Kids' Time

God's Anointed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000080

00:03 It's time to share, there's a world
00:05 out there, looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share, there's a world
00:12 out there. Let's tell them that He loves
00:15 us so. Let's tell them that He loves
00:18 us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, have you ever
00:26 wondered about you look like inside
00:28 your body? Look, you can see all my ribs.
00:32 Well actually this isn't, this isn't me,
00:34 it's actually a picture of somebody
00:36 else's chest. But can you see
00:38 the curving bones of this rib cage
00:40 right here. Perhaps you've had
00:42 an X-ray taken at sometime.
00:45 Maybe you've ever twisted your ankle or,
00:47 you've fallen or, or cracked your
00:49 collar bone. You know you probably
00:52 had to go to the hospital for an X-ray.
00:54 Now the X-ray technician,
00:56 he would have helped you to lie down
00:58 on probably a hard cold table.
01:00 And then they would have positioned
01:02 you just so on the huge camera over
01:05 the part of your body that hurt.
01:07 When you were all set the X-ray technician
01:10 would have ducked into a little room
01:12 and told you to do, hold your breathe
01:14 and snap, your picture will be taken.
01:17 Now if you ever get a chance to look
01:19 at your X-ray you might say that
01:21 doesn't look like me and you know what
01:24 it probably doesn't. At least not on
01:27 anything on the outside that you've seen
01:28 before because X-rays don't take pictures
01:31 of your outside they take pictures
01:33 of your inside. And some people
01:35 with great imagination, they've thought up
01:38 stories where human beings could look at
01:40 people with that what they call X-ray vision.
01:44 Now they've made TV shows and
01:46 movies starring people who can supposedly
01:48 look into another person's body,
01:51 see their minds and read their thought.
01:54 But do you know what these stories
01:55 are only pretend, for no human has
01:59 ever been born who can actually see
02:02 inside someone or read their mind.
02:05 But I know someone who can.
02:07 And that someone is Jesus. You know,
02:10 He doesn't need an X-ray in order to
02:12 look inside of us like this one.
02:14 In our Bible story today we'll hear that
02:17 human beings look on the outside of a person.
02:20 But God, He looks on the hearts.
02:24 You know I'm glad that's true because
02:26 human beings can often misjudge us.
02:28 They jump to wrong conclusions about
02:31 the kind of people we are simply by
02:33 the way we look. But Jesus,
02:36 He looks on the inside and He never ever
02:40 misjudges a thing about us.
02:42 He always understands just what we're
02:44 thinking and why we feel and act
02:47 the way we do. Aren't you glad you
02:49 have a best friend like that?
02:51 I am. Now let's listen as Ranger Jim
02:55 tells us some interesting
02:56 facts about Tarantulas.
03:05 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
03:06 welcome to Nature Time. We have something
03:08 very unusual for you today.
03:10 We have some beautiful Tarantulas.
03:12 We have my friend Daniel and John
03:13 with us today. John is very
03:15 knowledgeable about these creatures
03:16 he keeps them as a pet and he's going to
03:18 give us some information.
03:19 John, educate boys and girls and Ranger Jim
03:21 about these creatures. Okay.
03:23 Hi boys and girls, Tarantulas,
03:26 I love the pet. Very boring pet,
03:28 all they do really is sit in their cage
03:30 and eat whatever you throw in them,
03:33 for them to eat. What do they
03:34 eat there you might ask me?
03:35 Well number one Tarantulas will eat
03:38 anything that's probably at least
03:40 half their body size or if they're hungry
03:42 enough they could eat some things
03:43 even larger. Tarantulas will eat
03:46 everything from insects, they'll eat other
03:49 spiders could be their own kind,
03:51 another Tarantula they'll eat snakes,
03:54 lizards, geckos, toads, frogs,
03:57 birds you name it. If a Tarantula's hungry
04:00 and if it's big enough and something
04:02 comes across its way, it will eat it.
04:05 Some Tarantulas are even called bird eating
04:07 Tarantulas because of the size
04:09 of the spider itself. They're amazingly large.
04:13 The largest Tarantula sits alone
04:15 at 14 inches. 14 inches, just
04:18 sitting on this table. Oh I wouldn't hold that,
04:19 well Daniel would you hold the 14 incher?
04:21 No. You know Tarantulas come from almost
04:24 all parts of the world. The one that
04:26 we're seeing here, this one here is
04:28 from Brazil. It's a tree dwelling
04:29 spider that Jim is now holding.
04:32 And boys and girls my buddy Daniel here
04:35 is holding what's called a black beauty.
04:37 Its from the again the jungles of Brazil,
04:41 this here is a tree dweller,
04:42 what Daniel's got here is a ground dweller,
04:45 both come from Brazil. Now Tarantulas
04:47 come from North America,
04:49 they come from South America,
04:51 you will see them in Asia and none in Europe.
04:55 For some reason there are no
04:58 Tarantulas in Europe. You will also see
04:59 a couple of types of spiders in Australia.
05:02 Are they dangerous? Very much.
05:05 Not to scare you Daniel.
05:07 The ones that we have here are very
05:08 docile. Yes, all Tarantulas are
05:12 poisonous. Now can that poison
05:14 hurt you though? The answer is
05:16 in most cases no. But there are
05:18 some that have venom, they can't do damage
05:22 to your skin, to your nerves, to your body.
05:25 Always have mom and dad with you
05:27 boys and girls if you're gonna be playing
05:29 or holding Tarantulas or if you go to buy
05:31 one in the store for a pet,
05:32 because they do sell them as pets.
05:34 And the ones that they sell us pets are
05:36 also very docile and very tame,
05:38 otherwise they won't be selling them.
05:40 The types of spiders I have I get them
05:42 from specialty store, so I could get spiders
05:44 from Asia, I could get them from Africa,
05:47 I could get them from South America,
05:49 North America all different kinds.
05:52 If you're not experienced enough
05:53 though they're not going to sell you
05:54 one that can be dangerous.
05:56 How much could you cost John to buy,
05:57 if we're gonna pick this as a hobby.
06:00 This one that Daniel's holding right now
06:02 could be almost a $100. The one that you're
06:05 holding there could be about $7200.
06:08 The larger the Tarantula the more
06:10 expensive the Tarantula. The less popular
06:15 or the ones that are not so available,
06:18 Tarantulas, those are the ones that are gonna
06:20 cost you some more money.
06:21 Speaking of money and speaking of things that
06:23 we feed Tarantulas, I want to show
06:25 every boy, all you boys and girls.
06:28 Can you see these? These are South
06:30 American cockroaches. I'm gonna try to pick
06:32 one up here. That's how big these are.
06:35 What I am trying to do number one I try
06:37 to raise Tarantulas, I try to raise them so
06:39 like to sell myself. I also try to raise
06:43 these things which are called South
06:44 American cockroaches. I'm trying to raise a
06:48 colony so I don't have to keep buying them
06:49 all the time and then I could have
06:51 babies of my own. But what we're gonna
06:53 do with this one here we're gonna put
06:54 it in a Tarantula's cage to see if
06:56 they'll eat it. Do you wanna see
06:57 that boys and girls? Alright,
06:59 let's put one in. How about this cage
07:01 right here, let's take a look
07:02 and see what happens? Wow,
07:05 he took that right away.
07:06 Do you see that Jim. Man, he's hungry,
07:08 isn't he? That cockroach is hanging in its fangs.
07:13 And one thing about these cockroaches
07:14 is they take a long time to die.
07:16 So that Tarantulas is gonna be eating
07:18 for quite sometime. Number one,
07:19 it's got to kill its prey. Number two,
07:22 after its prey is dead then it will start
07:25 munching on it. So right now its got to,
07:27 got to do its thing first.
07:29 Look at our friend Daniel here,
07:30 look at his, he's handling him
07:31 like a professional, isn't this neat.
07:33 And I am not even paying attention
07:35 to Daniel, Daniel is an expert already.
07:37 Alright isn't that neat, my 4-year-old son
07:38 also holds some of my spiders,
07:40 of course I only have that docile ones
07:42 that he will handle. So, if you know what
07:45 you're doing, if you have a gentle
07:47 docile spider anybody could handle this
07:50 if you don't have the fear.
07:51 Alright, and we've got the Tarantula
07:53 to see and enjoy. Boys and girls,
07:55 I've enjoyed it so much today,
07:58 I've never had an opportunity to hold
07:59 a Tarantula before and handle them.
08:00 But we find today that the Tarantulas like
08:02 all of God's creatures have so many
08:04 wonderful interesting things about them.
08:07 So, don't forget to tell Jesus that you
08:09 love him because he really does love you.
08:19 Hey Britt how are you doing?
08:20 Good, but I can't find Titus,
08:22 can you say the books of the Bibles.
08:24 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
08:27 Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
08:30 1st and 2nd Samuel 1st Kings, 2nd Kings,
08:34 3rd Kings, 4th Kings, 5th Kings, 6th Kings.
08:38 Britt, I don't know if we have a book for
08:41 for all those kings, but we do have a Song
08:44 for all those books. We're going to
08:46 sing a song about the "Books of the Bible."
08:54 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers
08:59 Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
09:05 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st kings & 2nd Kings
09:10 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra
09:12 Nehemiah, Esther, Job,
09:16 Psalms, Proverbs,
09:18 Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon,
09:22 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations,
09:24 Ezekiel, Daniel,
09:26 Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah.
09:29 Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
09:32 Habakkuk, Zephaniah
09:36 Haggai, Zachariah,
09:39 and the last book Malachi.
09:44 Matthew, Mark, Luke
09:45 and John, Acts and Romans
09:48 1st & 2nd Corinthians
09:49 Galatians, Ephesians,
09:51 Philippians, Colossians
09:53 1st & 2nd Thessalonians
09:55 1st & 2nd Timothy,
09:57 Titus, and Philemon
09:58 Hebrews and Book
10:00 of James, 1st & 2nd Peter.
10:02 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, Jude and Revelation.
10:06 Boys and girls, we'd like you to try
10:08 that with us, do you think you can keep up.
10:15 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers
10:19 Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
10:24 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st kings & 2nd Kings
10:29 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra
10:31 Nehemiah, Esther, Job,
10:35 Psalms, Proverbs,
10:37 Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon,
10:40 Isaiah, Jeremiah,
10:42 Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel,
10:45 Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah.
10:47 Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
10:50 Habakkuk, Zephaniah
10:54 Haggai, Zachariah, and the
10:58 last book Malachi. Here we go.
11:02 Matthew, Mark, Luke and
11:03 John, Acts and Romans
11:05 1st & 2nd Corinthians
11:08 Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
11:11 1st & 2nd Thessalonians
11:13 1st & 2nd Timothy,
11:15 Titus, and Philemon
11:17 Hebrews and Book of
11:18 James, 1st & 2nd Peter.
11:20 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, Jude and Revelation.
11:25 Well Britt, did you ever
11:27 find Titus? Yes. Its right there.
12:48 Children, it's so nice to see you.
12:51 I'm David's mother, the queen mother.
12:55 I'm now picking flowers today for
12:56 the palace and it's so nice that I can
12:59 talk with you for a bit because I was
13:02 just thinking how not long ago it seems
13:05 that David was just like you,
13:08 and he was running around and having
13:10 a good time with all his sheep.
13:13 And he was a wonderful boy.
13:15 And a good helper to me and to his father,
13:18 but I remember a special time.
13:21 A day when Samuel came to visit
13:23 unexpectedly he wanted to come
13:26 and worship with us and when he did
13:32 he said I want to see all of your sons,
13:33 everyone one of them. And so we called
13:36 in the sons one by one. And my oldest was a
13:39 big and strongman and very handsome
13:43 like his father. And I thought
13:46 oh maybe Samuel has something special
13:49 for my oldest son. But you know it has
13:53 been true throughout time that man is
13:57 always looking on the outside, but God,
14:00 He looks on the heart.
14:02 And so Samuel kept saying no,
14:04 it's not him and one by one our sons
14:08 came to Samuel until at last they had all
14:11 come expect for David. But David was out in
14:15 the field where he always is with the
14:17 sheep and he was helping his father
14:19 and his brothers. And Samuel said is
14:22 there not yet one other son of Jesse's
14:26 and we said well one more,
14:28 David was in the field but he was
14:30 watching his sheep. And he said let him
14:34 come I want to see him and when he came
14:38 in oh he was all sweaty and tired from
14:41 being with the sheep all day but his cheeks
14:44 were red and rosy the way I like them
14:47 and he smiled very big and he was so
14:50 at home with Samuel and Samuel smiled
14:52 at him too. And then he did
14:54 something very special. It took out his
14:57 horn with oil in it. And he said to David
15:02 I am going to anoint you King and we were
15:06 all just shocked, what? Little David,
15:11 the one who takes care of his sheep,
15:13 the one who is the smallest among
15:15 his brothers, well he's just a shepherd boy.
15:19 King? But it was something that God
15:22 was pointing Samuel to do,
15:25 for God had already seen that this
15:26 shepherd boy was going to be
15:28 the next King. And so Samuel
15:31 anointed David and the oil ran down
15:34 his hair and we were all happy
15:37 and rejoicing knowing that God had done
15:39 something very special for our son.
15:42 And the spirit of God came on David
15:45 and David was good and faithful
15:47 to the Lord, he even went to the
15:49 palace to play for King Saul because David
15:53 was good at the harp. And he would calm
15:56 Saul's spirit when he was always upset
16:00 or somehow he felt that he was confused
16:04 about what he should do and David
16:06 would play and he would calm down.
16:09 And David became one of Saul's favorite
16:12 and he never assumed on the King I'm the
16:14 anointed of the Lord. He knew that God had
16:17 chosen Saul and that he must wait his time.
16:20 And so it took time to pass before
16:24 David came into his own kingdom.
16:26 But because he was patient God
16:28 made David a special King,
16:30 a King after his own heart and yes,
16:35 David was the one who defeated Goliath,
16:37 the giant. And yes David was
16:40 the one that slayed a lot of the enemies
16:43 of the Israel. But my friends of all
16:46 the things that David did best
16:48 was that David was small for God.
16:52 He knew that he needed God to
16:54 make him King, a good King and
16:57 you know when people see shepherd boys,
17:00 God can see a King, when people see you
17:06 and they may say, well I don't know
17:07 what he will be, God may have
17:08 big plans for you and for me.
17:10 I know I'm the queen mother,
17:13 I never expected to be,
17:14 but I'm proud of my boy.
17:16 And I know that God is proud of him too
17:20 and you know what? God is proud of you
17:24 if you allow Him to lead in your life too.
17:51 It is no longer I who live
17:57 It is no longer I who live
18:04 It is no longer I who live
18:12 But Christ who lives in me.
18:18 It is no longer I who live
18:25 It is no longer I who live
18:38 It is no longer I who live
18:39 But Christ who lives in me.
18:45 It is no longer I who live
18:52 It is no longer I who live
18:58 It is no longer I who live
19:06 But Christ who live in me.
19:19 It is no longer I who live
19:20 But Christ who lives in me.
19:43 Right now I'm sitting here reading
19:44 my mail and I have a letter here from
19:47 Brandy Amla from Georgia.
19:50 She says, dear Miss Brenda,
19:52 I'm 10 years old and I love telling
19:53 people about Jesus. I love Kids Time
19:56 and seeing everyone witnessing for Jesus,
19:58 I love to hear people tell stories and sing.
20:01 Please would you write back to me,
20:02 God bless you, love Brandy.
20:04 Said, PS: I would like a Kids Time book.
20:07 Well Brandy, thank you for your letter
20:09 and I'll send you a book,
20:10 but you know what Brandy,
20:12 keep on telling people about Jesus won't you?
20:14 I just love to tell people about Jesus
20:16 and I have someone with me today
20:20 that also likes to tell people about Jesus.
20:21 And that's my friend Ben.
20:22 Hi Ben. Hi. Thank you for being with
20:24 me on Sharing Time. You're welcome.
20:26 Now, tell me what have you done
20:28 recently to share Jesus.
20:30 I'm selling bumper stickers for a donation.
20:32 Can you show me a bumper sticker?
20:34 Sure. And, now there's the bumper sticker.
20:37 Can you see that boys and girls,
20:38 it says God Bless America.
20:40 Now how many of these did you sell.
20:41 5000. 5000, that's a lot of bumper stickers.
20:45 Now what are you gonna do with
20:47 all that money? We are going to buy books.
20:53 What kind of books? Adults books that are,
20:56 that talk about Jesus and they'll tell
20:58 about Jesus for the people in New York.
21:00 And you say you want to specially
21:02 pass it out to people in New York.
21:04 And for some kids and for the kids
21:07 in New York, so that they can have
21:10 some little books to look at and read.
21:12 So you're gonna both buy books,
21:13 two separate kinds, books for children
21:15 and books for adults and pass them out
21:17 to all kinds of people so they can
21:19 learn about Jesus. Well that's a
21:20 wonderful way to witness isn't it boys
21:22 and girls? You know maybe you have
21:24 a project for where you could raise
21:25 some money and send that money
21:27 to buy books and stories for children
21:31 and adults that we can teach people
21:34 everywhere about Jesus,
21:35 that would be a wonderful way to
21:36 witness isn't it? Well right now I
21:38 would like to share a letter with you from
21:40 it says from Nassau, from the Bahamas
21:43 and let's see how I, if I can get it open here.
21:46 And this letter is from, oh I have a picture,
21:49 can you hold that picture for me Ben?
21:51 And, while I read the letter, it says,
21:53 dear Miss Brenda, I love God very much
21:56 and I even love him so much I feel
21:58 like jumping for joy. I want to give my
22:03 heart to the Lord, I love Kids Time
22:05 and the Bible, I'm 7 years old, love,
22:07 Michael. Well thank you Michael for your
22:10 letter and you know what,
22:11 I'm so glad that you love Jesus.
22:13 You know I want to share him with
22:15 someone else today, tell someone else
22:17 that Jesus loved him, wont' you?
22:19 Thank your for that letter.
22:20 Then there's one here that says from Indiana
22:26 and it's a letter that says,
22:27 dear Miss Brenda, it's,
22:29 I can hardly read the writing here so
22:32 bear with me, it says,
22:38 Christian James Clare, Regina,
22:39 Audrey and maybe Portia.
22:41 I'm not sure it says depends on the day,
22:43 we want to sing a song for Kids Time,
22:45 we go to a Christian schools so we tell,
22:47 preach and pass out books to tell
22:49 about Jesus love. We all love Jesus
22:52 and we know He is coming soon.
22:54 We are in 6th and 7th grades and we
22:56 want to thank Jesus for our lives
22:58 and for our parents, our teachers
22:59 and we can't forget Kids Time.
23:01 We love your show, bye for now,
23:04 we love you all. And I wanna thank you
23:06 for your letter. If boys and girls,
23:08 if any of you ever want to sing or play
23:10 a musical instrument on Kids Time,
23:12 all you need to do is write to me,
23:14 send me a video of yourself singing or
23:16 playing your instrument and I'll send
23:18 it right here to 3ABN and I will get it,
23:21 okay. So that's all you have to do,
23:22 is make sure you send me a video.
23:25 I have one here from Camden,
23:27 Tennessee and let's see what,
23:28 oh we've got another picture,
23:30 can you hold this up for me, Ben?
23:31 Thank you. Dear Miss Brenda my
23:33 name is Joseph and I can not write
23:36 yet so my mom is writing for me.
23:38 I share Jesus by helping my friends
23:40 and telling them about Jesus love,
23:41 I tell them that Jesus is coming soon
23:44 and I try to share Him with all my friends,
23:46 I really enjoy Kids Time especially
23:48 the stories and the cooking,
23:50 thank you Joseph. PS: This is a picture
23:52 of me and my sisters, left
23:54 to right is Jennifer, Amanda, Karen
23:58 and Joseph. Well thank you so much
24:00 for that picture and also for the letter,
24:04 I love that. Got one here from New Zealand
24:08 and this letter says, Dear Brenda,
24:11 our grandma taped 3ABN in South Africa
24:14 and send it to us, we like to share Jesus
24:17 by telling people about Jesus and making
24:21 cards and also sending flowers.
24:23 I have a sister and a brother,
24:24 please can I have a Kids Time book.
24:26 Well thank you Esther for your letter,
24:28 I want you to keep on sharing
24:29 Jesus won't you? I'm sure that after
24:31 you watch our show you'll have lots
24:33 of ideas of ways you can share Jesus.
24:35 Now this letter is from Hungry Horse,
24:37 Montana and let's see, oh this is a
24:40 tiny little picture, can you hold that up?
24:42 That's a tiny picture, I hope we can
24:44 see that one. It says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:46 I'm 9 years old, when my family goes
24:48 on mission trips I help build churches,
24:51 my older sister is writing this for me.
24:54 PS: Please send me a Kids Time activity book,
24:57 thank you. And then she also said dear
24:59 Miss Brenda, I drew this picture
25:01 for you and can you see this picture,
25:03 isn't that pretty? I love that.
25:06 It looks like a little bunny rabbit and
25:08 thank you for that picture and before that
25:11 was a tiny picture, wasn't it?
25:13 And now I've got another one here
25:14 I want to read you from the Philippines
25:17 and let's see who this is from,
25:18 oh another picture boys and girls.
25:22 Oh what a pretty girl. It said,
25:24 dear Miss Brenda, hi my name is April,
25:27 I'm 11 years old and I live here
25:29 in the Philippines, here is my picture
25:31 when I'm in grade 5 last year,
25:33 I share Jesus with my friends and with
25:35 my cousins who are not yet Christians.
25:38 I really am interested in your show
25:41 and 3ABN. PS: Please send me a Kids Time
25:44 activity book take care and God bless you,
25:47 love April. And April live in I can't even
25:51 pronounce this you guys but ''Pampenga''
25:53 or something like that in the Philippines.
25:56 I'm sorry if I messed up that pronunciation
25:59 because it's awfully hard for
26:00 Miss Brenda to say. Well,
26:02 I'll put that picture in here,
26:03 thank you Ben. Well Ben, I wanna thank you
26:06 for being with me on the program today
26:08 and for sharing, showing how you
26:10 share Jesus and you think you'll be
26:12 signing some more bookmarks,
26:13 I mean some more bumper stickers.
26:16 Awesome, and raise more money for more books.
26:19 Well thank you so much boys and girls
26:20 for joining us today. Remember,
26:22 wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:24 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.
26:27 can see that one. It says,


Revised 2014-12-17