Kids' Time

A Wee Little Man

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000076

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world
00:12 out there. Let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that
00:18 He loves us so. Kids time,
00:22 Kids time, Kids time. Hi, boys and girls.
00:25 How do you like my little bonsai tree?
00:28 Isn't it cute? Do you know,
00:30 you might think that this is just a
00:31 baby tree and that it will get a
00:33 whole lot bigger, but this tree is
00:35 as big as it will ever get.
00:37 It's called a bonsai tree and it's carefully
00:42 grown in such a way that it will
00:43 always be small. In today's Bible
00:46 story you are going to hear about a tree
00:48 and it wasn't a bonsai tree and it wasn't a
00:51 small tree either, but the man who
00:53 climbed up into this tree was so small that
00:57 we might even call him the bonsai man.
00:59 He was all grown up, he was smart and
01:02 he was educated and he had a good job,
01:05 but he didn't have a normal height.
01:07 The Bible doesn't tell us whether or not
01:10 it bothered this man to be shorter than the
01:12 other people, but it does tell us
01:14 of one time when it caused him a problem,
01:16 but not for long. A little bonsai man,
01:20 he solved his problem very quickly,
01:22 perhaps you have something different
01:24 about you, perhaps you're shorter
01:26 than all your friends or maybe your
01:29 taller than all your friend,
01:31 and then they feel like a big giant,
01:32 or perhaps you're the only one in your class
01:35 with glasses or maybe the only one in your
01:37 family with red hair. If so, why not be
01:41 like our little bonsai man in our story today.
01:44 Accept whatever it is different about
01:46 yourself and face it as a challenge,
01:49 never let it hold you back in doing
01:51 something worthwhile, you might even
01:54 begin to think of yourself as lucky that
01:55 you're not just like everybody else.
01:57 You know, I'm sure that Jesus enjoys all the
02:02 differences he sees in boys and girls
02:04 and grown ups too, but before the
02:06 story Ranger Jim is going to talk to us
02:09 about an insect with its own differences
02:11 called a Praying Mantis.
02:14 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:23 welcome to the Nature Time,
02:25 we're glad you can join us today,
02:26 look what I have, isn't this a beautiful
02:28 little guy. This is known as
02:30 the Praying Mantis, I don't know if
02:31 you've ever seeing one or not.
02:33 You should look for them when you're
02:34 out for a walk, if you're out
02:35 around Goldenrod plants and things like that.
02:37 In the Northern part of United States we would
02:39 find these, so that's part
02:40 of August into September and maybe
02:42 into October. They're starting life
02:44 as a tiny little ant like creature
02:47 and they progressively grow until
02:48 they're this size. Now this is an
02:50 adult Praying Mantis and this is the female.
02:53 This is the mommy Praying Mantis and you
02:54 say well Ranger Jim how would know that?
02:56 You look at their bottom,
02:57 well I'm not going to turn it over because
02:59 I'm hanging onto so she won't turn.
03:01 Look at their abdomen and the male have
03:04 eight segments. You can count them
03:05 1, 2, 3 what you're looking forward
03:07 is one with 6, when you find one
03:09 with 6 segments on the lower part of her
03:10 abdomen that means it's a mommy or a female
03:13 and you can put it in a glass jar or you can
03:16 put it in a small aquarium that's dry
03:18 and put in a piece of under brunch of some
03:21 kind with leaves on it, so they can perch
03:23 on that, then you can go out and you could
03:25 catch crickets, so you can get
03:26 small grasshoppers or any kind of thing
03:29 you want because this is a predator.
03:30 This insect attacks and kills and consumes
03:33 eats other smaller insects and when it is
03:37 very small it catches insects like tiny little
03:40 vinegar flies and little nets and it
03:43 progresses up and it gets large
03:44 enough and it can catch small flies.
03:46 Then it gets a little bigger and it can catch
03:48 house flies and it continues to get larger,
03:51 and larger, it needs a larger supply of food.
03:54 It has more strength and it's able to catch
03:56 larger insects. Its front legs,
03:58 if I were to spread them out for
04:00 you they're knife like in that like a
04:02 pocket knife, they open.
04:04 Now she has her claws open,
04:06 and she reaches out and catches,
04:08 she springs out and grabs an insect on
04:10 the inside. God has provided
04:11 with tiny little spines,
04:13 very sharp on the inside.
04:15 She grabs the insect and she grasps it
04:18 and hangs onto it and then she consumes it.
04:21 So that is not a pretty sight to many people.
04:23 I know boys and girls who enjoy that.
04:25 My wife says I have a little bit of a mean
04:27 streak, it isn't that I have a mean steak,
04:29 it's just that I enjoy watching the process
04:31 that takes place in nature.
04:33 So when this insect watches,
04:36 turns his head. It is the only
04:38 insect boys and girls that we have that
04:39 can turn his head right and left.
04:41 In fact she can turn her neck so fast,
04:44 she can turn around and look directly
04:45 behind her. And this is sometimes
04:48 call the Popeye okay.
04:50 You can see she has very enlarged eyes,
04:53 it stick off on the side of their head.
04:54 They are very movement sensitive,
04:57 anytime that they see an insect near them
04:59 that moves they catch that movement and they
05:02 train their eyes on it and watch it,
05:03 they're not prone to fly out and grab
05:06 an insect as much as they are to lay and
05:08 waiting and just wait very patiently.
05:11 Now they're called a Praying Mantis because
05:13 you see not so much now because
05:14 I'm holding her and she is frightened,
05:16 but normally she holds her front claws up
05:19 in a position of prayer just waiting for
05:22 something to come by,
05:23 no she's not praying that is simply the
05:25 position that she has assumes,
05:26 they're in readiness to grab their prey
05:28 when it comes by. So this is a very,
05:31 very interesting insect and she lays a
05:34 pot of eggs, very large body,
05:37 and when I first place this in an aquarium,
05:41 she had begun to lay the eggs and begins
05:43 to come out the back of her body just
05:45 spewing out like a little tiny ribbon
05:47 of form and it grows and grows and grows.
05:50 It is a very, very sticky substance and it is
05:54 very strong and it is perfect insulation.
05:57 She lays this along on a protective branch
06:00 sometime she likes to get around a barn or
06:03 I find them usually. I look for them
06:04 around a grain drill or something,
06:06 because they like to get up under a board
06:07 or some protection from the rain not always,
06:10 sometimes they would just be out on just a
06:13 regular level wind, but if she does
06:16 that it's always the same,
06:17 she deposits the eggs there and then goes
06:20 about her own life. She completely
06:21 forgets about her babies,
06:23 all of her chores finished.
06:25 She has nothing more to do,
06:26 now I've talked about that I'm going to
06:28 put Mrs. Mantis over here and open the case
06:31 so you can see it. This is what it
06:33 looks like when it's laying on a branch
06:34 okay. So, boys and girls when you're out
06:36 in nature and you're looking for things
06:38 always keep your eyes open.
06:39 If you see a little lump on a branch go
06:41 and look at it, I'm going to open
06:43 this now, so you can see inside in here
06:45 would be 300 tiny little eggs and when
06:48 these eggs hatch next spring when it gets
06:50 warm long in June, July, maybe then they
06:54 come forth these tiny little creatures about
06:57 the size of a tiny, tiny little spider
06:59 and a little bit of a silk on the back of it.
07:02 They spin out like that and they come slowly
07:04 down to ground just gently they don't fall
07:06 often hurt themselves another example of how
07:08 God provides boys and girls for even the
07:10 Praying Mantis. So Ranger Jim
07:12 as always telling you boys and girls don't
07:15 forget to tell Jesus that you love Him,
07:16 because He really does love you.
07:27 Hello, boys and girls welcome to Music Time
07:30 with Budicus. Our producer Brendacus
07:34 wanted us to do a song about Zacchaeus.
07:37 Zacchaeus, what is it that you do
07:41 for a living? I collect money
07:44 and you owe me some money,
07:46 I don't think I like Zacchaeus very much,
07:56 as a matter of fact a lot of people
07:59 didn't like him, but one person did
08:02 and we would like to sing that song for you.
08:08 Zacchaeus was a wee little man.
08:12 And a wee little man was he.
08:15 He climbed up in a sycamore tree.
08:19 For the Lord he wanted to see.
08:22 And as the Savior passed that way.
08:26 He looked up in that tree.
08:29 And He said, Zacchaeus, you come down!
08:34 For I'm going to your house today.
08:37 For I'm going to your house today.
08:40 Boys and girls we're gonna try it again
08:44 this time do the action with us.
08:46 Zacchaeus was a wee little man.
08:50 And a wee little man was he.
08:53 He climbed up in a sycamore tree.
08:57 For the Lord he wanted to see.
09:00 And as the Savior passed that way.
09:04 He looked up in that tree.
09:07 And He said, Zacchaeus, you come down!
09:11 For I'm going to your house today.
09:14 For I'm going to your house today.
11:25 Tomias, is everything ready for banquet?
11:27 Yes master. Are you sure
11:28 all the details have been taken care of?
11:30 Yes master. Make sure to doubly check
11:32 and please go and tell the others,
11:34 yes master. You must know
11:37 that for a very long time I have not
11:39 been happy, everything people say about
11:43 me is true. Zacchaeus, he's a cheat.
11:46 Zacchaeus makes himself rich by charging
11:50 even the poor, as Chief Tax Collector
11:53 I have been very greedy.
11:55 I've charged even the poorest people
11:57 more than I'm required to and the extra
12:00 I've kept for myself. I have far more
12:04 luxuries and privileges than other people do,
12:06 but I recently have felt so guilty about my
12:10 dishonesty that I really have enjoyed
12:13 the money and fine things that we have.
12:15 Then just this morning I've heard that Jesus
12:20 was coming to town. I've heard such
12:22 wonderful things about him,
12:24 how he heals people of all kinds of diseases.
12:27 How he loves children and tells stories that
12:30 keep everyone hanging on his every word and
12:33 I've also heard how friendly he is to all
12:36 kinds of people, even tax collectors like me.
12:40 Well I've made up my mind that
12:43 I just had to see him, I somehow felt
12:46 the just one glimpse would make me a
12:49 better man, but actually seeing
12:53 Jesus wasn't that easy. When I got onto
12:56 the Jericho road where he was expected to pass.
12:59 The crowd was like a wall in front of me
13:01 and you know I'm not very tall I
13:05 started jumping up and down trying to
13:07 see over their heads, but I just couldn't
13:09 then I spot a little sycamore tree by
13:13 the side of the road, before I knew it
13:15 I found myself shimming up the tree,
13:17 scooting out on to old limb overlooking
13:20 the road. I must look
13:22 kind of funny, now that
13:25 I think of it. I guess a lot of
13:27 people were starring at me with their
13:28 mouths open. Never expecting to
13:31 see a chief tax collector act
13:34 so undignified, but the important
13:37 thing is I got to see Jesus,
13:40 there he was in the middle of the crowd.
13:45 He wasn't taller than most people and
13:48 he didn't dress differently than others,
13:50 but somehow I knew that it was Jesus.
13:54 Then he looked at me.
13:56 He looked right up into the sycamore tree
13:59 and his eyes looked deep into mine.
14:02 I couldn't look away, I could hardly breath,
14:06 his eyes, his eyes were so kind,
14:10 so forgiving and understanding.
14:13 Then he actually called me by name he said
14:18 in his quite, warm voice; Zacchaeus,
14:20 come on down, I'd like to have
14:24 dinner at your house today.
14:25 Can you imagine the privilege, the honor,
14:30 the blessing that we're about to share
14:32 and that's how I know that he loves me,
14:36 and that's how I know I will never ever
14:41 be the same again. After looking into
14:45 his face I know that I will never cheat
14:48 another man again. I will not lie or
14:51 steal or do anything mean because
14:54 he loves me. I know that
14:57 he has never done any mean or wrong
14:58 things in his life and I wanna be like him.
15:02 What's more anybody I've ever cheated
15:06 I will pay them back four times as much,
15:09 and I'm going to give half of what
15:12 I have to the poor. I can't wait to
15:16 tell Jesus this, oh I hear him now,
15:19 let's go out to meet him.
15:35 Jesus loves me and he loves you too.
15:41 Come and see how much He cares for you.
15:46 You will never find a friend so true.
15:52 Jesus loves me. And He loves you.
15:57 Jesus loves me and he loves you too.
16:04 Come and see how much He cares for you.
16:10 You will never find a friend so true.
16:16 Jesus loves me. And He loves you.
16:30 Thank you to the Meadows family for
16:31 that beautiful message and song.
16:33 Well boys and girls I'm enjoining your cards
16:36 and your letters, and your emails,
16:37 I just love hearing from you, and you are
16:40 out there witnessing for Jesus and I love it
16:42 that you're sharing that with me too and
16:44 I can share with all of you all the blessings,
16:46 but before I get reading letters today
16:49 I want you to meet a friend of mine
16:50 that's here with me. And this is Aaron.
16:52 Hi Aaron. Hi, thank you for coming today,
16:54 can you tell our boys and girls what it is
16:56 you do to share Jesus? Well me and my
16:59 youth group we baked a bunch of cookies like
17:01 Chocolate chip cookies and Monster Cookies
17:03 and we went on a couple of streets and
17:06 we pass them out to some walkers.
17:08 And well they thought, it was,
17:10 you know they had to pay for them
17:12 or it was for to support something.
17:15 We just told them, no,
17:16 we're just doing this to show that Jesus love,
17:20 love with Jesus. Right.
17:21 And they were really happy,
17:23 a lot of them were hungry,
17:26 and some other people went to the
17:29 fire station and to the hospital.
17:33 Oh that's awesome, now did you
17:35 have any special experiences it all?
17:38 Yes, when we were raking the leafs.
17:43 You do, you, you do other things too,
17:46 yeah, tell me about the other things you do.
17:47 Well we rakes the leafs for this one place
17:50 where abused mothers and their children go,
17:52 to stay when they don't have enough money. Now,
17:55 do they pay you, is this a job
17:57 that you go there. No,
17:58 we just do it for free to be nice and
18:01 well we were there and we gave out some
18:05 guys who rake leafs, it was a lot of fun.
18:07 We gave some guidance to the kids and
18:09 some adult lessons to the adults.
18:10 And we had a lot of fun raking leafs because
18:12 we jump into the leafs and it was a lot of fun.
18:15 So you play, got to play a little bit too,
18:17 yeah. Oh that's wonderful now
18:19 did you have any especial experiences
18:21 that happened to you when you
18:22 were doing that? Yeah, when we
18:24 gave the guides to the kids they really happy,
18:27 'cause I think they didn't have that many
18:28 books to read. And I think
18:30 they may have read them all and their moms
18:31 have read them all to them and so I think they
18:34 were very happy that they can read
18:35 some of them, and they probably
18:37 learned a lot about Jesus.
18:38 Oh that's wonderful, so you really are quite
18:41 active in your church, you sounds like
18:42 you have a good active youth group
18:44 doesn't it boys and girls? Yeah.
18:46 Well I really enjoyed hearing that and
18:50 I wanna thank you Aaron for sharing that
18:51 with us today. Well boys and girls,
18:54 I'm sitting here, I'm so curious
18:55 I wanna read some cards and letters
18:57 and emails to you and there's one that's
18:59 like a package and I'm always curious,
19:01 because I never know what's gonna be inside.
19:03 So lets take a look, I'm really
19:05 wanting to know, somebody send me
19:08 a Kids Time activity book,
19:09 oh I usually send that to you boys and girls
19:12 let's find out why I'm very curious now.
19:14 Let's see here, let's open,
19:16 this one is from Eric from Harrah,
19:18 Oklahoma and oh something just fell out
19:23 boys and girls it's a check
19:25 of $500 for Kids Time.
19:28 Oh it says Dear Miss. Brenda
19:30 I'm a 95-year-old kid that wrote to you
19:33 at camp meeting and told you
19:34 that I would in my second childhood,
19:36 do you remember? Yes Eric,
19:38 I do remember now, he said
19:40 well I love your program,
19:41 so I'm sending you a check for $500
19:44 to apply to the Kids Time programs.
19:46 Kids Time is the best program on TV today.
19:49 Thanks to you for producing such a program
19:52 and I'm sending back the pamphlets,
19:54 the Kids Time pamphlet,
19:55 describing the program and
19:57 I've colored everything in,
19:58 so that you can see.
20:00 I like every part of your program
20:02 and I really enjoy the Ranger Jim
20:04 and his accomplishments and every part
20:06 of this program is good to watch and
20:08 the kids can really sing.
20:09 Thank you so much, yours truly, Eric.
20:12 Eric, thank you so much and
20:14 I can't thank you enough for your generous gift.
20:16 It's, it's people like you that make these
20:19 programs possible. And I just can't
20:22 tell you how warmly and sincerely enough,
20:24 how much we really do appreciate this and,
20:26 and I know, kids everywhere are gonna
20:30 benefit and know more about Jesus
20:31 because of it. So thank you
20:32 so much, here's a self portrait
20:35 that he drew of himself and
20:36 you're a beautiful artist,
20:38 beautiful artist, thank you so much.
20:40 He says he's 95 years-young and
20:42 I would agree Eric, you're 95-years-young
20:45 and let's just take a look in
20:48 the Kids Time book.
20:49 This is the cover, for those of you
20:50 if you write to me and tell me how
20:52 you share Jesus. I will send you
20:53 one of these booklets and inside he
20:56 has just finished, look at eyes
20:58 dancing on the owl, he has just
21:00 put some much life into them and he's filled
21:03 out all the puzzles and the games and look
21:06 at that, he's just done such a wonderful job.
21:09 Thank you so much Eric. I just really ask God
21:13 to richly bless you for your kindness.
21:18 Well I wanna read this letter. It's from Jamaica
21:19 in the West Indies and let's see who this is from,
21:25 and we got a picture, I love pictures.
21:26 Can you hold that up for me Aaron and this says,
21:30 Dear Miss Brenda, I love watching Kids Time
21:32 on Sabbath mornings I'm 5-year-old and
21:34 I love to go church I share Jesus by lending
21:37 my Bible to my classmates. See I send a picture
21:41 of myself, your friend, Abigail. Abigail,
21:43 thank you so much for your picture and you know
21:45 what, anytime you share the Bible,
21:47 you share Jesus. Well before I read,
21:50 I got some more emails I wanna read to you,
21:51 but before I do, I want to take you to Russian
21:54 where I was recently visiting there with some
21:56 Russian children and there is somebody there
21:59 that wants to tell you how they share Jesus.
22:02 I'm so excited to be here today.
22:03 I am here with so many boys and girls that
22:07 love Jesus, and do you know where I'm?
22:08 I'm in Russia and I'm here with Julia who
22:11 is going to interpret for us because I don't speak
22:13 Russian and they don't speak English,
22:16 but can't you tell how much they love Jesus
22:18 by all those smiling faces, look at that boys
22:20 and girls. Oh and they gave you a nice Russian
22:23 hello and who is this right next to me?
22:27 My name is Sasha, hi Sasha,
22:31 I'm so happy you're here today and I'm happy
22:33 that you're going to tell us something that
22:35 you do to share Jesus? [Foreign Language]
22:42 I speak my classmates about Jesus.
22:46 And do most of your classmates
22:47 know about Jesus? [Foreign Language]
22:55 Very few kids know about Jesus.
22:58 And when you tell your friends about Jesus
23:00 what do you tell them? [Foreign Language]
23:06 I tell them that Jesus is God,
23:14 that he wants all of us to be happy and
23:16 be with him in heaven. And, and he does
23:21 whenever your, do your classmates do they make
23:24 fun of you or give you a hard time when
23:26 you talk about Jesus? [Foreign Language]
23:34 Most of them listen. Oh that's wonderful
23:37 and does that make you feel happy inside
23:40 when you share Jesus? [Foreign Language]
23:45 I feel very happy. You know boys and girls,
23:47 it does makes us very happy to share Jesus,
23:50 let's have the boys and girls tell you
23:52 goodbye now okay. Say bye boys and girls.
23:54 [Foreign Language] Bye.
23:59 Well thank you Sasha for sharing Jesus and
24:01 telling everyone about it. You know boys and girls
24:03 wherever you live, why don't you send
24:05 me a video, if you can't come here to
24:07 Southern Illinois to be on sharing time in person,
24:10 then send me a video and let me know how
24:12 you share Jesus won't you? I have an email here
24:15 that said, dear Miss Brenda, my name is Candice
24:18 and I'm eight-years-old. I have a brother Alex
24:21 who is 5-years-old, and we leave in South Africa.
24:24 We watch Kids Time every week and when
24:26 we're not able to then my grandpa records it for us.
24:30 He shares Jesus by making recording of some of
24:32 the programs and giving it to people to watch.
24:35 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus isn't it Aaron.
24:38 It says Alex and I share Jesus by showing
24:40 the tapes to our friends Jessica,
24:42 our cousins Keanu, Keanu, who is one-year-old
24:47 and also loves Kids Time, when he hears the
24:49 Kids Time jingle he runs to the screen and claps
24:52 his hands and he loves it when children sing.
24:56 We would love an activity book.
24:58 Thank you for these wonderful programs,
25:00 love Candice, Alex, and Keanu, and I hope
25:03 I'm pronouncing Keanu right, it's KEANU.
25:06 And they're from South Africa and thank you
25:09 so much, I love emailing, getting your emails.
25:12 There is another email it says, Dear Miss Brenda,
25:15 please send me an activity book, thank you,
25:17 love, Laura. Then I get another that says,
25:20 Dear Miss. Brenda, although my daughter was
25:23 very cryptic in her letter, I can vouch for her
25:25 that she loves Kids Time. She watches it twice
25:28 a day if she can. Thank you for providing such
25:30 a wonderful program for children.
25:32 Love, Laura's mom, Carolyn. Well, thank you
25:35 so much Laura and keep on watching Kids Time
25:38 won't you? And I have a letter here from
25:41 Ashburnham, Massachusetts and it says,
25:44 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Samuel,
25:46 I'm 7-years-old and I share Jesus by speaking
25:49 to others about him. I have a sister who is
25:52 5-years-old and her name is Rebecca.
25:54 We both share Jesus by singing,
25:57 please send us each an activity book God bless you,
25:59 Sammy. Thank you Sammy, I'd be happy to send
26:02 you an activity book and keep sharing Jesus
26:05 won't you? Well I wanna thank you Aaron
26:07 for coming here today, I'm very glad to be here.
26:10 Well I'm glad you're here too and you know what
26:12 I wanna encourage you to keep sharing Jesus
26:14 won't you? Yes, I will. Awesome,
26:17 because boys and girls, I also wanna encourage
26:19 you to keep sharing Jesus. I want you to find
26:21 someone today, give them a big old smile,
26:23 tell them that Jesus loves them.
26:25 He is coming soon and you wanna be neighbors
26:27 with Him on Glory Street,
26:28 because it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17