Kids' Time

A Talking Donkey

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000077

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?
00:28 Welcome to Kids Time. No, that wasn't the donkey
00:34 talking to you; it was only me hiding behind it.
00:38 But you know what; there is a story in the
00:40 Bible that talks about a donkey that
00:43 actually did talk. Now I know there are
00:45 cartoons and television that show animals talking.
00:49 But if you read the list of names at the end
00:51 of the cartoon you'll find the line that gives
00:54 the names of people who are actually doing
00:56 the talking. Now many times these are extremely
00:59 talented people who can produce all kinds
01:03 of sounds with their voices.
01:06 Then the cameraman he cleverly matches the
01:08 movements of the cartoon creatures to the
01:10 off-screen voices. And you know what it looks
01:13 just as if these make believe animals
01:15 or sometimes people are really talking.
01:18 And it's all very clever and quite amazing
01:21 but it's not real. The donkey in our
01:24 Bible story today was quite real though
01:27 and there was no one doing the talking for her.
01:31 Yes, you heard me it was a she.
01:33 Now the Bible tells us that the Lord opened
01:36 the mouth of the donkey, isn't that amazing?
01:40 Yet it seems amazing to us only because donkeys
01:43 can't really speak. But nothing and I want
01:46 you to know boys and girls, nothing,
01:48 absolutely nothing is too hard for God to do.
01:52 You know, God can make donkeys talk if it suits
01:54 a good purpose, He can move mountains
01:57 if it's for a good reason. And Jesus said that
02:01 if little children didn't praise him even stones
02:04 would sing out with praises to the creator.
02:08 We must remember that Jesus is the creator
02:11 and if He could create a donkey in the first
02:13 place He surely can make one talk couldn't he?
02:17 Well right now Ranger Jim is going to show us
02:19 some miniature donkeys and do you know what?
02:22 These donkeys are not going to talk.
02:33 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:35 welcome to Nature Time,
02:36 look what we have today we're surrounded
02:38 by them. Connie, what are these?
02:39 These are miniature donkeys they are also
02:42 referred to Sicilian donkeys or Miniature
02:44 Mediterranean donkeys. Aren't they beautiful?
02:48 Aren't they beautiful? And you started these,
02:50 you had just one or two when you started
02:52 and then you built a herd. Yes, yup from those two.
02:54 And how long have you been doing this?
02:56 We've had these about 15 years.
02:58 And so then you have one or two Jacks
03:02 and then you have, the Breeding Jennies,
03:04 and you have the Breeding Jennies.
03:06 And this will be here we have is a juvenile,
03:08 a baby born early this spring?
03:09 Yeah, and that's the mother.
03:11 Isn't he beautiful? And what about this lady
03:13 we have in front of us here?
03:14 She's probably within about a month
03:16 of having a baby. It's not that
03:17 she is terribly fat; she is just very close to
03:20 having a baby. She is a lady in waiting, isn't she?
03:23 And she is just beautiful and these creatures
03:25 I noticed that they have a lot of dust
03:27 in their coat; do they like to roll a lot?
03:29 They would like to roll in the dust
03:30 and when they grow their winter coat for the winter
03:32 and it's full of this dust, you're not supposed
03:35 to brush it out of their coat because that
03:36 will help insulate them and keep them warm
03:38 for the winter. Boys and girls, we don't want
03:41 you to take anything from that,
03:42 that is good to be dirty okay.
03:44 Because we can well remember when our son
03:46 Mike was about 8 or 9 years old,
03:48 his mother would say, now Mike remember
03:50 you have to have a bath tonight.
03:51 Mike would say, well mother only my hands
03:53 and my feet and my face are dirty.
03:55 And so that's away with these,
03:57 they have lots of dust in their coat but that's
03:59 natural for them to do, they love to roll
04:01 in the dust, many animals do horses and some cows,
04:04 but mostly horses and donkeys that's one way
04:07 they have of itching or scratching their back
04:09 when it itches. They can get up on,
04:10 roll up on their back and they twist back
04:12 in forth other animals rolled in the mud
04:16 and that's for a different reason also to protect
04:18 from flies and the bites of creatures of all kind.
04:21 And a moment ago we had all of the donkeys
04:23 begin to bray, all the males and all the Jacks
04:26 were running around. They were braying
04:27 and making a terrible racket.
04:28 They won't do it for us,
04:30 now that we're on television.
04:31 And so these are very friendly.
04:33 Tell me, now does a mother normally
04:35 have just one? Yes. She will just have
04:36 one baby a year, their gestation is 12 months.
04:40 Miniature donkeys also come in a lot
04:42 of different colors; most of the ones you see
04:44 here are the typical gray down color.
04:46 Here is an example of a brown one,
04:48 they also come in black, white, spotted and sorrel.
04:52 Now would you recommend them for pets or?
04:54 They make excellent pets if you give the babies
04:57 attention for a couple of weeks after
04:58 they're born they will grow up to be very
05:01 affectionate and love your attention
05:02 and love to take treats from you.
05:05 For registration purposes, a miniature donkey
05:07 can be no taller than 36 inches at the shoulder.
05:11 Some of the Jennies we have in here range
05:13 from 32 ½ to 35 ½ inches tall.
05:17 So that's the way that they keep the stock
05:19 by having those standards,
05:20 and you have them to be true miniatures.
05:23 And so they are beautiful little creatures,
05:25 I had not had an opportunity to pet them
05:27 and being in cage with them before but
05:29 they're quite well behaved, I had heard
05:30 that they're somewhat like Shetland ponies,
05:33 they have a reputation of being bad,
05:35 tend to bite and kick and what,
05:37 we haven't seen that at all, have we?
05:38 Not unless they're mistreated.
05:40 Unless they're mistreated.
05:41 If you care for them like you say,
05:42 spend some time with them,
05:43 if you got them boys and girls as a pet
05:45 and you cared for them they would make an
05:47 affectionate pet as you see here,
05:49 they love attention from you.
05:50 Now Connie, we're talking about getting them
05:52 as a pet and you do sell foals,
05:55 is that correct? Yes we do. Okay,
05:56 and what will we except to just run for a person
05:58 that's not going to show them or complete
06:00 with them or something, just to have them as pet,
06:02 what will we think of a cost of starting
06:03 a price of that? Okay a little jack foal which
06:06 would be a male would start at a $125 just for a
06:09 typical gray dun colored one.
06:12 Ones that are colors like brown or black
06:14 would be proportionately higher. Little Jenny Foals
06:18 would range about $500 on up depending on
06:21 color or their background, a lot of
06:24 times the smaller the miniature donkey the more
06:26 valuable it is. And so you can spend a lot
06:28 more than $125 buying a dog. Much more.
06:30 Buying a puppy. Yeah. Okay when you get through
06:32 with that. So these are wonderful,
06:35 look at their little tiny feet.
06:36 They are so small that's one of the thing that
06:38 impress me and they are somewhat like the
06:41 donkeys that you see that can walk
06:43 on the trails, they have some of these,
06:45 if you've ever been to Grand Canyon
06:47 and you've seen those donkeys that walk there,
06:49 very short footed and they have the same
06:51 delicate hoofs that those creatures have.
06:54 And I was impressed with that, the wonderful legs,
06:56 very straight and very, but yet they are powerful,
06:59 here the shoulders aren't they. Yes.
07:00 They have very powerful build there.
07:02 So they are a wonderful creature and Connie
07:05 we would like to thank you for coming this
07:06 afternoon sharing with the boys and girls,
07:08 that we can see these creatures and enjoy
07:10 them and learn more about them and boys and girls
07:12 if you would be interested in buying one of these
07:14 and having one of these as a pet,
07:15 there is probably someone in your area,
07:17 check around and find they make wonderful pets.
07:19 So as always boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying,
07:22 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him
07:24 because He really does love you.
07:40 Hi boys and girls I'm here with Ben
07:42 and I've got a question.
07:44 Ben what's the golden rule?
07:46 Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
07:50 Nice try. It's actually do unto others as you
07:54 would have them do unto you.
07:56 In other words be nice to everybody.
07:58 Even my little sister? Even your little sister,
08:02 actually especially your little sister.
08:06 Is there a silver rule? Nice try
08:19 Do to others as you would have them do to you
08:24 Do to others as you would have them do to you
08:29 Do to others, Do to others,
08:31 Do to others, yes you should
08:33 Do to others as you would have them do to you
08:40 Sometimes my brother bothers me.
08:43 He takes along with my friend
08:45 and he has dirty hands and messy clothes
08:49 But should be kind I suppose
08:51 My cousin thinks she's always right
08:54 And lets me know about it day night
08:57 She brags and tells me she's the best
08:59 It's hard to love her I confess.
09:03 For the Bible says
09:05 Do to others as you would have them do to you
09:10 Do to others as you would have them do to you
09:15 Do to others, Do to others,
09:18 Do to others, yes you should
09:20 Do to others as you would have them do to you
09:27 My mother says its time for bed
09:31 That's not fair goes through my head
09:33 But I know that my mom is right
09:36 So I listen and say good night
09:39 A new kid just arrived at school.
09:42 He's kind of shy and not too cool
09:44 But I asked him to play some hoops
09:47 He said thanks as he joined our group
09:51 For the Bible says
09:52 Do to others as you would have them do to you
09:57 Do to others as you would have them do to you
10:03 Do to others, Do to others,
10:05 Do to others, yes you should
10:08 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
10:25 Hi, do you ever get hungry and just want
10:27 a good snack? Have I got the recipe for you.
10:30 We're gonna make Veggie Dip.
10:32 Not only is it delicious and healthy,
10:35 it's easy too. Now I'm gonna first
10:38 though I'm gonna read you the recipe
10:41 1 pkg. mori-nu tofu, firm. 1/4 cup olive oil.
10:48 1/8 tsp. garlic powder. ½ tsp. Vege-Sal seasoning.
10:54 1/4 tsp. onion powder. 2 tbsp. cold water.
11:01 A dash of salt. 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice.
11:06 8 oz. pkg. tofutti better than cream cheese.
11:10 First I'm gonna start with our tofu.
11:12 And this is what its looks like.
11:14 This is firm you can either use firm
11:16 or extra firm. It doesn't really matter whatever
11:19 you prefer. And you can use any brand,
11:23 it's just that Mori-nu is the softer, creamy kind,
11:26 kind of. And you're gonna need a blender for this,
11:30 so go ahead and put this in the blender.
11:34 And there's gonna be some juice in the tofu,
11:37 but its fine, you can either drain it or use it.
11:40 And I wanna put our Vege-Sal.
11:44 And, and this is what the Vege-Sal looks like.
11:48 And it's good seasoning for this,
11:53 go ahead and put that in.
11:57 And we're gonna add the salts,
12:05 and the lemon juice. You can use, you can use
12:09 either the store buy kind but I'm using the fresh
12:11 kind, because it just, it just tastes better.
12:19 And then you can add the cold water just
12:23 2 tablespoons and the garlic powder,
12:34 and the oil. We can add the onion powder
12:47 and then blend this all up till
12:50 it's good and mixed.
13:01 I just wanna blend this for about a minute
13:02 or so until it looks well mixed.
13:04 And then we're gonna add our tofutti better
13:07 than cream cheese. This is what it looks like and,
13:10 this is what getting our family likes,
13:13 I like this, it's really good and it tastes.
13:16 It's a good substitute for cream cheese.
13:18 Just add this,
13:27 okay, scrape it out of that.
13:40 Now we're gonna blend this all up until it looks
13:43 pretty good, maybe just for a couple of
13:44 seconds until it looks done.
13:57 Well, it looks like it needs a couple more seconds.
13:59 So let's put this, push this down a little bit
14:01 and do it for a couple more seconds.
14:13 That looks about done, so this and I've already
14:17 got vegetables here. So I'll just pour this in,
14:27 get this off, just pour this in the center,
14:43 make sure you get it all out.
14:49 You can really use any vegetables,
14:51 any that you like to dip in it. But I chose these,
14:54 'cause these are my favorite.
14:57 Carrots are really good for it.
15:01 Put it all as much as you can.
15:07 Okay, We smooth it out on the top a little bit,
15:14 make it look pretty. I would like to make this
15:20 look pretty so, we'll garnish it,
15:22 and you can either use fresh parsley
15:24 or if you don't have fresh parsley you can use
15:26 dry parsley. But, or you can use like me today
15:29 and use some, and use some broccoli.
15:31 Just stick it in middle, so it looks real pretty
15:36 and it looks pretty and looks pretty
15:38 enough to eat. So, remember until next
15:40 time keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:51 Have you heard about this talking donkey?
15:54 I've heard about the talking donkey,
15:56 it's the talk of the town. Can I hear about it too?
16:00 Well, sure. And while I'm telling that you guys
16:02 might have join us as well. Have you guys
16:05 heard about the Israelites God?
16:07 Oh, yes, we've heard all about how He opened
16:10 the Red Sea, so that the Israelites could escape
16:12 from the Egyptian army, and how long the
16:13 Egyptian army followed them, God let the water
16:17 back down and drowned all the Egyptians.
16:19 And I heard how the God led Joshua to march,
16:24 to march all around the city,
16:26 seven times he marched around it once every day,
16:28 and in the seventh day he marched around it
16:31 seven times and then they stopped
16:33 and they blew their trumpets and
16:35 they shouted and the wall just fell flat.
16:38 Wow! I never heard that before,
16:40 and then when they got to the Jordan River,
16:43 God opened the Jordan River for them
16:46 and they went across into the Canaan land
16:49 and now they've gone to battles with all
16:53 these countries and they've won every single
16:55 battle against them. Well you know our King
16:58 is so upset about all this because he's scared
17:01 that we're gonna be next? He is just so scared.
17:05 So you know what he did? He called,
17:07 well he had his servants go and get this prophet,
17:10 now what's his name. Balaam, Oh, Balaam,
17:14 that's right. Okay, well he had and his servants
17:16 go offer Balaam this prophet of the
17:19 Israelites money. So, they went over to Balaam's
17:21 house and they offered him this money.
17:24 Well Balaam prayed to his God,
17:25 and his God said there was no way that
17:27 he could do this and cursed the Israelites.
17:30 So, the servants went back.
17:32 Then the King offered Balaam more money,
17:36 so the servants went back and this time,
17:38 see I think this prophet is pretty greedy,
17:41 because he couldn't even offer,
17:43 he couldn't even turn off this offer.
17:45 He didn't even listen to his God.
17:47 He said that's it, I'm going and he packed up
17:50 his donkey and he went up to go curse
17:52 the Israelites, him and the King's servants.
17:55 So, they were going on a trail and all of a
17:58 sudden Balaam was riding his donkey and
18:00 all of a sudden the donkey just bears off,
18:04 off the trail and all of his friends I bet were
18:06 laughing at him, they were like boy,
18:08 he can't even steer his own donkey you know.
18:11 So, and Balaam got so mad, he starts beating
18:13 this donkey, and doesn't sound like a very good
18:16 prophet too, is it. I don't think so either,
18:19 well he starts beating and he is so upset
18:22 he tries to keep him on the path,
18:24 then all of a sudden this donkey ran him right
18:27 into the side of the wall and crushed his foot.
18:29 Now not only is this Prophet upset because
18:32 he looks stupid in front of his friends but
18:35 his foot's throbbing. So what does he do?
18:38 He beats the animal and he keeps on going.
18:40 Now when they got, they got in the section
18:42 in the road where they couldn't go right,
18:44 they couldn't go left. All they had do is go narrow
18:47 on this path. And all of a sudden the donkey
18:50 just sprawled out. Like all of a sudden
18:52 when he was just riding it. And this time Balaam
18:56 was so mad and so furious,
18:58 he couldn't handle it anymore.
18:59 He just started laying into this donkey.
19:03 And all of a sudden, the donkey turned around
19:06 and said, why are you hitting me three times?
19:09 What did I ever do to you? Now imagine if your
19:12 donkey did that to you when you're riding
19:14 on the side of the road. Oh, man,
19:16 that's God, it's pretty powerful.
19:17 I'll tell you what. And all of a sudden Balaam
19:20 walked up and he saw this magnificent shining
19:23 angel with this big sword. And this,
19:27 this angel said, why are you hitting your donkey
19:29 and told him that if his donkey wouldn't have
19:32 veered off, and wouldn't have hidden by the side
19:35 of the road, and wouldn't have crushed
19:37 his foot, if he wouldn't have done all this stuff,
19:39 that the angel, if he would have ran into
19:41 the angel, he would have killed him.
19:43 And then Balaam was like, oh, I better go home
19:47 and he was so upset and he was apologizing
19:49 everything and the angel said no,
19:51 go on with the servants but the only thing
19:54 you can say is blessings. So Balaam went off
19:58 and the King had him go to three different
20:01 camp sites. And, of the different Israelites
20:03 and he got one and all he, he put his finger up
20:06 and blessing would just come out of his mouth.
20:09 And by the third time oh, King Balak
20:12 was so furious. He had it up to here,
20:14 he said you better just get away and
20:17 you done three because I've had enough of you
20:19 and he was scared for his life.
20:20 So he got on his little donkey and they,
20:22 they rode as fast as he could go.
20:24 And I wondered what they were on,
20:26 that donkey was saying to him on the ride back.
20:28 I'd like to know yeah, for sure.
20:31 This King, I mean this, this God just really
20:34 sound so powerful. Yes. He seems like a lot
20:37 more powerful God than all of Moabite Gods.
20:41 That's for sure. Maybe we ought to see
20:43 if we can learn more about him.
20:45 I would like to know more about this God.
20:46 Yeah. Oh, we better take these sticks to mother.
20:50 She probably like to hear about this story too.
20:54 Yeah. We'll see you guys later.
20:56 Okay, thanks for telling us. You know,
20:58 I want to learn more about this God too, don't you?
21:18 O be careful little eyes what you see
21:23 O be careful little eyes what you see
21:27 There's a Savior up above
21:29 And He's looking down in love
21:31 O be careful little eyes what you see
21:36 O be careful little ears what you hear
21:40 O be careful little ears what you hear
21:44 There's a Savior up above
21:46 And He's looking down in love
21:49 O be careful little ears what you hear
21:53 O be careful little mouth what you say
21:57 O be careful little mouth what you say
22:01 There's a Savior up above
22:03 And He's looking down in love
22:06 O be careful little mouth what you say
22:10 O be careful little hands what you do
22:14 O be careful little hands what you do
22:19 There's a Savior up above
22:20 And He's looking down in love
22:23 O be careful little hands what you do
22:28 O be careful little feet where you go
22:32 O be careful little feet where you go
22:37 There's a Savior up above
22:39 And He's looking down in love
22:41 O be careful little feet where you go.
22:56 Thank you for that beautiful song Caitlin,
22:58 I really enjoyed it, we do need to be careful,
23:00 don't we boys and girls?
23:02 I would like you to meet a friend of mine.
23:04 I want you to meet Elisa. Hi, Elisa.
23:06 Hi, Brenda. Thank you for being on this
23:09 program today. Tell me what do you do
23:11 to share Jesus? I share Jesus by going
23:13 to my grandpa's nursing home.
23:16 And what do you do when you go to your
23:18 grandpa's in a nursing home,
23:19 and what do you do when you go there?
23:21 I visit him and I talk to him and.
23:28 Does that make him happy?
23:29 Yeah. What else do you do?
23:31 Well I draw on pictures and he gets really happy
23:37 when I draw him pictures and I eat
23:40 dinner with him. Oh, does that make him happy
23:45 I bet too, doesn't it? Yeah.
23:46 And does that make you happy inside?
23:48 Yeah. Do you meet other nice people there too?
23:51 Aha. And once when we play,
23:55 I bring my violin a lots of time to my grandpa's
23:59 nursing home and I play it with him
24:01 and once with inventors I meet Tracy and Cara,
24:09 we played violin while other people sing songs.
24:14 Oh that was nice. Do you play a violin
24:17 a lot for him? Yeah. And that makes really happy.
24:20 That's a wonderful way she used the talent
24:22 God's given her to share Jesus and
24:25 that's wonderful. Well, I would like to read
24:27 a couple of letters to you boys and girls.
24:29 This one I received from Dade City, Florida,
24:32 it's from Paige and it says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:35 hello my name is Paige and I'm 8-years-old
24:38 and I live in Dade City, Florida.
24:40 I would like to watch your program
24:41 and I go to the nursing home and we sing
24:44 to the patient. She does the same thing you do.
24:46 I would like to help my mommy and daddy
24:48 clean the house on Fridays to get ready
24:50 for Sabbath, your friend Paige.
24:52 Well, thank you Paige for your letter
24:54 and you know what I'm glad that you are sharing
24:56 Jesus just like Elisa is right here.
25:01 Now this letter is from the Bahamas,
25:03 and it's from Grace. Dear Miss Brenda,
25:06 trust and hope that all is well with you
25:08 and yours and that you are enjoying the best
25:10 of good health. I always watch kids time
25:12 on 3ABN and I share Jesus by giving literature,
25:16 sometimes canned goods like soup or carrots
25:18 and cool drinks as well as inviting people
25:21 to watch 3ABN. Please send me a Kids Time
25:25 activity book and also I love the
25:27 Carrot Fry Recipe from Catie.
25:29 Thank you very much love and prayers,
25:32 Grace. Well thank you Grace we will make sure
25:34 you get the recipe out for you too.
25:36 Catie makes some wonderful food,
25:37 doesn't she boys and girls?
25:39 And I have another one here from,
25:41 it says Meggy I think Arizona and this says,
25:46 dear Miss Brenda, I like your show
25:48 and I love Jesus 'cause He died for us.
25:50 My momma and papa have sky angel
25:52 and every morning I come down to their house.
25:55 Love always Blain. Well, Blain I'm glad that
25:58 you get to go to your grandparents
25:59 and watch the program that's wonderful.
26:02 Now I'm going to try to squeeze one more
26:04 letter in right her. It's from Sophie and
26:07 Sophie writes, dear Miss Brenda,
26:09 I like Kids Time and please send me a book.
26:11 I 'm in the 3rd grade, I'm 8-years-old
26:14 and we live in the country, love Sophie.
26:17 And she lives in California.
26:21 So let's here, it says, Manton, California
26:22 is where it says. Well thank you so much Sophie.
26:25 Thank you Elisa for being with us today
26:28 and sharing Jesus. And boys and girls,
26:30 if you wanna be in Sharing Time,
26:31 write and let me know, won't you?
26:33 Remember, wherever you go
26:35 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17