Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000081
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:25 Hi boys and girls, I have a very special suitcase 00:28 with me right now. This suitcase belonged to 00:30 my grandmother. Whom I loved very, 00:32 very much, so you know what? 00:34 I've decided to take it on a trip. 00:36 I have it all packed, ready to go, 00:38 I've got my coat, lets go okay, 00:40 you want to come along. Well you know what? 00:42 Its fun to travel isn't it, whether it's just an 00:44 overnight visit to maybe your very close friend 00:47 or maybe it's a weekend there at grandmothers 00:49 or perhaps traveling way across the country 00:52 or even yet to another country that maybe 00:55 you've never visited before. 00:57 But not all trips are happy ones are they, 00:59 sometimes you know people have to travel 01:02 because of an emergency, perhaps someone in their 01:04 family died and they have to travel many, 01:07 many miles to attend the funeral. 01:09 And there are some grownups who have to 01:12 travel lots and lots of miles every single day 01:15 just to learn, earn a living to make some 01:17 money to live. That kind of travel can make 01:20 you feel very tired doesn't it? But when 01:24 you have something to look forward to on 01:26 the other end of your journey, traveling 01:28 can be very exciting. Our Bible story today 01:31 is told about a boy who was thrilled about 01:34 taking a trip. And he did have a lot to look 01:38 forward to too, but I like him tell you about that. 01:42 I'm go to talk to you about a trip that 01:43 we should all be excited to take someday 01:46 soon do you know where that is boys and girls? 01:48 That's right, it's a trip to heaven. 01:51 We won't need our suitcases here will we? 01:53 We won't need plane tickets or passports, 01:56 but we will need one important thing for 01:59 this trip. Can you guess what that would be? 02:01 That's a relationship a very close friendship 02:05 with our friend Jesus. That is the only ticket 02:08 that is going to be accepted and it's the 02:11 only thing that will be needed. 02:13 So, let's talk to Jesus everyday, boys and girls 02:17 I want you try to do whatever pleases Jesus 02:20 and tell Him really that you love Him and 02:24 that you want to take that trip to heaven 02:26 to be with Him. I wanna go don't you? 02:29 Well, right know Ranger Jim has some miniature 02:32 horses to show us lets take a look. 02:41 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim, 02:42 saying welcome to the Nature Time, 02:44 we're glad you can join us today. 02:45 Look what we have here, aren't these beautiful? 02:47 Connie, what do we have here? 02:49 These are the Miniature Horses. 02:50 And Miniature horses they are not ponies, 02:52 they are really horses. Yes, they are really 02:55 horses and this is all the spectrum of the colors 02:59 that we might find and in these creatures. 03:00 Yeah, we have some solid colors, some pintos 03:03 and even the couple of dapples; 03:04 they come in the same colors as the 03:06 larger horses do. And so, they are just like 03:10 any horse and what about veterinarian care, 03:13 you said that you would give them same inoculation, 03:15 yeah, that a horse would receive. 03:16 We get them the same vaccinations 03:18 that larger horses would get, also regular 03:20 hoof trimming the same kind of care 03:22 that you would give to a large horse. 03:24 And what about feed, I see that they're 03:26 enjoying this hay. Yes, they are, they're 03:29 very easy keepers, they are not expensive 03:31 to have because they don't require 03:33 that much feed, in fact they can very easily 03:35 get overweight. So, a horse like this gets 03:38 maybe a cup of a special food each day 03:41 along with almost a flake of hay or just pastor. 03:46 We use to have some Shetland ponies, 03:48 and they got so fat that you could hardly 03:50 keep a saddle on them and I was complaining 03:52 to the veterinarian and I asked him about that 03:54 and he said Jim some of these horses can maintain 03:56 their weight on bedding straw just about, yeah, 03:58 because they don't require great deal. 04:00 So, that's a good to know about these creatures. 04:01 And let me ask you this if, if you trained this 04:05 horses well I have heard that when the horse, 04:07 a Miniature horse or things like that are 04:10 difficult to leave with, they mean, they bite 04:12 and things like this, that is not true is it. 04:14 No, that's not true at all. Alright, and but 04:16 it is in the training, is it not? Lot of it is 04:19 and also in the way they're treated from 04:21 the time they were young. And so if you 04:23 have these and care for them well and take 04:25 care of them, then they will turn out to be 04:27 they're even tempered. Yes, that's not saying 04:30 they can't stubborn. Right, that's right so 04:33 they can be stubborn and so let me ask 04:35 you about this we have one out here 04:37 that's a very young fowl and how old do you 04:39 say that she is? She is about a month old. 04:42 And she is just gorgeous and I noticed another 04:45 horse that we have, that has blue eyes. 04:48 Yes, I had never seen that before. 04:49 Black and white panel with blue eyes, 04:51 that was one of the reasons I bought her 04:53 because I loved the blue eyes. 04:54 That is, she is a gorgeous creature and 04:57 let me ask you this if, if we have the male 05:01 or the stallion if he is a one color and 05:04 we breed to a mare of the same color would, 05:08 would normally will be get a product about the 05:10 same would we get this. It can vary a lot, 05:12 sometimes we're very surprised at what color 05:15 a fowl turns out to be, it may not be anything 05:17 you expected at all by the parents that 05:19 we're breed together. Other times a fowl 05:21 can be born one color but as it matures the 05:24 color will change. And so it's you don't know 05:27 until it arrives? Pretty much, that it arrives 05:29 like that, I have heard that because they are 05:32 small, it causes some difficulties in health, 05:35 are there a special problem with their 05:36 health or. Not really so much with their health, 05:39 but the people that have breed they extremely 05:41 small horses sometimes do experience some 05:44 breeding difficulties with them because of their 05:45 small size. And what about these, are these could 05:49 you ride these horses. Small children can ride 05:51 these horses, some people break these 05:53 horses to pull carts and then they gave rides 05:56 that way, in fact there are competitions 05:58 for that around the country, there are 06:00 numerous miniature horse shows around the country. 06:02 There are two registries AMAHA and AMHR, 06:06 both of them have shows around the country, 06:09 where you can have your horses judged on 06:11 their confirmation or also on their performance 06:14 pulling carts. I have seen those at County Fairs 06:16 and that's beautiful, yes it is, a chart going 06:18 along with several children riding behind 06:20 the pony and everyone's grabbing their cameras 06:22 to get a picture of that so, yeah. Boys and girls, 06:24 when we talk about animals I know that is 06:27 redundant, Ranger Jim quite often mentions this, 06:30 but these creatures God except us to care for 06:33 and our friend Connie make sure that these 06:36 creature have plenty of fresh water. 06:38 Yes, that is a requirement that they must have 06:40 because these creatures like yourself, 06:43 we enjoy the cool drink and it's necessary 06:45 for a good health. They receive their food 06:48 that they need and she said very small quantities. 06:50 Yes, and several these around and we discussed 06:52 if they were pregnant mares and you laugh 06:54 some water and you said no we're just feeding 06:56 them too much. Yeah, they are a little bit 06:58 over fed. And so that is easy do as I said from 07:01 we'd keeping ponies at home. 07:02 It's very easy to do because we do so enjoy 07:05 seeing them eating and it is, as I said before 07:07 when I was talking to Connie before off camera. 07:10 That it is joy to come and see these beautiful 07:12 well cared for creatures, walking about here in 07:15 a posture where they have plenty of fresh air 07:17 and sunshine and fresh water it's just 07:20 a joy to see. So, these are creatures that 07:22 we can enjoy boys and girls, if you would 07:24 beginners and getting one of these you might 07:26 check into it. That people do have these in a very 07:30 small area, you don't need great deal of land 07:33 to have these ponies but once again beautiful 07:35 creatures that we can see and enjoy. 07:37 So, this is Ranger Jim as always telling 07:39 you boys and girls, don't forget to tell Jesus 07:41 that you love him because 07:43 He really does love you. 07:52 Standing, Standing, Standing, I'm standing 07:59 on the promises of Lord. Hello boys and girls. 08:07 Andrew, what are you doing? Buddy, 08:11 I've been reading the Bible and when 08:13 I read the Bible I feel 10 feet high, or 7 feet. 08:19 Wow! You must be standing on lot of promises, 08:23 Andrew what does it mean to stand on the promises? 08:26 As sure as I'm standing here God keep His promises. 08:31 That's right boys and girls, we're 08:33 standing on the promises of God. 08:40 Standing on the promises of Christ my King, 08:44 Through eternal ages let His praises ring, 08:48 Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, 08:52 Standing on the promises of God. 08:55 Standing, standing, 09:00 Standing on the promises of God my Savior; 09:04 Standing, standing, 09:08 I'm standing on the promises of God. 09:13 Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord 09:16 Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord, 09:20 Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, 09:24 Standing on the promises of God. 09:28 Standing, standing, 09:32 Standing on the promises of God my Savior; 09:36 Standing, standing, 09:47 Andrew, what are you doing? 09:49 I'm standing on the promises of God. 09:53 Standing, standing, 09:58 Standing on the promises of God my Savior; 10:02 Standing, standing, 10:08 I'm standing on the promises of God. 10:12 I'm standing on the promises of God. 10:29 Hi, today we're gonna make special K Loaf, 10:31 It's a really good recipe, sometimes my family 10:34 likes to eat for Sabbath lunch or maybe anytime, 10:38 now I'm gonna the recipe for you. 10:59 We're gonna start with the Mori-Nu tofu 11:01 and I've already placed one package in the bowl 11:04 and we're gonna use two packages and this 11:06 is the Mori-Nu firm tofu, and you can actually 11:12 use any brand of tofu, but this kind we like to 11:15 use because it's smoother. Mori-Nu smooth, 11:18 Mori-Nu is the smoothest brand. 11:21 And if we chose to use another brand that's fine, 11:23 but it's gonna have a different texture 11:25 I'm go ahead and take this and put it in a bowl. 11:29 And if you, when you get the package 11:33 it's actually gonna have a little bit of juice 11:36 in it, but you can drain that before 11:39 I've already drain that. So, we're gonna next 11:43 take the onion and this actually, we have already 11:46 sauteed it and it is suppose to, it has 11:49 to be kind of clear when you finished it. 11:52 And you can saute it really anyway, 11:55 I always put it in the microwave or you can 11:57 saute it on the stove in a little bit of olive oil. 12:01 Go head and dump this in, 12:10 and next we're gonna use putting our olive oil 12:14 and go head. And then our pecan meal 12:31 and well you can use, I like to put in well 12:37 we use special K cereal and you can really 12:40 use any kind, but this is just we use, 12:48 12 oz. box of it, gets pretty full. 12:50 So, if you can use a big bowl it's better. 12:54 And then our McKay's style beef seasoning, 13:00 we stir it all up and you want to smash your 13:03 tofu with a fork, helps to get it all, gather in. 13:09 You can really use this recipe you can take it, 13:12 it's good even cold maybe on a picnic 13:15 or anywhere and or hot if you can't serve it hot, 13:21 then it's really good cold also, stir this all up. 13:26 You're gonna mix until it's about this 13:27 consistency and make sure when you do it, 13:29 you don't wanna crunch up your special K 13:34 or it won't be as crisper as good. 13:37 And by the way when I said that, 13:39 you can use any brand, any kind of cereal, 13:43 I meant actually any kind of brand of special K, 13:47 because it wouldn't taste too good if you 13:48 used cheerios. And go head and this is 13:53 another pan, you wanna spray it with some stuff 14:04 and I actually I'm using a bigger pan than 14:07 you're supposed to you actually use about 9/13, 14:10 but since I don't have 9/13 I'm gonna go head 14:13 and just not use as much but do it in a smaller. 14:16 Because if you have it too thick you only want 14:18 it about like this, because if you have it too 14:20 thick it will get really mushy and it won't taste 14:22 very good. So, I, I'm not gonna put 14:26 all of this in but just some of it. 14:37 Good, you can bake it, if it's too thick, 14:40 you have too much then you don't, 14:42 you want to use two smaller, two small things, 14:45 you have a nice, nice crisp loaf. 14:53 You don't want it mushy, it won't taste as good, 14:55 but that thick looks good and you wanna bake 15:00 it at 350, for about 45 to 60 minutes and 15:07 this is what finished product looks like. 15:15 And you can cut this into pieces or just to 15:20 serve it, this and that's pretty much all there 15:27 is to it. So remember, 15:30 keep cooking and eat healthy. 15:44 Oh, Jared, don't forget to bring my mixing bowl. 15:46 I've got it. Hello, I'm Jared, that was 15:54 my mother, and we're all packing up because 15:57 we're going on to a trip. We're leaving Egypt 15:59 and we're never coming back. 16:01 See we've been slaves in Egypt for a long, 16:03 long time. The Egyptians been making us work hard, 16:08 but Moses came, God sent him. 16:10 And he came to Pharaoh and said: 16:13 Let my people go, that they may serve me. 16:15 Pharaoh said, who is this God? I will not let 16:18 your people go and so it changed Pharaoh's mind, 16:22 God send all kinds of terrible plagues. 16:25 He sends frogs and hail and darkness all kinds 16:28 of plagues, but still Pharaoh was stubborn 16:31 and would not let us go. Well last night, 16:34 dad came home with special instructions 16:38 from Moses, He said to my mother to go fix 16:45 a special meal. So, mom started mixing dough 16:49 make bread, well dad went out to kill a lamb. 16:52 I hope mom mixed the dough, it's fun mixing 16:55 dough, dough gets on my hands and the flour 16:57 gets all over me. Usually mom laughs and said 16:59 I look silly, but today she didn't laugh, 17:01 she just kind of smile, a sad smile and wiped 17:06 the flour off my face. I wondered by and 17:10 dad came and brought the lamb, 17:12 I close my eyes because I did not want to look 17:15 I don't like it when the animals die, 17:17 especially the cute little lambs. 17:19 But then dad said he needed my help, 17:22 he took me outside to the front steps 17:26 and handed me a little bowl, in the bowl was 17:30 something red. He said it was lamb's blood. 17:34 He deep some hyssop in the lambs blood 17:37 and wiped it on the side of the door, 17:41 it left big red stain. Then he wiped it across 17:45 the top of the door and on the other side 17:47 of the door. The door was surrounded 17:50 by big red stains. A little boy across the street 17:54 started to laugh, other Egyptians walking 17:57 down the street started to laugh too. 17:58 I said dad, why are they laughing? 18:02 He just shook his head and took me inside. 18:06 He sat me down and said, Jared, Pharaoh 18:12 has been stubborn and will not let us go like 18:14 God told him to. And so tonight God will do here 18:18 something so terrible that Pharaoh will have 18:20 to change his mind. I said dad what terrible 18:24 thing is God can do? Dad said, tonight the Lord 18:31 will pass through the whole land of Egypt. 18:33 And the oldest boy in every family will die; 18:38 I was scared, I say dad, I am the oldest boy 18:41 in our family, so I'm gonna die too. 18:44 Dad hugged me and said no, no, no, no that's why 18:48 God told us to put the blood on our door. 18:51 That when God goes through the land of Egypt, 18:54 He will see the blood on our door and no one 18:57 in this family will die. Then I was glad, 19:01 I didn't care if any of the Egyptians laughed 19:03 we were obeying God, we were going to be safe. 19:06 That night we ate supper standing up, 19:10 it seemed kind of strange, but that's what God 19:13 said to do and so we were going to do it. 19:16 It got dark but nobody went to sleep, 19:19 mom lighted a candle and hugged me real tight, 19:22 her eyebrows looked worried, dad walked back 19:25 and forth, back and forth across the floor. 19:28 He was worried too. Mom light another candle 19:34 when the first one burned down, 19:36 we waited for hours and hours finally we all 19:39 gathered around to pray. We prayed that God would 19:43 please see the blood on our door, that He would 19:46 please passover us and no one in this 19:48 family would die. We prayed and prayed 19:51 for a long, long time. Suddenly we heard a 19:55 scream from down the street, it was scary 19:58 and crying, then we heard crying closer 20:02 and then next door, it seemed like the whole 20:06 Egypt was crying, dogs were barking, 20:08 cats were yowling, it was crying and crying 20:10 and crying, it was so sad. All the Egyptians 20:14 were crying, because they hadn't listened 20:16 to God, they hadn't put the blood over their door 20:19 and now the oldest boy in their families had died, 20:23 it was a sad night, may be the saddest night 20:26 in the whole world. I started to cry too, 20:29 but dad said no, don't cry, tonight we're free, 20:33 God has saved us don't cry, we're free. 20:36 Then we melt again and thanked God, 20:39 we thank Him for being so loving and being so kind. 20:43 We thanked Him for passing over our house 20:45 and for saving us. Well, now we're 20:50 getting ready to go, we're packing and 20:53 dad said, we should leave by the time gets light. 20:56 Already the sky is getting bright, 20:58 so I need to hurry. Jared, are you coming? 21:02 Yes, surely. Well I need to go, but remember 21:10 whenever you have a problem God has a way 21:13 to save you too. Just pray to Him and ask 21:16 and he will show you a way, you can 21:17 be free too. Okay, yes, coming. 21:37 He's able, He's able, I know He's able; 21:41 I know my Lord is able to carry me through. 21:45 He's able, He's able, I know He's able; 21:49 I know my Lord is able to carry me through. 21:53 He healed the broken hearted 21:56 And He set the captives free; 22:00 He made the lame to walk again 22:03 And He caused the blind to see. 22:07 That's why, He's able, He's able, I know He's able; 22:13 I know my Lord is able to carry me through. 22:17 He's able, He's able, I know He's able; 22:22 I know my Lord is able to carry me through. 22:26 I know my Lord is able to carry me through. 22:43 Thank you for that beautiful song, 22:46 well boys and girls, I want you to meet 22:47 a friend of mine today, her name is Destiny. 22:50 Hi, Destiny, can you say hi to the boys and girls 22:53 at home? Hi, Destiny is a little bit nervous 22:56 I'm telling her that she doesn't have to 22:58 be nervous it's her first time visiting us 23:00 here in on sharing time. But you don't have to 23:03 be nerves because you know why Jesus is in your 23:05 heart and He loves you. Isn't that wonderful? 23:09 Now you wrote and asked me if you can be 23:11 on Sharing Time didn't you. 23:13 Yes, and tell me what do you do to share Jesus? 23:16 I have a computer game called, read, 23:20 write and type and I type my, I type my memory 23:27 verses and I send them all over the world. 23:31 You do, that's a good feeling if you send Bible 23:34 verses all over, now does anyone ever answer back. 23:37 Yes, they do what are they say? They might say 23:43 thank you for sending the letter. 23:45 They do, so they're happy that you send the letter. 23:48 Well it maybe next time you could just put a little 23:51 note on them too and say did you know that 23:53 Jesus loves you, could you do that? 23:57 I think that be a wonderful thing to do, 23:59 wasn't that a wonderful idea though you could 24:01 e-mail Bible verses and send them out to 24:03 everywhere boys and girls, I think that's awesome. 24:05 Well I have a letter here from Trinidad, 24:08 have you ever been to Trinidad? I haven't either. 24:11 But here is a picture so you can hold up for me 24:14 and let see here this letter says 24:20 dear Miss Brenda, it said my name is Jessica 24:23 and I'm 8-years-old. It says I enjoy Kids Time 24:27 everyday on cable TV and I love the 24:29 cooking time the best and I love to help 24:32 my mom cook in the kitchen, love Jessica. 24:35 I like the cooking time too and Katie have 24:39 some wonderful recipes if you've ever tried 24:41 them boys and girls they're really good. 24:43 Do you like cooking time with, with Catie? 24:45 I do too. This one say, dear Miss Brenda, 24:49 two letters in one envelop, must be her sister. 24:51 My name is Amy and I'm 5-years-old, 24:54 I like watching Kids Time everyday on TV 24:57 and I love sharing time the best. 24:59 I love to share snacks with my sister 25:01 and friends, love Amy. Well thank you 25:04 Amy for your letter and we'll put your picture 25:08 over here and thank you for your picture too 25:10 that's so pretty. I love the letters boys 25:13 and girls and I love to see what you look like, 25:15 so thank you for including the pictures. 25:16 It feels like another picture in here yes 25:19 it is what a handsome man, can you show that 25:22 to the boys and girls? And I'll read the letter, 25:25 dear Miss Brenda my name is Oshin and 25:28 I'm a Christian, I love Jesus very much and 25:32 one way I witness for Him by singing at my school, 25:34 because I love to sing, my mother and 25:37 I watched Kids Time and we love your program. 25:41 I would like to join Kids Club, here is the 25:44 picture of myself Jesus loves you, 25:46 your friend Oshin. Well thank you Oshin 25:49 for that wonderful letter and your picture, 25:51 and I'm glad that you and your mom are both 25:53 watching Kids Time, moms and dads there is 25:56 something that they can watch too isn't it? 25:58 Little something for everyone and maybe 26:00 our time for just one quick letter and this 26:02 letter says dear Miss Brenda I really enjoy 26:06 watching Kids Time and Cooking Time, 26:08 Praise Time and most the all the stories. 26:11 Because of all the lessons I learned, 26:13 said please send me an activity book, 26:16 I thank you and more power with God, 26:19 God bless Michelle and Michelle is from 26:21 the Philippines. Well thank you, she adds some, 26:25 put her address down there for me, 26:26 well thank you Michelle. Well but that's all the 26:29 time we have today boys and girls, 26:30 I wanna thank you Destiny for being on 26:32 our program today and I want you to keep on 26:35 sharing Jesus won't you? And boys and 26:37 girls remember, wherever you go, 26:39 whatever you do its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17