like the best plan of all. 00:08:38.95\00:08:42.50 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus 00:08:46.92\00:08:50.47 Sing His mercy and His grace 00:08:50.48\00:08:54.13 In the mansions bright and blessed 00:08:54.63\00:08:57.76 He'll prepare for us a place 00:08:57.77\00:09:01.15 When we all get to heaven 00:09:01.61\00:09:05.10 What a day of rejoicing that will be 00:09:05.11\00:09:08.53 When we all see Jesus 00:09:08.54\00:09:12.53 We'll sing and shout for victory!!! 00:09:12.54\00:09:16.00 Let us then be true and faithful 00:09:18.68\00:09:21.90 Trusting, serving everyday 00:09:21.91\00:09:25.27 Just one glimpse of Him in glory 00:09:25.28\00:09:29.23 Will the toils of life repay 00:09:29.24\00:09:32.08 When we all get to heaven 00:09:32.98\00:09:36.06 What a day of rejoicing that will be 00:09:36.07\00:09:39.57 When we all see Jesus 00:09:39.58\00:09:43.53 We'll sing and shout for victory!!! 00:09:43.54\00:09:47.55 Onward to the prize before us 00:09:49.48\00:09:53.21 Soon His beauty we'll behold! 00:09:53.22\00:09:56.77 Soon the pearly gates will open 00:09:56.78\00:10:00.43 We shall tread the streets of gold 00:10:00.44\00:10:03.86 When we all get to heaven 00:10:03.87\00:10:07.50 What a day of rejoicing that will be 00:10:07.51\00:10:11.00 When we all see Jesus 00:10:11.01\00:10:15.05 We'll sing and shout for victory!!! 00:10:15.06\00:10:20.31 Well, the church was just simply growing too 00:12:49.71\00:12:51.80 fast. Hello, I am Parmenas; I'll tell you a 00:12:51.81\00:12:54.73 little bit more about me in just a moment, 00:12:54.74\00:12:56.39 but the church was growing simply too fast. 00:12:56.40\00:12:59.14 After Christ was crucified those who killed Him 00:12:59.15\00:13:02.73 thought that the church would die right along 00:13:02.74\00:13:05.18 with Him, but the fact is after Christ died, 00:13:05.19\00:13:08.84 He rose again and so did this wonderful glorious 00:13:08.85\00:13:12.22 new church. And it began growing so fast, 00:13:12.23\00:13:15.39 so many people were learning more about Jesus, 00:13:15.40\00:13:17.86 so many more were being baptized, 00:13:17.87\00:13:19.60 hundreds and thousands of people. 00:13:19.61\00:13:21.53 So many so that we had to find a way to minister 00:13:22.15\00:13:25.29 to all their needs, there were orphans and there 00:13:25.30\00:13:27.51 were widows. The apostles simply could not 00:13:27.52\00:13:29.62 do it at all, so what they chose to do was to 00:13:29.63\00:13:32.21 get seven strong men of the new church to take 00:13:32.22\00:13:35.93 care of the widows and the orphans. 00:13:35.94\00:13:37.83 I Parmenas was one of them. I am very strong in 00:13:37.84\00:13:41.54 the church, a leader of this church. 00:13:41.55\00:13:43.27 But even stronger than me, even greater than me 00:13:44.26\00:13:46.97 was one of the deacons, Stephen. 00:13:46.98\00:13:50.22 Stephen was strong, he could preach, 00:13:50.82\00:13:52.61 he could stand before a crowd of hundreds 00:13:52.62\00:13:54.34 of people, and convince them and tell them 00:13:54.35\00:13:56.69 about Jesus who had died for their sins, 00:13:56.70\00:13:59.26 who would take them to this place called heaven, 00:13:59.27\00:14:01.64 that would give them eternal joys. 00:14:01.65\00:14:03.75 Stephen was a strong, strong deacon preaching 00:14:03.76\00:14:06.77 to the hundreds and thousands of people 00:14:06.78\00:14:08.22 telling them all about this Jesus. 00:14:08.23\00:14:11.77 Well naturally when someone preaches like that 00:14:12.72\00:14:15.26 someone is going to try to stop him. 00:14:16.41\00:14:18.09 The Pharisees and the Sanhedrin called him into 00:14:18.94\00:14:22.24 their court and they asked him, why are you 00:14:22.25\00:14:25.24 trying to destroy the church? 00:14:25.25\00:14:26.39 They spread lies about Stephen and they asked him 00:14:26.40\00:14:29.28 why he was trying to kill the Law of Moses, 00:14:29.29\00:14:32.21 but Stephen was not trying to do that, 00:14:33.22\00:14:34.42 he was simply preaching about a savior who came 00:14:34.43\00:14:37.62 and suffered, and bled, and died for all of 00:14:37.63\00:14:40.70 our sins. Well when they asked him why he was 00:14:40.71\00:14:44.29 doing that, the crowd looked upon Stephen, 00:14:44.30\00:14:47.48 and his face looked like that of an angel. 00:14:47.49\00:14:51.35 He was my friend and as we look at his face 00:14:52.27\00:14:54.47 everyone was stunned at the way he looked, 00:14:54.48\00:14:56.94 he was totally at peace. And then Stephen 00:14:56.95\00:15:00.51 told them about the Law of Moses and the 00:15:00.52\00:15:02.17 Law of God, and he asked them why 00:15:02.18\00:15:03.89 they were the ones trying to do so much harm to 00:15:03.90\00:15:06.75 the church. They become so angry with Stephen 00:15:06.76\00:15:10.13 and the strength of his words and the power of 00:15:10.14\00:15:12.79 his love for his God that they took him into 00:15:12.80\00:15:15.55 a courtyard, and Stephen kneeled down at the 00:15:15.56\00:15:18.86 courtyard, our friend, one of the deacons, 00:15:18.87\00:15:22.57 sent to help grow this new church. 00:15:22.58\00:15:25.36 A powerful man of God, he knelled down at that 00:15:25.37\00:15:29.51 court yard, and those people that hated him 00:15:29.52\00:15:32.48 so much the same ones that hated Christ so much, 00:15:32.49\00:15:35.58 the same ones that despise Christ so much, 00:15:35.59\00:15:38.75 they stoned him and, and all of his love 00:15:40.35\00:15:44.03 with all the anger towards him, 00:15:44.04\00:15:46.05 with all of the rocks flying toward him, 00:15:46.06\00:15:48.85 he still asked God to forgive them of what they 00:15:48.86\00:15:53.38 were doing just as Christ did upon the cross. 00:15:53.39\00:15:55.89 What a wonderful man this Stephen was, 00:15:56.62\00:15:58.63 what a powerful preacher he was, 00:15:59.35\00:16:01.68 yet he was stoned and he fell asleep. 00:16:02.68\00:16:06.45 Our friend Stephen died that day, preaching and 00:16:07.09\00:16:10.24 proclaiming the name of Jesus, 00:16:10.25\00:16:12.73 savior of the world, the one who'd come to 00:16:12.74\00:16:15.83 save us all. What a wonderful, 00:16:15.84\00:16:18.68 wonderful friend Stephen had found, 00:16:18.69\00:16:21.38 and Stephen's strength and his stoning too made 00:16:22.11\00:16:25.67 the church grew even more. As I witnessed this I 00:16:25.68\00:16:28.77 could not help but think and believe and know and 00:16:28.78\00:16:31.14 understand that God was watching, 00:16:31.15\00:16:34.80 and He too wanted this church to grow, 00:16:34.81\00:16:37.69 and oh does it grow. It continues to grow 00:16:37.70\00:16:40.22 day by day, hundreds, yea thousands of people 00:16:40.23\00:16:43.26 coming to learn more about this Jesus everyday. 00:16:43.27\00:16:46.72 It was a terrible day when Stephen died, 00:16:46.73\00:16:48.96 we all wept when Stephen died, 00:16:50.53\00:16:52.26 it was a terrible ordeal. But it too was the next 00:16:52.93\00:16:56.40 step in this church becoming a fantastic place 00:16:56.41\00:16:59.54 for all those who believed and for all those who 00:16:59.55\00:17:02.12 wanted new life and this man named Jesus. 00:17:02.13\00:17:04.96 A sad day but a day that helped the church to 00:17:06.38\00:17:09.23 move forward, and as one of the deacons, 00:17:09.24\00:17:11.12 I proclaimed that I too will always sing and 00:17:11.13\00:17:14.47 shout His name and His praises, 00:17:14.48\00:17:16.75 does not matter what I am going through, 00:17:16.76\00:17:19.20 after watching Stephen's death, 00:17:19.21\00:17:21.18 I will always proclaim the name of Jesus. 00:17:21.90\00:17:26.29 I have decided to follow Jesus; 00:17:42.42\00:17:48.54 I have decided to follow Jesus; 00:17:48.55\00:17:55.13 I have decided to follow Jesus; 00:17:55.14\00:18:01.50 No turning back, no turning back. 00:18:01.51\00:18:07.95 The cross before me, the world behind me 00:18:08.47\00:18:14.49 The cross before me, the world behind me 00:18:14.50\00:18:20.95 The cross before me, the world behind me 00:18:20.96\00:18:26.95 No turning back, no turning back. 00:18:26.96\00:18:34.00 Thank you Hayley for that beautiful song. 00:18:49.16\00:18:51.01 Well boys and girls, I want you to meet a 00:18:51.02\00:18:53.55 friend of mine, her name is Cara. Hi Cara, 00:18:53.56\00:18:55.66 thank you for joining me on Kids Time today. 00:18:55.67\00:18:58.61 Hi. Well, I am so glad that you're here, 00:18:58.62\00:19:01.58 can you tell the boys and girls what you do 00:19:01.59\00:19:03.63 to share Jesus? Well I go to the Wyoming 00:19:03.64\00:19:05.94 shelter where abused women and their kids go. 00:19:05.95\00:19:08.70 You do, do you go all by yourself? 00:19:08.71\00:19:10.79 No, I go with my classroom. 00:19:10.80\00:19:13.00 And so your whole class does this, yes, 00:19:13.01\00:19:15.12 and you do, what do you do when you get there? 00:19:15.13\00:19:17.28 I pack bags. Now you pack bags, 00:19:17.29\00:19:20.28 what do you put in those bags? 00:19:20.29\00:19:21.33 I put shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, 00:19:21.34\00:19:25.50 toothpaste and toothpicks. And why would you put 00:19:25.51\00:19:28.04 that in those bags? So that the people will come. 00:19:28.05\00:19:33.06 People need them, don't they? 00:19:34.20\00:19:35.40 Yeah. Because if they are at the shelter they 00:19:35.41\00:19:37.00 probably don't have all those things and then you 00:19:37.01\00:19:38.84 something nice to give them. Yeah. 00:19:38.85\00:19:41.18 That's wonderful; did you have any special 00:19:41.19\00:19:42.49 experiences while you were working there? 00:19:42.50\00:19:44.01 Yes, one time I met this woman and her son and 00:19:44.02\00:19:48.56 I got to talk with them about Jesus, 00:19:48.57\00:19:50.70 and after that I actually got to pray with them. 00:19:50.71\00:19:53.48 Oh that's wonderful, and how did they, 00:19:53.49\00:19:57.04 how did they respond when you prayed with them? 00:19:57.05\00:19:59.08 They responded that they just felt much more 00:19:59.09\00:20:02.59 better after that. Ah that's wonderful, 00:20:02.60\00:20:05.87 so you enjoy your work there? Yeah, 00:20:05.88\00:20:07.75 that's awesome, that's a wonderful way to 00:20:07.76\00:20:09.66 share Jesus, isn't it boys and girls. 00:20:09.67\00:20:11.45 I want to read some letters and e-mail that 00:20:12.59\00:20:16.25 I received to you. This letter here it says 00:20:16.26\00:20:19.80 dear Miss Brenda, I'm 6 years old, 00:20:19.81\00:20:21.81 and I live in South Africa and this is an 00:20:21.82\00:20:24.09 e-mail said, I love to share Jesus with all 00:20:24.10\00:20:26.89 my friends and family. Jesus is my best friend, 00:20:26.90\00:20:29.30 and sometimes I remember to pray 00:20:29.31\00:20:31.35 to Him in the mornings. I share Jesus by singing 00:20:31.36\00:20:34.15 in the church, helping my mom at home, 00:20:34.16\00:20:36.23 and today I helped too. Next year we are going 00:20:36.24\00:20:39.19 to start home schooling and then I'll be 00:20:39.20\00:20:40.69 7 years old. I love to make cards and pick 00:20:40.70\00:20:43.78 flowers for my grandparents, 00:20:43.79\00:20:45.20 and my mom and dad. I love Jesus, 00:20:45.21\00:20:48.10 my brother is learning a lot from me too. 00:20:48.11\00:20:51.10 Thank you for telling such nice stories, 00:20:51.11\00:20:53.39 I love hearing the stories. 00:20:53.40\00:20:54.70 I don't have 3ABN but my grandma does and 00:20:54.71\00:20:57.87 she shares it with us. Love from Michelle. 00:20:57.88\00:21:00.71 Thank you Michelle for your e-mail. 00:21:00.72\00:21:02.32 You know boys and girls, she is 00:21:02.33\00:21:03.99 from South Africa, wherever you are, 00:21:04.00\00:21:06.37 if you are in South Africa, or Thailand, 00:21:06.38\00:21:10.02 or Russia or near the Caribbean, 00:21:10.03\00:21:13.45 anywhere and you can write and you can be 00:21:13.46\00:21:15.42 on part of Sharing Time. And right now I would 00:21:15.43\00:21:18.29 like to take you to Russia where I 00:21:18.30\00:21:19.72 visited recently. And there's a little boy there 00:21:19.73\00:21:23.02 that wants to tell you, I'll let him tell 00:21:23.03\00:21:25.15 you his name. My name is Wanea. Wanea, 00:21:25.16\00:21:30.84 and I'm so excited to be sitting here with Wanea 00:21:30.85\00:21:33.85 today and Juliet is going to interpret since I 00:21:33.86\00:21:36.72 don't speak Russian, and we're here in Russia 00:21:36.73\00:21:38.97 and Wanea doesn't speak English, 00:21:38.98\00:21:41.46 so just a few words right? English. 00:21:41.47\00:21:44.12 So, Wanea can you tell boys and girls do 00:21:44.13\00:21:46.82 you love Jesus? What do you do to 00:21:46.83\00:21:48.78 share Him with others? Foreign language. 00:21:48.79\00:21:55.35 I like to help poor people. Foreign language. 00:21:55.36\00:22:03.26 My parents and I have a garden of our own and 00:22:03.27\00:22:06.52 whatever we grow there, potatoes, carrots, apples 00:22:06.53\00:22:11.04 we give to the poor people. That's wonderful, 00:22:11.05\00:22:15.34 what, do you do a lot of work in the garden 00:22:16.56\00:22:18.96 yourself? Foreign language. 00:22:18.97\00:22:29.63 I help my dad to dig potatoes, 00:22:29.64\00:22:32.09 I help my mom about the house and the garden, 00:22:32.10\00:22:34.43 I do a lot. Ah that's wonderful and what does it 00:22:34.44\00:22:39.18 make the people happy when you bring them food? 00:22:39.19\00:22:41.24 Foreign language. Very much so. 00:22:41.25\00:22:48.72 Very much so, does it make you happy? 00:22:48.73\00:22:51.00 Foreign language. Yes, I am very happy and I 00:22:51.01\00:22:57.40 feel very good in my heart. 00:22:57.41\00:22:58.89 Oh that's wonderful you know that's the way it is 00:22:58.90\00:23:01.28 boys and girls, when we love Jesus and when 00:23:01.29\00:23:03.62 we share Him with others, it makes us feel really 00:23:03.63\00:23:06.07 happy inside doesn't it? Do you love Jesus? 00:23:06.08\00:23:08.85 Foreign language. I love Jesus very much. 00:23:08.86\00:23:14.43 And do you want Him to come soon? 00:23:14.44\00:23:16.76 Foreign language. I want Him very much to 00:23:16.77\00:23:26.49 come soon, so that our love begins anew. 00:23:26.50\00:23:29.71 Amen, you know boys and girls I want Jesus to 00:23:29.72\00:23:32.67 come soon too don't you? Well thank you Wanea for 00:23:32.68\00:23:37.48 that wonderful testimony of how you share Jesus. 00:23:37.49\00:23:40.60 Well I also have a letter here I would like to 00:23:41.22\00:23:43.22 share with you, of somebody that loves Jesus, 00:23:43.23\00:23:45.31 and her name is Maryam, can you hold that picture 00:23:45.32\00:23:48.78 up for me Cara? It said dear Miss Brenda, 00:23:48.79\00:23:51.47 I really like Kids Time and my name is Maryam 00:23:51.48\00:23:54.68 and I am 7 years old and I am in Second grade. 00:23:54.69\00:23:57.87 I like to sing my favorite song called Early in 00:23:58.36\00:24:00.94 the Morning on Kids Time. Please send me a Kids 00:24:00.95\00:24:03.43 Time activity book. Thank you love Maryam. 00:24:03.44\00:24:06.07 Well Maryam, anytime you want to sing 00:24:06.08\00:24:09.05 on Kids Time just have someone record a video and 00:24:09.06\00:24:13.10 send it to me okay because I listen to all 00:24:13.11\00:24:15.40 the videos. So if you want to be in on 00:24:15.41\00:24:18.36 Praise Time or on Kids Time singing, 00:24:18.37\00:24:20.58 I need to have to, send me a video. 00:24:20.59\00:24:22.71 I have a letter from Mindy and Matthew, 00:24:23.28\00:24:25.62 and they're from Benton, Tennessee, 00:24:25.63\00:24:27.72 and let's see what they have to say, 00:24:28.52\00:24:30.20 I love getting your letters boys and girls, 00:24:30.87\00:24:33.09 and they have a lots of ways don't they Cara 00:24:34.57\00:24:36.18 that they share Jesus. This one says dear 00:24:36.19\00:24:38.13 Miss Brenda, my name is Mindy and my brother's 00:24:38.14\00:24:40.85 name is Matthew. We like to watch Kids Time 00:24:40.86\00:24:43.53 every Sabbath morning, and I like it when you 00:24:43.54\00:24:46.03 read us letters on Kids Time. 00:24:46.04\00:24:48.17 My brother likes the part when Buddy sings songs. 00:24:48.18\00:24:50.86 We have tapes of Kids Time and we took some of 00:24:50.87\00:24:53.30 them to my friends to listen to. 00:24:53.31\00:24:55.98 I think they learned about Jesus there. 00:24:55.99\00:24:58.22 PS I'm 9 and my brother is 5, love Mindy 00:24:58.23\00:25:02.14 and Matthew. Well thank you so much 00:25:02.15\00:25:04.33 Mindy and Matthew, they didn't send me a 00:25:04.34\00:25:05.69 picture otherwise I'd show it to you, 00:25:05.70\00:25:07.52 but thank you for your letter. 00:25:07.53\00:25:09.24 And oh I've got a big picture in this one 00:25:09.25\00:25:11.81 and this is from Taylor, he's from Parker Ford, 00:25:11.82\00:25:14.64 Pennsylvania. And look this is Taylor's picture, 00:25:14.65\00:25:17.90 isn't that nice? Nice big picture, 00:25:17.91\00:25:20.17 thank you Taylor. And this letter says 00:25:20.18\00:25:23.41 hello Miss Brenda my name is Taylor, 00:25:23.42\00:25:25.68 and I am 5 years old. I love watching Kids Time, 00:25:25.69\00:25:29.08 and how I share Jesus with people is holding the 00:25:29.09\00:25:31.71 door open for them at the post office. 00:25:31.72\00:25:33.80 I also help my grandma with her wash 00:25:33.81\00:25:35.91 and the trash, and I make my bed 00:25:35.92\00:25:37.89 every morning when I get up. 00:25:37.90\00:25:39.40 Would you please send me a Kids Time book and one 00:25:39.41\00:25:41.90 for my sister Isabella too? Thank you, 00:25:41.91\00:25:44.06 we love Kids Time, love Taylor. 00:25:44.07\00:25:46.47 And look Taylor also drew a picture of 00:25:46.48\00:25:49.72 some fishes, isn't that cute? 00:25:49.73\00:25:52.11 The fishes swimming around, you are quite the 00:25:52.12\00:25:53.73 artist Taylor. Thank you so much. 00:25:53.74\00:25:55.83 And I appreciate that and yes I get those books 00:25:55.84\00:25:58.14 up to you right away. And I have time for one 00:25:58.15\00:26:01.60 more e-mail, from England, it says, 00:26:01.61\00:26:04.14 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Kyle and I 00:26:04.15\00:26:06.13 have a brother called Cory. I am 10 and my 00:26:06.14\00:26:08.04 brother is 8. I also in the pathfinders, 00:26:08.05\00:26:11.30 and we watched your program in England and 00:26:11.31\00:26:12.89 we're happy to hear Sabbath music from 3ABN. 00:26:12.90\00:26:15.86 Well thank you Kyle for your letter, 00:26:16.58\00:26:17.93 thank you Cara for being for being with us 00:26:17.94\00:26:19.69 with today. And boys and girls, 00:26:19.70\00:26:21.21 please remember its Kids Time to share Jesus. 00:26:21.22\00:26:25.28