Kids' Time

All For A Bowl Of Lentils

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000078

00:03 It's time to share, there's a
00:05 world out there, looking for a friend
00:08 like Jesus, it's time to share,
00:12 there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls, do you know
00:26 what I have here? Well, let's take a
00:29 closer look, are you guessing beans.
00:33 Well sort of, they're in the same family
00:37 as beans, the family we call legumes,
00:39 but these are lentils. Did you know
00:43 the legume family includes many kinds
00:45 of beans? Also peas and even peanuts,
00:50 lentils are extremely good for us,
00:51 they're high in protein, and they taste
00:54 good too when we just season them
00:55 just right. But have you ever notice
00:58 how some times we associate food
01:00 with an experience we've had.
01:02 I know someone who once ate so many
01:05 cashew nuts that she got sick of them.
01:07 And now she can't even stand to think of
01:09 eating them ever again. Food can have
01:12 good associations too though. Our Bible
01:15 character, today is looking back on
01:17 important events in his life and he's telling
01:19 his granddaughter about them. One of these
01:22 events included a bowl of lentils.
01:25 I have a feeling that he never again enjoyed
01:28 a bowl of lentils after that experience.
01:30 And I'm sure that reminded him of a time
01:32 when he did something wrong. You know,
01:35 Jesus always forgives us when we do
01:37 something wrong, and that and if we
01:39 are truly sorry. But sometimes the memories
01:42 of that wrong doing can make us unhappy
01:45 and unable to enjoy future experiences
01:47 as much as we should. The Bible says,
01:50 the way of the transgressor's hard,
01:53 you know that simply means that doing
01:55 wrong things brings sadness and trouble.
01:58 The character in our Bible story today learn
02:00 that lesson the hard way. We'll soon learn
02:03 all about this man in the bowl of lentils.
02:06 But first, Ranger Jim is going
02:08 to show us some rabbits.
02:17 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying,
02:19 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad
02:20 you can join us today, look what we have,
02:22 some beautiful bunny rabbits and our
02:24 friend Bonnie with us. Tell us about
02:26 these rabbits. Well, we have some pet rabbits
02:28 on our farm. These are Rex Rabbits.
02:32 They are special breed then? That's right,
02:34 that's the type of rabbit they are,
02:36 it's called a mini Rex actually.
02:39 And so these rabbits won't become as
02:40 large as they are normally will have
02:42 size. That's right, Mini Rex just stay
02:44 small, in fact these rabbits are full grown.
02:47 Wonderful and they make a nice pet
02:48 that you can have them. And boys and girls,
02:50 they have a special Rex is a name of the
02:52 gene that they have, that causes
02:54 their whiskers to be slightly curly,
02:55 and the guard hair that he would normally
02:57 have is very short. And so their coat feels
03:00 almost like cashmere, it's silky and smooth
03:03 and so soft as you can see they are very
03:05 gentle, you can hold them in your hands.
03:07 Their toe nails are quite elongated
03:10 and they need to be trimmed. But when I
03:11 picked up this one up, I noticed that
03:12 were the first things I noticed and Bonnie
03:14 you say, they have to be trimmed right then.
03:15 You do, in rabbits you have to trim
03:18 the toe nails, like you and I might
03:19 take a pair of nail clippers and trim my
03:22 finger nails. You have to trim the nails
03:24 of a rabbit, otherwise they're gonna scratch
03:26 you. That's right, as we just pick them up
03:28 them like that. Well, tell me about these
03:31 creatures, they have a very, very
03:32 thick coat, do they do well in warm weather
03:34 or do you have to cool them or?
03:36 On a very hot day, what we do is we take
03:39 a plastic bottle, and we'll put a,
03:43 plastic bottle, put some water in it
03:44 and put it in the freezer. And then the
03:46 bunny rabbits will just actually lay,
03:48 just like this. Alright. On that plastic bottle,
03:50 and that's like their air-conditioner.
03:52 That cools them down. Alright, that cool
03:54 you all faster then Popsicle,
03:55 wouldn't it? Yes, it does. And so they
03:56 enjoy that, and then in the winter time,
03:58 of course you don't leave them outdoors.
03:59 No, in the summer time, we have
04:01 them in outdoor cages, but in the
04:02 winter time, we put them inside a building
04:04 that could be completely closed up.
04:06 And there's a box, they can get in with some
04:08 straw to keep them warm. Very good.
04:10 Now, do these rabbits eat a great meal
04:12 or they're quite or quite eat it. No,
04:14 these rabbits don't eat very much at all.
04:16 In fact, if you would take a small soup can,
04:18 you would only take a half a soup can
04:21 of pallets everyday. And then very
04:24 important that rabbits have a lot of water.
04:26 Wonderful, now does that sound familiar
04:28 to you because Ranger Jim tells
04:29 you constantly boys and girls,
04:31 if you have a pet, it is so important
04:34 That you always remember to have
04:35 fresh water for them, because that creature
04:38 needs the water to survive as you do.
04:40 And we're here in this farm and you
04:42 may here sounds going by, there are
04:44 farm tractors going by. And all of the
04:46 regular traffic that's going through here,
04:48 but tell me this now, if these creatures
04:51 have enough water, a good protection,
04:53 they make a lovely pet. Rabbits are so fun,
04:56 as you can see the little bunny rabbit
04:58 just sitting here on my lap. And it's so
05:00 soft and you can pet the rabbit and
05:03 they're just cuddly and easy to care for.
05:06 Wonderful, boys and girls,
05:07 you've noticed that rabbits always have
05:09 large ears, and if you look at them very
05:11 carefully, you'll see veins. Many veins
05:14 in their ears and especially in the jack
05:16 rabbits and rabbits out in the South West
05:18 or in the desert areas, some of the desert
05:20 rabbits have huge ears. And those ears
05:23 are for cooling, their blood passes through
05:25 there and when they waves them in the wind
05:27 or they when they're running, that's the way
05:29 they cool. And as I told you before with a
05:31 dog, when a dog opens its mouth its hot.
05:34 When the dog is panting and your dog may
05:36 come up and want to kiss you, and he's
05:37 panting and slobbering. Well, that's his
05:39 cooling mechanism, and he does that by
05:42 breathing air, fresh air panting, pulling the
05:45 air back and forth across his tongue
05:47 that's wet. And that dissipates the heat,
05:49 the same way in the rabbit that controls
05:51 his heat, and even in some of the elephants
05:53 that we have, they waves their huge ears
05:55 that's the mechanism that God gave them
05:57 for cooling their bodies. And so,
05:59 tell me now this is the natural color
06:01 on these rabbits, these they may have
06:03 all of the different colors other than
06:04 these? Yeah, just like people, rabbits come
06:06 in all different colors, and they're kind of
06:08 fun because notice that yours is brown
06:10 and mine has a like a light brown face,
06:13 and then a dark brown on it's back.
06:14 So they have all unique patterns
06:16 and they're all different. So you
06:18 never know what's you're going to get,
06:19 this was a grab, bag it in a litter,
06:20 you have all kind of them. Yep,
06:22 and that's what makes it fun. Alright, Bonnie,
06:24 I want to thank you for allowing us
06:25 to come this afternoon, it's been a joy to be
06:27 here and see your beautiful pets.
06:28 Well, thank you, it's a privilege to show
06:30 them to you. Boys and girls, its fun to be
06:33 here and see these creatures.
06:34 Ranger Jim as always saying, don't forget
06:36 to tell Jesus that you love Him
06:38 because He really does love you.
07:00 Hi boys and girls, just for fun,
07:02 I've asked Keira, Crystal Ann and Bobby,
07:05 to write down every sin that they have
07:07 done over the last 24 hours. Let's see,
07:10 how they have done? Keira Mason,
07:17 you've been a very, very good girl.
07:22 Crystal Ann Tan, you've also have been
07:27 a very, very good person.
07:30 Robert Charles how did you do?
07:32 There uncle Buddy, but I ran out on a paper
07:34 and I had to put it all on a disc.
07:36 And even then I've like used up all 650
07:39 megabytes. It's been a rough day.
07:44 Oh! My, well, boy and girls, no matter,
07:50 if you've had this kind of a day,
07:53 or this kind of a day, Jesus will
07:56 forgive you, just ask Him.
08:08 Sometimes when I know
08:11 that I've done something wrong.
08:14 I wonder if God's love
08:18 will leave me all alone.
08:22 Will He forgive me,
08:25 for what I've said and done.
08:29 Then I remembered,
08:31 that's why He sent His son.
08:35 But if I confess my sins,
08:38 He will forgive my sins.
08:42 I can trust God, He does what is right.
08:49 But if I confess my sins,
08:52 He will forgive my sins.
08:56 He'll make me clean,
08:59 from all the wrongs I've done.
09:03 He'll forgive my sins.
09:42 Sometimes when we know
09:45 that we've done something wrong
09:49 We wonder if God's love
09:52 will leave us all alone.
09:55 Will He forgive us
09:59 for what we've said and done
10:02 Then we remember
10:05 that's why He sent His son.
10:08 But if we confess our sins,
10:12 He will forgive our sins.
10:16 We could trust God, he does what is right.
10:22 But if we confess our sins,
10:25 He will forgive our sins.
10:29 He'll make us clean
10:32 from all the wrongs we've done.
10:36 He will forgive our sins.
10:43 He will forgive my sins.
12:22 Boo. Oh! Hi Diana. I bring you some
12:26 bowl of lentils, Grandpa Jacob.
12:29 Thank you very much, Diana.
12:31 I know how much you love
12:33 lentils. I sure do, and I got a story
12:37 I think I can tell you about lentils.
12:40 When I was a little boy, my mother who
12:44 would be a, she would be your great
12:47 grandmother Rebecca. She used to tell
12:50 me stories about the birthright.
12:52 I know what the birthright is;
12:54 it's when all the riches go to the
12:56 firstborn son. Well, that's true, but it's
13:01 more than just about riches Diana,
13:03 it's about the firstborn son receiving
13:07 the blessings that God had promised to
13:09 Abraham. And my mother said that
13:15 I was to receive the birthright,
13:18 and I really looked forward? You did.
13:20 Yes, yeah, now I really look forward
13:23 to the birthright. She said that,
13:26 when I was born I grabbed the heel of my
13:30 brother Esau that would be your great uncle.
13:34 You did. Yeah, yes, that's what she
13:36 told me, but he was born a few minutes
13:39 before I was, so he was older and therefore
13:44 he got the birthright. But I remember
13:47 her telling me that an angel told her
13:51 that God said that I would have
13:53 the birthright blessing. And I
13:56 really wanted the birthright blessing.
13:58 God had promised Abraham that he'd make
14:01 of him a great nation. Now, Esau never
14:05 talked about the birthright, we never
14:08 mentioned it, he just didn't seem to care
14:10 about it. Uncle Esau, he was,
14:15 he was a hunter, he'd leave early in the
14:18 morning and he'd be out all the day long.
14:21 He would be tracking through the woods
14:24 and the fields hunting. I didn't care to hunt,
14:29 I enjoyed being around the animals,
14:30 like taking care of the sheep, goats,
14:33 and I'd help my mother around, around the
14:37 compound there. I like animals too. You do,
14:42 well we got a lot of them today,
14:43 haven't we? Well, oh! She even taught me
14:47 how to cook and then she would tell
14:49 me stories about Abraham and our great
14:53 and wonderful God. Seems to me yes,
14:59 I remember one is them with Esau,
15:00 I was making, I was cooking up a bowl
15:03 of lentils. Just like this and it was
15:05 evening time, about the time for
15:07 evening meal. And across the compound
15:10 I saw Esau coming in, and he walked over
15:13 and he sat down front of me,
15:14 which was rather unusual because Esau
15:16 and I were not close. As I said,
15:20 he was a hunter and I was a herdsman.
15:23 And so I was surprised when he came over,
15:27 and he looked so tired. He was tired
15:30 and weary and from being out all day
15:33 hunting. And, you know in my heart
15:36 I should have given him a bowl of lentils
15:41 And as I thought about it, how I was gonna
15:43 get that birthright blessing from him.
15:45 Esau said, Jacob, give me a bowl of your
15:49 lentils. And right there Diana, I got
15:52 an idea, so I took the lentil and I scooped
15:57 up into a ball, a nice big hot bunch of
16:00 lentils, and I gave them to him,
16:03 handed them out to him. But then I said,
16:07 Esau, I'll give you these lentils if you
16:09 will sell me your birthright. And Esau
16:13 looked up and he said, I'm about ready
16:17 to die Jacob, what's the birthright
16:20 blessing to me? And I said, Esau,
16:23 you swear to me that I'll have
16:25 the birthright, and he did, and then I
16:28 handed him the lentils. And he just
16:31 gobbled those things right up.
16:33 He must have been really hungry. Oh!
16:36 He sure was, my, you should have seen
16:39 his beard when he got done.
16:42 But know what? I got the birthright
16:44 blessing for just a bowl of lentils.
16:48 Well, that's what I thought, later on it
16:52 cost me a lot of heartache and sorrow
16:55 and disappointment. You know what I missed?
16:59 I missed God's miracle on how he was gonna
17:02 give me the birthright. Now that
17:04 would have been a real story. You know Diana,
17:08 it doesn't pay to cheat, even if it's for
17:11 something good that you know belongs to
17:13 you, don't do like I did. You know Diana,
17:19 God has a blessing for you, a birthright
17:22 blessing, and He has a birthright blessing
17:24 for everyone of us. If we will follow God,
17:28 He promises us eternal life.
17:32 Don't sell your birthright blessings
17:33 for a bowl of worldly lentils.
17:37 I won't, Grandpa Jacob. I love you Grandpa
17:43 Jacob. And I love you too Diana. Diana, Diana.
17:49 Oh! Grandma Leah is calling me,
17:51 I better hurry. Don't forget to eat your
17:53 lentils Grandpa Jacob. I won't. Bye. Goodbye.
18:13 I am a promise, I am a possibility
18:20 I am a promise with a capital P
18:26 I can be anything, anything
18:32 that God wants me to be.
18:45 I am a promise, I am a possibility
18:50 I am a promise with a capital P
18:54 I am a great big bundle of potentiality
19:04 And I am learn'n to hear God's voice
19:08 And I am try'n to make the right choice
19:13 And I'm a promise to be
19:16 Anything God wants me to be.
19:22 Hey, you know what, it doesn't matter
19:24 who you are, or the way you live,
19:27 or who your daddy is?
19:28 Or what do you look like?
19:29 What you look like? Are you tall,
19:32 short, fat, skinny, Got holes
19:35 in tennis shoes, freckles on your face,
19:37 it doesn't matter one bit. You could be
19:40 anything God wants you to be,
19:42 and He has something very special amount
19:44 for you. I can climb the mountains,
19:47 crossing sea. From this single voice
19:50 singing. Whatever it is you
19:51 can do it and don't forget.
19:57 I can go anywhere where
19:59 that he wants me to go.
20:02 I can be anything that he wants me to be.
20:05 I can climb on the mountains,
20:08 I can cross the wide sea.
20:10 I have a great big song to sing.
20:13 I am a promise, I am a possibility.
20:18 I am a promise, with a captain of P.
20:22 I am a great big bundle of potentiality.
20:31 And I am learning, learning
20:33 to hear God's voice, and
20:35 I am trying to make the right choice.
20:39 I'm a promise to be,
20:41 anything God wants me to be.
20:47 And I am learning, to hear God's voice, and
20:52 I am trying, trying to make the right choices.
20:55 I am a promise to be
20:58 anything God wants me to be.
21:02 Anything God wants me to be.
21:06 Anything, Anything, He wants me to be.
21:27 Thank you Natalie for that beautiful song,
21:29 and yes you are a promise. I wanna share
21:32 some emails and letters with you
21:34 boys and girls, and there's one here from
21:35 Tracy from the Philippines.
21:37 She writes, dear Brenda, Hi, I'm Tracy
21:40 and I live in the Philippines,
21:41 I really love Kids Time, especially
21:43 Sharing Time. I'm an 11-year-old girl
21:45 now in grade 6, please send me an activity
21:48 book because I really love to read,
21:50 God blessing things, lots of love, Tracy.
21:52 And she drew a beautiful picture
21:54 of an angel, can you see that, is that
21:56 gorgeous? She's quite the artist here,
21:59 and also she painted a beautiful picture,
22:02 and all these bright colors,
22:04 those blue skies and beautiful flowers.
22:07 You are just a talented artist,
22:11 thank you so much Tracy. Then I have a
22:14 letter from Carmella in Belize,
22:17 Central America. Let's find out what she has
22:19 to say? Okay, it says, dear Miss Brenda,
22:23 my name is Carmella and my daughter
22:25 enjoys watching the Kids Time.
22:27 She's just one, but likes to see
22:29 kids on the TV, and she likes for me to read
22:32 her Bible stories. And she loves your
22:34 Bible stories on the program, please write
22:37 as soon as possible for, with a
22:39 Kids Time book. Thanks, Carmella.
22:40 Well, Carmella, I'll be happy to
22:42 send a book and thank you for your letter.
22:44 So glad you're teaching your little one
22:46 about Jesus so soon, such an young age
22:50 and that's where we need to start
22:51 right away. This is an email and it says,
22:56 dear Miss Brenda my name is Nicole
22:58 and I live in a small town called Sedgefield
23:00 in South Africa. I'm 5 years old and I
23:03 love Kids Time, we only had 3ABN for a
23:05 month and would love to get an activity
23:08 book. I share Jesus by singing in front of
23:11 the church with my dad, I help my mom at home
23:13 with chores too, love Nicole. And this is
23:17 the picture of Nicole, and she has her
23:20 little brother or sister there with her,
23:22 and there's her mom and dad with her,
23:24 isn't that a nice picture? What a nice
23:27 family, thank you for sending that.
23:30 Then I have another email, it says,
23:31 dear Brenda my name is Berna and I'm from
23:34 Nairobi, Kenya. I thank you for Kids Time,
23:38 I really enjoy it, love Berna, 11 years old.
23:43 And that's a nice, a nice letter Berna.
23:47 And I have a letter here from Brittany
23:50 and Brittany is from North Las Vegas,
23:52 Nevada. Let's see what Brittany has to say,
23:55 dear Miss Brenda, I gave some clothes
23:57 that were old to some of my Grandma's
23:59 friends poor children. Her friend has a
24:01 ton of children and I have ton of clothes
24:03 to give them, may I have activity book
24:05 please. Sincerely, Brittany.
24:07 Well, Brittany it's always nice when we
24:09 share your clothes, that's what Jesus
24:11 wants us to do, isn't it? And I'm sure you
24:13 made a lot of people very happy.
24:16 Here's an email and it says, dear Miss
24:19 Brenda, Christian greetings in the name
24:21 of the Lord, I'm sister Fatima from the
24:24 beautiful islands of San Pedro in the
24:26 country of Belize. I've four kids, Lizemi 11,
24:32 Liany 7, Leilene 5, and Jerry 30 months,
24:36 it says, they love your TV program.
24:39 This morning, we were watching your program
24:40 and I really love to hear that your
24:42 grandson bows his head and folds his
24:44 hands to pray. My 13 month old baby boy
24:47 does this since he was 12 months.
24:49 We do hope that the Lord continues blessing
24:52 you and your programs; their favorite
24:54 is Praise Time., love Fatima and kids.
24:57 Well, thank you Fatima for that letter
24:59 and I'm glad you enjoyed Michael praying
25:01 and I finally he's not only bows his head
25:04 and fold his hands. And now he would
25:05 also say, dear Jesus and Amen. So
25:09 we would just keep on teaching them,
25:11 even at this early age to pray
25:13 and to love Jesus. I have another email
25:18 here but we go to this email, there's a
25:21 little boy in Africa that he wants to tell
25:24 you how he shares Jesus, he didn't give
25:25 me his name but let's see what he does
25:27 to share Jesus. We read the Bible,
25:32 share with them a bit of Bible and pray.
25:39 Well, thank you, I enjoyed hearing that.
25:42 I'd like to read an email for you from
25:43 South Africa, it says, dear Miss Brenda,
25:46 right now we are looking at your
25:47 program and we enjoy it so much
25:49 we are living in South Africa and on a
25:51 small farm just outside Klerksdorp
25:53 in the North West, we're going to school
25:55 at home, and have so many things to do
25:58 around the house every day, Heinrich,
25:59 this is me and Morney, my brother
26:01 we have our own gardens, we have to
26:04 flowers and press it so that we can make
26:06 cards with it. We also have to cut the long
26:08 ones and take it to somebody in hospital,
26:11 or give it to somebody in an old age home.
26:13 We can make granola too, I have a nice
26:16 adopted granny in the church and I give
26:17 her a bag of granola sometimes.
26:19 My mom also bakes vegetarian pies
26:21 and sometime we take a packet of that
26:24 and give to her. We also have a little
26:26 sister; love Heinrich, Morney and Daniel.
26:29 Well, thank you so much for that letter
26:31 remember boys and girls,
26:32 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17