Kids' Time

Risen From The Dead

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000074

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls. This is the beautiful flowering,
00:27 isn't it? But what do you think about when
00:30 you see this streamer right here.
00:31 It says, brother. Now why do you suppose it
00:34 says that, oh, yes, I think I heard one of
00:38 you saying someone's brother must have died
00:41 and you would be right. These few flowers are
00:44 for a funeral. Now I don't know if you've ever
00:47 been to a funeral or not, but funeral take place
00:50 everyday. Somewhere right now people are
00:54 crying and saying goodbye to someone that
00:56 they love. Funerals are sad times,
00:59 even Christians who know they will see their loved
01:01 ones again someday, cry because they know
01:04 that they will miss the one who die.
01:07 You know in today's Bible story,
01:09 you're gonna learn about two sisters and
01:11 a brother and you'll hear about a funeral.
01:16 But you'll also hear the most amazing story
01:18 of what Jesus did when He suddenly appeared
01:21 beside the grave. I guess it shouldn't surprise
01:24 us that something amazing happen when
01:27 Jesus appear, should it? The truth is,
01:30 is that Jesus is always doing amazing things,
01:33 and one of the most amazing is that Jesus
01:35 forgives us when we have done wrong
01:37 and He loves us just the same.
01:41 Now let's go to Ranger Jim. He is going
01:43 to show us an amazing animal
01:45 that lives in the desert.
01:54 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
01:56 to "Nature Time." We are glad you can join
01:57 us today. We have our friend Connie with us.
01:59 Connie, what is this we have?
02:01 These are Dromedary Camels.
02:03 The difference between them and Bactrian
02:05 camels is the Dromedaries have one hump and
02:07 the Bactrian camels have two humps.
02:10 We've enjoyed raising the camels.
02:11 We found them to be very intelligent,
02:13 affectionate creatures. In fact,
02:15 the reason we're on this side of the fence
02:17 is because if we were to be in with them,
02:19 they would be so excited, they would start
02:21 jumping around and they would be the
02:22 danger that we could get hit by one of them.
02:25 They just love people and love the attention
02:26 that we give them. And so it's not true
02:29 that every time you get near a camel,
02:30 they start spitting on you, that's not true,
02:32 is it? No it isn't, not at all.
02:34 Well, trained camels do not,
02:35 they may spit at each other whatever
02:37 you like that, but you can see one of their
02:39 favorite treats are carrots, and it's one
02:41 of the Ranger Jim's favorite treat also.
02:43 But they love carrots. Tell us something about
02:44 the characteristics of the creatures?
02:46 I see they've very narrow nostrils.
02:48 They just have little slits for their nostrils
02:50 and they are able to close these,
02:52 so that they don't get sand into their nose,
02:55 also their ears are very small and have
02:57 a lot of hair on them and that is to keep
02:59 sands from getting into their ears.
03:01 Their eyes have a third eyelid that they can
03:03 use kind of like a windshield washer
03:05 to wash the sand out of their eyes.
03:08 Their feet are very large pads and when they
03:10 step on the ground, the foot kind of squeezes
03:13 out that keeps them from sinking into the sand.
03:16 It just distributes their weight on that
03:17 and makes it very comfortable and easy
03:18 for them to walk, they don't sink into the sand,
03:20 right, and boys and girls these creatures
03:22 are native to countries where it is very,
03:24 very hot. Now in the past I have seen pictures
03:28 of these creatures and I've seen movies
03:30 of these creatures, not only on desert,
03:32 not even what the shape, but laying down,
03:33 resting after a hot day travel they would be
03:36 laying side by side in the group and I thought oh,
03:39 yuck, when I am hot I don't be laying next
03:41 to someone else that's body is warm,
03:43 but these creatures body temperature
03:45 around 98.6 or 99 something like that,
03:47 the air temperature maybe a 122 and
03:50 so their bodies feel cool to each other and
03:53 they stay close together and that keeps
03:54 body perspiration from loosing fluid and
03:59 that's the way they conserve that.
04:00 These creatures do not perspire as other
04:02 creatures do and they can survive on much
04:04 less water. Now is this hump for storing water?
04:06 No, it isn't, contrary to what's you may
04:08 hear a camel stores fat in it's hump and
04:11 that is so that if it has to go through
04:13 a period where it cannot find food or becomes
04:16 ill it can draw on that reserve of fat
04:19 to stay alive. And is this have a bone
04:21 structure up really support this or something
04:23 like that or just a big hump of fat.
04:26 I believe it's just a big hump of fat.
04:27 Okay, that's true. It is just a big hump of fat.
04:29 They store there and boys and girls,
04:31 if the camel has been traveling a long distance,
04:34 there has been a shortage of food,
04:36 the hump become very small and
04:38 it may flap from side to side and it's the
04:41 very unsightly creature. Looking this way,
04:43 because they are normally a very proud creature,
04:45 they carry their heads high and keeps slightly
04:48 back and that's because of the large eyebrows
04:50 that you see here and their eyelashes
04:52 and they have to keep their head slightly
04:54 upward to look pass that. That's the way God
04:56 designed them, because they live in a climate
04:59 where the sand or sandstorms.
05:01 These creatures can survive in a sandstorm
05:03 where perhaps no other mammal could survive.
05:06 When the weather gets really terrible the
05:08 winds blowing, the sand is cutting and lashing
05:10 they simply lay down in a group,
05:12 put their heads down, the sand can't get
05:13 into their ears or in their nostrils.
05:15 They put their heads down and breathe
05:16 slightly from the hair on the side of their bodies
05:19 and they can survive like that.
05:21 They also have the ability of taking on large
05:24 quantities of water when they find water.
05:27 They can take on 25 to 30 gallons of water
05:30 in a very short period of time,
05:33 any other mammal. It would so dilute their
05:35 blood that it would kill them.
05:36 And I'm wondering and I look at these Connie.
05:37 I see they have pads on their knees and
05:39 different places on their bodies.
05:42 They have callused areas on their bodies and
05:44 on their knees and that is so when they are
05:46 sitting on the sand it keeps them from
05:48 sinking into the sand. Very, very nice,
05:51 isn't it, to see this creature that's just
05:53 design for that. Now these creatures carry weight
05:57 boys and girls and some of the large males
06:00 and I don't think he is with us right now,
06:01 this is the male. That's the male. Okay,
06:03 some of the large males have been known
06:05 to carry the weights of upwards about 1000 pounds
06:08 that's the half a ton. But most camels would
06:11 only carry 350, 400 pound and they can carry
06:14 it 50 miles in one day across the desert.
06:17 There is no other creature that can even
06:19 approach that. So the camels one of the most
06:21 outstanding creatures that we have so
06:24 interesting to study and Connie tells us
06:27 many interesting things off camera about these
06:29 creatures that happen and I am so happy
06:31 that I've learnt this afternoon that they
06:33 are not bad creatures. They do not go around
06:36 spitting at people and they are like boys and
06:39 girls if they are trained well, they are
06:41 mannerly and they are nice to be around.
06:44 So boys and girls I have been thrilled
06:45 to be with you again today and learn about
06:47 the camel. So Ranger Jim as always saying,
06:49 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him,
06:51 because He really does love you.
07:05 It's time to share there is a world out there
07:08 looking for a friend like Jesus,
07:12 it's time to share there is a world out there.
07:15 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
07:18 It's time to share there is a world out there
07:22 looking for a friend like Jesus,
07:25 it's time to share there is a world out there.
07:27 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
07:31 We love to read His Holy Word.
07:34 He hears us when we pray,
07:37 and sends His Spirit to our lips,
07:40 So we know the words to say.
07:45 It's time to share there is a world out
07:47 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
07:51 it's time to share there is a world out there.
07:53 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
07:57 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
08:00 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
10:21 Wow, look at me. I'm alive, I'm alive.
10:25 No more bandages, what is this stuff.
10:27 Oh, hello, how are you? I am Lazarus.
10:32 I have been dead for the last four days I guess.
10:35 I just came from over there where I was
10:37 in a tomb, and my friend Jesus,
10:40 He rose me from the dead, He called me
10:43 and I came out and I was all wrapped off
10:45 like this well, I haven't having much time
10:47 to change and from the smell of this Wow!
10:50 They put some fancy stuff on me,
10:51 but not enough to cover up where I smell now.
10:54 Wow! What a story, I was sick. My sisters Mary
11:00 and Martha they were taking care of me
11:02 and doing everything they could,
11:04 but always I had to do. I was sick and no
11:08 one could help me. I prayed to God 'cause
11:11 He always heard my prayers and even my
11:13 good friend Jesus was always assuring of
11:16 God's love for me and His care for me.
11:19 But Jesus wasn't there, and Mary,
11:21 Martha did His plead oh, Father please send Jesus,
11:25 please. They even sent word to Him that
11:27 I was sick. But He didn't come and so
11:31 I laid there in peace finally knowing that no
11:34 matter what happen, I was gonna see God.
11:37 He was gonna take care of me,
11:40 and so the day came that I just fell asleep.
11:45 That's all that was just sleep for me,
11:48 because not long after that all of a sudden
11:50 I heard the sweet beautiful voice of Jesus.
11:53 Calling me, Lazarus come forth.
11:57 I remember all of a sudden feeling like
11:58 somebody was waking me from the great sleep.
12:01 Then oh, boy what's happen? I sat up
12:04 I had all of these bandages, look at all
12:06 these bandages I was worried,
12:08 and I thought myself, like great thing if
12:11 I've done to deserve this that I was dead,
12:15 but now I'm alive. And who do I have there
12:18 greedily, but my best friend Jesus.
12:22 He is your friend too, isn't it?
12:23 I know I came forth, every one was around,
12:28 apparently they were having a funeral for me,
12:29 because there were people that are crying,
12:31 but now they were happy.
12:33 They were celebrating and I was kissing everyone
12:34 that he had come and celebration of the fact
12:37 that I was now alive. Well, Jesus He was there,
12:44 He cried and Mary and Martha were quick to go
12:47 ahead and run off and prepare great feast
12:50 to celebrate this great day.
12:52 I'm on my way right now to go and clean up,
12:54 because I'm sure they don't like if I go like this.
12:58 But I thank you for listening to
12:59 my short story. Will you come?
13:02 Will you be in my banquet? I look forward to see
13:04 each one of you there. I got to go. Take care.
13:14 O Lord how wonderful You are
13:19 How high and holy in the heavens
13:24 You brought us higher
13:26 Higher than the highest star
13:29 O Lord how wonderful You are
13:39 thou we are helpless in our sin
13:42 Oh, Lord you've come to us
13:45 In our weakness and our need, You are one of us
13:50 You will lift us to your glory above
13:55 O Lord, O Lord, Lord love, Lord love
14:06 O Lord, how wonderful You are
14:11 How high and holy in the heavens
14:16 You brought us higher Higher than the highest star
14:21 O Lord how wonderful You are
14:29 O Lord how wonderful You are.
14:49 Thank you to the Lovell sisters with that beautiful
14:51 message and song. I really enjoyed that.
14:54 Well boys and girls I would like to take
14:55 you right now to Africa. There is a little girl
14:58 there that didn't give me her name,
15:00 but she loves Jesus and she is gonna tell us
15:02 what she does to share Jesus.
15:07 I give them food and teach them how Jesus loves us
15:12 and tell them how Jesus died on Calvary,
15:16 and tell them the Memory verses and poems.
15:21 Well, thank you so much.
15:23 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus.
15:25 Boys and girls you don't have to live in
15:27 Southern Illinois to be on Kids Time.
15:29 If you live in Africa or London or Australia,
15:33 New Zealand wherever does you live you can
15:36 send me a video, telling me how you share Jesus
15:39 and we we'll show it right here on sharing time,
15:41 so please send those videos, won't you?
15:43 Well, right now, I would like to introduce
15:44 to you a friend Jacob. Hi, Jacob.
15:46 Hi. Thank you for joining me on sharing time.
15:49 What do you do to share Jesus?
15:50 What I did is I went around the neighborhood
15:54 where I take papers and we took
15:56 health surveys to people and yes.
15:59 Now what is the health survey?
16:00 Oh, it's a, a little sheet here that I ask them,
16:07 you know, how much exercise do they get,
16:09 do they, what's their smoking status,
16:11 how much alcohol they take and also ask them
16:16 personal things like, do you wanna quit smoking,
16:19 how much you wanna quit having drinking,
16:25 I mean, and if they wanna improve
16:26 their spiritual health. Okay, well,
16:30 now do people slam the door in your face
16:31 if you come at them with the health survey,
16:33 telling that's not your business or
16:35 do you have people that really glad
16:37 that you are interested in their health?
16:39 Most people are, you know,
16:40 they were happy to see us, others had things to do,
16:43 but most people were pretty accepting it.
16:45 And then now what you do if they get
16:46 all that information what you do with it?
16:48 Oh, as what we do is we give them to our
16:50 Pastor and he take a moment and put them
16:52 into his computer that will take about two minutes
16:54 and he promote this results sheet,
16:59 here in it stated the seven good health practices
17:02 and it would tell all the number of
17:05 good health practices that you had and what
17:08 your current age is based on your health practices.
17:11 Wow! Is there place on there where people
17:15 could check up they wanted more help or?
17:20 Well, it's what we do is we would have Pastor
17:22 send them like broachers in the mail,
17:24 you come visit them, or they would have
17:26 Bible studies or something together
17:28 depending on what they are marked.
17:29 Now has there been any wonderful experiences
17:32 that happened because of this ministry?
17:34 Yes, there was some, 17-year-old girl who
17:37 was cleaning her car. She marked this one to help,
17:42 she wanted to help the spiritual life. Right!
17:45 And now she is going to church and Pastor
17:48 has given her a Bible studies and
17:49 she accepted Jesus. Praise the Lord.
17:51 Isn't that wonderful, praise the Lord report!
17:54 I love hearing reports like that,
17:56 and all because there's boys and girls that
17:58 are willing to share Jesus.
18:00 They could have just you know sit at home
18:02 and you know play their computer games
18:05 or done anything else, you know,
18:06 rollerblading or whatever and not gone out
18:08 and made that contact, but because
18:10 we're willing to do that. Jesus really use
18:13 those efforts, didn't He? Oh, I am so excited
18:15 to hear that. Let me ask you this, are you,
18:19 does that inspire you to want to do
18:21 even more for Jesus? Yes, it does.
18:23 Praise the Lord. I'm so excited to hear stories
18:26 like that. Well, boys and girls,
18:27 right now I have some letters and email
18:29 I'm going to share with you,
18:30 but before I do I wanna take you all the way
18:33 to Russia where there some boys and girls
18:35 there that love to sing to share Jesus.
18:37 Let's hear their song right now.
18:40 [Russian Language]
19:31 Well, thank you for that beautiful song,
19:33 I don't speak Russian boys and girls,
19:35 but I could tell the song is something about
19:37 how much Jesus loves the animals and
19:38 I could kind to see those animals,
19:40 didn't you Jacob? So thank you so much for
19:43 that song. Well, I have a email I would like to
19:45 read for you, and this email is from Katie,
19:48 it says dear Miss. Brenda, my name is Katie and
19:50 I'm five-years-old and I love watching Kids Time.
19:53 My favorite part of the show is "Music Time"
19:55 with Buddy and I also love "Sharing Time"
19:58 and "Cooking Time" it says, one time I made
20:01 the cookies for the church part like all
20:03 by myself and Mr. Jessie like them very much.
20:06 It says, I share Jesus by telling everyone
20:09 I meet that they should eat only vegan foods,
20:11 because Jesus made us and it is healthier.
20:14 Love Katie and Katie sent us a picture and
20:18 it is a pretty picture of Katie.
20:20 Thank you Katie for sending the picture in the email.
20:24 And then you know what,
20:25 I have a letter from Australia.
20:27 I remember getting a letter from Australia
20:30 before some kind of excited about that.
20:32 Oh, there is something inside of it,
20:34 nice surprises. This says, dear Miss. Brenda,
20:38 my name is Crystal and I'm 11-years-old.
20:41 I share Jesus by making bookmarks with Bible
20:44 verses on them. Then I give them to people
20:46 that I see. I give them out wherever there
20:48 is a lot of people there, and my sister and
20:51 brother help me a little bit.
20:53 Please send me activity book, love Crystal,
20:56 and then there is another letter it says,
20:57 To Miss. Brenda I'm seven, I read to my cousins.
21:01 She is five. I read the Bible books.
21:03 Please can I have a book, Kids Time book;
21:06 from Jade. Yes, Jade and Katie I will be happy
21:09 to send you one. And this is the bookmark
21:11 that they made and it says, a Bible verse,
21:14 And they that know thy name will put their
21:16 trust in thee; For thou, Lord, has not forsaken
21:20 them that seek thee. Psalm 9:11,
21:23 and then on the back she put her address
21:25 back here, and tells already it says,
21:28 if you would like a book about our
21:29 savior please write to me at this address,
21:32 we will send you a free Bible.
21:34 Isn't that a wonderful way to witness, Jacob. Yeah.
21:36 I like that, and then this email says, dear
21:41 Miss. Brenda. I love Kids Time and I watch
21:43 it everyday. I share Jesus by singing and
21:45 playing the piano for church and rest homes.
21:48 I would enjoy singing and playing on praise time.
21:50 I'm excited about the new kids club too.
21:52 Please sign me up. Thank you, love Sarah.
21:56 Well, Sarah, I would love to sign you up
21:58 and I will make sure that you get on the list
22:02 and if you want to be on praise time boys and girls,
22:04 Sarah, you included, send me a video of your
22:07 singing or playing a musical instrument and
22:09 then that's the way you get to be on praise time.
22:13 Okay, and let's see I've got another letter right
22:17 here from Becky and look at Becky drew me
22:20 a picture of Queen Esther, isn't that pretty?
22:23 I love that. So there is picture of Queen Esther.
22:28 Oh, can you hold this up for me, Jacob.
22:30 There is a picture of Becky, it says, dear
22:31 Miss. Brenda I have a cat name Frisker,
22:34 oh, I like that name. It says, I share Jesus
22:37 by visiting my neighbor and I help my mom teach
22:39 Sabbath school. I have a little sister,
22:41 3-years-old, name Saren. That must be Saren
22:44 right over here. It says, I'm 10, and it says,
22:47 we like to watch kids time. Love Becky.
22:50 Well, thank you Becky for your letter.
22:52 Keep helping your mom please, and also
22:55 witnessing to your neighbors.
22:57 That's a wonderful thing to do,
22:59 and you know what you are quite the artist
23:00 and keep using it to draw Bible pictures and
23:03 witness for Jesus with that talent.
23:06 Well, I have a letter here from Minnesota
23:10 and before we read this letter though
23:13 I wanna take you back to Africa.
23:14 There is another little boy that shares Jesus
23:17 there and He would like to tell you all about it.
23:21 Tell me what you do to share Jesus with others?
23:26 We'll go and preach to them and we reach
23:30 the villages and to find people and we pray
23:33 with them and sing songs and then we give them
23:37 close and invite them to come to church.
23:41 That's wonderful, praise the Lord,
23:42 isn't that wonderful? And he goes down and
23:45 invites them to church. Thank you so much.
23:47 I wish you give them your name,
23:49 but I really appreciate the praise you put there.
23:52 This letter is from Minnesota, it says,
23:53 dear Miss. Brenda. Hello, my name is Sophia,
23:56 and I'm 10-years-old. I love Jesus a lot.
23:59 It says, I love Kids Time because different
24:01 people come from all over the world to
24:03 share Jesus. It says, my mom is sick and
24:05 I would appreciate if you would pray for her.
24:08 I live on the farm with the lot of animals and
24:10 I thank God for everything He has done for us.
24:13 God bless you all, loves Sophia.
24:16 And Sophia I definitely wanna pray for your
24:18 mother and boys and girls would you pray
24:22 for Sophia's mom too. Put her on your prayer list,
24:24 won't you? We'll get lots of boys and girls
24:26 everywhere praying for her mom.
24:29 Because Jesus does answer prayers,
24:31 doesn't He? And then let's see I have another
24:33 one here. Where let's see, can you read that
24:37 where is that from? Two letters in this one.
24:45 Somewhere in the Philippines. It says,
24:47 dear Miss. Brenda, hi, my name is Burma,
24:51 and I'm 11-years-old, I always see you on TV
24:54 and I was wondering if I can join Kids club.
24:57 This is my first time to write abroad since
24:59 I came from Kenya. I usually watch 3ABN and
25:02 I wanted to join, could I? Please write back
25:04 and I will be happy to receive a letter from you,
25:06 lovingly Burma. Thank you Burma so much for
25:09 your letter, it sounds like you just made
25:11 a move there. I want you to share Jesus wherever
25:14 you go, okay. There is another letter and
25:17 the same one. It says, dear Miss. Brenda,
25:21 I still, it says, I have a friend and she is always
25:24 shouting me, but I still want her to be my friend.
25:27 What should I do? Well, it says, love Burma.
25:30 Burma, anytime you have a friend that's not
25:32 being kind to you, you always be kind back
25:37 and do what the Bible says, Do unto others
25:39 as you would have them do unto you.
25:41 That's what Jesus wants us to do and you
25:43 know what else I want you to do is pray for her.
25:45 That's the best thing you can do and I've got
25:48 time for maybe for one more letter.
25:50 And this one is from Africa.
25:52 Can you hold that picture for me?
25:54 And this says, dear Miss. Brenda.
25:58 My name is Happiness. I share Jesus by tell
26:02 people how Jesus loves me and how
26:05 He loves them. Sometimes I help the lady with
26:08 carrying a baby and lots of other stuff
26:11 and she drops something on the floor
26:12 and I rushed and picked it up for her.
26:13 Love Happiness. What a wonderful name,
26:16 and what a wonderful thing to do Happiness.
26:18 It's all the time we have today boys and girls.
26:20 Thank you Jacob for being here.
26:22 Remember boys and girls,
26:23 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17